Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Соединенное Королевство и американской пропаганды бдительный
Business Insider UK

On Thursday, Russia grounded it's entire fleet of Su-27s, believed to be more than 300 planes, after a jet from the Russian acrobatic team crashed and killed the pilot.

The latest incident follows a string of deadly accidents which continues to underscore Russia's military maintenance and modernization woes.

In March, Russia withdrew the majority of their best pilots from Syria even though they had "left some important military tasks unfinished," like encirclement of Aleppo, as Jeff White, a defense fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told Business Insider previously .

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin's withdrawal from Syria, Russian planes have carried out a number of high profile stunts, including simulating an attack on the USS Donald Cook and pulling "top gun stunts" over a US recon plane that was performing a routine patrol over the Baltic sea in international airspace.

What's more, Russia's new T-50 (aka PAK FA) was seen flying over Crimea for Aviadarts, the Russian version of Red Flag, a US-led air force exercise that trains fighters in realistic scenarios.

The flight of the T-50 over Crimea came off as especially brazen due to Russia's illegal 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. And while the tactic was perfect for propaganda purposes, the jet doesn't hold up to closer scrutiny.

The fact is that the T-50, the first truly new airframe designed in Russia for some time, has been plagued by difficulties in its development. Russia routinely touts the plane as being a "fifth generation fighter," but as IHS Jane's notes, it's a fifth generation fighter in name only.

The design fails to adequately integrate the avionics and integrated stealth characteristics that typify true fifth generation platforms like America's F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II.

The T-50 failed to impress at a Singapore air show, and India was so unimpressed with the T-50 that they decided to shelve their version of the fighter, citing failing engines and high costs.

Instead, it is likely that the T-50 flying over Crimea was another flashy move done for propaganda purposes, to show that Russia has an advanced and powerful air force, despite evidence of the contrary.

Mean While
Apr 26, 2016
A Vietnamese fighter jet is missing after vanishing from radar during a training flight along the South China Sea coastline.

Vietnamese Fighter Jet Missing in the South China Sea

We haven’t found the jet yet, we are still looking," according to Senior Lieutenant General Vo Van Tuan, deputy armed services chief of staff.

The aircraft is a Sukhoi Su-30 MK2, and was flying some 30-40 km off the coast of Nghe An province. The reason for the disappearance is unknown.

State-run Tuoi Tre news reported that a fisherman in the area identified as Le Van Cuong saw a jet fighter crash near an island just off the coast. The paper also reports that rescuers found traces of oil near the island.

Vietnam has experienced a number of military mishaps in recent years in relation to its aging military hardware. Two helicopter crashes in the past two years have killed 24 people.

Hanoi has attempted to modernize its military in light of ongoing tensions in the South China Sea. Beijing’s construction of artificial islands in the region has angered Vietnam and other territorial claimants in the region, though China maintains it has every right to build within its own territory and that the islands will be used primarily for humanitarian purposes.

Informed sources disclosed that the top treasury official of the ISIL terrorist group in the capital of the self-proclaimed Caliphate has left the city for an unknown destination with a large amount of cash.

Syria: Top ISIL Treasury Official Escapes from Raqqa

Local sources said that Hatim al-Utaybi, a Saudi national, has stolen the entire money, gold and other precious jewelry of the Takfiri group and has left Raqqa for an unknown destination.

Military sources said last week that the Syrian Army troops and popular forces' rapid advances and their race towards the ISIL-held city of Raqqa from different directions testifying that the ISIL was on the verge of a complete fall in Syria.

The top commander of Hasaba (the ISIL monitoring-security system) in the town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo was killed in heavy fighting with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), informed sources said Tuesday.

Syria: Senior ISIL Security Official Killed in Clashes with SDF near Manbij

Abu al-Haja, originally from the village of Owseh Jeli, was killed in clashes with the Kurdish-led SDF fighters in the village of Hod Hod one kilometer to the East of Manbij.

Heavy clashes are underway in Hod Hod that have claimed the lives of scores of the terrorists so far.

Reports said earlier today that the SDF won more clashes against the ISIL near the strategic town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo and captured more territories in the region.

Еhe Russian Defense Ministry reported that a group of about 100 heavily-armed al-Nusra Front militants have arrived in the past 24 hours in a Syria-Turkey border area in Latakia province.

Some 100 Heavily-Armed al-Nusra Front Militants Arrive in Latakia Province

A group of about 100 heavily-armed al-Nusra Front militants have arrived in the past 24 hours in a Syria-Turkey border area in Latakia province, the Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday citing local witnesses.

"According to residents of the Kbana settlement in Latakia province, about 100 al-Nusra Front terrorists with heavy weaponry have arrived in an area near the Syrian-Turkish border," the ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website.

Germany started deploying troops to the Northern part of Syria on Tuesday to help the Kurdish fighters in the battle against ISIL in Aleppo province, media reports said.

Report: Germany Deploys Troops in Northern Syria

"The German troops have been deployed near the besieged town of Manbij," the Arabic-language service of the Russia's Sputnik news agency reported today.

It is for several days now that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) comprising mainly of Kurdish forces have laid siege on Manbij town.

The SDF fighters struck the ISIL strongholds in Northern side of the town of Manbij and pushed the Takfiri terrorists back from the village of Hatabat and its surrounding farms on Tuesday.

The ISIL left behind at least eight members dead and several more wounded and fled the battlefront under the heavy fire of the SDF fighters.

Military sources also announced that the SDF fighters have engaged in an intense battle with the ISIL from several directions, including the village of Qanat al-Qarreh South of Manbij, to approach the town's entrances.

Earlier reports said on Tuesday that the SDF, comprising mainly of Kurdish fighters, won more clashes against the ISIL near the strategic town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo and captured more territories in the region.
Backups never fail until you REALLY need them.

TWELVE YEARS of US Air Force complaints lost in database crash

The US Air Force Inspector General is investigating the corruption of around 100,000 investigation records, and presumably someone's asking hard questions about backups.

Corruption in the database happened last month, but has only just come to light after both the USAF and Lockheed Martin threw in the towel on trying to recover the data.

Defense One says Lockheed Martin notified the Air Force after it spent two weeks trying to recover the information.

The Automated Case Tracking System had data dating back to 2004 on complaints, investigations, appeals, and freedom of information requests, covering everything from waste and fraud to sexual harrassment.

Defense One also reports criticism by Senator Mark Warner (Democrat, Virginia) that the Air Force only provided a “five sentence notification to Congress” about the crash, five days after service leaders became aware of the problem.

As well as the historical record, current investigations are being delayed because of the database disaster.

Some of the lost information might be duplicated in individual bases where documents were first filed (which would give an army of DBAs the forlorn task of cataloguing everything that might be lost against everything that might be recoverable, and taking the resulting list to the boss).

An Air Force statement reported by Defense One and C4ISR and Networks reckons the USAF is “aggressively leveraging vendor and DoD capabilities to attempt to recover the lost data and determine the severity of the loss”.

The Register speculates “aggressively leveraging” the vendor's capabilities conceivably covers things like yelling at various veeps, using lots of capital letters in e-mails, and sending copies of contracts off to lawyers. ®

Saudi Arabia’s deputy crown prince, who is also the country’s defense minister, is heading to Washington DC on Monday, amid a scandal over the release of information providing the possible links of members of the Saudi royal family to 9/11, along with tensions over oil and the Iran deal.

Amid Tensions Over Iran Deal, 9/11-Links, Powerful Saudi Prince Visits DC

Prince Mohammed, 30, who is King Salman's son and third in line for the throne, is said to be visiting Washington to engage in talks with US officials regarding "strengthening bilateral relations and discussing regional matters of mutual interest,” the Saudi Press Agency said in a statement. Mohammed is the main voice behind the “Vision 2030,” a plan to move the Saudi economy away from reliance on oil.

The Saudi government recently threatened to sell off US investments if the Senate passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, promoted to simplify the process for families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia and other foreign sponsors of terror. President Barack Obama promised to veto the bill should it pass, likely due to the fact that a Treasury Department report in May revealed that Saudi Arabia holds some $116.8 billion in US debt.

The bill was passed but an amendment was added at the final moment by Senator Charles Schumer, granting the attorney general and secretary of state the power to stop any litigation against the Saudi government.

It is unclear how long the Prince will remain in the United States. He is accompanied by a ministerial delegation including Finance Minister Ibrahim al-Assaf and Commerce and Investment Minister Majid al-Qasabi.

t was billed by Riyadh’s state media as a trip for Saudi Arabia’s powerful deputy crown prince to meet with President Barack Obama and other senior U.S. officials. But now that Prince Mohammed bin Salman has arrived in Washington, it’s still unclear if the president or any White House officials will meet with him, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.

After U.S. Arrival, Saudi Prince Remains Off White House Schedule

“No confirmation at this time for any WH meetings,” White House spokesperson Dew Tiantawach told Foreign Policy.

The absence of any scheduled meetings with even National Security Adviser Susan Rice is fueling speculation among Gulf experts about a diplomatic snub. It comes amid sharp policy differences between Washington and Riyadh, and unease among U.S. officials about overplaying alliances with the 30-year-old prince, who some view as locked in a power struggle with the older Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef.

“Very unusual for the Saudis to come out saying he is meeting with Obama and White House not confirming it,” said David Ottaway, a Saudi expert at the Wilson Center in Washington. “They certainly knew he was coming.”

If the White House needed a diplomatic excuse to bail on the younger prince, who also holds the title of defense minister, it could easily and understandably claim to be more immediately focused on last weekend’s deadly shootings in Orlando, where Obama will travel Thursday to express support for the victims. But U.S. officials have remained mum about the scheduling standoff. “We’re not going to comment on conjecture,” said Tiantawach.

Prince Mohammed will meet with top State Department and Pentagon officials as he promotes plans to overhaul the Saudi economy, the world’s biggest oil exporter. He will also travel to California for meetings with Silicon Valley executives.

The Saudi royal court said in a statement that Prince Mohammed would seek ways of strengthening bilateral relations with Washington, which have taken a sharp downturn in recent years. Riyadh wants the Obama administration to more aggressively confront its archrival, Iran, for what Saudis describe as undermining its Arab neighbors.

Riyadh is also a chief backer of Sunni rebels who are trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in that country’s five-year civil war. Saudi Arabia wants the U.S. to provide more sophisticated weapons and support to the Sunni militants.

As NATO dramatically increases its presence in Eastern Europe, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter are pushing alliance members to provide more money to the cause, repeatedly citing consistently-debunked claims of “Russian aggression.”

Citing 'Russian Aggression,' NATO Urges Members to Contribute More Money

"There has never been such an amassing of hostile military force on Russia’s Western frontiers since June 1941, when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, and that’s the way the Russians see it," Professor Stephen F. Cohen said in a recent interview with The John Batchelor Show.

This massive buildup requires money, and officials are worried that some aren’t paying enough to sustain NATO’s increasingly aggressive appetite.

"For the first time in many years, in 2015 we registered a small increase in defense spending amongst European allies and Canada," Stoltenberg told reporters on Tuesday.

Stoltenberg has been working with Carter to rebalance the alliance’s budget. The US currently provides 75% of the NATO budget, a dramatic increase from 50% in 2001. To convince the other 27 alliance members to increase their own contributions, the US and NATO have routinely trotted out the red herring of a Russian threat.

The alliance has also pushed to add new members. Sweden has considered membership and Finland may purchase its own fleet of F-35s, Lockheed Martin’s beleaguered next-generation fighter jet.

But NATO’s current members do not seem entirely convinced by the argument.
During the NATO exercises on the training ground in Lithuania will be thrown out of the 400 troops

VILNIUS, June 15 -. RIA Novosti In the framework of large-scale military exercise "Iron Wolf-2016" at the site Gaižiūnai (Jonava district) on Wednesday, participants will conduct maneuvers on the air landing operation, according to the Defense Ministry press-service of the Lithuanian.

"At the landfill will be thrown Gaižiūnai paratroopers of the 400 soldiers of the allied countries," - said in a statement.

