Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

A number of elites and senior officials in the militant-held regions in Idlib province called on the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria to pave the ground for bringing their regions back under the control of the Syrian Army.

Fri Jul 13, 2018 - Elites, Senior Officials in Militant-Held Regions Call for Return of Idlib Control to Damascus Gov't

The Russian center was quoted by the Arabic-language al-Watan daily as saying that the center has received a number of calls by Idlib's elites and senior officials, demanding for the surrender of militant-held regions in the Northwestern province to the army.

Al-Watan further said that senior officials in Idlib have also called for government amnesty.

The Russian center further said that a large-scale popular uprising is now very much likely to happen in Idlib, adding that as soon as the army forces arrive at Idlib border the civilian population will certainly join them.

Meanwhile, Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, the former commander of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front), also cautioned on Wednesday against the growing number of the militants asking for the endorsement of the peace plan in Northern Syria, calling for their trial and punishment.

Also, Abdolrazaq al-Mahdi, the Mufti (religious leader) of another terrorist group in Northern Syria, warned of the dire situation in Northern Syria, calling on the militants to unite to stand against the Syrian army's imminent operations in the region.

The Syrian army will soon start military operations in Idlib after fully cleansing Southern Syria of terrorists, reports said.

2018-07-13 - Armenia delivers 94 tons of humanitarian aid to Syria
Armenia delivers 94 tons of humanitarian aid to Syria

Armenia delivered 94 tons of humanitarian aid to war-torn Syria this week, the Armenian Red Cross reported on Friday.

According to the Armenian Red Cross, at least 30 tons of the humanitarian aid will be distributed to Aleppo via the Leadership of the Armenian Diocese of Beroea.

Aleppo was once the most densely populated city in Syria; it was also home to the largest population of Armenians in the region.

The remaining humanitarian aid will be distributed throughout Syria in order to ease the suffering of the people after more than seven years of war.

Armenia has been a close ally of Syria for many years and continues to be one of the largest donors of humanitarian aid to this war-torn nation.

Sat Jul 14, 2018 - US to Set Up Permanent Military Base along Iraq-Syria Border

The US Army is planning to set up a permanent military base along the Iraqi borders with Syria, media reported.

The US army has decided to construct a military base in Western Al-Anbar province of Iraq near the border with Syria, the Arabic-language al-Maloumeh news website quoted Iraqi sources as saying.

An Iraqi source told al-Maloumeh that the US decision comes while the US has already several military bases in different parts of the Western Desert of Al-Anbar province.

"The US intends to set up a military base equipped with state-of-the-art military hardware and systems," he added.

The source reiterated that the US troops are present in Western al-Anbar along Iraq-Syria border in addition to their presence at the train station East of al-Qaem city.

The news comes as the main incentive of the US forces for setting up the military base is not clear.

In a relevant development in late June, a prominent Russian military analyst revealed that "the US is training terrorists in 19 military bases in Syria" in pursuit of its military and political objectives in the country.

Vladimir Kozin, a military expert at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, was quoted by the Arabic website of RT as saying that the US has 19 bases in Syria to train the terrorists.

He added that the weapons, ammunition, fuel and foodstuff needed in these centers are provided by 22 US military bases outside Syria.

Kozin said that the American forces train the terrorists at al-Tanf base in Syria's Badiyeh region in the South, adding that the US army has closed the airspace of this region in a radius of 50km without any agreement with the Damascus government.

He described Washington's military and technical support for terrorist groups as a violation of the UN Charter and agreements to decrease tensions in Syria, and said the US supports the terrorists to maintain its influence on the political and military situation of the country.

2018-07-14 - Syria slams US Coalition for killing 30 civilians in east Deir Ezzor
Syria slams US Coalition for killing 30 civilians in east Deir Ezzor

The Syrian Foreign Ministry slammed the U.S. Coalition for reportedly killing more than 30 civilians in the eastern countryside Deir Ezzor this week, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) claimed on Saturday morning.

“The illegal international coalition led by Washington cannot justify its treacherous aggression or the arguments it introduced to justify its massacre against the people of al-Baghouz Fawqani and al-Soussah towns in the countryside of al-Boukamal city, which led to the martyrdom of more than 30 civilians and wounding dozens of women and children,” the SANA report claimed, citing the remarks made in the Syrian Foreign Ministry’s letter to the UN Security Council.

In the letter, the Ministry said “the warplanes of the Washington-led illegal coalition carried out a new terrorist criminal act by deliberately targeting innocent Syrian civilians aiming at terrorizing them, prolonging the war on Syria and supporting their defeated tools which collapsed like dominoes in eastern and southern Syria, including Daesh (ISIS), Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist groups affiliated to them.”

The Ministry continued that “on Friday after midnight, the warplanes of the US-led coalition launched intensive airstrikes on the towns of al-Baghouz Fawqani and al-Soussah in a- Boukamal countryside, claiming the lives of 30 civilians, injuring dozens others, mostly children and women, and causing massive destruction to infrastructure and houses.”

The Ministry added that “the death toll is likely to rise as most of the wounded sustained serious injuries and given the difficulty of evacuating the wounded from the under rubble because of the continuous shelling of two towns.”

The US military has not denied nor claimed they were responsible for the attack; however, they did say that they are currently investigating the reports.

2018-07-14 - Syrian Army discovers large weapons cache left behind by ISIS
Syrian Army discovers large weapons cache left behind by ISIS (photos)

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered a weapons cache that was left behind by the Islamic State (ISIS) in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Friday.
According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the Syrian Army discovered the ISIS weapons hub while combing through the Albukamal countryside.

Inside the Islamic State’s hidden weapons cache was a large quantity of RPGs, mortar shells, mortar launchers, communication devices, and ammunition shells.

The SANA report added that the weapons cache was found inside an underground base in the Deir Ezzor Governorate town of Hasarat.


Sat Jul 14, 2018 - Kurdish Militants Selling US-Made Arms in Black Market

"The Kurdish fighters are selling the weapons supplied by the US to other militants," the Arabic-language Daily Sabah quoted local sources in Northern Syria as saying.

The sources said that the move by the Kurdish forces is made to meet their expenses.

They pointed to an agreement reached between Turkey and the US on Kurdish forces' withdrawal from the city of Manbij and other regions West of the Euphrates and surrender of their weapons to the US by end of 2018, and said that the Kurdish forces are worried that the Turkish army might conduct a new military operation against them in Northern Syria if they surrender their weapons.
"Hence, they are selling the weapons to other militant groups that operate in the same region," they added.

The US has delivered light and heavy weapons on a large number of trucks to the Kurdish forces in Northern Syria on the pretext of fighting the ISIL.

In a relevant development earlier in July, the US army dispatched a new military convoy to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Hasaka province in Northern Syria.

Field sources in Hasaka province reported that Washington had sent a large military convoy, consisting of a large number of weapons, ammunition and military equipment to the US-backed SDF forces.

They added that the military equipment was carried on 200 trucks transferred through the border crossing of Simalka at the borders with Iraq to Northeastern Hasaka.

In a relevant development earlier in July, another convoy of weapons and military equipment was sent by the US to the SDF in Hasaka of Syria near the borders with Iraq.

It added that the convoy consisted of 100 trucks which carried military and armored vehicles and concrete blocks as well as oil tankers with kerosene cargos.

The US army had also dispatched military equipment to the Kurdish militias in Hasaka late last month, a media outlet reported as Washington continued all-out support for the group in Northeastern Syria.

Sat Jul 14, 2018 - Kurdish Forces Willing to Return Raqqa Dam, Al-Tabaqa Town to Syrian Army

The Kurdish-language Hawar news quoted Chairman of Syria's Democratic Council Ilham Ahmed as saying on Saturday that at present, talks have been held between the Syrian government and the local councils in al-Tabaqa to return al-Tabaqa dam experts and personnel to run the dam.

He also confirmed negotiations between the two sides to deliver control of al-Tabaqa town to the Syrian government, adding that, "Negotiations are still the best option for us to resolve all problems with the Syrian government instead of military solution."
Ilham said that more negotiations are likely on other issues as well.

In a relevant development on Thursday, the Syrian army reached an agreement with the SDF to retake control of a key neighborhood in Hasaka, media reports said.

2018-07-14 - Rebels begin handing over weapons to Syrian Army in Daraa city
Rebels begin handing over weapons to Syrian Army in Daraa city

The rebel forces in Daraa city have begun handing over their heavy and medium weapons to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian Reconciliation Center this afternoon.

According to a military source in Daraa, the rebels have gathered their heavy and medium weapons in the Daraa Al-Balad District to handover to the Syrian government.

This move by the rebel forces is the second part of the reconciliation deal they agreed to with the Syrian government and Russian Reconciliation Center this week.

Once the weapons are handed over, the Syrian government will begin reconciling with the rebel fighters seeking amnesty and transport those who refuse.

The rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) who refuse to reconcile with the government will be transported to the western countryside of the Daraa Governorate, where they will eventually be taken to the Idlib Governorate in northern Syria.

Fri Jul 13, 2018 - Analyst: Israel Helps Militants in South Syria Create Buffer Zone in Golan Heights

Israel is frustrated over the failure of its plan to set up a buffer zone near the occupied Golan Heights, a Lebanese political analyst has told media outlets.

Nidal Saeed al Sabaa said that in the past few years, Israel has been lending help to militants who call themselves the Syrian armed opposition, Sputnik reported.

“Special attention has been paid to militant units fighting along the border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, where the Israelis want to set up a buffer zone to separate them from the South Lebanese Army,” al Sabaa added. He added that in order to win members of the Syrian opposition over to its side, Israel invited them to various conferences held at the US embassy in Jordan.

“As a result, some politicians inside Syria worked in the best interests of Israel. It’s small wonder that the people of Dara'a refused to be taken hostage to Israel’s policy and were working hard to reinstate the authority of the legitimate Syrian government,” the analyst noted.
He also said that as the Syrian government forces’ recent successes has raised questions of the Golan Heights returning to Damascus’ control, Israel may try to check the Syrian Army’s further advance to the South.

During a recent inspection trip to the Golan Heights, a strip of land in northeastern Israel that was captured by Israeli forces during the Six Day War of 1967, Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned that “any Syrian soldier” who strays into the demilitarized zone separating the two countries, would put his life on the line.

Earlier this month, an Israeli military aircraft targeted Syrian army positions in the Golan Heights after a rogue shell landed between Israeli-controlled and Syrian government-held territories.

Tel Aviv claims the right to open fire on any military target on Syrian territory, which it considers to be violating the 1974 agreement on disengagement between the two countries.

Fri Jul 13, 2018 - Syrian Army Preparing for Imminent Operation in Quneitra

The Syrian Army sent more troops and equipment to Quneitra on Friday to further prepare for an imminent operation against terrorists in the Southwestern province.

The army dispatched hundreds of fresh forces, several military vehicles and a large volume of heavy weapons to Quneitra.

The military convoy was sent to Northern Quneitra via the newly-freed regions in Eastern Dara'a as the army is preparing to conduct operation in Southern Quneitra near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

2018-07-13 - Russia, Syria ink accord on instructing Syrian cadets in Defense Ministry’s schools
Russia, Syria ink accord on instructing Syrian cadets in Defense Ministry’s schools

Russia and Syria are planning to sign an intergovernmental agreement on training minors from the Arab republic in the Russian Defense Ministry’s educational institutions.

A decree to this effect issued by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has been posted on the official legal information website.

“To approve the draft agreement between the government of Russia and the government of Syria on training juvenile citizens from Syria in the Russian Defense Ministry’s general educational institutions implementing general and secondary education training programs <…> aimed at preparing underage students for military or other public service,” the document reads.

The training of young Syrian students is due to be free of charge, with all costs paid for by Russia.

However, students will be admitted to the Defense Ministry’s schools on a competitive basis. The selection of candidates will be the purview of the Syrians.

Medvedev also issued an order to draw up and sign a similar agreement with South Ossetia.
Any further cooperation with the Russian military in Syria would require action by the US Congress, Command of US Central Command (CENTCOM) General Joseph Votel said in a press briefing on Thursday.

19.07.2018 - US Forces in Syria Received No New Guidance After Helsinki Summit - Commander
US Forces in Syria Received No New Guidance After Helsinki Summit - Commander

"Any space would have to be created by Congress or a waiver they would approve to do something like that. I have not asked for that at this point and we’ll see what direction comes down," Votel told reporters.

Votel said deconfliction continues with Russia in Syria, however, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov also opined saying that deconfliction in Syria is not enough. Antonov said the Russian military wants to establish "normal, mutually respectful relations," but added that the US military is legally forbidden to cooperate with Russia.

According to the US commander, US forces in Syria have received no further special instructions following the meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki earlier this week.

For us right now it’s kind of steady as it goes. We received no further direction," Votel said. "We continue our communication in deconfliction with the Russian Federation Commanders to ensure protection of our respective forces … No new guidance for me as a result of the Helsinki discussions."

Votel said on Thursday that any further cooperation with the Russian military in Syria would require action by the US Congress.

19.07.2018 - Russian MoD: Militants in Syria Surrender Heavy Combat Vehicles, Munitions
Russian MoD: Militants in Syria Surrender Heavy Combat Vehicles, Munitions

Militants in Syria on Thursday surrendered three tanks, three infantry combat vehicles, two anti-aircraft guns, and a big stockpile of ammunition, head of the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov said Thursday.

