Removing Blinders



Hi All,

I'm not exactly sure this is the area I want to post all of this. It seems to fall into allot of categories. This is a 4 part essay I've been trying to write for 4-5 days now. I won't try to explain it since there are plenty of attempts within the following posts.

1 of 4

Like most everyone else I’ve been living a lie. My beliefs past extend from simple pleasures to God, Democracy etc.. Strange how beliefs go, you get stuck in fixed thinking and avoid any obstacles or people that try to inform you that your strict system and structured beliefs are lies or emotionally based. We all struggle with them, sometimes accepting that virgins have babies or dead people can fly off into the heavens days after death. We excuse it saying “with God all things are possible.” But what if his law is simple non-interference, freewill and all that?

Allow me to get a little contradicting for a few paragraphs.

His son wants you to kill in his name and suffer everyone world wide who is not a part of your self-important religious complex. It’s all in the bible it seems according to the right-wing pundits and their followers. We all know Jesus is big on torture, humiliation, cruelty and murder as well.

Then there is Democracy and all the archetypes the ‘word’ itself stirs in us. I say Democracy and images of the constitution, founding fathers, honorable deeds and vain pride arise in our collective minds. What vain pride? Well the kinds that get us into wars, wars brought on by lies, lies that tell us we’re better than they. Are we better? Our savage God and his men of the cloth are riding on our backs ponying us into war. But we can’t be the savages we claim another nation as being when we know nothing of their culture, politics or religion except what is fed to us intravenously through the poisoned media in America.

The guy living on fertile soil with his farm animals, nearby river full of fresh water, has a hard life, especially compared to a man trying to conjure healthy food and water out of silt, sand and Depleted Uranium poisoned soil. It’s hard to be an American, damn hard. Those rich bastards over there have it soo easy don’t they? No electricity, running water, jobs, food. It’s a good thing we’re over there since if we weren’t they’d be over here attacking us with their unstoppable Navy of Row boats, and an Air Force of paper airplanes the likes of which have never been witnessed! Somehow that is the call of our politicians on both sides of the isle.

Of course I should not fail to touch on the vast array of WMD’s that have been found in Iraq. They range from such biological weapons as Bacillus Anthracis (Anthrax), Clostridium Botulinum, Histoplasma Capsulatam (Nervous system attacking disease), Brucella Melitensis (Organ attacking Bacteria) and Clostridium Tetani just to mention a few. We must of course give thanks to that Terrorist Reagan who gave them to Iraq for us to find. BTW they were given also to attack Iran with as well.

That’s just the kind, kind of nation we are. I mean how could we ever listen to those crazy people with their conspiracy theories? It’s not a world where politicians deal in facts. But I’m skipping around here and not getting to the point. It’s really a jumbled nightmare.

We’re born, bread and indoctrinated into a collective conscious unable and intentionally blinded from seeing the real conspiracy(s). The euthanasia of our spirit has been the practice of empires as long as man has walked the earth. Freedom, Justice, Goodness are not but triggers words to stir group thinking and get the masses into a group mindset, while the tyrants enslave, murder innocents, and commit evil in the name of the Empire. The technique’s been recorded and repeated throughout history. Somehow they’re able to create an “us against them” scenario, and when it boils down to that, than everyone says “them.” Of course Afghanistan and Iraq didn’t do that, though our leaders and media depicted it as such, when the opposite was the case.

Today, like everyday they, the leaders repeat 911, 911.. and say that our so called Christian society should commit more murder and toss more bombs, due to our leaders inability(s) to wage peace and diplomacy. These leaders no longer represent anyone and do NOT heed the call or will of the people. They do as they please and few say a thing about it. Another false flag operation and the media spins it into mad terrorist, extremists, are again, blowing themselves and their own people up! Make any sense? Hell NO! But it doesn’t have to because Jesus is Murder, War is peace, cultured lands are infested with Barbarians.. and the rest? More political spin.

