Session 21 September 2002

thx for posting this session I'm starting reading it .
Christmas ah thx:)
Thank you, Laura, for posting these transcripts. As I am reading through them, I am finding them relevant for this time we are in. I don't know about anyone else, but this has been a strange year and summer seems or appears to be stranger still involving influences of various kinds and the past that comes a-haunting along with past so-called friends and as if there is a pressure of sorts that is a dumbing down in a wide spectrum. Anyway, just some of my thoughts, and my appreciation in reading these timely transcripts as it helps to clarify.
Laura said:
Q: (A) Is this due to some external source?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What is the location of the source?
A: Hidden source. Think in terms of military generators placed at specific locations for general "control."

Q: (L) I am curious about this object that was seen in orbit around the Earth by an amateur astronomer. As soon as he announced it, it suddenly was explained away as an old rocket booster that was orbiting the Sun, and it has now been recaptured and is in orbit around earth. Yeah, right. Since 1969 it's been orbiting the Sun. Is this an old, cast off rocket booster?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is it?
A: High level scanner of sectors.
Q: (L) Like a radar? A satellite?
A: Similar, but more advanced.
Q: (L) Who does it belong to?
A: High level consortium. (my note: or Quorum?)
Q: (L) Human or alien?
A: Both.

I believe this "source" has been (more than) hinted at throughout the C's comments, this forum, and numerous other points of reference. This source (and it's "Grid" (sectors)) have been manipulated (and "tinkered" with) for decades upon decades. As for "military" generators at specific locations, I think this Air Force report sums it up in a nutshell (where HAARP is but just one (big) "tool" in the overall "source" of the generating (transmitting) machine): (Note this report covers "weather modification" but to those who can read between the lines, there is so much more at stake, and so much more being modified than just (talking about) the weather).

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

(two quick quotes from the report, executive summary and conclulsion):
"A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief (CINC) are listed in table 1. "

"As the preceding chapters have shown, weather-modification is a force multiplier with tremendous power that could be exploited across the full spectrum of war-fighting environments. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counter-space control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. But, while offensive weather-modification efforts would certainly be undertaken by US forces with great caution and trepidation, it is clear that we cannot afford to allow an adversary to obtain an exclusive weather-modification capability."

[ the above pertains to the "outer" STS generator source matrix, the "weapon arsenal" ]

Now my presumption concerning the "inner" STO source, the "armor."

Laura said:
Q: (L) So everybody is being bombarded by it so nobody can think. Everybody's asleep. (A) Why does it affect me more than Laura?
A: It doesn't. Just different symptoms.
Q: {Small exchange about Laura's physical symptoms edited out.}(A) Still, I would like to understand why being outside, why walking...
A: Geometrical structures cause "clustering."
Q: (A) Can we a) shield, b) have some antidote that would somehow weaken...
A: The best antidote is to move.
Q: (A) Yes, this is the best antidote. But, in order to move we have to do certain things - it would be nice if we could do these certain things in better mind capacity - therefore, what is the next best antidote that can be applied here, before we move?
A: Wave generator with broad-spectrum capability so as to cancel.
Q: (A) What waves: acoustic or electromagnetic?
A: EM.
Q: (A) Are such wave generators commercially available?
A: Probably not. Why not build one?

First, I see plenty of humour here, along with what I detect as literal clues. Ark gets cut off at the end of one question "why walking..." where I would surmise he would finish by saying "the fog goes away", or "I feel better" - while the C's jump in about "clustering." (which I take as different buildings, ie, shape, size and materials act as variable types of insulators/conductors of certain frequency/signal ranges). Next Ark begins to ask how to shield (from the static "cluster" of negative frequencies/signals (?)) and also for a specific antidote to weaken said clusters.

"The best antidote is to MOVE" ! I take that answer literally! Get up and MOVE! Like walking, dancing, spinning like a whirling dervish... "The spirit MOVES me"... even praying, meditating, and even deep breathing (EE) are a form of movement. Moving IS a specific antidote against the "disease" of negative "clusters" and also increases the positive "shield" of the human generator. When I first read that line, the book "Walking the Blues Away" (Thom Hartmann) popped into my head, a nice little book that explains how EMDR and other eye-movement therapies can heal the mind and emotions, and ultimately increase ones frequency (similar to the effects of EE).

