Session 21 December 2024

A takeover of the planet? In this direct way, only if it was to scare people I guess.... There's better ways to takeover the planet. If these drones were from a STO origin, that could mean a disclosure of the good guys. But I'll definitely read that. Thank you!

Check out The Threat by David Jacobs, too - there is a better way to takeover the planet, this is just the pre-game warmup. His book lays some of it out in chilling detail.
I just saw an article on the main page of a popular news site that USA confirmed working on some 'abnormal' technology found in the past, and that there were incidents - well, they didn't say 'alien', but it was in the context of UFOs - unexplainable. I think in the past, even this year, on NASA conference, it was more like talking a lot and saying nothing. Even if it happened that officers or high officials spoke openly about 'extraterrestrials', nothing was ever officially announced. And it was always, I think, in the context of 3D and spacetime, not dimensions or even alien installations on Earth. (Even the word alien, if they happened to design humans, is a bit suggestive). So the official but unofficial version is rather 'spaceships', 'alien spaceships', 'alien technology' - I think you are the first people ever to call it something hyperdimensional or even transdensial. There was also timetravel mentioned somewhere. Of course, making it 'from space' distracts from anything installed on the Earth. Like, there's a whole Pacific Ocean. And the concept of density itself makes you above all the humanity in terms of comprehending aliens...
Thank you for this, the discussion in that old thread is very enlightening! The postings between 2006 and 2006 were particuarly insightful, IMO. Moreover, it was a pleasure to read the exchanges without any disruptive copy-pastings of X- or YouTube links. I often miss the old days when we were 'forced' to write more text to express our views/theories/insights.
Thank you all for the session! 🙏

It seems more and more like a movie. I find it interesting to see all this. About 20 years ago I only read about it, imagined what it would be like to live the experience and now I am part of it

A: Psychic reading and influencing of selected populations.
A: Acclimatising the public.
A: Eventually. But spooking the population is also seen as desirable.
(Chu) Well, they're also telling people, even if they do say they're aliens, they're saying, "They're benevolent! See, they're not doing anything to you!"

My suspicions have come true, I thought that surely it is to accustom people in general and little by little their vanguard of selected ones will appear saying that they have been contacted again, the new chosen ones or even those who were contacted many years ago but now with greater security through manipulation presenting these beings as saviors. In fact some were already saying it on social networks, it is natural that this propagation of them being “our brothers” should increase. We are definitely seeing a conditioning of people through these events.

I imagine those who have had terrible experiences, the terror of seeing those lights again and that they have called ridiculous for so long.

A: Testing of the will, yes.

Testing of the will? How else if not through some more direct manifestation than just lights? There must have been a lot more going on here than just "Lights".

The "will" is related to the ability to decide and order one's own conduct, not just a strong determination to achieve an objective. It comes from the Latin voluntas, -tatis, which means to want.

Matthew 24:24. ESV For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. NIV For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

These guys choose to appear on Christmas to truly deliver gifts and heavenly promises to their flocks around the world.

(Joe) They said that it was part of an ongoing plan falling into place. Is that a long-term plan, or does this happening now in recent weeks have anything to do with... Is it related in any way to Trump becoming president and something that's planned for that? Or is it a longer term acclimatization only?

A: As previously noted, there was a change in plans, thus some recalibration is needed.

Q: (L) So... Okay, let me ask this: Is this activity beneficial to human beings?

A: Decidedly not.

Well... "if you can't beat the enemy, join them"... we'll see Trump shaking hands with a grey guy or blonde. I'm curious what they'll look like... V movie. From our perspective, fiction has merged with reality.

(Jefferson) Yeah, the car flew up and then landed upside down.

Like this?

Some of them look like they're not real, they look edited. I haven't researched either but it made me curious because this was the first thing I remembered closest to those kind of events yours describe, a close example.

(Gaby) I saw, well, I thought I saw a red light, but I figured it was the Christmas lights.

😂 I'm more intrigued by why you saw a Christmas light than by what it actually was. Well honestly I have sarcastically thought when all this started, that the first phase of dabbing people about hyperdimensional reality, is precisely that, appearing as cute and harmless little balls of Christmas lights, right at Christmas. The perfect gift!

