Reiki and autism - help needed


Dear forumites, could you please give advice…

A friend of mine has asked me to help her 4 year autistic child (was diagnosed after having a DPT vaccine at 2,5 years approx, was normally developing before, started talking then and after it was a hit like with a ‘hammer’ and stopped progressing, totally detached, can’t talk etc)…after parents realized what happened, it took around a year, they seriously started to make efforts to help him. The child is now under a special therapy including detox (the doctor specially forbid gluten and dairy as one of the main inflammation factors), prescribed HBOT and many other pharma remedies (I don’t know exactly which ones)…
At present I am studying osteopathy and also have Reiki initiation…If anyone has encountered such a case which approach could be more helpful with such a child? Can Reiki be applied ?
Dear forumites, could you please give advice…

A friend of mine has asked me to help her 4 year autistic child (was diagnosed after having a DPT vaccine at 2,5 years approx, was normally developing before, started talking then and after it was a hit like with a ‘hammer’ and stopped progressing, totally detached, can’t talk etc)…after parents realized what happened, it took around a year, they seriously started to make efforts to help him. The child is now under a special therapy including detox (the doctor specially forbid gluten and dairy as one of the main inflammation factors), prescribed HBOT and many other pharma remedies (I don’t know exactly which ones)…
At present I am studying osteopathy and also have Reiki initiation…If anyone has encountered such a case which approach could be more helpful with such a child? Can Reiki be applied ?

Poor kid! At least his parents have caught on and sought to start healing the damage. Unfortunately these things can take time. The parents must feel terrible.

As far as I know, Reiki energy can feed whatever critters are inside the person receiving treatment. So as long as the child has no infection, Reiki can be applied. It would be good to double-check with a post on the Reiki thread.

The diet mentioned above in your post do look good as a start. If the idea is to boost general health and decrease oxidative stress then I think would also make sense to avoid seed oils, which are often rancid and cause high inflammation, stop eating nuts, drop any GMO foods including almost all corn products, and high oxalate foods which can also be quite damaging. However, getting off oxalates can be rough, so doing that slowly is important especially if the little one is already suffering. Many humans are also allergic to eggs and egg products.

It's good to hear that HBOT is part of the treatment. I think getting the heavy metals out is important, too, as those are linked with vaccines and autism. Iodine is a good detox agent for that, but can be very strong and needs to be handled carefully. Anti-oxidants like regular Liposomal Vit C would probably help his system cope. Homeopathy may be worthwhile as well:

I'm not a doctor by any means, and without knowing the special therapies or detox protocol that's already in place for him all this should be taken with a grain of salt. I think it's going to require a back and forth between research on the part of the parents and consultation with the health practitioners based on how he's doing.

There's a lot of info on SOTT if one does a search for detox, detox from vaccines, vaccine injury, autism, etc. Just a few examples:

All the best to the little guy, I hope he's feeling better soon.
Dear forumites, could you please give advice…

A friend of mine has asked me to help her 4 year autistic child (was diagnosed after having a DPT vaccine at 2,5 years approx, was normally developing before, started talking then and after it was a hit like with a ‘hammer’ and stopped progressing, totally detached, can’t talk etc)…after parents realized what happened, it took around a year, they seriously started to make efforts to help him. The child is now under a special therapy including detox (the doctor specially forbid gluten and dairy as one of the main inflammation factors), prescribed HBOT and many other pharma remedies (I don’t know exactly which ones)…
At present I am studying osteopathy and also have Reiki initiation…If anyone has encountered such a case which approach could be more helpful with such a child? Can Reiki be applied ?
It's wonderfull doctor prescribed HBOT. In western Europe they don't, HBOT is rare and allowed only in rare cases as CO poisoning,
Moreover, in children, one dosn't need high pressure: 1.3 - 1.5 ata are enough efficient. Children respond very well to HBOT.
Here is an article about autism; results are very interesting. HBOT also cure cerebral palsy in infants!
You can convey this link to your friend.

and many other pharma remedies
It's important to check it. Many drugs for autism are badly harmfull.

