Session 10 February 2018


FOTCM Member
Session Date: February 10th 2018

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Niall, Mikey, Scottie, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar Module, Princess Leia

Q: (L) What is the date? It is the 10th of February, 2018. The usual suspects are here. I wonder if doing this brain training stuff is going to give us brain powers? Ya know, I have this solitaire game. It's the old XP version, and when you win, the cards all bounce down to the bottom of the screen. To me, that's SO satisfying. They come down in three configurations: with white sides, grey sides, or with black along the sides. So, I'm always counting how many black ones come down because it's kinda like a...

(Artemis) An OCD game!

(L) Well, no, it's like...

(Ark) It's rare.

(L) Yeah, the black ones are rare. So I'm always trying to predict how many black ones are going to come. And sometimes I experiment with trying to increase the number of black ones but never had much success. Well, after my second neurofeedback session, I was able to make them be black to the point where I got EIGHT of them. The average out of 52 cards is like four that are black. That's usual. I was able to get eight of them, and one day I got NINE!

(Pierre) So if you get 10 that is incontestable proof that you have special brain power?

(L) I think getting 8 was incontrovertible proof! And I've been playing this silly game for years! At least since we came to France 14 years ago...

(Pierre) You can ask the C's. Does neurofeedback lead to special brain powers?

(Joe) Specifically in relation to solitaire from Windows XP... [laughter]

(L) Well, I dunno... Maybe it just reflects your brain state?

(Pierre) So, when you're relaxed you get more black cards?

(L) Yeah. Well... Hello? Is anybody there? We've been chitchatting.

A: Fioineae Cassiopaea future genetic coder.

Q: (Artemis) You're going to code us or something like that?

A: Close

Q: (Artemis) So you're like the future Scottie or Mikey?

A: Close

Q: (L) Does that mean that there is information in our genes that is being sent back to the past from the future?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, that's pretty interesting. I was just talking about this neurofeedback thing and that I noticed some sort of feedback effect from the solitaire game on my computer. I was able to not only induce certain phenomena at the end of the game, but after the second session of the neurofeedback, I was winning twice as many games as normal. Is that an effect of neurofeedback, that it enhances that kind of brain power?

A: For some, yes.

Q: (Artemis) Epic winning!

(Pierre) So it means you need some kind of pre-existing skills? Some people even if they do neurofeedback, they won't attain such results...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So what is so special in Laura that makes her have an influence on random events like the color of the cards?

A: Born that way.

Q: (Artemis) Maybe she's born with it...

(Andromeda) Maybe it's Maybelline!

A: Genetic endowment for PK.

Q: (Andromeda) Like an X-man.

(Pierre) So, they say PK, psychokinesis. PK is not limited to solitaire.

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) And there have been really weird times where I was looking for something in my room, and I realized I was holding it in my hand and I know I wasn't holding it before. I was weirded out by that, and I think it's related maybe.

A: It is genetic coding.

Q: (L) Okay, what questions do we have?

(Pierre) I still don't understand this coding thing... They mentioned it already when we asked about this gravity game. They said that the girls were unconsciously decoding, and now we talk about a similar topic: PK. And again, they talk about coding. Genetic coding... Is there like a... What is coded, and what is decoded?

(Artemis) Are we code benders?

(Joe) The last code bender.

A: Codes express as waves of energy.

Q: (Artemis) Think of it like the Matrix when he sees the code of the Matrix and affects it. Something like that.

(L) So they say express... Codes are information. They are stored as information. They express as energy. So, if that's the case, then would gravity be like the ultimate code or the ultimate information, and electromagnetism an expression of information?

A: Yes

(Pierre) So, if codes are involved in PK, and codes express as waves of energy, does it mean that in this world that PK is based on some energetic phenomena?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, that's very blurry to me. When someone does some PK stuff, what happens to the energy? What is particular to a non-PK event? Is the energy compressed, distorted, twisted...

(L) What are you talking about? PK vs non-PK event?

(Pierre) At a distance I move this crystal. There is PK between the experiencer and the item. Energetically, what is going on? That's my question.

A: Information is being sent.

Q: (Pierre) Information is being sent by the individual to the item - in an energetic form?

A: Yes like a phone call.

Q: (Pierre) It's electromagnetic, and then...

(L) It gets decoded. So, next question?

(Artemis) Pierre is still curious... [laughter] So, this information that's being sent, it's like light being sent essentially, yes?

