So I gather (if I correctly understood) that you believe "evil" is an unalterable constant, and that "outside of time" reality is like a flash-photo of all at once-ness, that is essentially immobile, and that our "perspective" is the cause of the illusion.
It is not my intent to contradict anyone's deep beliefs, not for any reasons of correctness, but simply because they can only be encountered effectively on their base level, where rationalization only floats on top. I would like to explore the ramifications of beliefs, because I believe that is their most manifest, and hence tangible aspect.
So then the illusion of time, if I understand correctly, is the illusion of perspective, where temporality is the objectification of constantly shifting perspective. If we take this to the question of creation and entropy (or good and evil) it may be that it is our perspective that qualifies those terms through temporality (in terms of their actions and durational qualities).
It would be then that expanding our perspective may allow "evil" to be what it really is (a part of the Absolute continuum). I gather you will agree that our current perspective of "evil" is that it tends to promote discontinuities (another term for destruction).
Thus, a truly unconstrained view of evil would then reveal it as an essential part of Absolute continuity, and hence alter its very nature or rather reveal its true nature, which would be radically different than the former one. This would imply that our unconstrained view would also apply to "good" and alter its nature. In essence the two formerly antagonistic, discontinuous and irreconcilables of good and evil would be one harmonic composition.
Regardless of the nature of our temporal perspective, the effects of good and evil in 3D are tangible, and to me real enough. The illusion, is thus a tangible one, yet it is based on perspective. Hence, would it not be the case that changing perspective would change the tangible effects? In other words, would then evil and good not be transformed into a unified deeper meaning that may have tangible effects upon 3D.
From my experience, no illusion is created out of nothing, and all illusion is dependent on perspective. Thus, understanding not good and evil per se, but the realities out of which they propagate in terms of our perspective to those realities, would transform the effects of good and evil and hence transform the world.
The underlying perception is that good and evil seem poised against each other, and seem to contradict each other. Yet we notice that good is motivated by evil and evil be good. We have two aspects motivating each other because of their contradiction. Thus, there does, even in 3D seem to be an underlying connection between the two.
Now, if we alter our perspective (which would entail a COMPLETE transformation on mental, emotional and sensory orientation and approach) that underlying orientation of mutual motivation becomes one of mutual support in coherence with the totality of the Absolute.
Good and evil would then be the results of a global perspective that compels action into one or the other direction. Shifting global and even individual perspective might then fuse good and evil to a mutually supportive relationship, and the gap between them would disappear.
What would be the result of that fusion? Perhaps it brings us at least one step closer to what has been called the Will of God.