Session 21 December 2024

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The line of thought highlighted by the above quotes brings to mind not only the Crooks/UAP assassination attempt, but past discussion of the Greenbaumed people and how some have gone off prematurely. It would seem the "testing of the will" of the heavily programmed NJ population is indeed an assessment of the population's readiness to either be triggered to commit mass mayhem and/or to readily accept the planned disclosure of benevolent "aliens" returning from a hidden, underground existence in order to save humankind from all the life-threatening circumstances that left unchecked, all but guarantee human extinction! Think of the incidents that have occurred during the last few days - the vehicles being driven into holiday celebrants at Christmas markets and such, an illegal immigrant purposely setting a woman on fire on the subway - these the most egregious to come to mind. Russia's Oreshnik has failed to quell the nuclear war fervor by the West, and suspicion that bird flu will be the next contrived plague to lock down and terrorize the population with more mandated mind-controlling killer vax. Happy New Year??!

I have to say, this drone exposure has certainly enlightened us as to what the military and the secret government actually have developed in drone technology - I had no idea it is so advanced and how truly dangerous drone attack can be particularly with AI now being utilized. The general public doesn't seem to have this same understanding, though, and probably are being fooled that all the mysterious drones are just government physical aerial vehicles - nothing alien whatsoever . . . maybe. The vax ensuring that the majority believe the false scenario along with the usual mass media/political tactics. Can we counter this false belief via X/twitter and Sott? At least try. Laura has certainly put forth an alternate assessment of what's happening along with promotion of High Strangeness. The Cs have said we're having more impact than we realize and I guess ongoing threat to the Chateau also bears this out. Definitely strengthen the protection bubble/defenses!

Regarding the nefarious properties of the vax, this may literally shed some light!

Holy mackerel! Miniature satellites throughout people's bodies?!! So yeah - receiving and transmitting capabilities! :wow: The Cs right again!

A great big thanks for this session - we were all going nuts trying to figure out what this drone flap was all about. And now we know. :flowers:
Those swarming mRNA nano-particles assembling within the host body eerily remind me of the Borg in Star Trek, which was a creation of Gene Roddenberry who was almost certainly one of the people used (by Thor's Pantheum?) to promote the concept of alien civilisations to the public in the 1960's in what was a mass conditioning exercise in line with the recommendations of the 1960 Brookings Report undertaken on behalf of NASA (see: Brookings Report - Wikipedia). Borg drones (half humanoid and half cyber beings who belong to a collective controlled by a hive mind) are created when a person is deliberately contaminated by nano probes, which rapidly overwhelm the body's defences and transform the person into a mindless drone whose only purpose thereafter is to serve the collective. Borg drones are controlled by signals sent to their internal receivers (or processors) by the collective. Is this the terrible fate of a large part of the vaccinated human population I wonder? This also makes me think of Ark's dream a few years ago of zombies attacking the Chateau

Was Roddenberry given a heads-up about all this through his involvement with the CIA/Stanford Research Institute (SRI) sponsored channelling sessions with the entities who called themselves "The Nine", which showman psychic Uri Geller recently confirmed he had observed first hand in the early 1970's when he was drawn into the CIA/US Army remote viewing programme which operated under the codename Project Stargate. Roddenberry only participated in The Nine's channelling sessions after the original Star Trek TV series had been cancelled in 1969. The Borg would make their first appearance in his follow-up Star Trek TV series of the late 1980's called Star Trek the Next Generation.

The C's have also said that what we are experiencing now is a re-run of the end of the Atlantean civilisation, who may themselves have used drone humans as a slave labour force judging from the C's comments here:
Q: (L) To what kind of humanoid creatures do the dolicephalic skulls found in various sites in Malta belong to?

A: "Drones."

Are we now watching the creation of the 21st century equivalent using nano technology?
Borg drones (half humanoid and half cyber beings who belong to a collective controlled by a hive mind) are created when a person is deliberately contaminated by nano probes, which rapidly overwhelm the body's defences and transform the person into a mindless drone whose only purpose thereafter is to serve the collective.

I believe there have also been comparisons to the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I finally saw the original 1956 film for the first time within the last year or two and it certainly was disturbing. Also disturbing that Rod Serling was so ahead of his time as well. Are we not all current residents of the Twilight Zone? 1984 edition yet to play.
Sometimes certain winds ARE kind of spooky or feel like they have a personality...
Hawaiians had/have names for all of the winds and their association with certain locations. They also named the rains that fall in certain places. They also had a name for the structure that the Gods used to control them and which they traveled on (Kanehunamoku) which was an island in the sky that moved around according to the desires of these Gods. In present day Hawaiian culture, a moku is a place where people live (like an island) and a mokulele is a flying island or an airplane as we call them now.
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I believe there have also been comparisons to the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I finally saw the original 1956 film for the first time within the last year or two and it certainly was disturbing. Also disturbing that Rod Serling was so ahead of his time as well. Are we not all current residents of the Twilight Zone? 1984 edition yet to play.
I have seen most of the remakes but the original still has, as you say, the power to shock. It was, of course, made in the 1950's at a time when the 'reds under the bed' scare was at its height in America during the Cold War and whilst the McCarthy 'Unamerican Activities' hearings were taking place in Washington. Many movie reviewers therefore saw the movie as a subtle nod to the stealthy take over of America by communist operatives and agents as was being advocated by Senator Joe McCarthy.

