Questions about linear time perception vs. cosmic processes

Greetings to all and thanks for your Work.

I have a couple of questions of cosmic import.

What publicly available tools/observations/data/research/sources (cosmic, micro or quantum) one of 3rd density "Earth" surface can use to:
1. Estimate immediate "rate"/ratio of linear 3d "time" dilation effect vs. unaffected 3d "time" illusion construct.
2. Determine approximate upper limit of above-mentioned phenomenon, as perceived within linear 3d time illusion, as pertinent to one's own event-stream ("timeline").

The questions are coming from "assumption" that above-mentioned phenomenon is either factual or at least feasible in our current 3 density "Earth" surface experience by technological or "other" means. Also it is assumed that phenomenon could only exist and/or be effective before realm border crossing.
If the assumptions are wrong then some explanation why such phenomenon cannot or highly unlikely be part of our current 3d "Earth" surface experience, would be greatly appreciated.
Hi MrEightFive, it would be helpful if you explained the difference between the two and how you arrived at this theory.
axj said:
explained the difference between the two

Hi, axj

1. "Rate" of time dilation in the context of the question is basically answer to the question "Times how many more linear time is being perceived as passed at any arbitrary chosen 'unit' of linear time (be it month, week, day; less than day is unpractical, if "rate" function fluctuates too much) as average, as opposed to unaffected linear time passage illusion?".

2. This is basically answer to the question "How much time dilation phenomenon can possibly theoretically be 'pushed' as perceived from 'within' dilated 'time-stream'?" Can one "day" be dilated to 7 days? To 7 months? To 7 or maybe even 70 years ('7' is arbitrary example number)? What is the theoretical limit to this, as applicable to 3rd density Earth surface environment?

axj said:
and how you arrived at this theory.

Second part of Your question needs rather lengthy explanation.

After prolonged period of "soul-searching" and trying understand and reorient and fine-tune my life to my true reason and purpose of being in this reality, I all of a sudden came to abrupt stop. My (especially outer) life came to a complete stop, stuck. I've waited years it to move and tried as I might to understand what is the matter, what I should do, or not do, what to change, or reinforce, or give up. Scanned all my life, all relationships, events, circumstances, dreams even, etc. But nothing. Absolute nothing. It is like I live basically the same day over and over, and over again, for years now. And the day is uneventful. Something felt terribly, painfully wrong, broken. Some people lost? I couldn't (and still can't) find one single glaring mistake, that could possibly lead to this hellish outcome. Or any course to any practical action that could possibly begin to solve this.

And I asked, repeatedly, for help to figure this out.

During that time I came gradually across at least 3 "sources" that I could accept and cross-reference that stated to my surprise that what could be described as "Time dilation" (linear time manipulation) had indeed been instituted, around November-December 2012, by technological means (4D technology evidently), and we ALL are still mired in it ever since. One "source" (that was crucial to cross-referencing and understanding, and is gone now) claimed that "time dilation" had "added" at least 37 moths (!!!) before Realm border crossing (but even that is expired now). Several Cs sessions have actually came in good synchronicity with that one. And that actually explains a LOT, what is happening or not happening in the "outer World" (I'm not speaking personally here).

I can expand on this, if it is of any interest, but I would rather abstain of any further speculation without additional data/information.