He noted that the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation continued talks with the elders of settlements and leaders of illegal armed groups in the southern de-escalation zone.

According to Tsygankov, 309 more civilians have passed through humanitarian corridor near the town of Kafr Shams in Daraa province.

As many as 111 more people have returned to their homes in Eastern Ghouta, bringing the total number to 72,714. Over the past 24 hours, 293 civilians have also returned to the province of Damascus from Lebanon through the Zemrani border control point.

Thu Jul 19, 2018 - Kurdish Forces Destroy Ankara-Backed Militants' Cache of Arms in Idlib

A weapons and ammunition cache of Turkey-backed terrorists was smashed in an operation of the Kurdish militias in Northern Idlib.

The Kurdish-language Hawar news reported on Thursday that the Kurdish forces launched military operations on a main base of the Ankara-backed Faylaq al-Sham terrorist group in Atmeh region in Northern Idlib which was a main platform for Afrin's occupation.

It added that the Kurds could destroy a cache of weapons and ammunition and an arms manufacturing plant in the operations, killing 6 and wounding 5 Faylaq al-Sham militants.

A sum of 12 Turkish troops and Ankara-backed militants were killed in clashes with the Kurdish militias in Afrin region in Northwestern Aleppo last Tuesday, a Kurdish media outlet reported.

Hawar news quoted a source as saying that the Kurdish militias attacked the Turkish army units and meantime detonated roadside bombs on the way of Ankara-backed militants in the village of Baseleh in Shera region, destroying a military vehicle and killing eight Turkish forces, including two army officers.

Hawar news further said that a Turkish soldier and two members of Firqa al-Hamaza military group were killed and a Turkish soldier was injured after a bomb went off in their vehicle in the village off Kimara.

A sum of 2,527 Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militants have, thus far, been killed in clashes with the Kurds in Afrin region.

Thu Jul 19, 2018 - Israeli Footprints Found in Terrorists' Bases in Dara'a

The Syrian army forces in Northern Dara'a discovered and seized communication systems and foodstuff produced by Israel at terrorists' bases.

Field sources in Northwestern Dara'a reported on Thursday that the Syrian army units have found Israeli-made systems and foodstuff in the town of al-Tayheh which has recently been liberated.

Meantime, the terrorists in Dara'a al-Balad surrendered 5 military vehicles, including 3 tanks, 4 heavy artilleries, 3 mortar-launchers, a large number of machine-guns, weapons and ammunition to the Syrian army under the surrender agreement between the two sides.

In a relevant development on Tuesday, the Syrian army soldiers continued their mop-up operation in Southern Hama, discovering a large arms and ammunition depot of terrorists, including Israeli weapons.

The army men found a large depot of terrorists' arms and ammunition in the township of Aqrab in Southern Hama.

A field source reported that a large volume of Israeli mortar shells, missiles, machineguns, sniper rifles, communication devices and bombs were in the depot.

In the meantime, other units of the army discovered a large volume of weapons and munitions in the terrorists' hideouts in the villages of Talaf and Khirbet al-Jameh in Southern Hama.

Wed Jul 18, 2018 - Kurds to Increase Cooperation with Syrian Gov't

Chairman of the Kurds' Syrian Democratic Council Ilham Ahmad announced plans to set up offices in several Syrian cities, including Damascus.

The Kurdish-language Rudaw news website quoted Ahmad as saying on Wednesday that the Council plans to establish offices in Damascus, Lattakia, Homs and Hama, describing it as an effort to find a democratic solution to the crisis in Syria.

He made the remarks at the end of the third round of the Council's conference in the town of al-Tabaqa in Raqqa province in attendance of the Kurdish figures.

Ahmad said that the Council had invited a number of Syrian dissidents living in Turkey to participate in the conference but they didn't show up because of Ankara's opposition.

Relevant reports said on Tuesday that the predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has formed a negotiating delegation to resume talks with the Syrian government after a series of recent talks on the delivery of control of SDF-held regions to the Damascus army.

The SDF-affiliated Syria's Democratic Council held a conference participated by Kurdish militias and representatives of Syria-based opposition groups in the town of al-Tabaqa in Western Raqqa.

Hekmat Habib, a member of the presiding board of the council, said that resumption of negotiations with Damascus is among the aims of the conference.

He further said that the newly-formed delegation will represent the entire Kurdish-held regions, including Raqqa, Deir Ezzur and Manbij in talks with the Syrian government.

According to pervious reports, the Kurdish militia and Damascus authorities have thus far held several round of talks over handing over of SDF-held regions to the government forces.
Russia has sent specific proposals to the United States to organize joint work to return Syrian refugees to their home country taking into account the recent arrangements at the US-Russia high-level summit in Helsinki, head of Russia's National Defense Control Center Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev said Friday.

20.07.2018 - Russia Sends Specific Proposals to US to Facilitate Return of Syrian Refugees
Russia Sends Specific Proposals to US to Facilitate Return of Syrian Refugees

According to the official, "the package of proposals prescribes the development of a joint plan on the return of refugees to places of pre-conflict residence, the priority return of Syrian citizens from Lebanon and Jordan, the establishment of a joint Russian-US-Jordanian group on the basis of the Amman monitoring center, and the formation of a similar group in Lebanon."

He noted that the promotion of the progress may become possible thanks to the agreements reached by the presidents of Russia and the United States during the Helsinki summit.

In addition, the official also revealed that almost 7 million people have fled Syria since the beginning of the conflict in 2011, whereas "more than 1,700,000 people may return to their homes in Syria in the near future."

According to Mizintsev, the majority of Syrian refugees are currently residing in 45 countries, primarily in the border regions of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.

On July 18, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that it had established a refugee center in Syria responsible for humanitarian assistance and the revival of health care and other social services, as well as the monitoring of the return of Syrian refugees to their homes.

20.07.2018 - Last Residents Evacuated from Pro-Assad Towns in Northwestern Syria - Source
Last Residents Evacuated from Pro-Assad Towns in Northwestern Syria - Source

The evacuation from two militant-besieged towns in northwestern Syria ended on Friday after the last 22 buses with residents were allowed to leave for Aleppo, a security source told Sputnik.

"This is the fourth motorcade carrying Fua and Kefraya residents to checkpoints in Al-Hadher and Al-Eis in Aleppo province and on to a temporary residential center in Jibrin," the source said.

The government agreed with militants this week to evacuate the two towns in Idlib province, with a combined population of over 6,000, in return for the release of 1,500 fighters from Syrian prisons.

Sources in Idlib told Sputnik the Nusra Front jihadist group had halted 22 buses after hundreds of militants declined to leave the government-controlled territory.

Fua and Kefraya have been under siege for more than three years. Some 18,000 people were trapped in the area last year, with many dying at the hands of militants or from famine.

Thu Jul 19, 2018 - Tens of Bodies Killed in US Airstrikes Found in Raqqa

Over 50 corpses of the people killed in the US airstrikes and buried under the debris of a building in Raqqa were discovered on Thursday one day after several mass graves were found in the ruins of the province.

Local sources in Raqqa reported that more than 50 bodies of civilians killed in the US raids were found in one of the buildings of Harat al-Baldou in Raqqa city, adding that most of the dead are women and children.

Relevant reports quoted forces affiliated to Raqqa civil council as saying on Wednesday that at least 450 corpses were discovered in a mass grave near al-Forat stadium in Southern Raqqa.

Most of the bodies found in mass graves in Raqqa belong to the victims of the US airstrikes and the attacks launched by Washington-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) when they were attempting to occupy the region as well as those killed by the ISIL terrorist group.

Meantime, a media outlet reported on Wednesday that a sum of 1,236 bodies of the victims killed by US-led coalition air raids and Washington-backed militias were discovered from three other mass graves in Raqqa city in Northeastern Syria.

The Arabic-language al-Watan news website reported that a sum of 1,236 bodies of civilians that had been killed in the US air raids and SDF attacks were unearthed from mass graves in Panorama, al-Rashid Sports Stadium and the Zoo in Raqqa.

It further said that unearthing of bodies was still underway in the Zoo and Panorama, adding that most of the bodies discovered so far had been killed in the US air raids and attacks by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

2018-07-20 - Syrian Army seizes 4 towns near occupied Golan Heights – map
Syrian Army seizes 4 towns near occupied Golan Heights - map

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) made their big move into the Al-Quneitra Governorate, today, seizing several towns that were previously controlled by the rebel forces.

Backed by the Russian Reconciliation Center, the Syrian Arab Army entered one Al-Quneitra town after another, following an agreement with the rebels forces inside the province.

According to a military report from the Al-Quneitra Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army took control of ‘Ayn Tiyanahem, Suwisah, Qasibah, and Umm Batna.

The first town the Syrian Army entered was Umm Batna after the rebels were transported to northern Syria, per the reconciliation agreement that was made earlier this week.

With this latest move, the Syrian Arab Army is now in position to split the rebel-held Al-Quneitra pocket in two.

The Syrian Arab Army has not faced any resistance in these areas as of yet; however, a military source believes that once they begin approaching towns with a large jihadist presence, they will face more opposition.

Thu Jul 19, 2018 - Terrorists Agree to Surrender Entire Quneitra to Syrian Army

The terrorists have agreed to deliver control of all villages and towns of Quneitra province after the army made major achievements in military operations in Dara'a and Quneitra provinces.

The Arabic website of SANA news agency reported on Thursday that the terrorist groups in Quneitra have reached an agreement with the Syrian army to grant amnesty to those who surrender and allow others to leave the region for Idlib.

It added that based on the agreement, the Syrian army will be deployed in regions that it lost in 2011 once again.

Sources affiliated to the dissidents also reported that the terrorists in Quneitra have reached the agreement with the army through Russian mediation.

The Syrian army's full control over the strategic regions in Quneitra and the extensive support of residents of these regions for the army started after the terrorists' defense lines in Dara'a and parts of Quneitra collapsed completely.

2018-07-20 - Tiger Forces approaches Israeli-occupied Golan Heights border (video)
Tiger Forces approaches Israeli-occupied Golan Heights border (video)

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) scored an important advance in southwest Syria on Monday, seizing the key hilltop of Tal Al-Harrah in northwest Daraa.

As a result of this advance, the Syrian Army was able to secure the recently reconciled town of Al-Harrah near the border of the Al-Quneitra Governorate.

Anna News captured footage of the Syrian Army’s operation to capture Tal Al-Harrah, which was led by their elite Tiger Forces division.

As shown in the video Anna News video below, the Tiger Forces overlook the Al-Quneitra countryside for the first time since they launched this offensive in June.

The Tiger Forces are now tasked with entering the towns that the rebels are surrendering to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Once the Al-Quneitra Governorate is secured, the Tiger Forces will likely redeploy to northern Syria, where they will be tasked to capture the last areas under the control of the jihadist rebels in northern Latakia.

Thu Jul 19, 2018 - Thousands of Tribal Forces in Idlib Ready to Cooperate with Syrian Army

Thousands of tribal forces in Idlib have declared preparedness to collaborate with the Syrian army in its imminent military operations in Idlib after the end of battle in Southern Syria.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik news agency quoted Commander of Bani Izz tribal forces Sheikh Ahmed al-Mobarak as saying on Thursday that thousands of trained forces are waiting for the start of the Syrian army's operations against the terrorist groups in Idlib.

He added that thousands of residents of Idlib have supported the Syrian army since the start of the war in the country, and said all tribal forces have received military training for the battle, specially against the foreign terrorist groups, including the Chechnians, Uzbeks and Uygurs, stationed in Idlib province.

Al-Mobarak said that the tribal forces have participated so far in several battles, including in Southeastern Idlib, and foiled the terrorists' attacks despite the fact that the militants used armored Turkish vehicles and resorted to suicide attacks and bomb-laden vehicles.

Hundreds of towns and villages in Idlib province have joined the Syrian government's peace plan as the army is terminating military operations in Dara'a and plans to start the battle against the terrorists in Idlib.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik also quoted Sheikh Saud al-Mobarak, a member of Idlib's peace committee, as saying on Monday that 500 villages and towns have joined the national peace plan in coordination with the Syrian government and supervision of the Russian delegation and after continued talks and contacts with the residents of different towns in Idlib province.

He added that the process of peace negotiations had started 1.5 years ago in several regions of Idlib, saying that residents of several villages and towns in Idlib have held protest rallies against the presence of the terrorists, specially the foreigners who have looted their properties and lands.

Sheikh Saud said that implementation of the peace plan in the province is aimed at preventing clashes and protecting the residents of the two towns of Fua'a and Kafrya which have repeatedly been targeted by terrorists in the past few years.

20.07.2018 - Extremists Attempting to Break Through in Syria's Homs - Russian MoD
Extremists Attempting to Break Through in Syria's Homs - Russian MoD

Militant groups have increased combat activity in Syria's Idlib, Homs and Latakia provinces, using aerial drones and suicide bombers to attack positions of Syrian government forces, the head of the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation said on Friday.

"Of particular concern is the situation in Idlib province where illegal armed groups that joined the ranks of Nusra Front terrorist organization [banned in Russia] have increased combat activity," Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov said at a daily briefing.

