Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Putin may even be getting some help indirectly from the Jewish organizations who oppose Palestine occupation. Every little bit helps I think.

Global Jewish Network Launches Action Against Israel's Palestine Occupation

A new global network of Jewish organizations in 16 different countries are banding together to speak up against Israel and stand with the people of Palestine.

The coalition, which is yet to be named, is made up of 15 organizations that are based all across the world from Brazil, Australia, Switzerland to South Africa.

Israel-Palestine: ‘Tsunami of Attacks’ Must be Stopped to Reach Solution

Over the weekend, the group released a statement and a petition against the violence, while calling for an end to Israel’s illegal occupation.

“As a group of Jews from around the world we believe that immediate change needs to come from the Israeli government and Israeli people. It is incumbent on all Jews around the world to pressure the Israeli government — and those who follow and support its words and deeds — to change its approach.”

They went on to demand that the people of Palestine be granted their freedom, and called on other Jewish people to stand with them to obligate their countries to cease economic and military support of Israel’s occupation.

“The military crackdown must cease immediately, Palestinians must be allowed complete freedom of movement. It is also a responsibility of Jewish people worldwide to obligate the countries in which we live to immediately cease the economic and military support of the ongoing Israeli occupation in Palestine and siege of Gaza.”

Since the beginning of October, forty Palestinians have been killed, with the youngest being an innocent two-year-old girl. Additionally, over 1,000 have been wounded.

There have also been stabbing attacks against the Israeli settlers as tension continues to grow.

Jordy Silverstein, a historian and writer from Melbourne who signed onto the statement, told 972 Mag that their intention with the letter and petition is to “increase the dissent in our communities.” The network, she says, “seeks to show that a Zionism based on militarism, exclusion, violence, division, murder, and lies isn’t the only way of living on that land, or of expressing ones Jewishness.”
At least Israel has sense enough to coordinate with Russia.

US Coordinates Syria Bombing With Russia Through Israeli Hot Line - Report

Despite officially denying any cooperation, Russia and the US secretly coordinate their air campaigns in Syria through Tel-Aviv to avoid collisions of aircraft, according to intelligence sources speaking to Israeli media.

Last Thursday, Russia’s Ministry of Defense announced the creation of a "hot line" between the Russian and Israeli militaries. That channel provides both parties with a direct link in order to avoid incidents between aircraft over Syria.

According to military and intelligence sources speaking to Debka File, Arab-speaking flight controllers will likely stand ready on Russia’s end of the hotline at Al-Hmeineem air base near Latakia. Russian-speaking officers will man Israel’s end, and according to Israeli media, Western air controllers will use that hotline to coordinate their own aircraft, rather than establish their own direct channels with Moscow.

Communication is vital in the increasingly crowded skies over Syria. Russia’s anti-terror campaign began on September 30, and has since carried out hundreds of sorties against the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group.

The US-led coalition has continued its own bombing campaign, though without the authority of the legitimate government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. While no collisions have yet taken place, there have been close calls.

But despite air traffic concerns, Washington has refused Moscow’s offers to establish a similar hotline.

"We’re not interested in doing that, as long as Russia is not willing to make a constructive contribution to our counter-ISIL effort. Russia has its own agenda right now that they’re pursuing on their own," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters.

But despite air traffic concerns, Washington has refused Moscow’s offers to establish a similar hotline.

"We’re not interested in doing that, as long as Russia is not willing to make a constructive contribution to our counter-ISIL effort. Russia has its own agenda right now that they’re pursuing on their own," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters.

In reality, however, the US is coordinating actions of its aircraft with Russia, but is doing so through Israel instead of establishing its own direct "hot line" with Moscow, according to Israeli intelligence and military sources speaking to Debka File. Due to political reasons, however, the US can't admit it, insisting that the two nations continue to endanger their pilots by not informing each other about their military flights.

On Sunday, the US and Israel also began a massive military exercise known as Blue Flag. Including US, Israeli, Greek and Italian air units, those drills will last for two weeks, adding even more air traffic to already overcrowded airspace.

