Red Heifer Discovered! – Major Obstacle To The Rebuilding Of The Jewish Temple

asino said:
Kniall said:
Perceval said:
These people are completely insane!
Oh. My. God.
... and there might be another minor problem with location: it seems that the 3rd temple is supposed to be built in place of the dome of the rock, a.k.a. the Al-Aqsa mosque.
Just sayin'...

Exactly! And according to Muslim eschatology, at the end of times the Ka'bah is to be transported from Mecca to Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa). Consequently the destruction of Al-Aqsa to enable the building of the 3rd temple would prevent the fulfillment of the Muslin prophecy.

So you have all the believers from the three religions of the book (Muslims, Jews, Christians) believing in end-of-times scenarios that happens in the same place but are mutually exclusive !
I wrote about this some years ago. Geeze, how time flies!

Gershom Gorenberg’s book The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount, and “Forcing God’s Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and Destruction of Planet Earth. by Grace Halsell. These two books have provided much of the material reviewed in this article.

There, I quoted from Gorenberg's book:

I’ve listened to Muslim sheikhs explain how verses in the Koran foretell Israel’s destruction, and to American evangelical ministers who insist on their deep love for Israel and nevertheless eagerly await apocalyptic battles on Israel’s soil so terrible that the dry river beds will, they predict, fill with rivers of blood. I also came to realize that the center of my story had to be the Temple Mount. What happens at that one spot, more than anywhere else, quickens expectations of the End in three religions. And at that spot, the danger of provoking catastrophe is greatest. [...]

Melody, the cow that could have brought God’s kingdom on earth, or set the entire Middle East ablaze, or both, depending on who you ask, has her head stuck between the gray bars of the cowshed and is munching hay and corncobs. [...]

Melody’s birth in August 1996 seemed to defy nature: Her mother was a black and white Holstein. In fact, [Gilad Jubi, dairyman of the Kfar Hasidim agricultural school] says he’d had trouble breeding the dairy cow, and finally imported semen, from Switzerland, he thinks, from a red breed of beef cattle. But “red” cows are normally splotched. An entirely crimson one is extraordinary: The Mishneh Torah, Moses Maimonides twelfth-century code of Jewish law, records that just nine cows in history have fit the Book of Numbers’ requirements for sacrificing as a “red heifer.” Yet the rare offering was essential to maintaining worship in the Temple in Jerusalem. The tenth cow, Maimonides asserts, will arrive in the time of the messiah. That’s when Jewish tradition foresees the Third Temple being built on the Temple Mount. [...]

Finding a red heifer is one precondition to building the Temple. Another, it’s generally assumed, is removing the Dome of the Rock from the Temple Mount. [...]

The next day, a newspaper broke the story. [Adir Zik, an announcer on the settlers pirate radio station known for his fiery rhetoric] spoke about the red heifer on his radio show. The madness about Melody had begun. [...] Press photographers arrived. The rabbi, sans calf, appeared on national TV. The Boston Globe’s man did a story, and other American correspondents followed. … A CNN crew made a pilgrimage to the red heifer, as did crews from ABC and CBS, and from Japan, Holland, France.

If much of the world’s media reported on Melody in a bemused tone, as a story about the strange things people believe, not everyone saw the cow as a joke. On the opinion page of the influential Israeli daily Ha’aretz, columnist David Landau argued that the security services should see the red heifer as a “four-legged bomb” potentially more dangerous than any terrorist. Landau… understood the expectations of building the Temple that the cow could inspire among Jewish religious nationalists, and its potential for inciting war with the Muslim world. “A bullet in the head,” he wrote, “is, according to the best traditions, the solution of security services in such cases…”

Too shrill? As Landau alluded, the nameless agents of Israel’s Shin Bet domestic security force, caught off guard by the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995, had underestimated the power of faith in the past. At Kfar Hasidim, Melody was moved from the cowshed to “solitary confinement” in the school’s petting zoo, where she could be kept slightly safer from the visitors arriving daily. A dog was posted to guard her. It couldn’t guard against sprouting white hairs. [Which Melody did, disqualifying her and saving her from being turned into cow toast.]

Unquestionably, the reactions to Melody seem bizarre. But there are three very solid reasons for the fears and hopes she engendered: the past, the present, and most of all the future.

Numbers 19 is one of the most opaque sections in scripture. A red heifer, “faultless, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came a yoke,” is to be slaughtered, and its body burned entirely to ash. Paradoxically, this sacrifice must be performed outside the Temple, yet the heifer’s ash becomes the key to the sanctuary: It alone can cleanse a man or woman tainted by contact with human death.

For, says the biblical text, anyone who touches a corpse, or bone, or grave, anyone who even enters the same room as a dead body, is rendered impure, and must not enter the Temple. Yet proximity to death is an unavoidable part of life, and sacrifice was how Israelites served God. So to free a person of impurity, says Numbers, mix the heifer’s cinder with water, and sprinkle the mixture on him. As Jewish tradition read those verses, the heifer really had to be faultless. Two white hairs would disqualify it. The rarest possible beast was essential to purify a priest who’d attended his own father’s burial, or to allow any Israelite who’d been in the presence of a corpse to share in the sacrificial cult. [...]

