Padawan Learner
I tried to pick the best thread for this to fall under but please move if this is not an appropriate fit.
After reading more on
and reading more on this forum website in general I am starting to witness a blind spot of mine and would like to ask for feedback if possible from anyone.
Please keep in mind the below WAS my train of thought while being brutally honest and I am now shifting out of that line of thinking due to an intake of information. I am still open to people pointing out further blind spots in the below line of thinking/feeling because as we all know it takes work, time, and effort to peel away the layers and just because I've had a deep realization right now does not mean this will completely stick without the feedback and proper action to integrate new beliefs it into one's being.
I was turned off from this "object and rational only" view of FOTCM and Laura's work because it left me rather confused. What separates us from a robots if all we care about is the cold hard truth of objectivity and rationality? Why are emotions looked down on, isn't being totally emotionless a sign of sleeping matter and psychopathology? What is so wrong with following your heart?! (I laugh as I type this as I can clearly see how the love/light new age has crept into my belief system). Considering there is beaming and EMF and so much more that effect our emotional state which is often a product of hormones and chemicals there can be a lot "wrong with following one's heart".
What is wrong with subjective experience, do we not become like zombies in a controlled hive mind if we all think in the exact same way, eat in the exact same way? Which is funny I had unconscious beliefs that is what was being pushed when there are MANY threads of Guidance and suggestions for/from Members who remind others there is no one size fits all or quick fixes as individuals require different inputs. Why is there an unconscious fear that this is all a cult? I really do not wish to hold this belief but have come to realize it is there so I must face this harsh reality. I really look up to this forum + the members, Laura, and the books so how is it possible this fear is hidden within?
I have also felt very off about the love/light + new ages beliefs, the only think positively spiritual by passing without The Work being done, only Divine Love Exists (not saying this is wrong but felt off about the angle that love/light and new age comes at it), the whole mainstream "manifest your dream life" rhetoric.
Yet I felt off about viewing life extremally objectively?? How strange because thinking objectively and keeping emotions in check by doing The Work is what felt like what was missing in the new age fluff.
Part of the The Work is facing those unpleasant parts and experiences, being honest with how we contribute to our own downfall and other's which takes observation, honesty, objectivity, grace, and feedback. This resonates with me. I thought something was wrong with me because I have been doing The Work for a very long time but still struggle with depression knowing partly the true state of our world which is ran by psychopaths who are being manipulated by 4D STS for food and other reasons we may or may not know.
This has taken a bit of an unexpected urn as I find myself now struggling to convey what I intended to in the first place. What books on the recommended reading list will help with cultivating an objective and observant outlook both inwards and outwards. I am re reading the wave series but what other books of Laura's do you recommended first? Youtube videos?
Now that I have uncovered this hesitation for objectivity, what are ways members recommended in approaching this in order to cultivate a habit to view objectively instead of subjectively. Does this mean subjective experience is null or rather subjective experience to be viewed WITH objectivity once experience? I am sure MUCH of this is answered as I dive deeper into research so maybe guidance on where to focus my attention and effort on this topic is more appropriate than advice on how to?
Also this hurts too because I do believe I was cultivate an observers mind with objectivity but I can see in ways how I got sucked back into a very emotional subjective experience. I feel quite embarrassed and am worried that I will be looked down on yet this is not what the forum is for, yes there may be harsh truths BUT it is because of the love of the cosmic mind and thus it's creations.
Even suggestions on how to create better posts on this forum would be helpful as well. I feel like I post mainly on here about myself but that isn't really helping in terms of network. Obviously, the first suggestion is to stop posting about myself. When I feel like I can relate to someone's thread/experience is it better to leave that off and try to find some articles that help the topic of the thread continue in discussion, both? Suggestions. I want to become more active but I'd like to become more scientific in thought than personal.
Is what I wrote simply word salad? If so, how can I improve?
edited due to spelling mistakes
After reading more on
and reading more on this forum website in general I am starting to witness a blind spot of mine and would like to ask for feedback if possible from anyone.
Please keep in mind the below WAS my train of thought while being brutally honest and I am now shifting out of that line of thinking due to an intake of information. I am still open to people pointing out further blind spots in the below line of thinking/feeling because as we all know it takes work, time, and effort to peel away the layers and just because I've had a deep realization right now does not mean this will completely stick without the feedback and proper action to integrate new beliefs it into one's being.
I was turned off from this "object and rational only" view of FOTCM and Laura's work because it left me rather confused. What separates us from a robots if all we care about is the cold hard truth of objectivity and rationality? Why are emotions looked down on, isn't being totally emotionless a sign of sleeping matter and psychopathology? What is so wrong with following your heart?! (I laugh as I type this as I can clearly see how the love/light new age has crept into my belief system). Considering there is beaming and EMF and so much more that effect our emotional state which is often a product of hormones and chemicals there can be a lot "wrong with following one's heart".
What is wrong with subjective experience, do we not become like zombies in a controlled hive mind if we all think in the exact same way, eat in the exact same way? Which is funny I had unconscious beliefs that is what was being pushed when there are MANY threads of Guidance and suggestions for/from Members who remind others there is no one size fits all or quick fixes as individuals require different inputs. Why is there an unconscious fear that this is all a cult? I really do not wish to hold this belief but have come to realize it is there so I must face this harsh reality. I really look up to this forum + the members, Laura, and the books so how is it possible this fear is hidden within?
I have also felt very off about the love/light + new ages beliefs, the only think positively spiritual by passing without The Work being done, only Divine Love Exists (not saying this is wrong but felt off about the angle that love/light and new age comes at it), the whole mainstream "manifest your dream life" rhetoric.
Yet I felt off about viewing life extremally objectively?? How strange because thinking objectively and keeping emotions in check by doing The Work is what felt like what was missing in the new age fluff.
Part of the The Work is facing those unpleasant parts and experiences, being honest with how we contribute to our own downfall and other's which takes observation, honesty, objectivity, grace, and feedback. This resonates with me. I thought something was wrong with me because I have been doing The Work for a very long time but still struggle with depression knowing partly the true state of our world which is ran by psychopaths who are being manipulated by 4D STS for food and other reasons we may or may not know.
This has taken a bit of an unexpected urn as I find myself now struggling to convey what I intended to in the first place. What books on the recommended reading list will help with cultivating an objective and observant outlook both inwards and outwards. I am re reading the wave series but what other books of Laura's do you recommended first? Youtube videos?
Now that I have uncovered this hesitation for objectivity, what are ways members recommended in approaching this in order to cultivate a habit to view objectively instead of subjectively. Does this mean subjective experience is null or rather subjective experience to be viewed WITH objectivity once experience? I am sure MUCH of this is answered as I dive deeper into research so maybe guidance on where to focus my attention and effort on this topic is more appropriate than advice on how to?
Also this hurts too because I do believe I was cultivate an observers mind with objectivity but I can see in ways how I got sucked back into a very emotional subjective experience. I feel quite embarrassed and am worried that I will be looked down on yet this is not what the forum is for, yes there may be harsh truths BUT it is because of the love of the cosmic mind and thus it's creations.
Even suggestions on how to create better posts on this forum would be helpful as well. I feel like I post mainly on here about myself but that isn't really helping in terms of network. Obviously, the first suggestion is to stop posting about myself. When I feel like I can relate to someone's thread/experience is it better to leave that off and try to find some articles that help the topic of the thread continue in discussion, both? Suggestions. I want to become more active but I'd like to become more scientific in thought than personal.
Is what I wrote simply word salad? If so, how can I improve?
edited due to spelling mistakes