Recommended Reiki Master?

Thinkingfingers said:
I agree with orion, what she did is a violation of your will. A reiki practitioner(or any healer and such) should never do anything without the consent of the patient. I am a master reiki practitioner and I'd recommend you avoid further contact with her.

Regards to sexual energy, there is a recent thread on ariana grande that you can look at,43414.0.html and also using the search function of the forum will yield good results. Reading Carlos Castaneda's books are great as well as Gurdjieff's/Ouspensky's books have some snippets on sexual energy. These snippets about sexual energy from these books I believe are covered in the thread I linked you to so I'll allow you to start digging and searching.

Thank you for that recommendation as I will not contact her again based on her not asking for consent. One thing I forgot to mention was she asked several times what I felt like the next step to take was going to be. The only thing I could say was that I would like to come in and chat more with her about my spiritual journey. But now that seems like a bad idea so I will not do that.

Instead, based upon the reference to sexual energy and the location of sensations I was having, whatever their cause, I am going to focus on reading the suggested material on that. From, what I have read so far in the thread provided, it is a vital part of the Work and an important goal for me. Your suggestion to begin researching that topic would be a positive result of this experience for me. Thanks again!
ashu said:
latulipenoire said:
I'd suggest reading a lot about Reiki before signing up. Above all Laura's research on the symbols and the lineages. And then receiving some sessions of Reiki to see how it affects you. This is what I've done recently, FWIW. I'm going to receive the first level attunement next month, from a local teacher whose lineage sounds good and whose personality is more to my taste, including his views on what should be taught or not (there are some teachers nowadays who are inclined to teach all those 'super cool' variations and types of 'Reiki', misleading a lot of people into thinking that all is the same, or that it doesn't matter at all if the intentions are pure and so on). Again, it's necessary to read Laura's research to see how these changes in the system could cause serious damage to the students.

The one thing that's bothering me is this: It looks like it's forbidden to eat red meat for two days before receiving the attunement. I've tried to argue with some people there about this but they're deeply into this vegetarianism craze. I even asked a teacher there, for fun, "What about organic meat?". She was incredulous, that I had the guts to say in the same sentence the words "organic" and "meat". :huh:

Thank you latulipenoire, I was tempted to sign up but in the end I thought I best read up more about it etc. The first time I had Reiki done on me was years ago, but I did not really feel anything. I don't know if it was because of my bad diet as back then I was a vegetarian. Last time I had it done was last year whilst on a Yoga holiday, the yoga teacher would end the yoga class where she would administer Reiki to my head when we were all laying down for Savasana (she did this for all the students.) It was quite relaxing and was a great end to a yoga class.

Just learning more on Youtube about Reiki. There are a series of videos by a chap called Kenneth Kaid and he even suggests going vegetarian and also smoking is not good - darn it - of course this is all nonsense.

You're welcome, ashu. What you've written about Kenneth Kaid is, I'm afraid, almost a consensus among the Reiki groups that I've had the chance to observe where I live. They assume that tobacco is dangerous as alcohol and that avoiding meat will bring you closer to a more pure flow of energy. In a sense, they are more materialistic than ordinary people. That's why I wanted to be initiated by Laura or by someone here in the group, but unfortunately I'm a bit distant from most groups and can't afford at the moment a trip overseas. Maybe next year! =)
latulipenoire said:
You're welcome, ashu. What you've written about Kenneth Kaid is, I'm afraid, almost a consensus among the Reiki groups that I've had the chance to observe where I live. They assume that tobacco is dangerous as alcohol and that avoiding meat will bring you closer to a more pure flow of energy. In a sense, they are more materialistic than ordinary people. That's why I wanted to be initiated by Laura or by someone here in the group, but unfortunately I'm a bit distant from most groups and can't afford at the moment a trip overseas. Maybe next year! =)

I got my level one back in January, and in our class many did ask about whether we should practice vegetarianism, if it benefited, etc. while practicing reiki. My teacher gave a very diplomatic answer, which was that the more we performed reiki on ourselves, the better our own intuition about what was healthy and better for us. So we may notice ourselves being drawn to diets, dress, and other lifestyle choices that are cleaner nutritionally, psychologically, or psychically. Of course intuition needs to operate in tandem with knowledge, so perhaps people see eating more vegetables as healthier than the regular SAD (true), but if they buy the misinformation about saturated fat they may miss an intuitive cue that may push them to eating a more ancestrally-centered diet. OSIT. :)
I recently became interested in reiki and reiki practices so I started mining any info about reiki practitioners in Serbia(my little self is from Serbia, Belgrade). What I found about people who are most influential reiki 'masters' here are those with Karuna reiki lineage from Germany(L. Rand system)...I think someone here already asked about this reiki system and reply was that they are money machine I think.
And let me tell you that these people here('Reiki Society of Serbia' and other factions) REALLY look new-agey...their repertoire:
-Luna reiki
-Angelic reiki I and II
-Kundalini reiki
-Kundalini reiki for money
-Reiki for money
-Business Reiki (+ many other quasi-reikis)
-More than 10+ 'feel good I'm happy techniques' named like: 'Angelic cellular healing'/'Reiki of guardian angel'/'Essence of nerv regeneration'/'Healing happiness'/'Flower of Love'/'Karmic task'/'The Winner over Dark Forces' (This is really hilarious :lol: :lol:...but in the same time really sad :mad:, people are buying this crap)

I heard somewhere that they charge 120+ euros for reiki initiation...(and give you the reiki manual SIGNED by GREAT INSTRUCTOR(read great dictator)...I really want her sign, I cannot live without it - so I can be higher spiritual being, right?)