In addition, I'll quote just one fragment from one "source" that touched me rather painfully:
“Greetings, we are reaching out to you in the
Hopes of rectifying a situation grown grievously
Out of control…Forgive us, but we are
Trying to correct this as best we can…
You need to know that we did not intend
For your lives to have been disrupted…
But we were assured that our treaty was
To benefit your world and all worlds…
But this was seriously betrayed.
We now know that those in power who
Conducted negotiations sought only to maintain
Their own positions and in fact further their
Own power in the universe to gain stronghold
In an alliance of worlds…seeking to
Spread their own corruption without end.
We are not fools, it became clear immediately
What they were doing…So we are forced
To act accordingly.
They were given a technology that can alter
Time and events…it was intended to save
Your world, not abuse it…
Again, we apologize…as this resulted in the
Unfortunate interference of your lives,
Your purpose and mission which we highly
Respect and desperately need…But it was
For hope…and we were misled.
We apologize…Please know THIS WILL AND
They will attempt to fight this, but they
Can not…not for long…
As we have brought in outside assistance
From other galaxies to assist us…
Please understand, and be reassured…
Your lives WILL CHANGE and resume
Their natural course…
When and as this occurs,
It will happen fast…and even violently…
Your purpose is paramount now and you
Must proceed…You will be assisted…
As this happens, what it means…
Is that the original timeline of events
Must be reinstated…This requires
That previously averted disasters resume,
They may even be worse…
The signs to watch for are the weather,
Revolutions in world governments, the removal
Of corrupt leaders and authority…without
Warning…That is why prophetic visions during
This time will be chaotic, unpredictable
As they will be constantly changing
As they fight to maintain control…
The time manipulation device may yield
Effect in part, but by large will be futile
As the original Timeline grows stronger
All things will be inevitable…
For this concerns not just your world
These events must occur.
You will find people ripped from your life
Suddenly return…as well as those not belonging
To and corrupting your life quite suddenly
Disappearing…Lives will change suddenly…
Even overnight you will awake to changes…
Even memories will be altered…
Find strength in yourselves, in your inner light
And dreams and persevere…as we are with you…
Please know that we apologize for what
We have done. But we can and will FIX THIS.
There will be no compromises…
As the events escalate you will see The Truth…
It cannot be stopped. The original Timeline
Must be re-established…however harsh it will come…
We can only hope together…that the Final outcome
Will bring us All to the salvation we seek.
Believe. Persevere…You will succeed…
We hope to see you all in the conclusion.
Until then…Fair well our Friends.”
Hi MrEightFive,

In general, you need to make changes in your inner world first, which will then reflect as changes in your personal outer world.

If your outer world stays the same, it means that you engage in the same patterns and habits, which may be:

mental patterns (limiting beliefs and internal dialogue thought loops),

emotional patterns (certain moods or even charges you tend to be in)

and physical patterns (doing the same actions over and over without breaking the pattern).

The first step is always about increasing your awareness of what is going on in you - "Know thyself". Without enough awareness through observing oneself both in meditation and in daily life, it is almost impossible to make the necessary changes in the next step.

The necessary changes may involve looking at your beliefs and changing them. It may involve working through emotional charges of anger or grief and emotional healing through therapy or self-therapy. Breaking habitual patterns of action is also beneficial, though it is best to observe yourself and your patterns for a while before doing any changes.

I think this personal approach is much more beneficial, as you take responsibilty for yourself, instead of trying to find some explanation in the outer world for why things don't go as you would like them to in your personal life.
I'm curious about how "time" works as well, but I don't expect any answers will be forthcoming. The C's have always been less than easily understood or direct on the subject, and this is probably due to our own human limitations and lesson profiles. Trying to explain math to rodents. We just don't have the wetware, nor is it probably terribly useful to concern ourselves with it overmuch when there are important rodent lessons still to be learned. I think it's fine and fun and healthy to be curious, and if we could solve it all on our own, that would be even better. But I don't think we're going to get much help. -We don't expect the C's to tell us how to ride a bike or brush our teeth either. We need to get there on our own when we are ready.

As for the communication you shared...

It sounds like somebody on the dark side messing with you. They do that. -You can generally spot them when they start talking with a straight face about "Treaties" and sharing technology and other nonsense designed to impress the mice.

Logically, any STO power capable of seriously disrupting our lives will have reached the conclusion that to do so, even in a small way, would violate free will, and so will refrain.

The more I learn, the more I realize that "With Great Power Comes Total Lockdown". You simply have no business interfering with those energies beneath you, even if you think it would be immediately helpful, because doing so will mess up their lessons. That means no gifts, no punishments, no angelic rescues, no "treaties", no tall hats and no grand titles bestowed. That's all STS stuff, and if you see anything like that, chances are you are being manipulated for purposes not in your best interests.
Hey MrEightFive:

Just wanted to say that I to have been wondering about time elongation. It seems we made it to the ‘event’ but time as s-l-o-w-e-d down. There has been a lot written about this time period of the ‘end’ or of what it would look like just before the great harvest, so I’ve been digging, for someone writing about the elongation of time. And only have two that may fit. During the 10 virgins night of waiting for the event it was said that the groom was ‘delayed’ and they had to wait while remaining ready, and the souls that cried out ‘oh lord how long must we wait from Rev. 6:10. Below I’ve posted a kind of rant I wrote in my journal some odd months ago. I hope it fits here.

