Session 21 September 2024

(Niall) Did Trump's latest would-be assassin have any help, or was just a Ukrainian looper?
A: Yes.
As a reader, this gives little information at first. If the question with "or" gets a "yes", then either is true. But which one?
Q: (L) He had help.
I rely on Laura's intuition here, that the first is correct. It would be interesting to learn more about the source of the help. Maybe it is not what we expect. Since I am posting anyway, I hope I am not adding to the noise with a "thank you".
I just went to the dentist like a month ago and they put some local anesthesia for a cleaning! Geesh! As soon as the session was over I was lighting like 3 tobacco pipes that’s night, and smoking more than usual lately! Just in case….
Now we know, we can’t completely trust on anything they can inject to you. Unless is something that it’s really necessary for your health depending on the case! At least we know what can fight those external agents.

When I lived overseas in Jordan, I had a few dental procedures without anesthesia. They typically do not use any and believe me, I asked! I was a bit skeptical at first, but it really wasn’t bad. No pain at all.

I certainly wouldn’t allow anesthesia for a simple teeth cleaning! Geesh is right! Never heard of that before.

And big thanks for this latest session! This nanotechnology is the creepiest thing yet. I’ve been reading up on it for a couple months and glad to have the Cs weigh in on it.
As a reader, this gives little information at first. If the question with "or" gets a "yes", then either is true. But which one?

I rely on Laura's intuition here, that the first is correct. It would be interesting to learn more about the source of the help. Maybe it is not what we expect. Since I am posting anyway, I hope I am not adding to the noise with a "thank you".
Both could be true? Ryan Routh had help and was also a "Ukranian looper". :lol:
Well, it was a deep cleaning! I should’ve specify more. Meaning, they clean the root of the teeth, under the gum.
Yes, and the older we get, the more our gums receed and that big clean tends to touch a few nerves! Ouch! I ask to have that numbing gell used now, as I'm getting a bit on in years. :-)
(irjO) What is the relationship between the so-called Illuminati with the Rothschild family? Because Laura wondered on the forum if the Rothschilds are even really 'Illuminati'.

A: Front men and red herrings.
Again, this confirms that STS is a gigantic feeding pyramid. Each level hides information from the levels below it for the sake of power and control. The masters harvest energy from their slaves. The slaves (which are also masters of other slaves) are rewarded for listening to their masters. The only way out is to reject the master-slave dynamic, a tall order for beings that like to play God.
Q: (Joe) In the study that was done showing one of these nano objects or nano bots in anesthetic, they used nicotine and it was observed to destroy them. Was that true?
A: Yes. We have often pointed out the benefits of nicotine. Why do you think there was such a concerted campaign to eradicate its use?
And what do they tell you after any kind of oral surgery, including gingivectomy, tooth extraction, root canals, implants, etc.?
"Don't smoke!" - usually for x number of days.
They're taught to say that. Maybe it's designed to give the nanotech time to do its work. ⏱️
Maybe buy a bottle of nicotine lozenges and dose up before any such operation.
Thank you for the session!

When I lived overseas in Jordan, I had a few dental procedures without anesthesia. They typically do not use any and believe me, I asked! I was a bit skeptical at first, but it really wasn’t bad. No pain at all.
Usually dentists have been very eager to apply anesthesia when drilling is involved. However my last dentist was Russian, and he just remarked that "These are not that big cavities, I'm sure you don't need anesthesia". I reluctantly agreed, but it wasn't that bad, and I didn't have my mouth numb for hours afterward.
Thank you for this session! It was an interesting discussion at the beginning. And it's a great idea to suggest that members who did a lot of research should recollect/compile it in order to make a document or a book. The information is sometimes a bit scattered all over the place.

Regarding this part:
A: No. Experimental. You should be aware that the extent of this type of experimentation is far more than widespread than you can imagine. Correct error of transmission please.

Q: (Joe) "is far more widespread than you can imagine." Is that what you meant to say?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And so, just on that point, are we talking about in foods as well?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) In water supplies?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) But this is all experimental, right?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So the experimentation is widespread, but it's not widespread in terms of application.

(L) Right.

A: Yes.

it seems to confirm something I had posted a while ago about a lady who was saying the weirdest things, then she died in a car accident, but most people who knew her suspected foul play, and her children seemed to be hiding after that event.

The post in question: Bio NanoTubes / FerroElectric nano-Networks created by DNA Nanotech from breathing Chemtrails / IoBNT

We'll never be able to tell truth from fiction from what she was saying, but from all the research that became public after Covid, and all of what the C's answered over time, there is much that is beyond imagination. Some stuff comes straight from Sci-Fi nightmarish movies. What sick distorted minds it must take to create such evil...
Hey, does anyone know when, in time, the era of the "Atlantean period" was?
The final destruction of Atlantis seems to have coincided with the biblical story of Noah's Flood (Noah supposedly being an archetype of an Atlantean refugee), which the C's said took place in 10,662 BC:​

Q: (L) Was Venus born from the planet Jupiter?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did it appear in the sky from the area of Jupiter?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was the earth knocked into a new orbital position because of this activity?

A: Yes.

Q: Is an event of this type going to take place in the not-too-distant future?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Did an event of this type take place at the time of the flood of Noah?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How many years ago did the flood of Noah occur?

A: 12656. (10,662 B.C.)

Q: (L) Was Noah an actual historical person?

A: Close.


Q: (L) Was the story of Noah's flood the story of the breaking up of Atlantis?

A: Yes. But symbolic.


Q: (L) And you said that the "flood of Noah" was the story of the final deluge and destruction of Atlantis?

A: Yes.

However, the Atlantean civilisation spanned a period of more than 80,000 years, since according to the C's it was already in existence and quite developed when the Kentakkian survivors were brought to Earth by the Lizard beings:​

Q: Let's back up here. You said that the Celts came from Kantek. They were transported by the Lizzies... brought here, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When the Lizzies did this, how many Celts were physically brought here?

A: Hundreds of millions.

Q: How long, in our terms, did it take to bring these Celts to this planet? Or is this ongoing?

A: Well, in the sense that you measure it, let us say about a week.

Q: Did they transport them in ships, that is some sort of structure. That is, did they load them up, move them into 4th density, re-emerge here in 3rd density, or something like that?

A: Close.

Q: And they unloaded them in the area of the Caucasus, is that correct?

A: And regions surrounding.

Q: And, that was what, 79 to 80 thousand years ago?

A: Over 80,000.

Q: As I understand it, Atlantis was already quite a developed civilization at that time, is that correct?

A: Yes, but regions change with waves of immigration, or conquest... witness your own lands.
Thank you for the fantastic session! Things are so bizarre right now but I am grateful for all of you and this information. I’m half really excited and half really nervous for what’s to come.
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