Session 10 December 2016


FOTCM Member
Session Date: December 10th 2016

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Joe, Niall, Data, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Timótheos, Alana, Arky, Prodigal Son, dugdeep, Itellsya, fabric, Windmill knight, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar Module, Opal the Majesticat

Q: (L) Today's date is December the 10th, 2016. {Review of those present} So, hello!

A: Hello to all! Exciting times ahead! It is time to rock and roll!

Q: (L) Okay, and who do we have with us this evening?

A: Fillonah of Cassiopaea at your service!

Q: (L) You're a lively one. {Laughter}

(Pierre) It's François Fillonah from Cassiopaea!

(L) Fillonah. Alright then. I guess we have some questions. We'll save the politics until later. I know you made that interesting intro and that was supposed to cue me to lead into political questions. However, we have a smaller list of questions that we'd like to get done before we get launched into that. The first thing is that we've been having our regular Reiki Nights. I have had almost a full recovery of my horrible leg as a result. That's been helped along with some massage and some cupping and rolling and few other things. But basically it's when we started the Reiki that I made the BIG leap of improvement. So we're proceeding on with the Reiki activities. So, we have a couple of further questions about Reiki and the first one is: Do the symbols in and of themselves have any power other than what people imbue in them?

A: Indeed, however, it requires the attuning to connect to the symbols and "drive" them.

Q: (L) So you're suggesting that symbols are like a car that is sitting there with the potential of going places and carrying things and so forth, but without a driver it doesn't work. Is that it?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Okay, next question, which is kind of related and is a sub-question of the first one: Do the symbols convey or have any meaning at the subconscious level?

A: Yes, but S.P.A.

Q: (Galatea) See previous answer.

(L) Okay, the second symbol you gave us years ago, the Ohnh tu shayti sunehn, I'm gonna break the question down into parts starting with: How to use it?

A: Inscribe over heart chakra 4 times.

Q: (L) Okay. That's how to use it. When to use it?

A: For those who are ready to receive advanced lessons and insight. Use with caution.

Q: (L) I guess the key there is "advanced lessons", because advanced lessons can sometimes be extremely painful. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Of course, it's a matter of perspective.

A: Yes

Q: (L) But still.

(Joe) So how would we make that determination?

A: Choice.

Q: (L) If you want it bad enough, I guess you're ready to go through whatever you have to go through. I think I'm going to leave that one to the side for a while myself. Maybe that's something that you should get just on your deathbed or something. {Laughter}

A: LOL! Like the Consolamentum?!

Q: (Pierre) The Cathars were doing that.

(L) Yeah, they were doing it on their deathbed!

(Pierre) It's like finding the truth, finding the light... It was a sacrament.

(L) But I guess if the person doesn't have the right energies...

(Pierre) You have to want it.

(L) You have to want it and you have to be ready. I guess that means something at multiple levels. Just saying you want something isn't always something you actually want. Gurdjieff said you can't do the Work unless you have burning questions. A lot of people say they have questions, but they really don't. Is that going in the right direction?

A: More or less.

Q: (Joe) On the first question about do symbols have power in and of themselves, the answer was "yes". What power do they have?

(L) Well, we went through that. It's like the car that can be driven, but you have to be connected to drive it.

(Joe) Well, that's just an analogy, but in what way do symbols have power?

(Data) The car has power, but it's turned off.

A: Connectors to information.

Q: (Pierre) So, that reminds me of something. I was thinking along the line of the meaning of those symbols. It seems that at least those few symbols, and maybe others, having a universal meaning. The way they connect or interact with the information field is universal. It's not subjective or arbitrary.

(L) Right.

(Pierre) It's universal. I guess that's the case, so my question is: Is the fundamental language of this information field geometric shapes?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) I didn't invent it. It's Laura's insight from years ago, but I remembered.

(Joe) Do these geometric shapes of the symbols describe a certain flow or package of information?

(L) I think they're like archetypal packages.

(Joe) Like a spiral would describe maybe movement of energy, right?

(L) Well, if you're thinking of the idea of a flower, a flower is a concept that can be met by many different types of blossoms or blooms. But the idea of a flower is a complete abstraction. So, I think that it's in that context.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) That explains why in those Satanist movements, for example, they do use symbols and sometimes those symbols are just inverted symbols. So we can suppose that when a symbol is inverted, its role is inverted, too.

(L) Right. Okay, next question: What type of belief do you need in order to effect positive change?