"There have been attempts by extremists to break through the Syrian army defenses in the northern part of Homs province with the use of suicide bombers, as well as attacks on the positions of government troops in Latakia province," Tsygankov said.

"Launches of attack aerial drones are being carried out from the territory occupied by militants," the general added.

According to Tsygankov, units of the Syrian government forces "are forced to take appropriate measures to stabilize the situation in the region."

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier on Friday that at least four ceasefire violations were recorded over the past 24 hours in the provinces of Latakia and Hama.

The number of areas, which signed reconciliation agreements, has remained the same and amounts to 2,518. The number of armed formations claiming that they observe the ceasefire has not changed either, standing at 234.

July 20, 2018 - Hezbollah Fighters Liberated from Syria’s Foua & Kefraya Arrive to Hometowns in Lebanon (Updated)
Hezbollah Fighters Liberated from Syria’s Foua & Kefraya Arrive to Hometowns in Lebanon (Updated)

The six Hezbollah fighters who were liberated from Foua and Kefraya in Syria’s Idlib after a three-year terrorist siege imposed on the two towns arrived on Friday afternoon to their various hometowns in Lebanon.

One of the Islamic Resistance fighters, Jamil Fakih, embraced martyrdom while defending the innocent civilians in Foua and Kefraya against the attacks launched by the terrorist groups.

Crowded ceremonies have been prepared and held to welcome the heroic fighters, Mujahid Wissam Dulani, Ahmad Bashir, Fadl Hakim, Mohammad Atiyeh and Mohammad Safieddine, who steadfastly confronted the takfiri militants in the two Syrian towns.

Hezbollah MPs Mohammad Raad and Ali Ammar hailed during the ceremonies the sacrifices of the Resistance fighters that contributed to the counter-terror victory in Syria.

2018-07-19 - Russia establishes center to provide Syrian refugees with humanitarian aid
Russia establishes center to provide Syrian refugees with humanitarian aid

A new center for receiving, relocating, accommodating refugees in Syria has been set up by the Russian military, the Russian MoD said in an official statement.

“Acting in coordination with the Syrian authorities, Russia has set up a center for receiving, relocating, accommodating refugees as part of international efforts to assist Syrian refugees in returning to their places of residence,” the statement reads.

Besides organizing humanitarian aid deliveries, the newly-established center will be observing the return of internally displaces persons (IDPs) as well as refugees in other countries to their original towns and cities.

It [the center] will help the Syrian authorities restore healthcare and human services.

Russia, the main backer of Syrian government, is now beefing up the Syrian Army’s military operation to reclaim all rebel-held territories in southwest Syria.

19.07.2018 - Russia Effectively Manages Issue of Syrian Refugees Unlike EU - Belgian Lawmaker
Russia Effectively Manages Issue of Syrian Refugees Unlike EU – Belgian Lawmaker

Russia effectively deals with the issue of Syrian refugees and displaced persons, while the European Union has failed to adopt any viable measures, Member of the Belgian Parliament Filip Dewinter told Sputnik on Thursday.

"Unfortunately, the European Union does nothing in this regard. And we should be grateful to Russia for fighting with terrorists and now for organizing the return for people, who are willing to move back to the country of origin. Thus, Russia is doing what we should do," Dewinter said.

The Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday that it had established a refugee center in Syria as part of efforts to assist the return of Syrian refugees to their homes.

According to the ministry, the center will be responsible for delivery of Russian and international humanitarian aid, the revival of health care and other social services, as well as the monitoring of the return of Syrian refugees to their homes.

The European Union, in an effort to deal with the overflow of the Syrian refugees fleeing to the member states, reached a migration deal with Turkey in 2016. Under the deal, the sides agreed that Syrian refugees arriving in Greece would be returned to Turkey if their claim for asylum was rejected, while Syrian asylum seekers in Turkey would be resettled in Europe on a one-for-one basis.

Brussels, in turn, vowed to provide financial aid to the country to cover the costs of migrant reception, among other measures. However, the Turkish authorities have repeatedly complained over the European Union failing to provide the promised funds, as well as over the slow speed of the transfers.

Russia teams up with France to deliver aid to Eastern Ghouta – Foreign Ministry
Edited time: 21 Jul, 2018 13:27 Video / 04:20

Russia and France will send a relief convoy to Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, delivering first aid kits and medication to local hospitals, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The distribution of aid will be supervised by Moscow.

The two countries will launch a humanitarian project for Syria to provide care and medicine for people in Eastern Ghouta “who are still in need of medical attention,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said, citing a joint communique based on arrangements made by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron in May of this year.

It will be the first joint humanitarian operation in Syria between Russia and a Western country.

The aid deliveries, which will go to local hospitals manned by Syrian Arab Red Crescent, “include first-aid medical equipment, namely emergency and trauma care, for 500 heavily wounded people as well as basic medication to treat 15,000 light injuries.”

Russia will airlift the aid packages directly from France to Syria, and will also ensure their safety on the ground. The aid convoy will be sent in compliance with UN rules and humanitarian law, the Foreign Ministry has said.

It is crucial that Syrians get wider access to humanitarian relief, the statement noted, before adding that aid should be distributed fairly and freely all across Syria “where international humanitarian law must apply.”

Later, Putin and Macron discussed the humanitarian effort for Syria during a telephone conversation. The pair have been focusing on the “humanitarian aspect of Syrian reconciliation, including the joint Franco-Russian initiative on rendering assistance to the population of Eastern Ghouta,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

Eastern Ghouta, lying in close proximity to Damascus, was liberated by Syrian forces back in March following almost seven years of fighting in the area. The army has also lifted the blockade of a main highway connecting the Syrian capital to the rest of the country.

The battle of Eastern Ghouta saw tens of thousands of civilians as well as numerous rebels flee through humanitarian corridors in search of safety. Daily humanitarian pauses began on February 27, as part of the Syrian Army and Russia’s efforts to help civilians – and later militants – escape the combat zone.

The Russian military has repeatedly said that the militants used civilians as human shields, targeting those trying to flee the terrorist-held enclave. After the much-anticipated liberation, the UN and other humanitarian groups such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) sent a number of aid convoys to provide care those who remained in the Eastern Ghouta area.

Scenes from the restoration of control of the strategic hill of Jabaa in rural Daraa
مشاهد من استعادة السيطرة على تل الجابية الاستراتيجي بريف درعا
Published on Jul 21, 2018
It will be the first joint humanitarian operation in Syria between Russia and a Western country.

This is certainly a surprise to me to think Putin is gaining some ground by communicating with Macron and actually getting any form of cooperation. Even if there is only some little crack in the armor of U.S. neocon/NATO/EU/Zionists' influence it doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.
The IDF has not yet confirmed reports of the strikes, which came just hours after Israel evacuated some 800 members of the White Helmets and their families from Syria at the request of the US, Canada and EU member states.

22.07.2018 - Israeli Warplanes Attack Military Post in Syria's Hama - Reports
Israeli Warplanes Attack Military Post in Syria's Hama - Reports

Israeli fighter jets have hit targets near Masyaf in the province of Hama in western Syria, the news agency SANA reported.

According to SANA, citing a military source, a military site was targeted by Israel in order to "cover up for the collapse of terrorist organizations in Daraa and Quneitra."

The Israeli jets allegedly fired missiles from Lebanese airspace, targeting a scientific facility, the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen television channel reported.

At the same time, Syrian officials reported that the target was a military facility with concealed missiles nearby.

Photos and video have surfaced on Twitter purporting to show an alleged airstrike by Israeli jets in Syria.

The Syrian state TV added that the attack had only caused material damage.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as well as authorities in Damascus, have yet to confirm the reported strikes.

The reported attack comes just hours after Israel authorized the transfer of 800 members of the White Helmets and their families to Jordan from southern Syria at the request of several Western countries. The evacuation was mediated between the United States, Russia and Syrian authorities, according to reports.

Last week, Syrian air defenses responded to an Israeli attack on the province of Quneitra in southwestern Syria after the IDF fired a Patriot anti-aircraft missile, shooting down a Syrian drone that had entered Israel's airspace.

Tensions between the two countries have been growing since July 16, when the Syrian army announced the capture of a strategic hill near the Golan Heights in an operation to mop up the remaining areas of resistance, which put Israeli forces on high alert.

Israel has recently intensified strikes in Syria, citing the alleged Iranian military presence in the Arab Republic as a pretext for its attacks. Tehran and Damascus have repeatedly denied the claims, insisting that only Iranian military advisors are present in the country in order to help the legitimate authorities fight terrorism.

22.07.2018 - Unknown Drones Attack Russian Base in Syria Two Days in Row - MoD
Unknown Drones Attack Russian Base in Syria Two Days in Row - MoD

"On Saturday, July 21, 2018, at nightfall, the Russian air defense at the Hmeymim airbase detected an unidentified small-sized air target (UAV) at a considerable distance approaching the Russian military facility. The aerial target was destroyed by the Russian airbase's standard anti-aircraft guns. On Sunday morning, July 22, 2018, the air defense destroyed at long range another unknown UAV that was approaching the Hmeymim airbase from the northwest, "the report said.

There were no casualties or material damage in both cases and the Russian air base is operating as normal, the representative added.

Sun Jul 22, 2018 - Syrian Civilians Thwart Terrorists' Plot to Circulate US, Turkish Currencies in Idlib

Syrians in the militant-held city of Idlib in Northwestern Syria have thwarted a plot by terrorists to replace the national currency with Turkish or American bank notes, a media outlet reported on Sunday.

The Arabic-language al-Watan daily quoted local sources in Idlib province as disclosing that civilians in Northwestern Syria have started to use 2,000 lira notes with the image of President Bashar al-Assad in their transactions.

It said that the terrorist groups had forbidden using the Syrian notes in Idlib.

The daily went on to say that the Syrian legal currency is used in trades and transactions in spite of the terrorists' demand from the public to the US dollar, adding that terrorists tried hard to replace the Syrian notes with Turkish lira and US dollar but resident in Idlib preferred to use the Syrian lira to foil the plot.

The daily further said that relatives and friends of the population living in Idlib province had played a crucial role in circulating Syria's 2,000 lira notes in the militant-held regions in Idlib province.

The Syrian government issued 2,000 lira notes almost a year ago.

2018-07-22 - Four rebel commanders flee to Israel as Syrian Army takes over Quneitra
Four rebel commanders flee to Israel as Syrian Army takes over Quneitra

Israeli Army has welcomed four top commanders of the Syrian rebel force in Quneitra province as the Syrian Army is increasingly gaining ground in southwest Syria.

The commanders are: Moaz Nassar and Abu Rateb of Fursan al-Golan Brigade, Ahmad al-Nahs of Saif al-Sham Brigade, and Alaa al-Halaki of Jaish Ababeel.

Those have fled Syrian territories with their families and were secured by Israeli military once they get to the border line.

Opposition sources revealed that the aforementioned commanders have been recruited by the Israeli intelligence to rebel against the Syrian President Bashar Assad, and remained in touch with Israeli officers ever since.

2018-07-22 - Jihadists set ablaze UN post in Golan Heights ahead of evacuation
Jihadists set ablaze UN post in Golan Heights ahead of evacuation [+Video]

Extremist militants in northern Quneitra set fire on the former UN post before leaving the area as per a surrender deal with the Syrian government.

The post acts as the only crossing between Syrian territories and the Occupied Golan Height, and used to be run by the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF).

According to a military source, the post was used by Nusra militants to store weapons, ammunitions and various supplies provided by Israeli Army.

The hardline rebel groups in Quneitra province accepted an evacuation deal after the Syrian Army launched a powerful assault to regain control on the entire southwest Syria.

2018-07-20 - Russian refugee center to rebuild infrastructure in 48 Syrian settlements
Russian refugee center to rebuild infrastructure in 48 Syrian settlements

The Centre for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodation of Refugees in Syria has begun rebuilding infrastructure in 48 Syrian populated localities, Major General Alexei Tsygankov, the center’s chief, told reporters on Friday.

“As of today, the center is in charge of activities aimed at rebuilding the infrastructure and vital facilities in 48 populated localities,” he said.

The Damascus-based Centre for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodation of Refugees operates in close cooperation with the Syrian government, Tsygankov added.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that the Centre for the Reception, Allocation and Accommodation of Refugees had been set up to “monitor the return of all temporarily displaced persons and Syrian refugees from foreign countries to their places of permanent residence; to monitor humanitarian aid deliveries to Syria; and to assist the Syrian authorities in recovering the healthcare system and other social services.”

Army Troops Find Israeli, Jordanian Drugs In Militant Hospital In Suthern Syria: State Media
Troops of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) found a field hospital and a medicine depot, which had belonged to militants in the village of Nabaa al-Sakhar in southern Syria, according to the state-run news agency SANA.

The facilities, which are located in about 16km southeast of the city of Quneitra, included “operating rooms, laboratory, medical equipment and a cache containing large amounts of medicines, some of which are made in Israel and Jordan”.

According to the SANA, militants the field hospital was lcoated in one of the schools in Nabaa al-Sakhar.

