Session 22 August 1998


FOTCM Member
August 22, 1998

Frank, Laura, Ark

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Urturra.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) I want to ask about Frank's gallbladder. [Frank had recently suffered a severe gall-bladder inflammation attack.] Of the many things we have discussed about it this evening, including emotional causes of disease, use of acupuncture, and diet, is there anything that you can add to this at the present, or is there anything that was said in error that you would like to correct?

A: Condition is largely hereditary.

Q: Then, that would be similar to my own which means that a person has to eat a specific way and behave in specific ways to correct for the defective gene. Is that correct?

A: No. Defective gallbladder is hereditary.

Q: Then, is it advisable for him to have the gallbladder removed?

A: Eventually.

Q: Will it help to change his eating habits to the Atkins plan?

A: All is good there with two exceptions: suggest inclusion of bran fiber and liquid dairy, due to blood type, and need for elimination. This is greatly inhibited by "Atkins" plan, which is a fundamental flaw therein. You should consume "Mississippi Mud" for this purpose.

Q: What is THAT?

A: Fibrous porridge.

Q: Oh, I know that stuff!

A: Otherwise there is a risk of serious bound-up syndrome.

Q: I know that too. I am taking teas to counterbalance that.

A: But severe constipation can damage liver.

Q: Anything else on that to make some fine-tuning adjustments?

A: You should investigate blood type diet differentials, there is validity there.

Q: (A) I want to ask why is it so that when I look at Laura in the mirror, as I have several times without glasses at the gym, my vision was a little unsharp, I was seeing a gold glow, a big gold glow in both of her eyes. Why was this?

A: You are developing some DNA change related 4th density "bleed-through."

Q: (A) But what was this glow in her eyes?

A: Part of 4th density reality, related to aural frequency.

Q: (L) Now, on to the questions I have prepared: In a previous session you said that the pyramid was built 10,643 years ago. That would be 8,649 BC. Is that a correct figure, or was there any corruption?

A: Yes. Correct.

Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do 'all things' or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do 'all things.' This seems to indicate that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?

A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.

Q: If it was built in 8,000 BC, and the Pyramids were built 8,649 BC, which is 10,643 years ago, more or less, that means that they were built at almost the same time, or at least within 600 years of each other. If they were built at almost the same time, were they built by the same, or similar, groups of people?

A: Atlantean descendants.

Q: Obviously the Great Pyramid is a marvel of engineering - and Stonehenge is as well - yet the two structures are so dissimilar. The Pyramid presents such a finished and sharp and elegant appearance, and Stonehenge might give a person - of course that is based on how it appears today - a more primitive presentation.

A: Was not originally.

Q: Did they work in conjunction with one another and were the two groups that built them in communication with one another?

A: No and yes.

Q: Was it two different groups? One, with the Stonehenge business, and one with the Pyramid business?

A: Offshoots of same group.

A: Were they antagonistic toward one another or were they friendly toward one another?

A: No, yes.

Q: If the flood of Noah, as you have said before, occurred 10,662 BC, that means that the Pyramid and Stonehenge were built more than 2,000 years after this event.

A: Yes.

Q: Did it take 2,000 years for them to develop or create the technology?

A: No.

Q: What were they doing in those 2,000 years?

A: Reassembling.

Q: In that 2,000 years of reassembling, do you mean reassembling as a group through reincarnative processes...

A: All. Built using sound wave technology.

Q: When you say that it was built using sound wave technology, were these sound waves produced by human voices or by instruments or mechanical devices of some sort?

A: Mostly latter.

Q: What kind of a device would this be? What would you call it?

A: Something like tuning fork.

Q: It would be something that could be struck and would produce a sound that could then be directed in some way?

A: A sound enhancing collector/focuser.

Q: Can we build such a thing?

A: Must be like a two-way antenna; solidly brass or bronze.

Q: Other than a solid piece of metal, were there any other internal parts such as a mechanism of some sort?

A: Silicon arterial wand.

Q: (A) Can we see somewhere a picture of this?

A: No pictures exist to where you have access.

Q: (L) Was the pyramid itself ever used as a sounding mechanism, the chambers?

A: Not exactly.

Q: How many chambers or cells are there in the Great Pyramid?

A: 19.

Q: So, there are some that have not been found yet. Now, according to this book, the 'Message of the Sphinx,' they are saying that the orientation of the pyramid complex which includes the Sphinx, designates or denotes a time, or replicates on the ground, of the pattern of Orion related to the constellation of Leo exactly 10,500 years ago. What is the significance of this date 10,500 years ago?