The last ashes of the last red heifer ran out sometime after the Romans razed the Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70. Every Jew became impure by reason of presumed contact with death which, practically speaking, didn’t matter much because there was no sanctuary to enter and sacrifice had ceased being the center of Judaism. The tenth heifer logically belonged to the imagined time of the messiah because a rebuilt temple also did.

Except that today, the absent ashes of the red heifer have a new function. They are a crucial factor in the political and strategic balance of the Middle East.

Over nineteen hundred years have passed since the Temple’s destruction, but its location – give or take a few crucial meters – is still a hard physical reality. [...] In principle, Temple Mount remains the most sacred site in Judaism. [...]

But the Mount itself isn’t in ruins. As Al-Haram al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary, it is the third-holiest site in Islam. [...] A glance at the Mount testifies that any effort to build the Temple where it once stood – the one place where Jewish tradition says it can be built again – would mean removing shrines sacred to hundreds of millions of Muslims, from Morocco to Indonesia. An attempt to dedicate even a piece of the enclosure to Jewish prayer would mean slicing that piece out of the Islamic precincts.

On June 7, 1967, the third day of the Six-Day War, Israeli troops took East Jerusalem, bringing the Temple Mount under Jewish rule for the first time in almost 2,000 years. Israel’s leaders decided to leave the Mount, Al-Haram al-Sharif, in Muslim hands. The decision kept the ingredients for holy war apart, just barely. [...]

Yet a separation made by the civil government would not have worked without a hand from Jewish religious authorities. From the Six-Day War on, Israel’s leading rabbis have overwhelmingly ruled that Jews should not enter the gates of the Mount. One of the most commonly cited reasons … is that under religious law, every Jew is presumed to have had contact with the dead. For lack of a red heifer’s ashes, there is simply nothing to be done about it: no way for Jews to purify themselves to enter the sacred square, no way for Judaism to reclaim the Mount, no way to rebuild the Temple. Government officials and military leaders could only regard the requirement for the missing heifer as a stroke of sheer good fortune preventing conflict over the Mount. [...]

In 1984, the Shin Bet stumbled onto the Jewish settler underground’s plot to blow up the Dome of the Rock. One of the group’s leaders explained that among the “spiritual difficulties” that kept them from carrying out the attack was that it is forbidden to enter the Temple Mount because of impurity caused by contact with the dead – that is, they lacked the ash of a red heifer. In a verdict in the case, one judge wrote that if the plan had been carried out, it would have “exposed the State of Israel and the entire Jewish people to a new Holocaust.”

The danger hasn’t gone away: The Temple Mount is potentially a detonator of full-scale war, and a few people trying to rush the End could set it off. [Gorenberg]
If millions of hyper religious Christians and Jews are going to be all over this potential event, would the collective resonance provoke some kind of symbolic reaction from the cosmos? Maybe the cow will be struck by lightning, or maybe a fireball crashes into the ceremonial service, or the lakes and rivers near Jerusalem will run red...
Government officials and military leaders could only regard the requirement for the missing heifer as a stroke of sheer good fortune preventing conflict over the Mount. [...]

I was living in the ME in 97 during the "red heifer close call". The discovery made front page news, complete with a photo of a rabbi, his magnifying glass and the famed red heifer. :lol: I thought the whole thing was absurd and these people surely must be crazy! I was assured that this was "serious business". Lo and behold, a short time later, after checking the cow with a magnifying glass, they unfortunately (or fortunately) found one single white hair and the Jews still didn't have a red heifer.

I laughed about this for a long time, just over the sheer madness of it. They will likely continue to find at least one white hair, unless they want the whole area to explode. It is a good trick to bring their followers back into line, and pretty scary to think these people actually believe it! :rolleyes:
Given the British elite involvement with the creation and promotion of Zionism, it is not impossible that the whole idea of building a Temple of Solomon may have some links to freemasonry:
wikipedia said:
Common to all of Freemasonry is the three grade system of craft or blue lodge freemasonry, whose allegory is centred on the building of the Temple of Solomon, and the story of the chief architect, Hiram Abiff.
Some authors (Christopher Knight & Alan Butler) argue that Washington DC was meant to be the New Jerusalem after it failed to materialize in London, but it would seem that this view is shared only within the very high levels.
It's absolutely idiotic that the fate of the world hangs on this nonsense - a red cow. What has humanity come to?
mkrnhr said:
Given the British elite involvement with the creation and promotion of Zionism, it is not impossible that the whole idea of building a Temple of Solomon may have some links to freemasonry:
wikipedia said:
Common to all of Freemasonry is the three grade system of craft or blue lodge freemasonry, whose allegory is centred on the building of the Temple of Solomon, and the story of the chief architect, Hiram Abiff.
Some authors (Christopher Knight & Alan Butler) argue that Washington DC was meant to be the New Jerusalem after it failed to materialize in London, but it would seem that this view is shared only within the very high levels.