The active phase of the exercise will begin the military from the 173rd Airborne Brigade of the US Army and the intelligence unit of the Lithuanian army. Ground support will have a military of the 291 th battalion land of Germany, air - USAF strategic bombers B-52. At the same time, according to the scenario, it pops division battalion level in the landing area, which was created on the basis of the Danish Armed Forces.

"Later, the battle group will proceed to the offensive, and the German military will focus on defense," - says the ministry.

At the landfill Gaižiūnai, as well as in Kaunas, Jonava and Kėdainiai districts 12-21 June maneuvers "Iron Wolf" participate 2,7 thousand military personnel from seven NATO member countries: Denmark, the US, Lithuania, the UK, Luxembourg, France and Germany . The first part of the international exercise "Iron Wolf" is held at the site named after General Silvestrasa Žukauskas (Švenčionys district) near the town of Pabradė 6-16 June. In the first part of the maneuvers 1.9 thousand Lithuanian soldiers together with 400 military National Guard under the United States and Poland rehearsed to redeployment to designated assembly area, carried out intelligence operations, offensive and defensive actions.

International field tactical exercise "Iron Wolf-2016" (Iron Wolf-2016), are part of a large-scale NATO exercise in the Baltic countries under the leadership of the Armed Forces Command of the United States in Europe Saber Strike-2016, which involved about 10 thousand soldiers.

The US intends to send more warships to East Asia

MOSCOW, June 15 -. RIA Novosti United States are going to send more warships to the coast of Asia to perform a variety of missions, reports Reuters with reference to its source.

Details about the order and timing of the transfer of the agency not reported.

Strategic and International Studies Center expert Greg Poling noted that, in his opinion, the Navy sent additional forces is part of US President Barack Obama's plan to establish an equilibrium in the region, the agency reports.

In China and some countries - Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines - have differences over maritime boundaries and areas of responsibility in the South China and East China Seas.

At the end of November 2013, Beijing announced the creation of the disputed islands in the area air defense identification zone. China requires that planes flying through the area, reported on its route, and radio frequencies.

US authorities regularly accuse Beijing of militarization of the South China Sea. At the same time, Washington insists on its right to "fly, swim and work wherever permitted by international law." Both sides have periodically carried out in the region demonstrate military presence. Earlier, in April, the US has already sent to the region destroyer USS Spruance and USS Momsen.

Tokyo is concerned about the Chinese ship entering the territorial waters of Japan

TOKYO, June 15 -. RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka Japan gave China its concerns in relation to the setting of military intelligence ship China in its territorial waters, said at a press conference in Tokyo, Deputy Secretary General of the Government of Japan Hiroshige Seco.

"Around 3.30 pm (21.30 MSK on Tuesday) -scout aircraft P3C maritime self-defense force recorded in Japan's territorial waters near the island Kutinoerabu reconnaissance ship naval fleet in China, who moved to the south-east. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Embassy in Japan was expressed concern at sunset reconnaissance ship of China in the territorial waters of Japan, after the appearance of a warship of the PRC in the contiguous zone (near the territorial waters - Ed.) in the Senkaku islands area last week and the general strengthening of the activities of the military Chinese ships "- Seco said.

He also noted that after about half an hour the ship got out of the territorial waters in the south of the island of Yakushima, and continued to move south-east.

Last week, Japan found China's military ship in the contiguous zone of its territorial waters near the Senkaku islands in the area (the Chinese name Diaoyu), which China disputed affiliation in Japan. Warship China came here for the first time, which caused a sharp reaction of the Japanese - Chinese ambassador in Tokyo was summoned to the foreign ministry at 2 am.

Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) are the subject of a territorial dispute between China and Japan. Japan maintains that occupies the island since 1895, in Beijing resemble that of Japanese maps 1783 and 1785's Diaoyu labeled as Chinese territory.

After World War II the islands were under the control of the USA and Japan were transferred in 1972. In Taiwan and mainland China believe that Japan holds the Islands illegally. Japan believes that China and Taiwan claim the island began with the 1970s, when it became clear that their water area is saturated with minerals.

Netanyahu: Israel Will 'Never Accept' Palestinian State, End of Settlements

The Israeli Prime Minister caved to hardliners in his own administration in renouncing his support for a peace plan that he initially boasted about.

Only two weeks after lauding the Arab Peace Initiative for its "positive elements" and calling it a basis for "constructive negotiations," Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu capitulated under pressure from his far-right government, saying on Tuesday that the country would "never accept" the initiative as a basis for peace talks with the Palestinians.

Netanyahu claimed that the deal contained, for him, both positive and negative elements. The "positive" elements, according to the Israeli leader, were the sections in which all Arab nations normalize ties with Israel. The "negative" part was expecting Israel to end its occupations, recognizing the existence of the Palestinian state.

The Israeli Prime Minister stepped away from peace negotiations after the country’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked stated, "As long as we are in the government, there will be no Palestinian state, there will be no settlement evacuations and we will not give any land to our enemies."

The UN special coordinator for the Middle East Nikolay Mladenov peace process declared one day later that Justice Minister Shaked was “killing hope” for peace, calling the comments by the official particularly distressing as they came, "a day after encouraging signs by the prime minister."

The influential Justice Minister called for genocide of Israel’s Arab neighbors on July 1, 2014, via Facebook, saying, "the entire Palestinian people are the enemy, including its elderly and its women, it cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure," and that, "they are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads."

The Israeli official quickly deleted the posting, but only after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared her to Hitler, commenting that "if these words had been said by a Palestinian, the whole world would have denounced it."

Netanyahu faces pressure against coming to terms with the Palestinians from new hardline Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who is on the record suggesting that the country engage in a nuclear strike on Palestinian occupied territories, and has said that he "will not support any peace deal that will allow the return of even one Palestinian refugee to Israel."

The Israeli Prime Minister appears to be a victim of his own hardline cabinet and changing domestic political realities in his country, but that has not stopped rancorous condemnation throughout the world for his sudden about-face on the Arab Peace Initiative, with many viewing it as a move to once again pull the rug out from under constructive discussion.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault criticized Netanyahu, saying, "I know that I haven’t persuaded you yet, but the train has already left the station," and pledging to continue with the peace initiative regardless of Jerusalem’s objections. Israel now seeks a UN Security Council veto from the US to block the French plan.

Israel cuts water supplies in West Bank amid heat, Ramadan

Israel has cut water supplies to major areas in the north of the occupied West Bank amid sweltering heat and the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

Reports on Wednesday pointed to the move by the Israeli water authority Mekorot, which has affected tens of thousands of Palestinians.

They listed the targeted areas as the municipality of Jenin, several villages in the Nablus area, and the city of Salfit and its surrounding villages.

Ayman Rabi, the executive director of the Palestinian Hydrology Group, was quoted as saying on Tuesday that in some areas, people had not received water for more than 40 days.

“People are relying on purchasing water from water trucks or finding it from alternative sources such as springs and other filling points in their vicinity,” he said.

“Families are having to live on two, three or 10 liters per capita per day,” he added.

The United Nations has said an average person would need to consume 7.5 liters of water per day.

The Israeli move to cut water supplies comes as summer heat waves have shot the mercury up to 35 degrees Celsius at some places across the occupied territories.

Jenin Mayor Ragheb Al Haj Hassan said that the water had been cut off without prior notice. “Residents suffer badly in this hot weather and at this time of Ramadan.”

“Israel and Israel only is responsible for the water cuts as agreements signed with Israel clearly state that Mekorot should provide the northern areas of the West Bank with their needs of water,” he said.

In 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank, East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip, but withdrew from the enclave and laid siege to it in 2005.

Ever since the occupation, Tel Aviv has been enforcing restrictions on the amount of water supplied to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
Russia has notified foreign states about the start of the current snap drills as a gesture of goodwill and cannot be accused of the violation of international agreements on transparency of military activity, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

Russia Refutes Accusations of Violating Int'l Treaties With Snap Drills

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg earlier claimed that Russia's snap military drills 'undermine transparency and predictability' of military activities.

"None of the Russian military exercises, including snap drills, violates international agreements or treaties that stipulate prior notice of such events," ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

NATO claims that Russia is violating mechanisms of military transparency in Europe are an attempt to raise anti-Russia sentiment in order to increase the Alliance's military spending, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"The degree of Russophobic hysteria has been sharply increased by some representatives of the Alliance ahead of the NATO summit in Europe. It is obvious that the true purpose of these statements on the 'Russian' military threat is intentional boosting of panic and maintaining of the image of a treacherous enemy, fighting which requires bigger military budgets," ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered large-scale snap drills to test battle-readiness of Russia's Armed Forces. The inspection will also assess how smoothly the army, local authorities and military enlistment offices can organize a field mobile command and control centers.

Meanwhile, NATO is conducting large-scale military drills in Poland codenamed Anakonda. According to the country's president, these exercises are aimed at demonstrating primarily to Russia the country's and alliance's strength and readiness to protect the borders.

Russia will not be dragged into a confrontation with the United States, European Union or NATO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday.

Russia Will Not Be Dragged Into Confrontation With US, NATO, EU - Lavrov

Moscow sees continued attempts to exert pressure on Russia and launch an anti-Russian campaignaimed to force Moscow to abandon its stance on global issues, Lavrov said.

"We do not intend to give into attempts to drag us into a confrontation, not with the United States, not with NATO, not with the European Union. Clearly, confrontational habits and fruitless geopolitical games only impede efforts to achieve sustainable global development and generate crises like the one in Ukraine," Lavrov told Russian lawmakers.

"We see continued attempts to exert pressure on us, to launch an anti-Russian campaign with the goal of forcing us to abandon our fundamental moral approach to world order problems. There is a clear desire to patch up transatlantic discipline on our expense, at the same time undermining Russia's position as a competitor in the energy and arms markets."

Lavrov said that Russia will be able to ensure the security of its citizens under any circumstances.

"No one should doubt that under any circumstances we will ensure the security of our country and our citizens."

Damascus condemned the presence of French and German special forces in the north of the country, SANA reported Wednesday, citing a Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs source.

'Overt Aggression': Syria Blasts Presence of French, German Special Forces

Previously, local media reported that dozens of German special forces personnel entered the territory of Syria, joining the French and US forces participating in the operation in the city Manbij in the Aleppo province.

According to the SANA news agency, the source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Syria strongly condemned the presence of French and German special forces the areas of Ayn al-Arab and Manbij, considering it a flagrant violation of the principles of the UN Charter and "overt unjustified aggression" against the sovereignty and independence of the country.

There are no German troops or advisers present on the Syrian territory, a German Defense Ministry spokesperson told Sputnik on Wednesday.

Germany Denies Reports of Bundeswehr Special Units Deployed in Syria

On Tuesday, Al Mayadeen television channel reported that dozens of German special forces troops entered Syria, joining French and US troops that are participating in a military operation near the city of Manbij in Aleppo province.

Following the news, Syrian state SANA news agency reported that Damascus condemns the presence of French and German special forces in the north of the country, citing a Syrian Foreign Ministry source.

"There are no Germans troops in Syria, not at all. No advisers, no troops, nobody," the spokesperson said.

"There are no special forces deployed [in Syria]. We do not have any units there," the Defense Ministry spokeswoman said earlier at a press briefing, adding that she could "firmly deny these claims" on behalf of the ministry.

Moscow restaurant Dr.Zhivago in the center of the Russian capital stopped accepting Visa and MasterCard cards, switching to the Russian national Mir payment system.

Moscow Restaurant Dumps Visa and MasterCard, Switches to Russian Mir System

Dr.Zhivago guests can pay their bills in cash or by using Russian Mir cards, the Vedomosti newspaper reported.

The Mir national payment system kicked off in Russia on April 1, 2015. The system was created after Visa and MasterCard had ceased to serve the cards of some Russian banks because of the US sanctions imposed on Russia amid the conflict in Ukraine.

According to Dr.Zhivago owner Alexander Rapoport, the Mir system is one of the main Russian products which needs to be supported.

Russian bank Sberbank will start issuing Mir cards in early fall.

June 11, 2016 – Following an evaluation of credit card transaction fees in Canada and the rest of the world, we have concluded the fees applied to Visa credit card purchases remain unacceptably high.

