In order to not lose track of the question, I decided to post a separate thread here, which might also help to narrow the question down. It is in regards to the idea that somehow suffering is needed in order for the help to arrive. The question as I have it so far is at the end of the post.
The covid show caused a lot of separation of the wheat from the chaff and the same appears to be going on with the Ukraine thing. It was mentioned that the Covid was an easy last chance to wake up and yet didn't happen to a great extent. The same might be said about Ukraine, like the universe is giving an easy last chance to SEE and/or more separation of the wheat from the chaff.
Thinking in terms of the protein antennas, then perhaps the suffering for some can cause the opening up of 'doorways' and break down internal rigid conditioned thought patterns which then causes a growth in antennas or turns them on. If so, then perhaps it on an individual level helps people to create a tentative connection with themselves in the future. And when a critical threshold has been reached then this signal is strong enough to actively call in that help which is waiting.
In writing the above, I discovered that it opened up more questions and things to work out, so feedback is welcome.
The questions thus are:
1) When the C's talk about suffering needed for help to arrive, is the mechanics that suffering turns on protein antennas which then sends a signal out?
2) Does suffering facilitate this merging of us with our future selves? (I think they have answered that in the affirmative, but not sure).
3) Is the help which is 'waiting' really our future selves towards 'whom' we have to grow?
Another line of questioning regarding information antennas apart from the above was started a few months ago:
4) So is there an analog thing with antennas on that level which after enough suffering, turn on?
If these antennas at the 1 density is via crystalline geometric structures and through protein structures on a 3. density, is the structure at 5.density (dead dudes territory) electromagnetic? fractal? and/or embedded in the information field?
Somehow these things with antennas which turn on through suffering and new input of information via awareness and knowledge, would appear to me to all relate to consciousness, though I don't have a question about it.
The above questions are not essential and could just be for the case where a session happens and there are no questions from anybody else.
So the 'good guys' are waiting until more people wake up.(Maat) Where are the good guys, if any?
A: Waiting for major change of choices.
Q: (L) So in other words, as long as the majority of humanity is not choosing to wake up, there's not much they can do. Free will. And we have to live in a miniscule bubble-like alternate reality. Alright...
In several sessions it was also mentioned how the great amount of suffering which Laura has experienced was needed to balance things.Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on the planet?
A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.
Would this be like in charge difference like in what happens in lightning, where the charge builds and builds until lightning balances things out?(L) Because it's like we pointed out talking about it yesterday or today or whenever it was... It's like since we started this crystal project, that's when I started going really, really downhill. I mean, I have suffered pain and miseries and infections and all kinds of dreadful things. It has basically just taken the stuffing out of me. So, I would like to know why?
A: We have mentioned often enough the last option you discussed: attack. But also there is the element of balance: In order to bring in great positive energies there must be corresponding suffering to act as inductor.
(Data) Are people ever going to ask for help, or seek out help from someone who knows how to help them?
A: Eventually the suffering will separate the wheat from the chaff.
The covid show caused a lot of separation of the wheat from the chaff and the same appears to be going on with the Ukraine thing. It was mentioned that the Covid was an easy last chance to wake up and yet didn't happen to a great extent. The same might be said about Ukraine, like the universe is giving an easy last chance to SEE and/or more separation of the wheat from the chaff.
Thinking in terms of the protein antennas, then perhaps the suffering for some can cause the opening up of 'doorways' and break down internal rigid conditioned thought patterns which then causes a growth in antennas or turns them on. If so, then perhaps it on an individual level helps people to create a tentative connection with themselves in the future. And when a critical threshold has been reached then this signal is strong enough to actively call in that help which is waiting.
A: How is it going to go down? Many variables, but Putin has higher level help.
So if suffering brings a change in awareness and turns on antennas, could it be that the help which is waiting is really ourselves in the future? By us growing closer to a merge with ourselves in the future, then we will also by our efforts, have greater awareness and knowledge to put into use. In other words, it will be our own efforts which will pull us out of the morass we are in.Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) What do the C's mean that Putin has higher help? From whom?
A: Ancestors and himself in the future and a lot lot LOT of knowledge and awareness.
In writing the above, I discovered that it opened up more questions and things to work out, so feedback is welcome.
The questions thus are:
1) When the C's talk about suffering needed for help to arrive, is the mechanics that suffering turns on protein antennas which then sends a signal out?
2) Does suffering facilitate this merging of us with our future selves? (I think they have answered that in the affirmative, but not sure).
3) Is the help which is 'waiting' really our future selves towards 'whom' we have to grow?
Another line of questioning regarding information antennas apart from the above was started a few months ago:
Reading many accounts of the after life, dead dudes etc., it seems as if there must also be an equivalent type of antennas on that level, which when closed or shut off causes misery and disconnection with the "boundless beauty of creation" for to use that phrase. An example are those dead dudes who are earthbound or those souls who are in the darker regions of the 'afterworld', where 'angels' are passing by yet unable to do anything unless they themselves open up and allow the light in. (The Life beyond the Veil is one such book I have in mind). It would make sense to me that it might be the case as one can die totally ignorant and dying is not going to change that.(Aeneas) Using the 'as above so below' approach, could the 'storing' of information in quartz crystals be similar to the 'storing' of information in the DNA?
A: Yes.
Q: (Aeneas) Is it a storing of information or is it really more like a link-up to the information field?
A: Storing of information that allows link to information field.
Q: (L) It's like a codebreaker or something - I dunno.
(Aeneas) Pierre mentioned in the link below that protein in keratin is spiral shaped in connection with hair as antennas. Session 17 July 2021
Is it the geometric shape (spiral) which the protein antennas use?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Next part:
(Aeneas) Is it also how it operates in the quartz crystals but with crystalline geometric structures (also spiral) in the silicates which makes up the crystals?
A: Yes.
4) So is there an analog thing with antennas on that level which after enough suffering, turn on?
If these antennas at the 1 density is via crystalline geometric structures and through protein structures on a 3. density, is the structure at 5.density (dead dudes territory) electromagnetic? fractal? and/or embedded in the information field?
(Aeneas) Connected to the above is what the C's have said about even computers slowly gathering consciousness. If so, would that be partly due to the silica from which the chips are made which holds massive amounts of information?
A: Partly, indeed.
Somehow these things with antennas which turn on through suffering and new input of information via awareness and knowledge, would appear to me to all relate to consciousness, though I don't have a question about it.
The above questions are not essential and could just be for the case where a session happens and there are no questions from anybody else.