I think the main difference in the storyline between the pod people of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Star Trek's the Borg is that the pod people were complete replacements or facsimiles of the original humans (minus their emotions and human sensibilities) whose bodies had been destroyed, whereas the Borg drones are still the original bodies and brains of the humanoids who have been assimilated into the Borg collective save that they have been completely taken over in mind and body (which is usually augmented by Borg technology) and have lost all individuality. Hence, your fate as a Borg drone is to end up a soulless automaton serving the collective with no free will of your own.

For those of you who are Sci-Fi fans, the Borg are in many ways comparable to Dr Who's the Cybermen who are cyber-genetic beings from another planet who had once been human but through increased reliance on cyber augmentation had eventually lost their humanity along the way. The Cybermen were created in the late 1960's by the writers Henry Lincoln (yes he of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail fame) and Kit Pedler, the latter being a real scientist who wished to express the idea of cyber technology eventually transforming human beings into emotionless automatons devoid of all that makes a person a souled individual. He was thus taking the current transhumanist agenda to its logical conclusion even before that movement had really got going.

In many ways the cybermen can be seen as comparable to the alien Greys who the C's tell us are 4D cyber-genetic beings with no individual souls of their own:
Q: (L) Are the little gray beings from Zeta Reticuli also?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the little gray beings...

A: Cybergenetic.

Q: (L) Are they created by the lizards?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they have souls?

A: They are Decoys. [MJF: The C's later described them as being probes projected by the Lizard beings]

This is a funny way brings us back full circle to the the pod people of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers who, as beings grown from alien plants that look like giant marrows, would seem to have a lot in common with the Greys based on the following discussion found in the transcripts:
(T) If this is a standard cybergenetic Gray, the question is how much biological is he? Is he biological enough to pass a dissection?

(L) Sure, absolutely. There are reports of autopsies of these guys, they just can't figure out how they feed.

(F) They are cybergenetic, but they look and function exactly like a biological being. If you go inside of them you will find blood and fibers and tissue and microscopic evidence...

(L) The microscopic exams, from what I have heard, reveal that they're more in the line of a plant...

(T) Yes.

(F) Which, of course, would indicate that they have been grown!

(L) Yes. Imagine chromosomal linking of human genetic information with that of the plant kingdom.

(T) You could literally grow hundreds of them easily.

(L) And plant them like seeds... and, apparently that is what they have done. People have come back who have been taken to these ships and have seen walls of containers growing these things. Like a room in a hot house.
MJF: which makes me think of that scary scene in the glass house in the The Invasion of the Body Snatchers where the humans discover a pod person developing within its plant pod]

(F) Well, there you go. We have gotten information which indicates that the Grays have access to both dimensions because they are probes of the Lizzies. And this gives us a further clue as to what a strange place 4th level is if such "probes" can be grown like plants! And, what level must fully souled 4d beings be when we are fooled into believing their cybergenetic constructions are the "real thing!"

In one other significant way The Invasion of the Body Snatchers movie differs from what the C's say is the Orion agenda and that is that in the movie, the pod people sought to completely replace the human race with their kind whereas the Orions are by way of contrast looking to merge or amalgamate with humanity just as it reaches 4th density and to rule over mankind at that level after the transfer to 4th density has been completed:

A: Review plans to amalgamate and rule humans after the changes.
Just now catching up on the thread - Thank you so much for this session!

If the general population is programed to walk into the new paradigm and experience it as they are programed, and we have refused the programing then what? What are we going to be seeing? And how freaked out will be some of the poorly programed, and those who intuitively refuse programing, but never did the work to have a clue as to what would be going on?
It's difficult to imagine what we will experience - I would like to think that those of us who have had prior knowledge and have been trying to train ourselves to observe objective reality will be more able to discern what is happening around us. On the other hand I assume it will be such a vastly different environment that we will be floundering to some extent as well. As for the programmed - if at 4D reality conforms to wishful thinking, I guess they will remain in their comfortable bubbles. I am continually amazed at how people accept the flimsiest explanations for events / phenomena just so they won't have to open any doors in their minds and to be able to remain comfortably ensconced in normality. Will they notice much?
the Borg drones are still the original bodies and brains of the humanoids who have been assimilated into the Borg collective save that they have been completely taken over in mind and body (which is usually augmented by Borg technology) and have lost all individuality. Hence, your fate as a Borg drone is to end up a soulless automaton serving the collective with no free will of your own.
Just a few short minutes on any social media platform is usually enough to convince me that an alarmingly large portion of 'humanity' has already been taken over by some sort of 'Borg'. Time for cleansing, indeed!
Just now catching up on the thread - Thank you so much for this session!

It's difficult to imagine what we will experience - I would like to think that those of us who have had prior knowledge and have been trying to train ourselves to observe objective reality will be more able to discern what is happening around us. On the other hand I assume it will be such a vastly different environment that we will be floundering to some extent as well. As for the programmed - if at 4D reality conforms to wishful thinking, I guess they will remain in their comfortable bubbles. I am continually amazed at how people accept the flimsiest explanations for events / phenomena just so they won't have to open any doors in their minds and to be able to remain comfortably ensconced in normality. Will they notice much?

Just a few short minutes on any social media platform is usually enough to convince me that an alarmingly large portion of 'humanity' has already been taken over by some sort of 'Borg'. Time for cleansing, indeed!

This is an interesting concept. I've read that the number of artificial bots on the Internet has long since surpassed the number of live humans. Perhaps the impression is right because you actually see online bots that write in the media?
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