Recurring Dreams

I, too, fly in my dreams. I also "moon walk" as I call it- appear to bounce long distances to travel over landscape or to go up or down stairs- often spiral staircases. I also swim underwater with whales, dolphins and other sea creatures- although it has been about 10 years since I enjoyed one of those

Thank you to each for sharing.

I have had dreams of going back to college. I got my bachelors degree 22 years ago and I am working overseas now. In this dream I return home enroll back in to college to get my masters degree. I had this dream twice. It was strange running aound the campus with all these youngsters !
Shar said:
These dreams, combined with some of my other dreams of being in public either totally or partially naked, seem to indicate fear of exposure, at least according to some 'dream books'. I equate the lack of privacy bathroom ones personally with being "watched" by the, uh, you-know-whos. I'm thinking that perhaps having to "go to the bathroom" is symbolic of trying to achieve something, and finding them "unavailable" because STS is constantly trying to thwart us.

Or maybe I just drink too much water before bed time.... :D
I got similar type of dreams whose significance understood only after the event is complete. In my dream we are all in a room my wife and mother in law and others. I go the room and suddenly I open my pants and at the same time I used to wonder why Iam doing this. I got this dream no. of times. What it turned out in real life, She felt my habits of taking time to read cass. stuff (they consider it irresponsible ) instead of responsible work ( in their terms seeing TV, playing with kids etc all the time ) and she raised lot of points which is like exposing my may be overindulgance.
I used to get lot of dreams which are reflection of my fears , when I actively push them as a character in the dream. they instantly disappear.
I've had several of the "back in school" dreams, naked/in underwear, can't find my locker etc.. Funny enough I am back in school working on an engineering degree.
Another seemingly related recurring dream is one where, for some unknown reason, I have reenlisted in the military. I am on a military base but can't find my barraks, uniforms, etc... and nobody is able or willing to help.
I will have one of these dreams about 2 or 3 times a month - I don't have the best recall of my dreams but certain ones seem to stick.
My recurring dreams-I am back in the Navy-or still in the Navy-on different ships, different experiences-sometimes these are not Navy ships on water-but are STARSHIPS in space-absolutely positive. And all feel REAL-I interact with people in the most natural way-they know me...weird thing is, sometimes they welcome me back! Like I've been away on holiday or something. What does that tell you about reality, hmmm?

One dream in particular (don't mean to steal the thread) in this category-this one while I actually WAS in the Navy- I dreamed I was on a destroyer (that is the type of ship I served on)-and I was on deck, somewhere around amidships on a very narrow walkway-so narrow in fact their was little room to navigate the deck.

It was cold, with lots of spray-the ship I realized was moving quite fast for a destroyer which in my day was about 40 knots flat out at top speed-but this vessel was much swifter-and sounded like it was driven by supersonic turbines.

I searched for a hatch to enter the ship-but there were none-just solid metal. So I went forward toward the bow (front of the ship) I was on the port (left) side of the ship-and I came around the super structure onto the foredeck and looked up at the bridge-No windows! None...Just blank, gray metal-and lots of anttenas and radar dishes scanning back and forth-suddenly I hear this clunk from below deck-and a round iris like door opens in the deck-and a white cylinder with a domed top comes up really fast.

The dome on top opens-and a weird, flexible "arm" comes out-then two moth like anttena pop out on either side at the end furthest away from the dome. The "arm" teminates in a kind of lens like thing-and then this whole contraption starts rotating around from side to side-like searching for something-and then a searing purple / red beam of energy blasts out and it justs keeps zipping around and doing that-it was then I saw some type of aircraft -like nothing we had at that time-or even now-they were really fast and made almost no sound.

These aircraft started returning fire-quick pulses of some type of energy-and it hit the ship, tearing holes in the metal and spraying molten metal all over-I could feel the heat-smell the smoke. It was very real-

I realized there was no where to run-that all of the craft-the ships and the planes where all robots-there were NO PEOPLE at all on these things-I do not know how I wound up on that thing-but I woke up just as something exploded...

Recently I have been making more connectivity with the dream and my waking state-the other night I realized I was dreaming in my dream-and so was able to analyze more objectively what was happening in the dream. I still was not able to extract meaning out of the activity-but that will come in due time.