A: Close

Q: (Chu) About the book: “Healing Developmental Trauma”... We were discussing it earlier, and pretty much everybody seems to have some connection issue regardless of the survival style they developed. One possibility is that people need that as part of the "life plan" in this reality so that they suffer and then learn on a sort of fast track. And/or the other possibility is there is some kind of interference from hyperdimensional 4D STS beings to generate more suffering.

A: Why not some of both in some cases? And not to forget "past life" influences.

Q: (L) One thing I noticed about this last little set of books that I ended up on by following my nose... It was like following bread crumbs. I ended up with this Samenow, and then the Developmental Trauma book. It seems to me that these two approaches, which pretty much focus on making the changes in the now and not so much focusing on what's wrong, are probably the most practical expressions of what we have been calling The Work - as in Gurdjieffian stuff – that we’ve ever encountered. It's like we've gone through book after book after book, each one adding a bit to the picture. But this has brought it down to such a simple, practical level that almost nobody can miss it. My feeling is that something very profound is going to come out of this particular little experiment that we're doing.

A: Indeed. All in your group should read these books in order to jump start the necessary processes for achieving receivership capability. Those who have been blocked up to the present will find unblocking therein if they are able to receive.

Q: (L) So, you're suggesting that those who read and can take it on board... We've seen that happening! People are reading it, and they're REALLY getting it. Some people who have not really understood what it means when you say that your own mind can be your enemy, are finally getting it when they learn about thought errors, that emotions follow thoughts, and so on. I think it's also true that thoughts can be generated by emotions, but you can control your emotions with your thinking.

(Pierre) For some members, the realizations are very visceral. It's deeply felt, and not just an intellectual exercise.

(L) Yeah. Well, Jonathan Haidt talks about the mind-body system as a rider on an elephant. The emotions are the elephant, and the conscious mind is the rider. He gives a fairly bleak representation of this as though no rider is ever going to really be able to control the elephant. But if you follow the Samenow and the Work method along with the Pauline stoic method of dealing with your elephant, you can actually maybe grow your rider to the point where he's bigger and stronger. You can maybe give him some tools with which to control that elephant. Is that in fact the case?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The Developmental Trauma book talks about how you have to have knowledge of what's going on. That's the top-down thing. You have to know your survival style and your thinking errors so you can watch for those. At the same time, people who have been going along with these thinking errors for a long time, or those who developed thinking errors in response to a specific situation as they were growing up, also have an elephant that's kind of spring-loaded to be fractious and unresponsive to guidance and direction. That's where the bottom-up treatment comes from. It seemed to me that the neurofeedback was probably the most efficacious way because it helps to calm the brain down so that the rider of the elephant has a chance to grow and develop.

(Pierre) Yeah, and if I understand correctly, neurofeedback prevents this shift into sympathetic mode where the elephant gets all the power; once you've shifted into sympathetic mode, it's uncontrollable.

(L) Yeah, it's the amygdala hijack.

A: Good analogy.

Q: (L) You mean the rider and the elephant?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Is it possible for us to grow our rider and give him tools to better control the elephant? Is it possible?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Haidt makes it sound so bleak... It's like you're NEVER going to get control of that elephant.

(Pierre) Well, it's not black and white. He says you can nudge it a bit here and a bit there.

(L) Okay, what else?

(Mikey) My question is along the same lines. In 1994 in one of the sessions, the C's said one can have only positive emotions if one chooses to. And then they brought in the connection with the belief center. I would like to know if it's useful to develop the belief center because they also said that most power necessary to alter our physicality and reality lies in the belief center. That sounds like something that's interesting. Is it something for us to work on? And how to do it? Is belief something that's true, or something that's an illusion?

(L) Didn't Joe ask something like that in a previous session?

(Joe) You have to get rid of all of your beliefs and then you can change reality if you don't have any limiting beliefs. You have to be completely open, and then you can maybe read from the information field or something. And then you might be able to change something.

(L) It's like getting rid of expectations or assumptions about how things are going to be.

(Joe) Because they're limiting, and you don't have the whole banana. It's just not how it works. People think they're going to change reality like by a light beam coming out of my head and I can change anything I want. But it seems to be more like a 2-way process where you engage with something else. You have to get in tune with something that already exists that's objectively real in order to manifest that potential for change. It's not like you can just dream up anything and make it happen. Right?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (Joe) The other phrase was that the one thing you have to do before transitioning to 4D is to think in completely unlimited terms. That doesn't mean you have to be able to think of everything that exists, but...

(L) You have to be open.

(Joe) Right, no expectations. That means getting rid of your hard and fast beliefs about things.

