Session 17 July 2022

Q: (Niall) Was Rasputin's assassination the work of a foreign intelligence operation?

A: No.

(Ze Germanz) Who killed Rasputin and why?

A: The equivalent of Mossad for those times.

Q: (L) And why?

A: Too much influence on royal family plus the ability to foresee danger.

If it wasn't a foreign intelligence then it could have been the Russian secret police Okhrana. From Wiki:

Formed to combat political terrorism and left-wing revolutionary activity,[2] the Okhrana operated offices throughout the Russian Empire, as well as satellite agencies in a number of foreign countries. It concentrated on monitoring the activities of Russian revolutionaries abroad, including in Paris...

The Okhrana deployed multiple methods, including covert operations, undercover agents, and "perlustration"—the reading of private correspondence. The Okhrana's Foreign Agency also served to monitor revolutionary activity.[3] The Okhrana became notorious for its agents provocateurs...

Many historians, such as the German historian Konrad Heiden[6] and the Russian historian Mikhail Lepekhine[7] maintain that Matvei Golovinski, a writer and Okhrana agent, fabricated the first edition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1903).

Despite the reforms[9] in the early 19th century, the practice of torture was never truly abolished.[10] Possibly, the formation of the Okhrana led to increasing use of torture,[11] due to the Okhrana using methods such as arbitrary arrest, detention and torture to gain information.[12] Claims persisted the Okhrana had operated torture chambers in places like Warsaw, Riga, Odessa and in a majority of the urban centres.[13]

Just as the Okhrana had once sponsored trade unions to divert activist energy from political causes, so too did the secret police attempt to promote the Bolshevik party, as the Bolsheviks seemed a relatively harmless alternative to more violent revolutionary groups.

And it seems that Rasputin was under surveillance by Okhrana.
I was wondering, if the PTB in this question also includes 4d beings? Considering their huge technological advancement compared to the earthlings, it would be kind of odd if they had no technology capable of such a thing. But as the case with STS, even though if they might have that technological ability, with their wishful thinking the only thing they would hit is probally their own toe and then blame eachother for their own mistakes.
FWIW, when I asked that question, I had in my mind the 3D Consortium with access to 4D technology.

I didn’t necessarily think of 4D STS since it's possible that, while they may have the means, they would welcome the comets and the ensuing plague as they can feed on the resulting fear and suffering for example. As you say, their wishful thinking may play a role too.
Many thanks for another good session. Hearing about the fate of Madeline McCann reminded me of how I was very sceptical of her parents, so it's good to hear some confirmation on that point. Poor girl, she didn't stand a chance. And the bastard that killed her is still out there, free to indulge his whims.

It's really encouraging to feel that we are as a group on this forum far more capable of discerning the truth of our world these days. I used to find the work overwhelming, but things are easier to understand now. Definitely a plus point in these dark times.

As others have pointed out, while the Cs didn't name the pervert, and we didn't ask who it was (which is probably best, for our protection), the media did actually 'go there' in 2016:

If it's true that Freud only befriended the McCanns after Madeleine's murder, then it probably wasn't this guy specifically, but someone he knew, and someone he knew they knew, thus he was possibly 'coaching' them to protect them and the perpetrator, thus directing investigations away from them. As the above article explains, Freud certainly knew other pedophiles in power, so his involvement at all in this case pretty much gives away 'whodunnit'.
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Thank you all for the session! It was jam-packed with interesting questions. Luckily for Laura and Andromeda, the answers were short and sweet. The point about networking more is duly noted.

It seems that there is a history of political assassinations in Japan. This article describes a number of high-profile assassination attempts during the early-to-mid 20th century usually carried out by ultranationalist and far-right activists, likely acting as patsies, who were discontent with the politicians who had an expansionist policy rather than focusing inwards. In that regard, Shinzo Abe could be seen as a statesman with a rather assertive foreign policy who bolstered the nation’s defence spending and threatened Japan’s pacifist stance, at least according to opposition, although one can only speculate if this were the reason behind his assassination.

