San Bernardino shooting standoff

I'm looking for a real motive behind these shootings or theatrics, whichever, because there has to be one.

First we have the distraction factor, an excuse to not cover Putin's exposure of the Oil thefts going on in Syria and
all the obvious connections which have to exist to make that industrially run operation viable.

Long ago they abandoned the idea of profiting off random chance events, and decided to simply manufacture the ones needed.
Thus we have mass shooting as a national pastime by all appearances.

Taken from the conclusions of this recent FBI Study of so-called mass shootings. *Note that they have redefined mass shooting down to 3 dead. Manipulating numbers is fundamental to propaganda.

Conclusions-FBI Report on Mass Shootings.
"Of the 160 incidents studied, 64 (40.0%) would have met the criteria to fall under the
federal statute passed in 2012 which defines mass killing as three or more killed in a single
incident. Of the 64, 39 of these mass killings occurred within the final 7 years studied.
Study results also indicate that, of the 11 defined location categories, the majority of
incidents—45.6% of the 160—occurred in an environment related to commerce. The
second most common incident locations were in educational environments (24.4%), and
the study results established that some of these incidents involved some of the highest
casualty numbers."

Direct download of the FBI's own Study.

What I think is going on here is an plan to make area's off limits to armed citizens. This being in tandem with efforts across the board to essentially abridge the Bill of Rights in all it's forms. What this means is that these murders will serve to provide the pretext to permit the excuses to accomplish the "Law Makers" to abridge the peoples laws and to further the agenda....whatever that is exactly.
gambeir said:
Perceval said:
Aragorn said:
This could be the usual way of "the secret team" to draw away media attention from Russia presenting evidence of Turkey buying oil from ISIS. E.g. Twitter is filling up with tweets about this shooting, right when the Turkey-ISIS evidence should be making the headlines. Damn!

I'd say that's a very likely cause. Scumbags!

I just knew there was a reason. Wow! Pretty much says it all.

U tubers getting wind of the same feed back. 707 likes and counting.
San Bernardino Shooting - Staged Distraction From Most Massive Geopolitcal Scandal Of Our Time
Published on Dec 2, 2015
gambeir said:
I'm looking for a real motive behind these shootings or theatrics, whichever, because there has to be one.

Apparently Western media is having a similar issue with finding a 'narrative' to explain the shooting.

The two motives that occur to me are 1. Its a training exercise and 2. It's purpose is to instil fear into the population.
c.a. said:
gambeir said:
Perceval said:
Aragorn said:
This could be the usual way of "the secret team" to draw away media attention from Russia presenting evidence of Turkey buying oil from ISIS. E.g. Twitter is filling up with tweets about this shooting, right when the Turkey-ISIS evidence should be making the headlines. Damn!

I'd say that's a very likely cause. Scumbags!

I just knew there was a reason. Wow! Pretty much says it all.

U tubers getting wind of the same feed back. 707 likes and counting.
San Bernardino Shooting - Staged Distraction From Most Massive Geopolitcal Scandal Of Our Time
Published on Dec 2, 2015

The video really points out how this false-flag San Bernardino event is timed and staged.

c.a. said:
gambeir said:
Perceval said:
Aragorn said:
This could be the usual way of "the secret team" to draw away media attention from Russia presenting evidence of Turkey buying oil from ISIS. E.g. Twitter is filling up with tweets about this shooting, right when the Turkey-ISIS evidence should be making the headlines. Damn!

I'd say that's a very likely cause. Scumbags!

I just knew there was a reason. Wow! Pretty much says it all.

U tubers getting wind of the same feed back. 707 likes and counting.
San Bernardino Shooting - Staged Distraction From Most Massive Geopolitcal Scandal Of Our Time
Published on Dec 2, 2015

Hmm... Well, it may be an intentional distraction for those paying attention, but, then again, those paying attention are likely to continue to focus on other world events and how this ties in, OSIT. However, for the average person here in the states I suspect it will just lead to more anti-Muslim / anti-gun / anti-refugee hysteria. Let's not forget that Holocaust 2.0 looks to be on the dockets and this furthers that agenda. With Russia outing Turkey and the real terrorists, it's important for the PTB to keep the fear factor(y) running at high output, as well as continuing to stoke the flames of hatred toward Arabs and Muslims, since with people blinded by hatred and fear they may ignore sensible media and continue focusing on the narrow view (can't see the forest through the trees, or something like that). At least that's how I see it.
---See attached image of today's New York Post---


