Service to Others

Benjamin, what a beautiful story!

Personally it happened to me this: at the cash register, if the person in front of me lacks a few cents to pay his command, sometimes 50 cents or even 1 euro, I give him. Once I did it with a young lady in a cigarette store. She had a little dog with her, as shy and nervous as she was, and I thought that surely she needed a good cigarette. When I gave her what she needed to pay for her pack the joy she had was as great as mine. Another time it was in a Chinese store, a young woman also wanted to buy a device to connect her mobile, she search and search in her bag but she was missing around 1 euro, I gave her. She was so happy that she hugged me. And sometimes if the person is missing cents, 10, 20 or 50 and I have them, I give them.

When I was a young girl I went to Senegal. Once I traveled with a policeman from a village in the north of the country, who was returning to the capital, and he gave me two packs of cigarettes. I will never forget this gesture, which to me was huge. Other such gestures were given to me in this marvelous country, like real gifts from heaven. When you receive this kind of gift from a stranger it is magical!

And when you give to strangers, people you do not know at all, it's magic too.
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