Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

The Syrian army advanced over 1,400 square kilometers in Syria's Badiyeh (desert) in line with its military operations against the ISIL terrorist group and in a bid to approach al-Tanf border crossing regardless of the US threats.

Syrian Forces Advancing Against US-Backed Militants Regardless of Washington Threats

"The Syrian army and its allied forces managed to advance 1,400 square kilometers in Badiyeh region East of Palmyra (Tadmur) over the past 24 hours," a military source said.

The military source went on to say that the Syrian army continued its advances from point Moqhi al-Shahmieh and reached Jaliqam intersection which is connected to al-Tanf passage and Jordan borders.

The military source reiterated that the army troops inflicted heavy casualties on ISIL terrorists and the military operations are still underway.

The Syrian Army had managed to secure over 5,000 square kilometers of the Syrian Desert from the clutches of ISIL during the first stage of a special military operation.

According to a military source, all objectives of the first stage of Operation Grand Dawn – secure the Damascus-Palmyra route and the Khneifis phosphate mines and factories (chief source of this mineral in Syria) – have been accomplished.

The source stressed that the Russian Aerospace Forces provided air support to the advancing Syrian government forces, and have recently dealt a serious blow to the ISIL logistics' chain by obliterating a number of terrorist supply convoys.

Simultaneous with the rapid advances of the Syrian Army troops towards al-Tanf border-crossing the US-led coalition dropped thousands of leaflets over the army-controlled region calling on them to retreat from Southern Syria.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Army troops fortified their positions in Syria's Badiyeh in order to get ready for launching the next phase of their military operations against terrorists and sealing the border with Iraq.

The Syrian Army forces thwarted the plan of the terrorists loyal to Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) for transferring a large arms cargo from Southern to Eastern Damascus province, the military’s high command reported.

Syrian Army Seizes Large Cache of Weapons in Damascus Province (Photos)

AMN quoted a military communiqué as saying that the army soldiers busted members of Tahrir Al-Sham that were attempting to smuggle weapons from Southern Damascus to the East Ghouta region.

The source added that several cases of ammunition, tank shells, mortar launchers, and heavy machine guns were among the seized consignment.

Due to their recent shortage of weapons in East Ghouta, terrorists of Tahrir Al-Sham have attempted to move their munitions from Southern Damascus in order to help their comrades fighting the Syrian government forces.

A terrorist group affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) has set up a new base with the US-led coalition forces' support Northeast of al-Tanf military base in Southern Syria.

US-Led Coalition Sets up 2nd Military Base at Syria's Border with Iraq

Mohanad al-Talla'a, the commander of FSA-affiliated Jeish al-Maqawir, said that the new base is set up in al-Zakaf region 60km Northeast of al-Tanf base and with 130km distance to the town of Albu Kamal in Eastern Deir Ezzur.

He claimed that the new base has been established to train fighters round the clock to fight ISIL.

Al-Talla'a added that the base which has been established with the back up of the US-led coalition will be used for the launch of small and mid-size operations in Syria's Badiyeh (desert).

Another source in Jeish al-Maqawir reported that a large volume of arms and ammunition and a large number of militants affiliated to terrorist groups and the coalition have been deployed at the base.

Intelligent agents reported early in May that the US, British and Jordanian forces were preparing for a possible invasion of Syria under the pretext of war on ISIL terrorists.

According to reports, Damascus went on the alert after intelligence reports gathered from surveillance drones suggested that the US, Britain and Jordanian militaries might be prepping a massive invasion of Syria.

Nearly 400 American and Jordanian military vehicles were located at a Jordanian military base near the Syrian desert border, the reports said, adding there was no ISIL terrorists in the region in which the US, British and Jordanian forces were operating.

The reports further added that activities of these three countries at border were aimed at gathering Arab and Western forces in al-Zarqa camp in which there were almost 4,500 gunmen.

The report went on to say that the gunmen in al-Zarqa camp went under training to battle the Syrian army to stretch a belt around Syria, a plan that was nothing more than an occupation.

The intelligence reports also said that the military convoys of the US, Jordan and Britain might launch an assault to help the West-backed FSA around the al-Tanf border crossing.

Reports also said that the Syrian Army troops, in response to the possible attacks by the US, British and Jordanian forces on their soil, launched a large-scale operation along the Damascus-Baghdad highway to drive FSA out of the border crossing of al-Tanf.

The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland has confirmed that it is examining a criminal complaint against former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni, accused of war crimes by a Geneva-based pro-Palestinian group. Livni recently travelled to Lugano in southern Switzerland for a celebration organized by the Swiss-Israel Association.

War crimes suit filed in Switzerland against former Israeli minister

According to the Le Temps newspaper, Livni has been named in a legal suit filed on Monday by the Geneva-based Urgence Palestine activist group external link in relation to her role in the Israeli military's “Operation Cast Lead” in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 – January 2009. She was foreign minister and acting prime minister at the time.

The Attorney General’s Office external link confirmed to that this ‘[legal] request is presently being studied’.

Operation Cast Lead began with a week of air attacks and shelling, followed by a land invasion of the blockaded coastal strip, sealed off at sea by the Israeli navy. Some 1,400 Palestinians were killed and 13 Israelis died.

On May 28, Livni attended an event in the Italian-speaking city of Lugano in southern Switzerland organized by the Swiss-Israel Association external link to celebrate the 69th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel. She left Switzerland on Monday via Italy.

It is unclear what action the Attorney General’s office will take action in the future, especially if Livni plans to return to Switzerland.

Pursued overseas

A representative from the Swiss NGO Trial International, which fights impunity against war crimes, told that Switzerland has a duty to act: “Switzerland has an obligation to work on cases of alleged war crimes if the suspect steps on Swiss territory. If Switzerland opens an investigation, it is in line with Swiss law, especially given the alleged crimes committed during Operation Cast Lead.”

In January 2017, Livni cancelled a visit to Belgium over fears she may be arrested on her arrival in Brussels over war crime allegations. The Brussels prosecutor’s office said Livni was the subject of a 2010 complaint to the federal prosecutor, and the authorities could detain or question her on arrival “to try and advance the investigation.”

Livni, who is still a Zionist Union party member of the Knesset, told Israel Radio at the time that she had pulled out of the Brussels trip for “personal reasons.”

In December 2009, she cancelled a trip to London after being informed that she was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by a British court over her role in the same war.
Seems the US coalition is now dictating to pro goverment forces where they can't and can go. In short, they are formenting their plans to carve up Syria.

US-led Coalition Air Force Once Again Bombed Government Troops In Southern Syria
On Tuesday, the US-led coalition once again bombed Syrian government forces in the area of al-Tanf in southern Syria near the border with Iraq.

According to the US-led coalition statement, warplanes targeted a group of over 60 soldiers with battle tanks, technical vehicles and artillery pieces “posing a threat to Coalition and partner forces based at the At Tanf Garrison”.

The coalition airstrikes reportedly destroyed two artillery pieces, an anti-aircraft weapon and damaged a battle tank.

Army establishes control over hills in Palmyra, kills scores of terrorists in Deir Ezzor
Wednesday / 7 / 06 / 2017
Provinces, SANA-Army units in cooperation with the allies established control over the hills overlooking northeastern Palmyra in Homs central province and continued chasing down ISIS terrorists in the area, killing huge numbers of the terrorists.
A military source told SANA that big numbers of ISIS terrorists were killed during the military operation, in addition to destroying several armored vehicles of the terrorist organization. Tens of the terrorists fled away towards the middle of the Badiya, dropping down their weapons.

The army units destroyed gatherings and sites for ISIS terrorists in Arak station, Minoukh, east of Jib al-Jarah in the eastern countryside of Homs.

Earlier, army units foiled an attack by ISIS terrorists on a number of military posts in the area of al-Tafha in the eastern countryside of Homs, seizing huge amounts of their arms and ammunition.

The source added that army units clashed on Tuesday at dawn with ISIS-affiliated terrorist groups that attacked a number of the military posts in al-Tafha hills, 70 km east of Homs City.

The source noted that the attack was completely foiled and two of the machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed, in addition to killing and injuring a number of terrorists while their remnants fled away leaving their arms and ammunition behind.

Army units also combed the axis of the attack in search for car bombs and landmines, seizing large amounts of arms and ammunition that were left by terrorists before they fled away.

Later, the Syrian Air Force destroyed vehicles, some of them equipped with machineguns, fortifications, and ammunition and weapons caches for ISIS terrorist organization in al-Faseda, Yatima Mount, and al-Haba, to the southeast of Palmyra and the 3rd Station in Homs countryside.

Deir Ezzor

Army and Armed Forces units operating in Deir Ezzor, backed by artillery fire and Syrian Air Force, thwarted an attack launched by ISIS groups in the direction of the communications department, al-Panorama, Tallet al-Sonouf and Tal Barouk, killing more than 50 ISIS terrorists, , injuring 8 others and destroying 6 vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns and two mortar emplacements.

SANA reporter said that the army air forces carried out scores of airstrikes and managed to foil ISIS terrorists’ attacks at the southern axis of the city, targeting the terrorists’ movement axes and supply routes in the surroundings of Regiment 137, al-Taim crossroads, Kou’a al-Mayadeen and in the surroundings of Talet al-Sanouf.

The army airstrikes left scores of terrorists dead and injured, destroyed their vehicles and forced them to retreat to the areas from which they launched their attack.

Another army unit destroyed an ISIS armored vehicle while trying to pick up the bodies of the dead terrorists in the surroundings of Regiment 137, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.


Scores of ISIS terrorists were killed and injured during the continued military operation carried out by the army, in cooperation with the backing forces, since the beginning of the past week to eliminate terrorism from the eastern countryside of Salamyieh City.