These two probably most influential reiki associations/practitioners('Reiki Society of Serbia' and one women, I forgot the name), both have similar lineage(from L. Rand):
Mikao Usui (osnivač Reiki prirodnog sistema lečenja)
Chujiro Hayashi (Velemajstor Učitelj, sistematizacija Reiki metoda)
Hawayo Takata (od 1938 Reiki Velemajstor Učitelj) prenos Reiki- znanja u Ameriku
Bethal Phaigh (od 1980 Reiki Velemajstor Učitelj)
William L. Rand (od 1989 Reiki Majstor Učitelj) osnivač Karuna-Reiki®-Systema
Ute Fleishman (Reiki Majstor Učitelj Germany- USA)
Michael Urban (Reiki Majstor Učitelj- Germany-USA)
Stefan Bratzel (od 1995 Reiki Majstor Učitelj) osnivač ReikiHealing®-Systema
Dr Gordana Gemović (Reiki Majstor od 2005, Reiki Učitelj od 2010)

They are too new-agey and have probablu very corrupt lineage, so i dismissed them as potential reiki 'masters'.

Anyhow, I accidentally stumbled upon one women doing reiki and being reiki 'master'(found her blog actually). Her lineage is:
7. Herself

I tried to find some info about Wanya Twan and AYLA NORLAMO and I found this excerpt from a website of one reiki teacher from Finland:
Canadian Reiki teacher Wanja Twan (a Master student of Hawayo Takata) was the first one to teach Reiki in Finland. The year was 1985. Next year she gave the Master degree to Aila Norlamo. In the following years Aila Norlamo (1922- 2000) became a seminal figure, the grand old lady of Finnish Reiki. She had more than hundred master students, and her influence is still very strong. Norlamo was the teacher of my Reiki teacher, Leila Anderssén.

Since those early days, Reiki has become one of the most well-known methods of complementary medicine also in Finland. After the mid-1980s tens of thousands of Finns have attended Reiki-seminars.

Traditional Western style Reiki teaching - which my lineage of teaching represents - is still going strong in Finland. Of course, we also have a mixed variety of New Age oriented Reiki styles (like everywhere), which are popular as well. Reiki Network is also quite influential here.

In Finland there are two Reiki associations, Reiki ry (Reiki Network of Finland) and Mikao Usuin Reiki ry (Mikao Usui Reiki Association of Finland). The latter was founded in 2001 to preserve and maintain traditional Reiki teachings and practice in Finland.

Although there have been some positive signs, barriers between complementary and traditional Western medicine still seems pretty high here, which is of course a sad situation for all.

Ok, now...IVANKA SAVIĆ. There's no info about her. Tried to find anything on internet...none. I think I would have to ask the teacher herself.

What do you think about the lineage?

One interesting info I read on her page, is about herself. She said she achieved I and II initiation traditional Usui Reiki in 2009 and master ini. in 2011. But later she says that she also achieved all degrees in so called 'Kundalini reiki' in 2015. Why would you do that? Kundalini reiki has a shady background, so why would one do that? Ignorance perhaps...
At least she says that she is just a conduit of energy not a GREAT HEALER or something...

What do you think?
Do you know any valid reiki teacher from Serbia, Belgrade?

Thank you all :)
After some searching, I found a Reiki Master on Reiki Maya who seems to have good reviews and practises the Usui lineage. I'll share the course and website here for feedback as it's one I am definitely interested in (to the best of my knowledge, this hasn't been posted about or on in this thread before):

Reiki Maya Reiki Level 1 & 2

On another website, it stated that it is better to space out Level I and Level II. Anyone have any experience with this?
On another website, it stated that it is better to space out Level I and Level II. Anyone have any experience with this?
When I first learned Reiki in 1988, the thought was that it was good with some time between Reiki I and Reiki II of at least 3 months. The reason given was that it was good to get accustomed to the energy of Reiki I first and practice it so that the flow would steady.