Maybe it’s me? Maybe my skin is thick and being a kind of farmer who has it so difficult sitting on my butt making a living vs. that rich guy that has no electricity to keep his food and home cool, water to give himself, his family or livestock. Why can’t he be happy? We bring only freedom and democracy (at gun, missile, rocket point), he’s probably only lost 2-3 family members of which only 1-2 are, or were, from his immediate family. Freedom and Democracy handed down from the good Ol’ US of A is almost the same as Jesus forgiving the sins of the world right? Hell, Zionist Israel, and their walling in of Palestinian people on stolen land, don’t even have a Jesus guy, unbelievers! You’d think both nations (Iraq/Afghanistan) would have acquiesced to the great Democratic Empire by now. Sorry, didn’t mean to offend, some can’t imagine Democracy and Empire being in the same sentence. Fear not, you’ll get used to it when you get your head out of your..

There must be something right about the psychology of Middle Eastern people. Thus they are attacked by pathological deviant war/fear-mongering profiteers. You can’t have good, wholesome, healthy minded people running around on a planet under the new psycho-hegemony.

There is a sickness at which I cannot yet even fathom so far as America’s concerned. The mindset of competition; my house, my wife’s boobs, my mans penis, motor home, pool, car.. bigger, better, faster than yours. Gotta outdo the Jones’s. We think “my God is better than you God” without any information as to who or what ‘their’ God/Allah even is. We’ll prove it by killing innocent people indiscriminately. God/Allah don’t seem to be stepping in to stop it. It’s all much uglier than anyone of us can imagine. And why would this God thing do anything to stop the flow of creation to teach a planet of mostly ungrateful insignificant idiots? It doesn’t work for Christians and their Christ, Jews and their Moses. Might as well toss those works out the window, thinking in terms of today’s world and how it is run.

Do you doubt it? Look around we’re at war with two nations that never openly claimed war on us. Do you think these people are cowards who are dying under the occupation? DO you think the Freedom fighters fighting against occupation would stoop to attacking innocent people, especially their own?

911 was an inside job and that may be why 70% of Americans are medicated. Some unconsciously known facts can abuse the conscious mind when it refutes those facts. This can cause severe depression, anxiety, anti-social behaviors etc. ‘Ts’all good have another pill.

Is there a compromise between good an evil, a fence where one can perch and wait to choose which side they will serve? “I’ll just wait to choose when I see which side is winning safely.” What is safe? Is it you watching your TV or the TV watching you? It’s common knowledge that your IP is logged onto a server which knows your every move on the internet. It must be just as simple to do with your cable box you use to change channels or the thing attached to the side of your home or apartment where the TV/cable connection comes in, on its own line.

How bout that National ID? Will it have its own radio frequency to where you can be picked up by a simple scan of that frequency Hz? What would it be like to live in London under all those cameras? Do you know that when you use a bank or credit card that the purchase can be traced to when, what time, what was purchased and pretty much who purchased what? No wonder those club cards have come out at Safeway, Fred Meyers, Albertsons etc.. and are the only way to get a “club discount.” And these companies know your consumption habits.

What’s up with those things that stand beside you as you go in or out of a store? They say they are there to prevent crime. What if they were there to allow any surveillance group/company to trace where you are just by a quick scan of those little strips many carry in their wallet? You know your ID, CC, Club Card and soon your National ID and SS (social security) card? Everyone thinks the big con is coming. Sorry it’s already here.
2 of 4

None of these things touched on the matter which I’m writing to you about. It doesn’t sink through our skulls. We go on living out our Li(v)es and think no further on the above issues. It reminds me of Neo being told not to worry, “have a cookie, by the time you’re done eating it, everything will be right as rain.” But it’s a lie though it was enough to make Neo act. When healthy humans start seeing the truth we can no longer straddle the fence.

The fence is comforting, like warm water, not too hot and not too cold. It’s a passive place where making a decision can be waited upon, by choosing not to decide we make the same choice as continuing to live the lie. Everyone wants to live in pursuit of truth, but our indifference, passivity and fence straddling enables more horrors in the eastern world. Did you think it could be otherwise? If so did you know you’re lying to yourself as you always have? Don’t feel alone, I’m not judging you. I’ve always lied to myself as well. It comes easy, just like fence straddling.