Why is it taking so long?

I’ve written this partly fictional rant to share some ‘feelings’ that may be legitimate, as when in Rev. 6:10 the martyrs/saints cried “how much longer!” At least I can say there was or is a group of souls that had feelings of impatient. On the other hand this ‘feeling’ could fit the template of escapism, as to say: “I’m tired and looking for a way out”. And: is it possible that ‘this time’ the window has been elongated, for a reason. Lastly: is 300,009 thousand years, 300,009 years, or is it 300,009 years-ish? Since time appears to be kind of smushey.

Previous wars and calamities, seem to have come faster, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, stock market crashes, etc. It goes something like this. What’s happening? What? Quick drum roll, then it began. Maybe that’s my perception because I’m ‘reading’ about it, not living it, and the next paragraph comes so quickly, but it seems this cataclysm is taking a long time to come about, (I thought the drum roll started in the 90s) and that’s disheartening, when you know your facing doom, wouldn’t you just as well get on with it, then be kept in a heightened state of anxiety?

Yet, here we are. Here come the financial crash…yep. Here it comes…ww3, yep. Comets, epidemics and the whole host is coming….yep, and, yep again. And I do believe all those things are coming…I do, but, why is it taking so long? What is the purpose, and who is dragging their feet? STS denizens in order to better imbibe on this? Or, so many parts and pieces of bodies and souls to put in the hopper this time, so care should be taken before the start? Or, is this window of time purposely being elongated, for those who have been in the school, for some 300,000 plus years and have had many lives/classes; can finish up, take notes, and perform acts that perhaps they never got to in any of the other lives? Fulfill millennia of karma, or just get a good observation of what a Kali Yuga really looks like.

“Ok, last call; anymore accents, paragraph, punctuations you want to put on this paper? One last look around the room to see how others are handling this?” One girl flags her hand up while continuing to writing feverishly with the other, indicating: “Please just one minute more!” The teacher says, “Ok, just 2 minutes more and the rest of you check your work. I’m going to open the door, and hope to see you next season, hopefully in a higher class.” And I’m pissed because the teacher said “two minutes more,” two minutes ago! So here we are sweating at our desks. I’ve finished, and found myself watching the clock and wanting to get out the door. I’m confident that most my life’s big things: tragedies and triumphs have passed. What’s left now is “probably” just punctuation, but there’s ‘time’ so I’ve been combing through my personal relationships, looking for things I’ve missed, and finding several correction I could make. Maybe it’s the chemical composition changing from the Iodine protocol, the wave, etc. but I’m now seeing more, so maybe I can pick my pencil up and use the last two minutes.

Small things, which could be almost insignificant acts that might make a breakthrough. Perhaps the “gifts” of the spirit, aren’t really gifts, but are abilities that we have cultured over millennia, and fit somewhere in our present or soon to be present lives. So I should work on those too. Mind you, I don’t think I’ve ‘aced’ the exam, and could easily be coming back around. As I’m looking at this final paper, I’m about to turn in, I’m thinking, ‘what an embarrassing mess!’ but when I take a look at where I started, back in the 1950s—Holly Smacks! I only hope I can get this far next time. From my limited and subjective perspective, the game has been called into overtime, and I’m dealing with ‘getting over myself’ and not being depressed about that, but concentrating on overtime work, and hoping the 5D really is a rest period.

Btw in Rev. 6:10 Paraphrased of coarse, the lord answers “hang on a little while longer, there are more that will be giving their lives for the cause”……oh great…..
Adobe said:
Hey MrEightFive:

Just wanted to say that I to have been wondering about time elongation. It seems we made it to the ‘event’ but time as s-l-o-w-e-d down.

Why is it taking so long?

