Session 13 May 2017

[quote author= c.a]Stem cells doctors found dead[/quote]

That's quite a list, it reminds of me of all the holistic doctors being murdered. I think it's safe to say that the PTB intent to poisen and damage humanity intill our bodies are beyond repair. But the stem cell therapy sure is interesting.

I know it's a wapo articles, but if you read between the lines.

The mysterious death of a doctor who peddled autism ‘cures’ to thousands

From the article:

Despite scientific consensus to the contrary, Bradstreet believed vaccines could cause autism. And he recommended unorthodox and often unapproved autism treatments including hyperbaric oxygen chambers; hormone injections; stem cell therapy and chelation, a risky chemical procedure Bradstreet believed could remove the mercury supposedly introduced by vaccines.

By 2025 half of our children will be autistic, according to a MIT researher:

We need treatments to heal autism and more. What would be even better, we need to prevent if from ever happening. But the Western World is anti-science. We have to look to the East for true medical care.
Laura said:
Well, about half the staff is Serbian and half Russian. I don't think there is any major concern about Serbia, itself, I just think that they don't see Serbians as their target consumers. However, many Serbians benefit from the influx of visitors because the patients frequent various services, pharmacies, local businesses, hotels, B&Bs and holiday apartments, etc.

Yes, it's beneficial to everybody, in one way or another. Except for the Big Pharma, which could be the real reason why they don't want to be too much known in the world and had not been honest about their work when asked about by these local journalists. Especially now, when their clinic in Switzerland is closed.
Persej said:
Laura said:
Well, about half the staff is Serbian and half Russian. I don't think there is any major concern about Serbia, itself, I just think that they don't see Serbians as their target consumers. However, many Serbians benefit from the influx of visitors because the patients frequent various services, pharmacies, local businesses, hotels, B&Bs and holiday apartments, etc.

Yes, it's beneficial to everybody, in one way or another. Except for the Big Pharma, which could be the real reason why they don't want to be too much known in the world and had not been honest about their work when asked about by these local journalists. Especially now, when their clinic in Switzerland is closed.

Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work... And they DO use some pharmaceuticals when called for, though sparingly.
Laura said:
Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work...

Well, they do seem to be afraid of something. German members might want to confirm this, but take a look at this Google translated article from last year:

"Swissmedica XXI Century SA and the St. Georg Clinic neither have Swissmedic approvals for handling graft products," says the Swiss Swissmedic Institute Swissmedic at the request of the "SonntagsZeitung".

As regards the authorities, the company states that the said therapy is only applied abroad. However, at the request of the newspaper, a member of Swiss Medica explained that the treatment could also be carried out in Goldach. Cost point: 60,000 francs.

Here they are also saying that they are not doing any treatments in Switzerland, only abroad. But then they do admit that they were doing it in Switzerland.

There is also this article from one week later:

Space in St.Galler private clinic sealed

This week, the curative authority has sealed a room in the St.Galler Private Clinic. Reason is the suspicion of propaganda for unauthorized stem cell therapies.

According to a report from the "Sonntagszeitung", the St.Galler Privatklinik and the Swiss Medica company received a surprise visit from Swissmedic and the St.Gallen cantonal doctor last Thursday. These required documents between the two partners and sealed a room of the Clinic in Goldach rented by Swiss Medica.

The company Swissmedia propagates stem cell therapies, which are not permitted in Switzerland. The company claims they treat patients with this therapy only abroad. In the private clinic, they used a room with infrastructure. The doctor of St.Georg is also to be a contract physician of Swiss Medica.

According to the report of the "Sonntagszeitung", one week ago on the website of Swiss Medica it was read that the company would treat patients in private hospitals in Moscow, Belgrade and Goldach. This information has now been deleted. Neither the clinic of St.Georg nor Swiss Medica has authorizations from Swissmedic for the treatment of transplant products. However, the potential for such treatments is large.

The director of the St.Georg Clinic, Kurt Kaufmann, now seems to have gone astray: "It is not possible that Swiss Medica propagates abroad, it offers stem cell therapies in our clinic. They told us they would give us patients for check-ups". The contracts were terminated immediately.
I will just simply write this, I am very very glad that you have returned Madame Laura and from the depths of my soul and heart I want you a quick recovery.
Persej said:
Laura said:
Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work...