In the movie V for Vendetta we find a person who helps another see through their lies and who is able to speak truth. Not adding any spoilers, here is my account. At a point in the movie a woman knows that she’ll soon be executed for crimes against her government but if she confesses and gives the whereabouts of a certain individual she’ll be freed. She’s tormented and tortured, harassed and interrogated. Finally something snaps and her fear dies and she then lets her Jailor know frankly that he can go to hell, while under the threat of death. Somewhere she got off the fence, or left the side of fear and crossed over a certain reference point and no longer gave into her tormentor. Though still stuck and a slave to the warden of the prison, she was free.

And still I digress from the point. It doesn’t seem I can make it cause we don’t understand each other. Oh, we speak the same language, have similar thoughts and even share several of the same needs and habits but something is different. Like the woman imprisoned in the above referenced movie, I grow sick of the prison, the threats, the lies and the deception. Yet you don’t see a prison at all. I still commit to fence straddling. So far as my Government, I want to give the benefit of the doubt, I want to believe there is still a democracy and that the constitution was anything but the window dressing it is, to condition us with false concepts of freedom, all the while conditioning us to slavery. True freedom is born within as the woman in the movie finds out. It could be said she owes her captor a bit of gratitude but then who wouldn’t lash out at their jailor/tormentor given the slightest chance? Question is, are we aware of our tormentors of the moment, the one(s) constantly attached, internally and externally?

We’re conditioned to think Iraqi’s are not thankful for the sacrifices our men and women (spelled boys and girls) in Uniform make. Why should they be thankful with 1 Million deaths after a decade of deaths during the no fly zone days? These (soldier) kids have not even learned to think and our spoiled brat children leaders think the only way to free a country is beat them into submission, just like a prison inmate is tortured into submission in one of our Government Gulags. True healthy men and women would always seek to compromise, just as a true Democracy would allow a people to govern themselves and not force their political structure on anyone. But due to our vanity and corrupted pride we use force, conjure names of God and use mental archetypes to manipulate the people into accepting the reverse rolls of what these (so-called holy) archetypes represent.

Truth is Jesus never asked anyone to kill torture or humiliate. Enough of the wishfulness and love and light please, we need adult, healthy people to stand up and take the bull by the horns. Love and light isn’t going to amount to anything if it ignores the reality of the ensuing darkness. There is only to Do and Work, whether on oneself or in moving this world back toward hope, those on the fence need to wake up and make a choice!

It’s the most “difficult” thing to do. For four years I’ve struggled with this choice which I’ve yet to describe fully, yet it is only recently that it has come to a focal point. Sometimes hating myself, beating a dead horse over my ignorance, delusions, anger, hatred. There is no humility in being wrong, though we rarely accept when we are, self pride is such a lie, but if we swallow that pride, accept being wrong, we can learn a lesson and grow/change. Have you never made a mistake? Certainly ignorant people will try to make you feel guilty or call you stupid if you do make mistakes. Then there are other people who are accepting on the other hand who will give you a hand up, maybe show you where your error was and move along without even a second thought. They say, “hey, I made that same mistake myself, no biggy.” It’s like learning about anger, does someone out there make you angry or is it that you yourself make a decision to be angry? Again I digress.

What is “difficult?” Figuring out truth. I trick myself, sometimes I get that eureka feeling and go off sharing it with someone and then later realize I found next to nothing. To know truth is not something I yet have, it’s on the other side of what I’m still faced with. That being my egoism, ignorance, lack of patience and several other flaws. I am studying, trying to observe my egoism from the sidelines. Most times it only works in hindsight but sometimes I can catch it live. So I study how my machine works in its reactionary way and Work and learn while awaiting a day where it (ego..) is just an instrument that is not me but a tool, though part of me, not the main (re)actor in my life. Then I can move from living a life of Subjectivity and move toward Objectivity .

