Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Joe said:
Beau said:
Windmill knight said:
From Reuters:

Exclusive: Obama, aides expected to weigh Syria military options on Friday

By Arshad Mohammed and Jonathan Landay | WASHINGTON

U.S. President Barack Obama and his top foreign policy advisers are expected to meet on Friday to consider their military and other options in Syria as Syrian and Russian aircraft continue to pummel Aleppo and other targets, U.S. officials said.

Some top officials argue the United States must act more forcefully in Syria or risk losing what influence it still has over moderate rebels and its Arab, Kurdish and Turkish allies in the fight against Islamic State, the officials told Reuters.

One set of options includes direct U.S. military action such as air strikes on Syrian military bases, munitions depots or radar and anti-aircraft bases, said one official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

They're either foolishly arrogant, or just bluffing. If the US decides to bomb Syrian military positions, they are essentially deciding to go to war against Russia, OR they think that Russia won't actually use their S-300 systems against American aircraft. Maybe they think the Russians are bluffing about protecting the Syrian military and airspace against foreign missiles and want to test it. But it would be foolish to think that Russia is ever bluffing at this point. They have proven that they can be taken at their word. Most likely the American know they have been checkmated in Syria and are just blustering about attacking the Syrian military because that is all that hey can do now - talk. They have no moves left in Syria.

Sounds like more bluffing to me. They tabled the idea of bombing Syrian positions/runways about 2 weeks ago, and....nothing.

It reminds me with that story:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says he has “no special expectations” for the upcoming round of multilateral talks on the future of Syria, stating that Moscow has not yet witnessed reciprocal steps from its Western partners.

No special expectations from new Syria meeting: Lavrov

Addressing reporters in the Armenian capital Yerevan on Friday, Lavrov said Russia has no intention to introduce fresh initiatives during the meeting in the Swiss city of Lausanne on Saturday, which will see US Secretary of State John Kerry as well as foreign ministers from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and possibly Iran in attendance, to reach a Syria settlement.

“We want to get down to concrete work and see how well our partners observe the UN Security Council resolution (on Syria). We are not going to propose anything else,” the top Russian diplomat pointed out.

UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says the West is considering broader military operations against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to protect what he called “the Syrian opposition.”

Johnson: West considering new military options for Syria

Johnson made the comments as he discussed the current situation in Syria with the foreign affairs select committee at the British House of Commons on Wednesday.

The secretary told the lawmakers that US, French and German foreign ministers would gather in London on Sunday to discuss Syria’s military operations in Aleppo province.

“Most people I think are changing their minds on this and are thinking we cannot let this go on forever. We cannot just see Aleppo pulverized in this way, we have to do something. The mood of the House of Commons has changed from 2013. Whether that means we can get a coalition for a more kinetic action now I cannot prophesy. But what most people want to see now is a new set of options,” Johnson said.

“It is vital we consider them and we will do that now,” he added.

Backed by Russian air support, Syrian government forces launched an assault on Aleppo last month to capture militant-held parts of the city, days after a US- and Russian-brokered truce collapsed on September 19.

Syria’s victories in Aleppo have prompted concerns among Western governments who actively seek to remove Assad from power by backing what they call “moderate rebels.”

Johnson said in his remarks on Wednesday that the foreign-backed militants should not get their “hopes up too high.”

[...] The UK is part of a US-led coalition that has been carrying out airstrikes against alleged Daesh positions in Syria and Iraq since 2014, without a UN mandate or permission from Damascus.

The airstrikes have on many occasions targeted civilians and government forces, raising suspicions about the West’s true objectives.

A senior member of the UK Parliament has called on the government to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria and allow British fighter jets attack Russian warplanes that breach it.

Tory MP calls for shooting down of Russian jets over Syria

Andrew Mitchell, the UK’s former international development secretary, told BBC that if shooting down Russian jets ends the conflict in Syria, then that is what Britain and its allies should focus on.

“What we are saying is very clear. No one wants to see a firefight with Russia, no one wants to shoot down a Russian plane,” Mitchell said. “But what we do say is that the international community has an avowed responsibility to protect and that protection must be exerted.

“If that means confronting Russian air power defensively, on behalf of the innocent people on the ground who we are trying to protect, then we should do that,” the top Tory MP noted.

Mitchell said attacking Russian jets would not amount to a “declaration of war against Russia” and was rather a sign that Britain will stand against Moscow’s “war crimes.”

The lawmaker said Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet over Syria last year served as a good example that firing a warning shot at the Russians would not provoke a war.

He admitted that London cannot introduce a no-flying zone on its own and should seek assistant from its allies such as the US and other NATO members.

Mitchell’s anti-Russian remarks echoed those of UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who on Tuesday said he would “like to see” demonstrations outside the Russian embassy in London because of its air campaign in Syria.

The call for protests elicited a strong response from the Kremlin, with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova denouncing it as “shameful.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into a law an agreement between Russia and Syria on the deployment of an aviation group of the Russian armed forces in Syria indefinitely.

Russia, Syria Agreement on Russian Indefinite Aerial Operation in Syria Signed into Law

Media service of the Kremlin as saying that with President Putin’s signature, the ratification of the agreement has been completed, TASS reported.

The agreement, which was signed in Damascus on August 26, 2015, stipulates that the Russian air force group will be deployed at the request of the Syrian side at the Hmeimim air base in Lattakia province to take part in the fight against terrorism.

The law was passed by Russia’s State Duma on October 7, 2016, and approved by the Federation Council on October 12, 2016.

A notorious terrorist group in Syria's Idlib province confirmed the death of the group ringleader as militants of Free Syrian Army (FSA) group tortured to death one of their senior commanders after accusing him of negotiating with the Syrian government.

Terrorist Leader Dies in Idlib as FSA Butchers Own Commander

According to local sources, Colonel Zaidan Nesairat of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) was tortured to death by another FSA faction, apparently as he was accused by FSA fellow militants of trying to negotiate with the Syrian government for reconciliation in Dara'a, Al Masdar reported.

Also, the group called 'Liwa Shuhada al Islam' confirmed in a statement that the group leader, nom the guerre Abu Jafar Al Hindi has been declared dead.

Although the statement has not specifically said how he died but reports suggest he drowned in a river near Darkoush, in terrorist held Idlib province.

The group mostly operated out of Darayya near Damascus, according to Islam14 news outlet, before being evacuated to Idlib in September as part of a government deal.

Meanwhile, Col. Nesairat who was killed by his FSA comrades, had been negotiating in Izraa for a reconciliation deal for Ibtaa after the Syrian Army had liberated Sheikh Miskeen a year ago.

The family of Col. Nesairat and other militant factions have accused the leader of Sand Al Horan Battalion faction of the FSA, Ahmad al Owdah, of the murder and have made calls for his arrest.

Shabab Al Sunna Division refused to hand his body back and buried him in unknown place, which will surely cause another internal civil war amongst the militants.

A media Expert said Government-controlled areas of Syrian Aleppo were once again shelled by militants and seven children were killed and more were injured in the attacks, however Western media ignored the tragedy since its does not correspond with West’s stance towards the Syrian crisis.

Expert: Western Media Keep Silent as Militants Killing Children in Aleppo

"I’ve read and watched news reports, and there was nothing about the shelling attack against civilians and children in Aleppo," said president of the New York Consulting Bureau, Nikolai Pakhomov, Sputnik reported.

Despite the scope of the incident, Western media has almost ignored it, and the silence was in spite of journalists' access to the area and hospitals with wounded children.

"The reason is that American media translates those views of domestic and foreign affairs that correspond with the policy of the US establishment. Its official position is that Syrian President Bashar Assad is to blame for the situation in Syria, and Russia is helping him. The recent shelling of Aleppo contradicts this approach, so the situation has been ignored in media," he pointed out.