Walmart Canada Statement Regarding Visa Credit Card Purchases

Walmart’s purpose is to save customers money so they can live better. We are committed first and foremost to this purpose, which requires us to keep costs as low as possible.

To ensure we are taking care of our customers’ best interests and delivering on our promise of saving customers money, we constantly work to reduce our operating costs, including credit card fees. Unfortunately, Visa and Walmart have been unable to agree on an acceptable fee for Visa transactions. As a result we will no longer accept Visa in our stores across Canada, starting with our stores in Thunder Bay, on July 18, 2016. This change will then be rolled out in phases across the country.

To keep prices low we continuously assess opportunities to lower our operating expenses. Walmart Canada pays over $100 million in fees to accept credit cards each and every year. Lowering costs such as these is necessary for us to be able to keep our prices low and continue saving our customers money.

Customers will continue to be able to use other forms of payment including cash, Interac debit, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

We sincerely regret any impact this will have on our customers who use Visa and remain optimistic that we will reach an agreement with Visa.

Argentina’s ex-minister of public works was arrested on Tuesday as he tried to bury 8.5 million in dollars and other currencies in a hole dug on the territory of a monastery just outside Buenos Aires, La Nacion Internet portal reported.

Red-Handed: Argentine Ex-Minister Nabbed Trying to Bury Hoard at Monastery

Caught red-handed, Jose Lopez attempted to bribe law enforcement who had arrived at the scene after being alerted by an anonymous caller about a stranger throwing bags onto the property early Tuesday.

After the police officers turned down the offered bribe, the former Public Works Secretary told the nuns that police had tried to steal the money he was trying to donate to the monastery.

Police discovered wads of US dollars, euros, Japanese yen and Qatari riyals in more than 160 packages stashed inside the bags.

Jose Lopez served as Public Works Secretary from 2003 until 2015.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee said it was “deeply disappointed” in the Obama administration’s opposition to increased missile defense funding for Israel, weighing in on an issue that is apparently obstructing U.S.-Israel talks on renewing defense assistance.

AIPAC Criticizes White House for Opposing Boost in Israel Missile-Defense Funding

“We are deeply disappointed that a June 14 ‘Statement of Administration Policy’ on the defense appropriations measure has criticized Congress for funding U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation,” the lobby said Tuesday of the White House in a statement.

Missile defense is at the center of disagreements between Israel and the United States in talks aimed at extending the overall defense assistance package. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared newly amenable on Wednesday to Obama administration demands that missile defense cooperation be wrapped into the package.

The Obama administration included in its criticism of the increase in funding for missile defense cooperation a statement of policy opposing the U.S. House of Representatives version of a defense spending bill. Among a litany of objections in its six pages, the administration statement opposes adding $455 million to the $145 million the administration has already budgeted toward missile defense.

The administration statement does not explain its opposition, but notably where the statement says , “the Administration opposes the addition of $455 million above the FY 2017 Budget request for Israeli missile defense procurement and cooperative development programs,” comes immediately after a slam on the House for cutting $324 million from separate U.S. ballistic missile defense programs. That suggests that the administration may hope to leverage missile defense cooperation with Israel in order to restore funding for the U.S. programs.

Administrations, both Republican and Democratic, have traditionally low-balled funding for missile defense cooperation with Israel, which is considered separately from the defense assistance budget, currently about $3 billion a year. Congress then adds funds to the programs, which allows lawmakers to accrue chits with the pro-Israel community. An administration explicitly opposing the increase in its statement of policy, however, seems unprecedented.

Administrations, both Republican and Democratic, have traditionally low-balled funding for missile defense cooperation with Israel, which is considered separately from the defense assistance budget, currently about $3 billion a year. Congress then adds funds to the programs, which allows lawmakers to accrue chits with the pro-Israel community. An administration explicitly opposing the increase in its statement of policy, however, seems unprecedented.

“On a bipartisan basis, Congress has increased funding above administration requests this year, as it has done for well over a decade,” AIPAC said Tuesday. “These cooperative programs—including the Arrow, David’s Sling, and Iron Dome—are critical for Israel’s defense against a growing array of missile threats and make an important contribution to U.S. missile defense programs. We applaud Congress for consistently supporting these key programs, and urge their full funding in both the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization and Appropriations Acts.”

The Obama administration statement threatened a veto if the House version of bill came to the president’s desk unaltered; it did not say the president would veto the bill if some components were removed and others remained.

Another factor in the contretemps could be the talks underway now with Israel to extend the Memorandum of Understanding guaranteeing Israel defense assistance. Both the Americans and the Israelis want to increase the annual level of assistance from $3 billion to close to $5 billion, but the administration wants to wrap into that the missile defense cooperation funding, while Israel wants to keep it separate.

For the Israelis, keeping the missile defense cooperation out of the overall defense package allows them to negotiate each year for different levels of funding, which they say should be considered on an as-needed basis, subject to instability and threats in the region. The Obama administration, like others before it, prefers to keep Congress as far away from its defense spending considerations as possible,

In a statement Wednesday refuting Israeli press claims that the Obama administration is considering a cut in assistance, Netanyahu appeared amenable to including missile defense cooperation as part of the overall package, as long as there is an overall increase in its funding.

“In the wake of numerous misleading reports, the Prime Minister’s bureau would like to clarify there has been no cut in American assistance,” he said. “There is an internal debate between Congress and the White House on the size of the annual supplement to the missile defense program. Prime Minister Netanyahu is working to anchor this supplement as part of the discussions on the assistance agreement for the next ten years. Not only will security assistance for missile defense not be cut, it will be increased.”

Netanyahu has come under pressure in Israel recently to conclude a deal before Obama leaves office. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has said she is commited to the defense package for Israel, but Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has suggested that Israel should pay for its assistance from the United States.

The Trudeau government is considering a request to commit hundreds of troops to eastern Europe and take part command of a new NATO force being assembled to deter Russian aggression.

Canada considers European troop commitment as CSIS warns Russia is 'mobilizing for war'

Canada's participation in the Baltic operation was discussed Tuesday by the military alliance's defence ministers, including Canada's Harjit Sajjan, at a meeting in Brussels.

This comes just days after the Canadian Security Intelligence Service quietly released an open-sourced global security analysis warning, among other things, that the hard-line policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin are becoming more deeply entrenched and that Moscow is retooling its military for a fight.

The U.S., Britain and Germany publicly committed to the force on Tuesday, but federal sources said that while Canada has not yet made a decision, an answer could come soon and that Canada "supports what NATO is doing in the region."

Up to 4,000 troops are envisioned for the force, but the number coming from Canada, along with the type of equipment and vehicles that would be involved, is still being assessed.

The federal cabinet is expected to meet again on Wednesday but it is unclear whether the NATO request is on the agenda.

At the moment, just under 200 Canadian troops are involved in a massive drill — Exercise Anakonda — alongside Polish, Turkish and American forces near a base in Poland.

The Harper government committed Canada to a regular rotation of ground forces for exercises under the NATO's Operation Reassurance banner following Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea.

But the new proposal goes a step further with the creation of four battalions, which would rotate through bases in eastern Europe and the Baltics, and be on standby for emergencies.

The contingent would be backed by NATO's highly mobile, 40,000-strong rapid reaction force.

Baltic states could be overrun Federal sources said Tuesday that it's not been decided where Canadian troops might be based, although published reports in Europe, quoting diplomatic sources, offered up two possible locations Poland or Latvia.

The Rand Corporation, a non-partisan U.S. think-tank, released a report last winter suggesting the proposed NATO force would simply be a speed bump for the Russian army should fighting take place. It said the Baltic states — Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania — could conceivably be overrun with 60 hours unless the West was willing to station several, heavily armoured brigades in the tiny nations.

Even before the contingent is finalized, political leaders in the Baltics have privately complained it is too small, according to published reports in Europe.

The request by NATO and the U.S. to fill one of the four slots took some in Ottawa by surprise, where the notion wasn't on the radar as little as two months ago, said one source with knowledge of the file.

It is expected the government will signal its intentions before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau goes to the NATO leaders summit in Warsaw next month. (Article continues.)
Romania Will Propose Multinational Black Sea Brigade at NATO Summit

Romania will propose the creation of a multinational brigade for the Black Sea region at NATO’s upcoming summit in Warsaw, Poland, Romanian Ambassador to the United States George Cristian Maior said on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The Black Sea brigade would be based on the concept of the rotational multinational brigade to be deployed to the Baltic states and Poland by 2017, Maior explained.

"Taking into account the upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw, the idea put forward by Romanian and other allies [is] to create a multinational brigade based on this headquarters which is located in Romania for reinforcing the southern part of the eastern flank," Maior stated at an Atlantic Council forum on Black Sea security.

"Romania is willing to put resources into this [multinational brigade]," Maior noted, adding, "I think this will add to the overall concept of a certain deterrence in the wider Black Sea area."

After Tuesday's NATO defense ministers’ summit, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that the alliance agreed to deploy four multinational battalions to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. The ministers also agreed on measures to enhance defense and deterrence in the Black Sea region.

NATO has been bolstering its military presence in Eastern Europe and the Black Sea since the outbreak of the conflict in southeastern Ukraine in April 2014, in response to what it considers to be Russia's aggressive foreign policy.

Russia has repeatedly dismissed the Ukraine-related accusations leveled at it, warning that increased NATO activities near the country's borders could undermine regional and global stability.

Thaw or Confrontation: NATO 'Divided' Over Policy Toward Russia

A split between NATO members is becoming more and more visible now over the alliance’s further steps towards Russia, French defense analyst Arnaud Dubien said in an interview with L’Humanite.

As the NATO summit in Warsaw is approaching the alliance is ramping up its hostile rhetoric against Russia. Some members, like Poland and the Baltics, continue to insist that the "Russian threat" is real thus further deepening tensions.

However, some countries, particularly Germany and France, have insisted that the upcoming summit does not make significant changes to the principal NATO goals.

"Berlin and Paris are pushing the idea to establish a new council within the Russian-NATO framework. Thus, German and France are drifting away from Cold War era rhetoric which has prevailed in global politics after the Ukrainian crisis broke out," Dubien underscored.

At the same time, as NATO members, Central and Eastern European countries, the Baltics, and Poland are pushing for a firm diplomatic response from the alliance, the analyst said.

Poland wants to get rid of the 1997 agreement between Russia and NATO which band deployment of permanent military bases near the Russian border.

These countries defend their vision of the NATO policy to pressure European political institutions.

According to Dubien, currently the mechanism of decision making within the European Union is dominated by the Western model. This why there is no serious opposition to the deployment of US air defenses in Poland and Romania.

The analyst said that Russia sees NATO's expansion as a threat to its national security. However, Russia has responded adequately to each step of the NATO buildup along its borders.

Moscow Slams NATO-Kiev Talks on Increased Military Presence in Black Sea

Moscow is concerned about NATO-Ukraine discussions on Kiev's role in the Alliance's increased military presence in the Black Sea region, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said Wednesday.

GENEVA (Sputnik) — Earlier in the day, Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said Ukraine was discussing potential participation in the NATO buildup in the Black Sea.

"We are closely following this discussion and hope that it will not bring about an increase in risks in the region. We reserve the right to take adequate counter actions against that," Karasin told RIA Novosti.

The deputy minister stressed that Moscow was gravely concerned about the possibility of Kiev joining the NATO Black Sea force.

NATO has been bolstering its military presence in Eastern Europe and the Black Sea since the outbreak of the conflict in southeastern Ukraine in April 2014, in response to what it considers to be Russia's aggressive foreign policy.

Russia has repeatedly dismissed the Ukraine-related accusations leveled at it, warning that increased NATO activities near the country's borders could undermine regional and global stability.

Lavrov: Russian operation in Syria ruined extremists’ plans to create foothold in region

According to Lavrov, Russian President Vladimir Putin put forward an initiative at the UN in September 2015 to create a broad antiterrorist front based on international law under the UN aegis

MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. The Russian Aerospace Forces by their operation in Syria frustrated the extremists’ plans to create a foothold in the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday at the government hour at the State Duma lower house of parliament.

According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin put forward an initiative at the UN in September 2015 to create a broad antiterrorist front based on international law under the UN aegis. "In support of this initiative, our Aerospace Forces present in Syria at the request of the country’s authorities, together with the Syrian government troops and militias frustrated the extremists’ designs to create footholds in the strategically important Middle East region," Lavrov said.

