The Living Force
Oxajil said:When one has nothing to lose, one becomes courageous. We are timid only when there is something we can still cling to. - Carlos Castaneda
Oh, wow. Thanks for posting that, Oxajil. That is a beautifully condensed version of what it just reminded me of:
The Socratic Paradox and its enemies, Roslyn WeissThe sophist who teaches clever speaking in the guise of manly and civic excellence, who, with the promise of helping young men to rise to political preeminence, lures them away from those who nuture their souls, and who holds in esteem not the aretai of justice, temperance and holiness that he professes to teach - if only "a bit better than others" - but the wisdom and courage that he knows full well that he cannot teach, must be exposed for the sham that he is.
The University of Chicago Press, 2006
Chapter 2, The Protagoras: "Our Salvation in Life", p.67
And the paradox quote reminds me how the conventional perception, being an edited version of actual perception, leads to the kinds of self-delusion that must give rise to moral paradoxes...like cowardice for example.
Self-delusion of any kind is a bad idea even at the best of times. Even if a citizen has convinced himself that a brutal dictator is a benevolent "President" or "Father" of his country, it won't matter. He or his cohorts will be around to that neighborhood soon enough. If the citizen still clings to his illusions, he'll be squashed with everyone else because the paradox of cowardice is that only those who are afraid to move need fear, OSIT. At least this is an idea I formed some time ago. :)