The US is doing a back-door/save face maneuver it seems. :mad:
I cannot verify this source but I think he makes a lot of sense. You will have to be the judges. I found it on Twitter and watched/listened about some interesting repercussions of the bombing in Syria.

Russian Bombing In Syria Pushes The 'IS' Into Libya - Episode 795b
Fwiw, this session from 2011 reminded me on what's happening right now:

Session 11 June 2011 said:
Q: (L) What I did is I messed it up when they were trying to do 5 by 10, I made it 500. They went 5... Yeah, I don't know what they did. Okay, does anybody have anything else they want to talk about? (Perceval) There's a question about crop circles. (L) Yeah, I saw that but I thought it was kind of a dorky question. "Why have this year's crop circles been so lame?" (Perceval) Andromeda dictated it, and I just typed it. [laughter]

A: 6D has begun to withdraw from the fray.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean by, "withdraw from the fray"?

A: As we have pointed out before, the crop circles were an almanac. The last page is soon to turn.

Q: (L) Well that makes me think of something. Reading all of these analyses about the Odyssey, it's almost like the Odyssey is an epic story that describes a world similar to our own. When Odysseus comes back to his home, he finds it occupied by these psychopathic, consuming, partying, drunken, rude, obnoxious people. He himself comes into his own as a stranger, a beggar, is treated like dirt, insulted, things are thrown at him... Basically, that's kind of like what our world is doing today. The poor are being oppressed. It's like the whole global elite is acting the part of these suitors in the Odyssey, and Odysseus is everybody else in a certain sense. Just reading this story, it's like apocalyptic. People start behaving that way and it's like they bring down destruction on their own heads. Am I kind of on to something here?

A: Yes. And it is a good exercise for your forum because it will convey many truths at a deep level.

Q: (L) Anybody else? (Ark) I mean, who is going to play the role of Athena?

A: No dice!

Q: (Galaxia) What did Athena do? (Ark) Well, without her, the suitors would win. (L) So you're not going to tell us that?

A: Let us just say: Help is on the way!! Goodbye.

Did the Cs hint at Putin here? Anyway, I found it very interesting to read some of the "showdown" from the Odyssey (beginning app. with Book XIX) with recent events in mind. It can be found online here, for example: _
luc said:
Fwiw, this session from 2011 reminded me on what's happening right now:

Session 11 June 2011 said:
Q: (L) What I did is I messed it up when they were trying to do 5 by 10, I made it 500. They went 5... Yeah, I don't know what they did. Okay, does anybody have anything else they want to talk about? (Perceval) There's a question about crop circles. (L) Yeah, I saw that but I thought it was kind of a dorky question. "Why have this year's crop circles been so lame?" (Perceval) Andromeda dictated it, and I just typed it. [laughter]

A: 6D has begun to withdraw from the fray.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean by, "withdraw from the fray"?

A: As we have pointed out before, the crop circles were an almanac. The last page is soon to turn.

Q: (L) Well that makes me think of something. Reading all of these analyses about the Odyssey, it's almost like the Odyssey is an epic story that describes a world similar to our own. When Odysseus comes back to his home, he finds it occupied by these psychopathic, consuming, partying, drunken, rude, obnoxious people. He himself comes into his own as a stranger, a beggar, is treated like dirt, insulted, things are thrown at him... Basically, that's kind of like what our world is doing today. The poor are being oppressed. It's like the whole global elite is acting the part of these suitors in the Odyssey, and Odysseus is everybody else in a certain sense. Just reading this story, it's like apocalyptic. People start behaving that way and it's like they bring down destruction on their own heads. Am I kind of on to something here?

A: Yes. And it is a good exercise for your forum because it will convey many truths at a deep level.

Q: (L) Anybody else? (Ark) I mean, who is going to play the role of Athena?

A: No dice!

Q: (Galaxia) What did Athena do? (Ark) Well, without her, the suitors would win. (L) So you're not going to tell us that?

A: Let us just say: Help is on the way!! Goodbye.

