Recent UFO pictures

kkrush said:
It's probably an Ad for Fuji film in japan haha
that actually seems the most likely to me, some creative ad-guys on a guerrilla marketing campaign.
Zadius Sky said:
I found this on one of the bulletins on myspace as they found it from coast to

coast to coast said:
images and full story found on coast to coast.

Also, I have had maybe 4 headaches in the last week, and I am normally not the kind of person who really ever gets them. Also my wife has been tired and fatigued lately. She is about a month pregnant, and the doctor said fatigue is normal around this time, but I worry that it is a lot. Basically what I'm worried is that this "craft" has got some kind of radiation or something. Like I said, it sounds like power lines if you get close enough to it. Obviously I am worried for our health, especially with a baby on the way. I dont know if they are related, but again, this is why I really hope someone can answer these questions!

I wasn't quite surprised when I saw these pictures because they looked awfully familiar. Can't quite finger on it.

Why did they send the pictures to coast to coast instead of the news? Questions arise. It might as well be a hoax. Thought I'd share.
"these headaches /enquiry to figure out what is happening /Fear of some thing might havehappened " could be some possibilities after abduction. There is no way we can confirm, unless chad starts digging his emotions and may be we can suggest him to read the Wave material /sessions and Laura's abduction article ( etc. . If some thing like abduction really happened, these reading can create some decent emotional turmoil which is a precursor to what ever good it may happen . May be this is answer chad is looking for. Just a thought.
Chad the bullsh*t artist after most probably being paid with a hefty sum of money in whatever currency he finds fancy said:
It moves almost like an insect. If you have ever seen a bug on a pond, it is kind of like that. It is VERY smooth and slow most of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very quickly and go VERY fast into another direction, then stop, and repeat the process all over again. There is just something very unnatural about the way it moves.
Hmmm, if it moves LIKE AN INSECT then it moves in very natural way for insects. Insects fly like insects. Or maybe Chad finds it strange that unidentified flying object flies like an insect, since it should fly like an unidentified flying object, and that confuses him. "Hey, look at this UFO, it moves very unnaturaly, not like UFO!"

And this stuff about pregnant wife and a baby...jeez, Chad got trigger happy while writting this. Like EMOTIONAL TRIGGER happy.

If this is an advertisement campaign - it's still cointelpro. Once they bring the straw-man down, there will be one more signal for the public that there is no such thing as UFO or aliens and the only proper thing to do is to get the latest electronic gizmo from Fuji. "Greatest bang for the buck" tactic comes to mind once again.
j0da said:
If this is an advertisement campaign - it's still cointelpro. Once they bring the straw-man down, there will be one more signal for the public that there is no such thing as UFO or aliens and the only proper thing to do is to get the latest electronic gizmo from Fuji. "Greatest bang for the buck" tactic comes to mind once again.
Exactly! Two agenda’s fulfilled. How comes ? Corporate world and State have joined hands, i.e. fascism.
Cyre2067 said:
Zadius Sky said:
Another question comes to mind: Why pictures instead of video since it is seen "often"?
Heh cuz video's harder to fake?
True. Pictures can be fake easily. It takes great skills and techology to create a video of that (professional graphic designer?), but it can be done.
Well, Linda Moulton Howe has now taken it up. See:
Adam said:
MORE THAN ANYTHING I simply want to understand what this is and why it is here? [...]

Location: I would prefer not to say for now.

First of all, I see this thing VERY often. [...]

It is almost totally silent but not quite. It makes kind of "crackling" noises. It's hard to describe them but they are only intermittent and not very loud, but you can notice them. Sometimes there is a very slight hum that sounds kind of mechanical, almost like when you are near very large power lines. But it is nothing loud like a jet engine, it is very quiet for the most part. [...]

It is VERY smooth and slow most of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very quickly and go VERY fast into another direction, then stop, and repeat the process all over again. There is just something very unnatural about the way it moves. [...]
Ok so this guy is very scared because of his baby being on the way, and he wants to know wat it is and if it is related with the headaches etc, and yet he refuses to give the location where people could go and atleast investigate it, since he also mentioned seeing it VERY often.
Seems like a prank to me. The characters on the "underside" of the "craft" :lol: appear to be photoshopped katakana. I'd say it's some smart-a** "debunker" trying to prove a point about "UFO nuts". Either that, or deliberate COINTELPRO.
Laura said:
Well, Linda Moulton Howe has now taken it up. See:
Now we know the location: California area (where "Chad's" photo taken).

Since "his" pictures of such "craft" are now widely spread, it may be a deliberate COINTELPRO trying to lull or sway the public.
Laura said:
Well, Linda Moulton Howe has now taken it up. See:
The 2 pictures on top of that link appear to be different. On the first picture the craft has 4 spokes coming out (2 big, 2 small), but on the other picture it has 5 (1 big, 4 small).

Granted, they could be moving around or even shape shifting aka "variability of physicality" kind of thing. But all the other pictures are consistent where it looks exactly the same except for that one where it has 4 spokes. And it looks like it was constructed rather strangely for a UFO, not like any UFO I've seen. Looks more like an earthly design like you'd see in star trek where spaceships have metal plates and all sorts of little "parts" and bumps and connections all over the surface that looks like they were constructed in a factory. But UFO's usually look like they were grown, with no seams etc.