I've since heard a 'geopolitical theory' for why Abe might have been targeted: although he was a nationalist and supported Japanese moves to rearm and ditch neutrality, the argument goes that he was nonethetless 'sensible' and might have stood in the way of American/Consortium plans to 'arm Japan and throw her against China' in the near-future.
Thank you all for the new session 💞

with an exciting variety of questions (and answers) ! The swear jar for bad questions made me giggle... a lot :lol:

Now that makes a lot more sense; the creation of virus (information) going both ways. The aspect of viruses being a transdensity structure opens a can of worms for 3D brains, I am sure... But I wonder, how to go about it ?

Again, thank you all for this wonderful session !
It's the 'transdensity' aspect of viruses (whatever EXACTLY they are!) that worries us about some of y'all 'denying their existence'. What possible connections might you be 'shutting off' in terms of your 'antennae' and the 'information field'??
This must be the "Dagger" which was used in Ukraine for the first time.
Or the Avangard, which is as fast as (and presumably as destructive as ) meteors, yet can maneuver mid-flight:

It could well be that maneuverability the Cs hinted at with 'anti-gravity techniques'.
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What I found interesting (and confusing) about the answer in the session was that the 'dark ages' as we understand them were ushered in by the 536 event, and that was the event to which I was referring in the question. Note that I asked for "years ago" rather than an AD date, because we suspect that a few centuries have been added to the timeline, and if we had the "years ago" date for Caesar's birth, then having the "years ago" date for the dark ages would give us an idea of how long after his birth the dark ages, including the "fall of Rome" occurred. So are we talking about two separate 'dark ages' here?
I think that may be the case, which is why I keep digging into the mud flooded evidence world wide.

From 22 Sep. 2018:
A: The Earth was still settling and did so for many years after. This creates good EM conditions for breaching of the curtain. In this case there were also some astral elements piggybacked on the faller phenomenon.
Add to that the approximately 400yr sun cycle and fall of empires dates and it all seems quite possible imo.
If I were going to create a process for creating good questions for the Cs it would look something like this:
  1. Come up with first draft questions, just brainstorm them and write them out and don't worry about it.
  2. Try to answer your questions by yourself
  3. Write down a list of the things you couldn't answer by yourself and try to rewrite them as yes/no questions or close to it
I haven't asked any questions in a session myself, so this might be a classic "those who cannot do teach" moment :lol: but FWIW I hope maybe this post will spur some discussion so we can come up with better questions next time and save Laura and Andromeda's arms a little bit.
As the Cs would say, "Yes!!!"

Also, in trying to answer the questions yourself, try to disprove the initial ideas/notions/theories that pop into your mind. It might be that you have an immediate 'flash of inspiration' that correctly 'reads reality', but you should test the heck out of it by spending at least some time reading up on the subject.
If it wasn't a foreign intelligence then it could have been the Russian secret police Okhrana. From Wiki:

And it seems that Rasputin was under surveillance by Okhrana.
Yeah, internal elements were certainly involved. That is, after all, the 'official history' on it. Dunno why my question last year received a "no"! Maybe phrasing it as "the work of a foreign intelligence operation" was too constrictive. Your question was better - it was 'open'.
Freud certainly knew other pedophiles in power, so his involvement at all in this case pretty much gives away 'whodunnit'.
Freud shared an office with Cyril Smith who much like Jimmy Savile, wasn’t fully outed until after his death. Smith’s case shows how MI5 covered for him multiple times. Whatever rot is at the top of the UK, it’s very disgusting and very dark.

It's the 'transdensity' aspect of viruses (whatever EXACTLY they are!) that worries us about some of y'all 'denying their existence'. What possible connections might you be 'shutting off' in terms of your 'antennae' and the 'information field'??
Thanks Niall for this sentence that makes a LOT of sense to me!