Did the Cs hint at Putin here? Anyway, I found it very interesting to read some of the "showdown" from the Odyssey (beginning app. with Book XIX) with recent events in mind. It can be found online here, for example: _


I have thought about this aspect of the story myself. I think even though it is quite an angry scene it is what the Cs mean by "righteous anger".

With that in mind the following video should be rated PG probably for the violence:

Embedding is disabled on YouTube but at least this link will take you to the video.

I'm thinking Putin vs ISIS when I watch. :halo: :mad: :halo:
U.S. Foreign Policy - and it's communications directive - at it's finest?

US-Russia Deconfliction in Syria Obliges Russian Pilots to Speak English

The United States and Russia continue technical-level discussions to conclude a memorandum on the flight safety during air missions over Syria.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The deconfliction agreement on operation of US and Russia’s air forces in Syria will oblige Russian pilots to communicate in English, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a briefing on Monday.

“This [deconfliction] is ensuring that when pilots are operating that they are using internationally recognized communications channels, that they are speaking English, so that we can avoid mishaps,” Earnest said.

The last round of talks between Washington and Moscow was held on October 14 by video conference.

Earlier on Monday, the Pentagon told RIA Novosti that the text of an agreement on deconfliction could be released as early as Tuesday.

The U.S. offered the Russian pilots in Syria to switch to English language

The US expects that the Russian pilots participating in the operation in Syria, will speak English. As reported RIA Novosti, said Monday, October 19, the official White house spokesman Josh Ernest.

If the Russian pilots to communicate in English, their actions would be consistent with "international safety rules," said Ernest. In addition, in his opinion, such a practice would help to avoid "accidents" in the sky over Syria.

17 October, Deputy defense Minister of Russia Anatoly Antonov said that Russia agree on broad cooperation with the USA on the Syrian issue, but Washington is not ready. According to the Deputy head of the Ministry of defense, a possible conclusion of an agreement on ensuring safety of flights over Syria is not sufficient.

In addition, in the framework of contacts in the security of flights over the Syrian Arab Republic of the United States "categorically refuse "cooperation"" said Antonov. Thus, Washington has rejected Moscow's proposal to jointly engage in the rescue of pilots downed over Syria aircraft.

Antonov also said that the agreement between Russia and the US on flights in the airspace of Syria will be the starting point of cooperation of States.

To date, representatives of the defense ministries of Russia and the United States held three consultations on Syria in a video conference — 1, 10 and 14 October. Between Russian defense Ministry and the Pentagon was installed directly under authority of the us defense Minister Ashton Carter.

Russia from September 30 conducts Syria air operation, supporting the government in the fight against extremist organization "Islamic state" (IG). The composition of the air group consists of over 50 aircraft and helicopters, including su-24M, su-30CM, su-25 and su-34. With the request for military assistance to counter the IG to Moscow asked Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. Apart from Russia, which is providing air support to Syrian army strikes on militants inflicted by the coalition forces led by the US, as the Alliance works for more than a year.

The activities of the IG on the territory of Russia is prohibited.
angelburst29 said:
U.S. Foreign Policy - and it's communications directive - at it's finest?

US-Russia Deconfliction in Syria Obliges Russian Pilots to Speak English

The United States and Russia continue technical-level discussions to conclude a memorandum on the flight safety during air missions over Syria.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The deconfliction agreement on operation of US and Russia’s air forces in Syria will oblige Russian pilots to communicate in English, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a briefing on Monday.

“This [deconfliction] is ensuring that when pilots are operating that they are using internationally recognized communications channels, that they are speaking English, so that we can avoid mishaps,” Earnest said.

The last round of talks between Washington and Moscow was held on October 14 by video conference.

Earlier on Monday, the Pentagon told RIA Novosti that the text of an agreement on deconfliction could be released as early as Tuesday.

The U.S. offered the Russian pilots in Syria to switch to English language

The US expects that the Russian pilots participating in the operation in Syria, will speak English. As reported RIA Novosti, said Monday, October 19, the official White house spokesman Josh Ernest.