A: Complex, but what about Orion?!?

Q: What about Orion?

A: For you to surmise.

Q: Was this a date when the ships from Orion arrived to go into orbit around the Earth?

A: No. Now you should study all you can about supernovae.

Q: Okay, there was a mention of a supernovae in this book. Was there a supernova at that particular time?

A: Maybe, but the real question should be: Will there be one again, and soon?

Q: They have said that this designates the lowest point of Orion in the precessional cycle, the nadir of the cycle, and that the midheaven would be 2400 AD. If you have the representation of this precessional nadir, what is the next 'notch' on the clock? Is it going to be the midheaven of the cycle 400 years or so from now?

A: Best not to assume without adequate data.

Q: Okay. Well, the other thing that they mentioned was that this orientation of the Sphinx and the Pyramids dealt with what is called 'Zep Tepi.' It says [reading]: 'In their most profound and beautiful religious texts, the ancient Egyptians spoke of the Time of the Gods, Zep Tepi, or the First Time, with the unshakeable conviction that there had indeed been such an epoch. In other words, they believed that Zep Tepi had been an actual historical event. In line with their prevailing dualism, they also believed that it had been projected and recorded in the catalogue of the starry sky, and it was a story that was reenacted endlessly in the cosmic setting by the cyclical displays of the celestial orbs and the constellations. What they had in mind was a kind of Cosmic Passion Play in which each main character was identified with a specific celestial body. Zep Tepi was regarded as a mysterious and golden age that had immediately followed creation.' What can you comment about this Zep Tepi? Was Zep Tepi the time of the first civilization that had existed immediately after creation?

A: You are pursuing a "dead end" there.

Q: Okay, then we will forget Zep Tepi. Also, it says here regarding the issue about iron [reading]: 'It is unsettling to discover in the Pyramid Texts, supposedly the work of Neolithic farmers who had hardly begun to master copper, that there were abundant references to iron. The name of it was B'ja, or the 'Divine Metal.' We always encounter it in distinctive context to astronomy. For example, B'ja is frequently mentioned in the text in connection to the 'Four Sons of Horus,' presumably related in some way to strange beings known as the Shemsu Hor, or the 'Followers of Horus,' or the 'Transfigured Ones.' At any rate, these very mysterious 'Sons of Horus' seem to have been made of iron or to have had iron fingers. [...] It is clear that iron was somehow seen by the composers of the Pyramid Texts as being imperative in the rituals aimed at ensuring new life cosmic and stellar. The verses of the Texts connect the metal and its uses to the ancient prototype of all such rituals by means of which Osiris himself, Egypt's 'Once and Future King,' died and was restored to immortal life as Lord of the Sky Region of Orion. 'The doors of iron which are in the starry sky are thrown open for me and I go through them.' It appears to be nothing less than an iron stargate intended to admit Osiris and all the dynasty of dead kings after him into the celestial realms of the belt of Orion. But, if the Pyramid Texts are describing a stargate, they are also describing a timegate for they express no doubt that by passing through the iron portals of the sky, the soul of the deceased will attain a life of millions of years.' So, they are describing the Pyramid as a stargate, a timegate, a portal. However, they are doing so in figurative terms, that the person could mentally travel, or use this in some way. Could you comment on this bit about the iron stargate?

A: Iron is highly magnetic.

Q: Yes, we know that...

A: Opens doorways or portals.

Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?

A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.

Q: They say that there is a subterranean chamber under the sphinx that leads to all the other pyramids. Is this correct?

A: Yes. But more importantly, there is a buried capsule of sorts.

Q: Has this buried capsule been found?

A: Not uncovered, but the evidence exists.

Q: Are those Egyptians over there who are banning all the other people from excavating aware of this?

A: They fear ramifications.

Q: One of the things I noticed in this book was that they said that there was a colony from the city of Harran in what is nowadays Turkey, and that this colony formerly resided on the Giza plateau. Is there any connection between this colony they mention and the fact that you said that the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' were composed in Turkey by an 'Aryan' source?

A: Yes.

Q: What relationship is there?

A: One and the same.

Q: We watched this television show the other night which talked about the city of Angkor Wat and its orientation to [the constellation] Draco 10,500 BC. You said that Angkor Wat was built 3108 years ago by the Lizzies themselves, and that the city of Mohenjo Daro was also built by the Lizzies 3065 years ago, which is within 30 or 40 years of the same time period. Do you still confirm that the Lizzies themselves built these cities?

A: Reptilian Beings.