At the point where objectivity becomes the larger part of me, maybe mobility will return to something that once was Me before I took on the I’m bigger better faster.. than you lies, in this world of consumerism and economic competition. It is possible but thus far been ‘the most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted.’ None of this is possible without a network of people who are themselves dedicated to the same principals as well as those who’ve come before us. Some of those names include Gurdjieff , Mouravieff , Castaneda and Ouspensky . It would be a lie to imply I know their works through and through, I don’t, but the things I’ve learned on this site the forum and elsewhere have helped me to get to know some of their concepts. I can’t say their concepts are absolutes and perfect, due to my lack of experience, proper mind set etc. They are however not the concepts of superstitious children, but the logic and insights of conscious adults. They are Healthy adult teachers, who are not going to chastise me with fire and brimstone, but give insightful guidance on concrete facts.

There is much to learn. As the female star of the V for vendetta found out truth is not something you can find out in the world. A person can find it even surrounded by four concrete walls in a cell with only a toilet. Truth is born within. From the Fires of our own internal Forge can Led be transmuted into Gold. The Alchemy concept does not seem so far fetched. In some ways I’m still not a man. In some ways there is a spoiled child still willing to fight to get his own way. Going forward at times seems to take some backing up and going over very old past experiences, to understand how my machine came to be as it is and to help remove some rust and repair bent or broken parts.

To stay with the struggle is the only potential. Failure does not seem to be an option. The world cries for real men and woman, while abominable and nasty kids are killing it and Earths good children. Do you see yourself stripped of all that you are and hold dear, man or woman enough to take on such a task? Can you face seeing yourself in the mirror ? I imagine that Jesus dude once asked his disciples a similar question. I don’t ask in terms of being a Christ, I’m far from it, but in terms of Hope, Humanity, Compassion and caring, or in terms of our group Christness, our ability to help each other see ourselves.

We’re born into matter. Is it a matter of choice? I don’t know. I seek to grow away from matter toward spirit. Each layer is another class and each class has a variety of lessons before proceeding. If life then is lessons then there is only learning. Learning comes from having an open and receptive mind. An open and receptive mind is a teachable mind.

In old school (in our time called new age) jargon, it is said “when the student is ready, a teacher will come.”

In summery (since I’ve still not made my point), there is still much left unsaid. I’m going through some changes that seem to be a pooling of all the information I’ve been exposed to here and through researching.
3 of 4

Backing up some. What I started with when writing this, this was the first rough draft. Maybe It will express the point I've still been unable to make. I repeat it here cause maybe I'm getting away from my initial intention in writing all of this.

I live in my security bubble (illusions). Lately there have been a few
occasions when feelings of impending doom, for lack of a better
description, come along. I feel my ego/predator fighting against it..
and reeling back into obliviousness to the external world. Trying to
describe it it's as if my lies (illusions) are dying away and darkness
is coming into my field of view (perception).

"It" fights against it. Is it that I'm working in reverse? Must I
fight against seeing the terror of the situation? I know no better it
seems, yet it's all I've ever done. In terms of climbing the stairs am
I just avoiding the next step? The last few days this has started
coming upon me more often and I just fight it off. It's like a panic
attack with its own accelerator but I (ego..) turn away and don't want
to face it cause.. well, it's scary. Like a part of me is going to be
shredded. It's like a huge wave of emotion, a wall of fear..

Seems pretty obvious to me, I'm being given a choice to either face up
or pack up my little charade and stay asleep. At the same time there
is the fear that maybe I'm going to lose my marbles. There seems to be
a mountain of terror and I can only imagine that on the other side
there is peace and all the fear will subside but by what measure, how
long will I be in terror how much shredding and darkness will there
be? Is this just the predator again fearing for its food loss? Layers
acting to defend layers?

Am I making sense with this?

I don't find myself as being a person with great reflection. Most of
my learning comes from reconditioning at a slower rate, vs. reflective
people who seem to take things in and consider, meditate and think. To
say, I keep moving and use tidbits here and there as I move along not
giving much thought, so it feels like a slam dunk is in the works
where I'm going to have to go through a mental meat grinder. Not to
say this is fact but simply a feeling I have which is also coming from
this mental terror scenario that seems to be coming. Writing this I
can feel heat moving around all over.