(Kinyash) Is there any chance that the current "invasion" can cause the deep state to prevent Trump from being inaugurated by instituting Continuity of Government?

A: Possible but not likely.

I'm more inclined to think of the "saviors" agenda, it's more adaptable to the STS balance because Trump seems to be the signal of a great imbalance, of loss of control of the STS forces. I find it strange that the government doesn't really know the reason behind this, but still their own bosses left their offices in 4D to inspect the farm. Unannounced inspection.

If Trump really makes it possible to reduce the percentage of suffering in the world, doesn't that translate into reducing the percentage of food for these beings? Isn't that precisely what we are trying to do in our lives, stop feeding them? Rather, they had delayed revealing themselves because I think that if this school is not designed to bring us "peace and happiness", then in the face of the possibility of this STS imbalance, they naturally have to do something about it.

And well, it seems that this is just the opening band "The Drones" before the great band "The Lizzys":
Dramatic increase in UFOs and Gulf Breeze receives agglomeration, it becomes a great "mecca". Laura sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of UFO activity. From all forms and origins. Just wait, it will give you chills and that feeling of tingling in the pit of your stomach.

Many aliens will appear 47 and we will also be visible. Think of it as a convention. Everyone must wake up to this. It is happening right now. Each member of the population will play an individual role according to his or her individual frequencies. This is just the beginning. Just wait, “Henry Higgins”, just wait!

Might not be much different to 3D, at least initially.

Or possibly only those who have made enough progress to use it responsibly and help others adapt to that new and less physical environment.

(L) Can these energy winds be created or stimulated by other things such as...? I mean, in our reality, if a helicopter lands on your front lawn, there's a whole lot of wind. Is there something similar to that with these energy winds? Is it evidence of some other kind of hyperdimensional activity?

(Andromeda) Like an effect of something else...

(L) Yeah.

A: Indeed and usually.

Ok, "Indeed and usually". It reminds me of those moments where a very strong and "out of place" wind seems to blow in a place where there is not much breeze but it leaves a strange sensation and the question I have always heard about it is "Well, where did this wind come from?" Indeed, that kind of dramatic wind they use in movies to give suspense to a revealing situation.

It doesn't take me to a specific site, only to the PDF directly, it's called THE WINDS IN ANTIQUITY, Spanish.üedad-2-Palomares.pdf
The winds were considered by many ancient peoples to be "breaths of the gods" and sacrifices were often offered to ensure that they would be favourable to sailors or would not lash out harshly at populations.

The ancient Greeks worshipped Eolo/Aiolos/Αἴολος, the god of the wind, who had the power to evoke and calm the winds and control storms.

In popular culture, wind was also seen as a harbinger of future events and in art and literature it was often used as a metaphor to describe an uncontrollable and unstoppable force.

The Hebrews already designated "spirit" and "wind" with the same word "ruah", and many other peoples saw in the wind one of the principles of life. The Latin term "anima" (soul) comes from the Greek name for wind, "anemos", and the equivalent of soul in Greek is "psyche" associated with "psyche" (to blow) and "psycho" (cold).

In many ancient tombs suitable holes were left so that souls in the form of wind could enter and leave the graves.

The passage of Moses and his people too.

And some vague memories of Aborigines who say they "hear" the words of the wind. A girl I met a while ago also told me that she went to visit a healer in a very remote place in some village in my country. She said that her house was in a place where the wind was very strong and that healer, before doing her work, listened to the wind first.

Now how many" types" of "energetic winds" are there and its effects... oh well!
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Thanks you for the session and the corresponding responses which have been incredibly helpful for me.
Led me to have an interesting conversation with my son about the nature of our reality.
The times/reality are changing quickly and it's difficult to keep up with events,. I'm sure many more surprises are in store over the coming months.
Love and best wishes to all, and thanks again .
Q: (Joe) So maybe a question is: Given that drones have been sighted over various military bases - and drones as in UFOs, they may be drones, maybe UFOs - over military bases going back many years up until last year. What is the significance of such a widespread phenomenon over the past month?

