Session 22 July 2012

Prometeo said:
Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

I can be your future dad if you want :P
I like that idea - maybe some of us "oldies" should consider pre-choosing forumites as 'future parents' :lol: Gotta be an improvement on some of the choices many of us have made this time around! Bless their hearts! :oops:

LauraFromTheSea~ said:
Also, what a great opportunity to keep working on the machine and programs, this session has accentuated and accelerated my own personal *cleaning* and of course to keep watching what I eat, thank you very much!!
Been thinking along similar lines - just knowing that time is growing shorter has given me further impetus to keep working on acquiring knowledge and being ever more scrupulous with the diet. Trying to make every minute count! :cool:
aleana said:
Prometeo said:
Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

I can be your future dad if you want :P
I like that idea - maybe some of us "oldies" should consider pre-choosing forumites as 'future parents' :lol: Gotta be an improvement on some of the choices many of us have made this time around! Bless their hearts! :oops:
Careful, we don't know yet the next type of child/parent relation that would result of the 4D shift :D
Ekios said:
aleana said:
Prometeo said:
Mac said:
I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

I can be your future dad if you want :P
I like that idea - maybe some of us "oldies" should consider pre-choosing forumites as 'future parents' :lol: Gotta be an improvement on some of the choices many of us have made this time around! Bless their hearts! :oops:
Careful, we don't know yet the next type of child/parent relation that would result of the 4D shift :D

This is another concept that was for a long time merely plausible for me that lately seems very real: that I chose my parents at some level. I suffered abuse, felt trapped and frustrated, in over my head much of my young life.

But others suffered so much worse. Looking back on those times, I can see that what I went through was actually just right for me and the things I needed to learn. Of course I missed some of the lessons presented, and cut classes sometimes so to speak. But it all led to where I am now.

Indeed, child/parent relationships are likely to be quite different from what they are now. The times we live in and possible near futures can be scary at times but the feeling grows that right now, this moment, I am in the place I need to be.

Let the show begin!

Thanks for an interesting session guy. :)

I think this has already been said by many, but the out-look, in the long run, is pretty joyful if what is suppose to happen comes to fruition. The Earth will be cleansed entirely, but, unfortunately, we're gonna have to endure the cleaning itself!
Mac said:
Indeed, child/parent relationships are likely to be quite different from what they are now. The times we live in and possible near futures can be scary at times but the feeling grows that right now, this moment, I am in the place I need to be.

Let the show begin!

I share this feeling that everything is taking place as it have too :)
So as you and many said, let the show begin :)
(someone has popcorn ? ;D)
Mac said:
This is another concept that was for a long time merely plausible for me that lately seems very real: that I chose my parents at some level. I suffered abuse, felt trapped and frustrated, in over my head much of my young life.

But others suffered so much worse. Looking back on those times, I can see that what I went through was actually just right for me and the things I needed to learn. Of course I missed some of the lessons presented, and cut classes sometimes so to speak. But it all led to where I am now.

Indeed, child/parent relationships are likely to be quite different from what they are now. The times we live in and possible near futures can be scary at times but the feeling grows that right now, this moment, I am in the place I need to be.

Let the show begin!


Thanks for sharing that, Mac. I still haven't fully accepted my childhood for what it was without some measure of blame directed at myself or family members. Which probably means I haven't learned my lessons yet.
LauraFromTheSea~ said:
I guess the time for the mess that the psychopaths have made is coming to an end and from this perspective I can understand why the C’s feel joy; if me, a mere mortal :) can feel some kind of relief knowing or anticipating that the suffering of many people (poor people, the economic crisis, crime, psychopaths ruling the world, emptiness and so much materialistic vibe) will *end*, I can sure visualize how much joy the C’s feel, knowing that they are way –y-y-y-y ahead of me and have the capacity to *see* more than I do. No wonder they feel so much joy, I actually could sense their joy!

I assume they are happy to know that the Psycho-Virus is coming to its end.