Maybe I'm reflective, but I certainly don't give much
thought/meditation to many things.

Can't tell if it is that its (predator..) strength is waning or mine.
Does there come a point where there is a knock down drag out kind of
fight between it and my-self? I really dislike asking such questions
cause rereading it seems like a load of drama but these flashes of
darkness, fear, nausea (again poorly descriptive of what I'm trying to
imply) and the shuttering I/it performs leaves me struggling to cling
to a small fixed point of where I am, what I'm doing, clinging to
my/its mental (self made) reality for dear life.

Now it wanes. It's getting to be more often that it comes and their is
an increase in the time and frequency and how sharp/pressing the
experience is. Should I lay in bed and let it happen? Is there
something in all this I'm not seeing? Would avoiding this (as I have)
be the wrong thing to do? Is it time for a showdown within myself? I
really want to cuss cause I can't express it as well as I'd like. Is
it just a process and it just simmers and it is natural to avoid it
but it will slowly happen?

Any feedback would be very much appreciated.

Other thoughts: Am I over validating the experience putting to much
emphasis on it being at all significant? For example making a mountain
out of an anthill? I've still not let go of some sacred cows, would
allowing this 'seemingly'pending experience help me start a (sacred
cow) meat and poultry company? 8)
4 of 4


Our government can put us in lockdown at the drop of a hat. We’re being milked dry through so many holes it’s like a cartoon character being shot with a shotgun and taking a drink. Lets see, there’s the house payment, insurance (vehicle/home..), electron flow, phone, cable (TV/Internet), oh yeah the car payment. Who could forget about that/those damn credit cards? Did you also want your kid(s) to try out for (ballet, art, science, martial arts, history..) various academic or physical type achievements? Don’t forget to feed the pet(s), the car, the lawn. “Doesn’t get any easier,” the parents say. That is if you haven't dealt with those expense's (mental/physical/economic) at the funeral home.

The economy could be dropped in a day if it was desirable. What are they waiting for, why put it off injecting billions into.. well, a dead horse so to speak. Is it so the other elites of those other nations get their proverbial financial fix on? Just in case of failure? “I’m given’r all she’s got cap’in.” Milking it for all it’s worth! To hell with everyone else! (trying to reference the economy boosts actually just give money back to the ones at the top)

Can you hear the _hit hit the fan? What if one of those stray asteroid/comet/meteor came along, where the hell would all their money, metal, guns and resources put their elite asses then, huh? Are they going to stop a ½ mile slab going 120 kilometers per second (I think it is)?

Well if that’s the case I’m glad I’m not going to end up having to face their version of God with that on my conscience. So much selfishness, jealousy, ultimate greed and childishness. I feel in a way I should have been aloud to be writing this from the moon, mars or other potential planets in our reach. Wonder if I’d been able if Kennedy(s) have filled his/their term(s)? (??Hmm..??) Well, here’s to the greedy, scab, vomit formed, turd burglar brains Occupying the highest office on this planet. If their not identified and tried and found guilty of the goings on of the recent past/present then that last sentence was a toast. If people don’t do something it’s all down hill from here.


We can talk. When you get out and about we can do various things. Pay cash. Avoid being traceable like GPS cell phone (or cell phones at all for that matter). Avoid traceable action as much as possible. Slink along to the rest of the world like your just a part of the MCS (matrix control system). Say things that come to your mind if you can drop a quick political tip and walk away. Like in line paying for that cup of coffee in the morning for example: The cashiers locally get a good laugh out of “How ‘bout that dictator?” Let people know they are not alone in how they feel, that they too can speak openly how they feel. If such situation started getting someone’s feathers ruffled play it off, “OK champ just kidding.” Not trying to burst anyone’s bubble. You will be amazed though at some of the feedback, insight’s or just laughs people are willing to share.

We’ve at least got to give up our fear. It’s wise to do it with humor and yet easy to stay reality based. “It was a long day at work dear, did you happen to hear what the president @#$%ed up today?”