The Syrian War Is Over, and America Lost

A picture taken on March 1, 2018 shows a member of the Russian military police standing guard between the portraits of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (R) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) hanging outside a guard-post at the Wafideen checkpoint on the outskirts of Damascus neighbouring the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta region. (LOUAI BESHARA/AFP/Getty Images)
By Steven A. Cook | July 23, 2018, 9:21 AM
Bashar al-Assad won. It’s worth thinking about why the United States didn’t.

Earlier this month, Syrian regime forces hoisted their flag above the southern town of Daraa and celebrated. Although there is more bloodletting to come, the symbolism was hard to miss. The uprising that began in that town on March 6, 2011, has finally been crushed, and the civil war that has engulfed the country and destabilized parts of the Middle East as well as Europe will be over sooner rather than later. Bashar al-Assad, the man who was supposed to fall in “a matter of time,” has prevailed with the help of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah over his own people.

Washington is too busy over the furor of the day to reflect on the fact that there are approximately 500,000 fewer Syrians today than there were when a group of boys spray-painted “The people demand the fall of the regime” on buildings in Daraa more than seven years ago. But now that the Syria conflict has been decided, it’s worth thinking about the purpose and place of the United States in the new Middle East. The first order of business is to dispose of the shibboleths that have long been at the core of U.S. foreign policy in the region and have contributed to its confusion and paralysis in Syria and beyond.

There probably isn’t anyone inside the Beltway who hasn’t been told at some point in their career about the dangers of reasoning by analogy. But that doesn’t mean such lessons have been regularly heeded. The Syrian uprising came at a fantastical time in the Middle East when freedom, it seemed, was breaking out everywhere. The demonstration of people power that began in Daraa—coming so soon after the fall of longtime leaders in Tunisia and Egypt—was moving. It also clouded the judgment of diplomats, policymakers, analysts, and journalists, rendering them unable to discern the differences between the region’s Assads and Ben Alis or between the structure of the Syrian regime and that of the Egyptian one.

And because the policy community did not expect the Syrian leader to last very long, it was caught flat-footed when Assad pursued his most obvious and crudely effective strategy: a militarization of the uprising. In time, Syria’s competing militias, jihadis, and regional powers, compounded by Russia’s intervention, made it hard to identify U.S. interests in the conflict. So, Washington condemned the bloodshed, sent aid to refugees, halfheartedly trained “vetted” rebels, and bombed the Islamic State, but it otherwise stayed out of Syria’s civil conflict. Lest anyone believe that this was a policy particular to U.S. President Barack Obama and his aim to get out of, not into Middle Eastern conflicts, his successor’s policy is not substantially different, with the exception that President Donald Trump is explicit about leaving Syria to Moscow after destroying the Islamic State. While the bodies continued to pile up, all Washington could muster was expressions of concern over another problem from hell. Syria is, of course, different from Rwanda, Darfur, and Srebrenica—to suggest otherwise would be reasoning by analogy—but it is another case of killing on an industrial scale that paralyzed Washington. It seems that even those well versed in history cannot avoid repeating it.

Many of the analysts and policymakers who preferred that the United States stay out or minimize its role in Syria came to that position honestly. They looked at the 2003 invasion of Iraq and decried how it destabilized the region, empowered Iran, damaged relations with Washington’s allies, and fueled extremist violence, undermining the U.S. position in the region. It seems lost on the same group that U.S. inaction in Syria did the same: contributed to regional instability, empowered Iran, spoiled relations with regional friends, and boosted transnational terrorist groups. The decision to stay away may have nonetheless been good politics, but it came at a noticeable cost to Washington’s position in the Middle East.

The waning of U.S. power and influence that Syria has both laid bare and hastened is a development that the policy community has given little thought to, because it was not supposed to happen. By every traditional measure of power, the United States, after all, has no peer. But power is only useful in its application, and Washington has proved either unable or unwilling to shape events in the Middle East as it had in the past—which is to say, it has abdicated its own influence. That may be a positive development. No one wants a repeat of Iraq. In Washington’s place, Moscow has stepped in to offer itself as a better, more competent partner to Middle Eastern countries. There haven’t been many takers yet beyond the Syrians, but there nevertheless seems to be a lot of interest, and the conflict in Syria is the principal reason why.

Contrast the way in which Russian President Vladimir Putin came to the rescue of an ally in crisis—Assad—with the way U.S. allies in the region perceive Obama to have helped push Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak from office after 30 years, much of it spent carrying Washington’s water around in the region. The Egyptians, Saudis, Emiratis, Israelis, and others may not like Assad very much, but Russia’s initial forceful response to prevent the Syrian dictator from falling and then Moscow’s efforts to will Assad to apparent victory have made an impression on them. Syria is now the centerpiece and pivot of Russia’s strategy to reassert itself as a global power, and its renewed influence in the Middle East stretches from Damascus eastward through the Kurdistan Regional Government to Iran and from the Syrian capital south to Egypt before arcing west to Libya.

Israel, Turkey, and the Gulf States still look to Washington for leadership but have also begun seeking help securing their interests at the Kremlin. The Israeli prime minister has become a fixture at Putin’s side; the Turkish president and his Russian counterpart are, along with Iran’s leaders, partners in Syria; King Salman made the first ever visit by a Saudi monarch to Moscow in October 2017; and the Emiratis believe the Russians should be “at the table” for discussions of regional importance. The era when the United States determined the rules of the game in the Middle East and maintained a regional order that made it relatively easier and less expensive to exercise U.S. power lasted 25 years. It is now over.

Finally, the situation in Syria reveals the profound ambivalence of Americans toward the Middle East and the declining importance of what U.S. officials have long considered Washington’s interests there: oil, Israel, and U.S. dominance of the area to ensure the other two. Americans wonder why U.S. military bases dot the Persian Gulf if the United States is poised to become the world’s largest producer of oil. After two inconclusive wars in 17 years, no one can offer Americans a compelling reason why the Assad regime is their problem. Israel remains popular, but over 70 years it has proved that it can handle itself. Obama and Trump ran on platforms of retrenchment, and they won. The immobility over Syria is a function of the policy community’s impulse to just do something and the politics that make that impossible.

Perhaps now that the Assad-Putin-Khamenei side of the Syrian conflict has won, there will be an opportunity for Americans to debate what is important in the Middle East and why. It will not be easy, however. Congress is polarized and paralyzed. The Trump administration approach to the region is determined by the president’s gut. He has continued Obama-era policies of fighting extremist groups, but then he broke with his predecessors and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Trump breached the Iran nuclear deal, though he has done very little since about Iran other than talk tough. He wants to leave Syria “very soon,” even as his national security advisor vows to stay as long as Iran remains.

Despite and because of this incoherence, now is the time to have a debate about the Middle East. There is a compelling argument to be made that American interests demand an active U.S. role in the region; there is an equally compelling argument that U.S. goals can be secured without the wars, social engineering projects, peace processes, and sit-downs in Geneva. In between is what U.S. policy in the Middle East looks like now: ambivalence and inertia. Under these circumstances, Syria, Russia, and Iran will continue to win.

During the Syrian conflict, the activists of the White Helmets non-governmental organization have been involved in “the most odious provocations” and their evacuation from the Middle Eastern country has revealed their true nature and hypocrisy, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday.

“It is well known that the White Helmets has been involved in the most odious provocations during the Syrian conflict. It was carrying out activities only on the territories controlled by Islamic radicals. It was preparing blatant fakes, which were then used as a pretext for making accusations against the Syrian authorities,” the ministry said in a commentary.

“It is symbolic that the White Helmets activists have opted to flee Syria with foreign support thus revealing their true nature and exposing their hypocrisy to the whole world,” it added.

The foreign ministry also stressed that the United States had done nothing to separate Syria’s so-called moderate opposition forces from terrorist groups. “Presently, Syrian forces with support of Russia are restoring law and order in southwestern Syria creating conditions for restoring a peaceful life,” the ministry added.

On Sunday, the Israeli Foreign Ministry announced that the Israeli authorities had evacuated the White Helmets activists along with their families from Syria to a “neighboring country” at the request of Canada, European countries and the United States. According to local media, about 800 NGO members have been transported through Israel to Jordan.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has condemned the evacuation of the White Helmets’ personnel from the country, slamming it as a “criminal operation” conducted by Israel, whereas Washington has welcomed the transfer of the NGO’s members, calling them ‎”brave volunteers, who have saved thousands of lives.”

The White Helmets, also called the Syrian Civil Defense, declares the rescue of civilians in war zones as its fundamental aim. However, the non-governmental organization has been repeatedly accused of establishing links to jihadists as well as disseminating Western-sponsored propaganda. Source: Sputnik

2018-07-24 - Syrian Army enters new town near occupied Golan Heights
Breaking: Syrian Army enters new town near occupied Golan Heights

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has entered a new town near the occupied Golan Heights, a military communique stated this afternoon.

The military communique claimed that the Syrian Army entered the town of Ghadeir Al-Bustan in the Daraa Governorate.

Similar to the other towns they took control of in the Al-Quneitra Governorate, the Syrian Army was able to enter Ghadeir Al-Bustan after the Islamic State abandoned the town.

The Syrian Army is now working to establish control of Ghadeir Al-Bustan, which is likely to happen after their demining teams finish clearing the explosives around the town.

2018-07-24 - Breaking: Israel activates rocket sirens in occupied Golan Heights
Breaking: Israel activates rocket sirens in occupied Golan Heights

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) activated their rocket sirens in the occupied Golan Heights this afternoon, the spokesperson for the IDF announced.

“Sirens sounded in the Golan and Emek HaYarden regional councils and the city of Katzrin. More details to follow,” the IDF spokesperson tweeted.

The IDF spokesperson did not specify the reason for activating the rocket sirens; however, this is the second time in the last 48 hours that they have done so.

Yesterday, the IDF said their air defense forces downed missiles that entered their territory from southwest Syria. No party in Syria claimed responsibility for the missiles.

2018-07-24 - Israel fires missiles at Syrian fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights
Israel fires missiles at Syrian fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights

The Israeli military fired two anti-aircraft missiles at a Syrian fighter jet that allegedly entered the occupied Golan Heights. Accordng to the spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), their air defense unit fired two Patriot missiles at a Syrian Sukhoi fighter jet that flew as far as one mile into the occupied Golan Heights.

The IDF spokesperson said that the Syrian fighter jet was intercepted by their missiles; however, they did not specify where the warplane went down.

This is the first time since 2014 that Israel has downed a SyAAF warplane along the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

2018-07-24 - Breaking: Syrian military says Israel downed fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights
Breaking: Syrian military says Israel downed fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights

The Syrian military has confirmed that one of their fighter jets was downed near the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

According to the Syrian military, their jet was bombing the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) at the northwestern corridor of the Yarmouk Basin region, when the aircraft mistakenly crossed over into the occupied territory.

The Israeli air defense then fired two Patriot missiles at the Su-24 fighter jet, forcing it to go down along the border.

The fate of the pilot is still unknown; however, a source from the National Defense Forces (NDF) said they believe he ejected in the areas controlled by the Islamic State.

This is the first time since 2014 that the Israeli military has downed a Syrian jet near the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

2018-07-24 - Update: Syrian pilot reportedly killed after Israeli missile strikes jet
Update: Syrian pilot reportedly killed after Israeli missile strikes jet

The Syrian pilot that was flying the jet near the border of the occupied Golan Heights was reportedly killed during the crash.

According to a military source in Damascus, the pilot was identified as Colonel ‘Umran Mare of Tartous.

Colonel Mare was flying his Su-22 fighter jet in the northwestern corridor of the Yarmouk Basin region, when he reportedly approached the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

The Syrian jet was then struck by two Patriot missiles that were fired by the Israeli air defense forces.

The pilot was then reported dead shortly after his jet crashed in the Yarmouk Basin region of southwest Syria.

Colonel Mare is the second Syrian pilot to be killed by Israel in the last four years.

2018-07-24 - Breaking: Syrian Army liberates new town near crash site in Al-Quneitra
Breaking: Syrian Army liberates new town near crash site in Al-Quneitra

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has scored a new advance against the Islamic State affiliated Jaysh Khaled bin Walid forces in the Al-Quneitra Governorate this afternoon.

Led by their elite Tiger Forces, the Syrian Army stormed the town of Al-Bassali, which is located just near Saida.

Saida is the border-town where the Syrian jet was believed to have crashed after it was struck by two Israeli Patriot missiles earlier this afternoon.

Following a short battle at Al-Bassali, the Syrian Army managed to liberate the town and force the Islamic State terrorists to fully retreat to nearby Saida.

According to a military source in Daraa, the Syrian Army is now at the outskirts of Saida, where they are preparing to enter the town.

The Syrian Army is hoping to capture Saida, today, as it is an important town that is located at the southern axis of the Al-Quneitra Governorate.

Tue Jul 24, 2018 - Israeli Air Defense Fails to Intercept Syrian Army Missiles

The Israeli Air Defense System know as Maqla David (David's Sling) failed to intercept two of the Syrian Army's Tuchka missiles used by the Damascus forces to target terrorists' positions near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The army launched missile attacks on ISIL's positions in Hawz al-Yarmouk region in Southwestern Dara'a.

One of the missiles was an advanced Russia-made Tochka ballistic missile that struck its target, causing sirens in the occupied Golan to start.

The sources further said that the Israeli Air Defense units operated to intercept the missile but failed.