A: Acclimatising the public.
Cell towers...
Q: (S) Well, this kind of my question. Because we have cell phones that are so evil, right? The problem is that even if you never use a cell phone, there are towers EVERYWHERE. If a cell phone is on and it's close to you, that's worse, but... (L) You can't escape it all. (S) So we can obviously turn off the evil stuff, but... (L) I think there's also the stuff out there for cancelling that is dietary {like minerals}, or something you can do.

A: Silk is always good.
(L) Now one thing that's really been bugging me is this thing about masks. For years, they put all this money and effort into creating facial recognition software. They put cameras everywhere. Now all of a sudden they're putting masks on everybody which makes facial recognition software just completely obsolete - after all that money and time and effort! So, what's the real deal with the masks?

A: Facial recognition was never the full plan as it can be easily thwarted. It was used to accustom populace to tracking and surveillance. The ultimate surveillance is chipping. The fake pandemic justifies the vaccine with chip and wider tracking mandate. The mask is similar to antismoking. It induces obedience and allows identification of dissidence. Masks have the additional advantage of inducing brain damage and lowering of intelligence and general health.
History repeats itself.
Do people worry about the staggering number of cameras tracking their every move? Not anymore.
Do people worry about the staggering number of cell towers in their neighborhood? Not anymore.
Do people worry about the staggering number of drones flying over them? Yes, but not for long. That's the plan.

"The Grand Acclimatisation Project" is entering its last phase. Remember, "Climate Change" is not just about the weather, it's about changing the entire psycho-spiritual landscape!
Q: (L) Let me ask this one before the tape runs out and we take a break. What is the "ultimate secret" being protected by the Consortium?

A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.
Testing of the will? How else if not through some more direct manifestation than just lights? There must have been a lot more going on here than just "Lights".
Testing of the will probably refers to injected people and the antennas in their bodies receiving signals.

Now how many" types" of "energetic winds" are there and its effects... oh well!
I remember in one of the Carlos Castaneda books Don Juan telling him that the wind is chasing him. This sounds like some kind of being and not an effect of hyperdimensional activity.
History repeats itself.
Do people worry about the staggering number of cameras tracking their every move? Not anymore.
Do people worry about the staggering number of cell towers in their neighborhood? Not anymore.
Do people worry about the staggering number of drones flying over them? Yes, but not for long. That's the plan.

Gurdjieff said:

"So that in the actual situation of humanity there is nothing that points to evolution proceeding. On the contrary when we compare humanity with a man we quite clearly see a growth of personality at the cost of essence, that is, a growth of the artificial, the unreal, and what is foreign, at the cost of the natural, the real, and what is one's own.

"Together with this we see a growth of automatism.

"Contemporary culture requires automatons. And people are undoubtedly losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, into parts of machines. It is impossible to say where is the end of all this and where the way out— or whether there is an end and a way out. One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it. And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.

The plan to control humanity is bearing fruit people are mainly thinking of how to maintain peace and happiness. They will ignore with the help of the MSM anything that will upset this.
Testing of the will probably refers to injected people and the antennas in their bodies receiving signals.

Yes, but that would be the means by which to test the will, right? I'm intrigued to know "how" the will was tested, through those antennas, that is, there is a person with antennas and to test if it is working well you have to issue a command, induce an order, a mental state, a behavior, an emotion, etc. to know if the receiver works or not, right? Although I haven't read anything about strange or abnormal behavior in the population during the sightings, I remember that cases have been mentioned in which some people "broke" due to a test that Cass later commented was a failed experiment with the intention of being activated in the future. My thoughts revolved around those details when I read about it.

I remember in one of the Carlos Castaneda books Don Juan telling him that the wind is chasing him. This sounds like some kind of being and not an effect of hyperdimensional activity.

Yes, I was thinking "effect by activity of".
Testing of the will probably refers to injected people and the antennas in their bodies receiving signals.

I remember in one of the Carlos Castaneda books Don Juan telling him that the wind is chasing him. This sounds like some kind of being and not an effect of hyperdimensional activity.
Maybe the effect in our reality, was the effect of a hyperdimesional being from a 4D reality.
What link would there be between the appearance of UFOs and the destruction of the Damascus road, knowing that this is the important stretch? For some Sufis, this would be the start of the great war.
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