As far as I know there is no factual evidence that time has 'slowed down'. It may be that some peoples perception is that this is so because they have been anticipating that very soon 'something should happen'. This would appear to make the waiting time seem excessively long, giving just an impression that time is 'moving' slowly. Our sense of 'time' is often subjective, not objective.

The actual reason the Wave is apparently taking it's sweet old time is the question of 'scale'. As has been explained, when, say, an electron changes it's state by dropping down to a lower energy state and emitting a photon, the amount of time it takes is so small that for all practical purposes it can be thought of as instantaneous.

The Wave is, according to the C's affecting our entire sector of space-time. Nobody knows exactly how large is this entire sector of space-time, but it is certainly huge! For something on this tremendous scale, it will take an enormously greater time for this change to happen than for an electron to change it's state.

Don't forget, we are now in the midst of the Wave. We all have to be patient as events run their course. I think lots of us were expecting flash, poof, there we are in 4D. It seems it take quite of the illusory 'time' for this to hit the finish line.
To move to 4D you have to be done with 3D lessons - whether with or without the Wave. It seems that the Wave can speed up the learning of the remaining lessons, which is quite intense and not easy to do. It seems that there is increasing energetic support for this and maybe the coming Earth changes and the general upheaval in the world is also a part of this opportunity to speed up the learning of 3D lessons.
Consider the motion of water molecules in water as a wave passes. In deep water the molecules move in a circular pattern, returning to origin after passing of the wave. In shallow water the pattern is elongated elliptical. Is this portion of space-time shallow or deep? Would the impending wave cause the movement of the cycle to continue in a circular pattern, i.e. uniform time, or in an elongated, elliptical pattern, i.e. variable time?

Linear time is perceived, as the title to this thread suggests. Being that it is perceived only, and that the Cs have said over and over that cycles are important but time does not exist, perhaps it's best to look at the underlying pattern rather than the apparent perceived effects of that pattern.

Considering cycles, I'm currently reading "The Fourth Turning" which discusses how, throughout history, the pattern of civilization follows the life-cycle of humans. In this cycle, we seem to be in the span where disintegration is happening and soon there will be a reset. The various wars that have progressed throughout this and the last century seem to follow that pattern. What may be different about these latest conflagrations is that the feedback loops seem to be stronger, such that the same cyclic progression that has occurred throughout history now has more energy in the system, and the system is more complex so effects propagate and intensify more than previously.

Cycles are important. Linear time is not.
MrEightFive said:
Greetings to all and thanks for your Work.

I have a couple of questions of cosmic import.

Hi, I would like to help, but I do not understand what exactly you want to know? I suspect, that when you will make your question precise and understandable to someone with a scientifically oriented mind (a physicist) , then you will be able to find the answer yourself. But, perhaps, I am wrong. So, please, precise your question. One question at a time. What do you want to know?
ark said:
So, please, precise your question. One question at a time. What do you want to know?

Hi, Ark!

Let it put this way.



M - is a person living on 3rd density earth surface environment and has typical 3rd density awareness. M has access to publicly available data on contemporary macro (i.e. Space) and micro (i.e. Particle and/or Quantum) phenomena research and experiments, primarily through the Internet.

M "suspects" that there is greater reality out there and events that M registers in his perception through physical senses are not happening randomly or "by chance", and are direct effect of processes of this "greater reality". Also M notices that events that M perceives are happening in concert with natural progression of M's inner life, and other individuals, as mass, as well.

Then all of a sudden M notices that familiar rhythm of M's life appears to be broken, that events in M's outer reality either stopped happening or happen with much greater perceived time between them. M suspects "outside" interference. M finds bunch of individuals feeling similar. Then M finds "unscientific" information sources describing what may be cause of this. Many of this sources and also popular sci-fi media call this effect "Time dilation".