In the meantime, Israeli media quoted a military analyst as saying that the Israeli air defense system of David's Sling Missile System failed to intercept the Syrian Tochka missile in its first experience of facing such attacks.

The Israeli media further said that one of the David's Sling missiles was detonated automatically in the Golan, while the fate of the second missile is unknown even to the Israeli air force.

The Israeli army had informed about launching two David's Sling missiles towards missiles that had been assessed to be aimed at targets in the Northern part of the occupied territories.

2018-07-24 - Russia sends more military supplies to Syria for upcoming Idlib offensive
Russia sends more military supplies to Syria for upcoming Idlib offensive

Russia resumes providing the Syrian government with military aid as the country’s Army is gaining ground against rebel forces nationwide.

Russian heavy laden flag ship Ro-Ro Sparta was spotted crossing the Mediterranean Bosporus en route to Syria’s Tartus; carrying military cargo mostly ammunition, shells and missiles.

The recent cargo is expected to be specifically sent to boost the Syria Army’s upcoming assault on the jihadi-controlled Idlib province.

A few days ago, Russian warned that ‘terrorist elements’ are attempting to break through Latakia and Hama provinces.

In the meantime, attacks by armed drones fired by rebels have notably increased recently; which propelled the Russian military into launching the onslaught soon.

2018-07-24 - Large Syrian cargo plane leaves Iran for military airbase
Large Syrian cargo plane leaves Iran for military airbase

A large cargo plane belonging to the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) has left the Iranian capital for Syria, Yoruk Isik of the Bosphorous Observer reported this morning.

According to Isik, the Syrian Air Force’s 585th Transport Squadron of the 29th Air Brigade Ilyushin IL-76T heavy lifter traveled from the Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran for either the T-4 Military Airbase or Damascus International Airport.

Isik added that the last time the Syrian Air Force made this flight to the T-4 Military Airport, they delivered the same equipment to the installation.

In the past, the Israeli Air Force has targeted the T-4 Military Airport because of the Iranian presence at this site in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate.

Most recently, the Israeli Air Force bombed the T-4 Airport in early July; this resulted in some material damage to the installation.

Tue Jul 24, 2018 - US Reinvigorating Military Base in Northeastern Syria

The US dispatched a convoy of military equipment and troops to its base in Northern Raqqa on Tuesday to clamp down popular uprising against its forces and allied militants.

A long convoy of the US military vehicles left Iraqi territories for Northern Raqqa. The convoy included 300 trucks carrying logistic and military equipment, arms and ammunition for the US troops' base in Kharab Ashak region that is one of the most important bases of the US in Syria.

Popular uprising against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces has recently intensified in Raqqa province.

Smart news reported on Sunday that the US sent a long convoy of new military vehicles from Iraq to the regions that are under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Hasaka province.

It went on to say that the US convoy, including almost a hundred oil tankers along with other equipment moved towards the town of Qamishli via the Simalka border-crossing.

Tue Jul 24, 2018 - Turkish Army Forwards Fresh Military Convoy to Borders with Syria's Hasaka

The Turkish Army dispatched a long convoy of military vehicles to Turkey's border with the Syrian regions controlled by the US-backed militias in the Northeastern province of Hasaka on Tuesday.

The army sent a long convoy of military vehicles to regions near the town of Ra'as al-Ein in Northern Hasaka.

There are a large number of fresh forces, tanks and military vehicles in the Turkish convoy that have been deployed at the borderline from Ra'as al-Ein up to Tal Abyadh in Northern Raqqa, local sources said.

Reports said earlier today that the Turkish Army sent a long military convoy, accompanied by Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front), to Northern Syria to pave the way for building a buffer wall around the Northwestern province of Idlib to separate it from the mainland.

The Arabic-language al-Watan news website quoted local sources in the village of al-Hadhar in Southern Aleppo as reporting that the Turkish army sent a number of large trucks carrying prefabricated cement walls along with a number of Bulldozers to two truce monitoring points in Tal Toqan and al-Sarman in Southern and Eastern Idlib via a terrorist-held region near al-Eis passageway.

Al-Watan further said that over 300 trucks have crossed Kafar Lusin border-crossing into Syria, adding that the Turkey is possibly not planning to build buffer wall around its 12 truce monitoring points, but, is thinking about building a buffer wall around Idlib to separate the province that has been under terrorists' occupation since 2015 from other Syrian provinces of the country.

In the meantime, militant-affiliated sources disclosed that Turkey plans to dispatch more trucks of prefabricated cement walls to Idlib.

The move came amid the Syrian Army's plan to launch a large-scale operation against terrorists in the region.

Tue Jul 24, 2018 - Syrian Army Preparing for Large-Scale Operation against Terrorists in Idlib Province

The Syrian Army has sent more troops and military equipment to the North-West, preparing for a major operation against terrorists in Idlib province, a well-informed source said on Tuesday.

The sources said that the army has dispatched a large number of fresh forces and a large volume of military equipment to Northeastern Lattakia and to Jisr al-Shughour region in Southwestern Idlib.

The sources further said that the army is possibly mulling to launch a fresh large-scale operation in Idlib after completing Southern Syria operation, adding that the army will probably kick off its operation from several flanks to liberate al-Ghaab Plain and Jisr al-Shughour to restore sustainable security to Northeastern Lattakia.

The army men's control over Northern Lattakia, including Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkmen will also restore security to borders with Turkey, the sources opined.

They went on to say that a large number of the army's elite forces and advanced weapons will be forwarded to Idlib after completing Dara'a operation, adding that Idlib operation will be a hard battle for the government forces due to the presence of a large number of foreign terrorists in Northwestern Syria.

The terrorist groups have recently kicked off several attacks on the army positions in Northern Lattakia.
2018-07-24 - Israel fires missiles at Syrian fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights
Israel fires missiles at Syrian fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights

2018-07-24 - Breaking: Syrian military says Israel downed fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights
Breaking: Syrian military says Israel downed fighter jet near occupied Golan Heights

2018-07-24 - Update: Syrian pilot reportedly killed after Israeli missile strikes jet
Update: Syrian pilot reportedly killed after Israeli missile strikes jet

Interesting "timing" that Israel would shoot down a Syrian Military plane, killing it's pilot - on the heels of - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chief of Russia's General Staff Valery Gerasimov holding a meeting Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem? From Jerusalem, Lavrov and Gerasimov landed in Berlin. Tuesday morning, they arrived in France for a meeting with President Macron. Some really serious "flyer-miles" and meetings - there?

24.07.2018 - Lavrov Discussed in Jerusalem Iran's Withdrawal From Israeli Border - Kremlin
Lavrov Discussed in Jerusalem Iran's Withdrawal From Israeli Border - Kremlin

The possible withdrawal of Iranian troops 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the Israeli border was discussed among other issues during the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Israel, Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said.

"During Lavrov's visit, not only this issue was discussed, but also many other issues," Ushakov told reporters, answering whether withdrawal of Iranian troops was discussed during Lavrov's visit.

He added that Russian President Vladimir Putin had discussed the issues concerning the Syrian settlement with Netanyahu.

"The other steps are taken as a follow-up to this discussion, including Lavrov and Gerasimov's visit to Israel now," Ushakov added.

Lavrov and Chief of Russia's General Staff Valery Gerasimov held a meeting on Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, and the sides discussed the progress in the counterterrorism operation in southern Syria, as well as ensuring security along Israel's borders.

Earlier, a high-ranking source in the Israeli government told Sputnik that Israeli leadership at a meeting with Lavrov and Gerasimov expressed interest in the full withdrawal of Iranian forces from Syria, but did not reject any Russian proposal.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has also commented on the media reports that Israel had rejected Moscow's proposal to withdraw the Iranian forces in Syria to a distance of 100 kilometers (some 62 miles) from the Israeli border.

These reports are not true. I can state responsibly that the talks between [Russian] Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov with Prime Minister Netanyahu were very constructiveю The Israeli leadership highly appreciated the Russian efforts to create a zone of de-escalation in southwestern Syria, which included the withdrawal of all non-Syrian armed groups from this region," deputy head of the ministry's information and press department Artyom Kozhin said in written commentary.

A number of Western media outlets, Reuters in particular, earlier speculated that during a meeting with a high-ranking Russian delegation in Jerusalem on July 23, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu allegedly rejected a Russian proposal to allow the Iranian forces to stay in Syria at a distance of not less than 100 kilometers from the disengagement line on the Golan Heights.

The situation in Syria and the problem of Iran's military presence there have become the main topics of the talks in Jerusalem with the participation of Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, which lasted more than two hours.

According to the Haaretz newspaper, Israel also demanded to withdraw long-range weapons allowing the Iranians to overcome the buffer zone, to remove air defense systems covering them, and to stop cross-border delivery of Iranian weapons to Syria and Lebanon.

The publication cited an unnamed Israeli source, who said that the Israeli authorities prefer to act now, rather than wait for Iran to accumulate "hundreds and thousands of missiles" in Syria and turn it into "another Lebanon."

Israel has repeatedly voiced concern over alleged Iranian military presence in Syria, while Tehran insisted that it has exclusively sent military advisors to the Arab Republic in order to help Damascus fight terrorism.

24.07.2018 - Russian FM, Chief of General Staff Discuss Syria, Ukraine Conflicts with Macron
Russian FM, Chief of General Staff Discuss Syria, Ukraine Conflicts with Macron

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chief of Russia's General Staff Valery Gerasimov discussed on Tuesday with French President Emmanuel Macron the settlement of the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"During the talks, the sides discussed in detail the situation in Syria, the acceleration of the political settlement in the country, as well as issues related to the post-conflict reconstruction of the country. They emphasized the importance of the quickest return of refugees and temporarily displaced people to their homes," the ministry said in a statement.

The sides also discussed the implementation of the Minsk agreements, reached on February 12, 2015, confirming their intention to continue contacts in the Normandy Four format," the statement said.

Previously, real-time flight tracker Flightradar24 revealed that the plane of the Special Flight Squad "Russia" with Lavrov and Gerasimov presumably on board had departed from Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport at 21:00 Moscow time on Monday (18:00GMT) and then landed in the Berlin airport.
No ‘confusion’: IDF knew intercepted Sukhoi jet was Syrian, not Russian, spokesman confirms
Edited time: 24 Jul, 2018 15:38
Israeli forces were certain the Sukhoi jet they intercepted with Patriot missiles over the Golan Heights on Tuesday did not belong to the Russian Air Force, an IDF spokesman told media.

There was no “confusion” over the fact that the aircraft belonged to the Syrian army, Jonathan Conricus, head of the International Media Branch at the Israel Defense Forces, told reporters, as cited by the Times of Israel. The Israeli army has been in regular contact with Moscow, he stressed, adding that previously the Israeli army hesitated when targeting incoming planes out of concerns they might belong to the Russian Air Force.

The IDF spokesman said that the plane which was targeted may be a Sukhoi Su-22 or Su-24. These supersonic, all-weather attack aircraft were developed by the Soviet Union. Both types have been in service with the Syrian Air Force.

Conricus said that the IDF increased air force activity in southwestern Syria on Tuesday morning. “We have passed a number of messages, in a number of languages, in order to ensure that no-one violates Israeli air space,” he added.

The aircraft took off from the Tiyas (T-4) Military Airbase in Homs province, the largest in Syria, and travelled “at high speed” toward the Golan Heights, according to the spokesman. Earlier on Tuesday, the IDF confirmed that it fired interceptor missiles at a Syrian Sukhoi warplane, adding that the aircraft had penetrated Israeli-controlled airspace.

Syrian state news agency Sana cited a military source which insisted that the aircraft was conducting raids in Syrian airspace when it was intercepted by Israeli forces. One of the pilots of the targeted jet died, while the fate of the other is unknown, a Syrian military source told RIA Novosti.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, has, meanwhile asserted that Syria made a “gross violation” of the 1974 ceasefire agreement, which left most of the Golan Heights under Israeli control.

A statement from Netanyahu called the attack “appropriate,” saying “we insist that Syria stringently honor the separation of forces agreement between us and them.”

Although Israel extended its laws to the occupied Golan Heights in 1981, it is not internationally recognized as part of Israel.

Syrian War Report – July 24, 2018: Syrian Army Kicks Off Operation Against ISIS East Of Golans
Video / 04:05
On July 23, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies kicked off a military operation to defeat ISIS terrorists in southern Syria, east of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Government forces liberated the villages of Ma’alaqah and Um Lawqas as well as some nearby hills in the northern part of the ISIS-held pocket.

On July 24, the SAA-led force continued its advance aiming to capture the town of Tasil and the nearby villages of Saudah, Ain Thakar and Adawan. The general goal of the effort is to shorten the frontline against ISIS. This will allow the SAA to focus their main efforts on more fortified areas located in the central and southern parts of the pocket.
Israel shot down the Syrian Air Force Sukhoi fighter jet on Tuesday in response to what Tel Aviv claimed was a violation of its airspace in the Golan Heights.

25.07.2018 - Daesh Displays Alleged Photos of Syrian Pilot, Jet Downed by Israel - Reports
Daesh Displays Alleged Photos of Syrian Pilot, Jet Downed by Israel - Reports

Daesh (ISIS/ISIL)* has released photos of what it alleges is the pilot and the wreckage of the Syrian warplane shot down in southern Syria by an Israeli Patriot missile, Reuters has reported.

