Session 22 July 2012

Another example is this:

I used to listen to pop music in English while not speaking that language very well - basically I didn't understand the lyrics.
Some of these songs I liked very much and felt quite attached to in a positive sense - uplifting, calming, making me feel optimistic, alleviating my blues, making me feel more connected etc.

Years later, after having learnt the English language, I noticed, that many of these lyrics were completely idiotic, if not outright bad. It put me off these songs, but I still harbour this past connection to them, remembering the positive effect it had on me ...

Now, I am supposed to negate these positive effects now? I think not ...

To come back to the musical ad: Everything is "manipulated" to some extent, having a motive that is self-serving, if only being to earn a living. But does that necessarily make it bad?

Maybe the Law of Threes applies here: There is good, there is bad, and then there is the precise situation that makes it thus ...
nicklebleu said:
Another example is this:

I used to listen to pop music in English while not speaking that language very well - basically I didn't understand the lyrics.
Some of these songs I liked very much and felt quite attached to in a positive sense - uplifting, calming, making me feel optimistic, alleviating my blues, making me feel more connected etc.

Years later, after having learnt the English language, I noticed, that many of these lyrics were completely idiotic, if not outright bad. It put me off these songs, but I still harbour this past connection to them, remembering the positive effect it had on me ...

Now, I am supposed to negate these positive effects now? I think not ...

To come back to the musical ad: Everything is "manipulated" to some extent, having a motive that is self-serving, if only being to earn a living. But does that necessarily make it bad?

Maybe the Law of Threes applies here: There is good, there is bad, and then there is the precise situation that makes it thus ...

I think this is a good thing to keep in mind. Remember that the vast majority of 'classical' music before a certain point was little more than Church propaganda. Those were the forms with which composers had to work. But that does not detract from the beauty of a Bach mass, IMO. And then there's the Beatles, whose lyrics were often meaningless, but whose songs were nonetheless great, musically.
muxel said:
So... should I "see beyond" every piece of media from now on? Author's intent vs audience's intent?

My worry is that of the manipulative author. Who has ways of of hypnotizing us, subconsciously implanting us, making us want their product. How does one guard himself? Or is there some level of objectivity, of incorruptibility, that makes self-censoring unnecessary? The P's said to use feeling to discern - maybe that takes care of it?

And how do I reconcile this with the C's warning to be careful what we let into our "field"?

I think several factors come into play. Awareness, as mentioned, plays a huge part of it and knowledge protects. For example, one might initially like trance music until one comes across research into the use of binaural beats and mind control (no wonder new age music makes heavy use of binaural beats in "relaxation" videos). Since it is difficult to detect such manipulations, it is better to avoid unless one becomes extremely knowledgeable and can somehow discern honest, informed and unco-opted composers from idiots and malevolent types. Perhaps, in this case, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is actually the best approach when one has insufficient information on a potential threat.

Also as mentioned, there could be something behind one's dislike for certain situations, be they musical, social or other. This could be related to a program and an opportunity is presented to observe and probe deeper to uncover and neutralize the source.

We have talked a lot about doing what the mind doesn't like and wants to avoid. But this has to be guided with knowledge, for the mind doesn't like having one's hand placed on a hot stove out of protection from a real threat, not a program resulted from a former threat.

When I look at the reasons people disliked the video, it seemed to me to be a case of emotions running the show and in some cases, emotions disguised as principles. We have an incredible power to transform things, perhaps not in the New Age YCYOR sense, but in a way that finds beauty in the midst of ugliness and light in the midst of darkness. For example, the Throne of weapons, on display at the British Museum (

I find it fitting that this session mentioned lack of insight and Insight being overridden by emotion, since it takes insight to see one's programs at play and how they are triggered, including why one would mechanically reject something like this staged flash mob video due to an emotional response to it's initiator (my lame attempt at trying to bring this full circle back to the original topic).

Galaxia2002 said:
I believe timely to put some quotes of Bringers of the Dawn

[...]If human beings do not change-if they do not make the shift in values and realize that without Earth they
could not be here-then Earth, in its love for its own initiation and its reaching for a higher frequency,
will bring about a cleansing that will balance it once again. There is the potential for many people to
leave the planet in an afternoon.
Maybe then everyone else will begin to wake up to what is going on.
There have been events all along stimulating you, encouraging you, and bringing you to the realization
that there must be global change. There are grass-roots movements that are going to grow
phenomenally. What happens to Earth depends on how willing everyone is to change.


I was just thinking about that quote from the Pleiadians about mass deaths. Can you imagine what would happen if say 3 million people died 'in an afternoon' from some natural catastrophe all at once? If this happens with a comet hitting a fairly sized population center, the masses still alive would definitely receive the shock of their lives!!! I guess it's hard to say if that shock will be enough to wake them up to the reality of the situation and act different, or even if they do whether it will be enough to stop the following annihilation. But then thing think multiple comet hits, and many more millions are dead all over the globe, then you have an interesting situation. Revolution is inevitable?