[...] On Thursday, at 8:00 a.m. local time, children in Aleppo were going to school. Right at this time, militants shelled the Christian district of Suleiman with mortars. Several shells exploded near the school’s entrance, killing seven children. Ten children were injured as a result of the shelling. They were hospitalized with wounds of varying severity a representative of Al Razi hospital said.

Almost every day, militants blocked in Eastern Aleppo shell the Western part of the city and front-line areas. Shelling usually intensifies when the Syrian Army carries out offensive operations.

Several families were among the casualties of the shelling. One girl was killed during the shelling and her brother was severely wounded and hospitalized. Doctors are continuing to save his life.

"The shell exploded very close to him. The boy sustained shrapnel wounds and severe brain damage. There are shell fragments in his head. Chances are small, but his heart is still beating and we will fight for his life," Doctor Dzhan Fattouh told RIA Novosti.

According to Syrian doctors, since the beginning of September, a total of over 130 children have been killed in shelling of residential areas. All of them died from shrapnel or gunshot injuries.

Militants shells the Western part of Aleppo with mortars and "hellfire" guns, leaving dozens killed and hundreds wounded every day, Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, Chief of the Russian General Staff's Main Operational Directorate, told reporters.

The ISIL exploded a bomb-laden vehicle near the military positions of its rival terrorists at the entrance gate of the city of Azaz in Northern Aleppo, killing 33 militants and civilians.

ISIL's Explosion Kills 33 Rival Militants, Civilians in Northern Aleppo

At least 33 people, including rival FSA militants and several civilians, were killed after the ISIL exploded a bomb-laden vehicle at the entrance of Azaz city.

Several terrorists of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Noureddin al-Zanki and Jabhat al-Shamiya terrorist groups were killed when the ISIL's bomb-laden vehicles was exploded.

A senior commander of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) was shot dead by unidentified assailants as infighting among terrorist groups has intensified between rival terrorist groups in Dara'a province.

Terrorist Commander Gunned Down by Unknown Gunmen in Dara'a Province

Emad Akrad, nom de guerre Abu Esmayeel, was gunned down by two armed men riding on a motorcycle in the town of Tal Shahab in Dara'a province on Friday.

Akrad was a former commander of the Syrian army who had defected and joined the Free Syrian Army.

The Syrian custom officers confiscated a vehicle packed with weapons and ammunition in Lattakia province.

Lattakia: Syrian Customs Confiscate Terrorists' Vehicle Packed with RPG, Ammunition

A vehicle full of different types of rocket-propelled grenades and explosives was seized by the custom officers along a road from Lattakia to Hama province.

The customs department and the army declined to provide any further details.

Russia’s General Staff said on Friday that terrorists in Syrian flashpoint city of Aleppo are ‘forcefully’ enrolling 14-year-old conscripts amid a lack of reinforcements in the city’s East.

Terrorists in Syria's Aleppo ‘Forcefully’ Enroll Teens

During a press briefing, the chief of the main operations department of Russia’s General Staff, Sergey Rudskoy, said that terrorists in the war-ravaged city have started a new wave of mobilization, which includes teenagers, RT reported.

“The leaders of militant groups continue to hide behind inexperienced fighters launching a new wave of mobilization in Eastern Aleppo and enroll teenagers at the age of 14 years,” Rudskoy said.

He added that fighters from the UN-designated terrorist group Fatah al-Sham Front (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) forcefully enrolled around 1,000 people. The youngsters are being used to try and break the blockade of Eastern Aleppo, staged by Syrian government forces, according to the official.

"The terrorists tried to break up the blockade seeking cover behind those inexperienced fighters. The youngsters mobilized against their will refuse to complete their tasks and desert en-masse, having become subject to reprisals. These actions have caused protests from parents and relatives of the enrolled teenagers."
Jim Prentice, former premier of Canada’s province of Alberta, has been confirmed as one of the four individuals that died in an airplane crash near the city of Calgary, Canadian media reported on Friday.

Ex-Premier of Canada’s Alberta Jim Prentice Among Four Killed in Plane Crash

According to the report, all passengers of the aircraft died in the crash.

"Sources close to the Prentice family confirm that he was among four people on board the Cessna Citation jet that crashed shortly after take-off Thursday from Kelowna airport," the Toronto Star wrote. The authorities identified another victim as being the father-in-law of one of Prentice’s daughters. Prentice served as the 16th Premier of Alberta from 2014 to 2015.

Israeli national Yuval Marshak was extradited from Bulgaria and charged with defrauding a US foreign military aid program, the US Department of Justice said in a press release on Friday.

Israeli Contractor Charged With Defrauding US Foreign Military Aid Program

According to the indictment, Marshak falsified documents to make it appear that certain FMF contracts were competitively bid, that no non-US content was used in the contracts and that no commissions were paid.

"Yuval Marshak, a former owner and executive of an Israel-based defense contractor, carried out three separate schemes between 2009 and 2013 to defraud the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program and used a company in the United States to launder some of the proceeds of his fraud," the release stated.
Marshak had arranged to receive commissions, which he funneled through a Connecticut-based company owned by a relative, the Justice Department said. Two US companies have already settled charges with the Justice Department in connection with the FMF contracts, the release added.

Earlier this year, the New Jersey-based defense contractor Octal Group agreed to pay $460,000 in fines and restitution for covering up an agreement with Marshak.

A second company, Hale Products, Inc. paid more than $60,000 and agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department investigation.

In addition to fines, Marshak faces a maximum prison sentence of 20 years for wire and mail fraud charges, ten years for major fraud against the US government and 20 years for international money laundering.
lux said:
Joe said:
Beau said:
Windmill knight said:
From Reuters:

Exclusive: Obama, aides expected to weigh Syria military options on Friday

By Arshad Mohammed and Jonathan Landay | WASHINGTON

U.S. President Barack Obama and his top foreign policy advisers are expected to meet on Friday to consider their military and other options in Syria as Syrian and Russian aircraft continue to pummel Aleppo and other targets, U.S. officials said.

Some top officials argue the United States must act more forcefully in Syria or risk losing what influence it still has over moderate rebels and its Arab, Kurdish and Turkish allies in the fight against Islamic State, the officials told Reuters.

One set of options includes direct U.S. military action such as air strikes on Syrian military bases, munitions depots or radar and anti-aircraft bases, said one official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

They're either foolishly arrogant, or just bluffing. If the US decides to bomb Syrian military positions, they are essentially deciding to go to war against Russia, OR they think that Russia won't actually use their S-300 systems against American aircraft. Maybe they think the Russians are bluffing about protecting the Syrian military and airspace against foreign missiles and want to test it. But it would be foolish to think that Russia is ever bluffing at this point. They have proven that they can be taken at their word. Most likely the American know they have been checkmated in Syria and are just blustering about attacking the Syrian military because that is all that hey can do now - talk. They have no moves left in Syria.

Sounds like more bluffing to me. They tabled the idea of bombing Syrian positions/runways about 2 weeks ago, and....nothing.

It reminds me with that story:

The Duran had a good analysis of the whole situation, saying that Russia called the US bluff and Obama and co. backed down in what was essentially a replay of Cuba Missile. What is more interesting is that it's getting nearly zero airtime in the West. Even the state media in the Soviet Union was more open about Cuba than the West is being about the near start of WW3. DCM bless Russia for heading things off once again.

Western presstitutes hide fact that U.S. backed down in Syria after Russian warning
Lavrov arrives in Switzerland for Syria talks

The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier reported that the shortlist of the participants is being specified

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has arrived in Geneva, and will then head to Lausanne, which is to host a ministerial meeting on Syria on Saturday, a source in the Russian delegation told TASS.

Besides Lavrov, the meeting will also involve U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the UN secretary general’s special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura, as well as representatives of Saudi Arabia and possibly Qatar.

The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier reported that the shortlist of the participants is being specified.

