Thanks for the session.
Ellipse said:
Thanks for the session.
I've doubt about percents given for the French election round 1. I can't believe Mélenchon was something like 4%. I think he's really popular and if Le Pen and Asselineau cumulated 90% it mean something like Mélenchon: 4%, Fillon: 4% a 2% for others ? Seem impossible for me.
Name was not asked at the beginning there was some interferences which took place?
I agree. As a french person, I also have serious doubts about the figures. Is it possible that it might have been corrupted ?
The known results didn't surprise me at all because of the propanda of all kind of medias about Macron and Lepen for months and not only in France. All European countries and USA were behind Macron. Nevertheless, despite this fake campaign that cannot save everything, french people didn't want to hear anymore about "right side" or "left side" and the "Font National" leaded by Marine Lepen still scares too many people, also thanks to propaganda (I can check that after talking with people about it). Real Figures could be different but I don't think there was so much for Lepen and so few for Macron or even Melanchon and Fillon. In fact, the moment was perfect for Macron to come in place. Everything has been very well calculated to promote his image and create this new king for some years.
For example, Asselineau is very interesting but only talked about leaving Europe and most of the people I talked with were scared about leaving Europe and whatever was their social status.
I was in Seoul, South Korea, during votes and I know some people who participated in votes counting and have relations with french embassies/consulates all around the world. Macron was far in advance, as in most of overseas countries. I can tell you for sure that most of french people abroad voted for Macron but it's easy to guess why. Macron is pro-europe, pro globalization, young and dynamic, a perfect image made for a certain purpose. It's awesome to hear some comments from people here and there ("ahh finally someone new and dynamic"). Have you taken a look to his speeches ? Even if it was bad, it brought a lot of people and they were like hypnotized.
These last months I travelled to Vietnam, France and South Korea and discussed about elections with differents french people. Most of them voted Macron, Lepen or Melanchon.
Of course, I'm just a simple guy and my experience and the different discussions I've had with people are a small contribution in this sensible debate. Nothing is impossible and I know we have to stay open minded to all possibilities but even if they cheated on the results, I think that their long propaganda and the whole french political situation was enough for him to be elected. Today, they even dare to compare Macron to Napoleon or De Gaulle...
Moreover, I think it's important to separate people who debates on internet, seeking the truth, knowing that elites have been fooling people for centuries and those who watch TV and read newspaper hoping for a radical change. When you talk with people, it can be sometimes annoying or simply sad to see their level of awareness concerning the policy and mass control...
Anyway, I really enjoyed to read that Laura is getting better and better thanks to Stem Cells therapy. If confirmed, it could be a huge progress for curing some bad deceases and give hope to some people.