According to him, "It took the Western partners some time to realize the seriousness of challenges of the Islamic State (IS) Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations (outlawed in Russia) and the need to coordinate their efforts with us. "Nevertheless, we have managed to advance in organizing the practical work," the Russian foreign minister said. "Russia and the United States have formed the International Syria Support Group (ISSG), the United Nations have made decisions to approve a comprehensive plan that includes the tasks to stop hostilities, ensure humanitarian access to the suffering population in blocked areas, promote the political settlement process without preconditions and without any outside interference."

"Russia will continue to pursue proactive, independent, responsible policies, based on the rule of international law and collective methods of solving international problems with the central role of the UN.".

Duma speaker: US attempts to sever ties between Russia and Europe futile

The Russian top official has noted that deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation might find themselves under US sanctions just like their colleagues today

MOSCOW, June 15. /TASS/. US attempts to sever ties between Russia and European countries turned out futile, Russian State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin said on Wednesday.

"All US attempts to sever ties between Russia and European countries turned out futile," Naryshkin said. "Despite barriers put up by the European Union on the orders of others, we see movement toward restoring contacts in the economic and political spheres. European parliamentarians not only talk in favor of lifting restrictions on the path of cooperation with our country, but also vote for corresponding resolutions," he added.

"Even German Chancellor [Angela Merkel] remembered about her adherence to the concept of common space from Lisbon to Vladivostok," he concluded.

Russia’s unity cannot be crossed out by anti-Russian propaganda

According to Naryshkin the unity of Russia and its historical victories cannot be crossed out by anti-Russian propaganda.

"Yes, we also sustain losses, but Russia’s unity and historical victories cannot be crossed out by anti-Russian propaganda," he said.

"The results of the Crimean referendum cannot be rewritten, just like two-and-a-half centuries of its history as part of Russia cannot be forgotten," Naryshkin noted.

One foreign expert "noted that two-and-a-half centuries is almost the period of time compatible with the time of existence of the United States of America," the Duma speaker added. "That’s why they should not teach us or our European partners, we will figure it out by ourselves," he stressed.

"Without Russia, the European family of peoples is unthinkable," Naryshkin concluded.

Deputies of State Duma of 7th convocation may find themselves under US sanctions

The top official has also noted that deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation may find themselves under US sanctions just like their colleagues today.

The deputies of the sixth convocation "achieved serious results in parliamentary diplomacy together, Naryshkin said reminding that only around 10 days are left before plenary sessions end. "We acted not only professionally but also in good conscience. The main thing is that we relied on the opinion of our citizens," he stressed.

"If someone overseas still dreams that it will be different in the State Duma of the seventh convocation, they should start making new black lists right away that will include candidates to the State Duma of the seventh convocation. I am deeply convinced that most of them love Russia, and that’s precisely what people will vote for on September 18," Naryshkin noted.

Western sanctions, Russian response

The West, inspired by the United States, subjected Russian officials and companies to the first batch of sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, after Russia incorporated Crimea in mid-March 2014 after a coup in Ukraine in February that year. New, sectoral, penalties against Russia were announced in late July 2014 over Moscow’s position on Ukrainian events, in particular, what the West claimed was Russia’s alleged involvement in hostilities in Ukraine’s embattled south-east.

Russia responded with imposing on August 6, 2014 a ban on imports of beef, pork, poultry, fish, cheeses, fruit, vegetables and dairy products from Australia, Canada, the EU, the United States and Norway. The Russian authorities have repeatedly stressed that Crimea reunified with Russia voluntarily after a referendum and that Moscow is not involved in hostilities in the south-east of Ukraine.

Air Force Chief: US will not transition to joint air strikes with Russia in Syria

We still are operating through the memorandum of understanding, US Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh said

WASHINGTON, June 15. /TASS/. Chances are slim that the United States will start delivering joint air strikes with Russia in Syria, US Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh told TASS on Wednesday at a Defense Writers Group breakfast.

"Right now I don't envision that," Welsh said answering a question on whether US will transition to joint air strikes with Russia in Syria. "If there was that discussion, the decision that came out was not to do joint air strikes," he added.

"We still are operating through the memorandum of understanding," he noted. "We are still doing the daily coordination from the operations center with the Russian military. That seems to be doing fairly well in terms of deconfliction," Welsh continued. "It's something I know that General CQ Brown there pays a lot of attention to every day as he tries to keep air operations running. Because deconfliction, communication, the ability to pick up a phone and say ‘what's going on’ is immensely helpful in an effort to avoid any kind of misunderstanding," he stressed.

"So, we'll just continue to do what we've been doing, it's been fairly successful to date. But I don't see joint operations any time in a near future," Welsh concluded.

Refusal to pool efforts will only escalate conflict

Meanwhile, Sergey Rudskoy, the chief of the main operations department of the Russian Armed Forces’ General Staff, said on May 27 that the United States’ refusal to pool efforts with Russia to repel militants in Syria will only escalate the conflict. He reminded that on May 20 the Russian side invited US partners to pool efforts to deliver strikes at positions of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist groups in Syria.

"The answer we received from the United States, despite the positive assessment of our measures, envisages no joint actions against terrorist organizations, which may entail further escalation of the armed conflict," he said.

The proposal on joint air strikes against terrorist in Syria was voiced by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. Pentagon however turned down the invitation and refused to coordinate actions with the Russian defense ministry.

Issue not removed from agenda

However, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said at the end of May that Moscow is not removing from agenda the prospect of possible joint airstrikes with the United States at terrorists in Syria.

"We have not rejected this prospect," the high-ranking diplomat said. "From the very beginning we said that May 25 is not an ultimatum date, this time was set judging from operative situation that was seen in a whole number of areas in Syria, first of all in Aleppo," he said.

"Therefore in the interests of advancing the process towards stabilization certain actions of Russia’s Aerospace Forces on suppressing gunmen of Jabhat al-Nusra (terrorist organization banned in Russia) were somehow delayed but we have not rejected this prospect, we have not given it up," Ryabkov said.

A ceasefire regime brokered by Russia and the United States on February 22 officially came into effect in Syria at midnight Damascus time on February 27. This does not cover terrorist groups such as Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, both outlawed in Russia, and other groups recognized as terrorist by the United Nations Security Council.

Terrorist Groups' Arms Cargo Seized by Syrian Army in Sweida

The Syrian army stormed the ISIL convoy of military vehicles near Kou Hadar region in Northern Sweida and seized the convoy's cargo.

There were a large volume of weapons and ammunition, including Israeli-made ones, in the convoy heading to the Western desert.

Several members of the ISIL were also killed in the Syrian Army's attacks.

Last week, the Syrian Army troops hit ISIL's centers and gatherings hard in Northeastern Sweida, inflicting major losses on the militants.

Tal Ash'heib region was the scene fierce clashes between the Syrian government forces and the ISIL terrorists.

The ISIL suffered a heavy death toll and its military equipment sustained major damage in the rapid attacks of the army.

Israel to build new illegal settler units in East al-Quds

Israeli municipal authorities have issued the permission for the construction of new illegal units for settlers in the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

The project to construct a three-story building for Israeli settlers in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan, located on the outskirts of the Old City of al-Quds, was approved on Wednesday.

The new illegal building will go up near the illegal Beit Yonatan settlement building, which was constructed in 2002. Currently, 10 Israeli families live in the unlawful dwelling despite court orders to evacuate and seal there.

Wasel Abu Yousef, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), condemned the approval of the construction project.

The Tel Aviv regime “is moving forward to implement its program to bring Israeli settlers and settle them in the place of the Palestinian residents to change the demographic situation in the Holy City," Abu Yousef said.

Israel's anti-settlement Peace Now group also announced that local Palestinians plan to appeal against the Israeli municipal authorities’ decision.

Over half a million Israelis live in more than 230 illegal settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, including East al-Quds.

All Israeli settlements are illegal under international law. However, Tel Aviv has defied calls to stop the settlement expansions in the occupied territories.

The occupied territories have also witnessed heightened tensions since August 2015, when Israel imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds in an alleged bid to change the status quo of the holy Muslim site.

At least 213 Palestinians have lost their lives at the hands of Israeli forces in what is regarded as the third Palestinian Intifada (uprising) since the beginning of last October.
US patience in Syria is running thin: Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Russia on Wednesday that US patience on the Syria conflict and the issue of President Bashar al-Assad’s fate is “running out.”

“Russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite, in fact it is very limited with whether or not Assad is going to be held accountable,” Kerry said during a visit to Norway.

“We also are prepared to hold accountable members of the opposition” who have been involved in continuing violence, he said after a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif.

“It is very clear that the cessation of hostilities is frayed and at risk and that it is critical for a genuine cessation to be put in place. We know that, we have no illusion,” Kerry said.

“This is a critical moment and we are working very. very hard to see if we can in the next week or two come to an agreement that has a capacity to more fully implement a ceasefire across the country and deliver humanitarian access in a way that then provides for a genuine opportunity to bring people to the table and start talking about a transition,” the top US diplomat said.

US tells Russia: Our patience on Syria ‘very limited’

US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Russia on Wednesday that US patience on the Syria conflict and the fate of its President Bashar al-Assad was running out.

“Russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite, in fact it is very limited with whether or not Assad is going to be held accountable,” Kerry said during a visit to Norway.

Speaking to the Oslo Forum on conflict resolution and mediation, Kerry said the truce “may not succeed” and that Russia, in particular needed to exert more pressure on Assad to respect the ceasefire and allow aid deliveries.

Kerry also spoke of the challenge of combating extremist groups and terrorism, while rejecting claims that the world is engaged in a “clash of civilizations” between the West and Islam.

“No, this is not a clash of civilizations, this is a struggle between civilization itself and barbarism, between civilization and fundamental raw political exploitations and mix of medieval and modern fascism, together at the same time,” he said.

Earlier on the same day, the top US diplomat also met his Iranian counterpart visit to the Scandinavian state, to once again discuss Tehran’ complaints that it’s not getting the sanctions relief it deserves under last year’s landmark nuclear deal.

Kerry also raised the importance of Iran using its influence with Syria’s government to ensure humanitarian aid deliveries and respect a fragile truce with moderate opposition groups. He said later that the truce was “frayed and at risk” and that it was “critical for a genuine cessation of hostilities to be put in place.”

He indicated that U.S. patience with Syria and its Russian and Iranian allies was wearing thin.
The Russian Defense Ministry said that a 48-hour "regime of silence" will be enforced in the Syrian city of Aleppo starting June 16.

48-Hour 'Silence Regime' in Syria's Aleppo City Starts June 16

A 48-hour "regime of silence" will be enforced in the Syrian city of Aleppo starting June 16, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

"On the initiative of the Russian side, a “silence regime” will be introduced in the city of Aleppo for 48 hours on June 16 in order to reduce the level of armed violence and stabilize the situation," the ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website.

The world rejoiced after the generous humanitarian, with more money than 2/3 of the world’s countries, provided survival advice to those in extreme poverty, and then Bolivians told him what they really think.

Bolivia Flips Bird to World’s Richest Man, Reject Bill Gates’ Charity Hens

Last week, Bill Gates, listed as the world’s richest person, with a net worth in excess of some $79.4 billion, turned heads when he proposed that those living on less than $2 per day should invest in chickens, fancying that he could heroically survive such an austere life of extreme poverty.

In a piece titled, "Why I Would Raise Chickens," the tech magnate, who earns more per year in interest alone than the poorest 45 countries in the world, lectured humanity’s most economically-depressed on surviving hardship.

Wealthy American liberals heaped praise on the mega-billionaire for his humanitarian mission, without asking how people living in extreme poverty, in societies with endemic corruption and a constant threat of violence, would feed their flock.

On Wednesday, the Bolivian government stepped up to express that the world is not too pleased with Gates vision of economic empowerment, rejecting a hen donation by the entrepreneur.

"How can he think we are living 500 years ago, in the middle of the jungle, not knowing how to produce?" Bolivian Development Minister Cesar Cocarico told journalists. "Respectfully, he should stop talking about Bolivia."