(L) And I think that comes back in a funny sort of way to this “Healing Developmental Trauma” book. One of the problems of early trauma is that children come to believe that the universe is not a safe place or it's scary. They just get completely wrong ideas which lead to thought errors. That's something that's preverbal…

(Pierre) And very limiting.

(L) And those are the kinds of things that probably the neurofeedback can fix more easily than anything else because those are things that produce certain brain waves that persist over time. There's no other way to get to them because you can't TALK your way through something that's preverbal! You can get into some kind of body therapy and spend years with a therapist, but why do that when you can just go directly and change the brain waves? And if you change brain waves, the brain's going to change. Right?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (Mikey) So, the trick is to get rid of the negative beliefs, and then find positive beliefs and everything should sort out, right?

(Artemis) No

(Joe) No, not positive beliefs.

(Andromeda) Beliefs are limiting.

(Joe) Any fixed, hard core beliefs. Think about all the books we’ve read. It's not that we're gathering information, but instead that we're discovering that all the things we thought we knew are wrong. Just the information in those books that you read that supplants the more limited beliefs, that gives you a broader perspective on things. But that's still not the whole truth. No matter how many books you read, you can never say, "I know this for sure!" So, the process of learning is about getting rid of stuff related to limiting beliefs.

(Pierre) What I understand from this discussion is that the healthy beliefs are the unlimiting beliefs, but...

(L) Why believe anything?

(Pierre) Yes; beliefs by definition ARE limiting. If you don't believe this, then you believe that. So, I guess unlimited beliefs is sort of a transcending of the very notion of belief. It's going beyond beliefs.

A: Become like little children...

Q: (Artemis) Inquisitive, but without bias or beliefs.

(L) And adventurous, open to experience, and not formed up with any beliefs. And one hopes that it's a little child that has not been developmentally traumatized! [laughter]

(Chu) I think it comes down to what the books say, really, which is that if you're in the present, you stop having the wrong beliefs. Instead of living in the past, you're in a state where you're curious again. So, it is a positive emotion in the end, but it's not the positive emotions as we normally understand them with all the wishful thinking that goes along with them.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Chu) It's like let's live life as an experiment, and...

(L) Like, "This is interesting to see what happens next..."

(Andromeda) But you still have the ability to feel negative emotions as a response to something that happens. Which would be proper.

(Pierre) A lot of PK events or paranormal events involve children. And children, compared to adults, have less of those limiting beliefs. Therefore, they can connect and experience a wider range of events.

(Artemis) So basically, neurofeedback plus reading will help people increase their receivership capability...

(L) If they apply what they read...

(Artemis) ...will help them become conduits for positive forces in the universe.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I was just really pretty amazed by my little computer card game. The funny thing was that I was playing around with it. If I TRIED to control it, it blocked it.

(Pierre) So what was your state of mind?

(L) Just open and watching, like, "Well, how many is it going to do?"

(Pierre) But there was an interest.

(L) There was attentiveness, interest, curiosity, and just...

(Chu) Like a child.

(Pierre) Did you want more black cards?

(L) I wanted more black ones, yes.

(Pierre) So there was an intention. But it wasn't forceful.

(L) No. It was just, "I like black ones! How many are there going to be?? How many?"

(Joe) That's a good thing to use because you've no way of deciding how it's going to happen. You don't know how the computer picks it. But in other areas, you think you know how something should actually happen, and you try to influence it directly like, "It's going to happen like THIS..." But the process inside the computer, it just happens. So, you're just left with the manifestation of a thing flipping one way or another or being one color or another. It's easier to do it with things like that than it is with things where you know how they work or how they should happen.

(Andromeda) Or you have a belief about how it SHOULD be...

(L) That's where so many people get blocked. They decide how something should be.

(Pierre) It's false beliefs. A lot of people consider what the computer generates to be random.

(L) I think computers are very sensitive to psychic and mental energy.

(Pierre) It's electricity.

(Ark) I have a question about PK. So, the following experiment has been done: Computer was generating random numbers like this. It was simulating coins. Zero or one. So, it generated it, and this was recorded on a tape. When there was, say, a zero, it was recorded as a sound in left ear, and if it was one, it was recorded as a sound in the right ear. So, you can listen to it. So, the computer generated this, and recorded these sounds. There were two tapes. One copy was recorded off the first tape, so there were two tapes. Then, a few days later, one of these tapes was given to a person, and this person was supposed to listen to the tape and supposed to wish more sounds, say, on the right ear. And it was successful! But the tapes were recorded DAYS before!