The army air force and the land forces participating in the operation carried out intensive strikes against positions of ISIS terrorists in the villages and the farms of Jana al-Albawi, Maksar al-Shamali, Maksar al-Janoubi, Tabaret al-Diba, Abu al-Ezz, Abu Hubailat, Qulaib al-Thaour, Abu al-Hanayia, al-Tanahej, al- Barghouthiya and the surroundings of Tal Huwair in the eastern countryside of Salamyieh.

Tens of terrorists were killed in the strikes and many of their tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed.
President Assad's interview with India's TV channel "TV TV" (29:48)
Syrian Arab News Agency Published on Jun 3, 2017 (In English)

East Aleppo: Jirah to Maskanah (June 5, 2017) - Syrian War Video Map Update
Al-Masdar News

Syrian-Iraqi War Report – June 6, 2017: ISIS Advancing In Deir Ezzor

Interesting that these war games are in progress as Assad makes huge advances in Syria. Though not related one has to wounder if they could or would be activated for any front.

NATO Operation Noble Jump: Thousands of troops assemble in South-Eastern Europe
Written by Imanuel Marcus on May 31, 2017 in Europe
NATO has started a huge exercise called Noble Jump in South-Eastern Europe, which will last until June 22, 2017. The purpose is to test the so-called Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) concept. The barracks in Cincu (Romania) are the center of the training activities. But troops will be deployed in Bulgaria and Greece as well.

The alliance described the exercise as a “logistical challenge that will test the ability of all the participants to deliver a fighting force to wherever it is needed.” Noble Jump is being led by the 20th Armoured Brigade from Great Britain. The Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and countless other divisions are part of the endeavour too.

Forces from several NATO countries have already started deploying “a significant numbers of soldiers, vehicles and helicopters”. Some 2000 troops and as many as 500 vehicles will make the journey to the training area in Romania and the entire region. They are mainly coming from bases in the U.K., Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Norway and Albania. In addition, 2000 Romanian soldiers are taking part.

Most divisions will be flown to Romania, some will be transported by sea and railway or in road convoys. According to sources in Sofia, there will be military traffic in Bulgaria as well. 280 British soldiers are supposedly crossing the country today.

The Commander of Joint Force Command Naples, Admiral Michelle Howard said: “Noble Jump is an important NATO exercise. It allows us to sustain interoperability as an alliance. We will deploy or “jump” forces from around the theater to Greece, Romania and Bulgaria. I appreciate the support of the host nations’ authorities and their close cooperation as Noble Jump ensures that our skills, knowledge and experience are kept up to date.”

NATO Operation Noble Jump 2017
bjorn said:
Seems the US coalition is now dictating to pro goverment forces where they can't and can go. In short, they are formenting their plans to carve up Syria.

I noticed that too, Bjorn - the "dictating" and concentrations of military forces in certain areas. There's something about this "Operation Inherent Resolve" that doesn't sit right? There is the impression - they are planning "something really big" but they need an outside distraction, for some reason, before they implement whatever they have planned?

For distractions, consider developments in the Philippines starting out in the first week of May. A UN special rapporteur made an unofficial visit to the country to attend a two-day policy forum in Quezon City (May 5-6), in which George Soro's also planned to attend. Neither have good intentions towards Duterte or the Philippines. I wonder, if Soros had one of his special "Color Revolutions" planned?

‘I will kill you & that’s why UN is here’: Duterte fumes over UN rapporteur’s surprise visit

May 5, 2017 - The Philippines is up in arms over a UN special rapporteur’s unofficial visit to the country, claiming she is biased against the country’s controversial ‘war on drugs,’ and threatening to lodge a complaint to the UN.

Agnes Callamard, UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, spoke at a two-day policy forum in Quezon City on Friday. Callamard is known for her critical position on Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s ‘war on drugs.’

Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella said that by arriving in the country without notifying the authorities, Callamard is sending a “clear signal” that she will push a one-sided opinion of the controversial crusade against drugs, citing her refusal to engage in a public debate on the issue last September. At the time, Manila extended to Callamard an official invitation, which included a list of conditions.

These included a public discussion with President Duterte, in which Callamard would have been required to take an oath and answer three questions. She rejected the offer and called on the government to allow her to visit without any conditions.

President Duterte Warns George Soros ‘There Is A Bounty On Your Head’

May 6, 2017 - George Soros cancelled a proposed “humanitarian visit” to the Philippines after President Duterte warned him “there is a bounty on your head in these islands.“

The Philippine House of Representatives approved a proposal last week to reinstate the death penalty, and the president took the opportunity to fire a warning at George Soros: “There is a special place in hell for you, idiot. Set one foot in this country and my duty is to make you go straight there.”

Duterte arrived in Moscow on May 22 which was to be a five-day visit to Russia - and left on the 24th due to conflict in Mindanao province, after declaring Martial Law on the 23rd. Then on June 1st, what is claimed as a gunman attack and fire at the Resorts World Manila hotel and casino. Other than declaring Martial Law, Duterte has been able to neutralize other conflicts from escalating.

What Will Top the Agenda of Putin's Talks With Philippine President Duterte?

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte arrives in Moscow on May 22 to sit down with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders are expected to discuss ways of expanding bilateral political, economic and military cooperation.

May 22 will see the beginning of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's five-day visit to Russia, RT reported. Apart from high-level talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled for May 25, Duterte is also expected to speak at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia's top university for future diplomats, and meet with representatives of the Philippine diaspora in Russia.

Philippines crisis: Duterte declares martial law on Mindanao in face of ISIS-linked onslaught

May 23, 2017 - Militants affiliated with Islamic State are vying for control of the city of Marawi in the Philippines. President Rodrigo Duterte put the island of Mindanao under martial law, ordered in special forces and cut short his state visit to Russia.

Islamist-extremist insurgents from the Maute group are engaging government forces in firefights and the area, which boasts a population of 200,000, is now on lockdown, according to Philippines authorities.

Resort World Manila gunman ‘commits suicide’ as police say attack was robbery

June 1, 2017 - The gunman who infiltrated Resort World Manila, a leisure complex in the Philippines capital, set fire to himself and died, the city’s police chief said. Shots fired sparked fears of a terror attack, but police say the man wanted to steal casino chips.

In North Korea, there may have been a planned "assassination attempt" on KIM JONG-UN? There is a report, that on May 27, a U.S. Navy Seal team had an encounter with a North Korean dog patrol and broke radio silence to call out for help. On the same date, the U.S. Navy deployed a third Supercarrier, the USS Nimitz to join the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Ronald Reagan, in the western Pacific. A deployment which is rarely done in the same region? In the meantime, Russia is maintaining a 15-Ship Task Force in Eastern Mediterranean.

Another odd situation is being reported in South Korea - where a newly elected President Moon Jae-in has been installed. Under the former President, a deal was made to deploy two (2) U.S. THAAD launchers, which began in March .... problem is, the U.S. secretly added another four (4) under the radar, so to speak. Easy to do, since Washington pays for the installation and maintenance of the system. So why were six (6) THAAD launchers (aimed at North Korea) needed?


Sunday May 28, 2017 - Russian military experts are indicating the Americans may have a problem with a SEAL team operating inside North Korea on a recon mission, gone horribly wrong.

South Korean news had previously reported that the USS Michigan, a submarine that moves special forces like US Navy SEALs, had joined the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group off of North Korea’s coast after a secret mission.

The USS Michigan, a guided-missile, nuclear-powered submarine, appeared in Busan, South Korea. But even earlier, Chinese intelligence reported that SEAL Team 6 was training alongside South Korea’s version of the SEALs for “incapacitating” North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un.

Signals intelligence received by Russian Far Eastern command, seemed to indicate a patrol had been inserted on a ground recon mission inside North Korean territory and that a chance encounter with a dog patrol had led to casualties among the American forces who broke radio silence to ask for help. There has been a flurry of activity on the peninsula recently, with US training operations, naval maneuvers and now late word of the SEAL team misadventure.

Sources: 3rd US Naval Strike Force Deployed to Deter North Korea

Sat. May 27, 2017 - The USS Nimitz, one of the world’s largest warships, will join two other supercarriers, the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Ronald Reagan, in the western Pacific, the sources told VOA's Steve Herman.

The U.S. military has rarely simultaneously deployed three aircraft carriers to the same region.

Navy: Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to Maintain 15-Ship Task Force in Eastern Mediterranean

US Aircraft Carriers Ronald Reagan, Carl Vinson Withdraw From Sea of Japan

June 6, 2017 - The US aircraft carriers Ronald Reagan and Carl Vinson deployed to the Sea of Japan amid tensions around North Korea, withdrew from the area, media reported Thursday.

The Carl Vinson will return to the home port in the US city of San Diego, the same reports added. However, the situation around North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile program will be further monitored by USS Nimitz carrier which is supposed to join Japan and India for joint military exercises in the Indian Ocean in July and head to the Persian Gulf subsequently, the outlet suggested.

Shocking Revelation: How THAAD Entered South Korea Without President’s Approval

May 31, 2017 - A scandal is brewing in South Korea in connection with the deployment of the US missile defense system THAAD. It turns out that four units were delivered not only without the official permission of local authorities, but even the head of the South Korean state being notified.

On Tuesday South Korean President Moon Jae-in ordered an investigation into the secret entry of four rocket launchers into the country under the US missile defense program, presidential chief press secretary Yoon Young-chan said at a press briefing.

The president ordered to reveal who had authorized the secret entry of rocket launchers and why this was not disclosed.

Firstly, the South Korean government did give permission to import THAAD, but only for two units. The four additional ones were delivered without official permission. Secondly, the president of the country was simply not informed about this step. The country's defense ministry was aware of the unauthorized delivery, but did not inform Moon Jae-in about it. The exact reasons why the South Korean military, in fact, deceived its own president, are unknown, but one of the possible explanations lies on the surface.