If the Russian pilots to communicate in English, their actions would be consistent with "international safety rules," said Ernest. In addition, in his opinion, such a practice would help to avoid "accidents" in the sky over Syria.

17 October, Deputy defense Minister of Russia Anatoly Antonov said that Russia agree on broad cooperation with the USA on the Syrian issue, but Washington is not ready. According to the Deputy head of the Ministry of defense, a possible conclusion of an agreement on ensuring safety of flights over Syria is not sufficient.

In addition, in the framework of contacts in the security of flights over the Syrian Arab Republic of the United States "categorically refuse "cooperation"" said Antonov. Thus, Washington has rejected Moscow's proposal to jointly engage in the rescue of pilots downed over Syria aircraft.

Antonov also said that the agreement between Russia and the US on flights in the airspace of Syria will be the starting point of cooperation of States.

To date, representatives of the defense ministries of Russia and the United States held three consultations on Syria in a video conference — 1, 10 and 14 October. Between Russian defense Ministry and the Pentagon was installed directly under authority of the us defense Minister Ashton Carter.

Russia from September 30 conducts Syria air operation, supporting the government in the fight against extremist organization "Islamic state" (IG). The composition of the air group consists of over 50 aircraft and helicopters, including su-24M, su-30CM, su-25 and su-34. With the request for military assistance to counter the IG to Moscow asked Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. Apart from Russia, which is providing air support to Syrian army strikes on militants inflicted by the coalition forces led by the US, as the Alliance works for more than a year.

The activities of the IG on the territory of Russia is prohibited.

Maybe it's time to throw our hearts into the mix and look forward to US pilots having learn Russian! :mad:
goyacobol said:

I have thought about this aspect of the story myself. I think even though it is quite an angry scene it is what the Cs mean by "righteous anger".

With that in mind the following video should be rated PG probably for the violence:

Embedding is disabled on YouTube but at least this link will take you to the video.

I'm thinking Putin vs ISIS when I watch. :halo: :mad: :halo:

Thanks goyacobol - unfourtunately, the video is blocked in my country, but I'm thinking I might buy it and watch the whole thing.

Yes, it's interesting - that book is really full of wisdom and sometimes it almost reads like a prophecy. Here's the summary from wikipedia of the "showdown" - I know it might be stretching it a lot, but still, I couldn't help but think about the "competition" being the situation in Syria, "team Odysseus" Putin and everyone supporting him and the suitors, well...:

Wikipedia said:
Slaying of the Suitors

The next day, at Athena's prompting, Penelope maneuvers the Suitors into competing for her hand with an archery competition using Odysseus' bow. The man who can string the bow and shoot it through a dozen axe heads would win. Odysseus takes part in the competition himself: he alone is strong enough to string the bow and shoot it through the dozen axe heads, making him the winner. He then turns his arrows on the Suitors and with the help of Athena, Telemachus, Eumaeus and Philoteus the cowherd, he kills all the Suitors. Odysseus and Telemachus hang twelve of their household maids, who had betrayed Penelope or had sex with the Suitors, or both; they mutilate and kill the goatherd Melanthius, who had mocked and abused Odysseus. Now at last, Odysseus identifies himself to Penelope. She is hesitant, but accepts him when he mentions that their bed was made from an olive tree still rooted to the ground. Many modern and ancient scholars take this to be the original ending of the Odyssey, and the rest to be an interpolation.

The next day he and Telemachus visit the country farm of his old father Laertes, who likewise accepts his identity only when Odysseus correctly describes the orchard that Laertes had previously given him.

The citizens of Ithaca have followed Odysseus on the road, planning to avenge the killing of the Suitors, their sons. Their leader points out that Odysseus has now caused the deaths of two generations of the men of Ithaca: his sailors, not one of whom survived; and the Suitors, whom he has now executed. The goddess Athena intervenes and persuades both sides to give up the vendetta, a deus ex machina. After this, Ithaca is at peace once more, concluding the Odyssey.