(Pierre) Retro PK?

(Ark) Yes, retro PK. Can it happen?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there is no time.

(Ark) No time? For questioning? [laughter]

(L) No, the retro PK violates time or something.

(Ark) Yeah. So, there is a theory which talks about wave functions. So all possibilities are open until a consciousness chooses to collapse the wave the way it is. So, until this person was hearing the sounds, it was not yet recorded - even it was supposedly recorded already. There were still possibilities of being recorded this way or that way. And this person collapses the possibilities into one thing. Is it the approximate way?

A: Bingo! Is the cat alive or dead?

Q: (Joe) In that experiment, the random numbers generated noises on a tape without anybody hearing it, right?

(Ark) Yeah. No one was listening.

(L) So what are we going to do if this kind of stuff comes into play with our neurofeedback?

(Artemis) It already has!!

A: Watch out for many anomalies!

Q: (L) Okay. Next question?

(Pierre) Concerning the InfraBed, what is the best approach in terms of duration of the sessions and frequency of the sessions?

A: 1 to 2 times per week. 25 to 40 minutes per session.

Q: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Q: (L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

Q: (Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So they want to get rid of superpowered energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Evil!

(L) Okay, next question?

(Artemis) Are we Semitic?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So we're going to be the Jews?

(Artemis) We are.

(Joe) None of us have Central Asia in our DNA, do we?

(L) I think we all come out of Central Asia ultimately.

(Joe) Not in our DNA results...

(L) Uh-huh! If you do all our mitochondria and stuff, you always end up there. Okay, next question?

(Artemis) Okay, I have a weird one. Are there any people living on Earth who weren't born on Earth?

A: Depends on how you define "born".

Q: (Artemis) A lady has you in her stomach... Do I need to tell you how this works? [laughter] Okay, do they mean like people who were possible experiments and who were born in other ways?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) There are people on Earth who were born in other ways and not on Earth?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) I knew it! [laughter]

(Joe) What do they think of Jordan Peterson?

A: Great soul.

Q: (Joe) Does he fit at least part of the profile for their long-prophesied, "Help is on the way"? At least part of it?

A: Partly. But we have something a bit more dramatic in mind.

Q: (Pierre) Like cometary bombardment! [laughter]

(Joe) "Help is on the way" is bringing the curtain down.

(Pierre) Talking about cometary bombardment, years ago it was mentioned in a session that the financial markets are totally rigged. Every day we have proof of that. I'm wondering will ever reality catch up on this financial illusion, or is it kind of totally disconnected. Can we...

(L) Ask one question at a time.

(Pierre) Can financial markets be disconnected forever from reality?

A: No.

Q: (Pierre) So the next crash, will it be engineered by financial operators, or will it be reality catching up the financial illusion?

A: Latter mostly.

(Scottie) It can be partially engineered, and then reality catches up and makes it REALLY bad...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Yeah, they think they're going to be able to take it down and bring it back up again.

(Scottie) Exactly. They think they're going to be able to control it, and then: OOPS!

(L) And then it's going to be like having a tiger by the tail.

(Scottie) That's going to be awesome. I think...

(L) Anything else?

(Ark) Yeah. I want to go back to 1996. November. About Einstein's relativity. The following came out: time is not a dimension. And then Einstein's relativity theory is only partially correct. Now, if time is not a dimension, and Einstein's relativity theory is based on the fact that time and space are dimensions for space-time, my question is then: Which part of Einstein's relativity theory is correct?

A: Space.

Q: (Artemis) The Final Frontier...

(Ark) Okay. Then I was asking at some point about consciousness. And the answer was that I will understand consciousness if I'm able to invert formulation of gravity. But formulation of gravity according to Einstein is based again on space-time, where time is a dimension. So how can I invert something that is wrong from the beginning since it's based on space and time?

A: Replace time with consciousness.

Q: (Scottie) So it's space-consciousness instead of space-time. The space-consciousness continuum!

(Joe) Pierre asked about the trial run and who will be the Nazis and who will be the Jews this time. They said that should be obvious by now, and the objective was to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool. Does that have anything to do with the radical leftist ideology that's taking over in the Western world?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) The true Semites, do they have the extra moral taste buds?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) I knew it!

(Joe) Are they really suggesting that this whole radical leftist ideology is going to go to an extreme in Western society?

A: Like the Nazis, they will try.

Q: (Pierre) Will they succeed?

(Joe) No dice!

(Pierre) A cataclysm will stop them.

