Session 21 March 2015

Thank you for sharing. This message gives hope to latecomers. Have faith in the process and take care of your ego. Put doubt behind you. Have faith in the group. Much to ponder. Thank you for your hard work château team and groups. :flowers:
Thank you Laura and the team for another session so soon!

mkrnhr said:
GAIA said:
Wow, fantastic! Once again I want to thank Laura and the crew for another amazing session!
A: How good are you at skiing?

Q: (Data) I'm good at skiing! [laughter]

(L) What kind of question is that?

A: You may need such skills soon.

Q: (L) What's that supposed to mean?

A: Wait and see!

Well I'm curious to what this means!!

Lots of snow may be one possibility.

Another possibility is there may be an unplanned trip to the Swiss Alps or something. I hope they're not suggesting a lot of snow in your location the middle of summer. :shock:
I was pleasantly surprised to see another session up so soon. Another absolutely amazing session! Thank you Laura and team!
First of all , a big Thank You to the Crew for another session.

What really resonate with me this time is about keeping a faith.
Deep down in my soul, for over 2 decades, I could sense that we, as human species are on the wrong path,and it will be batter for all of us, if we change our approach toward life, and the way we live.
I have been waiting since then for harmony, peace , but feel a bit tired now.

Last night I couldn't sleep ( it's daytime on southern hemisphere where I live) and during my awake stage,I became aware of feeling being connected to ALL. It's hard for me to describe that awareness- it's feels as I was part of ONE BIG CONCIOUS. It was incredible
This morning when I got up, I knew that there is new session already posted.

C's mentioned about telepathy, as a preferable form of communication.
I would like to share my experience with telepathy.
Many years ago I lost my loved cat, and not long after I had a surgery . For a few weeks I was resting at home,sleeping most of the time.
One day I was dreaming about my cat ,while she started talking in my head saying: Mum, touch me,I am real"
I always knew what telepathy is,but this time I experienced it.

Sorry PoB's to hear about your dog.

Mod's note: Edited to change a real name for the forum name.
Super session guys! It was lovely to get the encouragement from the C's. Good that in fairness those, like me, that are still busily chipping away at the work and prioritizing different aspects of our learning, still get a chance to be part of the process. (Then again, I am not assuming it does actually include me, as how am I to know the 'level' that they are talking about in the first place). But still the perseverance will be there and the aim is burning brighter after their kind words.

Very interesting about the technology. I would definitely need to know more about this as we all use it and need to know further information for self protection. I would also appreciate any examples of spirit communication that anyone is aware of re mobile phones etc. I know they use TV's and white noise etc but this use of universal 'electricity/microwaves is intriguing but also invasive.

Sounds like a pile of snow (maybe start of mini ice age) is on the way. I sure prefer to hear that than the communications will be lost!

This week prepping has been foremost on my mind! I have also been thinking so much of everyone here - more than normal with things coming down the pipe. I have been contemplating how much I could possibly help/contribute in that direction and will post my ideas in a separate post shortly.

Glad to hear you still had plenty of energy Galatea!

I am sure people have pertinent questions that they would like to ask the C's, especially in these times, so maybe post them now ready for future sessions?

Thanks everyone and big hugs and love to you all too! :hug2: :hug2:
Thank you for the session :) There he has a way to know its frequency rate? And to know the 3D frequency rate and 4D?
Thanks for another great session.

Laura said:
Session Date: March 21st 2015

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Data, Chu, Scottie, Perceval

Q: (L) This is the 21st of March, 2015. We have to get Ark down here again one of these days and have another chat with Caesar.

(Andromeda) Yeah, that was kinda fun.

(Chu) With Paul?

(Galatea) With Bruce Lee!

(L) Is anybody out there?

A: Glad ceiling

Q: (L) What does "glad ceiling" mean?

A: Joining from above

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Neeileigl of Cassiopaea. Keep faith with each other.

Q: (Andromeda) What does "keep faith with each other" mean?

A: We notice that there are members of your forum who are not doing this.

Q: (L) In what respect?