Now, after two weeks, a blatant violation has been revealed – the importation of very powerful and very effective foreign weapons into the country was achieved without official permission and even without the head of state being notified.

S Korea to Consider Sending THAAD System Back to US - Ruling Party Leader

May 17, 2017 - South Korean ruling Democratic Party's leader would consider the possibility of uninstalling and sending the THAAD system back to the United States.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who officially assumed office on May 10, has repeatedly criticized the previous government under impeached leader Park Geun-hye for agreeing to host the THAAD system without seeking parliamentary approval.

S Korean Official Discharged Over 'Intentional' Omission of THAAD Report Section

June 5, 2017 - South Korean Deputy Defense Minister for Police Wee Seung-ho was relieved from duty after a probe revealed that he had intentionally removed a section of a report about the nation's US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system.

According to the Yonhap news agency, citing the presidential office, Wee ordered for a section of a report pertaining to four THAAD launchers to be delivered to the country to be deleted from the initial draft before it was sent to the president's office. Wee's aim was, among other reasons, to keep the program free from South Korean environmental requirements, the news agency specified on Monday.

Wee admitted to giving such an order, justifying his actions by pointing out an existing agreement with the United States to keep certain parts of the THAAD program in secret, the media added.

Now, as of the fist week of June,Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egypt have broken off diplomatic relations with Qatar
Are the Saudi's planning a possible invasion and take over of Qatar?

Next Step - Invasion? Why Saudi Arabia Moved to Cut Ties With Qatar

Saudi Arabia’s decision to cut off all ties with the Persian Gulf state of Qatar may be a prelude to invading the small and wealthy emirate and seizing its wealth, Institute for Gulf Affairs Founder and Director Professor Ali al-Ahmed told Sputnik.
NDF on twitter, who is pro-Syrian and with good connections to the government makes a suggestion that it might have been a SVBID (suicide vehicle) that exploded, which could have been the case and thus not a US airstrike on Syrian forces. Here is the video ( if it will display well)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Soldiers are aware of the SVBIED and they&#39;re retreating when tank targeted SVBIED
Check this <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; NDF (@NatDefFor) <a href="">7 June 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I think it looks more like a SVBIED than US airstrikes <a href=""></a></p>— NDF (@NatDefFor) <a href="">7 June 2017</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

If the video doesn't display then the link to the tweet is here:

So what he is suggesting is that it was perhaps a tank that hit a SVBID,which then exploded and in the process killed and wounded a number of Syrian forces.

If that is the case, it would explain the very low deathtoll which is low if it really had been an airstrike.
Aeneas said:
NDF on twitter, who is pro-Syrian and with good connections to the government makes a suggestion that it might have been a SVBID (suicide vehicle) that exploded, which could have been the case and thus not a US airstrike on Syrian forces. Here is the video ( if it will display well)

In response to the video, someone on twitter has said that the video is not of this incident. Given that there is no proof of when it was shot or where, then that is most likely true, since both Russia and Syria have confirmed it. Still the deathtoll was low for an airstrike.
Aeneas said:
Aeneas said:
NDF on twitter, who is pro-Syrian and with good connections to the government makes a suggestion that it might have been a SVBID (suicide vehicle) that exploded, which could have been the case and thus not a US airstrike on Syrian forces. Here is the video ( if it will display well)

In response to the video, someone on twitter has said that the video is not of this incident. Given that there is no proof of when it was shot or where, then that is most likely true, since both Russia and Syria have confirmed it. Still the deathtoll was low for an airstrike.

Apparently it happened:
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected the US’ justification for the attack, saying Moscow does not recognize any “deconfliction zone” declared by the US unilaterally. He said such zones were different from “de-escalation zones,” which Russia, Turkey and Iran are in the process of establishing with the full support of the United Nations Security Council and the government of Syria.

de-escalation zones = another word for, this is our part of Syria now. And it functions as a save haven for terrorists. ISIS fighters just have to change the name of their group. And it's a done deal. Becoming a moderate 'rebel' is quite easy nowadays. US offers a lot of career chooses for them.
Russia to Upgrade the Su-35 Fighter Based on Experience From Syria
For one it was discovered the jet will suck in small stones on rough airfields
Underlined for links:
Russia hopes to upgrade its fleet of Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker-E multirole fighters based on experience gained operating in Syria this year.

As with almost all new aircraft—even those with otherwise excellent designs—minor but vexing flaws are often be discovered during high intensity real world operations. In this case, the Russian Air Force is correcting relatively minor issues that cropped up while operating in austere conditions in Syria.

"This year’s aircraft will be upgraded based on all the drawbacks and the Syrian experience," Russian deputy defense minister Yuri Borisov told the Moscow-based TASS News agency during a visit to the Gagarin aircraft plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur on June 5.

According to TASS, one of the main modifications is to a set of screens in the Su-35’s inlets that are designed to prevent the ingestion of foreign object debris (FOD).

In this case, “small stones” were being ingested by the aircraft—which could seriously damage the jet’s twin Saturn AL-41F1S engines. Unlike most Western jets, Russian—and Soviet aircraft before them—are typically designed with inlet screens that are designed to allow them to operate from austere airfields.

It’s not surprising that the Russian Air Force discovered minor issues with the Su-35 and the other aircraft that it deployed to Syria. Indeed, such discoveries are typical for all aircraft types in every air force.

“There is no better stress test for a new aircraft than sustained flight operations,” Mike Kofman, a research scientist at the Center for Naval Analyses specializing in Russian military affairs, told The National Interest.

“The expeditionary setting no doubt places added pressure on the maintenance and support crew.”

Other than the inlet screens, the Su-35 might also receive some minor tweaks to its avionics hardware and software—particularly those systems pertaining to air-to-ground missions.

“Basically as I understand it, there were just some small problems which emerged during the intense combat use during the war,” Vasily Kashin, a senior fellow at the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics told The National Interest.

“Since the aircraft was employed for ground strike missions—more with smart weapons and dumb bombs—there can be some modifications for software and systems responsible for ground attack.”

The Russian Air Force is more or less satisfied with the Su-35S, thus there are no immediate plans to upgrade the aircraft with major new systems like an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.

“There will be no AESA,” Kashin said.

“They have a very powerful PESA [Passive Electronically Scanned Array] radar and it is considered to be the strong point.”

What the Russian Air Force does need, however, are targeting pods similar to the Lockheed Martin Sniper or Northrop Grumman LITENING pods. Right now, only the Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback bomber has a decent air-to-ground electro-optical/infra-red targeting capability with a built-in system called Platan. The Su-30SM and the Su-35 have to rely on their radars for targeting air-to-surface targets because of the lack of suitable targeting pods.

“The lack of pods is considered to be a major weakness of the Russian Air Force,” Kashin said.

The Russians are developing indigenous pods after plans for co-development with France fell through. Indeed, for a time, the Russians had intended to license produce the Thales Damocles pod.

“There is a targeting pod development program which started even before Syria, but no results yet,” Kashin said.

“As I understand, before the sanctions there were plans for cooperation with France. So later the plans changed, not the Russian pods are still being tested.”

It’s not clear when Russia’s indigenous targeting pods might be fielded.
Source: The National Interest

South Front
Syrian-Iraqi War Report – June 8, 2017: PMU Liberated Over 3,500km2 In Western Iraq

BREAKING: Surprise! US Attacks Syrian Army in Syria yet Again
Underlined for links:
US 'forced to defend itself' after Syrians mistake southern Syria for their own country

CNN has broken the news that the US has struck Syrian forces in southern Syria, yet again! (Pentagon confirmed the story half an hour later.)

CNN with the expected pro-war line that the forces struck are "Iranian-backed forces" obscuring the fact these are legal Syrian forces being targeted by a foreign power in their own country.

We have just learned that all three fighters who were killed in the US strike on Tuesday were Syrians. They were Syrian Shia militia fighters which would have made them part of Syria's National Defence Forces.

The NDF, along with the regular army, forms Syria's armed forces. It unites all Syrian pro-government militias into a decentralized but official and lawful national guard force. Its fighters are salaried by the government just as a US guardsman or a state militia would be.

UPDATE -- US officials told CNN US struck a convoy of three technicals (pick-ups with heavy weapons mounted in the back) and destroyed two of them. Supposedly the strike took place some 40 kilometers from the US base at al-Tanf, Syria.

UPDATE 2 -- It is now also claimed the US shot down a drone that supposedly fired on US soldiers in southern Syria:

The drone was brought down near the second US base in the south, at al-Zaqaf, some 70 kilometers to the east of al-Tanf.


First Strike
Footage shows U.S airstrikes against Syrian Army & Allies near al-Tanf

BREAKING: Syrian Army overruns US-backed rebels, recaptures strategic hilltop
B Zen Adra - 08/06/2017
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5: 15 P.M.) – The Syrian government forces continue to advance against US-backed rebel groups in the Syrian Desert, in spite of the recent US airstrikes which aim at curbing the troops from advancing towards the Iraqi borders.

Today, the Syrian Army, backed by allied forces, managed to regain control the strategic Dakwah hilltop following fierce clashes with the US-backed, FSA-affiliated rebel factions.

Last Monday, Osoud al-Sharqiyah rebel group shot down a SyAAF fighter jet, killing its pilot in Dakwah area.

Located some 60 km to the east of Damascus at a height of 920 meters, the Dakwah hilltop served as a major bastion for the Islamic State, but then taken over by FSA-affiliated factions when ISIS jihadists were forced to withdraw at the beginning of the year.

The area retains a strategic importance as a juncture linking the southern and northern parts of the desert land spanning to the east of the capital.

Yesterday, the Army troops recaptured the large hilltop of Tal al-Abd before advancing from the northern and western axes, and eventually expelling the rebel fighters from Dakwah hilltop.