The key topic for the meeting is expected to be resumption of the regime of cessation of hostilities in Syria. In that connection, the sides will discuss the situation in Aleppo and prospects to dissociate terrorists and the opposition, first of all in and around that city.

Earlier Lavrov said Russia is not going to put forward any new initiatives at the meeting. The minister underscored that the terms of a truce in Syria and settlement of the conflict have already been mentioned in the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions, and it is important to work on their implementation.
sToRmR1dR said:
Lavrov arrives in Switzerland for Syria talks

Lavrov, Kerry Holding Bilateral Meeting on Sidelines of Syria Talks in Lausanne

According to a source in the Russian delegation, Sergey Lavrov and US State Secretary John Kerry are holding a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Syrian settlement talks in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US State Secretary John Kerry are holding a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Syrian settlement talks in the Swiss city of Lausanne, a source in the Russian delegation told Sputnik on Saturday.

This is the first meeting between the ministers since the United States declared it was suspending bilateral channels with Russia established to sustain the September 9 Syrian cessation of hostilities.

The source added that there would be no joint press conference after the meeting.

The meeting will be followed up by the Syrian consultations with several regional powers.

Second Chance: Russia, US to Give Syria Peace Another Try

During their meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Saturday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his US colleague John Kerry will try to return to the basic principles of the Russia-US agreements on the Syrian peace process they had earlier discussed in Geneva.

“The mere fact that Lavrov and Kerry are going to meet again is good news. I think they will try to get back to the agreement they clinched in Geneva. Just how prepared both are to return to the September 9 accords remains to be seen. I expect the talks to be hard and long,” Vladimir Sotnikov, a senior expert with the Global Security Center in Moscow, told RIA.

He added that he was glad to learn that the two foreign ministers were going to meet again “because just a few days ago the impression was that the situation was in a dead end and there would be no further meetings.”

“The main priority now is to resume cooperation with our American partners because Russia and the US hold the key to any solution to the Syrian crisis. The fact that Moscow and Washington managed to set aside their serious disagreements and return to the negotiating table is a very good sign,” Sotnikov said.

As for the absence of Iranian representatives from the upcoming talks in Lausanne, Vladimir Sotnikov explained it by possible US objections.

This doesn’t mean that “at some point in time all the outside actors in the Syrian crisis, including Iran, will not come together depending on the kind of agreement Russia and the US are going to have.”

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups.

On February 27, a US-Russia brokered ceasefire came into force in Syria. Terrorist groups, which maintain a heavy presence in Aleppo, are not part of the deal.

After 14-hour talks in Geneva on September 9 Lavrov and Kerry agreed a peace roadmap for Syria, which called for an immediate ceasefire and coordinated military operations by Russia and the United States.

On October 3, State Department spokesman John Kirby said, however, that the US was suspending all diplomatic contacts with Moscow over failed efforts to end the war in Syria.

This did not affect communications between the two countries aimed at preventing their military aircraft from bumping into each other over Syria.

Russia said it was “profoundly disappointed” by the US’ statement, adding that it reflected Washington’s failure to comply with its commitments.

Deployment of Italian Troops to NATO Mission in Latvia 'Alarming' - Lawmaker

An announcement that Italy is sending troops to join a NATO mission in Latvia is "an alarming sign" because the Alliance continues its approach towards Russia's border, Tancredi Turco, member of the Italian national parliament, who is currently visiting Russia's Crimea, told Sputnik on Saturday.

On Friday, Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti said that Italy remained committed to a dialogue with Russia, adding that Rome would deploy some 140 troops to Latvia in 2018, as it was announced at the NATO summit in July.

"I think it is a very alarming sign as NATO is getting closer to the Russian border. The fact that I am here today proves that I do not want confrontation and escalation of the situation," Turco said.

He added that diplomacy should be the only tool to solve the issues in the world.

NATO has been boosting its military presence in Europe, particularly in Eastern European states, since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, citing Russia's alleged interference in that conflict, as well as Crimea's reunification with Russia, as justification for the move.

At the NATO summit in Warsaw on July 8, the Alliance's secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said that the military bloc would strengthen its presence in Eastern Europe on a rotational basis with four battalions in Poland and in the Baltic nations.

On October 14-16, the 18-member delegation of Italian lawmakers and businesspeople are visiting Russia's peninsula of Crimea.

Russia’s aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov sets off on long voyage to Mediterranean Sea

The goal of the voyage is "to ensure naval presence in the important areas of the World Ocean

The aircraft carrier task force of Russia’s Northern Fleet has started its voyage to the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, the fleet’s press service said on Saturday.

"The group consists of the aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, the Pyotr Velikiy battlecruiser, large anti-submarine ships Severomorsk and Vice-Admiral Kulakov and support vessels," the statement said.

The goal of the voyage is "to ensure naval presence in the important areas of the World Ocean," it said. "Special focus will be made on safeguarding security of maritime traffic and other types of maritime economic activity of Russia and also on responding to the new kinds of modern threats such as piracy and international terrorism."

The previous joint voyage to the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea of the Admiral Kuznetsov and Pyotr Velikiy was completed in the first half of 2014. The current long voyage is the eighth one for the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

US' Plan B to 'Transform Syria Into Transit Route for the Spread of Chaos'

Washington's "Plan B" is excluding Russia from the US' Syrian plan, leaving no space for US-Russian bilateral cooperation, Salman Rafi Sheikh writes, warning that the plan may result in Syria turning into a "transit route for the spread of chaos."

Washington's much discussed "Plan B" actually means non-cooperation with Russia, Salman Rafi Sheikh, political analyst and expert in Pakistani foreign affairs emphasized in his recent article for New Eastern Outlook.

Sheikh quoted Frederic C. Hof, a former US advisor on transition in Syria at the State Department in 2012, who highlighted in his opinion piece for The World Post that there is no possibility of co-operation between Washington and Moscow because the two powers don't have "common grounds."

Simultaneously, the US experts and politicians continue to push ahead with their plan of ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and splitting Syria up.

"For military victory over the Islamic State to be sealed, Washington and its allies must prepare their partners in the Syrian opposition to govern liberated areas," Hof claimed in his article for The Washington Post.

About two years ago, in August 2014, Kenneth M. Pollack, a former CIA intelligence analyst and expert on Middle East politics and military affairs, offered a similar plan.

Pollack proposed building, arming and training a new Syrian opposition army to defeat both Assad and Daesh.

"Once the new army gained ground, the opposition's leaders could formally declare themselves to represent a new provisional government. The United States and its allies could then extend diplomatic recognition to the movement," the former CIA analyst underscored in his article for Foreign Affairs.

For years this "Plan B" has been high on the US' foreign policy agenda.

To complicate matters further, following the collapse of the US-Russian agreement on the Syrian ceasefire, the Obama administration renewed the debate over arming the so-called Syrian rebels and allowing the Persian Gulf realms to provide shoulder-fired missiles to opposition forces.

"The Saudis have always thought that the way to get the Russians to back off is what worked in Afghanistan 30 years ago — negating their air power by giving MANPADS to the Mujahedeen," an unnamed US official told Reuters on September 26.

Still, Sheikh expressed his deep concerns regarding the possibility that the US and their Gulf ally may eventually lose control over Islamist hordes in the region.

"The big question they have not yet answered is: how will they make sure that these Gulf and US supported groups would not spread, after the end of the war, into other countries, such as Iran, who are clearly on the hit list of Saudi Arabia and its allies?" Sheikh asked.

Sheikh suspects that Washington does not want Bashar al-Assad replaced "by a popularly elected leadership but by its funded armed and trained militias."

In the event of this Syria would become a "transit route for the spread of chaos" into Iran, Central Asia (Russia's underbelly) and East Asia, the analyst warned.

"Both Russia and Iran are very well aware of this 'terror project', its scope and the impact it would leave on the part of the world they happen to be geographically located on," he stressed, adding that in this context "Plan B" targets not only Syria, but also its neighbors and allies.

