Session 21 December 2024

I think is not that the Earth will move in the literal sense to a different reality, since we are already in 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D here, it’s just our perception of it what will be changing, we have a 3D perception of our planet and the universe. And I suspect in our lifetime it wouldn’t be a huge drastic change since we still will be 3D beings, just with more perception of our environment, kinda like seeing things we weren’t able to and able to manifest some other things, but not much more than that. Maybe we will be fully 4D until we reincarnate with a 4D body in the 4D reality. I could be wrong but that’s how I understand it. So, we can’t know what we would do, if we don’t know exactly what or how that will be, perhaps when the moment comes we would know it. And I don't see it as a need to have a plan for that anyways, just to let it be as part of universal nature. Perhaps the only plan is to help and guide those who have zero knowledge of what might be going on.

I think your kids or kids in general would embrace more easily and accept any type of changes quicker than us adults.

I used to wonder about this and I think the same that the object remains the same regardless of the dimension, for example a sphere in one dimension is a line segment, in two a circle in three a sphere which we see only from one side the rest is interpreted by our mind while in the fourth dimension we will see it in all sides simultaneously

Interestingly enough adults who were blind from birth, soon after regaining sight were shown objects like a sphere, at first they saw them as flat objects only after touching them and looking at them more closely they began to perceive them as three-dimensional objects.

Similarly, the wavelength range of the visible light spectrum for the average person living in 3D is from 380 to 780 nm. It is likely that our perceptions of the wavelengths of the light spectrum will change and perhaps we will begin to perceive radio waves or X-rays. (we will see music)

So the earth will remain the earth for those whose perception will not change, while for the rest it will be a completely different world.

and Thank you for very interesting session.
strategic enclosure in social interactions
I'm not sure what this term means, so I asked ChatGPT. Is its answer accurate to your meaning?

Strategic Enclosure in Social Interactions refers to the deliberate act of controlling or limiting the flow of information, emotions, or access to oneself within a social context. This approach can be used to maintain boundaries, influence perceptions, or protect one's interests and vulnerabilities during interactions.

Key Aspects of Strategic Enclosure:​

  1. Boundaries and Privacy:
    • Choosing what to share and with whom.
    • Keeping certain thoughts, emotions, or personal information private to avoid overexposure or exploitation.
  2. Self-Presentation:
    • Crafting an image or narrative about oneself by selectively revealing aspects of one's personality, achievements, or opinions.
  3. Emotional Regulation:
    • Modulating the expression of emotions to appear composed, avoid conflict, or achieve a desired outcome.
  4. Power Dynamics:
    • Using enclosure as a way to maintain control in an interaction, such as withholding information to keep leverage or influence.
  5. Protection:
    • Avoiding vulnerability by not exposing personal weaknesses or insecurities in environments that may not be safe or supportive.

Examples of Strategic Enclosure:​

  • In a workplace meeting, selectively sharing details about a project to maintain a competitive edge.
  • In a new relationship, withholding deep personal experiences until trust is built.
  • On social media, curating posts to present an idealized version of life while keeping struggles private.

Purpose of Strategic Enclosure:​

  • Self-Preservation: Protecting oneself from judgment, manipulation, or emotional harm.
  • Influence and Control: Shaping how others perceive you or directing the flow of a conversation.
  • Boundary Setting: Ensuring interactions align with personal comfort levels and priorities.
While strategic enclosure can be beneficial for navigating complex social dynamics, overuse may lead to missed opportunities for connection or trust-building. Striking a balance between openness and discretion is key.
I'm not sure what this term means, so I asked ChatGPT. Is its answer accurate to your meaning?

Strategic Enclosure in Social Interactions refers to the deliberate act of controlling or limiting the flow of information, emotions, or access to oneself within a social context. This approach can be used to maintain boundaries, influence perceptions, or protect one's interests and vulnerabilities during interactions.

Key Aspects of Strategic Enclosure:​

  1. Boundaries and Privacy:
    • Choosing what to share and with whom.
    • Keeping certain thoughts, emotions, or personal information private to avoid overexposure or exploitation.
  2. Self-Presentation:
    • Crafting an image or narrative about oneself by selectively revealing aspects of one's personality, achievements, or opinions.
  3. Emotional Regulation:
    • Modulating the expression of emotions to appear composed, avoid conflict, or achieve a desired outcome.
  4. Power Dynamics:
    • Using enclosure as a way to maintain control in an interaction, such as withholding information to keep leverage or influence.
  5. Protection:
    • Avoiding vulnerability by not exposing personal weaknesses or insecurities in environments that may not be safe or supportive.

