Recurring Dreams

Mrs. Peel

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I've been having several recurring dreams ever since I was a teenager. One of them entails me going back to "school." Sometimes its grade school, sometimes high school. During these dreams, I'm usually trying to find my locker, and when I do, I don't remember the combination of the lock. Or, I've lost my class schedule and don't know where I'm supposed to be. (Our high school had 15 minute periods called "mods" and 27 or so mods per day, and a 6-day rotating schedule, each day was different) So, you really WERE lost without your class schedule!

Sometimes during the "school" dreams, I know I'm also going to "work" like I do now, in other words, I'm combining the two (past and present) somehow. I also have the feeling (during the dreams) that I've already graduated and have come back to re-attend school and do it over. Kind of deja vu. I know in the dream, that every year I go back and sign up to go to high school again, but that I don't attend all the classes cause I have to go to work. In one of my last ones, I think I had worked my way up to being a senior in high school again. I never went to college or I'd have still have all those years to go! :lol:

I always used to interpret the dreams to mean I didn't learn some lesson from my yout, and the losing of the schedule and locker to mean I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, or that I was "lost.". But after more thought about it recently, I now relate it to the C's telling us that "all are lessons" and here we are here to experience them. Maybe we do keep returning here till we "get it right" and "graduate."

Oh, in some of the dreams, I miss the bus. But then I realize, I'm an adult so I can get in my car and drive there. I guess the meaning of these is all pretty self-explanatory.

I could probably fill this forum, but I'll save my other recurring dreams for another post!
I have a similar recurring dream. In it my graduation recital (I have a diploma in jazz performance on guitar) is in a couple hours and I realize I haven't learned the songs I have to perform! So I cram as much as possible. I never actually do the performance (it gets put off) but it's a horrible feeling because I'm ALWAYS prepared for performances/assignments/etc. I just liked the connection between the two "graduations." ;)
Funny, Shar, I have had exactly those dreams you describe, although half the time I return to college and half the time I return to highschool - the locker, the locker combination, the schedule, paper and pencil and the book are all missing or lost and I have to find them or figure them out, ect. I've often thought that they were just general anxiety dreams, but I like your take on them, so I'll revisit mine and see what might be there. =)

On another topic, when I was five years old, I had a startling recurring dream that consisted of my walking in the fields and woods near my childhood home while huge black birds dropped dead bodies from the sky all around me. The bodies were wrapped in black cloth - or something that looked like black cloth, but I knew what they were. It was very frightening, and I remember each detail even now - the trees, the dried and drying leaves, it was mid-fall, the crisp air and the dropping black things that I had to get away from. I had the sense that the birds had not noticed that I was there, so it was crucial to hide. I've always wondered about that one.
For years I've had not exactly a recurring dream, but a recurring dream theme of being 'on the run' in many different contexts such as war, or of being an outlaw, or of escaping from a collapsed civilisation or somesuch.
In the last 6 months or so, these dreams have mostly gone away. maybe the future has changed? or perhaps I'm just not 'running away' anymore :)
Well, here's another one, that I have at least once a week. I looked this up on a dream forum one time, and saw others dream about it, too. In the dream, I'm looking for a bathroom. If I find one, sometimes the toilets are all soiled and really yucky, so it's not possible to use them. If I do find one that's not, for some reason, it's not private. Somebody is watching me "do my business" or else, there's a feeling that somebody may walk in on me any second and see. A slightly different variation of that dream is that I need to take a bath or shower, and I find myself doing it with my clothes on, in some strange place like a living room, where I "know" one isn't supposed to be showering cause he water should not be running all over the rug and furniture, but here I am doing it anyhow. Or, there isn't any shower curtain, or somebody is standing on the other side of the curtain watching me. Or the bathtub is full of dirt and filth as I'm trying to run bathwater.

In one dream, I was going to the bathroom in a store, it was a ladies room and there were men inside. I wanted them to leave so I could "go" in peace but they wouldnn't. I'd had enough of these stupid bathroom dreams (in my dream I knew that!) and I told them if they didn't get out I was going to scream (which would hopefully bring help), and I did, really loud! I awoke suddenly with my scream still ringing in my head.

These dreams, combined with some of my other dreams of being in public either totally or partially naked, seem to indicate fear of exposure, at least according to some 'dream books'. I equate the lack of privacy bathroom ones personally with being "watched" by the, uh, you-know-whos. I'm thinking that perhaps having to "go to the bathroom" is symbolic of trying to achieve something, and finding them "unavailable" because STS is constantly trying to thwart us.