OK folks this could be a masterpiece of wishful thinking of mine but i hope that C's express joy cause they are pleased with possible results of their/your (Laura and crew & maybe some others) efforts in forestalling the absolute doom of humanity which would be definite if nobody asked for help and comprehend the Work...

I guess if Laura and others didn't succeed to gather critical mass of 4th density STO candidates and train them, almost whole humanity could have been 'ascended' to 4th STS realm - and C's wouldn't be so joyful than... So i am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you and continuing to upload some knowledge for me-self to meet, as best prepared as i can, those exciting events to come... :thup:
Mac said:
This is another concept that was for a long time merely plausible for me that lately seems very real: that I chose my parents at some level. I suffered abuse, felt trapped and frustrated, in over my head much of my young life.

But others suffered so much worse. Looking back on those times, I can see that what I went through was actually just right for me and the things I needed to learn. Of course I missed some of the lessons presented, and cut classes sometimes so to speak. But it all led to where I am now.

Indeed, child/parent relationships are likely to be quite different from what they are now. The times we live in and possible near futures can be scary at times but the feeling grows that right now, this moment, I am in the place I need to be.

Let the show begin!

Well said, Mac! I agree that in all likelihood, at some level I chose my parents and childhood situation. An in truth, they did as well as they could with their level of knowledge at the time. And I do truly love them, and appreciate what they did, realizing that much of the difficulties presented to me were for my growth and learning.

And yes, so many people have had it much much worse - in that respect, I know I have been very fortunate. Who knows what the situation will be in 4D, but have hope that families will be quite different and that children will be raised in loving supporting environments. Looking forward to it, and hope I witness that some day!
A friend of mine that lives in paraguay just told us that she had a dream that the world ends in 2014, looks like some kind of date is filtering for some minds.
I'd like to share this wonderfull little story
I think it fits in this session :)

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.
"One is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
"The other is is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Yozilla said:
LauraFromTheSea~ said:
I guess the time for the mess that the psychopaths have made is coming to an end and from this perspective I can understand why the C’s feel joy; if me, a mere mortal :) can feel some kind of relief knowing or anticipating that the suffering of many people (poor people, the economic crisis, crime, psychopaths ruling the world, emptiness and so much materialistic vibe) will *end*, I can sure visualize how much joy the C’s feel, knowing that they are way –y-y-y-y ahead of me and have the capacity to *see* more than I do. No wonder they feel so much joy, I actually could sense their joy!

I assume they are happy to know that the Psycho-Virus is coming to its end.

OK folks this could be a masterpiece of wishful thinking of mine but i hope that C's express joy cause they are pleased with possible results of their/your (Laura and crew & maybe some others) efforts in forestalling the absolute doom of humanity which would be definite if nobody asked for help and comprehend the Work...

I guess if Laura and others didn't succeed to gather critical mass of 4th density STO candidates and train them, almost whole humanity could have been 'ascended' to 4th STS realm - and C's wouldn't be so joyful than... So i am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you and continuing to upload some knowledge for me-self to meet, as best prepared as i can, those exciting events to come... :thup:

Doesn't sound like wishful thinking to me.
With all this talk about being reborn into loving families in 4th density, I've realized that I've been making a big assumption for some time. I was under the impression that we would be born/transfer there rather 'ready to stand on our own two feet' I think I was basing this idea on something I read somewhere in the transcripts where it was asked if there would be guides for those newly arrived in 4d and that the C's said "no." Also, from the number of times they have said :"you will be on equal footing," gave me the impression that maybe in 4d we aren't born as vulnerable as in 3d or lower. Maybe it's a case of "family" in 4d is who you choose to associate and grow and learn with?" Here we're guessing that we chose our parents but we can't necessarily remember making the choice or the reasons for it because of the veil.
I'm also thinking that being born in 3d to parents and being so vulnerable and dependent might have something to do with lessons about authority. From when we are born we look up to our parents and then other authority figures and this reminds me of how the C's said something like 'there is no supreme authority/hierarchy ' and I'm also reminded about another quote from Marshall Vian Summers that was something about humans needing to "lose their addiction to external authority." I'll try and find some of the quotes when I get back home.
Thanks crew for the session, thanks Laura for sharing it. Thanks everyone for yours replies and thanks for links to other sessions and Bringers of the Dawn material.