Examples of Strategic Enclosure:​

  • In a workplace meeting, selectively sharing details about a project to maintain a competitive edge.
  • In a new relationship, withholding deep personal experiences until trust is built.
  • On social media, curating posts to present an idealized version of life while keeping struggles private.

Purpose of Strategic Enclosure:​

  • Self-Preservation: Protecting oneself from judgment, manipulation, or emotional harm.
  • Influence and Control: Shaping how others perceive you or directing the flow of a conversation.
  • Boundary Setting: Ensuring interactions align with personal comfort levels and priorities.
While strategic enclosure can be beneficial for navigating complex social dynamics, overuse may lead to missed opportunities for connection or trust-building. Striking a balance between openness and discretion is key.

Next time ask Casswiki!

There's a lot more involved than ChatGPT will ever know. It's not pasting for me from the pdf, but the Casswiki entry is really well worth the read. Especially good food for thought as the prospect of hyperdimensional agendas, veil thinning, disclosure and 4D transition all loom closer. Although it may be tempting to 'save others' by spreading Knowledge, it will also be a time, if anything, for strategic enclosure. Finding a balance between openness and closedness will be key IMO. Laura fleshed what that means here:

Those who are familiar with the Parable of the Prodigal Son can understand that the realization alone that one is “in the pigsty of the foreign country” would serve to produce the state of alert, the condition for the “journey home.” This is crucial since, in the story of the Prodigal son, we also see that when the son went to the “resident of the foreign land” to ask for help, he was sent to live and feed with the pigs. This exemplifies that principle that the Radiant being must understand at all times that the Lords of Entropy – the Powers That Be in this reality – will always try to reclaim them as servants. Additionally, belief in the ownership of the land, belief in “being at home” in this world, or being “in charge” of this world, can give a false sense of security to the Radiant being leading them to lower their guard and succumb to the Power of Illusion.

With this in mind, the Radiant being should then create an “Enclosure” around their “being.”

The forces of entropy which govern this reality at present, are much stronger than the powers of resistance of the individual Radiant being. This fact leads us to consider the principle of the enclosure as a psychological policy, in relation to ourselves and to the exterior world, which will allow us to compensate for our lack of strength and available reserves by an appropriate strategy.

Because of millennia of cultural and religious conditioning, everything about us is limited, beginning with our nervous resistance. The rule which can be deduced from this is that we must – as much as possible – work silently so as not to draw increased attention and pressure upon ourselves while working on the process of awakening and assimilating knowledge and interior force that can restore us to the Edenic condition. This is true for the average Radiant being, because if he attracts the attention of what Mouravieff calls the General Law that mechanically rules this reality, he will be lost, as the reaction of the ‘World’ against him will be extreme.

What the Radiant being must do is to consciously master the material that is part of his interior world – his Belief Centers – by gaining sufficient knowledge to be able to exercise perspicacity and SEEing. This enables him to divide that which he perceives and to choose that which is assimilated, or “enters within” his “strategic enclosure.” This allows him to accumulate force and put it in reserve. When the false beliefs, the illusions of this world, no longer have any part within the Radiant Being, then he will be able to step out of the flow of Linear Time.

The principle of the strategic enclosure is, then, that the individual or group must initially work silently to create this enclosure, without drawing the attention of the forces of life of this world to himself. These forces are systematically hostile to anyone who persistently searches for the Truth.

There are two parts to the Strategic Enclosure: The first is to shelter oneself physically from the harmful influence of the ‘World’ as much as possible. Gurdjieff referred to this as the activity of the “sly man.” Unfortunately, this has often been twisted to mean the “monastic life” or “withdrawal from the world” which is an essentially useless approach when the thing that needs most to be learned is the objective truth of the reality in which we live.

