Sending a dead dog's spirit to 5D

Maundy said:
Do I pass your inspection?

It's not an inspection, Maundy. It's simply that some of the things you've written indicate that you've not yet read the Wave Series and that you'd likely benefit by doing so. For instance, rituals limit and drain energy directly to 4D STS, though it is a complex subject. I look forward to your getting through the Wave and continuing to learn. :)
Laura said:
Guardian said:
Laura said:
Unless they acquire soul growth energy from close interactions with humans.

OK, that seems fair since I think I acquire soul growth energy from close interactions with them ;)

That also seems to be true. I was once told by a very gifted lady who could SEE that our critters that had passed on became "stars in our crown" - that is, if there was closeness, they began individuation and remained close and could even reincarnate. I haven't asked the Cs about this specifically, but maybe I will. It makes sense to me.

My dad lives out in a heavily-wooded area, and he had a cat who was killed by a pack of coyotes. :( A couple months later a young, identical-looking cat showed up on my dad's doorstep - and he looked just the right age to have been born around the time my dad's cat was killed. The new cat adopted my dad right away, and it was like having the old cat back again in a younger body. My dad even gave him the same name. My dad's a hardcore Christian fundamentalist, but even he was wondering about reincarnation after that. :D It's not proof, of course... But I'd like to think that our beloved pets sometimes choose to come back to us like this.
anart said:
Maundy said:
Do I pass your inspection?

It's not an inspection, Maundy. It's simply that some of the things you've written indicate that you've not yet read the Wave Series and that you'd likely benefit by doing so. For instance, rituals limit and drain energy directly to 4D STS, though it is a complex subject. I look forward to your getting through the Wave and continuing to learn. :)

Yes, it's not an inspection just checking for colinearity. I will appreciate it if you will abstain from suggesting rituals and that sort of thing on this forum. You might also want to re-read the forum mission/vision statement. Based on what little I can tell from your comments thus far, your "guidance" is guiding you in a completely different direction. If it works for you, fine. If your life is perfect, fine. If not, maybe your "guidance" isn't so hot after all?
Laura said:
It's not an inspection, Maundy. It's simply that some of the things you've written indicate that you've not yet read the Wave Series and that you'd likely benefit by doing so. For instance, rituals limit and drain energy directly to 4D STS, though it is a complex subject. I look forward to your getting through the Wave and continuing to learn. :)

Okay, that's interesting. I will explore the Wave Series in more depth. A little more focus on that would be appropriate. Thankyou.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes. Have a look at that thread Maundy, if you want to have more infos on how to insert quotes.
Hi Maundy,
The work that Laura is doing with CC's is something that is truly extraordinary. I myself am a little more stubborn/independent like you are. I, just like you, like to explore and learn on my own. What I found out about what CC's have said goes beyond what I have heard or read or experienced before. It is truly a different kind of a learning experience. Just pick up the first book of the Wave series and read it with an open mind. You will know if the teachings are for you or not. I did not find that CC's were promoting any religious teachings at all, if they were I would not have continued my journey here. Laura/CC's cover every topic in the universe, you will never get bored and you will definitely be shown a way to learn more and to observe more of what is out there etc. You will probably get upset sometimes like I did many times, but that is part of the learning process.

Bud, you gave me something to think about. I never realized that there was such a thing as 'Feature interaction'. Thanks for the info on this. I am just going to explore dowsing tonight, I am attending a meeting tonight so I will see how that goes. I need to find out if there is a possibility that, at this place where I live,if there could be some kind of electromagnetic anomalies that could cause the disturbance. Thanks for the info.
Mona said:
I myself am a little more stubborn/independent like you are. I, just like you, like to explore and learn on my own. What I found out about what CC's have said goes beyond what I have heard or read or experienced before. It is truly a different kind of a learning experience. Just pick up the first book of the Wave series and read it with an open mind. You will know if the teachings are for you or not.

fwiw, I, too, am as 'stubborn' and 'independent' as the next person. In fact I believe Laura and most everyone here share similar qualities, and that can be a good thing. The C's have said not to 'deify' them and they certainly have no use for mere followers, because all they do is provide information and clues to questions asked.

For people who are relatively new to this Work and interacting with the network, it might be useful to remind folks to NOT be afraid to ask questions, express doubts and explore ideas.

