The Living Force
I became involved in esoteric work through an "educational organization" that I joined in late 1981. They offered a variety of workshops, and once you had completed a particular workshop you could assist that workshop when it was held again. Much of what they were teaching was in the assisting program.Bluestar said:...That the PTB would want the average person to be desensitized by maintaining the idea that being highly sensitive means that there is something "wrong" with you makes sense in trying to keep everyone asleep.
Sorry if I am way off here, but just wanted to jot down my thoughts to see if what I am seeing is there or am I just making word salad here.
Edit: Wanted to make one point here. I used to work in recording studios where the music was very loud. Being able to stand the loud noise did not mean I liked it. Now many years later loud noises are still a discomfort. Not desensitized, just tolerated.
I became heavily involved with assisting, and it provided me with an opportunity to see a side of humanity that is usually not very evident. Given the right conditions, people soon begin to show evidence of their potential. You can observe that just from following along in this Forum.
What I see "out on the streets" is very different -- people that are "dumbed down." There are so many negative influences that it is hard to know where to start a list. Poor nutrition and constant exposure to false information about nutrition (through advertising and news media) would be high on the list, I think, as would be environmental toxicity. Cultural suppression of traits of sensitivity must also be important. Then there is the "programming" -- TV programming! -- and movies. Not all of it is bad, but much of it is desensitizing.
Loud music may have a role although I am not sure what it is. I know that have a lot of trouble with it and it usually leaves me with a "hangover" afterward, just from the sound. I can tolerate it if I focus on listening to the music, but I still have to deal with the aftereffects. The worst of it is loud bass that makes my organs vibrate. That to me is a warning sign to leave. I really don't know what effects repeated, prolonged exposure to loud music might have apart from hearing loss. It seems like a lot of vocal music is about relationships that don't work and other dysfunctional behavior, and I don't see a lot of value in hearing that over and over again.