(Joe) Well, it wasn't a cataclysm that stopped the Nazis. It was Mother Russia.

A: Wait and see!

Q: (Artemis) Do we know of any of these individuals who were born somewhere else other than Earth?

A: No

Q: (Artemis) So no famous person born... Okay. [laughter]

(Pierre) She's so disappointed. You want...

(L) You want one to study, is that it? [laughter]

(Artemis) I dunno, maybe there's a famous politician or actor something...

(Pierre) She wanted a celebrity!

(L) It would have to be John McCain! [laughter]


Q: (L) Alright then, we're going to say goodnight. Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the skeeters bite!

(Artemis) Wait, we have to ask them if they have anything to say to us before we go?

A: No. Goodbye.

Thank you all for another very interesting session!

(Joe) What do they think of Jordan Peterson?

A: Great soul.

Q: (Joe) Does he fit at least part of the profile for their long-prophesied, "Help is on the way"? At least part of it?

A: Partly. But we have something a bit more dramatic in mind.

Of course they do. :/

Q: (L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

Q: (Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So they want to get rid of superpowered energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Evil!

Oh, so interesting!

Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!

This is really important, or so I think! Very powerful and something to strive for.

Q: (Artemis) Do we know of any of these individuals who were born somewhere else other than Earth?

A: No

Q: (Artemis) So no famous person born... Okay. [laughter]

(Pierre) She's so disappointed. You want...

(L) You want one to study, is that it? [laughter]

(Artemis) I dunno, maybe there's a famous politician or actor something...

(Pierre) She wanted a celebrity!

(L) It would have to be John McCain! [laughter]


You really nailed that one, Laura!

Thank you, all, again for this excellent session!
Great session!

Interesting stuff happend this days relating dreams. Couple of times Earwen and I had almost the same dreams.

First dream was that I'm repeatedly coming from cave and she dreamt that she was looking for me because I was lost in cave.

Second dream was about robots or aliens. I was fighting with two of them, one was smaller and easy to kill and another one was very big but I manage to get him in a trap. The same night she dreamt about similiar guys.

The third thing is conected with our cat, if we think about the cat he will come to the house in next five to ten minutes.
Wow! I think that is one of the best sessions ever. Thanks to all of you for the great questions!

I also found Nienna's quote to be really exciting:

Nienna said:
Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!


And also particularly this one on neurofeedback:

(L) And those are the kinds of things that probably the neurofeedback can fix more easily than anything else because those are things that produce certain brain waves that persist over time. There's no other way to get to them because you can't TALK your way through something that's preverbal! You can get into some kind of body therapy and spend years with a therapist, but why do that when you can just go directly and change the brain waves? And if you change brain waves, the brain's going to change. Right?

A: Yes yes yes!

So many possibilities! :clap:
Q: (L) Well, they said the power for changing reality lies in the belief center of the mind. But then they also said something about emotions. Emotions that are limiting, and then emotions that help to progress... So, maybe the belief that one needs to cultivate - if any - is the belief in unlimited possibilities AND also in the benevolence of the universe and the process. Maybe that's what it is?

A: Yes yes yes!

Thank you for the session, there is lot to think about.

I have almost finished Colingwood's book and looking forward to read the rest of the "home work". Talking about "beliefs about things" The Idea of History helped me to see how wrong were my beliefs about it, my "idea" of history was extremely naive and far from the truth.

Thank you guys one more time. :hug2:
goyacobol said:
Wow! I think that is one of the best sessions ever. Thanks to all of you for the great questions!

I agree, it's a very interesting session! Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for the session. Glad to hear that it is possible to influence computers with regards to generation of random numbers. I have been playing around with this, with some success.. Note to self, try harder with more conviction that the possibility exists. Keep trucking!
Thanks for the session:

If the ones with the moral taste buds are the target…. Well, they are spread throughout the population like salt and pepper in the recipe (i.e. it wouldn’t be a particular group or culture). Which I guess would account for the insane surveillance and categorizing or everyone.

Also, if I remember correctly the Atlanteans were in a similar struggle just before everything with kaplooy. Which is one possibility of what can happen here. If up to the end of Atlantis was a software program for the school, and we are playing in the Atlantis 2.0 then it could be how it works.

Thanks again,
Thank you so much for this information packed session! It really gives me more motivation to correct those thinking errors about limiting beliefs which I was taught to call "faith" and see the importance of working on all ascpects of my Being (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) to improve receivership capability.

Regarding the true nature of the true Semites, it sheds light on this passage in Revelations 3:9 ,
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;"

Things are not always as they appear.
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