Recent UFO pictures

A collection of YouTube's, and a documanrty on the subject. "Out of the Blue" by James Fox. Narrated by Peter Coyote, with guest commentator's (some reliable, some questionable, and other's just plain disinformation artist), which include, Stanton Friedman, Edgar D. Mitchell, Dolan, Greer, Grodon Copper etc. The public commentary's of eye witnessed observations, as well as retired, military, and commercial pilots. Retired Russian, American, as well as French intelligence personal. Retired, scientist, political and a cast of others, compose the list, coming forward to share what information they have.

Events, such as Phoenix Lights, ( 3-14-97), the event at Bentwaters RAF, England a shared base with the U.S. Air Force (Dec. 1980) to name a few.

I used the site "Personal Growth Course" only because of the quality of the video is better than YouTube, and easier to to move through ( in 2 parts ) than the you tubes that is nine parts, and a lesser quality to view.

From Wiki:
Out of the Blue is a feature-length documentary on the UFO phenomenon.

The film is narrated by Peter Coyote and attempts to show, through interviews with members of the scientific community, eye witnesses and high-ranking military and government personnel, that some unidentified flying objects could be of extraterrestrial origin and that secrecy and ridicule are used to shroud the UFO issue.

There's a follow up movie named "I know What I Saw" by James Fox, which extends upon the testimonies given in Out of the Blue.

As of December 2008, The director James Fox updated the official website with information regarding a possible sequel, Beyond the Blue, as currently looking for distribution deals

Part 1


UFO's 1880 -2010

NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film - A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's


  • Out of The Blue (Cover - Res)[1].jpg
    Out of The Blue (Cover - Res)[1].jpg
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Russ said:
Its funny that whenever I dream of UFOs they aren't ever like these pictures. UFOs that have appeared in my dreams are as follows:
Huge black cuboid with a cube cut out in one of the corners with a red light
I have never seen disk-shaped UFO. Almost 5 years ago I saw something similar that you described: not in a dream, but in real life at daytime. I was walking through the balcony in the hallway. Suddenly, I stopped to looked at the sky. And there it was. It was hanging in the air very close to me (approx. 50 m), over my head slightly to the left side. It was a black cube (4 meters on each side, more or less) of such blackness it's difficult to describe it (close to the color of the obsidian but not shiny) Inside of it, there was another rotating black cube and inside that one, was a black orb also rotating giving out splashes or segments of red and orange color. When I use the word 'inside" it's not really accurate. When these parts (cubes) were moving it was like rapidly changing pictures : i saw a cube, then cube with some triangles protruding from the sides. At the same time the orb was moving too. All the "parts" where equally important and part of the whole. They were moving in sync but each part had it's own rhythm. I really don't know how to describe it better. I was terrified. I couldn't move or move my eyes away from it. Suddenly, my daughter called me, so I snapped out of it and went to take my camera. When I came back, it was gone. Since then, I was trying to find out what it was but only found info about a cube UFO near the Sun _ Recently, I have been thinking that maybe that was how tesseract looks like? When I saw the video of the moving tesseract it's hard to tell because in a model I saw all sides of the figure and it was transparent. What I saw was black, so certain things weren't visible.

mod: quote fixed
I apologize. I made a mistake. The content of my post got mixed with a quote from Russ' post.

mod: no worries!
Hi Oleysa,

Perhaps, if you want, you could make a new post the way you had originally intended, use the preview function, to make sure it looks right and post it with a note at the bottom asking someone to delete your previous post. Once you get up to 50 posts (at least that was the number when I joined) you will be able to edit your own posts. Remember, Preview is your friend :)

Thank you, Mod. The Post is complete and looks different as I intended. Thank you Gonzo for your guidance.I will learn how to do it right and soon ;)
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Good luck and happy coding.

These days, with the proficiency of Adobe Photoshop greatly increased, I almost never believe UFO photographs. Too easy to fake. Wishful thinking seems to be addictive and assuming that they are extraterrestrial rather than something else is too easy to fall into.

When I DID see an unidentified huge saucer-like thing hovering very low in broad daylight - over a busy intersection of all places - I still questioned what exactly I was seeing. It certainly wasn't an airplane, or a blimp or a cloud. I turned to my companion in the car and we both looked up at the "thing" once again. Then it just faded leaving the impression that it was still "there". Was it a highly polished chrome-like machine or was it a possible hologram that disappeared after a few minutes? The only impression I got was an ominous feeling of malevolence coming from it. Several weeks later New Orleans was flooded, suffering and in great peril. I still don't assume I knew what i saw.
NewOrleans said:
The only impression I got was an ominous feeling of malevolence coming from it. Several weeks later New Orleans was flooded, suffering and in great peril. I still don't assume I knew what i saw.

Several years ago, I was in a car, and I saw a cloud and think, strange it looks like a mothership in SF movies, but the most strange thing was that the little clouds around changed shapes like all clouds do, but not this one and for long and I don't know why but in myself I thought "hello brothers in space !!" and immediatly I felt a malevolent feeling, I felt very bad...

I still don't know if it was my imagination or what (the "cloud") but I sure don't forget that snap in your face feeling, whatever it is.
NewOrleans said:
These days, with the proficiency of Adobe Photoshop greatly increased, I almost never believe UFO photographs. Too easy to fake. Wishful thinking seems to be addictive and assuming that they are extraterrestrial rather than something else is too easy to fall into.

When I DID see an unidentified huge saucer-like thing hovering very low in broad daylight - over a busy intersection of all places - I still questioned what exactly I was seeing. It certainly wasn't an airplane, or a blimp or a cloud. I turned to my companion in the car and we both looked up at the "thing" once again. Then it just faded leaving the impression that it was still "there". Was it a highly polished chrome-like machine or was it a possible hologram that disappeared after a few minutes? The only impression I got was an ominous feeling of malevolence coming from it. Several weeks later New Orleans was flooded, suffering and in great peril. I still don't assume I knew what i saw.

The knowledge that something could be anything, and that anything could be a fake has become a great asset in my thinking. If applied it literally forces you to abandon any and all beliefs in any form of supposed authority or proof. Effectively filtering out any information that is not self evident to our inner selves.

Or perhaps put another way, it makes it harder to form unhealthy attachments to "truths". Instead it becomes mere information to be utilized in present and future reasoning.

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