A: Full understanding of the nature of your connection to all that is will get you there.

Q: (L) That's a pretty tall order. I mean, you have to really... How do you get there, that is, gain an understanding of your connection to the All?

A: Meditation.

Q: (L) And we can refer back to previous discussions on meditation which include seeded meditation. Alright, this is an interesting question: How come people experience short spurts of inspiration and then depression and hopelessness return?

A: It's all about balance. The measure of creativity can be approximated by the depth and duration of the plunge. Note however, the effort required to pull in inspiration is high at present due to massing of negative energies around your planet.

Q: (L) So it takes more of whatever it is to get it, and then you not only have your balancing plunge, but you have the piling on of the negative energies of the planet on top of it. Is that sort of what we're saying here?

A: Close

Q: (L) Alright then. Next: How do we maintain that energetic vibration for longer periods?

A: Networking works wonders.

Q: (L) In other words, having a network and being able to talk about it or to express it or to exchange or share or get support when you're down... Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Now we want to ask a quick health question, because there have been a number of people on the forum and a number of people here working on trying to get a balanced biome after various antibiotic therapies. The question we have is: Do fecal transplants have good chances of improving the recipients gut flora?

A: Not just good, but excellent!

Q: (L) Let me ask a quick question about this other thing on my mind... There is a gentleman who is a member of our group and who posts on our forum who is seemingly obsessed with some kind of free energy thing? Is that what it is, Data?

(Data) Yes, Keshe technology.

(L) And can you explain it for the readers?

(Data) These are various devices that claim to produce energy without input. So the question is: Do these devices indeed produce energy that has not been input?

A: No.

Q: (Data) Apart from that, it's claimed that these devices make electrical energy more friendly for humans or nature. Is that correct?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it a scam?

A: Yes

Q: (Data) I have an additional question. There are many people watching these videos and replicating these machines. What is this fascination that's created by this technology that so many people have fallen for it? Why is that?

A: Programming partly.

Q: (L) So, it's part of their programming?

A: Yes

Q: (L) They are fascinated by things that are supposedly illegal, or suppressed, or revolutionary, or they think that they're gonna save lots of money or make lots of money, or have a miracle cure or something like that? They're taken in by these schpiels?

(Pierre) It's a very powerful attraction, this Keshe thing. Ultimately, what it is offering is unlimited power. It's a strong archetype.

(L) It's the attraction of power?

(Pierre) Free, unlimited power.

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) Even in the media in our culture, you see this praise for power, and people resonate with that.

(L) Whether they understand it or not, it's about power?

A: Yes

Q: (Data) Is that similar to how the alchemists have been misunderstood. The alchemists did something, but all the uneducated people interpreted something into it that wasn't there, like they thought it was real gold. But the alchemists only used "gold" as a metaphor.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, so onto the political questions... I noticed the other day there was an article about the senator from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, introducing a bill to ban the sale or delivery of weapons or aid to terrorists. Does anybody else remember reading it?

(Pierre) Yes. It wanted to limit the sale of weapons to the "moderate rebels".

(L) Yeah, ban or limit. And as soon as she did that, Obama waives any restrictions on the sales and delivery of arms and other things to terrorists, basically! They call them "non-state actors". Did he do that deliberately to sidestep this bill she was introducing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they doing that to try to salvage what they can from the situation in Syria because it looks like Russia is pretty much doing a mop-up operation? Is it that trying to salvage their terrorist army?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And Lavrov of course says that what they're doing is not going to make any difference. I kind of got the feeling that what he was saying was, "You can give them all the weapons you want, but we're gonna wipe them out!"

(Pierre) It's too little, too late.

(L) Yeah. I mean, what is WRONG with these people?

A: They are driven by a lust for money which equals power in your world. Plus the drivers of 4D STS agency to establish total control before changes of a cosmic nature.

Q: (L) Obviously the idea of all that money is dangled in front of them and that gets them to do part of what they do, but it's just freaking crazy! I never imagined I would see something like what's going on nowadays! The level of the lies they tell... And almost everybody knows they're lying! But they say it anyway as though saying it can make it true. It's crazy!

(Pierre) Wishful thinking.

(L) So, what's the ultimate outcome?

A: We have discussed this in the past.

Q: (L) So they want war with Iran. They want to take over Iran?

A: Just hang on and observe what happens in the next 40 or so days. It will give you chills up your spine.