US strikes pro-government forces in Syria for 2nd time in week

Edit: Updated
“I don’t think anyone would survive such a conflict.”
— Vladimir Putin

The Three Superpowers Shape Up For War (Video) (7:00 min.)

These three extracts come from three separate articles, all recent, with source links provided at the end of each extract. A 7-minute video follows.

June 10, 2017 - The latest in a long series of bloody terrorist attacks attributed to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) unfolded in Iran early Wednesday with coordinated armed assaults on the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) and the mausoleum of the late supreme leader of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini. At least 12 people were killed and 43 wounded.

The reactions of the US government and the Western media to the attacks in Tehran stand in stark contrast to their response to the May 22 bombing that killed 22 people at the Manchester Arena and the London Bridge attacks that claimed nine lives last Saturday.

The Trump White House released a vicious statement that effectively justified the killings in Iran, declaring, “We underscore that states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote,” an attitude that found its reflection in the relative indifference of the media to the loss of Iranian lives.

It is clearly understood that terrorism against Iran serves definite political aims that are in sync with those of US imperialism and its regional allies.

For its part, Tehran’s reaction to the attacks was unambiguous. It laid the responsibility at the door of the US and its principal regional ally, Saudi Arabia. The attack was understood in Tehran as a political act carried out in conjunction with identifiable state actors and aimed at furthering definite geostrategic objectives.

The same can be said of the earlier acts of terrorism carried out in Manchester and London, as well as those in Paris, Brussels and elsewhere before them.

Underlying the violence on the streets of Europe is the far greater violence inflicted upon the Middle East by US, British and French imperialism.

ISIS is itself the direct product of a series of imperialist wars.

The latest round of terror has its source in growing dissatisfaction among Washington’s Middle Eastern allies and its Islamist proxy forces over the slow pace of the US intervention in Syria and Washington’s failure to bring the six-year war for regime change to a victorious conclusion.

The people giving the orders for these attacks live in upper-class neighborhoods in London, Paris and elsewhere, enjoying close connections with intelligence agencies and government officials. Those who carry out the terrorist atrocities are expendable assets, foot soldiers who are easily replaced from among the broad layers enraged by the slaughter carried out by the United States and its Nato allies in the Middle East.

What has become clear after 16 years of the so-called “war on terrorism”—going all the way back to the hijackers of 9/11—is that these elements move in and out of the Middle East, Europe and the US itself not only without hindrance, but under what amounts to state protection. When they arrive at passport control, their names come up with definite instructions that they are not to be stopped. “Welcome home, sir! Enjoy your vacation in Libya?”

Why have they enjoyed this carte blanche? Because they are auxiliaries of US and European intelligence, necessary proxies in wars for regime change from Libya to Syria and beyond that are being waged to further (((imperialist interests))).

If from time to time these elements turn against their sponsors, with innocent civilians paying with their lives, that is part of the price of doing business.

Innocent men, women and children, whether in London, Manchester, Paris, Tehran, Baghdad or Kabul, are paying the terrible price for these (((imperialist operations))), which leave a trail of blood and destruction everywhere.

All the signs of a looming war on the Korean Peninsula are surfacing. We’re watching as each country moves strategic pieces into place. But unlike past world wars, although there will be ground troops, the battle is likely to be fierce, brutal and quick. It will also be globally devastating.

With the three super powers drawn into the mix — the US, Russia and China — other nations will be coerced into choosing sides.

Ordinary citizens will be the last to know what is about to happen.

As previously noted, both China and Russia are mobilizing troops to the North Korean border, and the United States now has a Naval strike group directly off the coast of the rogue state. Confrontation appears to be imminent.

In the United States, retailers report that the sale of gas masks and anti-radiation pills has spiked in recent weeks amid fears of impending global disaster. Elite billionaires are building bunkers and making long term plans to survive the coming catastrophe.

Meanwhile, various governments around the world are carefully positioning their pieces on the grand chessboard.

North Korea has responded to President Trump’s deployment of an aircraft carrier, surveillance drones and missile tests by saying that IF EVEN A SINGLE BULLET IS FIRED IT WILL NUKE THE UNITED STATES.

All signs point to serious trouble in the very near future. The world sits on the brink of a war unlike anything mankind has ever witnessed.

With tensions among the world’s super powers mounting in places like Ukraine, Syria, North Korea and most recently Qatar and Iran, it may only be a matter of time before someone pushes the red button.

When they do, all bets are off, and as we’ve learned from the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in June of 1914, once the trigger is pulled there’s no going back.

We are, in fact, at war right now. Action has already been taken by both sides.

Putin and the Russian people believe the America’s actions are going to lead to a nuclear conflict initiated by America.

The leadership of the US is made up of politicians who began their careers as (((Marxist-Socialists))). Traitors now have their fingers on the triggers of nuclear warheads. (((These dope-smoking Marxists of dubious citizenship))) will have no qualms in destroying our country.

Instead of statesmen and diplomats, we now have self-interested, politically-motivated belligerents backing Russia and other nations into corners and pushing them toward war.

How long the war of words will continue is unknown.

However, when the missiles begin to fly you can be sure of one thing: the men who gave the orders to unleash Armageddon will be safely ensconced in their bunkers or in other hideouts out of harm’s way.

Vladimir Putin has recently made it clear how all this will play out:

The Putin Interviews, between the Russian leader and Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone, which will be screened on Showtime, were shot between summer 2015 and February this year. They give an extraordinary insight into one of the most powerful men in the world.

Stone asked Putin whether the US would be “dominant” in the event of a hot war between the two nuclear powers.

“I don’t think anyone would survive such a conflict,” Putin said.

YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan -- U.S. and Japanese navy ships are searching for a USS Shiloh sailor who went overboard Friday during routine operations near Okinawa.

Search Underway After Sailor Goes Overboard Near Okinawa

10 Jun 2017 - The incident happened about 9:30 p.m., a Navy statement said. The guided-missile cruiser's crew members conducted multiple searches of the ship but were unable to find the missing sailor, whose name is being withheld during the search.

The ship was roughly 180 miles east of Okinawa when the sailor went missing, the statement said.

Aircraft from the USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group are conducting air searches while the Shiloh, Reagan, USS McCampbell and the USS John S. McCain are conducting surface searches, the statement said. Japan Self-Defense Force and Japan Coast Guard ships are assisting with search efforts, it added.

The missing Navy sailor is the second one to go overboard this week. On Tuesday, Petty Officer Christopher Clavin of the USS Normandy was reported missing while the ship trained off the North Carolina coast.

Navy and Coast Guard ships spent nearly 76 hours and covered 6,300 square miles of ocean looking for Clavin before calling off the search on Friday, a separate Navy statement said. The Shiloh is homeported at Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan

After more than three days of "an exhaustive search," the Navy has ended its search-and-rescue efforts for a sailor assigned to the guided-missile cruiser Normandy who went overboard June 6.

Navy Ends Search for Sailor Missing Off Carolina Coast

Fire Controlman 2nd Class Christopher W. Clavin was observed falling off the deck of the ship around 3 p.m. June 6, officials from Fleet Forces Command have said. The Normandy had been conducting routine training about 80 miles off the coast of Cherry Point, North Carolina.

The Navy called off the search for Clavin just after sunset Friday night. Officials announced the decision in a release made public around 9:30 p.m.

"We are deeply saddened by the loss of our shipmate, Petty Officer Chris Clavin. He was an important part of the team and a friend to so many on board," Capt. Derek Trinque, commanding officer of the Normandy, said in a statement. "We are not alone in our grief. Our hearts and thoughts are also with Chris' mother, sister and his entire family."

Clavin, 23, was from Lincoln, Rhode Island. He enlisted in the Navy on July 23, 2012. The Normandy was his first duty assignment.

The effort to recover Clavin involved a small armada of Navy and Coast Guard ships, as well as a range of aircraft. The search would ultimately cover 6,300 square miles over 76 hours.

Among the assets involved in the search effort were the carrier Abraham Lincoln with four embarked MH-60 helicopters; the Coast Guard medium endurance cutter Forward; and guided-missile destroyers Bainbridge, The Sullivans, and Mason. Additional Navy and Coast Guard aircraft were also part of the search.

The crew of the Normandy is planning a memorial service for Clavin, according to the release from Fleet Forces Command. Clavin's disappearance and loss remain under investigation.

Lt. Col. Jennifer Grieves, 45, was relieved from command of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 474 due to a loss of trust and confidence in her ability to continue to lead.

First Female Commander of Marine One Fired After Assault Charge

The Marine officer who was named a "person of the week" in 2009 when she became the first-ever aircraft commander of Marine One -- the presidential chopper -- has been fired from her current post, the Marine Corps announced Wednesday.

Lt. Col. Jennifer Grieves, 45, was relieved from command of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 464, a CH-53E Super Stallion squadron out of Marine Corps Air Station New River, due to a loss of trust and confidence in her ability to continue to lead, according to a statement released by II Marine Expeditionary Force.

A spokesman for II MEF, Lt. Col. Michael Armistead, said Grieves was fired by Maj. Gen. Matthew Glavy, commander of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, due to an off-duty incident that was not properly reported.

Grieves was arrested Dec. 16 at her home in Sneads Ferry, North Carolina, and charged with simple assault, Maj. C. D. Thomas of the Onslow County Sheriff's Office told The incident happened around 3 a.m. and stemmed from a domestic argument, according to the arrest report. She was released on a $500 bond; the charge is still pending, Thomas said.

Grieves, who enlisted in 1990 and would earn a commission eight years later, gained a level of celebrity when she became the first woman to ever command Marine One.

In 2009, ABC News named her a "person of the week" as she wrapped up her one-year tour in the post, reporting that her final flight featured an all-female crew. She also received a personal acknowledgment and send-off from then-President Barack Obama.