Meanwhile, on Saturday a source with knowledge of the matter told Sputnik that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US State Secretary John Kerry are holding talks on the sidelines of the Syrian settlement summit in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

The summit has brought together foreign ministers from Russia, the US, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Turkey and others.

This is the first multilateral summit on the settlement in Syria following the collapse of the ceasefire. The question remains open whether the participants would reach a compromise, thus far leaving no room for the implementation of "Plan B" in Syria.

US Army Deploys 300 Troops in Northern Syria

"120 US army soldiers have been deployed in North of Tal Abyadh. Also 60 other soldiers have been dispatched to a base near the village of Shabadeq close to a road towards the town of Salouk," the sources said.

"The Shabadeq base is a camp to train the Kurdish fighters for war against the ISIL terrorists in the Eastern battlefields of Raqqa up to the Northern banks of the Euphrates River," the sources added.

"In the meantime, over 100 US soldiers have entered Ein Issa via an illegally-established US army base in the village of Kharab Isq to coordinate Kurdish fighters' operations and meanwhile guard the US political officials who have been dispatched to Syria to form a new coalition, allegedly for the capture of Raqqa," the sources said.

Last month, US soldiers along with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants entered the Syrian towns of Marea and Azaz in the North of Aleppo which has border with Raqqa and Turkey.

Lebanese Al Mayadeen channel reported, citing its sources, the US military arrived to launch military operation against the ISIL group in the Northern parts of Aleppo.

According to Al Mayadeen, the presence of US servicemen immediately caused tensions between the terrorists of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) and FSA Takfiri militants.

In mid-September, US special forces had to withdraw from the town of al-Rai on Syria’s border with Turkey, after allies from the Free Syrian Army had driven them out, calling them “infidels” and “crusaders”.

Some reports suggested that the Militants threatened to kill the US soldiers operating inside al-Rai if they declined to leave the town. They also continued threatening the US military personnel even as they were leaving the town. Other reports indicated that the militants engaged in first fighting with the US military personnel after threatening them.

The footage showed a group of men gathered in the town square, shouting anti-American slogans in Arabic.

The chants included "Down with America," "Get out you dogs," and "They are coming to Syria to occupy it." Voices in the background call the US troops “pigs” and “crusaders.”

"We don't want a single American fighting in Syria alongside us," a man in the second video said, adding that "We are Muslims, we are not infidels. Get out!"

A US official and a senior militant commander, then, confirmed that a protest had taken place, which ended with US troops making their way back towards the Turkish border.

Syria: Terrorist Groups Receive Large Supplies of Portable Anti-Aircraft Missiles in Dara'a

"The terrorist groups in Northern Dara'a have received hundreds of 9K32 Strela-2, also known as SA-7 Grail," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

"The regional Arab countries have spent a large amount of money to purchase 9K32 Strela-2, that is called Cobra by the militants, from East European countries," it added.

"The terrorist groups in Dael in Northern Dara'a have used Cobra to target Syrian military aircraft," the report pointed out.

9K32 Strela-2 is used to target low-attitude flying planes.

"In the meantime, thousand of US-made TWO missiles and Gard have been delivered to the terrorists groups across Syria," the SOHR confirmed.

A commander of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) disclosed in September that the United States provided the group with TOW anti-tank missiles, which they used against Syrian army and other targets in the war-hit country.

According the Fatah al-Sham Front field commander, nom de guerre Abu Al Ezz, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States also provided the militant group with military advisers and experts in usage of satellites and rockets, reconnaissance and thermographic cameras.

"The United States supports the Syrian militant group, but not directly. They (Americans) support the countries, which support us. However, we are still not satisfied with this support. They should support us with sophisticated weapons," the militant commander demanded.

He also claimed that that militants were winning some battles thanks to TOW missiles and revealed that they had received tanks from Libya via Turkey.

Al Ezz said in an interview with Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper that the Syrian army surpasses them only with the combat aircraft, missiles and missile launchers, claiming that they took control over some areas thanks to US TOW missiles, delivered to them directly.

Earlier this month, Humeimim Reconciliation Center said in a statement that a Russian helicopter delivering humanitarian aid to Hama province was attacked by the ISIL militants from MANPAD.

Russian transport Mil Mi-8 helicopter on route to deliver humanitarian aid in Hama province got under fire of the ISIL MANPAD, the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation at the Humeimim airbase said.

"Due to the high altitude, early launch detection and crew skill in maneuvering, the missile was dodged. Nobody on board of the helicopter was injured," the statement read.

The ISIL militants reportedly received two MANPADS from unknown parties across the border in Iraq on October 6 to ensure air defense of militants fighting the government forces trying to take under control the road from Hama to Aleppo.

Syria: ISIL Arrests Hundreds of Militants in Deir Ezzur

"At least 300 militants who had defected the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and joined the ISIL after receiving some trainings in Western Deir Ezzur, have been arrested by ISIL's security forces," the sources said, adding, "The arrested-FSA militants had participated in several ISIL-held ideological courses in Deir Ezzur to repent from their previous ideas."

The 300 militants were arrested by the ISIL after they were charged with spying.

"In the meantime, ISIL has been preventing civilians from leaving its territories in Deir Ezzur by detonating al-Siyasiyeh bridge," the sources said.

Meantime, the sources added that the ISIL is much worried about the movement of the people along its territories and arrested tens of Deir Ezzur residents after they travelled to Raqqa without ISIL's permit last month.

In mid-September, the ISIL gunned down two of its most notorious commanders in Deir Ezzur for unknown reasons.

According to the source, Maysar al-Kalizi and Anas al-Abdon were executed by ISIL's security forces.

Late in August, the ISIL terrorist group had also executed one of the most notorious security commanders in al-Sho'eitat region of Deir Ezzur.

Va'el Kassb al-Quweider, known as the right hand of senior commander of ISIL in Deir Ezzur Jafar al-Khalifeh, was killed by the group's security forces in the village of al-Kashkiyeh.

"Al-Quweider was notorious among the region's civilian for his atrocities against innocent people while occupation of villages of al-Sho'eitat region in 2014," local sources said, adding, "There is no news about the cause of his execution."

Syrian Gov't Forces Cut off Terrorists' Supply Road in Eastern Outskirts of Aleppo

"Syrian government forces marched on terrorists' positions in al-Brij and Mojbal al-Nazarat in the Northern side of Aleppo and, meantime, seized control over a strategic road in the Eastern outskirts of the city used by the terrorist groups to transfer arms and ammunition cargos to Jeish al-Fatah's positions in the Northeastern and Northern districts of Aleppo," the sources said.

Following these advances in the North and the cut-off of the supply route in the East, now the army has the upper-hand in the frontline along Hananou Youth Housing Complex, Hananou and al-Anzarat region, according to the source.

"Following the recent advances of the the Syrian army in the region, terrorists seem to be ready for a rapid defeat in Hananou Youth Housing Complex, Hananou district and al-Anzarat battlefield," they added.

"The Syrian army pushed the terrorists back form al-Brij, South of Handarat region, first and after establishing control over the al-Brij hill and Mojbal al-Nazarat they are now at the gates of Sawq (bazaar) Jom'eh area," the sources stated.

"In a later move, the army soldiers managed to lay siege on the terrorists in Hananou Youth Housing Complex, Hananou and al-Anzarat region from the North and the East."

Earlier reports said that pro-government forces in Syria's Aleppo province are marching on terrorist-held regions in the key city, inflicting major loss and casualties on Jeish al Fatah terrorists in well-concerted advances from the South and Northeast.

Syrian government forces, in fresh round of joint offensives, drove terrorists from Agricultural training center and the regions of al-Mojbal, Katlat al-Rawafe'a, al-Hankarat and al-Ma'amel Northeast of Aleppo city, leaving scores of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists dead or wounded.