Q: (Joe) Why do you think Iran?

(L) Well, Israel wants Iran. Israel wants to destroy Iran and institute their god knows what... I dunno what they want!

(Joe) I think Iran's off the table at this point.

(L) But some of them are trying to put it back. Even Trump. The thing was that years ago, we asked what was going to be the ultimate outcome, and they said the destruction of Israel. All of this manipulating and maneuvering that Israel is doing, they will only end up destroying themselves.

(Joe) Iran is... With Russia's intervention, they couldn't even get close to what they wanted in Syria with 26 million people. Iran is like 80 million people and much more powerful.

(L) Yeah, but that doesn't stop them from wanting it. I think they figured if they could get Syria, then they could go for Iran.

(Joe) But they haven't gotten Syria.

(L) Yeah, but they still think they're gonna get it! That's why Obama is sending these 200 people, Turkey is sending these 300 people, they've released funds and ammunition...

(Andromeda) They’re cra-cra!

(PoB) They want to question the nuclear treaty with Iran.

(L) It's just insane. So... Alright.

(Andromeda) 40 days??

(Chu) That coincides with Trump actually getting into power.

(Data) It also coincides with the "after Christmas" remark they once said.

(Joe) 40 days is right up until before Trump becomes inaugurated. That's in line with what the Obama gang have done with this weapons to terrorists business. Sounds like they're gonna continue...

(L) Yeah, like they've got 40 days in which to play in the playground, so they're gonna give it all they've got!

(Pierre) They're desperate, so they're going to try to do everything in 40 days.

(Joe) What you do is you create such a mess, you set a fire just before you leave, and then leave Trump to deal with it.

(L) Yeah...

(Joe) And it's not something he can deal with. It sounds more like with sending the weapons like MANPADs to the jihadi nutjobs, if they start shooting down Russian and Syrian planes... If they did that, well then...

(L) All bets on what Russia will do are off. Okay, change of topic: the next thing is that we've got probably about seven more days of selecting crystals for the Crystal Project. Then we'll have all the crystals packed up and shipped out. And then we plan on inaugurating our Crystal Connection Network, which is kind of like a radio talk/discussion exchange interactive thing. I'm hoping to use the crystals to help people to enhance their distant Reiki abilities by use of connecting to the network. If you can connect to the network, and you have your Reiki attunements and your crystals, then you can enhance your distance Reiki abilities. We can use the network to maybe send healing energies to any members of the network that need any kind of healing. That's one of the things I'm planning on doing. Is this a good plan?

A: Excellent and so much more will develop.

Q: (L) Well, another idea we had while we were working on the crystals was not only to take some crystals and bury them around the perimeter of our property, but also to put some inside little bags and attach them to our bicycles and hang them from the rearview mirrors of ours cars for protection. Is this something that we could do for others? If you have a bunch of crystals that are charged for protection on an automobile or a bicycle or something like that, is that something that will help other people without having to be specially chosen? I mean, we're doing it ourselves.

A: Yes indeed. General charging for protective field and alertness will do the trick!

Q: (L) Another funny thing we did was that the people in Caesarea, our North Carolina facility, were being threatened by wildfires all over the mountains. We had the idea to specially charge some crystals for protection against fire and to bring rain, actually. So, we used the Reiki symbols and we specially charged a batch of crystals for them to bury around their property.

(Chu) And we sang.

(L) And we sang particular songs to these crystals to help them attract rain. Then we packed them up in a hurry and sent them by fast mail to North Carolina. I'll be damned if the day those crystals arrived, it didn't rain! It rained the very day (or night) they arrived! We think that was a little synchronous. Is there any connection?

A: Open

Q: (Andromeda) Ooooh! {Laughter}

(L) Well, I'm convinced there's a connection, because it was just TOO synchronous.

(Joe) You should repeat it. Repeat the experiment.

(L) Well, we have to get a special circumstance.

(Galatea) Can we make it snow here?

(L) I suppose we could try...

(Galatea) We can make snowmen and snow angels!

(PoB) What if it never stops snowing? {Everyone sings snowy songs - Laughter}

(L) I guess that's all the questions I have. Does anybody have anything that pops into mind?

(Andromeda) Do we want to ask them to expand on their opening comment on getting ready to rock and roll?

A: Things are about to get VERY interesting. We cannot say more!

Q: (L) Well, at least we know things are about to get, "VERY interesting", even if we don't know exactly how...