The SITE Intelligence Group, engaged in the monitoring of terrorist activity, has released what are believed to be two of the images on its Twitter page. The images' authenticity has yet to be independently verified.
(Note - Rita Katz is the main media spokesperson of The Site Intelligence Group - a propagandist arm of ISIS/Daesh.)

Mossad Agent Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group Released The Fake Sotloff Beheading Video & Fake Bin-Laden Videos
Mossad Agent Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group Released The Fake Sotloff Beheading Video & Fake Bin-Laden Videos — Steemit

Rita Katz @Rita_Katz

4) Update 7/25: Meanwhile, ISIS' Hauran div releases pics of Syrian jet downed by Israel Defense Forces (#IDF) over ISIS-held location in #Yarmouk Basin, showing wreckage & what appears to be remains of pilot. Despite Israel downing it, #ISIS nonetheless celebrating it
11:14 AM - Jul 25, 2018

Daesh reportedly posted a total of four photos, with one of them (not shown) showing a mutilated body the group claimed to be that of the plane's dead pilot.

In a video released by Haaretz, a group of what are assumed to be Daesh fighters inspect the aircraft shortly after it crashed, shouting "Allahu Akbar" as they walk around its flaming wreckage off-camera.

Syrian military source earlier confirmed to Sputnik that Colonel Omran Muri, one of the Sukhoi's two-man crew, was killed after the plane was downed. The fate of the co-pilot remains unknown.

* 2018-07-25 - ISIS releases first photos of Syrian aircraft shot down by Israel
ISIS releases first photos of Syrian aircraft shot down by Israel

* 2018-07-25 - ISIS releases first video of Syrian aircraft shot down by Israel
ISIS releases first video of Syrian aircraft shot down by Israel

25.07.2018 - IDF Reveals Name of Woman Officer Who Downed Syrian Jet Over Golan Heights
IDF Reveals Name of Woman Officer Who Downed Syrian Jet Over Golan Heights

Tensions between Damascus and Tel Aviv reached new heights on Tuesday after an Israeli Patriot missile shot down a Syrian Air Force Sukhoi warplane which the Israeli military claimed had illegally entered Israel's airspace.

The Israel Defense Forces have confirmed that IDF Captain Or Na'aman commanded the 138th Battalion Patriot missile battery which downed the Syrian plane over the northern Golan Heights on Tuesday, according to the Jerusalem Post. Na'aman, the IDF said, was also responsible for intercepting a Syrian reconnaissance drone over Israeli territory last week, which prompted Israel to attack positions in Syria's Quneitra province in retaliation.

A Syrian military source told Sputnik that Omran Muri, one of the Sukhoi fighter's two pilots, had been killed. The condition of the second pilot remains unknown. Israel's ambassador to the United Nations said that the IDF tried to communicate with the jet, but received no response. According to Tel Aviv, the plane violated the 1974 separation of forces agreement, which established a buffer zone between Israel and Syria in the Golan Heights territories.

Damascus rejected Israel's stance, and said that the jet was conducting operations against a pocket of Daesh (ISIS)* terrorists in Syrian airspace over the country's south on Tuesday morning. The Syrian government said that the attack on its plane "confirms" Tel Aviv's "support for the armed terrorist groups."

Military tensions in the Golan Heights area have escalated in recent weeks amid a Syrian army offensive to clear remaining armed militant formations from the area and restore control over its sovereign territory. The IDF has been on high alert for weeks in the Golan Heights amid the Syrian military's advance toward the border. Militants began to surrender or evacuate from southern Syria on July 15 following negotiations facilitated by the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria. Earlier this week, Damascus reported that the Israeli fighter jets had struck targets in western Syria, shortly after the evacuation of some 800 members of the White Helmets at the request of the US and its Canadian and European allies.

25.07.2018 - Israeli Army Identifies Projectile Launched From Syrian Soil Into Golan Heights
Israeli Army Identifies Projectile Launched From Syrian Soil Into Golan Heights

Incidents in the disputed area of Golan Heights have intensified over the past weeks, with Israel exchanging attacks with Syria.

A projectile launch at Israeli territory, which appeared to be "errant fire from the internal fighting in Syria," was identified after rocket alert sirens were heard in the southeast Golan Heights near the border with Syria, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) reported.

Earlier in the day, the Israeli military warned that "since this morning, there has been an increase in the internal fighting in Syria and the Syrian Air Force's activity," adding that the army "is in high alert and will continue to operate against the violation of the 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement."

The alarm comes a day after the Israeli military shot down a Syrian Sukhoi warplane that allegedly violated the country's airspace.

25.07.2018 - Damascus: Syria's Sovereignty Over Golan Heights Not Up For Negotiation
Damascus: Syria's Sovereignty Over Golan Heights Not Up for Negotiation

Syria's top diplomat to the UN has accused Israel's Western allies of providing political cover and protection to Tel Aviv amid what he described as the country's ongoing occupation of Arab lands.

Munzer Munzer, acting charge d'affairs of Syria's permanent delegation to the UN, has told the international body that Syrian sovereignty over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights territories is not negotiable, can't be relinquished, and isn't subject to any limitations, SANA reported.

Speaking at a UN Security Council session devoted to the situation in the Middle East on Tuesday following Israel's downing of a Syrian warplane over the contested Golan Heights, Munzer argued that the incident was more proof of Israel's "solid relation to the terrorist groups" in Syria.

The diplomat stated that Damascus has already provided UN bodies with ample evidence of "unlimited" Israeli support for terrorists in the so-called Golan disengagement zone between the two countries. He cited as an example the recent evacuation of hundreds of members of the controversial White Helmets group, which Damascus considers a media arm for the al-Nusra terrorist group*, out of Syria.

Munzer accused "some" UN member states of providing "political cover and protection" to Israel, which he said allowed it to "reject abiding by international legitimacy resolutions." This support, the diplomat said, has enabled Tel Aviv to continue its occupation of the Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.

Israel," Munzer said, "continues its colonial settlement campaigns in the occupied Golan Heights and the policies of repression against Golan citizens, looting their resources and arresting the Syrian people in a blatant violation of Geneva treaties."

Munzer urged the Security Council to take "immediate measures" to stop Israel's alleged violations of international law, and to withdraw from Arab lands to the June 1967 borders outlined by numerous resolutions, including 242, 338 and 497.

Israel occupied the Golan Heights in 1967 following the Six-Day War. The conflict between Israel on the one hand and Egypt, Syria and Jordan on the other led to Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights, the West Bank, Gaza and the Sinai (the latter territory was returned to Egypt following the 1973 Yom Kippur War). Israel formally annexed the Golan Heights in 1981. The decision has not been recognized by any other state, although US lawmakers have applied growing pressure on President Trump to do so in recent months.

Tensions are running hot between Syria and Israel amid semi-regular skirmishes in the Golan Heights as the Syrian military rushes to restore control over its southern territories following the mass surrender and/or evacuation of thousands of anti-government militants in the region. The Syrian military has been carrying out an offensive against the militants, as well as pockets of Daesh** terrorists in the region. Israel has repeatedly accused Damascus of violating Israeli airspace, most recently with the Sukhoi jet shot down on Tuesday, and has carried out multiple retaliatory attacks. Syria has slammed Israeli activity, saying its operations are aimed at fighting jihadist militants in the country's south, and accusing Tel Aviv of aiding and abetting the terrorists.

Nusra Front, also known as Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, and also described as al-Qaeda in Syria, is a Salafist terror group. The group is outlawed in Russia and many other countries.

**Daesh, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is a Salafist terrorist group outlawed in Russia and many other countries.

24 July، 2018 - Munzer: Syria’s sovereign right on Golan is not negotiable and can’t be relinquished
Munzer: Syria’s sovereign right on Golan is not negotiable and can’t be relinquished – Syrian Arab News Agency

New York, SANA- Acting Charge d’ affairs of Syria’s permanent delegation to the UN Munzer Munzer said on Tuesday that Syria affirms its sovereign right on the Syrian Golan is not negotiable and can’t be relinquished, nor is it subject to limitations, adding “our occupied territory should be fully restored.”

Munzer added during a UN security Council session on the situation in the Middle East that Israel stresses once again its solid relation to the terrorist groups through targeting today a Syrian warplane that was shelling dens of Daesh terrorist organization on the sides of al-Yarmouk valley in Quneitra countryside.

He affirmed that Israel continues to reject abiding by international legitimacy resolutions due to the policy of some member states that provide the political cover and protection to it to go ahead in its occupation of Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.

Munzer said that Syria has informed Security Council and the UN different bodies of the unlimited support offered by Israel to the terrorist organizations in the disengagement zone, including its repeated military direct aggression on the Syrian lands in a blatant violation of the disengagement agreement and the international laws.

“The policies of countries that support Israel have contributed to changing the occupied Palestine into a collective, open prison and paved the way for Israel to apply the policy of racial apartheid against the Palestinians,” Munzer affirmed.

He went on to say that Syria calls on the international community to assume its responsibility and abort the so-called law “Jewish National State” that contradicts with the UN principles and usurp the historical firm rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to return.

“Israel also continues its colonial settlement campaigns in the occupied Syrian Golan and the policies of repression against Golan citizens, looting their resources and arresting the Syrian people in a blatant violation of Geneva treaties,” Munzer said.

He added that Israel’s untrue allegations that it has no role in the crisis in Syria is refuted through its direct support to the terrorist organizations and its continued aggression on Syria, as well, its smuggling of hundreds of “White Helmets” terrorist organization.

Munzer said that Syria calls on UNSC to take immediate measures against Israel to stop its violations and force it to end its occupation of the Arab lands including the occupied Syrian Golan and withdraw from the occupied Arab lands into the line of June 4th, 1967 according to UNSC resolutions, particularly resolutions No. 242, 338, 497 and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

23 July، 2018 - Lavrov underlines importance of helping Syria in reconstruction
Lavrov underlines importance of helping Syria in reconstruction – Syrian Arab News Agency

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov underlined the importance of helping Syria in the reconstruction of the country after the end of the crisis in it.

Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday that there was a telephone call between Lavrov and his Jordanian counterpart Ayman al-Safadi in which the two sides discussed the latest developments in the Middle East, particularly in Syria in light of the successful process of combating terrorism in southwestern Syria.

Lavrov shed light on the importance of accelerating the return of the displaced Syrians to their homeland.

The statement indicated that al-Safadi highly appreciated the Russian efforts which aim at contributing to the return of the displaced Syrians including those who are in Jordan to Syria, expressing his country’s readiness to cooperate in solving the problems related to that.

The statement added that al-Safadi informed Lavrov that those who are called “White Helmets” arrived in Jordan to be later deported to a number of Western states.
These sanctions are so - wrong! Israel just smuggled out "the culprit's" that planned and executed the chemical attacks - now the sponsors of the paid terrorist are blaming "the victims"! Two wrongs - don't make - a right!

2018-07-25 - US sanctions 8 people involved in Syria’s alleged procurement of chemical weapons
US sanctions 8 people involved in Syria's alleged procurement of chemical weapons

The U.S. Treasury Department has sanctioned eight individuals and five entities for their involvement in Syria’s alleged procurement of chemical weapons.

“These five entities and eight individuals are key components of a vast network procuring electronics on behalf of Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC), the agency responsible for the development of Syria’s chemical weapons,” the U.S. Treasury Department stated.

“Syria’s horrific use of chemical weapons, including attacks against innocent women and children, remains deeply embedded in our minds. Today, we are continuing our campaign to stop the Assad regime’s ruthless attacks by targeting the procurement networks that have supported its chemical weapons program. Along with Sunday’s actions by the French, and together with our law enforcement partners, today’s actions reinforce our ongoing international efforts with our allies to halt these atrocities,” said Sigal Mandelker, Treasury’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “We remain firm in our resolve to counter Syria’s horrific use of chemical weapons, and will continue to take aggressive action against those who supply the SSRC and enhance Syria’s capacity to produce and use chemical weapons,” they continued.

According to their statement, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned six people that work for Electronics Katrangi Trading (EKT), including one Chinese national.

The U.S. Treasury also sanctioned two former residents of the United States for doing business with Electronics Katrangi Trading (EKT).

All of these individuals and entities will also be sanctioned by the French government, the U.S. Treasury reported.

2018-07-25 - US mum on Russian offer to collaborate on returning Syrian refugees – diplomat
US mum on Russian offer to collaborate on returning Syrian refugees - diplomat

The US has so far refrained from public comments on Moscow’s proposals to work together on the return of Syrian refugees, Russian Foreign Ministry’s Nikolai Burtsev told a session of the coordination headquarters for the return of refugees to Syria of the Russian defense and foreign ministries on Wednesday.

“Washington has so far abstained from publicly commenting on the issue of cooperation with Russia in resolving the humanitarian problems of the Syrian Arab Republic,” Burtsev stated.

“There has been no reaction from the US side to a Defense Ministry statement saying it had referred proposals on the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland. We continue to seek meetings with the administration on the Syrian humanitarian matter,” the diplomat said.

He said attitudes in Europe were ‘mixed. “During the Russian Embassy’s contacts with Portugal’s official representatives, the Portuguese side reported that more than 300 Syrian refugees had left the Iberian country. At present, about 400 refugees from Syria are registered in Portugal,” the diplomat noted.