The human "being" IS a Wave Generator WITH Broad-Spectrum capability. As long as it isn't poisoned with a broad spectrum of pathogens. Isn't this a big part of what "the work" is about? Increasing the human frequency capacity, individually and collectively; and also attempting to overcome pathology, individually and collectively? We all can't buy a wardrobe of silk clothes, or move to France. But we all can learn to increase the output of our own wave generators. There are lots of things we can do without having to buy the latest silk-lined aluminum pyramid hat.

The C's do go back at the end of this session remarking "sell AND move" - as two separate statements. Just as I discern the C's drop (non-linear) hints across one session, and across numerous sessions across the years... It seems they do not always answer the specific question that is being asked, but do layer the answers in an anecdotal fashion, while still being impeccable with their words. In this case, they may be suggesting that Ark and Laura relocate; but at the same time they can be answering the layered specific with the literal meaning of MOVE (shake that body)... :)

Now I'm drawn to present this link, mainly the information contained within - to explain what I mean by STO armor... The Human Bio-Frequency spectrum. This is the complete opposite of what is suggested in the above weather modification (frequency spectrum manipulation) report; bringing it closer to the "inner source" (the armor, the shield):

"Understand Bio-Frequency Spectrum" _

"What is bio-Frequency spectrum"
"Bio-Frequency Spectrum (BFS) is a nomenclature for both the frequency and spectrum of physical information emanating from living body itself. BFS is different from the description of frequency and the spectrum of wave length. It has been found that the existence and changes of the physical information not only correlate with the functional status of living body itself, but also can reflect its healthy status. Experiments have confirmed that living body is a natural irradiating source, Which emits frequency signals to environment continuously under living Conditions."

"The Key Points of BFS Theory"
1. Human body is a low energy irradiating source, which can emit many kinds of physical signal covering from infrared ray to weak microwave. The Combination of physical parameters, frequency and spectrum constitutes the human body BFS.
2. The principle of resonance? The maximal energy absorption occurs only at the time when the frequency, which can give rise to resonance with living body, appears.
3. BFS apparatus was designed and manufactured on the basis of the bionics theory, It is a vibration generator and can emit the frequency and Spectrum similar to those of human body.

"Measurement of the Frequency and Spectrum Emitted from Human Body and BFS Apparatus:"
1. Emission spectrum of human body was measured of human body as a Whole using infrared wave spectrum meter and millimeter wave meter.
2. Spectrum responses in the tissue pieces of liver, muscular tissue skin and blood samples obtained from surgical operation were assayed.
3. The emission spectrum of BFS apparatus was measured under the same conditions as above.
The similarity degree of the spectrum figures obtained from the above three groups should be as close as possible.
"Following are the frequent puzzling problems:
1. It is uncertain whether or not there is any difference between the human body BFS under physiological conditions and pathological conditions. And if there is any, how to distinguish them?
2. It is uncertain whether there is any difference between the human body BFS under different pathological conditions or not.
3. BFS is the simulation of human BFS under normal physiological Conditions. It is uncertain whether or not it produces resonance with human body under pathological conditions.
Our study has showed that there are differences between the BFS under physiological Conditions and pathological conditions and between the BFS under different pathological conditions. In comparison with this comprehensive physical parameter, these differences are extremely weak. This is the reason that BFS apparatus has so wide-spectrum effects to variety of diseases? According to the fact that the BFS are different under various pathological conditions, different models of BFS have been designed and produced to adopt the corresponding pathological changes or disorders.
It is well known that the development of any branch of science is closely related to its era. Owing to the absence of apparatus able to detect these physical signals, it still needs time to reveal the secret of BFS. As the development of modern biophysics, it is no doubt that there will be some breakthrough in the near future."

My "cosmic mind" led me to this reponse. I tried to ignore it and go back to my mundane duties, but the creative impulse insisted. So here you have it. I may be totally off the wall, and totally wrong, but state my case as a question, and am ready for correction.... :0
This is great. Thank you so much for your commitment to getting as much of the transcripts up as possible, Laura. I can only imagine how much effort it takes, not only to transcribe and perform conscientious edits, but to be so busy in so many areas while also attending to household and family needs (and whatever obstacle your tired and aching body decides to throw in your path) and yet still be able to squeeze even more from yourself so that we may benefit is such an awe-inspiring act of selfless live that I am at a loss for words. I am most grateful to you and all who help facilitate disseminating the session contents.