Scared is what they want us to be. Keeping the people reactionary and off balance has been quite effective in turning through the days from scandal to scandal. Could Hugo Chavez get away with such crap right now the way his Government is setup? Hell no the people would hang him by the short hairs. But then he is not a psychopath, fear mongering his people into the fear of speaking their minds, cause he’s got himself a 911. That whole scenario is questionable though of course. The media can’t even hear the cries of the multitude (truth movement, the people, patriots). History in terms of that day stinks to high heaven and I’ll be damned if every niece, nephew, cousin.. family member I have will never not hear me telling and teaching them about it given a situation to discuss it.

It’s unbelievably easy as well to e-mail a friend links to Evidence of revision at Gougle video. There’s no reason that a network of people can’t touch countless numbers. That reminds me about networking.

--------------Getting creative

There’s so much that can be done, so many resources that people can offer, from physical items to Educational creativity. Video is so easy these days with the technologies we have that you don’t even have to get out of your chair if you can produce an image of your own or make collages of images. Put together a chat room with like minded people, in a live setting, a real time setting or simple e-mail.

You can freely broadcast your creativity through flikr, yewtube, gewgle or mispace. You can focus your efforts on single particular cases (911, Anthrax scare, UN fake out about Aluminum tubes, Voting machines, Wars in Iraq..) and write about them, share the information on your own website, on a forum , on your own personalized mispace or yeahoo page, blog etc.. Become the media or a hub, live your protest 24/7.

--------Moving forward

All of this seems to be coming from positive disintegration . Sometimes it doesn’t feel very positive. Growing from long years of subjectivity toward (I’m not there yet) an objective world view seems to take quite a bit of conscious suffering Moving forward I know that I’m where I need to be. The spiritual, political and living environment have set things in motion that have lead me to understanding my current experiences and will/are enabling me to keep moving toward internal freedom. What that means I do not fully know. Taking it in terms of a divine evolution it may mean that my spirit is evolving and growing. Maybe I won’t have to loop through the maze of more lives in this grade of growing away from matter or maybe I’m helping to set into motion my further evolution at this level. It’s hard to say, having no past life memories, or at least having accessed none. It’s not something I really put a lot of focus on past or future since I’m more trying to look at the situation in the present.

I may have contradicted myself a few times, or even throughout the whole of this very brief journal I’m sharing here. From what I’ve learned from many of you and the various links provided (cassiopaea, Quantum Future Group, SotT’s, the glossary etc..) is that all my life reality has been something I’ve shunned. It’s not so much intentional as it is learned behavior (survival techniques, wishfulness, envy..), though I do have intentions (+ & -). It’s just that after some years of studying a percentage of the shared info, quotes etc.. that the possibility of a more objective view is coming into focus as a potential. In that perspective, the conscious suffering, labor of love and all that has been shared is now beginning to bear fruit and this seems to be a good place to share my thoughts and experiences.

As I see through the lie(s) that are my life, I choose to end those lies and live in/by/for truth to the best of my ability, removing my buffers and releasing my sacred cows . Terror may come but I will look at it, see why it is/was, what it is born of. I won’t shudder, excuse or accept it but merely try and see it for what it is. Little to me is more important than seeing reality for what it is. To get started in doing such a thing, I’m going to have to remove my blinders.


Edit: Changed Where to now? above to moving forward. Why? Cause I'm not an Authority on any of the above things, still stuck over here or on the fence. In part 3 of 4 (I think) I referenced Christness like a (group) mindset, yet it is that mindset that is providing continued war and may well (partially be cause to) move us (U.S.) into another. It wasn't exactly intentional, it's a conjuring of an archetype to use as a symbol. Couldn't think of a better reference to use :(. Also in that same section I said networking is needed but in the same (paragraph/topic) area said that a person can be free within four walls of a prison. That should be enough to allow a person to realize that I do not qualify for implying any right to answer to the question "Where to now?"

There's probably several other flaws but those two stuck out for me in my current fixation (mindset). Peace 8)
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