So as to Reiki: if you had been attuned by Laura's or one of her studients, why not? But I don't know if it will be enough. Anyways, if your Reiki courses is not from Laura's teachings, I don't advice it because the signs can be corrupted, thus making more harm than good.
My best wishes to this child.
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Please make Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt your first call for Autism. He is a pioneer in this field and also treats vaccine injured daily.

Follow the link whre you will see one of his videos on healing Autism and causes. Plus also at the Klinghardt Institute you will find seasoned professionals like Dr Gilian and Mikhaela in UK who did my first ART consultation which prioritizes the healing schedule. They both are well versed in Autism. Good Luck.

Hello everyone , just would like to make some updates …I’ve started to make reiki to this child with some elements of osteopathy. I’ve made accent on reiki as my osteopathy teacher said that you may apply osteopathy in case a patient is over 5 years old and has inner resource but looking at child’s blood tests I couldn’t say so…
Well, what we have after 2,5 months of work (twice a month) :
  • right after first time he learned to distinguish colors
  • Learned to swim by himself
  • Started to eat on his own
  • Became calmer
  • Suddenly started to play hide-and-seek and other interactive games what previously didn’t understand
  • All relatives noticed that he became more conscious and communicative
  • This time he endured the collection of blood tests more easily, cried, but behaved better than usual
  • Tests showed a general improvement, biochemistry and tumor necrosis factor returned to normal... the previous time there was a rollback. it was after that I started giving him reiki🙏
So I’m very happy with the results , he’s not fully recovered, but I may notice very good steps forward … the only thing, his protein c100 stay stably negative …not worse not better…because of it he’s not allowed by his doctor to go to HBOT …what you can advice on it? Can he use it or not yet?

PS some sceptic relatives say it’s just pharma remedies worked …but remedies didn’t change since the beginning …and it was even step back on them.
I’ll continue and will update in other 3 months 🙏
Hello everyone , just would like to make some updates …I’ve started to make reiki to this child with some elements of osteopathy. I’ve made accent on reiki as my osteopathy teacher said that you may apply osteopathy in case a patient is over 5 years old and has inner resource but looking at child’s blood tests I couldn’t say so…
Well, what we have after 2,5 months of work (twice a month) :
  • right after first time he learned to distinguish colors
  • Learned to swim by himself
  • Started to eat on his own
  • Became calmer
  • Suddenly started to play hide-and-seek and other interactive games what previously didn’t understand
  • All relatives noticed that he became more conscious and communicative
  • This time he endured the collection of blood tests more easily, cried, but behaved better than usual
  • Tests showed a general improvement, biochemistry and tumor necrosis factor returned to normal... the previous time there was a rollback. it was after that I started giving him reiki🙏
So I’m very happy with the results , he’s not fully recovered, but I may notice very good steps forward … the only thing, his protein c100 stay stably negative …not worse not better…because of it he’s not allowed by his doctor to go to HBOT …what you can advice on it? Can he use it or not yet?

PS some sceptic relatives say it’s just pharma remedies worked …but remedies didn’t change since the beginning …and it was even step back on them.
I’ll continue and will update in other 3 months 🙏

Amazing news! Glad to hear it.

I don't know what to say about Protein C100, I don't know what that is. If it's what I think it is, it has to do with blood coagulation. Maybe post the question in the HBOT thread and one of our doctor-type people will be able to say more.
If parent can afford to buy one, I would recommend the Radiac to equilibrate the energy of the body. It really work but some organization is required to use it as ice is needed and it must be used 4 days in a row.

Great news @skymargo. Of course the sceptics will be sceptics.

My understanding is that healing the gut can help heal the body from vaccine injury and also detoxing from heavy metals. I'm no expert in the field, it's just what I have read and listened to on podcasts to do with health.

I'm not sure about HBOT but I know you can put animals in it so I can't see why a small child wouldn't benefit?

Here is a study that used children w Autism 2yrs - 7yrs
Indeed, great news, @skymargo

I second that detoxing from heavy metals (and other vaccination stuff) might be relevant too.
For children you could try a gentle approach with medicinal mushroom powder.

