Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work

Actually I have an honest question. What is the reasoning in reading these series of novels? If anyone can help with this question I would appreciate. This way, I have an understanding because the time given is dearest. Perhaps with some foundational reasoning I can realize something I haven't. The stories maybe valued in another way I'm not aware of.
Actually I have an honest question. What is the reasoning in reading these series of novels? If anyone can help with this question I would appreciate. This way, I have an understanding because the time given is dearest. Perhaps with some foundational reasoning I can realize something I haven't. The stories maybe valued in another way I'm not aware

Perhaps you need to reread Laura's first post in this thread? She explains it in detail.
Yeah, I guess these things got a bit out of fashion even in the "noble class" LOL. If you want to read a bit about what the descendants of our beloved dukes and earls (and the wannabe-descendants from the bourgeois class too) are up to today, I can warmly recommend "The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook: The First Guide to What Really Matters in Life" (remember Sloane square from the books?). It is not only about clothing, and it's extremely funny. It also features Lady Di as the archetypical Sloan Ranger. (Although it is from the 80ies and postmodernism has made its inroads even into that milieu since then...) It's a great book to read to understand this milieu and learn to recognize them :)
Nice, and thanks for that.

Now I checked on .ca (hardcover) and the book costs near the price of a pair of Hessian Boots, and those are smart hand tooled leather boots to ⚖️ the price against ;) The soft cover was 1/4 that.
Had read the stores of the three sisters Huxtable.

Enjoyed them a lot, especially as the families grew with new husbands and their children after running the gambit of shedding their fears and finding their truer natures. As the families grew, they also became unified as one. The last story with Margaret was very interesting.
Well, if reading is stirring stuff up, then it is doing what it should do. Only when things are stirred up can one deal with them effectively.

One hint I will give at this point is this: the books are designed to stir up the sex center; to engage some emotional suffering (Cs said suffering can modify DNA and that might be even more the case with some sexual energy fuelling the process); and then bring the two (sex center, emotional center energy) up into the heart/mind with appropriate resolution toward true love, giving, devotion, etc.

Once I saw this pattern, I realized that a substantial number of repetitions of this process, all within the body/mind could quite easily bring about some kind of reset of emotional energy at a higher level.

And it seems to me that those who are most uncomfortable with the process may indeed need it the most. Especially since, as already mentioned, we are in a period of "hyperkinetic sensate" where it seems that even ordinary emotions are amplified.

You could even say that this kind of reading - selected books only - is something like neurofeedback only for the emotions; it can quite possibly transmute lower emotions to higher ones.

There is more I will say about it later. I'm still waiting for some of you to "get it".

Perhaps you need to reread Laura's first post in this thread? She explains it in detail.
This extra hint from Laura is good too.
Actually I have an honest question. What is the reasoning in reading these series of novels? If anyone can help with this question I would appreciate. This way, I have an understanding because the time given is dearest. Perhaps with some foundational reasoning I can realize something I haven't. The stories maybe valued in another way I'm not aware of.

Rolae, is English your first language? If not, what is?
Oh I understand I witness while reading. Shifting awareness polarity? Came as mind illumination/ sheets of rain. So there is something occuring at the subconscious within. I guess it's reading despite not relating. Passive state, so that what I'm reading creates a world of its own accord. I've done this with an alchemical text. It's no wonder why the distractions at shelters are so great when I read. So I had a thought. Many of them get plug into along with this whom authoritatively wear these mask. Seems that they are Israeli programs. That get them active into control. The energies of the ptb are so desperately totalitarian.
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So far I've been able to avoid such stupid ploys of mask wearing. Navigating this world of thought control and avoiding where external identification with mask wearing. I was surprised by the magnitude of ignorant sleepsheeps here in the U.S. How many just go along with the lies. My apologies for incorrect spelling and grammar. As my lifestyle is on the go.
I understand a little more what Paul meant when he said. " To be in the world, but not of the world". Name Jesus for me is out since so many use that name to comfort their lies. Given the amount of machines and sheep's I will never give so much as a social talk as I have. This covid lie has exposed so many as authoritarians and of not having will of their own neither common sense, proliferating the lies and hysterical self-importance among others. This world of people not too far from the trash bin from which so many are so sure of their beliefs, reassuring each other to be so closed minded. This goes for every race. Really does come down to the individual choice.
So far I've been able to avoid such stupid ploys of mask wearing. Navigating this world of thought control and avoiding where external identification with mask wearing. I was surprised by the magnitude of ignorant sleepsheeps here in the U.S. How many just go along with the lies. My apologies for incorrect spelling and grammar. As my lifestyle is on the go.

Please note that your three latest replies are not related to the thread you posted on. There is a more appropriate thread to talk about the masks. Like this one. There are others. It would be more considering toward the members of the forum if you would be more attentive, and despite "being on the go" (or especially because of it), would make sure to pay attention, write in a clear and understandable manner, and also on the appropriate threads. It will make the communication and sharing much more optimal!
The speaking you in my position. It's a common phrase " "being on the go". For many this means a vehicle. I not have such motor mechanics. On foot accompany much stress, physical exhaustion and aches; wear and tear. The culmination of my comments does not equal anywhere close to wearing a mask. That was mentioned in only two comments. I suppose the culmination that occupies the vast majority of people daily routine is the complying of an involuntary choice on their part. I must have offended and triggered the protective m instinct of persons mollycoddle cosset as if it were their personalities being criticized. However Madam, I read every one of the words you so chose to express and will take heed not to discuss anything outside the context of this thread and social discussion.
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The speaking you in my position. It's a common phrase " "being on the go". For many this means a vehicle. I not have such motor mechanics. On foot accompany much stress, physical exhaustion and aches; wear and tear. The culmination of my comments does not equal anywhere close to wearing a mask. That was mentioned in only two comments. I suppose the culmination that occupies the vast majority of people daily routine is the complying of an involuntary choice on their part. I must have offended and triggered the protective m instinct of persons mollycoddle cosset as if it were their personalities being criticized. However Madam, I read every one of the words you so chose to express and will take heed not to discuss anything outside the context of this thread and social discussion.
Rolae, this is out of context for this thread.
Try to write your post in a more simple way, like trying to explain something so a little child. People ( including me ) have difficulties to understand what you want to say. Take your time, get your thought calm, and start writing you post in so word editor. Save the text. After a while come back to the text and read it, Make a grammar check, and see if the text is simple enough so that everybody can understand it. After that, you can post it. One carefully written post has much more value than a few barely understandable posts.

The forum is for networking, and networking can be done only if we can understand each other.
Your posts are not easily understandable. It will be understandable to write like this if your first language was not English, but since it is, can you put some extra effort while writing your post and make more understandable and more coherent text that has a better flow so to say.
Finished the second book in the Mackenzie series. This one was even better than the first one. Nice story, very dynamic, and all the time something is happening.
The main characters have their own issues and a lot of them. The story is a great example of how a male and female couple in a romantic relationship can achieve much more than if they were alone.
That love, that dynamic in their relationship, the need to love and to be loved, the need not to hurt the loved ones has enormous power to change people.
We can see the change that happens in both main characters and it is their consciousness suffering just to become better persons.
These new transformed " better persons" can give to its other part, to its partner much more than the old automated and programmed old persons could.
And all this is achieved through consciousness suffering and huge faith that one day when they will win their personal internal battles and will be together in a new reality that is much better than the old one.

I just love this book. Now I think I am getting a glimpse of a real understanding of why Laura started this romantic novel reading exercise.
Going on with the next one in the series.

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