Rather neat actually...
Cain said:
has anyone had floating/flying experiences?

i've had two that i can remember, but i still somehow feel this wieghtlessness or feeling of nothing at all physicaly.
yea i hav had such experiences n jus once but multiple times since childhood. but not in recent yrs tho
it usu takes place b4 i really slp. somehow i will start imagining myself bcuming weightless n relaxed, and i enter a dream w/o realising it, when i feel like i am floating above my bed n elevating even higher n higher, dis usu lasts for a few secs or mins before i suddenly fall back to reality literally, and for a moment fear grips my heart when i wake up, cos i thot i was falling fr 10 storeys high.
i ve oso had several dreams abt college and even elementary school , walking on d corridors searching for something or someone, or waiting for d exams to start n panicking at the verry last min. haha

and i seem to experience blurred or blocked vision everytime i hav a dream dat involves searching for something.
its like i forgot my glasses or even worse den dat. I hav to squint my eyes in my dream to make out d pple n surroundings, thus invoking feelings of frustration and insecurity. has anyone had experiences like this b4?
Tree, since several years , i'm afraid with water too. Before , i loved swimming in sea but now i can't move away the board and i don't know why. Reccuring dreams of water too, but sometimes i enjoy it , sometimes i feel bad.
But the most intense reccuring dreams for me :
1° the end of the world : there are a lot of vulcanos which spring up everywhere like mushrooms and everybody must leave, ou try to find a safe place. However there's a long time i don't make this dream.

2° THE SNAKES : in a first time, as i was teenager, there was a snack which climbed on me and bit me on back's middle and i woke up petrified with the bite's sensation ! It was really dreadful !
One night , when the snake was beginning to climb, i took a stick and slaughtered it. Since it never bite me again , even i see it . Sometimes there 're hundreds around me but i take care to not be touched.
My recurring seems adventurous and sometimes continuing even in terms of night to night. Skirting along the edge of combat zones or at times defending myself against people who have no justification for attacking me and I take to defend myself often at extreme paril and risk like getting shot, broken, wounded in in some form or another.

There are times that this form of dream gets bizzare like climbing down tree's that grow straight out of the edge of miles high cliffs. Dodging bullets, knocking people off the edges of these tree's who again seem to be attacking me in what is my opinion no real reason. Going diving after their equipment they have tried to use to disable me with and make me suffer more by, down and down for what at times seem like going for a few laps around the park but straight down.

In the end I seem to come to shark infested water that keeps going on and on at about 3.5 - 4ft. deep (1+ meter'ish) and I go get chewed on and offer the expendature of some of the usefulness of the weapons I've gathered from those who seem to oppose me for reasons I cannot fathom. There is barely the need to swim. I've never dreamed about my childhood home except the basement and leaving it through some strange dark passage.. (long recurring nightmare story). I've never been bathing (though I've splashed in shallow oceans/bays/inlets) in any form or considered myself in need of washing. Very, very rarely go to places I recognize.

This feeling of recurring dream almost seems more like a different life at times. Like a continuation of the night before in cases where I remember my dream.

When I first started going through my initial series of shocks (certainly more to come) I would be a turkey or some main course part of a meal and I could see G-Dubya with the sharpener and blade in his hands and felt that I was going to be carved up before I woke up. This was a very stressful time for me, I was getting 4 hours a night compared to a life-long average sleep length of around 7-8 hours.

I have a question.. Is there a pattern of vividness? For example you have a series of serious stimulating events happen (external), or learn a topic that offers a greater series of shocks(internal) to the mechanical parts of ones awareness which effect our (false) security shied, the mechanical parts sometimes uses to help ourselves sleep.. and in the event of these shocks or stimulatin events, cause more vivid dreams as a result? Maybe I'm misconstruing concepts here or lack clarity.

Maybe what I mean to ask is when the subconcious at times is more apt to pick up something, it registers it and then plays some version or flavor of it for you in the night? An attempt at an example:

You get home from work your significant other is already there. They are watching a movie (if you even own a tv) as you come around the corner coincidence happens that it's the point in some murder mystery where the killer finishes off his/her enemy/victim and you caught that as you were saying hi before you go make a sanwhich. You of course barely give much thought to what you witnessed cause you were more focused on wanting to say, "honey I'm home" or whatever. Then in the night you dream someone is shooting at you or you witness a murder or something depicting violence or human suffering.
I wonder after reading about other people's similar dreams, if there is a connection. Are they "screens" for something else going on? Or just how we process things like anxiety, stress, etc. I've tried to fly in some dreams, I have trouble staying aloft tho.

Just the other night I had another "back to school" dream, and here I thought I was finished with them since I thought I figured out why I was having them! This time, I was going back to business school, first time I've progressed beyond high school in my dreams!!! The schedule was supposed to be in a packet of information I received, but was missing. So I didn't lose it myself this time. I went looking for the "office" to get another one, nobody I asked could tell me how to get there, and when I did find it, I was told that there wasn't anybody there at the time who would give me a new one. I was upset that I'd be missing an entire day's classes before I could gt a new one.