A: Covertly antagonistic.

Q: (L) So there are people who are covertly antagonistic. Why are they covertly antagonistic?

A: Little respect.

Q: (L) So they have little respect.

(Chu) I'm assuming that means for you or us?

(L) In other words, they don't have respect for the group?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Us particularly?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Anything more than that?

A: You especially.

Q: (L) Why?

A: Inspired by negative discarnate entities with connections to 4D STS "handlers".

Q: (Andromeda) Are these people a danger?

A: They are looking for opportunities to manipulate weaker members away.

Q: (L) So, what is it that makes somebody weak?

A: Mostly ego.

Q: (L) Okay. Anything we should be doing about this?

A: Just be aware. Members should also be aware and alert to invitations.

Q: (L) Invitations? What kind of invitations?

A: To express dissatisfaction when feeling disaffected due to lack of faith in the process.

Q: (L) Well, I think everybody gets into a period where they feel a lack of faith. Sometimes it's just a chemical feeling, like when you're depressed and everything is black, nothing will ever be nice again, your life is crappy, and that sort of thing. So I think that anybody can be vulnerable to that.

A: Yes. It needs to be aired out.

Q: (L) So, if people would just talk about it, that would help?

A: Yes

Yesterday afternoon, I commented to a friend, my feeling after entering to participate in the forum, I wondered if it was the right time to do it, or needed more time, after having several interventions, felt it was not very useful sometimes I feel like a kind of self-importance or ego hitting me, maybe it's just a matter of a little pat on the back, and make you feel you are not alone on this trip, there are times when the emotional baggage havoc, after reading this session, I feel eager to mourn, especially the final message.
Thank you Laura, Andromeda, Galatea and Team for the new session that came so quickly. It really gives us strength to know what the C's said about having faith and being in tune...that really calms the mind and encourages the spirit :)
As for the skiing bit, it should be a lot more fun for you guys as you're all prepared :D
Thank you very much for this session and the fast transcription! :flowers: For me it has brought much to think about. I see it as a pointer to intensify my networking activities. Interesting, that EE has been mentioned here. I am doing whole EE sessions regularly again and I am currently finding out (again), how effective they are in helping to change my reality and developing faith in the process - in connection with more participation in this network (including its projects). So, it seems to be time to notch this up a bit more.

While writing this I am thinking about blocks as one probable cause of less faith in the process - because due to them a process may not go smooth, therefore no obvious results will show up and the process will be seen as implausible as result and faith in it is being weakened.
I remembered the thread about unblocking in this context, which can be found here:,37344.0.html

In that thread there is a session with the Cs about this topic (unblocking) being mentioned.
You will find that thread there:,34784.0.html. The disrespect mentioned here, is covered there as well.

Session May 17th said:
Q: (L) Okay, when you say, "There will be blocks of all sorts in their lives"... Blocks of what kind?

A: The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another's efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.

Q: (L) But are you talking particularly about people engaged in the Work, or just anybody in general?

A: Anybody, but double in the work.

Q: (L) Okay, does this line of questioning inspire any questions in ya'll? Can you think of anything else to ask on this topic?

(Nicolas) This applies in the forum more than it would personally since we're not really interacting with too many people with the Work physically?

A: There are many avenues to interact in the work!!!

The ending part of this Saturday's session is also very heartening, pretty much as the last part of the session before. Like others here, I also did have a hunch about the publication of a new session yesterday. But it was not so strong as that one last Saturday, so it still came a bit as a surprise :)

session 21st of March 2015 said:
Q: (L) So, any last wrap-up stuff?

A: Love to group! We are becoming tuned to them.

Q: (L) What do you mean that you're being tuned to the group?

A: They are rising in frequency.

Q: (L) What do you mean? Specific people, or the whole group?

A: Many. And those who have faith in the process will rise with them.

Q: (L) In other words, even if certain individuals are not yet "there", the fact that they're connected with the group and doing the best that they can, they will brought along anyway?

A: Yes

EDIT: word added; grammar
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