Although I gotta admit, the novels have really given me insite into why women act and respond the way they do. In fact, their thinking processes, as well as their physiology, are markedly different from men.
Yeah, it's rather obvious there are visible physical differences, but the subtle complexities and nuances in their responses when communicating with men is downright fascinating.
So, imo, it behooves us guys to try and understand these lovely creatures that the DCM has blessed us with. And these novels, written as they are by and for women, are an ideal resource.
As well, they have helped me understand what I need to work on, even at my age-74-to be able to more fully relate to all women, at whatever age, in a positive and higher spiritual way, to be more externally considerate, by my physical appearance:
grooming, diet, exercise, manners, etc. Iow, to be a manly man.
Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now. Fwiw.