Saw something on this in Russia the other day, but this seems to make it seem like a much bigger operation to 'cleanse' the country of 5th column addictions.... I highlighted in blue a rather important point IMO, which is how these policies are inserted in the first place, make it easy access, cheap, etc.
Previous MSM stories on this: from 9/08/15:
from 9/16/16:
It seems that the fight for the 'soul' is at work, as most of the sheeple are easily led astray... very easily... too easily and these ops are so cheap, especially when done globally by western friendly 5th column types. All that energy will soon have to be redirected elsewhere... hopefully the Kremlin has considered how to handle this redirection of energy.
I'm not surprised to hear so little of this in the western mainstream media, as it is targeting our social subversion policies... to weaken the targeted enemy/prey... to 'soften them up' for further steps down the ladder. Some people simply can't handle any of this distractive stuff, some are easily addicted to most anything... perhaps it's a 'hole' they need to fill, and as long as their country is led by western friendly puppets, the game will play out to fill that hole with the programs that better condition them for later 'service', like a mass mind Monarch mind programming exercise.... the 'soft sell'. ;)
Mod note: Thread title changed to ward off Google listing it as a porn site
=== really did ban porn
I waited to comment on this until the MSM actually admitted it. It is still not being allowed to be huge news, but Russia really did ban porn. On top of that, Russia has released a huge team of trolls to bash anyone who argues about it online into oblivion. Here are the details, which you probably can't find covered in one spot and this is not a "rumor".
Russia has banned every single porn web site that does not require an identified log in to access. The MSM is focusing on Pornhub and Youporn, but as it turns out, the real deal is that ALL OF IT is blocked except for porn sites that require paid membership with log in, (and maybe those are gone next).
The reason Russia cited was that all of the major porn sites did nothing to prevent children from accessing porn. However, anyone with a modicum of sense knows that if you block free and easy access to anything, it will plummet straight into the trash. By blocking access to web sites that allow free and unfettered access to porn, Russia can drop porn viewership by 90 - 95 percent, because a vast majority of the population will never set up an account to access it, let alone pay for it.
This is good news for Russia as far as I see it
Having Putin stand behind a porn ban pretty much throws in the towel for anyone who claims he is a closet Jew. Jews are the prime providers of porn, and if Putin made this move, it strongly indicates he really is Christian. And the fact that an army of trolls has been employed to cover this topic just takes it a step further.
MORE IMPORTANTLY: If Putin banned easy access to porn, it would strongly indicate that he really is hoping for God to save Russia in an upcoming military apocalypse. I see this as a clear move by the Russian government to prepare their nation for a war they believe is inevitable. Putin is smart enough to know that moral deprecation can drive a nation straight into the trash, and is doing what he can to protect Russia from a Jew inflicted aemoral invasion and (hopefully) get the approval and support of a very real God.
The Western media is playing this down, and is for the most part only saying access to TWO porn sites was cut off. And Western media seems to be trying to avoid the topic altogether. They can say they told the truth by saying Russia blocked two web sites, because if Russia blocked 50, any number from 1 - 49 is also true. And that speaks volumes.
Why is the media avoiding this topic? Answer: Because if Russia made this move, it will normalize acceptance of the concept that porn really might no be so great after all. And that will blunt one of the Jew's favorite weapons. Best to not mention it, because it might cause people elsewhere to change behaviors also.
Previous MSM stories on this: from 9/08/15:
from 9/16/16:
It seems that the fight for the 'soul' is at work, as most of the sheeple are easily led astray... very easily... too easily and these ops are so cheap, especially when done globally by western friendly 5th column types. All that energy will soon have to be redirected elsewhere... hopefully the Kremlin has considered how to handle this redirection of energy.
I'm not surprised to hear so little of this in the western mainstream media, as it is targeting our social subversion policies... to weaken the targeted enemy/prey... to 'soften them up' for further steps down the ladder. Some people simply can't handle any of this distractive stuff, some are easily addicted to most anything... perhaps it's a 'hole' they need to fill, and as long as their country is led by western friendly puppets, the game will play out to fill that hole with the programs that better condition them for later 'service', like a mass mind Monarch mind programming exercise.... the 'soft sell'. ;)
Mod note: Thread title changed to ward off Google listing it as a porn site