
I've always loved this one by Shakespeare in The Tempest:

Hell is empty and all the devils are here

Apparently Shakespeare agrees with Laura and the C's that the invasion has already occurred... :)
Philosophy of Life: Quotes on you tube

Music by Enya



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"from the window through my eyes, I see, I hear, I smell, I taste, and yet I feel it's still a window housing a doorway"
Just popped into my head....thought I share it. :-)
Jerry said:
There is a popular trend to close the critical eye in regards to Mother Teresa. She was not outside the frequency fence.

Here are excerpts from an article by Susan Shields, a former Missionaries of Charity sister who resigned out of conscience:

[quote author=Mother Teresa's House of Illusions – How she harmed her helpers as well as those they helped]

Three of Mother Teresa's teachings that are fundamental to her religious congregation are all the more dangerous because they are believed so sincerely by her sisters. Most basic is the belief that as long as a sister obeys she is doing God's will. Another is the belief that the sisters have leverage over God by choosing to suffer. Their suffering makes God very happy. He then dispenses more graces to humanity. The third is the belief that any attachment to human beings, even the poor being served, supposedly interferes with love of God and must be vigilantly avoided or immediately uprooted. The efforts to prevent any attachments cause continual chaos and confusion, movement and change in the congregation. Mother Teresa did not invent these beliefs - they were prevalent in religious congregations before Vatican II - but she did everything in her power (which was great) to enforce them.

Once a sister has accepted these fallacies she will do almost anything. She can allow her health to be destroyed, neglect those she vowed to serve, and switch off her feelings and independent thought. She can turn a blind eye to suffering, inform on her fellow sisters, tell lies with ease, and ignore public laws and regulations.

. . . there are many who generously have supported her work because they do not realize how her twisted premises strangle efforts to alleviate misery. Unaware that most of the donations sit unused in her bank accounts, they too are deceived into thinking they are helping the poor. . .

We received touching letters from people; sometimes apparently poor themselves, who were making sacrifices to send us a little money for the starving people in Africa, the flood victims in Bangladesh, or the poor children in India. Most of the money sat in our bank accounts. . .

Mother was very concerned that we preserve our spirit of poverty. Spending money would destroy that poverty. She seemed obsessed with using only the simplest of means for our work. Was this in the best interests of the people we were trying to help, or were we in fact using them as a tool to advance our own "sanctity?" In Haiti, to keep the spirit of poverty, the sisters reused needles until they became blunt. Seeing the pain caused by the blunt needles, some of the volunteers offered to procure more needles, but the sisters refused. . .

Our Constitution forbade us to beg for more than we needed, but, when it came to begging, the millions of dollars accumulating in the bank were treated as if they did not exist.


Apparently it was common to refuse quality assistance to the poor so as not to spend money. Any guesses where that money went?

Sometimes when individuals are widely venerated, their quotes are allowed to bypass common sense; it’s healthy, imo, to look at them warts and all.


Interesting. Someone I deeply respect once said in regard to Mother Teresa, "She was ALL ego!....Can't you see it? Couldn't you tell just by looking at her?!" He seemed astonished that I didn't\couldn't know. Anyways, anytime this person has said something it really makes me take a closer look and he opened my eyes wide
i came upon this great JFK quote while searching for audio-samples for a music project.
(unfortunately this speech is text-only)

The gulf between rich and poor which divides the Family of Man is an invitation to agitators, subversives, and aggressors. It encourages the ambitions of those who desire to dominate the world, which threatens the peace and freedom of us all.


I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei

While searching for an article, I came across this conference on Geocentrism to be held in November this year for which you got to shell out US$50/- to attend! And what are they talking about? Have a look at the image below. Anyone here attending? :P

Image Source
“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”

Vulcan59 said:
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei

While searching for an article, I came across this conference on Geocentrism to be held in November this year for which you got to shell out US$50/- to attend! And what are they talking about? Have a look at the image below. Anyone here attending? :P

Well, I suppose that if I did attend it would be incognito. :ninja:

I guess this should not be so hard to believe. The same points that originally supported the geocentric view still exist of course, but my goodness, it has already been demonstrated that the heliocentric view covers even more observations.

Interestingly, their strongest argument (the relative positions of bodies in motion) is also their weakest because the same logic can show that any point in space is the 'center' of the Universe. :rolleyes: So that suggests the question: Why choose geocentrism?

I don't suppose the conference people realize their motivation is showing. By insisting on the geocentric view, it seems to me they are just masking the desperation to have something...anything revolve around them. :P
When one has nothing to lose, one becomes courageous. We are timid only when there is something we can still cling to. - Carlos Castaneda
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