"As far as the female crews go, I was so incredibly proud of both of them when we came and landed," she told the outlet at the time. "Everything about [the flight] has probably made my Marine Corps career. And if I were to retire in six months, I would retire knowing that I've been part of an exceptional organization."

Grieves took command of HMH-464 in May 2015, according to her official biography. She previously served as a commander for other aircraft in Marine Helicopter Squadron 1, which supplies Marine One. After departing HMX-1 in 2009, she studied at the Marine Corps Command and Staff College. She would later deploy to Djibouti with HMH-461 out of New River in 2010 and to Afghanistan with HMH-464 in 2011.

Her awards include two Air Medals-Individual Action, three Meritorious Service Medals, five Air Medals-Strike/Flight, and the Combat Action Ribbon.

Grieves, who assumed command of the squadron in May 2016, has been replaced by Lt. Col Troy Callahan, formerly of Marine Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron One (VMX-1), as commander of the squadron. Grieves will be reassigned within II Marine Expeditionary Force.

The Air Force has grounded all F-35 Joint Strike Fighters at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, after pilots complained of hypoxia-related issues, officials said Friday.

F-35s Grounded at Luke AFB After Pilots Report Hypoxia-Like Symptoms

"The 56th Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, canceled local flying operations today for F-35A Lightning II aircraft due to a series of five incidents in which pilots have experienced hypoxia-like symptoms," Air Force spokesman Capt. Mark Graff said in an email.

A total of 48 aircraft and 49 pilots are affected by the temporary stand-down, according to Maj. Rebecca Heyse, a spokeswoman for the base.

"Flying operations are planned to resume Monday, June 12," she said in an email. The incident is "limited to Luke" at this time, meaning other bases aren't affected by the order, Graff said.

Since May 2, five F-35A pilots have experienced "physiological incidents while flying," according to the statement from Heyse. In each case, the aircraft's backup oxygen system kicked in and the pilot followed the correct procedures to land safely, it stated.

"In order to synchronize operations and maintenance efforts toward safe flying operations, we have canceled local F-35A flying," Brig. Gen. Brook Leonard, 56th Fighter Wing commander, said in the statement. "The Air Force takes these physiological incidents seriously, and our focus is on the safety and well-being of our pilots. We are taking the necessary steps to find the root cause of these incidents."

The Air Force on Friday contacted other F-35 squadrons and international partners operating the aircraft to educate pilots on the incident, according to the statement from Graff.

Graff didn't say whether B or C model variants, flown by the Navy and Marine Corps, have experienced similar problems.

The issue of military pilots suffering hypoxia-like symptoms -- shortness of breath, confusion, wheezing -- isn't limited to the F-35 fleet.

Pilots flying the F-22 Raptor fifth-generation stealth jet experienced hypoxia symptoms on various occasions between 2008 and 2012. One pilot died as a result, and one had a near-death scare, with dozens more pilots experiencing confusion and disorientation while flying, according to an ABC News investigation at the time.

Then-Pentagon spokesman George Little said investigators found the cause to be a faulty valve in the high-pressure vest worn by the pilots at extreme altitude, which was restricting their ability to breathe.

More recently, the Navy went so far as to equip the aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush with specialized equipment called a transportable recompression system, or hyperbaric chamber, amid a review of physiological episodes affecting pilots who flew the T-45 trainer and the F/A-18 Hornet.
Graff couldn't say whether the F-35 and T-45 incidents are somehow connected.

The statement he provided said, "Pilots will also be briefed on all the incidents that have occurred and the successful actions taken by the pilots to safely recover their aircraft."

Medical crew will give briefings on physiological event symptoms and "the extensive measures that are being taken to analyze data collected from the incidents," it said. "Finally, the 56th Operations Group will hold an open forum to discuss any concerns pilots may have, given these recent occurrences."

The F-35 Joint Program Office has also stood up a "formal action team" of engineers, maintainers and aeromedical specialists to examine the incidents to better understand the issue, according to the statement.

The incident will not impact the service's plans to send the F-35As to the Paris Air Show this month, Heyse said.

Originally, two F-35As -- one from Luke and another from Hill Air Force Base in Utah -- were set to participate at the show, taking place June 19-25. Graff said plans changed, and two jets from Hill will fly in the show. Lockheed Martin Corp. pilots are set to fly at the Paris Air Show instead of military pilots, "due to the Air Force's limited number of aircraft, pilots and maintenance professionals," Graff said last month.

Meanwhile, pilots in the service's "B-course" -- six airmen, including first and second lieutenants, who fly the F-35, have not been impacted by the hypoxia-related issue, Heyse said. "The B-Course pilots were actually in Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, this week for a training trip. They are flying home today in seven jets, which is one day earlier than was planned, but no overall impact on their training," she said. A total of 55 F-35As are assigned to Luke.

The latest hypoxia incident comes less than a year after the service ordered a temporary stand-down of 13 out of 104 F-35s in the fleet, "due to the discovery of peeling and crumbling insulation in avionics cooling lines inside the fuel tanks," Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said in September.

The issue, discovered during depot servicing, affected a total of 57 aircraft, Stefanek said. The jets were back up and flying in November.

Sometimes, I just don't know about novorossia, they tend to report on every rumor. Though there are some unconfirmed pictures about the event:


Some hard hitting truths in the following RT video:

The air forces of the US-led coalition are working to undermine the anti-terrorist efforts of the Syrian government, Colonel General Sergey Surovikin of the Russian ground forces has said. (4:41 min)
bjorn said:

Sometimes, I just don't know about novorossia, they tend to report on every rumor. Though there are some unconfirmed pictures about the event:

I have not come across "a valid confirmation" of the news story but there are several indications that Seal Team 6 were in the area as early as March.

US Navy SEALs arrived in South Korea on Tuesday in preparation to station themselves just off of North Korea’s coast in readiness for war.

US Navy SEALs Deployed To North Korea

April 27, 2017 - According to Fox News, the USS Michigan, a nuclear-powered submarine that carries US Navy SEALs, appeared in Busan in readiness to join the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group off of North Korea’s coast.

Yahoo News reports:

But Yonhap also reported on March 13 that SEAL Team 6 was training alongside South Korea’s own version of the SEALs for an attack to “incapacitate” North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

The US Navy has refused to comment to Business Insider on the movements of SEAL Team 6, the legendary group of Navy SEALs who took out Osama Bin Laden in 2011, and they don’t normally advertise the whereabouts of their submarines, as the craft are meant to be secretive.

In March, the Pentagon told Business Insider that the US does not train for decapitation strikes of any kind, but would not confirm or deny the presence of the SEALs in Korea.

The question of the SEALs’ presence in South Korea came during a flurry of activity on the peninsula. Each March, the US and South Korea conduct annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve military drills, which bring a wide range of soldiers and platforms to the region.

Additionally, North Korea celebrates the anniversary of the birth of its founder, Kim Il Sung and the founding of its army in April. This year’s military parade unveiled an unexpected bounty of new missile types and modifications in North Korea’s inventory, with some of them proving particularly troubling for nonproliferation experts.

Meanwhile, the US has signaled a new confidence in their military options against the Kim regime, with US President Donald Trump himself at one point stressing that “if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will.”

As a platform, the Michigan adds a stealth element and an extra set of eyes and ears to the already potent carrier strike group on North Korea’s coast, but it doesn’t add much firepower — US Navy destroyers accompanying the Vinson already have the kind of Tomahawk missiles equipped on the Michigan.

Though the North Koreans have threatened to sink the Vinson, US Pacific Command’s Adm. Harry Harris told Congress on Wednesday that as far as North Korea’s missile threats to the Vinson go “if it flies, it dies.”

But experts have repeatedly stressed to Business Insider that no credible military option exists against the Kim regime.

Even if the US somehow managed to decapitate the Kim regime, the country still technically operates under the leadership of their “forever leader” Kim Sung Il, who died in 1994.

In the decades since the eldest Kim’s death, North Koreans have remained feircely loyal to the regime’s goals of progress towards nuclear and aggression towards the outside world, so it’s unlikely a single leader’s death would upset that.
angelburst29 said:
bjorn said:

Sometimes, I just don't know about novorossia, they tend to report on every rumor. Though there are some unconfirmed pictures about the event:

I have not come across "a valid confirmation" of the news story but there are several indications that Seal Team 6 were in the area as early as March.[/quote]

Someone has to report on the rumors, since sometimes there is actually more to the story :-)

But I doubt that the Empire is willing to touch NK. North Korea is perfect as it is, the more 'aggressive' NK becomes (more the PTB stir up and provoke the situation) The more troops and weaponry the US can deploy on the Korean peninsula. But NK won't be the target. It's China, which they are trying to intimidate into submission.

Which is futile, it hasn't been working for the past decades. Why would it suddenly work now? The US is wasting trillions fletching it's muscles on some lonesome self-organised bodybuilding competition. Though the powers that matter don't seem all that impressed.

Besides, the Empire only strikes down on helpless countries, NK is no pushover, and than there is China, which may or may not come to it's aid when war breaks out. And those NK nukes, are also diffecult to ignore.
America has stopped attacking Syrian forces near the Jordanian border and has held back its jihadists. Many are suspecting that a deal has been reached with Russia.

Russia and US in suspected deal in southern Syria

The Syrian Arab Army has been making strong and swift advances through the deserts of southern Syria near the Jordanian and Iraqi borders and are all ready moving north on Deir ez-Zor, one of the last major terrorist strongholds in Syria.

According to Al-Masdar, “Backed by Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies stormed the Islamic State’s positions at the Talilah Reserve, inflicting heavy damage on the latter’s positions.

Following a short battle on Friday afternoon, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies liberated the Talilah Reserve in eastern Palmyra, pushing their way to the strategic Talilah Crossroad”.

This comes after Russian Colonel General Sergey Surovikin issued a stern criticism of the US which has attacked three Syrian and allied military convoys in southern Syria between May and June of 2017.