1. Fomes fomentarius. tinder fungus, 1- 4 TB p. day in a 1 L bottle of water during the day. Start low and if she likes it, you can rise the dosis up to 4 TB p.d. If there are detox reactions, rise the amount (!) not lowering. It works as binder and immune modulating adaptogen.
If he likes the intake and digests it well, let him take some natural breaks, of some days or even 1-3 weeks and introduce again up to ~ 6 months.
I know of 2 autistic children (3y and 4y) - that had no speech at all - that were treated successfully with tinder.

In the breaks, you could also introduce
2. Reishi, Ganoderma sichuanense, 1/4-1/2 TB, 2-3 x p day in a cup of lukewarm water after meals. It strengthens the gut metabolism. Also works as binder and immune modulating adaptogen.

It might fit or not :) I have not heard of any strong detox reactions, if, then only mild. All the best!
It's an excellent news!

his protein c100 stay stably negative …not worse not better…because of it he’s not allowed by his doctor to go to HBOT …what you can advice on it? Can he use it or not yet?

I don't know about this protein, I checked on pubmed, and didn't find the response. Can you say a bit more on it? In which section of the blood drawing result is it menstionned? Anyways, On the numerous articles I've read about HBOT, there is no biological parameter that prohibits HBOT. Contraindications are epilepsy, severe pulmonary disease, some eye problems like glaucoma, cataract, severe myopia but some people with cataract undergone hbot without any agravation. Moreover, in these diseases, complication risk occurs with high pressure, above 3.0 atm. So, there is no reason to forbid this child to benefit from this wonderfull treatment. For children, it's less than or equal to 1.5 atm
But you won't be able to convince the doctor. The best thing to do, is to get a new testing of the c-100 and hoping it has decreased. I assume it's a protein involved in inflammation phenomenons, as most blood test look for it, and most deseases are consequence of an underlying inflammation. Here is a trick: before the day of testing, parents can give him some anti-inflammatory things like baking soda, vitamine C, B-complex, and magnesium during 2-3 days before. It'll give a chance to decrease the protein and the doctor will be reassured to prescribe the hbot. I'm convinced that hbot will hihgly improve his condition. Let us know if you managed to get that, i'll give some advices to help the boy accepting to go into the chamber. Autistic (and even some non-autistic) children are scared to go in confined places and see a mask coming onto their face.
Ah, I just saw on the hbot thread your post giving a screenshot of the biology testing. It's protein S-100, not C-100, and here is what is said on one of the articles, on pubmed:
The S-100 protein is specific for the nervous system [...] localized to glial elements, although there is some evidence that a small proportion may be present in neuronal nuclei or their plasma membranes. During development it is synthesized rapidly at a relatively late period of differentiation of the nervous system.[...] These chemical properties suggest that S-100 may, as part of its function in the nervous system, be bound to some hydrophobic site, possibly a membrane, and that the extent of this binding is regulated by concentrations of Ca2+, K+ and Na+. If this is true, then it is important, as the next step in working out its function, to discover the exact site where S-100 binds in the nervous system.

So, it's a protein to follow neurological disease. Maybe you can add sea salt (not the evil table salt), in order to bring K and Na.
After reflection, it's better not asking for a new blood testing, because markers (S-100 and NSE) will probably stay high. Moreover children don't like such blood drawings, it's very stressful for them.
Here is a better way in reassuring the doctor:
- convey to him the article I provided in my first post: print it and highlight the interesting sentences like:
hbot possess neuroprotective effects
improve cerebral perfusion
decrease markers of inflammation
not worsens oxydative stress markers
- give him an article on effectiveness in various brain disorders (even if in adults), because it shows that even serious cases of brain damage tolerate very well hbot sessions. Example this one:
- elevation of markers are usual in autism, thus it is not required before undergoing hbot. They ' ll remain high for a very long time and refusing hbot to this child is a loss of chance. At the contrary, it would be interesting to assess the decrease of the marker at the end of hbot treatment.
- the sooner the oxygenation of the brain will begin, the more chance he could give him to improve
- if he still hesitates, parents can suggest to sign a release form in order to free him from all liability
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