A large number of terrorists were also captured in the government forces' operation in Northeastern Aleppo.

Syrian pro-government forces also launched fresh attacks on Jeish al-Fatah's positions in Sheikh Saeed districts to capture al-Marjeh region, field sources said, adding that scores of militants have been killed or wounded in the tough battle underway in Sheikh Saeed.

Military analysts believe that the Syrian army is trying to press the terrorists through multiple fronts from the Northern and Southern directions to eventually launch a crushing attack on their concentrated positions.
UN staff arrived in Syria's Aleppo on Saturday to carry out militants' evacuation from the eastern part of the city, a source on the ground told Sputnik.

UN Staff Arrive in Aleppo to Begin de Mistura Proposed Militants' Evacuation

On October 6, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura offered to accompany Jabhat Fatah al Sham (also known as Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra) militants if they decided to leave Aleppo with arms and to head for the city of Idlib or somewhere else. Russia supported this offer.

The source said that the UN employees had arrived to Bustan Qasr district where the buses to take the militants away were already waiting.

The evacuation may begin later in the day, however, the total number of evacuees remains unknown.

Fighting in Aleppo has recently escalated with the Syrian army and local militia forces having managed to encircle large groups of militants in the eastern districts of Aleppo. Government troops began to advance after the September 12 ceasefire collapsed.

The meeting between Russia, the United States and several regional powers on the Syrian settlement in Swiss Lausanne have ended after 4.5 hours, a source in the Russian delegation told Sputnik.

International Ministerial Syrian Settlement Talks in Swiss Lausanne Ended

The foreign ministers of Russia, the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Jordan — all the participants of the talks — have left the meeting.

The meeting was held behind the closed doors, no press conference will take place afterwards.

Ministerial meeting on Syria in Lausanne has not resulted in a ceasefire agreement, according to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

Turkish FM Says No Ceasefire Agreement Reached at Lausanne Meeting on Syria

Ministerial meeting on Syria in Lausanne, Switzerland has not resulted in a ceasefire agreement, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday.

"We have informally exchanged views on the situation in Syria, although [we] have not reached any specific ceasefire agreement. But it was not supposed [to happen]," Cavusoglu said in an interview with the TRT Haber broadcaster.

He also noted that there were divided views among the meeting participants with respect to what should be done first — to achieve ceasefire or to separate terrorist groups from moderate opposition.

"Everyone, including the Turkish side, shared their views and proposals on how to achieve the truce and to deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo. First of all one needs to achieve a ceasefire but the fight against the Daesh (outlawed in Russia) terrorist group must be continued," the minister said.

Washington needs to develop a clear strategy in Syria and answer the question of what its national interests in the Syrian war are, US-based journalist Antoun Issa notes, throwing into question the "necessity" of the US' direct military involvement in Syria.

Direct Intervention in Syria 'May Not Serve America's National Interests'

The next US administration should determine what America's interests in the Syrian civil war are, Antoun Issa, a US-based Lebanese-Australian journalist, notes.

"The calls for US military action against Syrian government forces have become more vociferous in recent weeks… The question advocates of US military action need to ask and answer is: how is it in America's national interest to go to war against the Syrian government, and risk direct confrontation with a great power such as Russia?" Issa points out in his recent article for The National Interest.

Meanwhile, it still remains unclear what exactly the US interests in the Syrian conflict are, he remarks.

Issa notes that the Syrian war does not pose a threat to the US, nor does it take place in a country "of great strategic value" to Washington. However, the spread of terrorism in the region remains Washington's primary concern. On the other hand, according to Issa, Russia's Syrian operation has posed "a direct challenge to America's leadership in managing global security and maintaining a monopoly on the use of force" for the first time since the end of the Cold War.

"Should the United States allow Russia to dictate the outcome of the Syrian conflict, and expose American weakness, it could encourage a repeat in behavior elsewhere," Issa underscores, adding that "in terms of global security and great power relations, Syria should absolutely matter to Washington."

"But neither of these interests-confronting terrorism or containing Russia-necessarily equates to greater US military involvement, or war with the Assad regime," the journalist highlights. (Article continues.)
Corbett Report - The REAL Cost of the War of Terror (Video and transcript) (Same Video - 4:57 min.)

FULL TRANSCRIPT: September 21, 2016

We all know by now that the real terrorists (the politicians in the suits and ties and the banksters that pull their strings) are waging their war of terror on multiple fronts for multiple reasons.

Domestically, it rallies the population around the flag, keeping the flock in check. At the same time it justifies the build up of the police state control grid to catch the thought criminals who resist.

It also writes a blank check for the illegal wars of aggression abroad. Simply place your terrorist boogeyman in the square of the chessboard you’re looking to occupy and — hey presto! — you’ve got yourself an excuse to invade. (Even if you “accidentally” end up supporting them, right Uncle Sam?)

But of course the politicians, their string pullers and their fellow travelers benefit from the war of terror in a more straightforward sense. They get to use the terror scares that they themselves create to drum up billions upon billions in the name of fighting the boogeymen.

We’ve all heard of the $640 toilet seat and other ridiculous examples of Pentagon “overspending,” but these stories tend to trivialize the abuses by the military-defense contractors whose entire industry is built on providing overpriced solutions to made up problems. After all, the Pentagon itself just admitted it could cut $2 billion from its budget by shutting down some of the needless bases and defense facilities that have been built around the globe in the name of the American empire.

But $2 billion is chump change.

In the 15 years since 9/11, $1 trillion has been spent building up the police state in the American “homeland” itself.

Meanwhile, the Defense Department has been spending over $600 billion per year maintaining the American military in the post-9/11 era. $4 to $6 trillion of that was spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars alone, the most expensive wars in US history.

Combined defense spending, including Homeland Security, DoD, State Department, defense related debt interest and other defense costs, has reached the highest levels in modern history over the past decade. From a Cold War era high in the 1980s of $3500 for every man, woman and child in the United States to a 1990s low of $2500, that figure has since breached $4000. Just look at the chart; it isn’t hard to see exactly when the trend reversed and the good times began to flow for the military-industrial contractors: It was 9/11, the birthday of the war of terror and the new era of homeland security.

There are other numbers we could throw in here:

The billions upon billions in military aid sent to the co-perpetrators of the war of terror, including the $38 billion that has been promised Israel over the next 10 years.

The $1.5 trillion joke known as the F-35 fighter jet.

The $6.5 trillion of “year-end adjustments” in the ongoing, never-ending saga of the Pentagon’s missing trillions.

But we have to be careful not to fall into the psychopaths’ trap. The real costs of the war of terror cannot be measured in dollars and cents. They are not tallied in a ledger. They are not about money at all.

The real cost is paid in blood. The blood of a million dead Iraqis. The blood of the hundreds of thousands murdered men, women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The blood that is being shed right now in Syria, in Libya, in Yemen, and in all of the countries that have crossed through the crosshairs of the NATO, American and Israeli terrorists.

It’s measured in the devastation of towns and cities that once bustled with life. In the families torn apart by drone bombings. In the havoc of the hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes, leave their families and their homeland and their former life behind as everything they knew is torn to shreds.

It’s measured in the blood of the servicemen and women themselves. Lied to, propagandized and indoctrinated their entire lives, given a ticket out of grinding poverty by the military, shot up with experimental vaccines and shoved into the meat grinder for tour of duty after tour of duty. And then, upon returning home, left to rot in rundown hospitals and ignored by the glad-handing politicians and their military-industrial cronies as a suicide epidemic gradually thins their ranks.

This is the true cost of the war of terror, and it is incalculable. And none of it, absolutely none of it, will come to an end until the public stops believing the false narrative of the war of terror and the lies that have brought it about.