Surovikin said, “The coalition (US) air forces and the strongholds of the forces of New Syrian Army (now known as the Revolutionary Commando Army) have blocked the way of the government forces, tasked with defeating IS (ISIS) group”.

Since that statement was issued, not only has the United States ceased its attacks on Syrian forces in southern Syria, but more interestingly, the US has not seemingly allowed the jihadists under its control to attack Syrian forces.

Some, including Arab journalist Leith Abou Fadel have found cause for celebration in recent developments, The U.S. basically gave up on the rebels today. Not allowing them to advance to Deir Ezzor is a final nail in their coffin.

Some have suggested that a secret deal between the US and Russia has been struck, whereby the US will allow the Russian Aerospace Forces to clear important roads for Syria and its allies on their way to Deir ez-Zor while not allowing pro-America jihadists on the ground to interfere with the progress of Syrian allies, including Hezbollah who have helped to cut remaining US backed jihadists off from the Syrian march east and north.

It is certainly too early to say whether any such deal between Russia and the US has been struck, but the suggestions which are being taken rather seriously in some quarters of Arabic social media ought to be considered.

The US would nominally have no reason to do a military policy about-face in respect of hampering the progress of Syrian forces in southern Syria. For months now, the US has done the opposite.

There is the possibility that in a rare moment of pragmatism, American commanders were ordered to not interfere in the forward movements of Syrian forces after both Russian Colonel General Sergey Surovikin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued stern condemnations to the US for impeding the fight against ISIS by firing on anti-terrorist troops.

In some ways it is odd that after months, in many ways years of Russia warning the US to stop siding with terrorists in Syria, that suddenly the US would listen, at least in one region of Syria, albeit an increasingly strategically important one.

But if America has listened or more important if they have engaged in constructive dialogue with Russia, it could well be an admission that America’s plans for a Salafist Syria have been fully thwarted and America is resigning itself to this new reality.

It is indeed becoming increasingly likely that the only piece of the much coveted Syrian pie that America might be able to get its hands on will be Kurdish regions in the north of the country. After holding back its jihadists in southern Syria, the Kurdish led SDF seems to be the only consistent group which America is relying on in order to achieve its ambitions in Syria.

There is still a danger that America will argue for some kind of pro-Kurdish partition of the country when all is said and done, but at least when it comes to funding jihad, America has indeed taken a big step back, something which is after all, in line with Donald Trump’s initial post-election Syria strategy which was focused not on regime change nor on funding Arab jihadists but based on exclusively arming and aiding secular Kurdish fighters.

Whether this is a new reality or simply a temporary ceasefire on America’s part is still anyone’s guess, but the fact that America has suddenly shifted its approach in southern Syria, hot on the heels of a Russian admonition, is a further indication of who really is the more influential of the super-powers which are fighting on opposite sides in Syria.

"Sergey Lavrov strongly disagreed with the US strikes against pro-government forces, calling for specific measures to prevent similar incidents in the future."

Lavrov urges Tillerson to prevent new strikes against government forces in Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has held talks over the phone with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Russia’s top diplomat urged his US counterpart to take measures to prevent strikes against government troops in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on Saturday.

"The interlocutors exchanged their assessments of the situation in Syria and reiterated their commitment to strengthening cooperation aimed at ending the conflict in that country," the ministry said in a statement. "Sergey Lavrov strongly disagreed with the US strikes against pro-government forces, calling for specific measures to prevent similar incidents in the future."

On Tuesday, the headquarters of Operation Inherent Resolve, which is conducted in Iraq and Syria by a group of countries led by the United States, said that the coalition’s air force had carried out a strike against the units of Syria’s pro-government forces. The coalition argued that these units had entered a "deconfliction zone" posing a threat to its military base in al-Tanf where a camp for training armed opposition members is located.

The Russian Foreign Minister said in response to these assertions that these deconfliction zones had been declared by the coalition unilaterally, without the consent of Damascus. Unlike the de-escalation zones established in accordance with the agreements reached by the participants in the Astana talks in May, they are not legitimate, Lavrov noted.

Military sources said that a US plan to move its affiliated militants towards Deir Ezzur city was thwarted after the Syrian Army troops advanced against militants and arrived at the border with Iraq and meantime by-passed US-backed militants in the town of Hamimeh.

Syrian Army Foils US Plan to Access Deir Ezzur

The sources said that the US bases in al-Tanf border-crossing, al-Zaviriyeh and al-Zakaf have are no more useful for the launch of military operations after the Syrian Army troops arrived at the country's border with Iraq.

The sources further said that the Syrian army will soon start a large-scale operation in Deir Ezzur, and underlined that deployment of the Syrian forces at the border with Iraq made a strong long barrier in front of the US-backed militants, stopping their advance towards Deir Ezzur.

In the meantime, the Syrian army units are near the town of al-Sukhnah in Eastern Homs and are advancing in the region towards the Western part of Deir Ezzur province.

The sources pointed out that the Syrian Army soldiers deployed in Eastern Syria are deployed only 20km away from the US forces concentration points, while the US-led coalition is threatening the Syrian units with military attacks if the latter comes any closer than 55km to the US-led forces' positions.

The Russian General Staff announced on Saturday that the Syrian government troops established control over a part of the country's border with Jordan.

The Syrian army controlled 105 kilometers of the Syria-Jordan border and already installed nine checkpoints, the commander of the Russian grouping in Syria, Col. Gen. Sergei Surovikin said, Sputnik reported.

In a rare development, the Jordanian Army and Syrian rebels operating under the Free Syrian Army (FSA) banner came in direct conflict with one another over the weekend on the desert border between Jordan and Syria.

Jordanian Army shoots dead five US-backed rebels who tried to evade the Syrian Army

According to a Jordanian military source, five FSA members were killed while trying to enter Jordan from southern Syria without authorization. Two pickup trucks and two motorcycles were also immobilized in brief clashes that pushed a FSA convoy back into Homs. The two parties are otherwise considered long-standing allies.

The FSA militants in mention were reportedly at odds with a US garrison deployed at the Al-Tanf border crossing and did not wish to stay present in the region with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advancing ever closer by the day.

Nevertheless, hundreds of FSA militants are still stationed in southeastern Homs alongside US special forces whom are supported by airstrikes on a regular basis. Another picture from the Al-Tanf military base, showing US soldiers and a Humvee:

Due to the latest SAA offensive, the US military and its vetted partners no longer share a frontline with ISIS, much similar to events in northern Aleppo earlier this year. This may prompt the coalition to withdraw from southern Syria entirely.
Our Tax Dollars at work ...

Terrorist Leader Alloush Demands a $1 Million Monthly Salary to Join Forces With Opposition

Social networking sites, affiliated with terrorist groups, operating in Syria, revealed that Jaish Al Islam demands a $1 Million monthly wage in order to formally become a member of the so-called “Syrian Opposition”.

Its leader Mohammed Alloush (also known as the brother of a notorious slain terrorist Zahran Alloush), reportedly demanded a $1 Million monthly salary from Jamal Al Ward, member of the political body of the so-called “Syrian National Council”, as the main term under which his organisation would join forces with the so-called “Syrian Opposition”.

In a video, which was recently published on the social networking sites, Alloush reveals he has information that “Syrian Opposition” received a capital injection of some $1 Million from regime in the UAE.

Backed by the Erdogan regime in Turkey, Jaysh Al Islam is notorious for its crimes against the Syrian civilians, especially in Aleppo.

The group also maintains strong ties with the Saudi clan.

Things appear to be looking pretty bleak for the Free Syrian Army (FSA) as members of this rag tag coalition of anti-government militias continue to desert. They've even started to join the ranks of their former adversaries.

Better Part of Valor: Free Syrian Army Troops Defect to SDF

According to data supplied by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), FSA fighters who previously took part in the Euphrates Shield operation are now actively defecting to SDF and Syrian government forces.

An anonymous SDF source told Sputnik Turkiye that last week at least 60 men from various FSA units had abandoned their cause and flocked to the SDF banners.

"Last week 60 members of the Sultan Murad Division, Feylek El Sam and Alparaslan Special Forces – all of them part of the FSA — abandoned their positions and defected to our side, while some of them joined the Syrian government forces. Yesterday another six fighters from the Damascus Front battalion, which also belongs to the FSA, joined us. These men surrendered with their weapons to the fighters of the Manbij Military Council and expressed a desire to join our ranks. We’re currently running background checks on these men; two of them are from Raqqa, others are from Aleppo and Deir ez Zor. If we deem them trustworthy, they’ll be allowed to join us," he said.

The defectors also said that FSA ranks are thinning out as its various groups keep bickering with each other, the source added.

"There’s a violent struggle going on within the FSA. Members of the various groups belonging to the FSA keep bickering with each other, their differences are becoming more aggravated, there are constant clashes," he said.

On August 24, 2016, Turkey and FSA forces launched Operation Euphrates Shield in northern Syria, liberating the cities of Jarabulus and al-Bab from Daesh (ISIL/ISIS). The operation was criticized by the Syrian Kurds and Damascus, who accused Ankara of violating Syria's territorial integrity.

On June 12, the US Air Force and a NATO aircraft carried out a reconnaissance operation near the borders of the Kaliningrad. June 12th is Russia's national day, which is a public day off and when many celebrations take place across the country.

NATO circles overhead as Russia celebrates its national holiday

According to websites that trackthe flights of military aircraft, a strategic reconnaissance aircraft US Air Force RC-135U, with tail number 64-14847, and RC-135W, tail number 62-4138, departed from the air base in Mildenhall UK.

The aircraft flew along the Russian border, while at the same time being in the airspace of the Baltics and Poland. Electronic reconnaissance was conducted for three hours along the sea and land borders of Russia.