The main reason is probably because of misunderstandings and mis-communications that we see all the time. To aggravate mis-communication, the very language, itself (and thus our thinking and understanding) has been ponerized (meanings distorted and twisted 6 ways to midnight) over the years so that it is highly probable that no two people mean the same thing even when they use the same words. Sometimes people even imagine that they are in dispute merely because each person uses differing internal meanings for words, despite maybe believing similar things; but they still fight in the belief that they ‘disagree’.

So you are cautioned to check most carefully your understanding of the meanings of others and, even then, maintain caution. These disputes continue to the present time as you can see in some threads. I wouldn't be afraid to bet that many folks who have come, raised heck and left, could have actually stayed and learned something if they would have just remembered they were in someone else's 'house' at the time.

Again, don't be afraid to ask questions - or try to falsify any hypothesis, because that is the heart of the Scientific Method. It provides a learning experience for all of us and is the route to objective knowledge, osit. :)
Note to Laura, Bud, Mona, Anart,

Thank you everyone. It must be very obvious that I am not singing from the same dictionary at all! 'Do I pass inspection?' was a little tongue in cheek, but humour is very hard to convey in this medium, although I really do 'get' your intent regarding 'rituals'. I had no idea that even the (protected space) that I have been workng with is subject to STS, so thank you and I think I need to do more reading. It was well meant, but I can also see how it's not appropriate.

My guidance Laura, has walked with me through nearly 50 years of life. It has never tried to manipulate me, put thoughts or ideas in my head, steer my life or any kind of shenanigans like that. It has let me make mistakes and experience the shadow side of my own life, been silent when I needed to work things out for myself, guided me to make my struggle and struggle I have, and through struggle I have grown despite everything in life that would have drowned me otherwise. I trust my guidance, as it has been proved over and again that I can, even though I 'question' it every time. I am perhaps not a 'follower' of any particular doctrine and certainly no 'belief', which I see as simply a box to put ones mind in. However, I guess my language does not speak the language in the same way as yours. I guess that's okay? All paths lead home - maybe this is a place I can merge my path and thinking, or maybe not, but I am at least willing to hear it all out before making a choice about that. Even the C's words cannot be taken at face value in my mind. Absolutely no offense is meant; anyone who knows me, knows that offense is not part of my nature, but this is not to say that I do not 'feel' the slap when it comes from others. This is a time for me to stand up and be counted, not sit down and shut up, so I apologise if this is a little forthright or harsh.

I guess I catch you all tomorrow ...
Maundy said:
Even the C's words cannot be taken at face value in my mind.

In my mind any word from the Cs or whatever source can not be taken at face value.

So the Cs transcript are nothing more than working hypothesis, some inspiration to be followed by work in order to source, research, cross reference... in order to validate or not the above mentioned working hypothesis.

Do you take your guidance's words at face value?
I didn't forget about this post - sorry, though, for the ludicrous delay; for nearly a month now, due to a combination of internal and external factors, I've not had the opportunity to post, while, after a week of not even that, I've at least been reading up on new postings.

Also, thank you Laura for the thanks - it made part of my mind react as it could not accept that I had made a good contribution that was so well received. Made for a bit of inner friction managing it while it lasted.

On to replying:

Guardian said:
I have always had the distinct impression that I chose my values, purpose, etc. .."job" if you will, wayyyyy before I hopped in the meatsack.... but I could be wrong. Perhaps I just created those memories for myself subconsciously because they make me feel good?
Well that's a depressing thought thank you very much LOL
It might well be so that we so choose the set of lessons to deal with, and along with them, the way of doing so. I think that this orientation could be seen as a potential; disintegrating, reintegrating and and the conscious choosing of values within this life, then, is the fulfilling of that potential. (reaching that orientation)

Guardian said:
These self-chosen values - what the person has decided to become - are then maintained in the face of opposing factors of life; it no longer matters whether it is pleasurable to hold them, or if pain can be avoided by abandoning them.

I didn't know abandoning them was an option?
I've tried coming up with a good answer to this, but I'm not sure as to how exactly to answer it.

One short answer: It is a hypothetical option, the point being that this does not happen when the person has reached this stage.