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I went into our local farm and feed store today and had a disgusting and shocking conversation with a complete stranger. News came up and all the men standing there agreed that having a gun on us was the best thing to do and I expressed my unwillingness to use guns even though I need to learn how to use them for the predators out here that are killing my birds. Then it got really ugly from there. I thought the guy was still speaking about guns(always makes me uncomfortable) and he said several times how completely awful to be beside that openly driving beside him. I was confused and asked if he was taking about trucks with rifles in the window.
He leaned in towards me with the excitement of a pack mentality of ill animals and in very loud excited voice said " No... I mean those Muslims. I mean does it not make you sick? Just right there next to me a god dam Muslim" . It must have been obvious my disdain for his comment because he stepped back before I laid into him about that kind of bigotry and what the bigger picture is and how dangerous those kind of thoughts are. There went strategic enclosure. I was livid and said as much!

Next chore was grocery shopping. I shop at health food stores that we have available here. I have noticed over the past few weeks that people that fit the profile from bigoted bubba in the feed store would target are down casting their eyes. If they ever do look up I smile in that friendly passing someone way and on half of these situations I have seen relief and a relaxation of their body.

I have felt an overwhelming feel of fear and confusion in last few weeks and I have been wondering why other than the obvious. It really did not feel like those emotions belonged to me. After today I came to the horrible conclusion that it is not from me. I wish it was just my faults and learning curves. It is not. I saw just in everyday chores how divided and awful this has become. Simple idiots make it so black and white. I came home and cried pretty hard. I had made a bit of a scene in the feed store and know that it probably did not do much, but there was no way I was gonna stand there and listen to that crazy speak.

The news coverage on this have stayed live while the other shootings of late have not. Was three shooters now it is two Muslims. How much worse is this going to get?
Reporters allowed into San Bernadino Suspects' Home

A baffling, surreal scene just played out on the two networks, where the landlord of the San Bernardino shooting suspects apparently allowed reporters into their apartment.

The result was disturbing. On live national television, reporters sifted through the remains of the lives of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. They picked over children’s toys. They held up photos, speculating about whether the woman depicted in one might be Malik. They displayed Social Security cards and driver’s licenses with readily identifiable information—and not just for the deceased suspects...

Re: Reporters allowed into San Bernadino Suspects' Home

kalibex said:
A baffling, surreal scene just played out on the two networks, where the landlord of the San Bernardino shooting suspects apparently allowed reporters into their apartment.

The result was disturbing. On live national television, reporters sifted through the remains of the lives of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. They picked over children’s toys. They held up photos, speculating about whether the woman depicted in one might be Malik. They displayed Social Security cards and driver’s licenses with readily identifiable information—and not just for the deceased suspects...


Indeed. Serious questions about the narrative around the San Bernardino shooting. No history or evidence of any violent tendencies from either of the alleged shooters according to friends and family.

The woman was small, about 90lbs, not exactly someone who could easily wield long rifle and military gear. Lawyer cites reports that both were found by police in the floor of an SUV with their hands cuffed!

Bizarrely, US media has been allowed into the couples' apartment, with cameras rolling. Reporters seen freely sifting through items in what is clearly a crime scene with lots of potential evidence. Can't remember this EVER happening before. Why would police allow this?

It's certainly voyeuristic and possibly part of a process of establishing the two dead suspects as the culprits in the minds of the general population, while authorities continue to weave a narrative and gather 'evidence' for them being 'radicalized jihadis' including a post appearing on the woman's FB acct. declaring allegiance to "ISIS" (hacked?)
Jeezus, it sounds like this couple was abducted. I didn't see anywhere in the press if the wife worked outside of the home - most likely she was a stay at home mom. It says the 6 month old baby was left at the grandparents, but no reason "why" was given. AFAIK It would be unlikely for her to attend a company Christmas party with her husband, but maybe the pretext for leaving the kid with the grandparents? At least the kid was allowed to survive. Finding them handcuffed in the black SUV.....OMG! If true, those poor people. :scared:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I had made a bit of a scene in the feed store and know that it probably did not do much, but there was no way I was gonna stand there and listen to that crazy speak.

I work at a university with a large population of international students - including Muslim students from the Middle East. Today, while working at a public service desk with a fellow staff member, she leaned close to murmur to me, asking me if I ever worried that one of those students might walk into the library one day and commit a terrorist act. I told her no, but inwardly remarked to myself at this sign of how keyed up and anxious people are getting.
Lilou said:
Jeezus, it sounds like this couple was abducted. I didn't see anywhere in the press if the wife worked outside of the home - most likely she was a stay at home mom. It says the 6 month old baby was left at the grandparents, but no reason "why" was given. AFAIK It would be unlikely for her to attend a company Christmas party with her husband, but maybe the pretext for leaving the kid with the grandparents? At least the kid was allowed to survive. Finding them handcuffed in the black SUV.....OMG! If true, those poor people. :scared:

So mirrored by this u tuber ................but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
California: Flags, Hollywood or Mind Control Zombies?