I guess the PTB can't really do anything to stop stars falling to the earth, so it remains to be seen if what they are doing now is enough for them to keep control after the chaos begins. I'm actually surprised we haven't yet seen more extreme measures being used by the dark forces, considering the supposed time is limited and they know about it.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the music suggestions :)
Thank you Laura and crew for this session. It was very enlightening and thought provoking, to say the least. After reading this, it is somewhat difficult not to anticipate- especially considering the C's seeming almost ecstatic about the coming "cleansing". I have read this thread everyday since it was posted, including all of the responses. The video discussion though made me realize that there is a lesson here- in the thread itself.

Gonzo said:
When I look at the reasons people disliked the video, it seemed to me to be a case of emotions running the show and in some cases, emotions disguised as principles. We have an incredible power to transform things, perhaps not in the New Age YCYOR sense, but in a way that finds beauty in the midst of ugliness and light in the midst of darkness. For example, the Throne of weapons, on display at the British Museum (

I find it fitting that this session mentioned lack of insight and Insight being overridden by emotion, since it takes insight to see one's programs at play and how they are triggered, including why one would mechanically reject something like this staged flash mob video due to an emotional response to it's initiator (my lame attempt at trying to bring this full circle back to the original topic).


I think Gonzo hit the nail on the head here. Many reactions were based on the messenger, not the message. Music has always moved me emotionally, but sometimes it is attached to something ugly. Can we lift the veil of ugliness to find the beauty underneath- like finding a pearl? I have always found motion picture and TV show soundtracks (orchestral) very moving. Many times, the video imagery is dark or ugly, so it is irrelevant. The music can stand on its own. Here is an example of what I mean:

This is a soundtrack piece for a video game(I don't play video games). When it starts, minimize the window so you can't see the video, and just listen. Then play it again, but watch the video. I find the video rather disturbing, but the music is not, osit.
That reminds me a movie by István Szabó, Mephisto, where you see an actor that accept to be part of the Nazi system to play classical roles, specially the role of Mephisto. The question is: if you are an artist to what degree are you responsible to be complicit with your sponsor? :evil:

Evidently the banks are not the Nazis. (But business is business).

I think Gonzo hit the nail on the head here. Many reactions were based on the messenger, not the message. Music has always moved me emotionally, but sometimes it is attached to something ugly. Can we lift the veil of ugliness to find the beauty underneath- like finding a pearl? I have always found motion picture and TV show soundtracks (orchestral) very moving. Many times, the video imagery is dark or ugly, so it is irrelevant. The music can stand on its own. Here is an example of what I mean:

This is a soundtrack piece for a video game(I don't play video games). When it starts, minimize the window so you can't see the video, and just listen. Then play it again, but watch the video. I find the video rather disturbing, but the music is not, osit.

Perhaps it comes down to the proper domain of Centers. The Emotional Center responds quickly. In the video, some of responded with tears of joy at beautiful, music and the seeming spontaneity of the scene. Later, the Intellectual Center comes into play when we realize it was a bank ad and, of course choreographed.

Each response is valid in it's own way. We would have a dreary life, for sure, if we let the intellect swoop down, picking apart all our joys before we have a chance to experience the delight.

Nor should we let our emotions be free from scrutiny of the intellect.

We need both the Intellectual and Emotional centers operating fully, each doing the work that they are designed to do.


loreta said:
That reminds me a movie by István Szabó, Mephisto, where you see an actor that accept to be part of the Nazi system to play classical roles, specially the role of Mephisto. The question is: if you are an artist to what degree are you responsible to be complicit with your sponsor? :evil:

Evidently the banks are not the Nazis. (But business is business).

You absolutely right!

I was just thinking the same, what Mozart would do if the king didn't ordered music from him, and yes a lot of great music came from request of the church, Bach, Handel, etc.

In this STS world art is always dependent upon sponsors, unfortunatelly.
No wonder why is so corrupt.
I believe the time of geniuses like Beethoven's or Mozart's or Verdi's music had a different meaning, food for the soul, osit.
Peam said:
As far as I can see, a bunch of musicians came out of a building (a bank) and joined in the music to entertain the public. Of course it was staged by the bank, there's no doubt about it. But what was the intent of the musicians? Was their intent to give pleasure to the public, or to promote the bank? From my limited experience of some musicians, and I could be mistaken, they probably got more of a kick out of entertaining the people watching them play, rather than thinking about promoting the bank.

FWIW, I didn't pay attention to what kind of building the musicians came out of, and after a few minutes I realized it wasn't "live" but I didn't know anything else. My husband (a classically-trained composer) came into the room to see what I was watchng and stood beside me for the duration of it. At the end when the credits came on, he exclaimed with disdain, "oh, it's a BANK commercial." I tried to explain that probably wasn't the point, that it was symbolic of joy and community. He just shrugged it off.