A longer, earlier attempt: It is not so much that someone would otherwise just go - "Oh, I know - I'll just abandon these prized ideals of mine and everything will be much easier!" Rather, it is that what has been growing within them might be crushed before it is complete and in full strength. The process of development is uncertain and can be disrupted before it has reached that point of no return.
You are not being harsh at all, you are just a human, just like the rest of us, in this 3D. I have been reading Laura's books for years, and you know what, it is still a struggle for me to exist in harmony in this reality while being fully integrated in this society (being secluded in a quite niche in the middle of nowhere would probably be more enjoyable but still not free) and this struggle will probably continue untill the day I take my last breath, and even after that, in 5D the struggle will continue. If I kept my eyes closed, which I never really wanted to, I could have continued my life living in this illusion, thinking that only if I was respectful to people and treated them the way I wanted to be treated, then after making it to 5D and then eventually recycling to 3D, that maybe this time I would finally be rewarded with the choice of choosing a better life in the next lifetime. But the thing is that this 3D game does not work that way at all. No one gets rewarded in the next lifetime just for being a nice respectful caring human in this lifetime. The real rules of this game, that Laura/CC's presented to us, are pretty hard to swollow at first; but they sure started finally making sense to me. Before that I was a walking zombie scaring the people around me with too many weird questions. Pleople would just say to forget about it and accept life the way it was. How could I stop when the questions irritated me in my brain.
Maundy,dont' be afraid to speak your mind and you did not offend anybody. I probably did offend someone in this forum in the past but I am still here, because I really want to be here. My last offence was using the psychomantium without taking necessary precausions. I must say I did not like people telling me what to do or what not to do, but when I took off for a while into my brainy abyss, I realized that maybe that was pretty stupid for me to do. I am not going to get rid of the psychomantium (and am planning on using it in the future), but I will definitely get back to it while being in a more knowledgable state. I am not sure if you had the chance to read one of Laura's books in the Wave series, but I must say that the books are a real joy to read, and there is a lot of funny stuff in it; CC's/Laura can have a really good sense of humour, even though the content in the books is quite serious. My three favorite books are the first three books in the Wave series.
Bud, you said it beautifully. thanks
Okay, hi everyone, just checking in to say I'm going to be offline for a little while; must concentrate on my immediate tasks (moving, etc.), but will look in from time to time.

All the above is noted and everything is cool (so to speak). Meanwhile I will read the Wave and see where we go from there.

Just a quick point made by (can't remember now and didn't use the quote option), about my guidance ... and the answer is, of course not. It's gets easier to recognise what is wishful thinking, or some other grandiose inner dialogue (either from outside or inside). I didn't get this far to have any wool pulled over my eyes, although the effort is still made on a daily basis ... It's the ongoing task isn't, to dismiss the irrelevant and notice the nuggets. Thank you all for the supportive comment and encouragement.

Hope the 'dog' issue finally resolves itself.

Hi Maundy, the dog issue has not resolved itself yet. Unfortunately, I am still trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. But I am getting closer, some of the pieces have already been put to their appropriate places. I came to the conclusion that it is not a poltergeist that is causing the noices in my home, it is probably not the way the house has been built either. The dowsing meeting that I went to was a total disaster, the dowsing 'EXPERT' has never heard of Tom Lethbridge and so was not able to answer any of my questions; he actually did not want to speak to me that much. After the guy's demonstration of downsing with two copper rods (while advising us to ask our guardian angels and guides for assistance), we were bombarded (at least that's how I felt) with an extremely boring presentation by Paul Elder, who wrote a book about astral travel and remote viewing. The presentation was filled with a new age mentality and to tell you the truth I just could not wait to leave. Fortunately there was a ten minute break and I took the opportunity to get out of the place as quickly as I could. Probably not quickly as I could because I got a real good kick in my behind from my friend whom I dragged into this meeting with the hope that we were going to learn something of significance.
I also remember CC's saying that our 2D friends are accumulating attachments as the wave is approaching; that could be part of the puzzle as well. It does not explain the voices that were taped on the tape recorder, but then I still have some pieces that need a little bit of poking into.
Psalehesost said:
Guardian said:
These self-chosen values - what the person has decided to become - are then maintained in the face of opposing factors of life; it no longer matters whether it is pleasurable to hold them, or if pain can be avoided by abandoning them.

I didn't know abandoning them was an option?
I've tried coming up with a good answer to this, but I'm not sure as to how exactly to answer it.

