I started a few months ago to read the romance novels and it has been so refreshing and given me a some welcome uplifting reading while working.
Finished the second book in the Mackenzie series. This one was even better than the first one. Nice story, very dynamic, and all the time something is happening.
The main characters have their own issues and a lot of them. The story is a great example of how a male and female couple in a romantic relationship can achieve much more than if they were alone.
That love, that dynamic in their relationship, the need to love and to be loved, the need not to hurt the loved ones has enormous power to change people.
This was the series I started with though I stopped after the fourth book to sample some other others. Like you Konstantin, I have really enjoyed them and they all have a detective story woven into the romance which is taking place.
We can see the change that happens in both main characters and it is their consciousness suffering just to become better persons.
Exactly. The stories are written like the hero's journey. The characters, the four Mackenzie brothers are all rough diamonds, yet through love (initially physical love), they make a conscious effort to become better, more expanded human beings worthy of being called men. They are aided by the female protagonists along with some honest words from their fellow brothers. One of the key elements as I see it, is the willingness to confront those hurts in the past and this happens by talking and feeling the hurt and pain which has been buried. The female characters are good poignant listeners is this unveiling. Even if these characters become larger than life at the end of the books like mythical heroes then it is also encouraging the readers to redeem some of the flaws in us.
Though I mentioned the development of the male characters, it is clear that the female characters also go through a transformation equally worthy of the heroines journey. They appear mostly to be very down to earth characters, who by having grown up in some tough conditions have learned a thing or two, which means they are not blown over by glamour of the rich Mackenzie brothers.
Afterwards, I read Mary Balogh' courting Julie trilogy, which I found very encapturing.
So I found tears, laughter, sadness, joy and much more coming from these books and they have helped me look back to previous relationships and see things in a different light.
I thought that reading these books might also activate something akin to the idea proposed in the Original Bioquantics or H2O, which Chu and Laura talked about in a session.
Q: (L) So, back in July we went to Paris to this paranormal conference. Ark met this fellow who has put together this healing method, for lack of a better term. But he doesn't say that he does any healing. He says he just helps tune your body so that you do your own healing. He says it connects you to the information field so that you can acquire the information you need into your energy field so that healing takes place. He had some kind of strange name for the method... What was it?
(Chu) "Original Bioquantics"
Q: (L) Okay, so there are these little devices that are being used. First, the inventor was calling them filters because they're kind of like little round filters for a camera. They involve the use of little bits of gel film as used to be used in the early days of color photography. Then he decided that filters might not fit, and that he wanted to call them “tuners”.
(Chu) Harmonizers.
(L) Harmonizers, okay. So what is it about these "filters" that makes them respond - that is, harmonize and detect or whatever they are doing?
A: It is not the "filters" it is the practitioner.
Perhaps reading these novels are doing something similar and as we read them and reflect on our past, our systems harmonize. Just like suggested with the filters and photograps, that they could activate and heal past trauma perhaps also of past lives.
Q: (Joe) What's special about the pictures?
A: About any place on the planet has an energy signature that can be captured by photographs. Any person with a multiple incarnational history can respond to any number of such photos. In a large enough collection you are bound to get some hits. You can expand the photo collection yourselves.
In other words, perhaps some of these novels also produce a hit due to our multiple incarnational history as we are bound to have experienced some lives which match to a certain extent with what the romantic novels depict. This would explain why some stories touch more than others for different people. Anyway this is just a hypothesis.
Currently on to book number 12, which is the Regency Romances, with Merlin and 'Mr. Duke' as key characters. Some very funny descriptions and I am looking forward to work tomorrow where I will have a chance to read some more.