I had the feeling that you might have tried a session recently and imagined that your mother might have come through loud and clear (perhaps without you even trying to contact her, after all, you must get your tenacity from somewhere....).

Although I can appreciate the private nature any session with your mother would involve, I am deeply curious what transpired in the session as I imagined she would be able to offer a unique perspective from where she floats, so to speak. However, I recognize my curiosity as a desire and not a need and can therefore easily accept whatever you decide, regarding what and if you chose to post.

Now, regarding this session...
Session 21 September 2002 said:
Q: (A) Is it an objective fact that I think much more objectively outside than inside, as I was noticing over the past weeks?
A: Yes. It is due to long wave cluster pattern in the house.
Q: (A) Is this due to some external source?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What is the location of the source?
A: Hidden source. Think in terms of military generators placed at specific locations for general "control."

It makes me wonder a few things, like how many of these EM sources, thinking in terms of military generators, have been planted throughout the US and perhaps the rest of the globe. As well, I wonder how much those who install them in their secret locations or who maintain them from time to time, know about the purpose of these generators and if they wonder if their families are subjected to the same EM radiation.

Session 2 December 2000 said:
Q: (L) What we have figured out is that if we produce a cancelling frequency, all they will do is change the frequency. That could go on, tit for tat, endlessly. (A) They have standard monitors. They can tune it a little bit differently, but they cannot do much without continuously planting new devices. There is a limit to the changing of frequencies, perhaps. So, if we know how to tune our device to their device, we can do it. (TK) I don't know if what we are needing is so complicated a device. Probably just a frequency generator. A simple device hooked to a crystal. Is that going in the right direction?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Our zapper, for instance, is a very simple device. It operates on a single integrated circuit. (TK) A frequency generator can be cheap. You hook it to a crystal for amplification.
A: Plot many frequencies.
Q: (A) We need to know the range. (TK) Can you tell us what frequency range?
A: Yes. 549 Hz to 832 Hz.

I remembered a long time ago, before the Internet, a friend came across a few electronic projects that would emit waves of ultrasonic sound at sufficiently high volume to incapacitate animals or humans. The frequency was tunable. There was a large version and a portable "pocket" version. I recall the author's purpose behind disseminating the plans was because he felt that the authorities would soon be using such devices against the population and people needed to know more about them. Anyway, I found the schematics for them and a few other interesting projects at The Free Information Society website, under the Weaponry Electronic Circuit Schematics section (_ Perhaps one of these could be matched to such signals.

Ideally, we would want a system capable of discerning the specific frequencies being utilized at any given time and then automatically adjust its emission to cancel out the frequency. Heck, maybe there's a market for such a device. Perhaps it could also be used to zap out bacteria and parasites from one's system like Hulda Clark's Zapper.

I hope the brief session you managed to have was not too tiring for you and afforded you some well deserved peace.

Thanks again,
In regards to these 'external sources', I now have a cell phone :scared:, something I have resisted for a long while. It's the cheap kind, nothing fancy(they don't make them anymore).What I've noticed recently is that while practicing and someone texts/calls, all the amplifiers(guitar, PA) will warn me in advance by beeping/sputtering. And the phone isn't even in the same room.

Then after reading the SoTT piece about the link with cell phones and the declining bee population.....

Maybe it's time to figure out a different means. Anyone else notice the pollution?
Gonzo said:
This is great. Thank you so much for your commitment to getting as much of the transcripts up as possible, Laura. I can only imagine how much effort it takes, not only to transcribe and perform conscientious edits, but to be so busy in so many areas while also attending to household and family needs (and whatever obstacle your tired and aching body decides to throw in your path) and yet still be able to squeeze even more from yourself so that we may benefit is such an awe-inspiring act of selfless live that I am at a loss for words. I am most grateful to you and all who help facilitate disseminating the session contents.