Well, they do seem to be afraid of something. German members might want to confirm this, but take a look at this Google translated article from last year:

"Swissmedica XXI Century SA and the St. Georg Clinic neither have Swissmedic approvals for handling graft products," says the Swiss Swissmedic Institute Swissmedic at the request of the "SonntagsZeitung".

As regards the authorities, the company states that the said therapy is only applied abroad. However, at the request of the newspaper, a member of Swiss Medica explained that the treatment could also be carried out in Goldach. Cost point: 60,000 francs.

Here they are also saying that they are not doing any treatments in Switzerland, only abroad. But then they do admit that they were doing it in Switzerland.

There is also this article from one week later: said:
Space in St.Galler private clinic sealed

This week, the curative authority has sealed a room in the St.Galler Private Clinic. Reason is the suspicion of propaganda for unauthorized stem cell therapies.

According to a report from the "Sonntagszeitung", the St.Galler Privatklinik and the Swiss Medica company received a surprise visit from Swissmedic and the St.Gallen cantonal doctor last Thursday. These required documents between the two partners and sealed a room of the Clinic in Goldach rented by Swiss Medica.

The company Swissmedia propagates stem cell therapies, which are not permitted in Switzerland. The company claims they treat patients with this therapy only abroad. In the private clinic, they used a room with infrastructure. The doctor of St.Georg is also to be a contract physician of Swiss Medica.

According to the report of the "Sonntagszeitung", one week ago on the website of Swiss Medica it was read that the company would treat patients in private hospitals in Moscow, Belgrade and Goldach. This information has now been deleted. Neither the clinic of St.Georg nor Swiss Medica has authorizations from Swissmedic for the treatment of transplant products. However, the potential for such treatments is large.

The director of the St.Georg Clinic, Kurt Kaufmann, now seems to have gone astray: "It is not possible that Swiss Medica propagates abroad, it offers stem cell therapies in our clinic. They told us they would give us patients for check-ups". The contracts were terminated immediately.


I think the question is should we trust the "experts", press or governments to tell us what is to be the approved health choices for us?

The first article (from translation) states: "This method is not approved in Switzerland."

Should we really think the government of Switzerland has the best interests of the public in mind?

The need to seek out treatment that actually works has become increasingly difficult. It reminds me of all the alternative health physicians who have turned up dead from mysterious causes.

One of the more tragic cases is Dr. Bradstreet who was found dead in a river.

The U.S. government was only too willing to stop this doctor who realized that an enzyme called Nagalase that prevents production of your GcMAF and was being added to vaccines.

Here is an article about his fate:

INVESTIGATION: Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found dead in a river, U.S. govt. agents raided his research facility to seize a breakthrough cancer treatment called GcMAF

Here is the warrant for the confiscation of Dr. Bradsteet's documentation and data:

U.S. govt. search warrant document served against Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet to confiscate GcMAF from his research facility

If you think about the risks these physicians are taking I think you might appreciate that it is not so easy to be cutting edge even now. There is always a need to be skeptical and cautious to avoid scams but as they say "The proof is in the pudding". I think we will soon know if Laura's treatment is working. In the meantime why trust some news article over all the research that Laura and Ark have done. And the questions to the Cs were a factor in the decision too. As for me I trust the Cs more than MSM or the world governments whether secret or otherwise.

Do you really believe the experts from the article that say: said:
In experts whether the information of Swiss Medica alarm bells. Adrian Heuss from the National Science Foundation's research program stem cells and regenerative medicine says relative to the "Sonntagszeitung": "Here are working with so-called adult stem cells, ie cells taken from the adult body. You can not transform into any cell of the body itself up. "

"They are charlatans"

Florian Lampert, plastic surgeon at the University Hospital in Freiburg, adds: "It is nonsense stem cells easy to pour through the bloodstream into the body and to believe that they could be like little robots or brownies repair a damaged organ." Outside clinical trials was this dubious and dangerous, says Lampert. The advertised Swiss Medica therapy could make the patient even sicker - specialists talk loudly the Berucht of cancer.

