Session 21 September 2024

Now we know, we can’t completely trust on anything they can inject to you.
And not only the injections. Once that experimentation phase in food and water is over (and contamination with those nano-antennas presumably becomes widespread), relying mostly on your own food and well-water may become a necessity. Or maybe getting it directly from farmers you trust.
This format of networking + session is a great improvement. Many thanks for sharing, and for everyone's insightful input.

On Joe Dispenza, a lot of what the info he puts out in his books is pretty good, but as with anything, one has to be looking out for disinfo twists and turns. I think both the possibility of the development of our innate supernatural potential, plus the miraculous in general, attracts many of us here, so we should be careful to use discernment when selecting methods.

Perhaps a good rule of thumb would be to go with the natural flow of things as much as possible, instead of utilizing more extreme of forceful techniques. Look at how gentle but powerful EE can be for example.

I enjoyed Joey D's books, but even at the time I did have the intuition that much of the ideas were likely plagiarized. Looking at his grand tour of the Turbo Normie podcast scene such as Lewis Howes and "diary of a CEO", and seeing the way he talks, tended to confirm this suspicion.

I tried his meditations as well. I thought the concept of the breath control and melding with the information field was pretty cool, if poorly executed. I did not think at the time that it was actually playing with kundaloni energy and so could be dangerous. Luckily I found his voice and repetition style to be irritating and even slightly nauseating, so I did not continue.

Also, don't forget this: Never trust the Bug Eyes 👀

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Thank you for a great session!

I didn't quite understand, how does mental blocking produce acetylcholine?

My best guess is this happens because our choices cause changes in the body. Like say we let our anger flare up and burn out of control. This corresponds with changes in the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, as well as the endocrine system - just about everything. Our health and mood is really tied closely to our peptides.

Laura wrote in The Wave:

Elmer Green, a pioneer of biofeedback stated, “Every change in the physiological state is accompanied by an appropriate change in the mental emotional state, conscious or unconscious, and conversely, every change in the mental emotional state, conscious or unconscious, is accompanied by an appropriate change in the physiological state” (Pert 1999, 137).

And it is in this idea that we find a key. If it is true that our physiological state can be manipulated, causing a change in our mental and emotional state, then what we must do is learn to control the emotional and physiological state by conscious will.

So there's a complex system - we take in a situation, and our how we respond to that information makes changes in the body, affecting our balance of peptides. Which also affect our next choices. It can easily be a vicious cycle, with an affront from a petty tyrant causing anger, leading us to lash out, which may be exactly what they want, leading to further provocations, etc.

We could also say that letting the anger get out of control and taking the petty tyrant's bait is an effect of not engaging in mental blocking. There's a number of different terms used for the same self-defense process - non-identifying, self-remembering, mental blocking, etc. As far as I know, the main function of acetylcholine is mental clarity. So my guess is that the practice of maintaining clarity of thought at all times causes changes in the body and probably increases acetylcholine. Makes it easier to notice the tyrant, or the negative thought loop, or whatever it is, and disengage.

What would be psychological means to protect ourselves (if we are not using nicotine)?

There's a thread about mental blocking. It sure takes a lot of practice!

The other psychological means would be to read lots of psychology books, learn about our weaknesses, our lower tendencies, our triggers, etc., and be watchful for them in our day to day life, and learn to nip them in the bud.
Thank you for another fantastic session.
Explosive revelations are both forthcoming and currently unfolding. The case of the twisted rapper P Diddy has disturbed many. The narrative surrounding the occult, satanic, deviant, and dark elite of the entertainment industry has come to the forefront of interest on mainstream YouTube channels, as well as Instagram and TikTok content.

Who wants to guess the ethnicity of the man behind P Diddy?
Thank you very much for the session Laura and team, brilliant as always.
So more explosive revelations then:shock:
Ok, I hope we can navigate through all the madness ahead, it’s been a hell of a year, but may divine cosmic mind protect us and guide us.
Thank you all for the session!

Yeah, I don't know if things can get any weirder than they already are. I should not say that! Please, I take it back! [Laughter] It can always get weirder. Do y'all get the feeling that we are living in a really, really weird reality now? I mean, that things are in this huge transition, that there are ethereal things happening and manifesting, and people are not yet acknowledging that that's what they're seeing? And that people are in denial? It's like the craziest thing I've ever seen!

(Andromeda) And people living in different realities all over the place.

(L) Yeah. So do you all get that feeling? I mean, am I not the only one?
I had to ask my self and people around me the same question. Is it only me, our reality is somehow changed, something is going on, building up, although PDB trying to stretch 'time' make it look like nothing is going on, all is just fine and people just don't care or just don't notice anything...
Thank you everyone, big hugs.

I mentioned in the last session thread that things are really really weird for me. I can’t find any peace and comfort in anything, feel like my body is falling apart, I’ve gotten ultra sensitive, and generally just spend most of my time trying to convince myself somehow that being alive on earth doesn’t suck, because it does suck. I can see how sudden death would be ecstasy!

Again, hope y’all are going okay.

I’m open to tips on how to help life suck less.
I didn't quite understand, how does mental blocking produce acetylcholine? What would be psychological means to protect ourselves (if we are not using nicotine)?
I asked GPT about acetylcholine production, here's what it returned :

2. Cognitive Processes

  • Acetylcholine plays a central role in attention, learning, memory, and focus. During tasks that require heightened concentration or mental effort, neurons in the brain's basal forebrain region release more acetylcholine to help enhance these cognitive processes.
  • Examples: Studying, solving puzzles, or learning new skills.

So mental effort and concentration like Mental blocking produces more acetylcholine.
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