The software mogul’s plan to eliminate Bolivian destitution in one fowl swoop, pun thoroughly intended, in reality falls very short of the mark, with the philanthropist vowing to donate just 100,000 hens to poverty-stricken countries, essentially a $500,000 publicity stunt on the backs of the world’s most economically-exploited people.

Bolivia, without assistance from Gates, produces 197 million chickens annually, and has the capacity to export 36 million hens, the poultry producing association for the country said.

Scientists from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Scientific Collaboration have for the second time in history detected gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein, the Moscow State University said Wednesday.

LIGO Scientists Record 2nd Gravitational Wave Signal in History

The gravitational waves, or ripples in space-time, were detected from the collision of two black holes.

"During a press briefing held simultaneously at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the American Astronomical Society in San Diego, scientists from the LIGO collaboration have presented another piece of evidence in support of Einstein's theory on gravitational waves, they were registered by both LIGO detectors located in Livingston, Louisiana and Hanford, Washington," the MSU said in a statement.

The first gravitational wave signals were detected in February. LIGO Executive Director David Reitze said that the signal of two colliding black holes producing gravitational waves was picked up on September 14, 2015, by two LIGO detectors in Louisiana and Washington states.

"The second detection of gravitational waves from merging black holes by LIGO detectors is very important. The foundation for gravitational-wave astronomy is becoming ever more solid and reliable," Valery Mitrofanov, who heads one of two Russian groups in the LIGO collaboration, said.

The black hole collision, which took place some 1.4 billion years ago, released an amount of gravitational energy equivalent to one solar mass, according to LIGO. The detectors recorded the last 27 black holes' rotations around each other before the merger.

According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, two black holes orbiting each other lose energy as they send out gravitational waves. As a result, the two bodies approach each other over a billions of years, ultimately speeding up and colliding into a single "black star" and emitting gravitational waves.

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration includes over 1,000 scientists from 15 countries, including Russia. Some 90 universities and scientific research centers are taking part in the project, with around 250 students also contributing to the work.

The country's first wide-angle telescope AZT-33 BM will be able to see any space boulder the size of the Tunguska meteorite a month before its collision with Earth.

High-Tech Telescope for Dangerous Asteroids Detection Launched in Russia

At the Sayan Observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, trial operation of the first wide-angle telescope in Russia has started.

The AZT-33 VM telescope with a field view of 2.8 degrees was built in St. Petersburg by optical corporation JSC “LOMO,” with the assistance of the Siberian Branch of RAS and Roskosmos.

The new telescope will be able to view any asteroid or comet from thousands of miles away before their collision with Earth.

“This is the first tool of its kind in Russia, a world-class telescope, very powerful. It will be able to detect distant objects that threaten Earth,” news website Izvestia reported Boris Shustov, scientific director of the Institute of Astronomy as saying.

“Within just 30 seconds the telescope can get information about an asteroid of 50 m in size and at a distance of one astronomical unit — 150 million km. This means that the telescope will be able to view any object from that distance, parameters of which could be comparable to the Tunguska meteorite,” Shustov further said.

He explained that the shortest time of approach of such bodies to Earth from a distance would be one month in its worst scenario. But usually it would be able to predict objects years ahead. That is, it would be possible to detect potentially dangerous bodies long before they approach the Earth.

The danger of asteroids and comets has been under discussion on a regular basis for many years, including at the UN and other international organizations.

The adequate means for detection of dangerous bodies has only been developed on a theoretical level. The first real experiment on the impact of an asteroid is scheduled for the beginning of 2020 with asteroid Didim and its companion Didimun.

A spacecraft will be sent to try and change the orbit of Didimun which in theory will change the orbit of Didim — an asteroid with a diameter of 780 m.

The joint NASA and the European Space Agency experiment will assess the effectiveness of the “ramming method” not earlier than by 2023, given the fact that the ramming process is scheduled for 2022 and will require more time to evaluate changes in the orbit of Didim.

According to Boris Shustov, in order for AZT-33 telescope to have its capabilities fully realized, it is necessary to acquire further equipment worth about 500 million rubles.

“Wide field means a large receiving surface. In the Sayan observatory currently lays a small detector, there should be at least 20 of these to cover the entire surface. Then it will be possible to observe a huge area of the sky at once,” Izvestia reported Shustov as saying.

“According to my calculations, for the purchase of the necessary parameters of detectors we require about 500 million rubles, in order for the telescope to work at its full capacity. This must be done to bring the enterprise to a full result,” Shustov said.

Matrices provide a powerful part of the cost of today's wide-angle telescopes that can be called the most powerful digital cameras of today. The PS1 telescope project Pan-STARRS records observations at 1.4 billion pixels.

Within the framework of the Federal Space Program for 2016-2025, Russia plans to create an automated warning for hazardous situations in near-Earth space. As part of this project, it is planned to carry out the development of technology and software to detect threats to Earth by celestial bodies.

It will also allow for the creation of a hardware-software that can create complex simulation scenarios and countermeasures that could help protect Earth from the dangers of comets and meteorites. Hence, it is necessary to develop the hardware and software systems for collection, processing and analysis of data.
Russia Offers EU Comprehensive Revision of Bilateral Relations - Envoy

Russia has offered the European Union a comprehensive revision of bilateral relations and is waiting for the conclusion of EU internal consultations, Russia's Permanent Representative to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov said Thursday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The envoy noted that Russia hopes for a productive cooperation with the bloc, noting that European elites have already realized the necessity of the bilateral relations normalization.

"We have offered our EU colleagues to conduct a comprehensive revision of the relations, first in the internal format within each of the parties, and then discuss the results jointly. By the way, more than half of the federal ministries and departments are engaged in the work with the European Union. We are waiting for the EU to complete their internal consultations and will be ready for such a conversation," Chizhov told Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper.

Relations between the European Union and Russia soured after Brussels imposed several rounds of economic sanctions against Moscow for its alleged role in the conflict in southeastern Ukraine. Russia has refuted any allegations of involvement and advocated for settling the conflict between Kiev forces and southeastern Ukraine's pro-independence militia peacefully.

Russia calls for long-term truce in Syria’s Aleppo — diplomat

ST. PETERSBURG, June 16. /TASS/. Russia calls for a long-term ceasefire in Syria’s Aleppo, Russian presidential special envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on Thursday on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.

"We call for this," Bogdanov stressed, answering a question if the ceasefire declared for two days can become a long-term one.

Moscow is calling for prompt resumption of talks between the Syrian government and Syrian opposition representatives in Geneva.

"Those who sought a political settlement should promptly resume the intra-Syrian dialog, too," he said.

Lavrov, de Mistura to Discuss Syrian Settlement at St. Petersburg Forum

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and UN's Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura will discuss prospects for Syrian settlement at the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said Thursday.

ST. PETERSBURG (Sputnik) — The deputy minister noted that Russia calls for a quick resumption of intra-Syrian negotiations and will ask de Mistura about the dates of a new round of talks.

"Today, there are going to be contacts with [UN Secretary-General] Ban Ki-moon and with de Mistura's delegation, there is going to be a separate meting between Sergey Viktorovich [Lavrov] and de Mistura. They will discuss Syria," Bogdanov told reporters.

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups. A US-Russia-brokered ceasefire came into force across Syria on February 27.

IRGC busts terrorist groups in northwest Iran

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces have engaged in clashes with two terrorist groups in the country’s northwest near the border with Iraq, killing a number of terrorists.

IRGC's Ground Force Commander Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour said Wednesday that the two groups were trying to infiltrate into Iran through the Oshnavieh border area to carry out sabotage and terrorist attacks.

Pakpour said the clashes lasted several hours and some of the terrorists were killed.

He added that a pursuit operation is underway to destroy the remnants of the terrorists in the region.

Pakpour did not touch on the affiliation of the attackers but such attacks in northwest Iran are often carried out by PJAK, an offshoot of PKK which is active in Iraq and Turkey.

Earlier this week, Iranian armed forces killed ten terrorists in two separate operations in the northwest and the southeast. Those operations took place in West Azarbaijan province and the Khash region in Sistan and Baluchestan province.

Terrorist attacks are rare in Iran, but al-Qaeda-linked and other groups stage hit-and-run assaults from time to time.

South Korea Holds Sea Drills to Prepare for Pyongyang’s ‘Provocations’

South Korea is conducting maritime exercises off the western coast to prepare for possible North Korean provocations.

TOKYO (Sputnik) – South Korea is conducting maritime exercises off the western coast to prepare for possible North Korean provocations, the country’s Navy said in a Thursday statement.

"We are keeping full combat readiness to swiftly respond to the enemy's possible provocations in waters off the west coast," the statement says, as quoted by the South Korean Yonhap news agency.

The three-day exercise started on Thursday and involves around 20 warships. The drills aim to prepare South Korean servicemen for North Korea’s possible crossing of the western maritime border (Northern Limit Line), the Navy said.

In May, North Korea warned that it would open fire at any South Korean warships that trespass the maritime border following an incident involving North Korean patrol and fishing vessels.

The South Korean Navy fired warning shots at North Korea’s fishing boat and patrol boat as they trespassed across the maritime border in the Yellow Sea. According to the South Korean military, the North Korean vessels returned to the northern side immediately after the warning shots were fired.

Earlier this month, North Korea accused Seoul of violating its territorial waters and airspace and carrying out reconnaissance missions beyond the maritime border.

North Korea threatened to counteract to what it labelled as Seoul’s "military provocation."

South and North Korea are still formally at war, as no peace treaty was ever signed after the Korean War of 1950-1953.

US ready to allow for Israeli demands on military aid: Official

An American official says the US administration is ready to incorporate missile funds in a decade-long agreement on military aid to Israel.

The US and Israel have been engaged in intense negotiations in recent months to outline America's military aid to Israel for the next 10 years.

Washington has been providing the Israeli regime with $3.1 billion annually since a 2007 agreement with the former president George W. Bush's administration.

Tel Aviv has indicated that it wants $4 billion to $4.5 billion in aid to fund its missile projects as part of a new agreement that will go into effect from 2018, but the US officials had offered a lower figure of about $3.7 billion.

"We are prepared to make an unprecedented multi-year missile defense commitment as part of a new memorandum of understanding with Israel on military assistance," the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday.

"This commitment, which would amount to billions of dollars over 10 years, would be the first long-term pledge on missile defense support to Israel, affording Israel robust support for its missile defense, as well as predictability and facilitating long-term planning," the official added.

US lawmakers have given up to $600 million to Israel in annual 'discretionary funds' for the regime’s missile program, which is much more than the $150 million requested by the White House.

On Tuesday, the US administration opposed a proposal to include $600 million for Israel to an appropriations bill for the fiscal year starting on October 1.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to finalize the deal with Barack Obama before the end of his presidency, fearing that his successor would take a different position on the matter.

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign assistance since World War II. America's military assistance to Israel has amounted to $124.3 billion since it began in 1962, according to a recent congressional report.
sToRmR1dR said:
US patience in Syria is running thin: Kerry

US tells Russia: Our patience on Syria ‘very limited’

Lavrov on Kerry's Statements: Russia Gave No Promises to Anyone on Syria

Russia has given nobody any promises regarding Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday commenting on recent statements by US Secretary of State John Kerry.

ST. PETERSBURG (Sputnik) — Kerry stated earlier in the week that Russia must understand that Washington has "very limited" patience left in regard to Syria ceasefire violations.

The foreign minister said he was surprised by Kerry's statements and urged the United States to show more patience in regard to Syria.

"First of all, we have not promised anyone to do anything. We have given no promises to anyone, but agreed that everyone working on the Syrian settlement will be guided by agreements reached by the International Syria Support Group, which have been written down in UN Security Council Resolutions," Lavrov said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

The US-Russian brokered ceasefire entered into force on ceasefire agreement came into force across Syria on February 27. Terrorist organizations such the Daesh and al-Nusra Front are excluded from the truce.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged the US earlier this month to convince those rebel groups which they support in Syria to leave areas where al-Nusra Front militants are present.

It is Washington's fault, not Moscow's that those taking part in the Syrian settlement have failed to sit down at the negotiating table so far, Lavrov said.