Much like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, the real terrorists can only survive if you believe in them.
The fight for Aleppo is going to be a turning point in the Syrian war which could jumpstart the liberation of other Syrian cities, according to President Assad. Russian military correspondent, retired colonel Mikhail Khodarenok explains how the Russian military is going to use the experience of Palmyra's liberation in the re-conquest of Aleppo.

Error Analysis: Russian Military to Mind Palmyra Mistakes When Liberating Aleppo (11 Photos)

In January, General Valery Gerasimov, current Chief of the General Staff of Russia's Armed Forces revealed the plans of the Syrian Armed Forces to take the offensive along the entire frontline with the aerial support of the Russian military, Mikhail Khodarenok, military correspondent of Russia's online newspaper writes in his article for the website.

Several months later, local fighting goes on in six Syrian regions. The most active operations are being carried out in Lattakia, Aleppo, Hama and Palmyra. In Damascus, the government forces continue to encircle the Eastern Ghouta district occupied by the militants. The clashes often come down to reciprocal skirmish from small arms and artillery strikes.

Neither side to the conflict could boast any major military success. Apart from Aleppo, the fighting is done merely by reinforced squadrons and at times it looks quite strange, the expert says.

He further describes how it happens: after artillery preparation an assault detachment of somewhat 100 fighters leads an assault. They advance for somewhat 400 meters and take a break for two days. Khodarenok says that even with the aerial support of the Russian Aerospace Forces it could take another decade without any major achievements. In his recent interview President Assad said that retaking the city of Aleppo from terrorists would jump start the liberation of other Syrian cities. It would be a springboard to move towards other cities and to liberate them from terrorists.

In order to evaluate the prospects of the Syrian army and its combatant value, Khodarenok reminds of last year's liberation of Palmyra, which has become the major success of the government forces. The reviewing of this experience will provide rather a true-to-fact overview of what is going on in Syria.

In May 2015, Daesh militants advanced towards Palmyra, which had a garrison of 2,000 Syrian servicemen and 1,000 of police forces. The jihadists were twice fewer, there were 1,500 militants. For one week the terrorists were trying to take Palmyra, including its Jazal and Al-Sha’ar oil and gas fields. However, the expert says, the city fell not as a result of a storm but due to a betrayal of the local residents and this is not a unique example for Syria. The decision was made to retake this important center of communications, as it had the strategic highway linking Damascus and Lattakia with Raqqa, often referred to as the Daesh capital and Deir ez-Zor, which had another garrison of pro-government forces encircled by the terrorists.

A special force grouping "Palmyra" was formed especially for this assault which included the Syrian government units, Hezbollah units, units of other Iranian and Shia volunteers, including those who call themselves Fatimids, after the Shia Fatimid dynasty, who claimed to be direct descendants of Faṭimah, the daughter of the Prophet Muḥammad and his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Khodarenok says that the contingent of the pro-government forces near Aleppo looks relatively the same now. By the start of the operation the "Palmyra" grouping had five assault detachments. Each detachment had three assault squadrons, one fire support group, one engineer group and one combat support group.

totaled to 250 fighters with 5-6 tanks, 4-5 armored personnel carriers, 2 mortar launchers, 10-12 shoulder-launched flamethrowers, 5-6 heavy machine guns, 10-12 light anti-tank grenade launchers.

The defeat of Daesh in Palmyra was supposed to be done first by two splitting attacks on the flanks of the offensive sector with capturing the commanding points. It was then supposed to give way to the assault detachment on flat terrain in center of operational order of battle of the grouping. Then it was meant to rupture the enemy's battle position, capturing the commanding points around Palmyra and take under control all the roads. At the end, it was supposed to block the city from the north, west and southeast. During the second stage it was supposed to storm the city from three directions leading to the city center from the north, west and southeast. To fire at the enemy on the city's fringes, on the outskirts and in its defense centers, block the arrival of any reserves and then, advancing along the streets, consistently capture buildings and city quarters.

During the final stage, it was supposed to clean up the city from terrorists, eliminate the remains of isolated armed gangs and restore constitutional order in Palmyra.

The intention looked very convincing. However the organizers of the storm did not take into account the low military fighting efficiency of the Syrian army and its low ability to mount an offensive. Upon examination of the readiness of the assault detachments for the operation it suddenly turned out that they were understaffed and its military personnel was absolutely not ready for the upcoming battles.

It turned out that the Syrian servicemen had no battle training, there were no essential logistical stocks and nobody has been getting ready for the storm.

In other words, the expert says, the level of training of the assault detachments and their weaponry and military hardware resources did not allow to launch the assault within the set time limits. The commanders in charge of the operation had to start with elementary tactical training and firing instruction. Tank and armored personnel carrier crews, snipers, operators of grenade launchers and engineers underwent the initial training. In the long run, they have got relatively combat-capable crews.

During the fight for Palmyra the situation was very similar to what is constantly going on along the entire Syrian frontline: Syrian army, experiencing heavy losses was barely advancing for several kilometers and then hurriedly retreated without any reason to its starting positions.

Hezbollah and Fatimid units suddenly refused to take part in the offensive, however in a short while they abruptly changed their minds and decided to support the pro-government forces. At times, it was absolutely incomprehensible for the Russian military: for example, the Iranian units of Hezbollah were successfully beating the militants out of commanding points near Palmyra. Then at night they suddenly retreated from all the recaptured points which have been then immediately captured by the militants.

After such a retreat the Russian experts even suspected conspiracy between the leadership of the armed gangs and commanders of Hezbollah and Iranian units.

From the first days of the fight for Palmyra it became clear that the militants had an extensive agent network which helped them to obtain verified information about the operations of the "Palmyra" group. The commanders of the armed gangs had the dates of the assaults of the pro-government forces long beforehand. Besides the agent network, the enemy has been intercepting radio traffic of the Syrian servicemen and learning about the planned assaults due to systematic violation of security measures by the servicemen. With all the data of the planned assaults at hand, the Islamists were able to strengthen the existing and construct new defensive positions on the city's fringes.

They were able to plant mines on major routes long beforehand which enabled them to hold their positions.

The militants in Palmyra were fiercely resisting with the fire support of tanks, weapons of field artillery and mortar launchers, under cover of highly maneuverable trucks with mounted ZU-23 anti-aircraft systems or 12,7mm,14,5mm heavy machine guns. High volume of fire and mine-infested terrain resulted in heavy losses of the pro-government forces (for the first three days of the assault died two of the four commanders of the assault detachments) and weakening of already low martial and offensive spirit.

After several days of the assault there came a break as there was a real need to restore the fighting efficiency of the government forces.

As the result, the enemy got time to regroup and counterattack. Then the Syrian forces were on the offensive again and were advancing. However day by day the combat intensity was going down. That is why the storm of Palmyra become stalled for a long while. To terrify the Syrian servicemen, the militants have planted mines and exploded the Syrian armored vehicles left over in hasty retreat, used cars and armored vehicles with suicide bombers, unexpected artillery strikes.

As the result, some of assault detachments of the Syrian army have left in panic the re-captured positions and temporarily lost combat effectiveness.

With the planned assault on Aleppo, the Russian military say it is not that big of a problem to bomb it and level it to the ground. However it is not and will never be on the agenda. Neither is the aim to "fight until the last Sunni or Alawi." All that remains for the Russian military is to work on increasing the combat effectiveness of the Syrian army. And it is already bringing first results. However what the Russian military really want is to launch a peace process in Syria on equal terms. Sooner or later all the parties to the conflict will sit down at the negotiation table, and the commanders in charge of the operation realize it. The negotiations in the Arab world is a very complicated process however there is no alternative. The war will never bring any order, peace and tranquility to Syria.
The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) detained a North Korean vessel for illegal fishing in the exclusive Russian economic zone in the Sea of Japan, killing at least one crew member, the body said in a statement.