And that thing on top looks like it could be a part of a birdcage:

But I dunno, need more evidence one way or another. This could also be a "window faller" - an earthly craft from a parallel world, which might explain why it doesn't look like a typical UFO. If the Wave is coming, god knows what sorts of things may start zipping by with all kinds of features, characters, etc.
I found the language ;) ;) ;)



Thanks JSF.

And, the pictures are faked.

With the "new sighting" reported overhere,
an interesting discussion ensued, to be found here:

From what I can distil, the pictures are rendered with radiosity.

On top of that … and in one of the comments,

fxmodels said:
The clincher...

Nail in the coffin... The weather at the time and dates associated with his bright blue sky pictures, and at the locations mentioned in association with the photos was?


cloudy and rainy!!!! Its public record and was brought to my attention by an investigator in that area.

Fakers cannot think of everything. This guy did not think of synchronizing his imagery to the weather at the time.

Oh wait... the 'craft' has a special device making perfectly clear weather in a radius of 50 mi in all directions! Dang! Thought I had him... ha ha....
A viral advertisement for an oncoming movie ? A sequel to The Matrix perhaps?
my brother just sent me a link to a web page with photos of a "space-craft" which resembles a lot the flying object being discussed in this thread:

Looks like this time the ship's structure has become more complex...
TerToen said:
my brother just sent me a link to a web page with photos of a "space-craft" which resembles a lot the flying object being discussed in this thread:

Looks like this time the ship's structure has become more complex...
I checked into that link. It looked like the same design, but with the bottom part is added. Yes, it is more complex. Here's the image from that link:


My brain is yelling, "hoax, hoax!" However, my question remains "Are they real or not?"
The thing that jumps out at me in all of these photos is how the UFOs look like objects that are small and near, rather than large and far away. I'm not sure why, but maybe its because they almost like they are "too perfect", which usually happens with computer generated graphics.

There are reasons why it could look like computer graphics even if it is legitimate though - maybe it looks perfect because it *is* perfect.

Another thing: judging from what I've seen of pretty much every UFO photo/video, the inhabitants of these vehicles seem to be... stupid. Or way too stupid to have built something like that. Who knows, maybe they are like a bunch of yobs in a flashy sports car, but you'd think we'd see one UFO showing some kind of sign that they are intelligent. But I haven't seen one. They just sit around, or fly about, they remind me of a gnat or something like that, repeatedly banging into the glass of a window.

We have this "disclosure" project that some people are on about, which I don't buy. Why would they do it like this? Why not just visit someone respected and honest, who could handle it (you know, like Stephen Hawking or something), and move gradually from there? Why mess around for 100+ years flying around like morons in the sky? It doesn't make sense.

Maybe this is a bit like those sailing ships approaching America, when the natives couldn't see them because the ships didn't fit their belief system. Perhaps people are seeing these UFOs because they are becoming more open to their existence, or their possibility. It could be that these ships are interacting with things that are WAY outside of our perception/beliefs and so we see them doing apparently stupid things, but if we could see the whole picture it would make a lot more sense. When we do see them, they might be so used to us ignoring them that they don't really need to camoflage, and maybe they are so engrossed in what they're doing, or that something is actually "between" them and the ground (like the story of the hypnotised man reading the time on a watch behind his daughter, because he had been programmed to believe she wasn't there), that they can't actually see anyone taking notice of them, and maybe don't really care anyway. It would be interesting to know if at a certain level of hypnotization/belief, structures and objects may not only be invisible, but also "passable" in the sense that there may actually be another race on the planet, and that we are literally walking through their structures, or we are under their "ground", and if we did all of a sudden find out about it, we'd be impaled/crushed/minced/burned by all of the matter around us that we couldn't sense before (I think the C's did touch on this before, with the ways the solar system is different in 4D). Its amazing how this hypnotization could carry through to photgraphs, if its true then I think our minds are a bit more powerful than what the brain is capable of, to me it suggests that the brain is more likely IN our mind, not the other way round.

It is hard to believe that something with that kind of technology is stupid, and its hard to believe that every single UFO sighting is fake. But it stands to reason that a faker wouldn't know what to do with a UFO... what would a UFO be doing? So what they end up reporting sounds stupid because there is no "direction" to what the UFO is doing, because the faker couldn't think of anything but some random movement.

Bottom line for me is: Some are real, and they are interacting with something we can't see (also I think some might be 2nd density and aren't very intelligent). I think its very likely there is a something about this planet which brings them here, maybe its us, or maybe its got nothing to do with us (or we might be a part of the reason). The only way we can ever hope to find out what is going on is to break out of the hypnotization that we are in, so that we can start to see properly. I do think that eventually we are going to realise they've been here for a long time, and when we do it could be quite dangerous, seeing as they haven't made contact with us (and its not likely they don't know about us). So it might be better to not focus on seeing UFOs but just on seeing reality as it is, and the UFOs will be seen when the time is right.

Photos/creations like this are kind of good in a way, they do provide a shock even if they're fake - you see them and its hard not to open your mind to some possibilities, and the process of inspecting them is a good practice of seeing how we can be fooled. But shocks which have nothing to do with UFOs might be better at actually breaking the hypnotised state. Funny that something completely unconnected with UFOs might cause you to start seeing them.
If you took parts off the ship in the picture on page 3 you could get an awfully cool picture with those parts and make it look just the the pictures on the first page of this topic. That's really how it looks to me. I'd almost put money on it that it is the same persons work.

Edit: I made this out of the image above with MS paint.


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