While his latter writings (this one for example about Covid-19 where there are a lot of assumptions and clear misunderstandings) might not be very reasonable, Paul Levy might be onto something about this transdensity structure/aspects of viruses, as what he calls "Wetiko Virus" (more precisely what the Native American people called Wetiko) would be "a non local virus" or "a field phenomena". It could maybe have the more or less close same meaning as transdensity structure/aspect.

If you have not read his book, Dispelling Wetiko, there are articles on Sott:

Describing Wetiko: Colin Wilson's Sci-Fi Classic 'The Mind Parasites': Fiction or Reality?

It should get our attention that every person or group of people that have discovered what the Native American people called wetiko unanimously consider it to be the most important topic - there's not even any competition - to understand in our world today. To give one example: Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan refers to wetiko (though by a different name) as "the topic of all topics." Called by many different names throughout history, the spirit of wetiko renders every other issue secondary, for wetiko is the over-arching umbrella that contains, subsumes, informs and underlies every form of self-and-other destruction that our species is acting out in our world. If we don't come to terms with what wetiko - which can be conceived of as a virus of the mind - is revealing to us, nothing else will matter, as there will be no more human species. Wetiko inspires the darkest evil imaginable while, at the same time, potentially helps us to wake up to our true nature as creative beings. How wetiko winds up actually manifesting depends upon whether we recognize it as the on-going revelation that it is - it is showing us something about ourselves that is of supreme importance for us to know.

What I've bolded in red above, made me think about viruses that could well be as the two sides of the same coin, depending of the context, whatever we call it (internal and/or external toxic environments, both physical and/or spiritual, etc.), allowing us or not to pursue our short journey as indiviuals or long one as species:

Q: (Joe) Do viruses come from outside of the human body or from inside?

A: Both.

Q: (Joe) So the body can also make them?

A: Yes
I guess it's all about balance, as it often is. Maybe some viruses made by our own body could fight (meaning with good health) against a "bad one" that come from outside, and/or maybe our own body could make a virus on its own (meaning from toxic environment) that would affect a "good one" came from the outside. And vice versa.

A lot to think about, for sure! We are indeed far from having understood everything about viruses in the broadest sense that can be, and it is very likely that we will not be able to as long as we are in 3D.

Some articles on Sott:

Describing Wetiko: Colin Wilson's Sci-Fi Classic 'The Mind Parasites': Fiction or Reality?
The Masters of Deception
The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity

And also these two "Behind the Headlines":

Behind the Headlines: The 'Wetiko Virus' and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy
Behind the Headlines: Connecting the Dots - Weekly Broadcast - 12 October 2014

Four French translations are available on fr.sott as well:

Fiction ou réalité ? « Les parasites de l'esprit » ou la description du wétiko dans le classique de science-fiction de Colin Wilson

Les Maîtres de l'Illusion

Le virus du wétiko - La plus terrible des pandémies connue de l'humanité

L'insatiable cupidité d'une économie tentaculaire - Une étude de cas du virus du wétiko

Added: Thanks to Niall.
Edit 2: Sentence presenting Sott's articles that disappeared
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It's the 'transdensity' aspect of viruses (whatever EXACTLY they are!) that worries us about some of y'all 'denying their existence'. What possible connections might you be 'shutting off' in terms of your 'antennae' and the 'information field'??
When reading you and the word "transdensity", the annoying monopoles of Ark came to my mind, one pole here and the other go who knows where.:-)
Thank you for this amazing session and the discussion that followed here about all the topics brought up in the last session.

It seems that, with each passing day we need more of each other here in order to understand and apply the knowledge we may gather along the way, and this network is a blessing and a constant reminder for not being a "slacker", if our aim is to learn and grow fully and utilize our potential.

So thank you all who participate and donate so much of your energy and time to address these questions and to help others. Also, I loved the discussion about how to formulate questions to the C's without having to pay hundreds of dollars to the Money Jar...:lol: It's truly a question of doing first the research, then networking and then trying not to anticipate and asking in the most "open" way possible! We have many examples of these open questions in this and other sessions and now I know how difficult it is to ask in such an apparently effortless way.

May you all have a blessed week!
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