(Timótheos) Earth Changes-wise, we have all the rocking and rolling with all the quakes going on.

(Andromeda) And fireballs.

(Pierre) Space rocks.

A: Thrills and chills.

Q: (Timótheos) "Chills" as in... cold?

(Galatea) It could be a pun. Chills up your spine? The ice age will come...

(L) I hadn't thought of that. Well, maybe it's not a pun... {Laughter} I guess we're thankful we know at least something is going on...

A: Help is back on the move!! Goodbye.

(Pierre) That's a joke. Last session, they said help was near. And I said, "Yeah, it stopped!" I think that was a reference to that joke.


{Lots of simultaneous chit-chatting about session... And then...}

Q: (L) Come back! Fillonah of Cassiopaea?

A: Yes

(L) Okay, we want to ask about our little CD that we like so much, the one called Samadhi and it has the Sanskrit songs... We've been listening to this thing for, what, 20 years?

(Galatea) I was 4 or 5 years old when I first heard it.

(L) We just love this CD, and we've got the Sanskrit words, and we've got the translations. We'd like to create some similar chants for our group to use at their meetings or during their Reiki sessions and so forth. Are these particularly beneficial to use during Reiki?

A: Your instincts have served you well!

Q: (L) Why don't you just tell me a yes or no? {Laughter}

(Galatea) Your instincts serve you well, young Skywalker!

(L) Okay, is it better to do it in Sanskrit, or to do it in English?

A: English so everyone can understand.

Q: (Chu) Thank god! Should we modify the melody a lot?

A: Melodies are very good so modify very little. The translated words will guide.

Q: (L) And so I've kinda picked Chu to work on this project. Is that, eh...

(Galatea) {Laughter} You're getting the C's to back you up on that?

A: Galatea and Itellsya can contribute additional tonalities. And yourself, of course!

Q: (L) So, Chu does the first track, and then we'll add tracks.

(Chu) Muhaha! That was my plan!

(L) Alright then. And who's going to be in charge of this mixing project?

A: Timótheos!

Q: {Laughter} (Timótheos) Aaaah.

(L) Alright, thanks very much. Goodnight!

A: Goodbye.

(L) Alright. We know what we're gonna do in the next 40 days, while the world falls apart, we're gonna sing chants! {Laughter}

Lovely session! Thank you for sharing :wizard: :flowers:

I guess we'll fasten our seat-belts and get ready for more rocking and rolling!
Thanks for the session Laura & Team!

I for one am nervous about the 40 days. A lot of people in my network have now noticed we're in the twilight zone, repeating the same cycle except each cycle descends us downward faster, increasing the craziness-chaos-entropy of the world just a little more. As always, we best be prepared.

One thing I'm curious about is the following: What is the method for charging your crystals?

I remember in other places a running/swimming focusing method was mentioned, but I don't believe that was connected to the crystal project at the time. I should also say that I've received mine and they've contributed to my peace of mind!
Thank you for the session! :thup:

Laura said:
Q: (L) So they want war with Iran. They want to take over Iran?

A: Just hang on and observe what happens in the next 40 or so days. It will give you chills up your spine.

I thought about a dirty nuke in Syria immediately after I read it. I hope that I was wrong though it appears that PTBs has nothing to lose any more in Syria and can go to extremes.

Laura said:
Session Date: October 15th 2016

(Windmill knight) Is the situation in Syria going to escalate to a third world war as some people think?

A: No. But there may be a terrorist dirty nuke or two!

Q: (L) And when you say, "terrorist", we assume that that should be in quotes?

A: Yes
Thanks so much for another great session.

The countdown has begun and as Gaby said:

Gaby said:
I guess we'll fasten our seat-belts and get ready for more rocking and rolling!

About that CD:

Laura said:
(L) Okay, we want to ask about our little CD that we like so much, the one called Samadhi and it has the Sanskrit songs... We've been listening to this thing for, what, 20 years?

(Galatea) I was 4 or 5 years old when I first heard it.

(L) We just love this CD, and we've got the Sanskrit words, and we've got the translations. We'd like to create some similar chants for our group to use at their meetings or during their Reiki sessions and so forth. Are these particularly beneficial to use during Reiki?

Is it possible to have the exact ttile so that we can order it from amazon or somewhere else.

And sorry if I missed it on the forum, but what is exactly fecal transplants:

Laura said:
Q: (L) Now we want to ask a quick health question, because there have been a number of people on the forum and a number of people here working on trying to get a balanced biome after various antibiotic therapies. The question we have is: Do fecal transplants have good chances of improving the recipients gut flora?

