Thanks for the article, WhiteBear!
I scored 25 - on the second round. The first one was 20, but I was holding off. But also, there are some things like being stressed by strong sensory input, or loud noises, or when being in the crowded, loud and smelling city that I've learned to shut off if the situation requires it, although I'm still uncomfortable about it.
Also, there were some things that really depend on the circumstance/context, as Laura has pointed out: for example, sometimes it's really nice to have a lot going on around me, up to a certain degree and very dependant on what type of people are around me.
When looking at many of my sensitivity issues I also think that this score can be decreased via Work on oneself, via exposing oneself to these uncomfortable situations and thereby learning to deal with them.
Thanks A.I. for explaining that bit about Dabrowski and the one-layered-ness of the test. It would be really interesting to take a multi-layered test along the lines of his theory.
One of the sure signs of a truly sensitive person is that he feels animosity toward his sensitive nature. Most sensitive people whole-heartedly wish they were tougher and more thick-skinned. They feel like their sensitivity is a weakness. They wish things didn’t bother them so much. They wish their emotions weren’t so obvious to other people. They wish they could let things go and not worry so much. They aren’t comfortable with their sensitivity, and wish they could do something to get rid of it (or at least get rid of the negative aspects of it). Therefore some sensitive adults have learned how to hide their sensitivity from others.
This describes me really well. I've also built that shell around me (though it's not been a really convincing shell). But in the past I could convince even myself that I was that tough. Since having started EE this shell looks as artificial to me as it is (stuffed-up emotional world coming to the surface and letting me see that there is no 'toughness').
And I've been told many times from family members or close people and even co-workers that I was over-sensitive and need to toughen up. As the typical people-pleaser, this is what I've been trying to do.