The thing I think is significant in the dreams, is I know I've already been through school, yet I'm coming back to do it again for some reason. (reincarnation? coming back from The Future"?). But I'm here again and can't find my schedule, locker, etc. (reincarnated with a "plan" but can't consciously remember it, trying to find my "mission"?).

I don't know the significance of the water dreams, or the bathroom dreams. Another theme is that I suddenly realize I've lost my purse or wallet, and am frantically trying to find them. This has carried over into real life, I will find myself constantly touching my purse in the back seat of the car to be sure it's still there when I know damn well I put it there before I left!! Every time I open my purse, I'm afraid something important is missing out of it. Afraid of losing my identiy IRL as all those important papers (driver's license, credit cards) are contained in one's wallet/purse. That the mind-controlling brainwaves will turn me from "myself" (my identity) into a docile zombie?

Or is it only that I'm just getting older and my memory isn't what it used to be so I'm afraid I will carelessly misplace things like I've already done a few times?

So many possibilities.
"I've tried to fly in some dreams, I have trouble staying aloft tho." -shar

That is very poetic.. I thought of the cherubim (referencing what I believe in christian terms are those little chubby baby angels).

Did you consider the person in the office could be lying? Maybe not a good question in reference to myself as my dreams seem to unfold and choices seem only to be making uncontrolled reactions for the most part. I just thought that it is strange in the office that the data, your data, was available, but they're not able or willing to do the work of their fellow employee or whomever and help out.
noise said:
I just thought that it is strange in the office that the data, your data, was available, but they're not able or willing to do the work of their fellow employee or whomever and help out.
Well, the impression I had was that the person who printed up schedules had left for the day, like it was Friday and everybody bugged out early or something.

It's usually an effort to fly in the dreams, I never get very high, it's usually indoors (fancy that!) and I stay pretty low to the floor. Don't need a therapist to figure that one out, I bet. ;)
I've recently had 2 dreams involving water and bathrooms. The one with the bathroom started with my husband and I living in seperate but adjoining apartments. When I went to have a look at his side, I found numerous delicious looking cream pies of different sorts, and couldn't figure out why on earth he had just gone to get another one. Then going back to my side I found my bathroom was completely empty with the exception of the toilet. It took on the appearance of a hallway with a toilet at the end. When I woke up I was wondering where my mirrors, vanity table, shower, and sink had gone.

The more recent one reminded me of the years I spent living near the Hyatt on the island of Kauai. I used to take the children I was babysitting there, because their father had a pass. Anyway, I was walking on a downhill path that goes through the pool/lagoon area with a group of people. They stopped to check out the view of the ocean, but I continued on thinking I knew the way. Suddenly, the path became very steep and slippery, and I began sliding down it really fast until I fell off a cliff where the waves were violently crashing onto the rocks. I guess I accessed a thought center at that moment, which somehow gently lifted me back onto the top of the cliff, and I wasn't even wet. At that point, I found a new path and discovered a new pool/lagoon area that was enormous and incredibly beautiful, but definitely man made. There was only one person there, floating effortlessly down a water way. I became that person and after some time realized that the water was carrying me such a great distance that it would be really difficult to get back to the hotel. I woke up wondering how I was going to get back....

I actually started reading this thread on the same day I had the second dream. I'd be grateful for any interpretations.

P.S. Have also had dirty bathroom dreams, and back to school dreams, but not recently.
Water dreams...hmmmm, Maybe they have to due with the fact that most of us here have decieded not to wade around in the ankle or knee deep truths of this world. Jumping in head first to a big deep lake of truth or swimming in wavy tyrant filled seas might seem scary at first but after you do it a few times it's not so bad and you even start to get a rythm going.

I have dreams where I'm alone on the ocean swimming and never really fear that part, I'm a good swimmer. It's the dreams when I have someone on my back or that can't swim next to me holding me back or even pushing me down. The worst one is when I'm swimming alone and a shark swims by and starts to circle. This fear has even transfered into my real life as I'm out surfing, I start worring about stupid sharks, not death by shark, just the bite...

Back to school dreams, I'm another for those! I remember thinking whilst having them, "what the heck am I back here for? I was sure I finished with this place!?!" Obviously not, on some level. Symbolic of lessons not learnt?

noise said:
Maybe what I mean to ask is when the subconcious at times is more apt to pick up something, it registers it and then plays some version or flavor of it for you in the night?
I have noticed the opposite lately: my dream(s) from the previous night register at some point in my day where I get a kind of deja-vu like moment - "whoa, I dreamt about this last night!"

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