A: Not just good, but excellent!
Wu Wei Wu said:
Thanks for the session Laura & Team!

I for one am nervous about the 40 days. A lot of people in my network have now noticed we're in the twilight zone, repeating the same cycle except each cycle descends us downward faster, increasing the craziness-chaos-entropy of the world just a little more. As always, we best be prepared.

One thing I'm curious about is the following: What is the method for charging your crystals?

I remember in other places a running/swimming focusing method was mentioned, but I don't believe that was connected to the crystal project at the time. I should also say that I've received mine and they've contributed to my peace of mind!

I started digging around to answer my own question, and I found the answer:,41701.0.html

For anyone curious, the methodology depends on the type of crystal. Singing and speaking are the methods. If there's more to it, I'm still interested.
Thanks for the new session! Sounds like we've got an exciting ride in front of us in the very near future.

Glad to hear that you're continuing to feel better Laura! :flowers:

Gandalf said:
And sorry if I missed it on the forum, but what is exactly fecal transplants:

Laura said:
Q: (L) Now we want to ask a quick health question, because there have been a number of people on the forum and a number of people here working on trying to get a balanced biome after various antibiotic therapies. The question we have is: Do fecal transplants have good chances of improving the recipients gut flora?

A: Not just good, but excellent!

Here's an explanation:
Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal matter, or stool, is collected from a tested donor, mixed with a saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient, by colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema.

The purpose of fecal transplant is to replace good bacteria that has been killed or suppressed, usually by the use of antibiotics, causing bad bacteria, specifically Clostridium difficile, or C. diff., to over-populate the colon. This infection causes a condition called C. diff. colitis, resulting in often debilitating, sometimes fatal diarrhea.
Thank you for the session Laura and Team! I'm so glad you are feeling better, Laura. You are an excellent example of one who doesn't give up and preservers through all the pain you were experiencing. I'm really touched by the love that is shown to you and everyone there at the Chateau. That to me represents what a real community is about and the coming together to find a solution that works.

The "Crystal Connection Project" along with Reiki (and now having the added chanting) feels like it is bringing our network closer together and connecting in ways that are beyond our comprehension. Thank you to all, for this incredible project.
Thanks for the Session !!! :flowers:

And about destroying Iran.

If you listen to Brzezinski and other high level players you understand that they couldn't take out Iran. But all of this was under the condition of a conventional military intervention.

Thing is that when those dirty nukes goes of and Iran get's the blame. It chances the whole dynamic of warfare because it allows to retaliate with strategic nukes. They can't conquer and hold the whole of Iran. And I think that's not the point, they just have to weaken it enough to open it up for 'color revolution' , 'civil war' or what else.

I think Iran is still on the table, the PTB just have to chance the rules of warfare, and those dirty false flag nukes can be the answer.

Israel my think that with Trump he might retaliate with nukes against Iran. Trump his so called 'stance' on Iran is hardcore. And the previous American status quo didn't had the guts to fight Iran.

But What Israel doesn't understand is that Trump just says things because he understands he has to appeal to the right people to do some good in the long run. In other words Trump is just playing with them.

Whatever happens, I hope Trump doesn't react like the PTB will anticipate if any big terrorist attack happens.

If Trump attacks Iran, those Liberals will also have their next 'Hitler' And they could use the Trump administration for destroying Iran. While overthrowing Trump after this occurred. And if that happens, be sure that the 'Liberal' agenda goes in overdrive.

- But it's all just speculation and hopefully I am death wrong.

A: Just hang on and observe what happens in the next 40 or so days. It will give you chills up your spine.

40 days before the End of the World, that's fine with me. It's about time.
Glad your leg is doing better, Laura :flowers: and thank you for sharing the session!

Looking forward to the Crystal Connection Network shows and other developments. Thank you all for your work in this!
Thank you all very much for sharing the new session. :flowers:

bjorn said:
A: Just hang on and observe what happens in the next 40 or so days. It will give you chills up your spine.

40 days before the End of the World, that's fine with me. It's about time.

I didn't get the impression that it's about the (final) End of the World, in the exact meaning of that phrase.
Instead, maybe due to religious upbringing, this "40 or so days" reminded me on lent; time period of "preparing our body, mind and soul for the most joyful event of all".
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