It's rather difficult to quote passages from the Odyssey since there's so much in it, but here is a little gem:

Odyssey said:
Minerva now made the suitors fall to laughing immoderately, and set
their wits wandering; but they were laughing with a forced laughter.
Their meat became smeared with blood; their eyes filled with tears,
and their hearts were heavy with forebodings. Theoclymenus saw this
and said, "Unhappy men, what is it that ails you? There is a shroud
of darkness drawn over you from head to foot, your cheeks are wet
with tears; the air is alive with wailing voices; the walls and roof-beams
drip blood; the gate of the cloisters and the court beyond them are
full of ghosts trooping down into the night of hell; the sun is blotted
out of heaven, and a blighting gloom is over all the land."

Thus did he speak, and they all of them laughed heartily. Eurymachus
then said, "This stranger who has lately come here has lost his senses.
Servants, turn him out into the streets, since he finds it so dark

Isn't that exactly how the psychopaths are reacting at the moment?
luc said:

It's rather difficult to quote passages from the Odyssey since there's so much in it, but here is a little gem:

Odyssey said:
Minerva now made the suitors fall to laughing immoderately, and set
their wits wandering; but they were laughing with a forced laughter.
Their meat became smeared with blood; their eyes filled with tears,
and their hearts were heavy with forebodings. Theoclymenus saw this
and said, "Unhappy men, what is it that ails you? There is a shroud
of darkness drawn over you from head to foot, your cheeks are wet
with tears; the air is alive with wailing voices; the walls and roof-beams
drip blood; the gate of the cloisters and the court beyond them are
full of ghosts trooping down into the night of hell; the sun is blotted
out of heaven, and a blighting gloom is over all the land."

Thus did he speak, and they all of them laughed heartily. Eurymachus
then said, "This stranger who has lately come here has lost his senses.
Servants, turn him out into the streets, since he finds it so dark

Isn't that exactly how the psychopaths are reacting at the moment?


Yes, I agree and thanks for the text version. Maybe you can find another video link that works. The video gives a visual picture of the same passage in the Odyssey which I both read and watched in video format. And I can't help but think it relates to what is happening now.

I am glad you made the connection. Thank you. :)
Finally, some common sense!

A Leader of the Same Caliber as Putin Desperately Needed in US – US Analyst

A leader of the caliber of Vladimir Putin is desperately needed in the United States, US political analyst Caleb Maupin underscores, drawing parallels between the Russian leader and American Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The dismantling of the USSR orchestrated by pro-western Wall Street puppets in the Yeltsin regime had catastrophic consequences for Russia and its neighboring countries: they were teetering on the brink of economic and political chaos, New York-based journalist and political analyst Caleb Maupin narrates.

This was the time when Vladimir Putin stepped up to lead the country.

"Putin is absolutely Russian, and his style of leadership draws from the vibrant and unique history of his country. However, some key aspects of his leadership style are not foreign to the United States. Two leaders, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, could certainly be described as 'Putinists,' if such a thing as 'Putinism' exists," Maupin emphasized in his article for New Eastern Outlook.

Indeed, during the first eight years of the Putin administration order was largely restored, the average wage has more than doubled, unemployment reduced dramatically, while industrial output increased by 125%.

Furthermore, "between 2007 and 2014, the Russian Gross Domestic Product increased from $764 billion to $2096.8 billion," the analyst noted.

In much the same spirit, in the mid-1800s Abraham Lincoln mobilized the country to fight against the slave-owners and restore economic and political order.

"Both the Russian oligarchs who oppose Putin and the slaveholders who opposed Lincoln had a powerful ally: Wall Street," the US journalist remarked.

Like Putin, Abraham Lincoln was not a Marxist or a socialist, but he was highly critical of capitalists who refused and were unwilling to shoulder the burden of social and financial responsibility.

On the other hand, Putin's style of management has much in common with that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States.