Russian Security Forces Detain N Korean Fishing Vessel After Violent Clash

The Russian border patrol ship stopped the North Korean fishing boat to conduct a search on Friday evening at 10:20 p.m. Moscow time (19:20 GMT), but faced an aggressive resistance of the members of the crew, according to the statement. The Korean vessel, carrying 48 crew members, started to move out of the Russian territorial waters, while the fishermen attempted to attack the patrol officers.

"In order to prevent the attempt of violent seizure of firearms and to protect Russian security officers from life endangering attacks of the North Korean crew, the Russian FSB servicemen fired several warning shots and then opened fire from small arms. Nine crew members of the intruder-ship were injured, one of them later died," the statement said. As a result of the incident one FSB officer got a head injury, according to the security body. FSB informed the North Korean Consulate General about the use of weapons.

A border patrol ship of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) will deliver North Korean fishermen, who attacked border guards, to the Russia’s Far East, a FSB spokesperson said on Sunday.

Russian FSB to Deliver Detained N. Korean Fishermen to Russian Far East

The Russian border patrol ship stopped the North Korean fishing boat to conduct a search on Friday evening but faced an aggressive resistance of the members of the crew. The Korean vessel, carrying 48 crew members, started to move out of the Russian territorial waters, while the fishermen attempted to attack the patrol officers.

After several warning shots FSB servicemen opened fire from small arms injuring nine fishermen. One of the injured fishermen later died. One FSB serviceman got a head injury.

"Today the ship will arrive in the Primorsky Territory, where an investigation will be carried out. On board of the ship there is a doctor, who is delivering medical care [to injured fishermen]," the spokesperson told RIA Novosti.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the actions of the US and France in Iraq’s Mosul should be very careful to minimize the death toll among the civilian population.

Russia Warns France, US about Civilian Death Toll during Mosul Campaign

We hope that our American partners and, in this case, French partners will act selectively and will do everything to minimize and better to have no victims among the civilians," Putin said, TASS reported.

"Of course, we are not planning to fan hysteria about this as our partners in the West do because we understand that there is the need to fight against terrorism and there is no other way than an active fight," he added.

The president agreed that there are parallels between Mosul and the actions of Russia in Aleppo where Russia’s troops try to prevent a humanitarian crisis and are criticized by the West for that. "The parallel is obvious," he said.

"Of course, now we can point to our partners to Mosul and say that many civilians live there, hundreds of thousands of people, and using airpower and artillery is very dangerous in regard to possible victims," Putin added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Commented on US Vice President Joe Biden’s statement on the possibility of cyber attacks against Russia, saying it’s the first time that Washington has admitted involvement in such actions.

Putin: Biden's Cyber Threat First US Confession on Such Action at Highest Level

Putin noted that US threats of hacker attacks do not correspond to the norms of international relations, RT reported.

"The only novelty is that for the first time, on the highest level, the United States has admitted involvement in these activities, and to some extent threatened us, which of course does not meet the standards of international communication,” the Russian leader said.

“Apparently, they are nervous,” he added.

“One can expect just about anything from our American friends. After all, what did he (Biden) say that we didn’t already know? Didn’t we know that US authorities are spying and eavesdropping on everyone?”

These activities are “well known to everyone, it’s no secret,” Putin added.

Washington attempts to distract attention from domestic problems by portraying Russia as an enemy, Putin said, adding that during the US election campaign, Russian-American relations are sacrificed.

Russia does not want confrontation with the US, but it is up to our partners to decide, he said.

“We do not know what will happen after the US elections, but welcome everyone who wants to work with us,” he said.

Speaking about the US election campaign, Putin noted that it is “harmful and counterproductive” to “sacrifice US-Russian relations in the course of internal political events in America.” This has all happened before, Putin noted.

“Analyze all previous election campaigns in the US, it all repeats over and over again, like I’ve said. And then we have people whispering to us, ‘Oh, wait, wait, it’ll be over soon, things will go back to normal,’” Putin said.

“It’s not even funny anymore. But if someone wants a confrontation, this is not our choice, and it means that there will be some problems. We don’t want that. We would like, on the contrary, to seek common ground and work together to solve global problems faced by both Russia and the United States, along with the whole world,” Putin concluded.

Russia is not going to influence the election campaign in the United States, because it does not know what will happen after the elections.

“I hope that after the election period in the US, there will be a chance to restore relations between Moscow and Washington,” Putin said.

US-Russia relations didn’t deteriorate because of Syria, Putin said.

“You think our relations with the United States changed because of Syria? No, not because of Syria, but because of attempts of one side to impose its decisions on the whole world.”

Moscow is permanently in touch with the Obama administration, though all contacts continue in all directions, he added.

An opposition military source disclosed that terrorist groups in Northern Syria are getting ready to launch large-scale offensives to lift the Syrian army siege on Jeish al-Fatah militants in the Eastern part of Aleppo city as they have come up with the conclusion that the city will be conquered by the army in maximum 2 months.

Terrorists Preparing to Launch Fresh Operations to Save Comrades Trapped in Aleppo in Last Ditch Effort

"Militants' depot of arms and ammunition and storages of food stuff and medical equipment will end in less than two months. They are really trapped in a frim circle of government forces," the source said, adding, "That is why Jeish al-Fatah's allies in other regions are preparing to storm government positions around Aleppo's outskirts to break the siege and save their comrades."

"Syrian army and its popular allies have ended up the forth phase of their operation, which focused on cutting off the militants' supply routes to the Eastern districts of Aleppo, and have now started to hit the besieged militants," the source went on to say.

In the meantime, popular uprising and protests against militants' presence in Aleppo city have increased in the last ten days.

Yesterday, Al-Qataneh neighborhood's residents took to the streets in Eastern part of Aleppo and called on the militant groups to leave the city immediately.

Fatah al-Sham Front's (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) religious judge Abdullah al-Moheiseni also warned on Saturday that widening rifts among the members of Jeish al-Fatah coalition of militant groups and the recent advances of the Syrian government forces will soon end in the imminent collapse of the militants in Aleppo and Damascus provinces.

Al-Moheiseni underlined that the militant groups in Aleppo and Damascus are most likely to sustain the greatest defeats they have endured so far, given the Syrian army's growing pace of victories and increasing differences among the rebels.

"Militants' defeats and failure in Damascus and Aleppo are due to the very weak management of our field commanders, who stressed on their own military plans," he added.

Al-Moheiseni had warned of widening rifts among militants in Aleppo in August.

"If my attempts to decrease differences among the coalition's militant groups fail, and if the other members of Jeish al-Fatah coalition do not unite with Fatah al-Sham I will encourage young fighters to leave the coalition. I will also leave the militant groups alone," al-Moheiseni underscored.

He further accused some members of Jeish al-Fatah coalition of seeking more relations with their foreign backers which as he said is the main barrier on the way of uniting coalition's members.

Russia's move to restore former Soviet military bases abroad is in line with the country's new Maritime Doctrine and aims "to increase the autonomy of Russia's naval presence in the World Ocean," according to RIA Novosti political analyst Alexander Khrolenko.

Resurgent Russia Takes On US Unilateralism With Reclaimed Former Soviet Bases

RIA Novosti political analyst Alexander Khrolenko believes that Russia's foreign military bases are in sync with the country's news Maritime Doctrine and help "boost the autonomy of the Russian naval presence in the World Ocean."

His remarks came after Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov said on Monday that Moscow will establish a permanent naval base in the Syrian port city of Tartus, home to a Russian Navy maintenance and support facility which was established by the Soviet Union in 1977. Pankov also said that the Russian Defense Ministry was looking into reestablishing Russian bases in Cuba and Vietnam.

In addition, media reports cited Russia's plans to return to a former Soviet air force base in the Egyptian city of Sidi Barrani.

Khrolenko recalled that since the end of the last century, Russia has pursued peaceful policies. Meanwhile, a significant proportion of US and NATO military operations were conducted without the UN's approval, including operations in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

In addition, the permanent presence of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean is something that is endorsed by Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen, according to him.