Or maybe I just drink too much water before bed time.... :D
I have a recurring dream which seems to be set in a school, university or college of some sort. I spend most of my time runing round trying to find someone - or something - perhaps a class that I'm missing. The odd thing about my dreams is that there are so few people there, it's almost like the twighlight zone it's so deserted (maybe school holidays?).

In one of my dreams I saw Ark. It was funny, he was dressed in a light blue boilersuit and was carrying a broom and pushing one of those trolleys with lots of cleaning stuff in it. I asked him for directions but I must have just missed who-ever I was supposed to meet. He seemed to be acting as a sort of sign post/guide for all the other people asking directions.

In a recent dream (not related to schools), I had to dress up in what looked like very regal clothes and accompany someone into a building (it looked like some sort of elaborate glass palace, maybe even a modern office building). This was apparently to 'establish a presence' what ever that means. I knew that whilst I was with this individual (as their personal assistant) I was 'safe'. If I was to ever be found in this place on my own, I would be arrested and my 'cover' blown. Interesting, but I didn't look anything like I normally do whilst I was in this 'disguise'. I was also taller. It's strange, but I seem to get a few dreams that are a bit 'cloak and daggerish' in nature. Does anyone else have these sort of dreams?
Hi Dreamers!

Wow, I feel kind of normal now.

In the past few years I have been dreaming a lot about Catholic School (K-8) and High School. I was wondering if it was just getting far enough in the past to become processed as a different kind of memory, because I haven´t had any dreams about college yet. Same old stuff...losing my schedule, not being prepared for exams, missing the bus. However, when I had a dream that I showed up for 3rd grade (there was a big number 3 on the classroom door), but I was told that I had graduated and I needed to go to 4th I walked up the stairs to the big number "4"...hmmm...dreaming about catholic school densities???

And THANK YOU Shar!....I was feeling pretty weird about having several dreams about extemely filthy and disgusting bathrooms while looking for a place to "go". Also having to go in very nasty places with no privacy...even in a men´s locker room!!! ugh!

My recurring dream theme is WATER....oceans, rivers, lakes, floods, fish, boats, you name least once a week, daily at times. Maybe I´m connected with water some how because I dreamed about the big Tsunami 2 nights before it happened....I didn´t even know that the waters retreat on the beach before a tsunami and it happened so that way in my dream....I was trapped inside an old Asian car on the beach and I saw palm trees in the distance...the waters retreated and suddenly rose so quickly. I got out through a window and was saved by a whale in the end...

I grew up land locked, but I´ve been dreaming about water most of my life...I would love to understand this.

2 Nights ago, I dreamed that I met "The Oracle" (from the Matrix?)....she told me the name of my spirit guide but I couldn´t remember it when I woke up (even though I knew it in my dream and she had only confirmed it for me). However I watched a movie on TV later in the morning and someone asked..."What´s her name?"...and the answer was the name I couldn´t remember from my dream.

Also upon waking, I heard a voice say to me "They are trying to STERILIZE you!". That has given me a lot to think about.

Dream on....

Hey Tree,

Water eh? Well guess what! I have recurring dreams about water also! Water where is isn't supposed to be. Like on the street in front of my parents house. I have this recurring one where this huge wave of water washes up to the house from a tiny creek that is across the road and down a hill. I'll dream about going over bridges (I hate to do that IRL) and falling off them, or I'm driving down the road and all of a sudden it's filled with water and I'm driving into a flood. The water is always "scary" in some way. And I'm a Pisces yet! :D
Heeyyyyyy, wait a minute. Water is almost always in my dreams -- all of what you mentioned plus one or two. The oceans, lakes, pools, rivers, bathtubs, restrooms, kitchens, you name it - and, yes, "the very nasty places with no privacy" is a frequent guest of my dreamscape. What is the connection, I wonder. I have so many of these dreams that I have always labeled them as 'anxiety dreams'. Could it be a gender thing? - some archtypal female 'thing'. =) - is it simply that water is our life and is our planet and, really, is what we physically are? - or is it an archtypal symbol for inflitration, or lack of control, or the natural flow of things versus our own intentions or wishes. I think together we can figure this one out - and, if not, we can go with the 'flow'.
hi fellow water dreamers and all,

well, most of my dreams are of ENORMOUS waves and worlds of water (even oceans in my backyard) ...consuming me and tossing me about. but the interesting part is that I am never afraid. its just the way it is.

i realized through these dreams that i am sometimes fearful of water in real life...afraid to jump in! so recently i have been forcing myself to overcome my fears by jumping into creepy black lakes at the tops of mountains, swimming in the deep places in oceans and rivers where i feel like something is going to "get me"....swimming everywhere...and facing my fears. i feel cleansed and renewed afterward.

and in the past few years, i contracted to work on a cruiseship and created a whole new relationship with water. and for the first time in at least 10 years, the water dreams stopped. in the mean time, i met all kinds of personal and professional challenges (speaking in front of large groups...yikes!) through this work on the sea.

my water dreams have since resumed, but i wont deny that i believe that i have more to learn from the waters and my dreams.

g´nite for now, and sweet dreams...