Public Health
Heart Disease
Cancer / Oncology
The top 10 leading causes of death in the US
Written by Hannah Nichols
Reviewed by Dr Helen Webberley
Knowledge center
Last updated: Monday 21 September 2015

Nearly 75% of all deaths in the US are attributed to just 10 causes, with the top 3 of these accounting for over 50% of all deaths. Over the last five years, the main causes of death in the US have remained fairly consistent, although unintentional injuries (accidents) became the fourth leading cause of death in 2013, while stroke became the fifth.

I've been arguing with my (own petty tyrant) father about current events. He likes 'The Donald' and talks about the 'Muslim Scourge' so I informed him of the real stats since he seems so interested in 'facts'. The Muslim problem is propaganda and I still hold to the idea that this attack, albeit a distraction from other world events, is also a way to continue to cement this idea of Muslims as people who need to 'go' and their teachings outlawed. I told him I'm more afraid of shingles. He is an adamant anti-Muslim/Arab, pro-Israeli (he's Jewish), and seems to think they are the biggest problem on the planet and Western countries are too PC to neutralize the 'problem'. We like to argue and I have the upper hand when it comes to actual facts and probabilities but he's a staunch republican and I think it shows how part of the US population views these attacks. It 's NOT a distraction from the Turkey-ISIS connection because he doesn't buy into it in the first place. He distrusts Russia and Putin, stated Erdogan said he would resign if the allegations were true, and thinks the Donald is right on with his anti-Muslim BS. It's scary and funny at the same time. He's a Jewish-Christian Republican who lost his 70 year-old 4 generation business to the Great Recession and I just don't get it. Maybe the next president will be better and the Don will return this country to glory? What's the allure? He tells me to wake up. Sheesh. Anywho, I think a lot of people buy US propaganda even when they think they are reading between the lines and this attack is just one more reason to hate Muslims and move to block their religious teachings, gatherings, etc. Oh, the irony. The white guy shooting up Planned Parenthood was just doing the Lord's work I guess.
Lilou said:
Jeezus, it sounds like this couple was abducted. I didn't see anywhere in the press if the wife worked outside of the home - most likely she was a stay at home mom. It says the 6 month old baby was left at the grandparents, but no reason "why" was given. AFAIK It would be unlikely for her to attend a company Christmas party with her husband, but maybe the pretext for leaving the kid with the grandparents? At least the kid was allowed to survive. Finding them handcuffed in the black SUV.....OMG! If true, those poor people. :scared:

Thanks so much for posting this information. I hadn't picked up on this significant bit of information. I hate to not address every single post made since my own last posting, as there are so many jewels among them, but brevity is a virtue which I greatly lack. So I have restricted myself to answering this one post.

This is an important posting in my opinion. I will attempt to explain with some brevity, I say attempt? :rolleyes:

I think that in order to make sense of this, and other similar events, one has to go outside the box of the make believe world of radical islamic wannabees and all other radical wanaabee's, like the planned parenthood incident, and to see these incidents as the tools they are for an agenda. So what is the agenda?

Oh sure, it's entirely possible that these incidents are really real, that a nut job actually did do these acts. However, as this particular post seems to illustrate, there's more going on than simply these things. Recruiting loons to blow themselves up is old hack. This appears to have the fingerprints of the TPB on them.

Remember the old German Proverb that; "Childern whom play with matches get burned," you recall that one? Are these really radical's whom went bonkers, or are these amatures whom ended up becoming the Lee Harvey Oswalds of our epoch?

Are you all following this train of thought? Let's say you are approached by a friendly recruiter, you're arabic aren't you? Boy oh boy, could we use you, have you ever considered working for......XXX?

Follow me? How do you end up becoming an assassin, along with your wife for pete's sake, and abandoning your kid to grandma for
the sake of what? Seriously? I know why I've been considering buying a gas mask, but this is like too much.

Ya know it takes a lot of conviction to blow yourself up. It takes even more to murder people in cold blood. It's a lot easier to run an operation with people whom are unawares they are being set up as patsies. It then only takes a cold blooded killer like the Ice Man to solve the problem of having used these people to construct a storyline.