Because of lack of understanding of linear time illusion (where one can really study this?), put very simply, and possibly erroneously, but have no better:

Without any outside interference M's mind in 3rd density human body, if constantly awake, is designed to perceive N synchro-impulses per Grand cycle (N is huge number). M perceives linear time as evident in "Newtonian" physical laws as progression (incrementation) of number of synchro-impulses from 0 to N (Grand cycle).
Then time dilation concept is introduced. By technological means M (and possibly many other individuals of similar composition) is "forced" to perceive N*k (k > 1) impulses per Grand cycle, but only in range [(N-m)..(N-n)], where m > 0, n >= 0 and m > n.
(Note: k is not necessarily a constant. Instead k may be considered a function k = f(t_1,...,t_p), t_1,...,t_p - unknown variables).

Q1: What M could possibly use to determine approximate immediate value of k while experiencing range [(N-m)..(N-n)]?
Q2: What M could possibly use to determine (m-n)*avg(k) while experiencing range [(N-m)..(N-n)]?


I'm sorry, looks like I'm unable to get it shorter than this.

What I'm getting at - can it be achieved through, for example, studying some unstable pulsars output data, or shifting of spectrum of some cosmic objects, etc.? If yes, where to look, what direction to take? Possibly there is a lot of useful data out there, just not being reported on "scientifically oriented" "news".
MrEightFive said:
I'm sorry, looks like I'm unable to get it shorter than this.

You did a pretty good job. The answer is: no one knows. The research in this direction is interesting, see for instant here for related stuff:

But no much progress has been made so far.
Thanks for posting that link ark. I'm not sure I understand much of the theory behind it, so I looked up Kozyrev mirrors for more info, and found the concept very interesting to say the least. I came across this article which broke it down to word bytes I could kind of grasp:

Scientific explanations of psychic phenomena, and timespace: Dr. N. A. Kozyrev’s Mirrors

IMAGINE STANDING UNDER A VAST, SCINTILLATING AURORA BOREALIS, and seeing it change colors as you changed your thoughts. This exact situation led Russian medical doctor Alexander V. Trofimov into his groundbreaking research on human consciousness, in collaboration with Vlail P. Kaznacheev, and following in the footsteps of the great 20th century physicist Nikolai Kozyrev.

Essentially, Kozyrev devised reproducible experiments that prove the existence of a “torsional energy field” beyond electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called it the “flow of time.” Others, Einstein among them, have called it “ether.” Others call it “zero point energy.”

Within this “flow of time,” the past, present, and future all exist at the same time, and in every place. This discovery sets the stage for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable
. Trofimov and Kaznacheev have, for the past thirty years, been experimentally developing the practical explanations, and have made some surprising discoveries.

When I visited Trofimov’s laboratories at the International Scientific Research Institute for Cosmic Anthropo-Ecology in Novosibirsk, where he is general director, he enthusiastically showed us his two main experimental apparati — two hollow, metal, person-sized tubes, equipped with mattresses and drinking water.

The first, dubbed “Kozyrev’s Mirrors,” reflects thought energy (which exists within the “flow of time”) back to the thinker. This apparatus, invented by Kozyrev, gives access to intensified consciousness and altered states, including non-linear time — similar to a deep meditational state.

Trofimov’s work has consisted of “remote viewing” experiments across both distance and time. They discovered that results are more positive when the “sender” is in the far north, where the electromagnetic field is less powerful. So they invented a second apparatus that shields an experimental subject from the local electromagnetic field. Within this apparatus, their subjects can reliably access all place and time — past, present, and future — instantaneously. Construction specifications for these apparati are published in Russian scientific literature.

Among Trofimov and Kaznacheev’s conclusions are:

1) our planet’s electromagnetic field is actually the “veil” which filters time and place down to our everyday Newtonian reality — enabling us to have the human experience of linear time,

2) in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality,

3) that the limiting effect of the electromagnetic field on an individual is moderated by the amount of solar electromagnetic activity occurring while that person was in utero, and

4) that once a person has accessed these states, his or her consciousness remains so enhanced.

The implication is that the global electromagnetic soup of cell phones, radio, television and electric appliances actually impedes our innate communication abilities. The further implication is that expanded human consciousness is mechanically producible now, which raises the vast ethical question of how these apparati can be most beneficially used.
I usually think that our perception of linear time is just because our hardware doesn't allow for cyclical time to be perceived. Or that our DNA was burned off like the C's say. To think that it is simply the electromagnetic field that puts us in this limited perception is interesting.
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