Some people really don't get it. :/
Thank you for the brilliant session. They cannot cover up the truth indefinitely - there is too much reality happenning all around. I do think the Olympics has been chosen for whatever they have planned - even the 4D STS - because it is one event that most of the world watch. Also it is in London - where much of the ponorology stemmed from.

The joy seems to confirm the income blocking I have been getting plus I only caught the session today. Strangely I also 'lost' my purse today and couldn't even buy the local paper when I stopped at the shop let alone any petrol to return home! Well stopped at a friends who lent me money, did my errands then home to look for purse which is ALWAYS in my bag. Had blitzed house (unusual for me in 43 degrees heat) so knew it was not left behind anywhere. Found it in a drawer - swear I never put it there. Perhaps double confirmation now that money is not going to be much use to me. However, will still pursue life/plans to keep grounded.

Looking forward to our planet finally getting her health and strength back - plus the knock-on benefits in the solar system. Will enjoy the show - but also do my best to stay strong for people should the universe have other ideas for me. Either way this is why we are here and the experience will be a huge learning lesson for us.

JOY JOY JOY :rockon: :dance: :clap:
Mrs. Peel said:
Peam said:
As far as I can see, a bunch of musicians came out of a building (a bank) and joined in the music to entertain the public. Of course it was staged by the bank, there's no doubt about it. But what was the intent of the musicians? Was their intent to give pleasure to the public, or to promote the bank? From my limited experience of some musicians, and I could be mistaken, they probably got more of a kick out of entertaining the people watching them play, rather than thinking about promoting the bank.

FWIW, I didn't pay attention to what kind of building the musicians came out of, and after a few minutes I realized it wasn't "live" but I didn't know anything else. My husband (a classically-trained composer) came into the room to see what I was watchng and stood beside me for the duration of it. At the end when the credits came on, he exclaimed with disdain, "oh, it's a BANK commercial." I tried to explain that probably wasn't the point, that it was symbolic of joy and community. He just shrugged it off.

Some people really don't get it. :/
Yes indeed, and it is their loss, not ours. Now I have to say, I didn't even realized in the first place that it was about a bank thing since I didn't know that "brand", and indeed it removed a bit of the charm for a second when I read about it here. Now after that, I too then, shrugged, and kept sharing it for the pleasure of the emotions and the hope it gives me every-single-time I hear/watch it :)

I'm still surprised that it got so much of the attention considering everything else about the main topic here, which is, I guess, the transcript ;)
The video is how our world is. "Good" things are mixed up with "bad" things. The most important is to have awareness of this duality and to move on for more creativity within non-creativity. Light and darkness and so forth. OSIT.
mkrnhr said:
The video is how our world is. "Good" things are mixed up with "bad" things. The most important is to have awareness of this duality and to move on for more creativity within non-creativity. Light and darkness and so forth. OSIT.

So well put IMHO !
Thank you Laura and the crew for the session, comes in perfect time as always.

I guess the time for the mess that the psychopaths have made is coming to an end and from this perspective I can understand why the C’s feel joy; if me, a mere mortal :) can feel some kind of relief knowing or anticipating that the suffering of many people (poor people, the economic crisis, crime, psychopaths ruling the world, emptiness and so much materialistic vibe) will *end*, I can sure visualize how much joy the C’s feel, knowing that they are way –y-y-y-y ahead of me and have the capacity to *see* more than I do. No wonder they feel so much joy, I actually could sense their joy!

I assume they are happy to know that the Psycho-Virus is coming to its end. I don’t remember who said it but it goes something like this:

Psychopaths are like bacteria, bacteria feed out of its host but because it’s so Ego-Sintonic and Self Absorbed, it doesn’t know (the bacteria) that one day that body (host) will die or end. No wonder why psychopaths have no conscience and this is what is going to happen!

That said, on a personal level, of course it feels weird and kind of scary, absolutely, but then again its cleaning time, so let it be :(

Also, what a great opportunity to keep working on the machine and programs, this session has accentuated and accelerated my own personal *cleaning* and of course to keep watching what I eat, thank you very much!!
Puzzle said:
And what a threat they must be sensing from you - I guess they didn't see that one coming! And how all their attemtps at destroying you actually made you stronger. They probably can't wrap their head around that one, either. :lol:

:hug2: :flowers:

That's what I was wondering about yesterday. I read the article of 2012, and thought about the cosmic predators. I don't know if they envy us, I don't think so, but if they feed from suffering and fear, is kind of funny because we need fear and suffering to grow, so we can't really stop feeling a little bit of fear, and suffer. But, negative emotions really are suffering and fear? what if those emotions become positive because helps to our growth, what if the real negative emotions are those produced by the highs of drugs, new age teachings, and mainstream ideas? a shallow happiness that make us blind.

:rolleyes: At least we can't stop the production of excessive feeling.

Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

I can be your future dad if you want :P
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