"In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office, much like Putin, with his country in a state of economic ruin, reeling from the after-effects of the 1929 stock-market crash… Like Putin, Roosevelt mobilized the government sector to rescue the economy. Roosevelt passed the Glass-Steagall Act, preventing bankers from gambling with other people's money. Roosevelt began heavily taxing the wealthiest people in the United States, using the funds to hire the unemployed," Maupin elaborated.

Like Roosevelt and Lincoln, Putin comes under fierce criticism from Western plutocracy, being at the same time widely popular among its people.

Today Vladimir Putin is leading the fight against the Islamic State in Syria. However, Russia's involvement in Syria is not supported by Washington political elite who have been waging its "perpetual" war on terror in the Middle East for decades.

"The reality is that the wealthy ruling class of the United States has no interest in defeating ISIS [ISIL]. The real objective of US policy in Syria since long before 2011 has always been to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic, a stable, anti-imperialist country with a heavily planned economy," Maupin explained.

The Islamic State originated as a faction of the anti-government terrorists who were funded by the United States and Gulf monarchies.

Washington's anti-ISIL airstrikes have been "virtually meaningless" and completely ineffective. Moreover, they were launched without the permission of the Syrian government — the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

In contrast, Russia stepped in in response to the official request of Damascus and therefore its involvement in Syrian affairs cannot be called "intervention." The Russian Air Force is assisting the Syrian Arab Army "as it battles a barrage of foreign terrorists, imported to their country with the help of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Qatar, France, Britain, and the United States."

"Putin is a leader who is rallying the world around the battle to improve peoples' livelihoods, defeat terrorism, and stand up to the source of so much evil, the wealthy global banking elite," Maupin stressed.

And such qualities of leadership demonstrated by Vladimir Putin are "not foreign" to the US, the political analyst remarked, adding that he hopes that those qualities emerge in America in some form once again.

"Another leader of the caliber of Roosevelt, Lincoln, and Putin is desperately needed in the United States," he emphasized.

Against the Clock: Pentagon Pushing Ahead With Nuclear Buildup in Europe

While Russia is eradicating the terrorist threat in the Middle East, the US and NATO are busy with modernizing their European nuclear arms aimed at some unknown menace and pressuring the EU, particularly Belgium, into spending more on US weaponry, founder of Agora Erasmus movement Karel Vereycken told Sputnik.

It is naïve to believe that the Obama administration, lambasted by both right and left-wing parties in the US for its inconsistent policy in the Middle East, is perplexed or distraught. Undoubtedly, it has a well-thought-out foreign strategy and Europe is one of its targets.

In his earlier interviews to Sputnik, Karel Vereycken, journalist, founder of the Belgian political organization Agora Erasmus and editor-at-large of the French newspaper Nouvelle Solidarité, called attention to the fact that the Pentagon and NATO are pushing ahead with the project of re-nuclearization of Europe.

The Pentagon aims to deliver its upgraded B61-12 thermo-nuclear warheads to Europe, as well as its new and much-talked-about the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.

Karel Vereycken told Sputnik that NATO and the Obama administration is currently pressuring Belgium into increasing its military spending.

Meanwhile, Vereycken pointed out, on October 7, over a hundred thousand unionized Belgian workers took the streets in Brussels to protest austerity policies destroying their country.

"But for the international war party, time has come for Belgium to increase its military spending," the journalist underscored.

"True, today, military spending represents only less than 0.9 percent of Belgian GDP, while NATO members commit themselves to spend at least 2 percent. The real worry for Washington is the fact that, with the current budget, it is hard to think Belgium could come up with an extra 4 billion euros to buy 40 new US-built F-35 airplanes required to operate the upgraded version of the US atomic weapons (B61-12) to replace those already stationed on Belgian soil," Vereycken emphasized.

Needless to say, US policy-makers and their subservient European allies justify the current military buildup in Europe by an imaginary menace, allegedly posed by Russia.

Vereycken quoted Denise Campbell Bauer, the US Ambassador to Belgium, who wrote in his op-ed published by the Belgian conservative daily La Libre Belgique on September 30: "In the East, Russia has tried to redraw the borders of Europe by force by trying to annex Crimea and via destabilizing actions including Russian troop deployments in Eastern Ukraine."