Adrian Heuss twice by: "doctors or businessmen who offer already such therapies as healing, are charlatans. They play with the hope of the sick. "

Why do you think that "Global Warming" is now "Climate Change"? Where are those experts really coming from?
Laura said:
Persej said:
Laura said:
Well, about half the staff is Serbian and half Russian. I don't think there is any major concern about Serbia, itself, I just think that they don't see Serbians as their target consumers. However, many Serbians benefit from the influx of visitors because the patients frequent various services, pharmacies, local businesses, hotels, B&Bs and holiday apartments, etc.

Yes, it's beneficial to everybody, in one way or another. Except for the Big Pharma, which could be the real reason why they don't want to be too much known in the world and had not been honest about their work when asked about by these local journalists. Especially now, when their clinic in Switzerland is closed.

Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work... And they DO use some pharmaceuticals when called for, though sparingly.

Since Laura was in fact asked to share her experiences publicly, the clinic and the doctors want the results of their work to be known. She was asked to share her experience before any benefits could be noticed so it looks like they are have quite a lot of confidence in the results. My personal take on this is that they know the establishment will want to go after them and discredit their work so they ask patients to promote the results to counteract the smear campaign against them.

If the clinic is hiding anything, it's probably due to the legal status of the therapy or the clinic. And given the disbenefits of the treatment to big pharma I wouldn't be surprised if their status was purposely made difficult.

goyacobol said:
Persej said:
Laura said:
Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work...

Well, they do seem to be afraid of something. German members might want to confirm this, but take a look at this Google translated article from last year:

"Swissmedica XXI Century SA and the St. Georg Clinic neither have Swissmedic approvals for handling graft products," says the Swiss Swissmedic Institute Swissmedic at the request of the "SonntagsZeitung".

As regards the authorities, the company states that the said therapy is only applied abroad. However, at the request of the newspaper, a member of Swiss Medica explained that the treatment could also be carried out in Goldach. Cost point: 60,000 francs.

Here they are also saying that they are not doing any treatments in Switzerland, only abroad. But then they do admit that they were doing it in Switzerland.

There is also this article from one week later: said:
Space in St.Galler private clinic sealed

This week, the curative authority has sealed a room in the St.Galler Private Clinic. Reason is the suspicion of propaganda for unauthorized stem cell therapies.

According to a report from the "Sonntagszeitung", the St.Galler Privatklinik and the Swiss Medica company received a surprise visit from Swissmedic and the St.Gallen cantonal doctor last Thursday. These required documents between the two partners and sealed a room of the Clinic in Goldach rented by Swiss Medica.

The company Swissmedia propagates stem cell therapies, which are not permitted in Switzerland. The company claims they treat patients with this therapy only abroad. In the private clinic, they used a room with infrastructure. The doctor of St.Georg is also to be a contract physician of Swiss Medica.

According to the report of the "Sonntagszeitung", one week ago on the website of Swiss Medica it was read that the company would treat patients in private hospitals in Moscow, Belgrade and Goldach. This information has now been deleted. Neither the clinic of St.Georg nor Swiss Medica has authorizations from Swissmedic for the treatment of transplant products. However, the potential for such treatments is large.

The director of the St.Georg Clinic, Kurt Kaufmann, now seems to have gone astray: "It is not possible that Swiss Medica propagates abroad, it offers stem cell therapies in our clinic. They told us they would give us patients for check-ups". The contracts were terminated immediately.


I think the question is should we trust the "experts", press or governments to tell us what is to be the approved health choices for us?

The first article (from translation) states: "This method is not approved in Switzerland."

Should we really think the government of Switzerland has the best interests of the public in mind?

The need to seek out treatment that actually works has become increasingly difficult. It reminds me of all the alternative health physicians who have turned up dead from mysterious causes. (...)

I agree with goyacobol's pints. Just to add to the research and articles he provided I'd like to point out that it is experts who tell us that chemotherapy is the best cure for cancer. That fluoride is good for our teeth. That sunflower oil is better than animal based fat and fat itself should be avoided as it makes us, well, fat. Heck, there are tons of articles, research even, that "prove" this.

I think it's fairly safe to conclude that the medical establishment and the so-called experts do not always have the benefits for our health and wellbeing at heart.

