Role of Crypto/Cybercurrencies in the PTB's loss of control?

Bitcoin was created by the CIA.

'But it was the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto who invented Bitcoin!!@#$#'

The meaning of Nakamoto in Japanese:
(one who lives) in the middle, in the centre

Japanese: written 中本 'central origin' or '(one who lives) in the middle'. It is found mostly in the Ryūkyū islands.

The name Satoshi is derived from the Japanese language and carries the meaning of intelligent history.

You can't make this up 😅
So I see it possible that you have become significantly enriched, so your judgment may be somewhat biased or inclined to one side.

Unless someone asks that agency, it's difficult to find out.

Over the last three years my Bitcoin has increased in value 151%.

The oldest Bitcoin I have is in wallets from 2012, but I haven't run the numbers on those. It's probably thousands of percent R.O.I.

My assessment of Bitcoin is based upon facts, reason, and logic, not the fact that it has performed well as a financial investment.

I've enjoyed Conspiracy Research since I first joined online communities in 1983. I would LOVE to find information proving Bitcoin was created by the C.I.A.

I'm a Pariah in the Bitcoin Community because I constantly criticize the direction Bitcoin is heading. C.I.A. origin proof I could show my friends who belong to the BTC-Maximalist Cult would please me a LOT. 🙂
Over the last three years my Bitcoin has increased in value 151%.

The oldest Bitcoin I have is in wallets from 2012, but I haven't run the numbers on those. It's probably thousands of percent R.O.I.

My assessment of Bitcoin is based upon facts, reason, and logic, not the fact that it has performed well as a financial investment.

I've enjoyed Conspiracy Research since I first joined online communities in 1983. I would LOVE to find information proving Bitcoin was created by the C.I.A.

I'm a Pariah in the Bitcoin Community because I constantly criticize the direction Bitcoin is heading. C.I.A. origin proof I could show my friends who belong to the BTC-Maximalist Cult would please me a LOT. 🙂

I don't think there's any detailed trail documented out there that Bitcoin was created by the CIA. There's always been suspicion, but it was basically just the C's that came out and said it. I jumped on the Bitcoin express via Max Keiser early on as well. I tried to buy 10 coins at 13.00 USD, but my useless tech skills and old PC couldn't make a wallet work. A few years later I successfully owned part of one at about 11K a coin, but unfortunately it was on Quadriga and got stolen. I was warned numerous times beforehand to get a Tresor, but didn't listen, so that's on me.

In terms of the CIA angle, I think the connections go back to the original Cypherpunks and some cryptic statements they made about meeting with the CIA and then saying it all got cleared up or something like that. There may also have been some connection to Robert Maxwell's PROMIS software backdooring the whole Internet to the CIA and Mossad early on. Whitney Webb's early work details PROMIS, but doesn't implicate Bitcoin specifically.

You might find this 3 part documentary interesting. The researcher is meticulous in documenting just how Satoshi "arrived" on the scene and all the subsequent speculation as to whom he really is. He goes into the earliest public communications between the Cypherpunks, and the deconstruction of Satoshi's language with one of the other early members who co-incidentally was prominent before Satoshi, disappears while Satoshi is on the scene, and then re-appears after Satoshi disappears. Part of this has to do with the battle over the "Forking" in the code.

It makes sense to have a mythical "King Arthur" mysteriously vacant from any later BTC communications, because if the real human was revealed, it would put a target on his head and any movement or statement he made would create toxic volatility.

The Most Mysterious Man On The Internet - Pt.1
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It makes sense to have a mythical "King Arthur" mysteriously vacant from any later BTC communications, because if the real human was revealed, it would put a target on his head and any movement or statement he made would create toxic volatility.

The Most Mysterious Man On The Internet - Pt.1

"Satoshi" staying anonymous was a wise choice.

We are currently seeing Bitcoin Developers arrested and thrown in prison by the U.S. Department of Justice.

They are even extracting non-U.S. Citizens from overseas and extraditing them to the U.S. for imprisonment.

Thank you for the video J.T !

I added it to my YouTube "watch later" queue for Sunday when I have time to watch it.

watch later.jpg
Whitney Webb's early work details PROMIS, but doesn't implicate Bitcoin specifically.

I love Whitney! and have her books. I think Jan Irvin turned me on to her about 10 years ago. I follow everything she does.

My research on Bitcoin aligns with hers. It shows that Bitcoin has been co-opted by the Banking Cabal.

Bitcoin has two choke-points for control; (1) the Bitcoin Developers who write the code, and (2) the Miners who choose which version of "Bitcoin" to run.

The International Banking Cabal is slowly gaining control of both.

They control Developers by choosing which Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIP's) to fund. They also pay to censor discussion on social media of BIP's they do not want, and pay to Brigade for BIP's they do want.

They control Miners by paying Legislators to enact regulations which enforce the "Economies of Scale" law. Basically, they make so that only giant mega-corporations or Nation States can mine Bitcoin at a profit.

Miners set the fees for transacting in Bitcoin. Their goal is to increase fees from the current $3 - $30 per transaction to thousands of dollars per transaction.

This changes Bitcoin from a Currency normal people can use into a "Store of Value" that only mega-corps and Nation States can use for million dollar transactions.

Small fry like me will be priced out of Bitcoin because our measly $100k bags will become "Economically Unspendable UTXO's".

The trick is to cash out when the math says we've achieved the maximum R.O.I. we're ever going to get. Depending on your bags, I estimate is that will occur in about 7 - 10 years.

Here's a video from a couple of years ago explaining how Bitcoin was co-opted:

Here's a video from last week where Whitney details to current state of using digital currencies to enslave humanity:

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One of the most obvious clues towards CIA involvement

How does Bitcoin benefit the C.I.A. ?

Bitcoin is a non-private, public ledger where anyone can see who is sending money to whom.

It's a currency that can't be inflated.

The historical record on the Bitcoin blockchain is forever. It cannot be altered or forged.
The broad use and public acceptance of crypto is benificial to the PTB: the CIA is just an asset. The implementation of BTC is just one of the steps in the proces of overall shift from physical silver and gold towards total control through a cbdc. Something that is foreseen for centuries. It kinda amazes me how the believers are not able to see this BTC-project is a perfect timed step/instrument to help accomplish the end goal of the PTB: total control on all aspects of life.

It simply could not be the other way around. If it truly is a rogue and renegade technique created to empower the people, not a single multinational, banque, exchange, global institution would be involved. By now it is quite clear the entire game is rigged: how can btc be an acception? Thinking BTC is an exception, with all the information this forum is about (to me) is akin to cognitive dissonance.
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