Q: And they did this themselves?

A: Yes.

Q: What happened to the inhabitants of these cities?

A: Taken to another planet.

Q: Why was this city built in orientation to the constellation Draco?

A: Was not, was a record: see the texts of Kaballah for details after linkage is established.

Q: After what linkage is established.

A: Between the astronomical data and the sites.

Q: Now, we are in the process of constructing a psychomantium tent, a 10 by 10 by 8 foot tent, to suspend from the ceiling in the bedroom. After what you suggested about the time and mode of meditation, and the fact that 'one room stands idle,' I thought that trying to use it in the early evening in the back room would be almost impossible. However, setting it up in the bedroom, it will be better all the way around. Lying on the bed to meditate makes for much more comfortable conditions. I would like to know if this is going to be... I know that you don't want to tell me, but it just seemed to be the ideal place to put it, in the bedroom - for comfort and quiet and a lot of different reasons. Can you comment?

A: Good.

Q: Well, would it be better in the back room? There are a lot of reasons why that would be unpleasant...

A: Trial leads to realization.

Q: Any further advice about the psychomantium? I am getting kind of excited about trying it this way. It is going to be so much better and more comfortable...

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I have one question about the pyramids. There is a complex of pyramids at Giza, and they are now trying to find out if this complex points to some special place, a vanishing point. Is it really so that the three pyramids point to some important place as a complex?

A: Orion.

Q: (A) Not some place on the earth or under the earth?

A: No, no need.

Q: (A) I want to go back to the previous session when you were trying to point us to a laboratory in Russia and we were unsuccessful in finding the place. First, there was the Russian letter 'b' which didn't fit to anything on the map. My guess was that it could be the initial of a Russian scientist, for instance, Breznev.

A: Clues go step by step.

Q: (A) So I must speak about one letter, that's one step...

A: Prokov.

Q: (L) Well, he did have the idea of following the magnetic meridian of our present locator over the North Pole and this appeared on the other side of the globe in the exact center of the two cities you named. Was that part of the solution?

A: The solution lies in a mountain pass.

Q: (A) A mountain pass?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, there is that magnetic mountain there. Is that the one you are talking about? But that has nothing to do with the two cities?

A: Good start. Remember, there may be more than one locator involved.

Q: (L) You were trying to draw some letters in the Cyrillic alphabet and I just got completely screwed up. So, is there something that you can add to it to clarify it?

A: Not now.

Q: (L) Okay, we would like to know what was this famous explosion in Tunguska?

A: Comet fragment.

Q: (L) Did that have anything to do with this laboratory or this magnetic meridian business?

A: No.

Q: (A) I was considering writing to the Rockefeller Foundation for support. Is it advisable to write to them for a grant?

A: Be careful, they have an agenda in mind.

Q: (A) Referring back to Von Neumann, you mentioned light and the question was 'what kind of light is related to electromagnetically charged particles.' Then you mentioned that Von Neumann was applying algebra. Now, is the answer about what kind of light, if I say infrared, is that the correct answer?

A: Refracted image.

Q: (A) Okay, I was thinking about this...

A: Like an induced mirage.

Q: (A) Now, I want to ask about the software that I am working on. I realized that these people have a spectrometer that produces bad spectra, there is, as far as I can see, the methods that I am using may fail completely with this spectrometer. What should I do to work out an efficient analyzing program that will work so that...

A: Fit a model into your program calculations which is demonstrable. In other words, fit your machine to your program, rather than the other way around.

Q: (L) You are saying that, based on what will work program- wise, that the machine should be re-designed...

A: Yes.

Q: (A) But still I have the feeling that the method I am using is not the optimal one even for this machine, but I don't know what to do.

A: Adjust machine to method.

Q: (L) Are you saying that his method is the best and the only one that is going to work and that the machine is going to have to be modified?

A: Best of the rest.

Q: (A) That is not much help. (L) We really need to do something with this project!

A: It will work out!

Q: (L) Well, he really needs this to work out. We don't want this project to fall flat on its face!

A: Follow instincts.

Q: (L) Is there anything we ought to be doing in terms of employment at the present time? Is there any other direction we should be looking at the present time?

A: Not until you reach the crossroads.

Q: (L) What crossroads? I don't like the sound of that!

A: Wait and see. Now: study supernovae!

Q: Okay, we will study supernovae. (A) I have a question about UFT. A piece from Einstein's biography says that in 1931, Einstein and Mayer re-formulated Kaluza’s five dimensional theory, retaining a four-dimensional space-time. I would like to know if it was a step back or a step forward when they did this?