And then there are cases of doctors who challenged the medical establishment committing suicide or being murdered: or,39128.0.html

The case of Dr Stanislaw Burzynski and his battle against the medical establishment was discussed on the forum in this thread:,23825.0.html

Not to mention that Laura herself is evidence that the therapy IS working. Time will tell to what extent of course as it's still early days but press releases aiming to discredit the work of the clinic or its legal status are not very surprising given that the therapy may potentially interfere with the big pharma income streams.
I also visited the clinic weeks before Laura even went as a patient. I wanted to double check on things because it is hard to tell from web information alone, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to go later for Laura's treatment. I did encountered an article or two in Italian about the closing up of the Swiss branch, but for me, that was a non-issue. Regulations are strict and not necessarily because they have the population's best interests at heart. Big Pharma is more powerful than the arms industry and psychopathic corporate interests take precedence over healing. "By their fruits you shall know them".

Even though my visit to the clinic was a last minute arrangement, the clinic accomodated a meeting with the medical director of the facility, Dr. Igor, and another doctor who had Laura's file at her care. They answered all my questions and showed me the entire facility. I was encouraged to ask any questions, to take pictures if I wanted, and I was explained all the machines that they had and what they do. I was allowed into the biologist's room and was allowed to see where they store the stem cells. I also got a chance to see some of the umbilical cord stem cells under the microscope. It gave me a very good impression and I could see that they had all the equipment that was required for the process. It was all very professional and as it should be. I left reassured that Laura was going to be in good hands. I was very thankful that they accomodated me into their schedules. They looked pretty busy and there were other patients undergoing treatment when I visited.

My second visit for Laura's treatment was only more reassuring and a decisively positive experience.
Ant22 said:
Laura said:
Persej said:
Laura said:
Well, about half the staff is Serbian and half Russian. I don't think there is any major concern about Serbia, itself, I just think that they don't see Serbians as their target consumers. However, many Serbians benefit from the influx of visitors because the patients frequent various services, pharmacies, local businesses, hotels, B&Bs and holiday apartments, etc.

Yes, it's beneficial to everybody, in one way or another. Except for the Big Pharma, which could be the real reason why they don't want to be too much known in the world and had not been honest about their work when asked about by these local journalists. Especially now, when their clinic in Switzerland is closed.

Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work... And they DO use some pharmaceuticals when called for, though sparingly.

Since Laura was in fact asked to share her experiences publicly, the clinic and the doctors want the results of their work to be known. She was asked to share her experience before any benefits could be noticed so it looks like they are have quite a lot of confidence in the results. My personal take on this is that they know the establishment will want to go after them and discredit their work so they ask patients to promote the results to counteract the smear campaign against them.

If the clinic is hiding anything, it's probably due to the legal status of the therapy or the clinic. And given the disbenefits of the treatment to big pharma I wouldn't be surprised if their status was purposely made difficult.

goyacobol said:
Persej said:
Laura said:
Well, they very much want me to write about my experiences and publish and promote their work...

Well, they do seem to be afraid of something. German members might want to confirm this, but take a look at this Google translated article from last year:

"Swissmedica XXI Century SA and the St. Georg Clinic neither have Swissmedic approvals for handling graft products," says the Swiss Swissmedic Institute Swissmedic at the request of the "SonntagsZeitung".

As regards the authorities, the company states that the said therapy is only applied abroad. However, at the request of the newspaper, a member of Swiss Medica explained that the treatment could also be carried out in Goldach. Cost point: 60,000 francs.

Here they are also saying that they are not doing any treatments in Switzerland, only abroad. But then they do admit that they were doing it in Switzerland.

There is also this article from one week later: said:
Space in St.Galler private clinic sealed

This week, the curative authority has sealed a room in the St.Galler Private Clinic. Reason is the suspicion of propaganda for unauthorized stem cell therapies.

According to a report from the "Sonntagszeitung", the St.Galler Privatklinik and the Swiss Medica company received a surprise visit from Swissmedic and the St.Gallen cantonal doctor last Thursday. These required documents between the two partners and sealed a room of the Clinic in Goldach rented by Swiss Medica.

