I took that quiz a few years ago and scored over 20. I re-did it and scored 9. Some things are still positive, but also, if I managed to "face it" more often than not, I checked it negative.
Although I recognize that there is something to the HSP personality, in retrospect, some of the HSP elements described in the book strike me as a brain chemistry imbalance.
Elaine Aron said:“A call to wholeness rather than perfection might be the only way to get the message. This is a very individual matter. If we’ve stayed in, we’ll be tempted out or finally forced out. If we’ve been out, we’ll have to go in. If we’ve armored ourselves, we’ll finally have to admit to our vulnerability. But if we’ve been timid, we’ll start to feel all wrong inside until we’re more assertive. In respect to Jungian attitudes of introversion and extraversion, most HSPs need to be more extraverted in order to become more whole.”
“In general, anything that has been our particular specialty has to be balanced by its opposite, what we are bad at or afraid of trying."
Although I recognize that there is something to the HSP personality, in retrospect, some of the HSP elements described in the book strike me as a brain chemistry imbalance.