“Swiss government agencies said that Syrian refugees there want swift integration into Swiss society once they get refugee status, which gives them the right to employment and to the social safety net,” he pointed out. “The Russian Embassy in Estonia maintains active contacts with that country’s Foreign Ministry on the issue of Syrian refugees. Prime Minister Juri Ratas has been informed about Russia’s efforts to speed up the process of returning Syrian civilians to a normal life, and our refugee initiative,” Burtsev said.

2018-07-25 - Nearly 200 people killed in deadliest attack this year in Syria
Nearly 200 people killed in deadliest attack this year in Syria

The death toll from the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist attack in the provincial capital of Al-Sweida has risen to 195, a source in Damascus told Al-Masdar News this evening.

The Islamic State’s official media wing has claimed responsibility for this terrorist attack in Sweida city.

This latest terrorist strike by the Islamic State in Al-Sweida is the deadliest attack in Syria in the last two years.

Most of the casualties from this terrorist attack were civilians, despite contrasting claims by the Islamic State’s official media wing.
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has responded to the Islamic State’s terrorist attack by launching a large-scale assault in northeast Al-Sweida.

2018-07-25 - Russian jets launch powerful retaliatory attack against ISIS in southwest Syria
Russian jets launch powerful retaliatory attack against ISIS in southwest Syria

The Russian Aerospace Forces launched a massive retaliatory assault against the Islamic State (ISIS) after the latter carried out deadly terrorist attack that killed nearly 200 people in Al-Sweida.

The Russian jets hammered the Islamic State forces in the Yarmouk Basin region, inflicting heavy damage on the terrorist group’s dens and trenches around southwest Daraa.

According to a military source in Daraa, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched over 25 airstrikes since the Islamic State terrorist attack in Al-Sweida, with most of these strikes targeting the northwestern corridor of the Yarmouk Basin region.

While the Russian Aerospace Forces hit the Islamic State from the air, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has been striking the terrorist group from the ground.

The Syrian Army is reportedly attempting to advance around the strategic Jaleen area in a bid to liberate more towns from the Islamic State affiliated Jaysh Khaled bin Walid forces.

2018-07-25 - Israel bombs Syrian Army positions in southwest Syria
Israel bombs Syrian Army positions in southwest Syria

For the second time in two days, the Israeli forces have engaged the Syrian military near the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

According to the spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), their air force targeted a rocket launcher belonging to the Syrian military. “In response to the 2 rockets launched at Israel from Syria, IDF aircraft targeted the rocket launcher from which they fired. The area surrounding it was targeted by artillery,” the IDF spokesperson tweeted.

The attack was carried out in retaliation for the alleged Syrian rockets that landed inside the occupied Golan Heights earlier today.

A source from the National Defense Forces (NDF) has confirmed the attack and stated that it occurred in the southwestern region of Syria.

Wed Jul 25, 2018 - Syrian Jet Shot Down by Israel to Gift Terrorists A Pause

The Syrian Sukhoi had not entered the occupied Golan, a military analyst said on Wednesday, adding that Israel shot down the jet intentionally to give a chance to the ISIL terrorists to capture the pilot or breathe during the pause in the army's military operations for starting the rescue operations.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik reported that the Syrian Sukhoi fighter jet that was downed by Israeli Air Defense Units' missiles on Tuesday never entered the Israeli-occupied Golan airspace.

The unnamed analyst further told the Arabic Sputnik that Israeli air defense intentionally shot down the Syrian jet East of the de-escalation line with Israel near the town of Saida, where ISIL is active in a bid to give ISIL terrorists a chance to capture the pilot to have an advantage for some negotiations with the Damascus government over ending the military operation in ISIL-held regions in Southwestern Dara'a.

According to reports, the pilot was killed after fighter jet was shot down by the Israeli air defense.

The Syrian Army's operation is now mainly concentrated on liberating an ISIL-held triangle-like region among Syria, Jordan and Israeli occupied-Golan with an area as large as 50 sq-km.

July, 24, 2018 - Syrian Army Forces Take Position in Newly-Captured Tal Al-Jabiyeh Hill in Daraa (+Photos)
Syrian Army Forces Take Position in Newly-Captured Tal Al-Jabiyeh Hill in Daraa (+Photos) - Tasnim News Agency

Syrian army forces took position in the recently-captured Tal Al-Jabiyeh Hill after they hoisted their national flag atop the strategic Hill on Sunday in the southern province of Daraa.

The Syrian army has already captured over 90 percent of Daraa through the military campaign and reconciliation deals since June 19 in Daraa.

Daraa city was the birthplace of the sedition that began in March 2011 before morphing into a foreign-backed militancy that continues to this day.

Since June 19, the Syrian army has been conducting the operation in Daraa, which borders Jordan and the Israeli-occupied side of Syria’s Golan Heights.
26.07.2018 - Russian Military Thanks Israel for Striking Daesh Positions in Syria
Russian Military Thanks Israel for Striking Daesh Positions in Syria

The Russian Defense Ministry said that an Israeli counterattack on Wednesday on Daesh positions in Syria killed terrorists and destroyed rocket launchers.

The Russian ministry said that a strike on Israeli territory on Wednesday was made from Daesh* positions and that the response from Israel had hit terrorists' missile launchers in Quneitra.

The ministry also expressed gratitude to the Israeli Defense Forces for the counterattack.

Russian armed forces’ command in Syria used the existing communication channels to thank the IDF leadership for killing terrorists and stopping a massive provocation," the ministry said in a statement.

The Russian military said the Daesh terror group tried on Wednesday evening to draw Israeli fire onto Syrian army positions by launching rockets into Israel.

"A precision strike by jets and IDF artillery operatively destroyed Daesh terrorists and their rocket launchers," the Russian ministry stated.

The IDF said earlier its warplanes had targeted a rocket launcher in response to two projectiles fired at Israel from Syria. The surrounding area was struck by IDF artillery. The Israeli military did not attribute blame for the attack.

Thu Jul 26, 2018 - Israel, ISIL Cooperate to Launch New Attacks against Syrian Army Positions in Quneitra

Israel launched a new attack against the Syrian army positions in Quneitra, media sources said, adding that Tel Aviv is cooperating with the ISIL terrorists to stop the army's operations in Hawz al-Yarmouk region in Southwestern Dara'a.

The source said that the terrorist groups surrounded in Hawz al-Yarmouk near the occupied Golan fired missiles at the mountainous areas in the occupied regions, giving a lame excuse to Israel to attack the Syrian army's military positions.

He added that cooperation between Israel and the terrorists in Hawz al-Yarmouk to attack the Syrian army is aimed at stopping the army's military operations in regions occupied by terrorists in the triangle of Syria, Jordan and occupied Golan.

The Syrian army's operation is now mainly concentrated on liberating an ISIL-held triangle-like region among Syria, Jordan and Israeli occupied-Golan with an area as large as 50 sq-km.

A Syrian Air Force Sokhoi fighter jet was shot down by the Israeli Air Defense Units as it was targeting terrorist groups in South-West Syria on Tuesday, the state news agency confirmed in a report, but it also refuted Israeli Army claims that the warplane had cross the border into the Israeli-occupied Golan.

Thu Jul 26, 2018 - Syrian Military Expert: US Gathering ISIL in Al-Tanf for Training

A senior Syrian military expert said the US uses its base in al-Tanf region as a center to train thousands of terrorists, saying that the ISIL massive attacks in Sweida and the shooting down of the Syrian army's fighter by Israel this week are closely related to Washington's attempts to prolong the war in Syria.

The Arabic website of Sputnik news agency quoted retired General Ali Maqsoud as saying that the US has turned al-Tanf region in Syria into a center to recruit and train thousands of ISIL terrorists.

He blamed the US for ISIL's recent attacks against Sweida, and said Washington wants to prolong its military presence in Syria and claim that the ISIL still holds some power in the country.

Maqsoud said that the ISIL massive attacks against Sweida and the shooting down of the Syrian army's fighter jet by Israel are closely related to Washington's attempts to prolong the war in Syria, and said all of these incidents happened after the Syrian army's achievements in the South and the siege on the ISIL terrorists in Hawz al-Yarmouk region near occupied Golan.

The Syrian military expert also said that Israel helped the ISIL and al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at or the Levant Liberation Board) commanders to flee from Syria among the ranks of the White Helmets, adding that Tel Aviv ordered the remaining ISIL terrorists to launch attacks on Sweida.

Media sources said on Wednesday that the ISIL terrorists' massive attacks against different towns and villages in Sweida province were launched from al-Tanf region in Homs province which hosts the US-backed militants.

The Arabic-language al-Mayadeen news channel reported that the ISIL terrorists launched heavy attacks against the towns of Douma, Tarba, Shabaki, al-Sowaimareh and Rami in Northern and Northeastern Sweida from al-Tanf region after suicide attacks.

The Syrian army and popular forces repelled the terrorists' offensives preceded by suicide attacks, killing tens of militants.

Thu Jul 26, 2018 - Heavy Infighting Reported among Ankara-Backed Terrorists in Afrin

Local sources in Jandaris region of Afrin in Northern Aleppo reported on Thursday that heavy infighting has erupted among al-Jibhat al-Shamiyeh, Ahrar al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sharqiyeh terrorist groups which are all supported by the Turkish army.

The sources said that the infighting in the village of Deir Balout is one of the most fierce clashes among the terrorists since occupation of Afrin, and added that all militant groups engaged in the clashes have sustained several casualties.

According to the sources, Turkish ambulances rushed to the scene to transfer the wounded to hospital after clashes intensified among the terrorists.

Infighting and plundering of civilians' properties by the Ankara-backed militants have deeply enraged people and made Afrin insecure in the past few months.

A media outlet reported on Saturday that Ankara-backed militants engaged in a fresh round of clashes over distribution of people's assets in Afrin region in Northwestern Aleppo.

The Kurdish-language Hawar news reported that Ahrar al-Sharqiyeh and Katibeh al-Farouq affiliated to the Turkish troops exchanged heavy fire in Jandaris region over their share of properties and assets looted from residential areas in the village of Kouran.

A number of gunmen from both sides were killed or wounded in the clashes, Hawar news reported.

Thu Jul 26, 2018 - Huge Arms Cache of Turkey-Backed Foreign Terrorists Blown Out in Idlib

A huge explosion was reported in a large arms and ammunition cache of Turkistani terrorists near regions that the Turkish forces conduct patrolling missions in Western Idlib.

Field sources reported that a huge explosion occurred in Turkistani terrorists' arms cache on Wednesday, 200 meters away from a Turkish base in the town of Eshtabraq West of Jisr al-Shaqour in Western Idlib.

They added that after the blast, the Turkish forces and Turkistani militants were on alert and the Turkish planes flew over the region.

Meantime, media activists said that a Russian warship stationed near the Syrian coasts has fired a Caliber missile at one of the terrorist's targets near the Turkish forces' base in Idlib, smashing the huge arms cache of Turkistani terrorists.

Jisr al-Shaqour is one of the most important bases of the Chinese members of Turkistani terrorist group who were granted the Turkish nationality and are affiliated to the Turkish army's intelligence organization.

The explosion of the weapons cache in Jisr al-Shaqour happened as the Syrian army is preparing for massive military operations to purge the terrorists from the region.

Field sources said on Tuesday that the army dispatched a large number of fresh forces and a large volume of military equipment to Northeastern Lattakia and to Jisr al-Shughour region in Southwestern Idlib.

The sources further said that the army was possibly mulling to launch a fresh large-scale operation in Idlib after completing Southern Syria operation, adding that the army would probably kick off its operation from several flanks to liberate al-Ghaab Plain and Jisr al-Shughour to restore sustainable security to Northeastern Lattakia.

The army men's control over Northern Lattakia, including Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkmen would also restore security to borders with Turkey, the sources opined.

They went on to say that a large number of the army's elite forces and advanced weapons would be forwarded to Idlib after completing Dara'a operation, adding that Idlib operation would be a hard battle for the government forces due to the presence of a large number of foreign terrorists in Northwestern Syria.

The terrorist groups have recently kicked off several attacks on the army positions in Northern Lattakia.

Thu Jul 26, 2018 - Still ‘World Policeman’: US Expands Overseas Military Presence with 300k Troops in 177 States

President Donald Trump is sticking to the policies of past administrations despite campaign claims that the US shouldn’t be ‘world policeman’, experts stated, regarding Pentagon figures of 300,000 US troops in 177 states.

“Today more than 300,000 Americans are deployed or forward stationed in 177 countries,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford said on Monday, RT reported.

These missions include those in Iraq and Syria, activities on the Korean Peninsula, and “enhancing interoperability with allies” in Poland, according to the man acting as principal military adviser to the US president.

The number announced by Dunford is much higher than the one given by Pew Research Center in 2017. The Washington-based fact tank reported that 200,000 US troops were stationed overseas at that time, adding that the largest US military presence was in Japan, Germany, South Korea, Italy, and Afghanistan.

“We are looking at a continuation of policies even from past administrations,” Jennifer Breedon, an attorney specializing in foreign policy, international law, and religious terrorism, told RT.

US taxpayers now can’t tolerate a huge military budget, according to Breedon.