"Ensuring that these people sit down at the [negotiating] table, in full compliance with a clear [UN] Security Council mandate, has been impossible, and not because of us, but because of our American partners who for some reason are unwilling to pressure their allies in the region, and these allies have categorical stances."

According to the minister, there is no progress on Syrian political settlement as it has been impossible to gather all groups that should be represented.

"There is no progress in the political process. The reasons we are hearing — I just met with the UN secretary general and his special Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura, we had a frank talk — they cannot launch a political dialogue with the participation of all Syrian parties," the minister stated.

"The Turks are not letting in the Kurds, and the so-called High Negotiations Committee refuses to recognize the members of other opposition groups as equals and demands to be named the main negotiator," he added.

NATO accuses Russia of military activities at bloc’s borders

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has defended the military alliance's planned deployments in Poland and three Baltic states, saying they are aimed at deterring Russia.

NATO intends to deploy four "robust" battalions in Poland as well as the Baltic states of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia as tensions are rising with Russia.

On Thursday, Stoltenberg accused Russia of seeking to create a "zone of influence" at NATO's borders. He said NATO had detected "aggressive" maneuvers by Russia, urging action to confront it.

"We are observing massive militarization at NATO borders - in the Arctic, in the Baltic, from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea,” Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German daily Bild.

“We are registering aggressive, unannounced, large-scale maneuvers on the Russian side. Therefore, we must act," Stoltenberg added.

NATO recently launched its biggest-ever joint maneuvers in Poland to the west of Russia, a move that was immediately condemned by Russian authorities.

Moreover, the alliance recently began operating a missile system in eastern Europe, further angering Moscow.

Chairman of the defense committee of Russia's State Duma, Vladimir Komoyedov, said on Tuesday that his country would initiate countermeasures against NATO’s deployment of four battalions close to Russian borders.

The Kremlin also accused NATO of seeking to "intentionally create panic" about Russian military drills in order to justify its deployments.

“Not a single action within the military training of the Russian army, including an expected operability test, violates international agreements and treaties,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

“The real aim of allegations about the Russian military threat is to intentionally create panic and maintain the image of a treacherous enemy, fighting which can provide colossal military budgets,” he added.

NATO has stepped up its military buildup near Russia’s borders since it suspended all ties with Moscow in April 2014 after Crimea re-integrated into the Russian Federation following a referendum.

Senior officials in Moscow have repeatedly accused NATO of seeking confrontation, describing its military buildup as a security threat to Europe.

Russia has also accused NATO of following an expansionist policy to include countries in the Western Balkan region, saying the move directly harms Russia’s strategic interests in the area.

Russia's Response to NATO's 'Flamboyant Rhetoric' is 'Calm and Reasonable'

Moscow has been "perfectly calm and reasonable" in its response to NATO's increasing saber-rattling close to Russia's borders and the bloc's "flamboyant comments," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik on the sidelines of the 2016 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

Russia "has tried to be consistent [in its reaction to NATO's posture] and present facts when it comes to NATO's expansion and Russophobic remarks with regard to Russia's imaginary threat."

Senior NATO officials and military commanders have often cited Russia's supposedly aggressive behavior as a challenge to bloc's members. In the meantime, the alliance has beefed up its war-fighting capabilities and is now focused on increasing its military presence in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Baltics.

Moscow has repeatedly pointed out that it does not pose a threat to its neighbors or any other country, adding that NATO's activities risk undermining European stability and security.

Maria Zakharova did not leave US State Secretary John Kerry's recent remarks on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad without a comment.

"Russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite, in fact it is very limited with whether or not Assad is going to be held accountable," America's top diplomat said on Wednesday. State Department Spokesman John Kirby later clarified that this "wasn't a hollow threat. It wasn't even a threat."

Washington "has walked back and, let's say, adjusted its approach, saying that [Kerry's remarks] were not a threat; everything was balanced out. It is hard time for them at the moment," Zakharova noted. "Emotions run high ahead of elections."

As the Obama administration is getting ready to leave the White House, the team is less focused on "setting certain processes in motion to resolve them and more intent on casting a positive light on its activities," the spokeswoman explained.

This approach apparently complicates the fragile process of finding a viable and lasting resolution to more than five years of violence in Syria that has claimed more than 250,000 lives and displaced over 11 million people in the embattled Arab country.

"Conflict management should not be affected by an election season; it should not be linked to the departure of an administration and it should not be done keeping a chapter of a [future] textbook in mind. Conflict resolution should be treated in a professional manner," she emphasized.

Zakharova confirmed that Syria will be on the agenda at the ongoing SPIEF.

"There is a lot to discuss; there are many questions since there are certain challenges to pushing the political process forward. The resolution of the Syrian conflict and relations between Russia and the US will certainly be addressed," she said.

Terrorist organizations target with toxic substances military point in Damascus countryside

Damascus Countryside, SANA- Terrorist organizations targeted on Wednesday one of the Syrian Army’s points in Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside with toxic substances, according to a military source.

The source clarified that toxic materials with a harmful impact on the nervous system were used in the attack, which led to the injury of a number of army personnel who suffered suffocation cases and respiratory complications.

Armed terrorist organizations had previously used toxic gases including sarin in several parts of Syria, namely in Khan al-Assal in Aleppo countryside, Ghouta and Hasaka, to cover their losses incurred by the military operations of the Syrian Arab Army and allied forces.

A number of media reports revealed earlier that substances needed to produce sarin had been smuggled from Turkey to terrorist groups in Syria.

Commander: 1,000km of Territories Freed, 1,000 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Aleppo in 15 Days

Commander-in-chief of the Military Council in the town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo Abu Majd made the announcement, adding that his forces have also broken the ISIL defense lines after starting their operations which is considered as a highly important step.

He added that the corpses of 560 ISIL terrorists out of the 1,000 militants killed in the region are also in the hands of his forces.

Abu Majd also said that a large number of weapons and ammunition were seized from the ISIL members who were killed or fled the battlefield.

He said that the only obstacle on the way of his forces to further advance is the ISIL's use of civilians as human shields.

In a relevant development on Wednesday, the SDFs' liberation operations in three key villages near the town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo inflicted major losses on the ISIL terrorist group, battlefield sources said.

"At least 38 members of the ISIL were killed after the Takfiri group was forced to pull back its forces from the villages of al-Hamdouniyeh and Qanat al-Qarreh under the heavy attacks of the SDF fighters," the sources said.

"The SDF fighters' offensive on the positions of the ISIL in Hod Hod village and seizure of the villages and its surroundings claimed the lives of at least 17 terrorists," the sources added.

"The SDF fighters also seized a large volume of ISIL's arms, ammunition and military equipment, including five missiles, two explosive belts, dozens of automatic rifles and tens of grenades," they went on to say.

Reports said yesterday that the SDF, mainly comprising of Kurdish fighters, stormed the ISIL positions in the Eastern and Southern sides of Manbij and won back the villages of Hod Hod, al-Hamdouniyeh and Qanat al-Qarreh, which also ended in the killing or injuring of tens of the militants.

In the meantime, the ISIL suffered a heavy death toll in clashes with the SDF fighters in the villages of Owseh Jeli al-Saqir and Owseh Jeli al-Kabir.

Syrian Army Takes Full Control of Turkmen Mountain Near Latakia

The strategically important region of the Turkmen Mountain, located in the northeast of Latakia on the border with Turkey, is now entirely under the Syrian Army’s control.

Government troops backed by Russian air force managed to clear the area of militants from al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups.

As part of the operation to free the area which started 5 days ago, forces comprising 7,000 armed personnel took control of the strategically important village of Ain Issa.

During fierce fighting with militant groups of al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham, 43 terrorists were killed and 37 wounded.

This morning, as a result of heavy fighting, the Syrian Army managed to take control of the area around the Karamanlı hill and the village of İsa Pınar which is 4 km from the Turkish border.

Due to this, the territory around Turkmen Mountain was under full control of Syrian government troops. After liberation, Daesh terrorists fled to Turkey, some of them continue to hide in the region.

With the liberation of Turkmen Mountain, which is an important strategic point because of its proximity to the Turkish border and mountainous terrain, the terrorists can no longer carry out attacks in Latakia with missiles and receive weapons from across the Turkish border.

The fact that the area has been liberated is also important because it is located on the Turkmen Mountain which is leading to the city of Idlib.

This will allow the Syrian government troops to start operations in the strategically important village of Jisr al-Shughur, located on a hill between Latakia and Idlib. Taking over the village will contribute to freeing Idlib.
sToRmR1dR said:
Terrorist organizations target with toxic substances military point in Damascus countryside

Damascus Countryside, SANA- Terrorist organizations targeted on Wednesday one of the Syrian Army’s points in Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside with toxic substances, according to a military source.

The source clarified that toxic materials with a harmful impact on the nervous system were used in the attack, which led to the injury of a number of army personnel who suffered suffocation cases and respiratory complications.

Armed terrorist organizations had previously used toxic gases including sarin in several parts of Syria, namely in Khan al-Assal in Aleppo countryside, Ghouta and Hasaka, to cover their losses incurred by the military operations of the Syrian Arab Army and allied forces.

A number of media reports revealed earlier that substances needed to produce sarin had been smuggled from Turkey to terrorist groups in Syria.

New Chemical Weapons Attack In Ghouta, Syria – “Rebels” Gas Syrian Soldiers: Report

Three years after the infamous Ghouta chemical weapons attack launched by Western-backed terrorists but blamed on the Syrian government by Western mainstream media outlets, Ghouta, once again, is the scene of another possible chemical weapons attack.

According to a Syrian military source cited by Al-Masdar, “rebels” in Damascus used crudely assembled chemical bombs to attack Syrian soldiers with nerve gas in Ghouta.

“Several soldiers suffered breathing difficulties after the attack and were immediately taken to a military hospital. Thankfully, all of them are now in stable conditions,” the source stated.

Video evidence has been produced which reportedly shows Syrian soldiers suffering the effects of the gas and undergoing treatment.

The attack took place on Wednesday after four days of intense fighting between “rebels” and the Syrian military where the SAA managed to reclaim territory from the Western-backed Islamists.

Jaish al-Islam, a terrorist group backed by the U.S. and NATO, has denied using the chemical weapons and has instead claimed that the Syrian government was the perpetrator.

Thus, with both sides claiming that chemical weapons were used, it appears that such an attack did take place.

Video evidence such as that produced by Syrian news agency SANA, however, tends to lend credence to the claims of the Syrian government rather than the terrorist groups.

The 2013 chemical weapons attack was blamed on the Assad government by the United States and its allies despite evidence that it was actually the terrorist proxy forces that committed the attacks.

It stands as one of the most intense moments in the Syrian crisis as the United States was preparing to launch a Libya-style invasion before the Russians stepped in and mediated a diplomatic solution that resulted in Syria surrendering its chemical weapons stockpile.

Terrorists in Syria, backed by the West, have used chemical weapons on a number of occasions, even televising proof of their possession of the chemicals and the manufacturing capability needed to produce them.

On the contrary, there has never been any credible evidence to suggest that the Syrian military has used chemical weapons against either civilians or combatants.

Over the past three weeks, it has emerged that British special forces are now in direct combat roles in Libya and Syria. Ostensibly there to fight ISIS, the real goal is to prevent the Syrian and Libyan armies defeating ISIS by themselves.

British troops enter Syria and Libya to ensure that war outlives ISIS

The Normandy landings, launched 72 years ago last week, saw the opening of a second front against the Nazis in Europe by the US and the UK after years of procrastination. Despite the Soviet Union signing a ‘mutual assistance’ agreement with Britain in 1941, and the Anglo-Soviet alliance in 1942, for years very little was done by the US or Britain to actually fight the Nazi menace. In a joint communique issued in 1942, they agreed to open a second front in Europe that same year, an agreement they broke and then postponed repeatedly, leaving the Soviets to fight the strongest industrial power in Western Europe alone for three years – at an eventual cost of 27 million lives.

The US and Britain, it seemed, were following what international relations theorist John Mearsheimer has termed a ‘bait and bleed’ policy, allowing Germany and the Soviet Union to “bleed each other white” whilst they themselves stood on the sidelines.