A: Step back, then forward.

Q: (L) The paper was a step back and then they stepped forward in secret?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Next question: three weeks ago you mentioned in relation to UFT pentagons and hexagons. I have here a pentagon and a mathematical formula under pentagon which for me, relates to a pentagon, and it has x, y, z, three dimension; time, which is one dimension, and perhaps the fifth dimension, which corresponds to the fifth. Is this association of pentagon with this mathematical symbol below correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I want to ask if you ever told us to do something with a Tesla coil which I failed to record or got lost somewhere?

A: Maybe. Gravity waves, pentagon is the foundation; hexagon is the conclusion.

Q: (A) I want to go back to this little mathematical formula here. I have here a plus or minus and I don't know which sign to take in front of this field variable. Should it be plus like x,y and z, or should it be minus, like with t?

A: Minus.

Q: (A) Related to these gravity waves, in 1936 Einstein wrote a paper which was rejected, in which he claims to have discovered that there are no gravity waves. When you talk...

A: Cloak for others. Einstein knew differently, but was forced to comply for political and security reasons.

Q: (A) Should gravity be quantized as other fields?

A: It can be.

Q: (A) But, if it is quantized, it will be gravitons, and you said that there are no gravitons...

A: Gravitons are really electrons within a time vacuum.

Q: (A) Physicists today and for the past 5 or 10 years have been trying to build a theory of everything which is built on the idea of strings - that everything is composed of oscillating strings - they call it SuperString Theory. Is the idea of strings any good?

A: No.

Q: (A) Now, about pagers... we were told that pagers emit some radiation which can be detrimental up to a distance of four meters. As far as I understand a pager is a passive device, a receiver. It is not emitting anything. How can a pager be detrimental?

A: Microwave "bounce effect."

Q: (A) So, they bounce from the receiver... I see.

A: Cell phones too.

Q: (A) Yes, but cell phones have a transmitter. Now, in many of these internet papers on UFT we find the name of Bearden. I have here a page: ‘Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics to Tap Vacuum Energy’. [Reads abstract] This guy wrote several books and several papers. Is there any truth in what he is saying?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Is it worthwhile to study?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Are there lies there too? Is he lying too?

A: Maybe some mixed in to cloak for safety sake.

Q: (A) Is his idea of scalar electromagnetics sound?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Okay, going back to the pyramid. In the Pyramid Texts, when they talk about the 'Boat of Millions of Years,' what are they talking about?

A: Time machine.

Q: (L) Who were the 'Followers of Horus?'

A: Those who held the 3rd "insight."

Q: (L) What was the third insight?

A: There are 10. The 3rd involves transcendental existence.

Q: (L) The Pyramid Texts also talk about the 'Duat.' What is this?

A: Scene of martyrdom.

Q: (L) They also talk about the 'Seven Sages.' You once said that Perceval was 'knighted in the Court of Seven' and that the sword's points signify 'crystal transmitter of truth beholden.' Do these seven sages relate to this 'Court of Seven' that you mentioned?

A: Close.

Q: (L) When you said 'swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden,' could you elaborate on that remark?

A: Has celestial meaning.

Q: (L) Also since the layout of the pyramids and the Sphinx seems to indicate that the constellation of Leo is in some way very significant, does this relate in any way to your remark that your 'next stop: Leo,' that we should 'call Leo?'

A: Getting warmer.

Q: (L) Okay, since you said that the Sphinx symbolized a religion, or worship of a god named Endurra which just 'fizzled out,' how can this be reconciled with the obvious celestial relationship to this monument and this whole Giza complex. It seems that there is a far deeper meaning to the Sphinx than just the worship of a feline principle that just 'fizzled out.' Comment please?

A: It "fizzled" because the kept secrets faded.

Q: (A) Here is a picture of a pyramid, and they ask what this hieroglyph means. [Picture of a man pointing to something] What does it mean?

A: Passage to higher levels.

Q: (L) The original 'Widow's Son' seems to have been Horus. Perceval of the Grail Stories was also known as the 'Widow's Son' so we can clearly see the relation between the Egyptian and Celtic 'Quest.' You said that the definition of the 'Widow's Son' is 'he who stalks wisdom incarnate.' Why is this defined as wisdom incarnate?

A: Wisdom is greatest when not carnate.

Q: (L) Was it a reverse expression meaning that looking for wisdom that was incarnate was a waste of time?

A: No.

Q: (L) I dont' understand.

A: Seek that which is elusive... good night.