President Trump has no Congressional authorization to order strikes against Damascus or Iran's proxies in Syria, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Tillerson: Trump Has No Authorization to Target Assad, Iranian Proxies in Syria

President Donald Trump has no Congressional authorization to order the US military to target groups backed by Iran in Syria, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in a hearing on Tuesday.

"I would agree with that," Tillerson said when asked if there was no legal authorization from Congress to target Syrian President Bashar Assad or Iranian proxies.

Tillerson stressed that the US mission and purpose in Syria has not changed from its focus on defeating Daesh. The US-led coalition has been fighting the terrorist group in Syria since 2014 without UN approval or Assad's request.

On June 8, the coalition bombed pro-Damascus forces in Syria near the town of al-Tanf. On June 6, the coalition conducted a strike on pro-Syrian government forces as they entered a de-confliction zone and allegedly posed threat. On May 18, the coalition hit pro-Assad fighters near al-Tanf for the first time.

On April 6, US Navy destroyers fired 59 cruise missiles at the Ash Sha'irat Airbase in western Syria, calling their attacks a "warning" to Damascus following a chemical weapons incident in Idlib province which Washington claimed was carried out by Syrian government forces. The claim was rejected by Damascus. The world is still waiting for the US and its allies to provide any proof for its claims of Syrian government involvement in the alleged chemical attack.

Furthermore, on September 16, US-led coalition aircraft carried out four strikes against the Syrian Army near the Deir ez-Zor airport, killing nearly 100 people, according to reports.

Last month, Senators Jeff Flake and Tim Kane introduced a bill to update the 2001 Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF), passed in response to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

Every president since George W. Bush has used the AUMF to conduct military operations in countries where it says terror groups are present, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis accused Moscow of violating the Open Skies Treaty.

Mattis: Russia Appears to Be in Violation of Open Skies Treaty

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis said in a congressional testimony on Tuesday that Russia most likely has violated the Open Skies Treaty.

We will be meeting with State Department and National Security staff here in the very near future. There certainly appears to be violations of it [the treaty]," Mattis told the US Senate Armed Services Committee.

The Treaty on Open Skies was signed in March 1992 and became one of the major confidence-building measures in Europe after the Cold War. It entered into force on January 1, 2002, and currently has 34 states parties, including Russia and most NATO members.

The prominent Iranian commander of the Al-Quds Force, Major General Qassem Suleimani, made a surprise visit to the Iraqi-Syrian border this week to meet with military personnel from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Popular Mobilization Units (Hashd Al-Sha’abi), Liwaa Fatemiyoun, and Hezbollah.

Prominent Iranian general makes surprise visit to Iraqi-Syrian border

General Suleimani’s visit to the Syrian government-held crossing in southeast Homs marks the first time the Al-Quds commander has crossed into Syria from Iraq’s Al-Anbar Governorate.

Unlike the Iraqi Army, the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units (Iraqi paramilitary) are heavily influenced by Iran’s military; this is one of the reasons why General Suleimani is often pictured with them in Iraq.

The Syrian government forces and their allies launched an important offensive in the southeastern countryside of the Homs Governorate this month, targeting the occupied border-crossings into Iraq’s Al-Anbar Governorate.

The Syrian army soldiers backed by the country's air force continued its military operation against ISIL in the Eastern countryside of Hama and recaptured new areas.

ISIL Continues to Retreat from Eastern Hama as Syrian Soldiers, Russian Bombers Continue Non-Stop Raid

The Syrian troops stationed in Eastern Hama engaged in clashes with the ISIL terrorists and regained control of several regions in the direction of the oil pipeline Southeast of the town of Aqarib in Eastern Hama as reinforcement forces and equipment were dispatched to the region.

In the meantime, the Syrian army's artillery and missile units backed by the country's air forces targeted ISIL's military positions in al-Barqoutiyeh, Arshouneh, Salam, al-Haradaneh and Eastern direction of oil pipeline.

The Russian choppers called as 'flying tanks' also hit hard ISIL's military positions in al-Barqoutiyeh and al-Hardaneh villages and inflicted heavy casualties and losses on the terrorists.

Russian bombers also created hell for ISIL in areas between al-Salamiyah and the militant-controlled Aqayrabat in Eastern Hama, killing 20 Takfiri militants and destroying 5 vehicles.

The Syrian and Russian fighter jets carried out a number of combat flights over ISIL's supply lines to the strategic town of Aqayrabat on Monday as Army troops continued operation in Eastern Hama to expel terrorists from the region.

The Syrian army backed by the country's air force continued its military operations against the ISIL in Eastern Homs, and in rapid advances forced the terrorists to withdraw from vast areas near the Arak energy field Northeast of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur).

Homs: ISIL Massively Withdraws from around Arak Energy Field

The Syrian army made massive advances towards Arak energy zone from different directions in Badiyeh (desert) region on Monday.

The army units made major advances Northeast of Palmyra as other units also took control of new regions Northeast of Station 4 in Eastern Homs.

"The Syrian troops recaptured several regions in Zahour al-Qanaem North of Abu Kaleh dam in Eastern Homs," a military source said.

The ISIL sustained heavy losses in the army's attacks and the terrorists' military vehicles and equipment were also destroyed.

In relevant remarks on Monday, the Syrian Army troops continued to hit ISIL's defense lines in Eastern Homs and managed to deploy only 3km away from Arak energy field after hours of non-stop clashes.

The army troops engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in Eastern Badiyeh and recaptured more positions overlooking Arak energy field.

The Syrian Army troops along with Hezbollah forces and Russian Marines started a large-scale anti-ISIL military operation in Eastern Homs province to recapture the energy-rich town of Arak in the Eastern countryside of the ancient city Palmyra (Tadmur).

Homs: Syrian Army, Russian Marines, Hezbollah Advancing toward Vital Town near Palmyra

The Syrian army men, Russian marines and popular forces, backed up by the Russian and Syrian fighter jets, stormed ISIL's strongholds in areas surrounding Arak at the beginning of their joint operation.

The Syrian and Russian warplanes pounded ISIL's supply lines to Arak and al-Sukhnah towns, destroying their military vehicles and killing a number of them.

A military source said that the pro-government forces managed to drive ISIL out of several strategic positions around Arak and fortify the newly-freed positions.

"Given the continued air attacks on ISIL's supply lines in the region and rapid advances of the government force, the key town will be soon freed," he added.

Reports said earlier today that the army troops continued to hit ISIL's defense lines in Eastern Homs and managed to deploy only 3km away from Arak energy field after hours of non-stop clashes.

ISIL went on alert after nearly a dozen members of the terrorist group were killed by unknown assailants inside their positions in Eastern Syria, media reports said.

Deir Ezzur: 11 ISIL Terrorists, Notorious Commander Killed by Unknown Attackers

A number of unknown raiders attacked a positon of ISIL in al-Salehiyeh region in the suburban area of Bu Kamal region in Eastern Deir Ezzur, the Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper reported.

The newspaper said that 11 ISIL terrorists, including their senior services commander Abu Maryam al-Shami, were killed in the city of Mayadin in the attack by the rival group.

The incident came as assassination of ISIL terrorists in Deir Ezzur has intensified. Only a few days ago several people fired at ISIL terrorists in al-Shaitat region and torched their tires.

In a relevant development in late May, four members of the terrorist group were killed by unknown assailants in Eastern Syria.

Local sources said that a number of unknown raiders attacked a positon of ISIL in the village of al-Tayaneh, and killed four members of the group.

The sources said that ISIL terrorists that were surprised by the terror attack started arresting a number of the youths and men in the region, establishing more checkpoints in the entrances of the village.

The Syrian army intensified anti-ISIL military operations in Eastern Hama, decreasing its distance from the terrorist group's last bastion in Badiyeh (Desert) area in Syria.

Army Forces Advance towards ISIL's Last Base in Syrian Desert

The army troops launched massive operations in Eastern Hama, retaking control of a number of points and heights near militant-controlled Aqayrabat in Eastern Hama, as ISIL's last and most important base in Badiyeh.

A military source said that the Syrian forces have retaken military control of several villages and towns in Eastern Hama after this advance, crippling the ISIL moves effectively and tightening the noose on them in Badiyeh; specially when other Syrian forces have reached the borders with Iraq.

The source also added that the Syrian forces are less than 30km away from Aqayrabat.

Meantime, the Syrian army is concurrently launching operations in the mountains of Eastern Palmyra and Eastern al-Salamiyeh region from Sheikh Hilal road, advancing in certain areas.

The Syrian army continued military operations against the ISIL in areas between Southeastern Aleppo and the Western parts of Raqqa and opened its way to Ithriya-Raqqa road.

Syria: Gov't Troops Reach Strategic Ithriya-Raqqa Road

The Syrian army forces advanced from their positions in Western Raqqa towards South and regained control of several regions, including Rajam al-Askar, Be'r Anbaj, al-Rasafah oil field, Zahr Um Baj, Job Aziz, Job al-Qanim, Abu Sousa and Job al-Baydh.

After advancing in these regions, the army soldiers reached Ithriya-Raqqa road.

In a relevant development on Monday, The Syrian army troops continued to storm ISIL's defense lines in Eastern and Southeastern Aleppo and managed to advance towards Ithriya region in Northeastern Hama to reinvigorate Aleppo province's security.

The army soldiers started battles against ISIL in areas near the villages of Bu Qazal and Anizeh South of the recently-liberated town of Maskana in Eastern Aleppo and managed to drive ISIL out of the region.

A military source said that the army intends to restore full security to Aleppo, adding that in line with the strategy the army troops advanced against ISIL 10km Southwest of Maskana towards Ithriya region.

Field sources, meantime, reported that the Syrian and Russian fighter jets carried out joint raids on ISIL positions in Northern Hama, killing and wounding a number of terrorists.