“If we see Germany winning, we ought to help Russia,” declared US Senator (and later President) Harry Truman in June 1941, “and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.”

The British Minister for Aircraft Production Colonel Moore-Brabazon echoed his views the following month, telling a lunch party of government officials that the best outcome on the Eastern front would have been the mutual exhaustion of Germany and the USSR in order that Britain could then move in to dominate Europe. He was eventually forced to resign following uproar from a public determined to see their government do more to help the embattled Soviets.

In the end, it was not until well after the Nazis’ fortunes had been decisively reversed at Stalingrad that the long promised ‘second front’ actually materialized. Indeed, by this point the outcome of the war had effectively already been determined. D-Day, then, was waged not to defeat the Nazis but to ensure the Soviet Union – who had borne almost all of the sacrifice – would not reap the fruits of victory.

“Certain circles, both in the United States and Britain, feared that should the Red Army defeat Germany single-handed, the Soviet Union would have enormous influence on the post-war development of and social progress in the European countries. The Allies could not allow that to happen. This is why they considered the opening of a second front in Europe not so much a military action but as a political measure aimed at preventing the progressive political forces from coming to power in European countries,” wrote Admiral Kharlamov, head of the Soviet Military Mission in Britain during the Second World War.

Documents declassified in 1998 revealed that Churchill had even ordered the drawing up of a plan that would see British and US troops push on beyond Berlin alongside a rearmed German army in a nuclear war against the Soviets.

History is now repeating itself, this time as farce. From 2014 until September 2015, ISIS appeared to sweep all before them, achieving hugely symbolic victories in Iraq’s Mosul and Fallujah, Syria’s Raqqa and Palmyra, and Libya’s Derna and Sirte. At the same time, under Saudi and Turkish tutelage, Al-Qaeda’s ‘Al-Nusra Front’ was making gains in Syria, and the Ansar Sharia faction in Libya took Benghazi, paving the way for a major ISIS infiltration.

The West did little to help. In Syria, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had been left to fight such groups not only bereft of support from the West, but facing a West apparently determined to destroy them. Similarly, the Libyan National Army – representing the elected Libyan parliament – was hamstrung by an arms embargo scrupulously observed in relation to them, but regularly violated by the West’s gulf allies when it came to the ‘Libya Dawn’ sectarian militias they were fighting. And even the supposedly closest US allies in the Iraqi army, the elite ‘Golden Division’, had trouble getting effective US support when they needed it.

Despite this, starting with last September’s Russian intervention in Syria, the tide has begun to turn against ISIS and Al Qaeda, paving the way for a string of victories by the Syrian Arab Army and the Libyan National Army in particular, and pointing, potentially, towards the full restoration of governmental authority in both countries.

In Libya, the key moment was in February 2016, when the Libyan National Army finally regained control of Benghazi from ISIS and Ansar Sharia after 18 months of intense fighting. Both the ISIS presence in Benghazi and the city’s liberation were predictably downplayed in Western media, despite the city’s fate having been apparently so important to British and US leaders back in 2011. On May 3, the Libyan National Army began its march West from Benghazi towards ISIS’ last Libyan holdout in Sirte.

In February, too, a massive Syrian Arab Army offensive towards Aleppo began to make serious gains, taking territory from Al Qaeda, ISIS and Ahrar Al-Sham. On February 3, the supply route to Aleppo was severed, breaking a rebel siege of two government-held towns south of Azaz. Mass surrenders to the SAA followed. Then, exactly one month later, the world-historic city of Palmyra was liberated from ISIS by Syrian government forces backed with Russian air support. In what was presumably an attempt to appear relevant, the US had also launched two token airstrikes on the city, illustrating that the US “want to destroy ISIS – but not that much,” said journalist Robert Fisk.

Today the original ISIS stronghold and capital of its self-declared caliphate, is itself under threat. The Times reported earlier this week that a massively re-moralised Syrian army, is “storming towards the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa” and that “the Syrian regime’s elite Desert Hawks unit, backed by the Russian airstrikes, crossed the southern border of Raqqa province at the weekend – the first time that any of Assad’s forces have set foot there since being driven out by ISIS nearly two years ago.” They have been making swift advances.

Throughout 2016, then, the national armed forces of Libya and Syria, representing the elected governments of both countries, have been on a roll; and the days of ISIS and their sectarian bedfellows may well be numbered. So it is interesting that it is precisely at this moment – not when ISIS were making gains, but now that they are facing defeat – that British troops have deigned to openly enter the fray.

The same edition of the Times that reported that the SAA were “storming towards… Raqqa” also carried, as its front page story, the news that “British special forces are on the frontline in Syria defending a rebel unit”, noting that “the operation marks the first evidence of the troops’ direct involvement in the war-torn country rather than just training rebels in Jordan.”

And the same newspaper had reported the previous week that British special forces undertook their first known combat mission in Libya on May 12, in support of the ‘Libya Dawn’ faction of the Libyan civil war. Libya Dawn is an umbrella group of mainly Misrata-based militias that emerged following the elections of June 2014 under Qatari patronage to fight against the newly elected secular parliament, and its armed forces, the Libyan National Army (LNA). The Times tacitly acknowledged that, up until now, the LNA has been fighting ISIS alone, noting that “Misrata had largely ignored the metastasis of ISIS in Sirte, 170 miles away, since the first terrorist cells embedded themselves there in 2013”. Now, however, alongside the British ‘boots on the ground’ that Cameron vowed would never step foot in Libya, they have suddenly found themselves the ‘chosen force’ to liberate the country.

As in 1945, having sat back whilst a vicious and genocidal group laid waste to thousands upon thousands of soldiers fighting alone against them, the Cameron regime now wants to deny those armies the fruits of their heroic sacrifices. Cameron would rather see Raqqa and Sirte liberated by ragtag militias with little to unite them other than their sectarianism, than to see the authority of the elected governments restored. With British troops now in combat roles alongside the insurgents in Syria, however, this raises the prospect of a direct confrontation with Russian forces. Just like Churchill in 1945, it appears he is quite prepared to risk this. Back then, saner heads prevailed. The question is – where are those heads now?
Over 50 mid-level US diplomats have signed a letter urging the United States to carry out military action against the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

US Diplomats Urge Washington to Take Military Action Against Assad

The internal memo, a draft of which was obtained by The New York Times from a US State Department official on Thursday, calls for "a judicious use of stand-off and air weapons," against Assad forces.

The State Department officials who have signed the letter have all been involved in Washington’s Syria policy over the last five years, according to The New York Times.

Moscow hopes US will find peaceful resolution of the Syrian crisis, Russia's Foreign Ministry said Friday.

Moscow Hopes US Not to Resort to Military Solution in Syria

Moscow hopes that the United States and its partners will avoid repeating old mistakes and not seek a military solution to the Syrian crisis, Russia's Foreign Ministry said Friday.

"We would like to hope that the mistakes that have been made in the past, including by the United States and all the illegal coalitions both in Iraq and elsewhere, with forceful overthrows, with a complete lack of professionalism in conflict resolution approaches — that they will not be forgotten," ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

An ISIL member killed three high-ranking financial officials of the terrorist group responsible for collecting the revenues earned from oil wells of the two al-Omar and al-Tanak regions in Deir Ezzur and stole their properties worth billions of Syrian liras.

High-Ranking ISIL Financial Officials Killed in Deir Ezzur, Huge Money Stolen

A local source in Deir Ezzur said that after the incident, the ISIL declared an alert situation in al-Mayadeen and Boqruss cities and detained some members.

The source added that oil income is ISIL's last weapon to protect and arm its member and matters much to the terrorist. He explained that earlier a number of ISIL commanders had also stolen the incomes of taxes paid in al-Mayadeen city several times.

The development came after the Syrian Army troops and National Defense Forces (NDF) continued to hit ISIL's strongholds in the oil and gas-rich regions of Eastern Homs and recaptured the strategic Arak oilfield near the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) in Homs province on Monday.

The Syrian government forces, backed up by the heavy shelling of artillery units, stormed the Takfiri terrorists' positions East of Palmyra (Tadmur) and took full control of Arak oilfield.

The Syrian army and NDF have managed to reach Arak region after purging the Third Power Plant of ISIL terrorists.

Over 25 ISIL terrorists were killed in the Syrian army's operations on Monday.

The Syrian army is now planning to seize back the strategic al-Sukhnah region which is located to the East of Arak oilfield.

As several commanders of al-Nusra Front terrorist group were reported dead over the last 48 hours, it seems the militant groups in Idlib province are facing with a mysterious string of targeted attacks.

Assassination of Al-Nusra Commanders Continues in Syria's Idlib

Late Wednesday night, another militant commander was killed in the provincial capital of Idlib, making him the fifth senior terrorist killed in the course of one single day.

Social media activists close to opposition groups also conceded that one of the top machine gunners of the militants, ‘Abbas Al-Ansari, was found dead in Idlib City.

No group has claimed responsibility for these killings, however, some Syrian opposition social media activists claimed the rival groups are behind these targeted killings, others are trying to put the blame on the Syrian Air Force Intelligence.

The Russian anti-terrorism Syrian operation is complicated by several difficulties, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

Syria Operation Complicated by Trouble Telling Opposition From Nusra Front

The Russian anti-terrorism operation in Syria is complicated by difficulties in separating the moderate opposition from the Nusra Front terrorist group, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday.

"Our Aerospace Forces' operation continues in Syria. It is no secret that the fact that the continued mixing and soldering of the so-called opposition and al-Nusra remains a significant problem, this really complicates the counterterrorism [work]," Peskov told reporters.

On Tuesday, President Putin ordered a snap inspection of the combat readiness of the Russian armed forces, which is set to last until June 22. The move has already raised concerns within NATO: the alliance is now wondering if it is a coincidence that the test comes during its own military drills in Poland, the largest since the end of the Cold War.

NATO Watches Warily as Russia Conducts Snap Combat Readiness Test

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered another unannounced inspection of Russia's Armed Forces to assess the state and readiness of Russia’s military arsenals.

The move by Russia comes as NATO holds the largest military drills in Poland since the Cold War.

The two-week long Anaconda initiative, in turn, is designed to check “the alliance’s ability to defend its eastern flank,” according to Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz.

More than 31,000 NATO servicemen from 24 countries as well as soldiers from Ukraine are taking part in the exercises. Around 14,000 US troops are also set to join in.

However the alliance is accusing Russia of using its drills to “elevate tension and display military prowess.”

Lukasz Kulesa analyst from London-based thinktank the European Leadership Network thinks it is no coincidence that the snap drill is taking place so close before next month's NATO summit in Poland.

"I’m sure part of the reasoning behind starting the drills is to balance the coverage of the NATO exercises in Eastern Europe and Baltic Sea area, and send a signal that Russia won’t be intimidated by the perspective of the NATO summit," he said in an interview with the Newsweek magazine.

"As the exercises unfold during the next days, we should see some training and mobilization of units also close to NATO territory, with displays of modern weaponry – all covered by the media," he added.

“But, equally importantly, the exercise fits into the broader program of training of the Russian armed forces and its security apparatus. In previous years, the focus has been mostly on the higher-readiness land units, air force and nuclear forces. So it makes sense to the Russians to broaden the scope to include large numbers of the reservists, train usage of pre-positioned equipment, as well as protection of crucial infrastructure inside the country against internal unrest or sabotage. But I would keep calm and not read it as preparation for World War III," the analyst concluded.

The practice of having unannounced inspections of combat readiness was revived after Sergei Shoigu took the defense minister's office in 2012.
US Secretary of State John Kerry called a letter signed by dozens of US diplomats, urging Washington to carry out military action against the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad "an important statement," media reported on Friday.

Kerry Calls Diplomatic Memo Urging War Against Assad 'Important Statement'

US Secretary of State John Kerry called a letter signed by dozens of US diplomats, urging Washington to carry out military action against the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad "an important statement," media reported on Friday.

On Thursday, The New York Times reported receiving a draft of an internal diplomatic memo, which was signed by over 50 mid-level US diplomats involved in Washington's Syria policy to some degree within the last several years, urged the US government to carry out a sensible amount of "stand-off and air weapons" deployment against Syrian government forces.