“We have issues at home… in the US,” and taxpayers don’t want to put millions of dollars “into groups like NATO”, she said.

Trump repeatedly said the US should stop being the world policeman during his election campaign and reiterated it afterwards. In April, he repeated that during the visit of Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari to the White house.

US soldiers are currently deployed training their Nigerian colleagues and Breedon stated that Americans should leave after they are done with that, instead of “hanging around just to see what happens.”

We want to help these nations, but instead we have very few military policies and foreign policy initiatives,” she added.
The US presence in 177 countries across the world is “an attempt at global domination of the world,” David Swanson, activist and author of ‘War Is A Lie’, said in an interview with RT, adding that the US’ global presence “damages” peace and stability, and “increases terrorism with the war on terrorism”.

In his pre-election days, Trump considered himself a vocal critic of American military adventurism. In 2013, he took to Twitter to say that “All former Bush administration officials should have zero standing on Syria. Iraq was a waste of blood and treasure”.

Although he ran on an anti-interventionist platform, the president has now surrounded himself with foreign war apologists: National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Dunford, among others.

Donald Trump’s talk has “always been very mixed, he wants no more wars, occupations and he wants to… ‘bomb them all’ and ‘fire and fury,’” Swanson said.

2018-07-26 - Families of Russian soldiers killed on duty meet the Assads (video)
Families of Russian soldiers killed on duty meet the Assads (video)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady Asma met family members of Russian military personnel killed on duty in Syria, in Damascus on Wednesday.

At the official engagement, Asma Assad gave a kitten to Ralina Akhmetshina, whose father Marat was killed in June 2016 while fighting against IS militants in Palmyra.

In total, five families of Russian soldiers made the journey to Syria for a meeting with President Bashar al-Assad and Asma al-Assad.

During their stay, they laid flowers at the tomb of Unknown Soldier in the capital Damascus.
A bit off topic but wanted to share this pic I found which consists of 4 timeframes of Putin, the last one has yet to happen. I thought it was kind of emotional. I hope Putin will make it to old age and can look back knowing he did all he could. Guess he is around 80 in that picture, but considering the way how he ages, (He is currently 65) it could just as well be 90. Compare that to the way how Rockefeller, Soros and the rest of team psychopath ages.

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A bit off topic but wanted to share this pic I found which consists of 4 timeframes of Putin, the last one has yet to happen. I thought it was kind of emotional. I hope Putin will make it to old age and can look back knowing he did all he could. Guess he is around 80 in that picture, but considering the way how he ages, (He is currently 65) it could just as well be 90. Compare that to the way how Rockefeller, Soros and the rest of team psychopath ages.

I don't see the subject matter "off topic", Bjorn. Putin looks like he has achieved some type of balance between "the mind-body connection" that has slowed down the aging process? There's enough information collected in this Forum to suggest - Putin is very disciplined, a practice started in his younger years, with the help of Judo, diet and exercise. I would imagine, he has practiced forms of mediation, through out the years and there's a noticeable Spiritual side of him, as well? Considering the pressure and stress that comes with his position, he looks amazingly - healthy?

The Kurds have carved out a stronghold in Syria over the course of the multi-year conflict, controlling over a quarter of the country, encompassing around 70 percent of its proven oil reserves.

27.07.2018 - Kurdish Delegation Met Syrian Gov't Officials to Discuss Political Settlement
Kurdish Delegation Met Syrian Gov't Officials to Discuss Political Settlement

Negotiators from Syrian Democratic Force’s (SDF) political wing met with Syrian government officials earlier this week, as they look to protect their territorial gains from the Syrian Army and Turkish forces, the Reuters news agency reported.

Kurdish politicians are especially keen to strike a deal with Damascus now, as Washington’s stance is unclear the US has proven to be an unreliable ally.

“We have a conviction that channels must be open…the constitution, the political process, these will not be solved without the regime [government],” said Kurdish politician Ilham Ahmed.

Moreover, another Kurdish official even suggested SDF fighters could participate in the Syrian Army’s suspected upcoming anti-terrorist offensive in Idlib, though it’s unclear if Damascus is open to militarily cooperating with the SDF on such a large scale, given their strong ties to the US.

Even though SDF-controlled parts of Syria have long been outside of Damascus’ hands, the government continues to provide assistance with administering public services in SDF territory, particularly northeastern Syria, paying wages to teachers and other public-sector workers.

The SDF is reportedly seeking help from the Syrian government to repair the Tabqa dam, which it assumed control of last year after ousting Daesh* terrorists from Raqqa.

Damascus hasn’t commented on its recent meeting with the Kurds, but in May, President Bashar al-Assad said the issue needs to be resolved, either via negotiations or military force. He also indicated that the presence of US troops in Syria – of which there are some 2,000 – would not be tolerated.

28.07.2018 - US-Turkey to Conduct Joint Patrols in Syria, Pentagon Head Mattis Says
US-Turkey to Conduct Joint Patrols in Syria, Pentagon Head Mattis Says

The United States and Turkey will start joint military patrols in Syria in a matter of weeks, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis told reporters on Friday.

I mean, you got to do the training… I think that we’re talking about weeks," Mattis said. "I don’t know how many. Two, four, six, but I don’t think we’re talking months."

Mattis noted there are already Turkish and US patrols on the ground, but they are separate.

It’s already happening on opposite sides where the two of the patrols go along, and they get to certain points, they wait for the other one to get there," Mattis said. "If somebody gets there first and then they do recognition signals back and forth and they move onto the next one."

Mattis explained all the conditions for establishing joint patrols are being set for them to go forward, and the Turkish and US militaries have put together all the planning while the training equipment has landed at the Incirlik air base in Turkey.

"I can’t give you a hard and fast timeline, but it’ll be good training. Both on the Turkish side and on the Coalition side, we agree that this is necessary to make sure that what we do with these patrols is stabilize the line and not inadvertently rush forward into it and you don’t have trained people, so it’s going very, very well," Mattis said.

On June 18, Turkish and US forces began patrolling in Manbij as part of the implementation of their plan to normalize the situation in the city. Earlier on Friday, the forces completed the tenth round of patrols in the area, according to Anadolu.

The Syrian government has repeatedly stated that the presence of Turkish and US forces is a violation of Syrian sovereignty. Neither the United States nor Turkey have obtained a UN Security Council mandate to operate in Syria.

27.07.2018 - Syrian Army Preparing Operation to Liberate Idlib Province - Military Source
Syrian Army Preparing Operation to Liberate Idlib Province – Military Source

On Thursday, Syrian President Bashar Assad estimated that Idlib province was now home to "tens of thousands of terrorists" and said that the region was among the priority areas for the Syrian military's operations.

A Syrian military source has told Sputnik Arabic that the Syrian Army was sending military equipment and ammunition to the borders of Idlib province and preparing for a large-scale operation to clear the area of terrorists.

"Military units are being deployed in the north of Hama province. The next stage will be to launch an offensive on the position of the terrorists from Jaysh al-Izza* in the villages of Kafr Zita, al-Lataminah, Latmin, Zakat Arbaen, al-Lahaya, and Maarkabah," the source said.

"The army is receiving information that militants in the north of the country are preparing to launch a broad offensive on the positions of the Syrian Army. All necessary measures have been taken to strengthen our positions, which will enable the army to deflect a number of possible strikes," the source added.

The source also said that the Syrian Army would engage in a broad attack along several axes to secure the countryside in Latakia province west of the village of Jisr al-Shughour, thereby putting an end to the militants' control in the area.

Most of Idlib province is currently occupied by a disparate collection of militant groups. The region has been home to infighting between Nusra Front** and Ahrar al-Sham,** the latter being another coalition of Salaifist jihadists. Over the last three years, militants from Aleppo, East Ghouta, Daraa province and other regions have evacuated to the region under agreements with the Syrian government. With the liberation of broad areas of southern Syria this month, Idlib province has become one of the last anti-government strongholds in Syria.

Speaking to the Russian media on Thursday, Bashar Assad said that Idlib was the "goal, but not the only goal" for the Syrian Army and its allies in its operations to restore control over the rest of the country.

Also known as the 'Army of Glory,' a Free Syrian Army-affiliated militant group concentrated in northwestern Syria. The group is believed to be armed with US-made anti-tank missiles and is allied with Tahrir al-Sham, aka Nusra Front, aka Al-Qaeda in Syria.

12.07.2018 - Idlib Liberation Would Bring End to Syria War - Syrian Military
Idlib Liberation Would Bring End to Syria War - Syrian Military

A senior Syrian officer has said that government troops now are able to liberate the province, which remains the last one mostly out of the government's control.

The Syrian Army has given an order to fully liberate the country from terrorists, Sputnik learned from a high-ranking Syrian Army officer.

"The army now has the power to liberate the province of Idlib. This will become a key to the end of the ongoing war that has entered its eighth year," the officer said. He promised that the coming days would see events that would "surprise everyone."
"The terrorists have signed their own death warrant."

The source added that Syrian troops have been successfully repelling militant attacks along the border with Idlib. According to the officer, Syrian Army checkpoints are ready for both defensive and offensive scenarios.

Idlib-based terrorist forces have been weakened by infightings, the local media reports. In the past eight months, clashes between different militant groups killed some 8,000 terrorists, mostly members of Tahrir al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra.

As the pro-government forces have been stepping up gains in the south, Idlib, a province in northwestern Syria, remains the last rebel stronghold.

Idlib is a strategically important city, as it shares a border with Turkey and neighbors the province of Latakia, a key stronghold of President Assad. Moreover, Idlib, the provincial capital, is located near a highway linking Syria's second-largest city, Aleppo, to Damascus.

Thu Jul 26, 2018 - Tahrir Al-Sham Terrorists on Alert in Idlib after Intensified Assassinations

Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) has put its forces on alert in Idlib after it came under increasing attacks by rival terrorist groups.

Field sources in Idlib province reported on Thursday that Tahrir al-Sham has put on alert its members in the two towns of Ma'arat Misrin and Idlib as well as Jabal al-Zawiyeh region in Southern Idlib and has erected several new military checkpoints.

They added that the measure was adopted after several Tahrir al-Sham commanders were killed during assassination operations.

Meantime, a number of Tahrir al-Sham terrorists were killed and wounded after a bomb was detonated in their car in the town of Sarmin in Southeastern Idlib.

Also, explosion of a bomb-laden car in front of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) base in the town of al-Tamane'ah in Southern Idlib killed several militants and civilians and wounded a large number of others.

In Northern Idlib, unknown assailants attacked the National Liberation Front terrorist group's base in the village of Tala'adah Northeast of al-Dana region, killing and wounding a number of militants.

Explosions, infighting and assassination attempts among the terrorist groups have stirred extensive insecurities in Idlib in recent months.

2018-07-27 - Syria will have to take into account Turkey’s interests during Idlib operation — expert
Syria will have to take into account Turkey’s interests during Idlib operation — expert

The liberation of Syria’s Idlib province from terrorists will require rather difficult negotiations with Turkey, because this de-escalation zone is its responsibility, Head of the Center of the Near and Middle East at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Vladimir Fitin told TASS on Friday.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad earlier told Russian reporters that Idlib and other areas where terrorists operate will be a priority for the Syrian army.

According to Fitin, to eliminate the terrorist stronghold in the area, it is necessary to conduct negotiations taking into account the interests of all parties, primarily Turkey. “These talks [will be] very difficult and comprehensive,” the expert stressed.

He recalled that militants who earlier left other Syrian regions are currently in Idlib.

“These are members of the Jabhat al-Nusra (terror group, outlawed in Russia – TASS), which changed its name to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army and various Jihadist units, which were sent in particular from Afghanistan and Pakistan,” he said.

Turkey has many other interests [in Idlib]. First of all, it wants not only to preserve but also to expand the buffer zone on the border with Syria, and it needs the absence of counteraction on the part of both the US and Russia,” Fitin stressed.

According to the expert, “while eliminating the terrorist enclave in Idlib, [the Syrian army] also needs to take into account the presence of the Kurds and Americans in the northeast.”

Terrorists in Idlib
The Idlib province was captured by armed groups and al-Nusra terrorists in 2015. In accordance with the reconciliation agreement, militants from radical armed groups who refused to surrender to Syrian government forces in Aleppo, Homs and Eastern Ghouta (near Damascus) where counterterrorism operations were conducted were evacuated to the Idlib province via the humanitarian corridors. Members of the irreconcilable armed groups from southern Syria, specifically, Daraa and Quneitra currently travel to that region.

2018-07-27 - Syrian gov’t restores gas to Deir Ezzor city for first time in years (video)
Syrian gov't restores gas to Deir Ezzor city for first time in years (video)

For the first time in years, the Syrian government has restored the Tayyem Gas Fields in rural Deir Ezzor..

According to a report from the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the government has officially completed the restoration work on the Tayyem Gas Fields after it was put out of service by the Islamic State (ISIS).

The restoration of the Tayyem Gas Fields took nearly three months, as the construction workers had to reboot at least one of the two gas pumps in order to provide the gas needed for electricity.

With the repairs completed at the Tayyem Gas Fields, the Syrian government can now work to restore electricity to all neighborhoods inside of the provincial capital of Deir Ezzor.

Below is a video from the recently restored Tayyem Gas Fields: (Video)
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