Adding to that those other very important projects you have on your plate, that we know and don't know about. It's truly awe-inspiring.
Thank you very much for your time and effort :love: :rockon:

In all this please don't forget to take care of yourself too. That also pertain to whole chateau crew.
So many considerations to take into account with steps to change our collective destiny. But as the C's stated, we live in a mad world. This network is one of the only things that truly brings me a sense of belonging and a fulfilment of positive causes. Certainly the ripple effect that Laura and company have devoted themselves to will provide a huge change in quantum futures possible for the Earth. Thanks so much for all that you do!
Question to Vectis (Reply 17) BFO Frequency - is this based on the same principal and research conducted by Dr. Ronald Riefe in the 1940/50s ? He was proven to be correct approx. 20 years after his untimely death. He was incarcerated in a mental institution as the PTB of the Medical hierarchy at this time did not want His information to become public or published. His frequency resonance cures and cataloging of diseases according to their frequencies are I believe being practiced in Europe and outside the jurisdiction of the US. Latest reports seem to say they work. Anybody else know about this?......Also the hidden sources of BFO frequency's,etc...Did you ever notice all the new flag poles and phone trees going up along Highways and Parks. Cant figure why a flagpole should be 2 Ft in diameter with antennas coming out of the sides or clandestine wiring coming down from the comically phony trees. especially at the gas stops along our highways. The explanation from establishment sources is that they are for cell phone use. Still no reason uses cant be utilized for other purposes. Try running a freq. meter in your car as you pass by and watch it jump swing all over the place. Talk to any Ham operator...If you own a GPO Monotor device in your car, its a guarantee your presence is known by somebody... Hate to sound like a conspiracy believer,but with these nano devices no bigger than a grain of salt (tested on animals as an experiment to see if it will work) guess what, it did very well...Don't recommend any vaccine injections, could nano devices be injected along with whatever? especially when Doctors and Nurses wont take it, as proven by the walk outs and bitter protests... Now I will check those frequency's that was recommended by the Cs...See how accurate this info is...will get back to all...Best regards Roger
I have noticed the poles with cameras and radar equipment being massively produced and placed along highways and most recently intersections. When I bring this to the attention of others most simply shrug it off. I'm astounded by the lack of perception and yet not at all because what do you expect with HAARP beaming thought patterns to control our minds. Ignorance certainly is not bliss. If the PTB locked down the entire US we could go nowhere, they would watch everything and certainly be patrolling the territory that has their cameras so that we do not destroy them. The only logical thing to do is to relocate over seas and yet I choose not to as of now because of financial reasons and I believe people will need help here at a great extent. The problem is that I may not have the resources by then to help others appropriately albeit money, food, shelter, etc. Certainly I can offer the information learned from this forum and Laura's books but I'm unsure of anything else I could offer.
Hi FrankM432, It seems that if you are noticing all that is happening around you and being informed with the proper info, there is no reason to feel threatened or worried about future happenings. Remember, you picked this life to be born into for a reason, face up to it...Learn what to do, when to do it, and how to do it...Read what the Forum has to say and maintain your equilibrium. people will need you, especially family....good luck Best regards,, Roger
Hi Roger. sorry for my delay in response. I haven't been able to spend hardly any time keeping up with this forum during this semester of school, and many difficult things occurring in life. As for your question about Dr. Ronald Riefe, I do not know if this work I referred to is based on his work. I am not familiar with his name. I learned about some of this first hand by a doctor friend of mine, who has since passed away. I do have a lot of notes I wrote about this years back, and one day I will type up my notes, and re-review this subject. I am more than convinced something is going on with manipulating the human frequency spectrum (to put it very simple)(I also am an ex-ham with extensive radio engineering experience). I can't add much more here - I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your question. Be aware and learn as much as you can, is what I think the C's suggest. As for nano technology, and the possibility of injecting "things" - I believe that has been going on for a long time. Now the bigger fearful curiousity is to realize that they are now starting to put the nano-tech into simple pills - things as simple as aspirin. Again, I am sorry I don't have the time to research this and back it up - but I know I have read quite a few things in passing about pharmo companies experimenting with nano-technology. this is scary to think about, especially since they can put RFID with GPS in a chip as small as the tip of a pin... I find comfort and hope in knowing that EE, mediation, etc can help me keep my own personal bandwidth noise-free as possible :D
...Good Luck, Have Fun!
- Vectis
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