"It's an important statement and I respect the process, very, very much. I will…have a chance to meet with people when I get back," Kerry told the Reuters news agency.

He added that he had not yet seen the letter.

A military coastguard search plane with nine people on board disappeared in Vietnam while on a mission, the local media reported Friday.

Vietnamese Military Search for Missing Plane With Nine on Board

The search plane lost contact with command near the Bach Long Vi island, a small island in the Gulf of Tonkin that is located halfway between mainland Vietnam and China’s Hainan island, on Thursday, the Thanh Nien Daily said, referring to the Vietnamese National Committee for Search and Rescue.

At the time of disappearance, the plane was searching for a missing pilot from a Su-30MK2 fighter jet which crashed on Tuesday.

According to the media outlet, referring to Forecasting Hydro-meteorological Observatory for northeast region, rain showers and thunderstorms gripped Bach Long Vi area at the time of the plane's disappearance from radars.
Russia has warned against a call by US State Department officials for strikes against the Syrian government, saying Moscow is opposed to a military solution.

Russia: US strikes on Assad will plunge Mideast into chaos

The Kremlin said on Friday such a move would plunge the entire region into complete chaos.

Dozens of State Department officials have signed an internal document that calls for targeted military strikes against the Syrian government, according to the Wall Street Journal.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that the internal memo on Syria signed by more than 50 US diplomats is an "important statement" that he would discuss when he gets back to Washington.

"It's an important statement and I respect the process, very, very much. I will ... have a chance to meet with people when I get back," Kerry told Reuters during a visit in Copenhagen

The memo is sharply critical of US policy in Syria, calling for military strikes against the Assad government.

An unnamed US official familiar with the document said the internal cable may be an attempt to shape the foreign policy outlook of the next US administration.

“It is not a secret to us that there are political forces in the US who favor a military solution [to the Syrian crisis]. But this is not our method," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

The United States and its allies have been conducting airstrikes against what are said to be Daesh terrorists inside Syria since September 2014 without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

The attacks have largely failed to fulfill their declared aim of destroying Daesh but killed civilians and targeted the Syrian infrastructure in many cases.

Washington has consistently refused to join forces with Russia in Syria against Daesh ever since Moscow launched its campaign of airstrikes in September last year.

An American official has expressed grave concern over allegation of Russia’s bombing of US-backed militants in Syria.

Official accuses Russia of attacking US-backed militants in Syria

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told reporters on Thursday that Russia bombed US-backed militants in southern Syria earlier in the day, raising "serious concern" over the incidence.

"Today, Russian aircraft conducted a series of airstrikes near al-Tanf against Syrian counter-ISIL forces that included individuals who have received US support," said the senior defense official.

"Russia's latest actions raise serious concern about Russian intentions. We will seek an explanation from Russia on why it took this action and assurances this will not happen again."

"Russian aircraft have not been active in this area of southern Syria for some time, and there were no Syrian regime or Russian ground forces in the vicinity," the official said.

The US military launched a $500 million program in early 2015 to train entire units of what it described as "moderate" militants in the Arab country. But the program drew heavy fire last fall after admitting the efforts had floundered, with numbers of trainees falling massively short of the planned 5,000.

One group even handed over ammunition and other gear to a local al-Qaeda affiliate, known as the al-Nusra Front.

Since then, the Pentagon has worked with militants from different groups, instead of an entire unit.

This is while the CIA has also been involved in training militants in Syria.

The idea of appointing five deputies for Syrian President Bashar Assad will be dicussed on the next round of talks on the Syrian settlement in Geneva.

Next Geneva Talks’ Agenda to Include Proposal on 5 Assad's Deputies

The idea of appointing five deputies for Syrian President Bashar Assad will be on the agenda of the next round of talks on the Syrian settlement in Geneva, leader of the Moscow opposition platform Qadri Jamil told Sputnik on Friday.

"The candidates are not being agreed upon for now, as there is still no agreement between the opposition and the government. The talks are ongoing, and will continue in Geneva," Jamil said.

The latest round of intra-Syrian talks took place in Geneva on April 13-27. The Moscow-Cairo group, particularly its Moscow platform led by Qadri Jamil, proposed the idea of appointing several deputies for Syrian President Bashar Assad, and delegating his full powers to them.

Another Brazilian minister has resigned from the government of interim President Michel Temer, less than a month after assuming office, over fraud charges.

Brazil tourism minister implicated in corruption case resigns

Tourism Minister Henrique Alves resigned on Thursday, becoming the third minister to leave the interim government since mid-May, when it took over from the government of Dilma Rousseff.

Alves announced his resignation after being named in a plea bargain testimony by Sergio Machado, a former chief executive at the state-run Petrobras oil company which is the subject of a probe into alleged massive corruption.

Machado told prosecutors that Alves and Temer had received 1.55 million reais ($450,000) for electoral campaigns. He said the payments were made legally but resulted from kickbacks owed by engineering companies.

While resigning, Alves dismissed the allegation and said that contributions to his campaign had been made through the official channels that had been declared to election authorities.
Western Special Forces Fully Deployed in Syria. Terrorist Reinforcements in Syria-Turkey Border Region
International Military Review – Syria, June 15, 2016 (South Front)

Around 100 heavily armed Al-Nusra fighters were spotted arriving in the border region between Syria and Turkey, the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported, citing sources in Kbana, a village in the Latakia province. The terrorists’ reinforcements came amid the Syrian Arab Army advances in the province. The government forces have captured the village of Ayn Issa and made attempts to take control of several high points that overlook the militant stronghold of Kbana: Ruwysat al-Joz, the Zyiqat mountain and hill 1112. If the SAA is able to seize the control of these strategic high points, the liberation is a matter of time.

Heavy clashes erupted in South Aleppo last night when Al Nusra and allied Jihadist groups seized from pro-government forces the village of Zeitan. Following a series of heavy firefights, the loyalists were able to re-take this village. Separately, heavy clashes were in Khalsah. Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were participating in the clashes against Jihadists there.

Rumors are growing that Germany is set to deploy special operation forces in Northern Syria in order to assist the predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces that has laid a siege on the strategic ISIS-controlled city of Manbij. Reports look realistic amid a series of deployments by different Western states.

The US built a base in an abandoned airport in the Syrian Kurdish region Hasakah in 2015 and American troops have been participating in clashes against ISIS near Manbij since May 2016. France’s Defense Ministry admitted the presence of its special forces on the ground in Syria on June 9. French troops have reportedly built a military base near the city of Kobane and are participating in clashes with ISIS along with SDF and US units. Meanwhile, UK special forces operating on the front line alongside rebels in Syria near the Jordanian border. They participate in direct clashes, provide training and manage of the opposition group, called “New Syrian Army.”

Thus, it’s confirmed that 3 Western states have deployed forces in Syria and the one is under the question. All these forces have been deployed and now they operate in the Arab country without any request or authorization from the Syrian government. Such situation could easily lead to a partial occupation of the Arab country when the anti-ISIS operations are finished.

This article originally published by Global Research in 2005 sheds light on the nature of Al Qaeda, an intelligence construct used by Washington to destabilize and destroy sovereign countries, while sustaining the illusion of an outside enemy, which threatens the security of the Western World.

In recent developments, the Obama administration has intimated that it will be supporting “moderate al Qaeda rebels” in Syria in its “counter-terrorism” campaign (i.e. bombing raids) allegedly against the ISIS, formerly known as al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

The state sponsor of Al Qaeda goes after Al Qaeda? The fact of the matter is that both Al Nusra and the Islamic State (ISIS) are supported by Washington and its allies. And in recent developments, Washington has asked Moscow not to bomb the Al Nusra Front, which is categorized as part of the moderate opposition. The article below describes the origins of Al Qaeda: The Base, by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.

Al Qaeda: The Data Base

Michel Chossudovsky, June 16, 2016

Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi, WMR can bring you an important excerpt from an Apr.-Jun. 2004 article by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.

“I first heard about Al-Qaida while I was attending the Command and Staff course in Jordan. I was a French officer at that time and the French Armed Forces had close contacts and cooperation with Jordan . . .

“Two of my Jordanian colleagues were experts in computers. They were air defense officers. Using computer science slang, they introduced a series of jokes about students’ punishment.

“For example, when one of us was late at the bus stop to leave the Staff College, the two officers used to tell us: ‘You’ll be noted in ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ which meant ‘You’ll be logged in the information database.’ Meaning ‘You will receive a warning . . .’ If the case was more severe, they would used to talk about ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Meaning ‘the decision database.’ It meant ‘you will be punished.’ For the worst cases they used to speak of logging in ‘Al Qaida.’

“In the early 1980s the Islamic Bank for Development, which is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, like the Permanent Secretariat of the Islamic Conference Organization, bought a new computerized system to cope with its accounting and communication requirements. At the time the system was more sophisticated than necessary for their actual needs.

“It was decided to use a part of the system’s memory to host the Islamic Conference’s database. It was possible for the countries attending to access the database by telephone: an Intranet, in modern language. The governments of the member-countries as well as some of their embassies in the world were connected to that network.

“[According to a Pakistani major] the database was divided into two parts, the information file where the participants in the meetings could pick up and send information they needed, and the decision file where the decisions made during the previous sessions were recorded and stored. In Arabic, the files were called, ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ and ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Those two files were kept in one file called in Arabic ‘Q eidat ilmu’ti’aat’ which is the exact translation of the English word database. But the Arabs commonly used the short word Al Qaida which is the Arabic word for “base.” The military air base of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is called ‘q eidat ‘riyadh al ‘askariya.’ Q eida means “a base” and “Al Qaida” means “the base.”

“In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database located in computer and dedicated to the communications of the Islamic Conference’s secretariat.

“In the early 1990s, I was a military intelligence officer in the Headquarters of the French Rapid Action Force. Because of my skills in Arabic my job was also to translate a lot of faxes and letters seized or intercepted by our intelligence services . . . We often got intercepted material sent by Islamic networks operating from the UK or from Belgium.

“These documents contained directions sent to Islamic armed groups in Algeria or in France. The messages quoted the sources of statements to be exploited in the redaction of the tracts or leaflets, or to be introduced in video or tapes to be sent to the media. The most commonly quoted sources were the United Nations, the non-aligned countries, the UNHCR and . . . Al Qaida.

“Al Qaida remained the data base of the Islamic Conference. Not all member countries of the Islamic Conference are ‘rogue states’ and many Islamic groups could pick up information from the databases. It was but natural for Osama Bin Laden to be connected to this network. He is a member of an important family in the banking and business world.

“Because of the presence of ‘rogue states,’ it became easy for terrorist groups to use the email of the database. Hence, the email of Al Qaida was used, with some interface system, providing secrecy, for the families of the mujaheddin to keep links with their children undergoing training in Afghanistan, or in Libya or in the Beqaa valley, Lebanon. Or in action anywhere in the battlefields where the extremists sponsored by all the ‘rogue states’ used to fight. And the ‘rogue states’ included Saudi Arabia. When Osama bin Laden was an American agent in Afghanistan, the Al Qaida Intranet was a good communication system through coded or covert messages.

Meet “Al Qaeda” Al Qaida was neither a terrorist group nor Osama bin Laden’s personal property . . . The terrorist actions in Turkey in 2003 were carried out by Turks and the motives were local and not international, unified, or joint. These crimes put the Turkish government in a difficult position vis-a-vis the British and the Israelis. But the attacks certainly intended to ‘punish’ Prime Minister Erdogan for being a ‘toot tepid’ Islamic politician.

” . . . In the Third World the general opinion is that the countries using weapons of mass destruction for economic purposes in the service of imperialism are in fact ‘rogue states,” specially the US and other NATO countries.

” Some Islamic economic lobbies are conducting a war against the ‘liberal” economic lobbies. They use local terrorist groups claiming to act on behalf of Al Qaida. On the other hand, national armies invade independent countries under the aegis of the UN Security Council and carry out pre-emptive wars. And the real sponsors of these wars are not governments but the lobbies concealed behind them.

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.”

In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group.

It is noteworthy that the Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.

French officer Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel, who knew the truth about “Al Qaeda”, the CIA’s data base.
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