The second part of the Strategic Enclosure is that the shelter must be built in his inner world. Mouravieff writes that “The picturesque language of the Tradition says that man must build a cage in himself. This must be provided with all means of connection with and direction of the centres. It must also be solid enough to effectively resist all rebellions of the little ‘I’s’, singly or ‘federated’. This construction takes time. To play its role as an organ of direction, it must be continually enlarged, improved and perfected.”

In other words, the Strategic Enclosure is an allegory that refers to an ontological state where the individual basically declares his independence from the Law of Entropy that seems to govern the Material Universe. Using the concepts explained by Mouravieff, this state could also be described as a manifestation of a resolution to shut oneself up to the influences of illusion and instead open only to those influences that lead one to objectivity.

The Creative Hyperdimensional Wisdom claimed that once having “enclosed the land occupied,” the people then could cultivate it and make it produce fruits. This, again, must be understood allegorically – even if the end result may be quite material. This is also reflected in alchemical metaphors as well as in one of the most famous examples given by Jesus: the miracle of the loaves and fishes which is merely an example of the fact that Jesus was a master of the Creative Hyperdimensional Wisdom which had expressed this principle in many other allegories including that of the Head of Bran and the Cauldron of Regeneration.​

The principle of the Strategic Wall is, in its more immediate meaning, the practical application of the principle of Enclosure, however the fact that there are different manifestations of this strategic wall depending on the realm to which it is applied is made clear by the fact that there are many worlds where the Spirit remains captive and in each one of them the principle of the Strategic Wall supposes a different manifestation.

It could be said that, in the physical world the correct application might lead to construction of a Stone Wall, but one must understand that the definition of a “Stone Wall”, as manifested in the physical realm, should not be constricted to the idea of aspatially closed wall. There are obviously many principles that belong to “Lithic Wisdom”, which suggest that that a “stone wall” is related to the emplacement of megaliths in very specific layouts for the purpose of creating a grid that may have served, as one of its purposes, to protect the enclosed space from the influence of the Entropic Principle.

The Strategic Enclosure, then, aims at the innermost part of each man, creating a space in which awakening can take place.
This awakening calls to them, and through their blood connections it calls to all others who are of the Radiant lineage, to cease their march along the “evolutionary” or “progressive” path of History and to rebel against the Laws of Entropy that reduce all to primal matter. Awakening induces the Radiant ones to take a leap in the opposite direction and transmute man’s “animal tendencies” [the reactive machine programs of Gurdjieff, the Predator of Don Juan, the confluence with the General Law of Mouravieff] and claim back their divine Hyperdimensional nature.
On vaccine doses across the US. It's strange that 9 of the 11 states with 90% or above vaccination (first dose), are in the NE, (plus D.C.)

Connecticut >95%*
District of Columbia >95%*
Rhode Island >95%*
Massachusetts >95%*
Maine 94.6%
New Jersey 93.2%
New York 92.9%
Maryland 90%
Vermont >95%*

All others, with the exception of New Mexico (91.7%) and Hawaii (90.2%), are below 90%, most of them well below.

That is curiously high. I was born and raised in New England and I've always described the culture as cold. "Get yours and forget everyone else" was a common mentality in my experience. Later in life I moved south and have found people to be significantly more friendly and helpful. To me, the difference in culture is night and day.

For context, here is how those rates stack up against the top ten countries in the world, per Chat GPT:

The COVID-19 vaccine uptake rates in different countries have varied over time as vaccination campaigns progressed. Below is an approximation of the vaccination rates (percentage of the population fully vaccinated) for the countries mentioned, based on the latest available data in 2023–2024:

  1. United Arab Emirates (UAE) – Around 99% of the population has received at least one dose, and approximately 97% are fully vaccinated.
  2. Portugal – Around 94% of the population is fully vaccinated.
  3. Cuba – Over 90% of the population is fully vaccinated, with a significant proportion having received home-grown vaccines.
  4. Chile – Approximately 90% of the population has received at least one dose, with 85% being fully vaccinated.
  5. Spain – Around 93% of the population has received at least one dose, and about 87% are fully vaccinated.
  6. Singapore – Approximately 92% of the population is fully vaccinated.
  7. Belgium – Around 89% of the population has been fully vaccinated.
  8. Argentina – Over 85% of the population is fully vaccinated.
  9. Canada – Around 80% of the population is fully vaccinated, with a higher percentage having received at least one dose.
  10. France – Approximately 80% of the population is fully vaccinated.