Therefore, according to the US Ambassador, Belgium should immediately increase its spending on defense (and fork out for Washington's extortionately expensive F-35 jets).

"This unprecedented offensive of the US ambassador somehow comes as an answer to the petition launched early September by Agora Erasmus. Signed by over a dozen of prominent members of Parliament, the petition calls on the US to withdraw the nuclear weapons from Belgian soil rather than modernizing them," the journalist stressed.
goyacobol said:
I cannot verify this source but I think he makes a lot of sense. You will have to be the judges. I found it on Twitter and watched/listened about some interesting repercussions of the bombing in Syria.

Russian Bombing In Syria Pushes The 'IS' Into Libya - Episode 795b

I would not rule out, the strong possibility of "IS" running from Syria to Libya, Goyacobol, just to re-group (what's left of them.) Here's a Report about a re-grouping:

Syrian intelligence reports influx of mercenaries into terrorist ranks

A huge number of foreign mercenaries is arriving in the Syrian province of Idlib to fight the government troops on the side of the militants, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on its website on Tuesday referring to Syrian reconnaissance data.

"The chieftains of terrorist groups are trying to recoup the losses which were sustained in battles against the Syrian troops or occurred as a result of militants’ desertion from the frontline. According to the Syrian reconnaissance information, a huge number of foreign mercenaries is arriving in Idlib province," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces General Staff said that the terrorists defending the town of al-Shaykh Maskin in Deraa province were short of ammunitions and personnel.

"They have had nothing to eat for the past three days. The local population is avoiding any cooperation (with the militants) and is refusing to help them," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"The militants are depressed by the huge losses. Cases of desertion from the frontline have become commonplace," the ministry went on to say.

Cell of Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami terrorist organization eliminated in Moscow Region

A cell of Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami international terrorist organization has been eliminated in the Moscow Region, Interior Ministry official spokesperson Elena Alexeyeva told TASS on Tuesday.

"Officers of the Russian Interior Ministry’s main department on economic security and countering corruption, Russian Interior Ministry’s main department on countering extremism and Russian Interior Ministry’s department in Moscow and Moscow Region carried out a large-scale special operation on uncovering and eliminating illegal activities of terrorist underground, as well as channels of financing terrorism and extremism," Alexeyeva said.

She added that Interior Ministry earlier received information that a cell of Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami international terrorist organization prohibited in Russia was operating in the Moscow Region. The members of the group recruited Muslims, distributed banned literature and collected money to provide financial assistance to militants.

"Special operations were carried out in the framework of the criminal case on organizing and participating in the terrorist organization instituted by Interior Ministry’s investigative department in Moscow. Searches were carried out in 24 places where Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami members lived. Among seized evidence were bank cards, electronic and printed extremist materials and other kinds of prohibited literature propagating changing Russia’s constitutional regime and establishing a global caliphate," Alexeyeva explained.

As a result of the operations, 97 people were brought in for checks. Twenty people were detained, including leaders of the extremist cell.

Putin: 20 terror plots foiled in Russia this year

MOSCOW (AP) -- Intelligence agents have foiled 20 terror plots in Russia this year, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday, and asked officials to increase their efforts to prevent attacks.

Just a few hours after Putin's announcement, police said they had detained 20 members of a banned Islamic organization in the Moscow region.

Russia began carrying out airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Syria last month to support government forces there. The Kremlin has cited curbing terrorism internationally and making sure Russian nationals in IS ranks don't come back home as the main reasons behind the Russian airstrikes.

Speaking Tuesday at a ceremony at the Kremlin, Putin said in televised comments that the FSB intelligence agency this year had foiled 20 terror plots, arrested 560 militants and killed 112 others in Russia's North Caucasus in raids and clashes.