"In the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Russia is successfully strengthening its military cooperation with the naval forces of India and China," he added. Khrolenko specifically drew attention to the fact that the navy remains the basis of Russia's maritime potential and that naval activity is related to the top state priorities.

Commander Michael R. Wohnhaas, from Crew 106 on the USS Freedom, became the second US Navy littoral ship commander this year to be relieved of his posts after the ship sustained engine damage in the summer.

US Naval Commander Fired After USS Freedom Sustains Engine Damage at Sea

In a Friday news release, the Naval Surface Force Pacific said that Wohnhaas was relieved on October 13 by commander of Naval Surface Forces, Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral Tom Rowden, "due to loss of confidence in his ability to effectively lead and carry out his assigned duties," according to

The release explained, "The loss of confidence followed an investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding damage to the ship's number 2 main propulsion diesel engine (#2 MPDE) that occurred in the operation areas off the coast of southern California on July 11," and the Navy Times reports that "No final decision has been made yet on the options for follow-on repairs to Freedom related to the July 11 engineering casualty."

Wohnhaas, a surface warfare officer by trade, was commissioned in 1996, and officials say he has been temporarily reassigned to the Naval Surface Force Forces Pacific. July's engine breakdown marks the third for the Freedom class of ships this year, and began when seawater entered the engine lube oil system, caused by a leak in the mechanical seal of the ship’s seawater pump. The damage to the second main propulsion engine was discovered when the Freedom return to San Diego to port after its exercise, and engineers determined that the engine may need to be replaced if it can't be rebuilt.

Commander Michael Atwell of the LCS crew 101 aboard the USS Fort Worth was the first littoral ship commander to be relieved of his duties in March when the ship sustained damage to its propulsion system, causing it to be sidelined in Singapore.

When the casualty was first discovered, US Pacific Fleet spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matt Knight told USNI news, "Based on initial indications, the casualty occurred due to an apparent failure to follow procedures during an operational test of the port and starboard main propulsion diesel engines…An investigation is underway to examine the incident in depth and determine any necessary corrective action. A team of technical specialists is currently on board Fort Worth to evaluate the gears and required repairs. There is no estimated date of completion at this time."

After the investigation was complete, Lt. Clint Ramsden, also a Pacific Fleet spokesman, said that "failure to maintain procedural compliance in execution of the maintenance operation was sufficient reason to call into question [Atwell’s] ability to lead the ship's crew."

Wohnhaas’s temporary replacement is Capt. Matthew McGonigle, deputy commodore of LCS Squadron One.

Kuwait's Cabinet resigned and its parliament was dissolved Sunday over a "lack of cooperation" among the country's branches of government, setting the stage for early elections.

Kuwaiti Cabinet Resigns, Parliament Dissolves

Parliaments typically don't serve out their full terms in Kuwait, but lawmakers elected in last election in 2013 largely sided with the government, The Daily Star reported.

The drop in global oil prices has squeezed this major OPEC member to the point of cutting back on the country's many subsidies, stirring dissent.

Kuwait's state-run television station and its news agency announced the Cabinet resignation and the parliament dissolving Sunday afternoon, just a few hours after government officials held an emergency meeting.

a decree, Kuwait's ruling emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah said "given the circumstances in the region ... and the security challenges" he had ordered the parliament dissolved. The statement did not elaborate.

Kuwait has faced the threat of militant attacks since the rise of the ISIL group. An ISIL-claimed suicide bombing in 2015 targeting a mosque in Kuwait City killed 27 people and wounded scores.

On Oct. 8, an Egyptian driving a garbage truck loaded with explosives and ISIL papers rammed into a truck carrying five US soldiers in Kuwait, wounding only himself in the attack.

Earlier Kuwaiti news reports about the government dissolving focused entirely on economic issues. The price of oil has been halved from heights of over $100 a barrel in the summer of 2014. Government-subsidized gasoline prices have been raised and other benefits have been cut, leading to growing dissent.
Just wanted to share something Putin said today, and also clarify RT's incorrect and gentle translation. ;)

In the video Putin was asked by a journalist if perhaps it is time for the Russian counter-sanctions against the West to be mitigated a bit. RT translated Putin's answer as "No way!" While, what he actually said in Russian translates into American English in the following way. Just so there won't be any misunderstanding! :lol:

Keit said:
Just wanted to share something Putin said today, and also clarify RT's incorrect and gentle translation. ;)

In the video Putin was asked by a journalist if perhaps it is time for the Russian counter-sanctions against the West to be mitigated a bit. RT translated Putin's answer as "No way!" While, what he actually said in Russian translates into American English in the following way. Just so there won't be any misunderstanding! :lol:


Yeah, they are translating it as Putin saying "no way, they can get lost". Is that closer to what he said or was it more vulgar?
Joe said:
Yeah, they are translating it as Putin saying "no way, they can get lost". Is that closer to what he said or was it more vulgar?

Yes, closer. It wasn't vulgar. More "short, but accurate" as Putin said. Here is translation of "fig/figa" in Russian, btw.

Also, I am still hoping RT would make subtitles to the entire press conference, as this time Putin spoke in a particularly poignant and no BS way. As if time of polite diplomacy is over.
He gave them this: :lol:

In many cultures, other than western, it means: "no way you will get anything from me, its closed business" (and that is the polite version :) )
The perfect moment of comic timing followed the meeting of the BRICS member states' leaders on Sunday, as Russian President Vladimir Putin was talking about US intelligence services’ “snooping and eavesdropping on everyone.”

The NSA’s Far Reach? Power Fails After Putin ‘Said Something Wrong’ (VIDEO) (3:21 min.)

Putin warned Russian journalists that the US National Security Agency (NSA) and allied surveillance departments were keeping an eye on them. "You are all objects of inquiries by the respective [intelligence] services," he said.

"You are the bearers of certain information," Putin continued. "You can hear something, see, talk to someone, freely speak over the phone." All information "is of interest" and is being "systematized, put together and analyzed — this is what the NSA is doing," Putin stated. The Russian president also noted that, according to former intelligence agents, the NSA operates in violation of US law, while in Russia intelligence agencies work in accordance with legal and constitutional norms. As he finished that statement, a brief blackout turned off the president's microphone. "I said something wrong apparently," the Russian leader joked.

Answering the question of whether Brazil's current president was recruited by US intelligence, Putin said he was neither aware nor interested in the topic.

Earlier, commenting on recent threats from US Vice President Joe Biden about the preparation of cyber attacks on Russia, Putin said, "you can expect whatever from our American friends."

US Secretary of State John Kerry said that Washington is considering additional sanctions against Russia over the situation in Syria's Aleppo which Moscow is trying to rid of militants.

US Considering New Anti-Russia Sanctions Over Syria Campaign - Kerry

The United States is considering a round of anti-Russia sanctions over the situation in Syria's Aleppo which Moscow is trying to rid of militants, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.

"We are considering additional sanctions and we are also, let me make it clear, President Obama has not taken any options off the table at this point in time. So we'll see where we are in the next few days in the context of the discussions we are having," Kerry told journalists following an international meeting on the Syrian settlement in London, as quoted by the Sky News broadcaster.

A resident reported a car bombing at a militia checkpoint near a camp for displaced persons in Syria near the Jordan border. Several people were said to be killed in the explosion.

Multiple Deaths Reported in Blast at Refugee Camp Near Syria-Jordan Border

Reuters reported that at least three people were killed and 20 others were wounded in the incident at the Rukban camp.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the checkpoint is manned by the Jaish al-Ashair rebel group. Hala Akhbar, a website linked to Jordan's military, also reported the blast, according to the Washington Post. A rebel official said that Daesh was suspected in the attack. The camp is home to around 75,000 people displaced by fighting in the region.
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