The company Swissmedia propagates stem cell therapies, which are not permitted in Switzerland. The company claims they treat patients with this therapy only abroad. In the private clinic, they used a room with infrastructure. The doctor of St.Georg is also to be a contract physician of Swiss Medica.

According to the report of the "Sonntagszeitung", one week ago on the website of Swiss Medica it was read that the company would treat patients in private hospitals in Moscow, Belgrade and Goldach. This information has now been deleted. Neither the clinic of St.Georg nor Swiss Medica has authorizations from Swissmedic for the treatment of transplant products. However, the potential for such treatments is large.

The director of the St.Georg Clinic, Kurt Kaufmann, now seems to have gone astray: "It is not possible that Swiss Medica propagates abroad, it offers stem cell therapies in our clinic. They told us they would give us patients for check-ups". The contracts were terminated immediately.


I think the question is should we trust the "experts", press or governments to tell us what is to be the approved health choices for us?

The first article (from translation) states: "This method is not approved in Switzerland."

Should we really think the government of Switzerland has the best interests of the public in mind?

The need to seek out treatment that actually works has become increasingly difficult. It reminds me of all the alternative health physicians who have turned up dead from mysterious causes. (...)

I agree with goyacobol's pints. Just to add to the research and articles he provided I'd like to point out that it is experts who tell us that chemotherapy is the best cure for cancer. That fluoride is good for our teeth. That sunflower oil is better than animal based fat and fat itself should be avoided as it makes us, well, fat. Heck, there are tons of articles, research even, that "prove" this.

I think it's fairly safe to conclude that the medical establishment and the so-called experts do not always have the benefits for our health and wellbeing at heart.

I agree with goyacobol and Ant22. It's seems to me that all of this is just an anti-stem cell propaganda. Plus, that Swiss Medica is a Russian clinic, which gives one more aspect to a whole story. It's no surprise that they have working facilities in Moscow and Belgrade, but not in Western Europe. OSIT.
Argo said:

I agree with goyacobol and Ant22. It's seems to me that all of this is just an anti-stem cell propaganda. Plus, that Swiss Medica is a Russian clinic, which gives one more aspect to a whole story. It's no surprise that they have working facilities in Moscow and Belgrade, but not in Western Europe. OSIT.

Yeah Argo, on top of being too effective for big pharma's liking I wouldn't be surprised if this was yet another form of anti Russian propaganda.
It all does sound pretty miraculous; and if true, would definitely put pharmaceuticals into second rank options for health care.

I don't know that I believe anything about it one way or the other. With the help of the group, I took Cs advice and went for the experiment. Now we just have to wait and see. Obviously, I'm going to wait a bit before I write anything...
bjorn said:
By 2025 half of our children will be autistic, according to a MIT researher:

We need treatments to heal autism and more. What would be even better, we need to prevent if from ever happening. But the Western World is anti-science. We have to look to the East for true medical care.

Sad future, but let's hope that if it's the case it affects the inbred elites most... I hate to sound like a mean person, but they're the reason why bad science and medicine get pushed out there. I'm reminded of Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton, who you would think would have top notch science yet both have serious health issues probably mostly from their "thought-inbreeding" aka wishful thinking.
Laura said:
It all does sound pretty miraculous; and if true, would definitely put pharmaceuticals into second rank options for health care.

I don't know that I believe anything about it one way or the other. With the help of the group, I took Cs advice and went for the experiment. Now we just have to wait and see. Obviously, I'm going to wait a bit before I write anything...

I hope the results will be wonderful for you, Laura :hug2:
[quote author=Ant22]If the clinic is hiding anything, it's probably due to the legal status of the therapy or the clinic.[/quote]

That was exactly my first thought. And I just wanted to be sure. It looks to me that if you have a novel type of medical treatment that can bring a disruption in a world of medicine, the best place to put it in practice is either in some country that is generally open for new things, like the US, or in some kind of a "semi failed state", whose authorities would allow you to try semi illegal stuff through medical tourism. And the Switzerland seems to be neither.
Happy you are back Laura,wish you sped recovery.As for all of these articles,well pharmaceutic industry is totally controlled by PTB and this kind of treatment threatens them,it is out of theirs paws and no profit for them
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