Putin asked the FSB to increase its efforts in preventing terror attacks as well as uncovering militants' links to international groups.
angelburst29 said:
I would not rule out, the strong possibility of "IS" running from Syria to Libya, Goyacobol, just to re-group (what's left of them.) Here's a Report about a re-grouping:

Syrian intelligence reports influx of mercenaries into terrorist ranks

A huge number of foreign mercenaries is arriving in the Syrian province of Idlib to fight the government troops on the side of the militants, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on its website on Tuesday referring to Syrian reconnaissance data.

"The chieftains of terrorist groups are trying to recoup the losses which were sustained in battles against the Syrian troops or occurred as a result of militants’ desertion from the frontline. According to the Syrian reconnaissance information, a huge number of foreign mercenaries is arriving in Idlib province," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces General Staff said that the terrorists defending the town of al-Shaykh Maskin in Deraa province were short of ammunitions and personnel.

"They have had nothing to eat for the past three days. The local population is avoiding any cooperation (with the militants) and is refusing to help them," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

angelburst29, just following up on Idlib:

Islamist Rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh Fight Each Other in Idlib

By Leith Fadel on October 20, 2015 Featured

The conglomerate Islamist factions in northern Syria “Jaysh Al-Fateh” (Army of Conquest) is experiencing its first taste of infighting, as both Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham (largest Jaysh Al-Fateh faction) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jund Al-Aqsa” (Jabhat Al-Nusra offshoot) combat one another inside the city of Al-Tamaneh in the Idlib Governorate’s southern countryside.

Jund Al-Aqsa reportedly left Jaysh Al-Fateh last week after the group announced their willingness to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) inside Syria; however, according to Islamist social media activists, the Al-Qaeda linked faction rejoined the group following Jabhat Al-Nusra’s facilitation to end the disagreements.
Tensions have reportedly resurfaced after Jund Al-Aqsa and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham members were confined to the city of Al-Tamaneh, where they were both tasked with the duty of protecting the area from the encroaching soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF).

While the Syrian Armed Forces have continued to bombard Al-Tamaneh from their fortifications in Sukayk, they have backed-off in the recent days in order to allow for the Russian Air Force to carry out their relentless airstrikes over the Islamist rebel positions.

There have been no reports of a ceasefire between the Islamist rebel factions; however, they are likely to stop the infighting once their fellow allies inside Jaysh Al-Fateh get involved.

It's like the psychopaths are not getting along so well now.

Reminds me of something Ark said:

Session 28 November 2009
Q: (Ark) But I can see how it's gonna happen. You see separately, there are these psychopaths. At the same time, there are a lot of people who are becoming very unstable. There are a lot of people who go completely crazy, that psychopaths can see something is
happening - new opportunity, right? So, new victims. "They're mine!" "No, they're MINE!" And so psychopaths will start to fight with
each other.

(L) Because they're more and more hungry. And then their masks will fall away, and people will see them for what they are.
A: Yes
Q: (L) It's gonna be ugly. But, we are embarked upon a new world. Okay, somebody else's turn to ask questions.

I can hear them now, "Gee I think I'll shave off my psychopath beard/mask so they won't see who I am".
Meanwhile russian minister of defence, Sergej Schoigu, is interested to establish a naval cooperation with cuba + russians training of cuban military:

He said that "their military-technical cooperation is already developing fast and in a very good way". And he reminded that russia has [had in the past] great experience of training cuban military people. And he said "This aspect of cooperation has very good perspectives".

Guess the americans won't like that either :lol: :v:
Pashalis said:
Meanwhile russian minister of defence, Sergej Schoigu, is interested to establish a naval cooperation with cuba + russians training of cuban military:

He said that "their military-technical cooperation is already developing fast and in a very good way". And he reminded that russia has [had in the past] great experience of training cuban military people. And he said "This aspect of cooperation has very good perspectives".

Guess the americans won't like that either :lol: :v:

No the Americans won't like it one bit, especially if Russian electronic jamming weapons and S-300 or S-400 are installed. In hindsight the events of the eclipsing full moon and president Putin's speech at the UN, signalled perhaps the beginning of a row of bad days for the likes of David Rockefeller... :cool:
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