As an aside too both Freemasonary and Judaism feature "G" as a key symbol. "G" is god for masons, and "G" is Judaism's pinnacle text, Septuagint. As well, Hexagram for masons, Star of David for Judaism and the all-seeing eye for both.

There's heaps on the net of course on the occult connections of both, and how either one's meant to be heading the other. Certainly a fair share of disinfo too. No doubt a lot symbol loving, secret handshaking, getting high profile places, and spreading psychopathy the world over is the common thread (or better said - rope)
Seeing as how this topic is REALLY IMPORTANT, I'd just like to clarify that there is a lot of difference between a heifer and a cow. All references to "cow" n this thread should be amended to "heifer".
Just sayin'.
MusicMan said:
Seeing as how this topic is REALLY IMPORTANT, I'd just like to clarify that there is a lot of difference between a heifer and a cow. All references to "cow" n this thread should be amended to "heifer".
Just sayin'.

How about "young red haired holy cow"? :lol:
Re:Red Heifer Discovered!–Major Obstacle To The Rebuilding Of The Jewish Temple

MusicMan said:
Seeing as how this topic is REALLY IMPORTANT, I'd just like to clarify that there is a lot of difference between a heifer and a cow. All references to "cow" n this thread should be amended to "heifer".
Just sayin'.

Technically, a heifer doesn't become a cow until she's given birth. I'm sure these fanatics would have to burn a virgin, otherwise the "prophecy" would be all wrong. :rolleyes:
You know, when I was young an naive some twenty years ago (now I'm just old and naive) I wrote a screenplay about the second coming where one of the opening scenes was a riot around the dome of the Roc temple.

The camera focuses in on a small child playing in the dirt, seemingly oblivious to the goings on around him, and he is building a little castle/temple of dirt. Then he puts a small star of David at the top of it when he's done. Boom! Prophecy fulfilled! (Since apparently the prophecy is that the temple of David would be rebuilt, not that the Roc had to be destroyed, it was just implied since the temple had to be rebuilt on the same location...)

Funny thing when I was writing that script: Three times my computer's hard drive crashed while I was writing that script, the last time completely wiping the script off the hard drive. I could take a hint, and never worked on that script again. My hard drive never crashed again.

It's a strange world.
Read this SOTT Focus Flashback over on after years from originally reading it. Wow, great refresher, and it was written near 20-years ago.

Thanks Laura!

The Most Dangerous Cult in The World!

Had read about Lord Shaftsbury and Darby more recently, and the Plymouth Brethren (think it was on Ehret's page), and yet all those years ago you had it down and had forgotten this mention.

The British logic was rooted in their fervor for the Old Testament and the hope for the millennium. That logic was derived from the cultic teachings of the Christadelphians and John Darby's premillennialist Plymouth Brethren, as well as the hopes of mainstream Anglicans. It was their desire to convert the Jews and return them to their homeland. Barbara Tuchman writes of these passions about the influential Earl of Shaftesbury, that "despite all his zeal on the Jews' behalf, it is doubtful if Lord Shaftesbury ever thought of them as a people with their own language and traditions... To him, as to all the "Israel-for-prophecy's sake school, the Jews were simply the instrument through which Biblical prophecy could be fulfilled. They were not a people, but a mass Error that must be brought to Christ in order that the whole chain reaction leading to the Second Coming ... could be set in motion."
These old Plymouth Brethren seed were laid down and taken up by a couple of my Second Coming relations, wherein it is easily noticed that when they get going, they really get going, and one of them can cite scriptures all day long - impressive, and one speaks in tongues apparently. So, will listen, and sometimes gently throw in a little Paul if the conversation leans that way, yet it is often not in the context they want to hear. When it came to Paul's letters on love, which one would think a deacon would like, don't think he did - he might have been put-off by Paul's reference to speaking in tongues and not knowing love, then you are nothing. Something did not sit right with him. Daresay they get completely dumbfounded if one deviates just a little from their message, and as said, one is a deacon. The deacon did not even know much was written in Greek, it could only be Hebrew after all, so the former language was not a comfortable subject (don't mention revisions).

The younger relation (and she had a hard time in life for a while so she needed something and then found that something) had hopped upon the rapture plane to Tel Aviv, then a bus to the Temples and Mounds, and to the indoctrination museums, and came home enthralled. When Oct 7th happened she could not write me fast enough (she is a big Peterson - Daily Wire fan), and it became difficult biting my tongue, however it was better to just stop engaging other than in general family relations discourse. We semi get along because I don't put down Trump.

My experience in directly speaking with those that have entered the rising faith, is limited.

What is not widely reported, but is well known among these fundamentalists circles is that, once Israel has done what the Christians want it to do: re-create itself and re-build the Temple, then they are finished. Those that do not convert will be destroyed. It's that simple.


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