Quiz answers


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Headline -

Hitler's first name was Heil: The most appallingly ignorant but hilarious quiz show answers


Some samples -

Presenter: Who painted the Sistene Chapel?

Caller: Leonardo Di Caprio.

Question: What type of bear lives in the Arctic?

Answer: Penguin.

Q: Emmental and Double Gloucester are types of what?

A: Banks

Q: Johnny Weissmuller died on this day. Which jungle-swinging character clad only in a loin cloth did he play

A: Jesus

Plus many others

LOL !!!
Yes, I had a good laugh at this article as well...

until I came across a couple I didn't know myself! :-[
I was chuckling away merrily until I came to this one. Then I couldn't hold it back any longer!!

ANNE ROBINSON: In Roman Catholicism, baptism, confirmation and matrimony are three of the seven what?

CONTESTANT: Deadly sins.

:rotfl: :lol2:
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