I don't think it is anything to freak out about if you live in New Jersey (or New England if vaccine uptake rate is a good indicator of "heavy programming"), but this is a rather compelling statement that it may not be the safest place to live in the coming times:
(seek10) Can we ask why New Jersey is the spot?

A: Heavily programmed population there.

Q: (Andromeda) Oh, and is there anything to the starlings that have been coming a lot more than usual and landing in our trees?

(L) Is there anything, as in what?

(Andromeda) As in any energetic related thing?

A: Yes. Signs all over the earth.

Had an interesting bird sighting the other week myself. In broad daylight an owl was perched on an electrical wire right over the center of a relatively busy road. First owl I have seen in my entire life. Looked up some photos and my best guess is that it was a barn owl which are common in the area:


What isn't common is seeing them at all, especially in the middle of the day in the middle of the winter.

Seeing them
Barn owls are rarely seen in the wild because of their nocturnal habits. However, you might see them flying during the middle of the day, especially in the summer when they are feeding their young
A: Animals have a different perception of energy.
i wonder what their perception is. cs once said that animals see people just like people see aliens. it was a very interesting realization to me. like a dog would see us running around, doing weird things, using funny devices. usually from the lower position, like in the medical-related abductions. usually superior, confusing, interesting or causing fear. the best situation for a dog is being together or walking around. the other things we do despite eating are just simply ignored by it. but a dog can have an emotional connection with us, some sort of non-verbal understanding. it is scientifically and empirically proven some dogs can sense illness. i think they have some sort of deeper understanding of emotions, but i'm not sure if it goes with the smell or with some sort of 6th sense. for example, they can hear a heart disease, but they can predict an epilepsy attack, they can sense cancer, they can realize anxiety. of course, among others, cats are associated with witchcraft. so maybe it's not entirely true that the animal only uses its keen eyesight, hearing and smell. sometimes these senses give them nothing if they are dormant in familiar conditions. and, as the 6th density folks mentioned, animals first developed telepathy, they can use the information field as well. so maybe it's also more about the subtle senses. like they can 'sense' danger, not only like that nature article about spiders mentioned: using 'an early warning system called eyes'. all this would be partly identical with the third density, according to the nature of things, and therefore partly with people - while animals are a bit simpler and probably less susceptible to blindness. more instinctive. i just saw that wild cats are perceived by wild animals as more of a tree color. in this sense, wild cats camouflage themselves like aliens. they turn such a color that other animals cannot see them, like a chameleon, but permanently. of course, evolutionarily-unconsciously. aliens could consciously use frequencies that our brains simply cannot perceive. while there can always be anomalies or visible things due to the very nature of things, in third density form...
Thank you to everyone involved in the session! But I was left with a doubt: what would be the real reason for the appearance of hyperdimensional drones? Human drones are deceptive, they're being launched to make a chaos, confusion and for control purposes and all that, ok! But what about the interdimensional ones? STS or STO? Forgive me, but this left me confused.
Thank you to everyone involved in the session! But I was left with a doubt: what would be the real reason for the appearance of hyperdimensional drones? Human drones are deceptive, they're being launched to make a chaos, confusion and for control purposes and all that, ok! But what about the interdimensional ones? STS or STO? Forgive me, but this left me confused.

From the session, it appears STS.

There are two reasons given for the drones - to acclimatize the population to the presence of 'aliens' in preparation for disclosure and eventual takeover of the planet in a more direct, out-in-the-open way. Have you read High Strangeness?

The other reason is to turn on the programming of those who were jabbed via beaming. Don't know what kind, but I think it's likely obedience programming.
From the session, it appears STS.

There are two reasons given for the drones - to acclimatize the population to the presence of 'aliens' in preparation for disclosure and eventual takeover of the planet in a more direct, out-in-the-open way. Have you read High Strangeness?

The other reason is to turn on the programming of those who were jabbed via beaming. Don't know what kind, but I think it's likely obedience programming.
A takeover of the planet? In this direct way, only if it was to scare people I guess.... There's better ways to takeover the planet. If these drones were from a STO origin, that could mean a disclosure of the good guys. But I'll definitely read that. Thank you!
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