The Living Force
Balberon said:A bit off topic (sort of).
Dark Imperium wrote:
I accept there is no law, no authority, no justice
Except my own
And that culling is a necessary act of Life.
I believe in one guide, Satan,
And in our right to rule mundanes.
This to me sounded like it came right out of a Zionist hand/play-book. Satanism sounds like it would go with the ideas and pathologies of Zionists (if it is not a direct re-worded excerpt). Not sure I'm saying it right but to my understanding, a few changes and wording and we have what is happening at this point:
And that culling of Goyim (currently Palestinians and Lebanese..) is a necessary act of Life.
I believe in one guide, Zionism (our God is better than yours),
And in our right to rule (by maiming and killing the innocent) mundanes.
Interesting points, especially in the context of what Cathryn said. I can clearly see the points you've made Anart but am also aware I have certain weaknesses that I believe are similar to what Cathryn described in her post. I can fall into Ponerisation easily, knowingly or not, sleep right into it or failingly flail against it.
Cathryn Wrote:
It took me quite a while before I realised that it was affecting my frequency and the items presented were starting to make some sense. And then it dawned on me how insidious is the ponerisation process. Evil
On the brighter said, it is good to (learn to) recognize there is more strength to be had/learned. Personal/Spiritual evolution - discernment does take time. Not sure I've taken any/many steps on the ladder, but there sure looks to be a lot of steps to climb ahead. :)
I agree with the comparison. You may could even add Pathocratism, lol.
One thing though, as I am very confused- who is Cathryn and where did that quote come from? I am totally lost as I cant find the reference in this thread.