So now it looks like we have some support for this idea. I'm thinking this "terrorism" business has to do with "UFOs and the National Security State." Now you're probably going what? Well it's about energy, controlling energy on the one hand, and then it's about controlling the understanding of what evidently is free energy. See the video.,39178.msg618636.html?PHPSESSID=0bca0b4bcd4dd4fe0d215cd931e2a525#msg618636

Well, so now look at what's happening in the Middle East. Why are they seemingly trying to create a pretext for simply taking over the Arab Nations under the pretexts of "Liberating them," when it's never been an issue before and which is a seemingly manifest excuse for a wholesale seizure of the Oil Fields of these nations? Why are the people being driven out with supposedly homegrown radical islamic fanatics? Empty these nations out of normal people, whom the masses are now blaming for what the media is telling them are radical islamic fundamentalists shooting innocent people here at home now, which works out nicely for the over all plan of distraction and gaining public support for the planned, now supposedly justified excuse for Nato's wholesale confiscation of these people's own homelands.

Yea, so you're going like OK? So hows this tie in to UFO's and the National Security Police State. Oh, well it's about the expanding earth because the hypothesis is that the oil wells are being refilled, or will be, or should be, or that maybe the oil can be manufactured synthetically and the rest is a ruse. Maybe that too is all a ruse and the whole idea is simply to have the physical location in order to justify whatever long term plans are involved in supposed uses of oil.

There's the secret civilization where more than half the budget of our nation alone has gone for over a half a century run by Global Corporations, and it's based on the understanding that free energy exists, but our world is based on slavery and the burning of fossil fuels. That's the primary control mechanism. Free energy means the collapse of that system, of the slave based system.

Power concedes nothing of it's own accord. What we have is the same old tired system of self appointed royalty under new management but playing by the same old rules. They are educated and we aren't. They use murder, we don't. They control the religious thought, we don't, they rule the laws, we don't, ect.

With terrorism comes the acceptance of the suspension of individual rights unless the courts say otherwise, and the courts are in the hands of the same self appointed rulers. See the Powell memo, or watch "Who stole the American Dream."

With terrorism comes the excuse to place areas off limits to wandering, to intrusive inquiry, to put security in places where logically none would exist without some supposed external threat. With terrorism comes the threat of being detained and tortured for simply asking the wrong questions, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The suspension of individual rights has been the legal objective in order to facilitate the authoritarian police state by way of guile.

Ultimately, we are looking at an operation who's objectives are clear: It is to put the placement of restrictions on critical analysis, thinking generally speaking, on the restriction of movement, restricting people under the pretexts of suspects for example, such as the no fly lists, we are looking at an excuse to "enable" the lock down of society as well are the arming of secret facilities. To increase the hidden which already exists among us. To prevent free inquiry, critical reasoning, or any other physical or mental threats to the current ruling body.
There is more than likely a much bigger plan behind seemingly 'random events', but all work toward the main aim of a long term agenda. For the Zionists, they want greater Israel to extend from the Nile River in Egypt, to the Euphrates in Iraq (this is the area known as the Levant, hence the name ISIL). In order to achieve this, discord among the Arabs is necessary. Right now, Israel is set on annexing the occupied Golan Heights and having it internationally recognized as "their land", so as to take the oil recently discovered there. Little by little, they can expand their territory.

Remembering what the C's said in earlier sessions - that the Semite DNA was pre-coded with a destiny mission, that would activate in 4th density. Therefore, they want to eliminate all Semites to subvert this mission, which will tip the balance toward STO. Or so I understood. So there are agendas within bigger agendas and some, like the psychopaths ruling Israel, don't realize that they (the virus) will die with the host. They only know they want to eliminate Semites, and take what they can for themselves. Much the way Hitler was driven to eliminate Semites. The current Jewish leaders are not Semites, but hail from the area around Ukraine.

And I don't think the couple in San Bernardino was recruited. It sounds like they were straight up abducted and left to take the fall. Can you imagine, a 90lb woman, who recently had a baby, suited up and carrying heavy weapons? Let alone shooting and hitting her targets. :rolleyes: The call that made the husband "angry" was probably from his wife, with some reason he needed to come home. The real reason? The presence of whoever was behind this attack. It would be interesting to know if that black SUV even belonged to this couple.
From Fox News Main Headline

Victim of San Bernardino slaughter hailed as hero after saving woman from barrage of bullets
SHANNON JOHNSON, pictured left, is being hailed as a hero after saving his co-worker from a barrage of bullets when two gunmen stormed the Southern California office building where they worked and killed 14.


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FACILITY EVACUATED: Package addressed to home of San Bernardino shooters deemed safe
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Calif. shooter reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS
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