Perhaps a concrete example of what is meant by the above will be of help in understanding what is meant.
I am a member of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind, also called Paleochristianity. The Principles (which can be found at
specifically prohibit our participation in circumcisions, baptisms and confirmations for anyone under the age of 18. This is because of the honoring of everyone's free-will and freedom from manipulation and coercion by others - even if those doing it think it is being done for a 'good purpose'. We think that it is wrong to impose any religious belief or any type at all of belief upon another. This is especially so for those who are young and impressionable and have no way to resist these types of impositions.

A few months ago my godson was scheduled to be baptized. I informed everyone concerned that I would not attend the ceremony or even the party afterwards because it was contrary to my religious Principles.

This did not really go over very well with almost all of my relatives, except for one of my daughters who asked ehy I wasn't going and was also able to understand my explanation of the reason for not attending. It was surely 'upsetting' to most of my relatives and it would have most certainly made things a lot smoother for myself if I had attended. However, these are my principles and I stand by them no matter the outcome.

What is really amazing in this whole situation is that they have not even asked what my religion finds objectionable about this. I suspect that deep down somewhere they know that something is 'off' and if they were to understand what they were really doing and what it does to people they would be horrified. I don't think they really want to know.

Anyway, I hope this is some help in understanding what is meant by the above.

Edit=Quotes ,Spelling
Richard S said:
Anyway, I hope this is some help in understanding what is meant by the above.

Well, I don't think what you've written helps understand what you've quoted. It sounds like you've opened yourself up to attack by exhibiting rigid behavior and by ignoring simple external consideration for the people around you. Just because you are involved in the Fellowship does NOT mean you CAN'T attend your godson's baptism. Sure, such rituals are not a part of our principles, but tactfulness is still an important part of behavior and IMO you did not exhibit very tactful behavior by refusing to attend, and thus, inflaming the attitudes of your relatives. That goes above and beyond stubbornly sticking to a belief that is not even in existence with the church.

You would have been better off going and showing your godson some respect for his wishes to be baptized. It is his decision after all, not yours.
Heimdallr said:
Richard S said:
Anyway, I hope this is some help in understanding what is meant by the above.

Well, I don't think what you've written helps understand what you've quoted. It sounds like you've opened yourself up to attack by exhibiting rigid behavior and by ignoring simple external consideration for the people around you.
There is quite a bit of difference between external consideration and sticking up for one's religious principles. How is this any different than someone saying "No I can't have meat today because of my religion"? There is no "attack" forthcoming and I still have good relationship with my family, it is just that I will not be a part of something which I am opposed to.

Just because you are involved in the Fellowship does NOT mean you CAN'T attend your godson's baptism. Sure, such rituals are not a part of our principles, but tactfulness is still an important part of behavior and IMO you did not exhibit very tactful behavior by refusing to attend, and thus, inflaming the attitudes of your relatives. That goes above and beyond stubbornly sticking to a belief that is not even in existence with the church.

You are right that just because I am involved in the Fellowship it does not mean that I CAN'T attend a baptism. However, it does not follow that I cannot refuse to attend if I choose not to. It did not feel right for me to be involved in any way with this and I chose not to be a part of any of it.

on page 24 of the Statement of Principles is the following:
"We repudiate infant or child baptism, confession of faith, or
joining a religion before the legal age of consent"

This is not a 'belief' as you mention above but a Principle, and if those who claim to be members of this church do not do all in their power and ability to adhere to them in every way possible, they become nothing but 'hot air' which is how most other people conduct their lives.

Now, I am not purposely attempting to create emnity between myself and my family, but they have a responsibility to respect my beliefs as much as I have the responsibily to respect theirs. Are you really certain that I should have betrayed what I firmly believe to be just and true simply to 'keep peace' in the family and not 'disturb' them in any way? Is it really 'externally considerate' to keep silent and participate in things which one knows are actually evil? Where does this stop?
This is how 'most people' incrementally 'slide downhill'! At least, this is how I see it.

You would have been better off going and showing your godson some respect for his wishes to be baptized. It is his decision after all, not yours.
Heimdallr, my grandson (sorry, I meant to say grandson in my original post) was 3 months old! How could he have a 'wish to be baptized'? How could he make any decision about this at all? This is why the Fellowship thinks this should not be done.

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