Having now experienced this other way of doing Reiki I and II within a short time, I don't think it matters. What I do find important is that you use it a lot after you have been attuned and thereby not only steady the flow, but also gather experiences. Without practising it much, one can easily be tempted to discard it and not realise the power that Reiki has and again that realisation only comes by experience.
From the lineage it looks pretty good as far as I can tell, though I don't know what symbols they use in the end and on the first sight two days seem a bit short for Reiki II. And I agree with Aeneas that practice afterwards is very important. And last but not least the intent of doing Reiki is as well very important.
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I took a look at the link. Am I right in saying that you receive Usui and Holy Fire attunements? I'm pretty sure Holy Fire is a branch of Karuna Reiki, à la William Lee Rand. That may mean you get attuned with all the additional symbols - backwards cho ku rei etc. If you are in the UK, have you checked out Taggart King? He is a pretty straight forward Reiki teacher who isn't keen on all the Karuna bells and whistles. He might be worth checking out.
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Hi everyone,

only just finished reading this thread up to now and have 1-2 questions:

I am attuned to level 3 master/teacher in Usui Reiki, and also went to get attuned to the Karuna variation.
My lineage does have William L. Rand in it, however, upon looking through the net, checking his website (as of this morning) and downloading the symbols from it, I cannot see any difference with those I have learnt and been attuned to, or the ones on James Deacon's website, which are also the same referenced by Laura and the Cs as far as I understand.

I guess my question is in line with what Zadius Sky said in Aug 2015 earlier on this thread, that maybe L. Rand did at some stage teach proper Usui Reiki before going to his own ways, and also, when he teaches reversed symbols, is it as a traditional Usui Method or is it in one of his variations.

Finally, is it really important to fob of any and every Reiki Teachers who happen to have L. Rand in their lineage, for the sake of having L. Rand in their lineage?

Thanks :-)
Finally, is it really important to fob of any and every Reiki Teachers who happen to have L. Rand in their lineage, for the sake of having L. Rand in their lineage?

fob off,
  1. to cheat someone by substituting something spurious or inferior; palm off (often followed by on):He tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
  2. to put (someone) off by deception or trickery:She fobbed us off with false promises.
I take it that you mean, palm off, so as to say that it is inferior.

I can't answer for others, but as Reiki is something that is passed down, then if someone higher up the chain has messed with the symbols or turned them around, thereby corrupting the Reiki, then that of course is passed down and perpetuated. This is what makes it open for questioning.

If your symbols are drawn the same way as those taught by Laura then I think you are fine. As for teaching Reiki, since you have level 3, then it might be good to check the way of initiating students with someone who has been trained by Laura. There are some in Oz too ;-)
Palm off, sounds better indeed... :-)

Aeneas said:
If your symbols are drawn the same way as those taught by Laura then I think you are fine. As for teaching Reiki, since you have level 3, then it might be good to check the way of initiating students with someone who has been trained by Laura. There are some in Oz too ;-)

Now that would be quite interesting to be sure, as so far, even if I'm mostly satisfied with what I learnt and/or was attuned to, I still have no way of double checking and I would like very much to do that.
Hi everyone,

Finally, is it really important to fob of any and every Reiki Teachers who happen to have L. Rand in their lineage, for the sake of having L. Rand in their lineage?

Thanks :-)
I wouldn't say that. I'd suggest proceeding the caution and awareness. Ask questions and make an informed decision. :-)
There is something that has been bothering me for a while. I seriously forgot for a long time that I know Reiki. It was only when my friend casually mentioned it in a conversation that I thought about it again. Can you believe it? Even when I sent my application to FOTCM, it didn't occur to me.
It was 2004 when I got the initiation. Spread over two days, first the first and then the second degree of Usui Reiki.
Since I've been aware of it again, however, I've been afraid to use it at the same time, because I don't know if I got the "right" or "bastardised" method. That's why I use it very rarely or feel it when it flows without doing anything, e.g. during EE. Like today. I haven't felt it for such a long time. It's a nice feeling, pressure feeling almost to the point of slight pain from the palms into the forearms.
Is there any way I can find out if I should be careful? Or what exactly can happen when I get the distorted version? Do I then activate the wrong forces?
Well, the symbols that I can see on the cups in the shop, for example, are the same ones that I got. That has reassured me a bit. Also, when I found this thread, I was a little irritated about this.
on the first sight two days seem a bit short for Reiki II.
My whole two degrees only took a day each. There must be something wrong with that. Or should I also have that so wrong in my memory, like I forgot that I can DO Reiki at all. It really scared me, because I learned then that with the initiation you also get some responsibility. :-(
I think a refresher course could definitely help... I wonder if that's even possible in lockdown times?

check the way of initiating students with someone who has been trained by Laura.
Where can I find them? Are anyone of them in Germany? :love:
Hi everyone,

In case it is of help...I have just recently started training with Lourdes Harvey Gray, the late wife of John Harvey Gray one of the 22 Masters Takata trained herself. She is now teaching via zoom. Something that I would have been a lot harder (at least finantially) before.
I was already trained as master with a master that trained with Yamaguchi directly (he has investigated and trained in various not so likeable lineages, including karuna....).
I am also interested to know if there are any teachers trained by Laura here in Spain, or if any of you are teaching online. I suppose this also brings to the table wether distant initiations are valid...
My Sensei has a minimum of 30 days after first attunement to taking 2nd Degree course. The amount of self-work and detoxing requires a good amount of time to properly work through. Then you are comfortable and familiar enough with your body and the energy to proceed. L1 = 2 day course. Often the 2nd is a half day. L2 = one day L3/ART = one day [Usui]
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