End of Session
These recent earlier transcripts being posted add so much to knowledge and connections in life that I've found in all the work Laura and the group have done. Stunning to read yet more connections to cosmos, ancient history, and the way things unfold. Thank you Laura and group and Cassiopaeans!
I'm sensing a 'quantum leap' as the missing pieces fall into place!
Q: (L) Okay, going back to the pyramid. In the Pyramid Texts, when they talk about the 'Boat of Millions of Years,' what are they talking about?

A: Time machine.

Q: (L) Who were the 'Followers of Horus?'

A: Those who held the 3rd "insight."

Q: (L) What was the third insight?

A: There are 10. The 3rd involves transcendental existence.
Is these people are same as underground race that identifies themselves people from the "Nation of 3rd eye"?

Q: (L) They also talk about the 'Seven Sages.' You once said that Perceval was 'knighted in the Court of Seven' and that the sword's points signify 'crystal transmitter of truth beholden.' Do these seven sages relate to this 'Court of Seven' that you mentioned?

A: Close.

Q: (L) When you said 'swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden,' could you elaborate on that remark?

A: Has celestial meaning.
I was reading Mike Baillie's book 'The Celtic Gods- comets in Irish Mythology'. His interpretation of King Arthur, Merlin , Sword sticking down are the manifestation of comets/comet fragments/plasma phenomenon of different variations.

I was wondering whether these Seven sages, court of seven etc. are meant to represent some terrifying comet activity with 7 fragments or 7 different comets or some plasma effect that is visible of 7 objects or some thing like that? Once memory of the event is faded away, appropriated by other people (kings, priests) and meanings ( including "spiritual" mysteries or meanings) down the time line?
Q: (A) I want to ask why is it so that when I look at Laura in the mirror, as I have several times without glasses at the gym, my vision was a little unsharp, I was seeing a gold glow, a big gold glow in both of her eyes. Why was this?

A: You are developing some DNA change related 4th density "bleed-through."

Q: (A) But what was this glow in her eyes?

A: Part of 4th density reality, related to aural frequency.
Decades ago Hollywood ran a really nice biblical-mythical movie series about the meme of 'War of the Angels'. In these when an angel [in disguise in the human world] revealed itself by activating his-her heavenly power, its eyes lit up with an intense blue glow, before exploding like a mini sun-nova. Contemporarily with that and before, in all entertainment genre any kind of mythic superpower activation made the actors eyes - subtly only the pupil+iris or the entire eye socket - glow with either dominating colors gold, blue and white, when the power activation went to the stage of "nuclear". Red color eye glow was-is always reserved to actors playing the evil side.
'Sons of Horus' seem to have been made of iron or to have had iron fingers.
Conceptually this sounds like nephilim in bulky metal power-armor. Smells of Orion STS influence. Alien-connected priesthood ruling the enslaved human population. Whatever these freaks were, it feels they were up to no good!
Thank you so much for posting this beautiful session.
I kept thinking about the latter:

Q: (L) The original 'Widow's Son' seems to have been Horus. Perceval of the Grail Stories was also known as the 'Widow's Son' so we can clearly see the relation between the Egyptian and Celtic 'Quest.' You said that the definition of the 'Widow's Son' is 'he who stalks wisdom incarnate.' Why is this defined as wisdom incarnate?

A: Wisdom is greatest when not carnate.

Q: (L) Was it a reverse expression meaning that looking for wisdom that was incarnate was a waste of time?

A: No.

Q: (L) I dont' understand.

A: Seek that which is elusive... good night.

I don't know if what I am thinking has anything to do with the true meaning of this, but it made me reflect on the following:

When they disrupted our DNA, burning almost everything, and leaving active only the essential part for self-preservation, that is, the care of the physical body, they made us prone to be focused almost exclusively on that interest.
But, the damaged part of the DNA, or antenna in this context, has only been physically damaged.
At the ethereal level it remains.
With this in mind, I can surmise that the statement, "Wisdom is greatest when it is not embodied," refers to the fact that the information that is received exclusively with the physically active part is limited, because it only responds to what needs to be known to be embodied, or physically alive.
In contrast, although not mutually exclusive, the information received by the non-physical part of our antennae, that which still exists at the ethereal level, is of a higher order, since it is information that is not limited and/or conditioned by matter.
If this reasoning goes in the right direction, it is easy to see why the materialistic view, never achieves a cogent, satisfactory or at least consistent explanation, about the "True Existence".
I hope this makes sense. Just some thoughts.
I did not know this session.
Thank you. :flowers:

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