Shar said:
These dreams, combined with some of my other dreams of being in public either totally or partially naked, seem to indicate fear of exposure, at least according to some 'dream books'. I equate the lack of privacy bathroom ones personally with being "watched" by the, uh, you-know-whos. I'm thinking that perhaps having to "go to the bathroom" is symbolic of trying to achieve something, and finding them "unavailable" because STS is constantly trying to thwart us.

Or maybe I just drink too much water before bed time.... :D
Hi Shar,

These are incredibly common dreams - at least for those that are thinking about their life and role within it. I had similar dreams which I think are related to the emotions and purifying the centre or "balancing" the negative and positive halves. The shit and filth are all the impurities, attachments and impediments from a variety of sources that are holding us back from being all we can be. Fear also plays a big part and thus the moving centre. Its very body-based, these bathroom dreams for obvious reasons indicating the body/mind matrix where so much pain, hurt and so forth can be locked into the very cells. The bathroom seems to be about this washing and preparation which often connects to kitchen dreams and cooking which could be viewed as approaching the steps to a kind of alchemical process.

I'll include one of my own here from quite a ways back. It's a bit graphic but it illustrates the point I think:

"I am in my old room of my parent’s house.. There is a toilet in a chair opposite my bed. It seems I have recently used it and I now realise that there is a problem – the toilet bowel is almost overflowing. I begin to try and unblock it with a stick and move it around the drain. I am revolted at this but know I must do it, no-one else will! All at once a large stool appears from the back of the drain.Although happy that I located the source of the problem I make an expression of disgust and quickly flush the toilet. Sure enough, the level begins to rise and I am very worried about it overflowing onto the carpet which it does. I remembered I had a hoover that sucks up water and went to retrieve it. But to my surprise, when I returned, the water and all else had drained away or simply vanished. I suddenly see my mother is there giving encouragement.

This was a year that I resolved to heal myself of my nervousness and general imbalances. I was largely successful after 18 months by looking at diet, employing and sticking by some psychological techniques and other alterative methods of healing such as acupuncture, reiki and general body work and fitness. I was afraid that once I started delving I would uncover all kinds of horrors and end up a basket case. I did not want to go near anything that smelt of New Age such as “healing the inner child.” Yet grudgingly, this is essentially what I was, in some aspects attempting to do. [Interesting too that my "mother" i.e. the emotional centre was giving en courgement showing that it is the healing of the emotions that must take place to dislodge deep blockages].

This dream seemed to be saying not to worry. One particular “blockage” (graphically illustrated) was uncovered and directly associated with a particular perceptual fear which was finally extinguished by the end of the following year."

During the last 2 years I have had several dreams about large bodies of water (tidal waves and tsunamis) and I am running from all those and just escaping. Dirty toilet....well happened several times. Also four or five time I have had dreams about walking in public places naked. What does all this means...I have no idea. May be it has to do with unresolved issues.. If any one of you out there knows the meaning let me know.
I’ve had the school dreams of not being able to find my locker, losing the combination, not being able to find my schedule, walking around aimlessly, not being able to find my class. I wasn’t aware that others of had these dreams! All I can say, OOO my Gawd, and thanks for sharing. What the hell does it all mean, for us to be having these similair dreams? I’m going scroll back up and read all these posts, but I just had to post that I’ve had the same dreams.

Also reoccurring…

1) Falling from a high place but always landing on my bed.

And don’t laugh!…

2) Ending up at school in just my underwear, and walking the halls lol.(You know you’ve had this one, don’t lie!) Some serious symbology in this one I bet lol.
has anyone had floating/flying experiences?

i've had two that i can remember, but i still somehow feel this wieghtlessness or feeling of nothing at all physicaly.

once i was on a dock that was seperated from the other dock that attached to land, i remember thinking how did we get here without getting wet, (no boat could be seen) so i preceded to go swimming i jumped off of the dock in a typical diving posture, but instead of hitting the water i decided to fly i flew for 30 feet or so then wen't strait up, i lost sight and all wen't black and i started falling so i closed my eyes i curled into a ball and hit the water.
I love flying in my dreams - it seems I fly in at least one dream a night, now. Actually, all I have to do is lift my forearms up just a bit and I take off of the ground - it's more the thinking about it than the movement of the forearms, though. It's so much fun. =)

I've also had the being at school in the underwear dream, GTB, so don't feel alone............that one is so annoying!


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