Also, the Syrian army aircraft targeted ISIL's gatherings and movements along the oil pipeline and Abu Habilat region in Eastern Hama.
The U.S. military has moved a truck-mounted, long-range rocket launcher from Jordan to a U.S. base in Al-Tanf, Syria, near the Iraqi and Jordanian borders, according to two regional intelligence sources.

US Deploys Long Range Rocket Launcher for War With Syrian Government

Reuters reports that the sources said the U.S. had moved the so-called High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) into the desert garrison, which has seen a buildup in recent weeks as tensions have continued to mount between U.S.-backed forces and Iranian-backed forces, as Anti-Media has previously reported.

“They have arrived now in Tanf and they are a significant boost to the U.S. military presence there,” one senior intelligence source reportedly said. “They have arrived now in Tanf and they are a significant boost to the U.S. military presence there,” one senior intelligence source reportedly said. The HIMARS has already been deployed in northern Syria as U.S.-backed forces have battled Islamic State militants, he added, Reuters reported.

The deployment comes barely days after Russia warned the U.S. not to strike Syrian-aligned troops again following multiple U.S. strikes last week.

As Reuters explains, the Al-Tanf border crossing is a vitally strategic area, which is why the U.S. military is continuing to cement itself firmly on the ground: “Tanf is near a Syria-Iraq border crossing on the main Baghdad-Damascus highway. The rebels took it from Islamic State last year, partly to stop Iran from using it to send arms to the Syrian government.”

It is for this reason that the U.S. military has struck these Iranian-backed troops on multiple occasions, dangerously escalating the conflict by shooting down a Syrian drone barely a week ago, as well.

However, as Reuters explains further, there is one other strategic location in mind for the U.S. military that is heavily interlinked with Al-Tanf:

“The rebels also want to use it to take more territory along the border and to push toward Deir al-Zor, a large city on the Euphrates where the government has an enclave surrounded by Islamic State fighters.”

As Anti-Media reported earlier this week, video footage has emerged of hundreds of ISIS fighters safely fleeing Raqqa in convoys. It has been speculated that this safe passage is being allowed on purpose to allow these ISIS fighters to put further pressure on the Syrian government, a behind-closed-doors policy of the Obama administration (and now, perhaps, of the Trump administration). It is more than likely that these fighters will head towards Deir ez-Zor, where the Syrian government retains an isolated outpost surrounded by ISIS fighters (this has happened in the past).

Further, the U.S. military previously bombarded Syrian troops battling ISIS fighters in the Deiz ez-Zor region last year, further suggesting that the real aim of the U.S. military presence is to undermine Syria’s sovereignty and the Syrian government’s battle against extremist groups.

If Washington intends for U.S.-backed forces take control of both the Al-Tanf region and Deir ez-Zor, then it is becoming increasingly likely that the U.S. military is headed for a showdown with Iranian and Syrian troops given the strategic importance of these locations to the Syrian military and its allies. As the Washington Times notes: “Military commanders in Damascus, Tehran and Moscow are setting their sights on the Syrian city of Deir el-Zour and the surrounding Middle Euphrates River Valley as the battleground for the fight against the jihadi group, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

“Coalition commanders and Pentagon officials say the overall battle plan will address the Islamic State buildup in Deir el-Zour. But with all eyes fixed on Raqqa, it remains to be seen how Syrian-led operations, backed by Russia, will affect that long-term strategy.”

While the deployment of this long-range rocket launcher may ultimately serve as a deterrent strategy towards Iranian-backed militias, it still forces the question of why an invading force should be allowed to deter the host country’s forces from reclaiming areas that legally belong to them in the first place. States or its allies without so much as a blink from the U.N.

Technically speaking, the Syrian military is well within its rights to confront any invading force on its territory. However, doing so may unleash a large and unpredictable conflict that could redefine the future of humanity. While the media cheers on the American-led push to retake Raqqa from ISIS and ignores the reality of the conflict on the ground (as well as the mounting civilian death toll), we are getting closer to a global confrontation.

Just when you thought our Syria policy could not get any worse, last week it did. The US military twice attacked Syrian government forces from a military base it illegally occupies inside Syria. According to the Pentagon, the attacks on Syrian government-backed forces were “defensive” because the Syrian fighters were approaching a US self-declared “de-confliction” zone inside Syria. The Syrian forces were pursuing ISIS in the area, but the US attacked anyway.

Why Are We Attacking the Syrians Who Are Fighting ISIS?

The US is training yet another rebel group fighting from that base, located near the border of Iraq at al-Tanf, and it claims that Syrian government forces pose a threat to the US military presence there. But the Pentagon has forgotten one thing: it has no authority to be in Syria in the first place!
Neither the US Congress nor the UN Security Council has authorized a US military presence inside Syria.

So what gives the Trump Administration the right to set up military bases on foreign soil without the permission of that government? Why are we violating the sovereignty of Syria and attacking its military as they are fighting ISIS? Why does Washington claim that its primary mission in Syria is to defeat ISIS while taking military actions that benefit ISIS?

The Pentagon issued a statement saying its presence in Syria is necessary because the Syrian government is not strong enough to defeat ISIS on its own. But the “de-escalation zones” agreed upon by the Syrians, Russians, Iranians, and Turks have led to a reduction in fighting and a possible end to the six-year war. Even if true that the Syrian military is weakened, its weakness is due to six years of US-sponsored rebels fighting to overthrow it!

What is this really all about? Why does the US military occupy this base inside Syria? It’s partly about preventing the Syrians and Iraqis from working together to fight ISIS, but I think it’s mostly about Iran. If the Syrians and Iraqis join up to fight ISIS with the help of Iranian-allied Shia militia, the US believes it will strengthen Iran’s hand in the region. President Trump has recently returned from a trip to Saudi Arabia where he swore he would not allow that to happen.

But is this policy really in our interest, or are we just doing the bidding of our Middle East “allies,” who seem desperate for war with Iran? Saudi Arabia exports its radical form of Islam worldwide, including recently into moderate Asian Muslim countries like Indonesia. Iran does not. That is not to say that Iran is perfect, but does it make any sense to jump into the Sunni/Shia conflict on either side? The Syrians, along with their Russian and Iranian allies, are defeating ISIS and al-Qaeda. As candidate Trump said, what’s so bad about that?

We were told that if the Syrian government was allowed to liberate Aleppo from al-Qaeda, Assad would kill thousands who were trapped there. But the opposite has happened: life is returning to normal in Aleppo. The Christian minority there celebrated Easter for the first time in several years. They are rebuilding. Can’t we finally just leave the Syrians alone?

When you get to the point where your actions are actually helping ISIS, whether intended or not, perhaps it’s time to stop. It’s past time for the US to abandon its dangerous and counterproductive Syria policy and just bring the troops home.

When last Friday Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Syrian forces had broken through to the Iraqi border and enveloped the US forces in southern Syria this came as a shock to us here at RI.

Syrian Army Boxing in US Forces in Southern Syria Came as a Shock — Defense Secretary Mattis
The Pentagon was taken aback by how suddenly and quickly it was presented with a fait accompli east of al-Tanf

Not because this was some move nobody could see coming. Anyone who can read a map could see that a Syrian advance to the east of US positions at al-Tanf base would effectively neutralize it. I spelled out as much a week before the Syrian offensive took place.

The obvious play for the Russian-backed Syrians is to neutralize Americans at al-Tanf by giving their base a 55 kilometer-wide berth and punch through to the Iraqi border further east. Such a maneuver would end US dreams of al-Tanf as a staging point for a push into the Euphrates valley and make it into an irrelevant, isolated outpost in the desert.

No, the shocking part was how quickly the Syrians advanced and with how little warning. Without any previous indication that they intend to do so, the Syrian forces covered 184 kilometers of barren desert in a single day.

It took place so unexpectedly and with such speed that the first we heard about it was when it was all already over — the Syrians were already shaking hands with Iraqis on their joint borders and the Americans had been cut off.

A 184 kilometer march executed in a single day would be a feather in the cap of any force, but is particularly impressive in the Syrian context where advances tend to be far, far slower.

Also, there were no prior announcements or social media rumors that such a move was being prepared — for once the Syrians kept their plans and preparations to themselves.

Additionally, it of was of great help that it took place while all eyes (and American bombs) were focused on much smaller forces testing the US-proclaimed 55 kilometer exclusion zone further east — and which may have been diversionary moves.

We have now learned that the US military was no less shocked by the advance than you and I. Testifying before Congress US Defense Secretary Mattis explained:

“As far as the Tanf situation, that was another operating area that we had. I did not anticipate that the Russians would move there. We knew it was a possibility. I did not anticipate it at that time but it was not a surprise to our intelligence people who saw the potential for them to move out in that direction.”

So then, exactly like RI, the Pentagon saw “the potential” for a Syrian move in that direction (everybody did), but was completely taken aback by how suddenly and quickly it developed.

In military parlance the Syrians did not achieve a “strategic surprise” but they did achieve an “operational surprise”.

In all likelihood US brass could only predict a typical haphazard Syrian advance that would give it plenty of time to react against. Instead it was presented with a fait accompli within a day.

Pentagon grossly underestimated the Syrian forces. Indeed, Mattis had by all appearances convinced himself that Russians were not interested in southern Syria, and that a push to the Iraqi border was a solely Iranian-backed operation with which the Russians disagreed.

In fact, that the Russian Ministry of Defence timed its press briefing for almost the very moment (figuratively speaking) when Syrian and allied forces had reached the border would imply just the opposite was the case.

It also likely means that the Russians contributed heavily to the planning for the operation and that this reflected in its swiftness and professionalism. Indeed, Mattis who speaks of “Russians moving there” now seems to believe so.

Actually he should have known better from the start. Here at RI we always wrote about al-Tanf as ultimately being between the Russians and the US. After all if the Syrians want to restore a land border with Iraq and profit from some of the latter’s manpower reserves that is also in the Russian interest in Syria.
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