Maybe it is a little bit late with my comments, but I've just finished reading theis tread.

I've, sometimes, such a feeling that you want some comet or smth else to come and 'clean' everything on earth. I also a lot of times see humanity as a virus and that it the Earth just had to be cleaned.( It was before finding the Cassiopaea or at the very beginning)

karl485 said:
How long has the cosmos cleaning house??
Really bitterly disappointed with this session. Now they say that nothing will happen. Few months for 2012 to end and not a single change yet. Few months... haven't we been waiting for few years? Few months can be 100 months or more!
At the beginning, they seem to communicate or try to clarify something about the changes and then, Laura changes the topic to terrenal issues like fire in Colorado. There are many things happening around the world every minute, worse than those topics, and yet she is going around the point that is, what is going on these months??? Where is the WAVE? Now, the aliens are METEORITS? So that was all about it??? For that, we didn't need to read so many books...How long have we been reading the WAVE?
I will make a promise. At this point, NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING will happen in few months. Everything will go on as usual, and it will be fun to come here next February to see what the excuse the C's will give us, and all of you will swallow it happily.

the aliens are meteorites!!! yeah, right!!

Hi karl485. I want to say about Colorado fire. They ask about it and it leads to the topic about :
So in light of this, would it make sense to create a thread/forum section for some useful disaster preparedness info? Like maps of fresh bodies of water around the world, some tips and tricks on starting fires with flints or something, ways to find/collect/kill/skin/cook/store/transport food/water, ways to portably filter things, etc, all under one umbrella somewhere on the forum? I don't want to get stuck in 3rd density "panic mode" at all, but it might be handy to have a collection of useful information that can be printed/used in an emergency.

For example, and I'm just throwing this out there for discussion, what happens if the sun burps and blips out satellites/electricity? Should we all focus on our local area/environment and work on that level only, or does it make sense to make any kind of contingency communication options with other forumites, mods, admins, Chateau crew, etc? The C's mentioned that we will end up communicating with kites somehow, but even something like this may require us to know ahead of time how something like this could potentially work, and just keep it on the back burner.

I don't want to head down the wrong direction, so I'd appreciate any/all thoughts. Am I going overboard, is it too much/too soon, too anticipatory?

I think it is a good idea. To have some knowledge about basic survival and how to act will be useful, IMO. But in the way not to concentrate all you attention on physical survival. And not the survival of the individual, but survival of the group. (I don't know if I express what I think correct)

Thanks Christian. I enjoy the music and it also let some of my tears out. I have realized how I like orchestra music. It will good to visit some orchestra concert, since I have never seen any of this. I find out that I like orchestra watching the The Lord of the Rings Symphony by Howard Shore with Montreal Orchestra. (here is the link _
I didn't notice in this clip that it is advertisement, I saw that they show bank, but I just didn’t think about it. I used to see a lot of hidden advertisement in films, so to say.
A lot of my attention was on the people and more of it on the musician, who was the first who stand there from the beginning; he looks really into the art, as for me. He looks really enjoying, and it looks like some of his joy reached me. If all of the advertisement were in such similar way. :) I like all sorts of music, some more some less. I respect music, I love music as an art. In every style of music I could find something that I would like and enjoy.
I also try to find serenity, but more, I think, try to keep cold head, especially in hard situation, where emotions can fog your thinking and do not to make you wise decision. But I don't want to delete the human emotions like joy, trust, love, etc. Yes I want to control them in order not to let them control everything. It is good when you can consciously let your emotions out.

Mac said:

I'm 66 so my body does not have the strength and resiliency it once had. So, perhaps, I won't make it through the dark period. But, who knows, maybe after some counseling and rest in 5D I could be one of the first babies born in the new era!

Whatever happens, I am grateful for this group, to learn and share, to have the opportunity, if I make the effort, to Awaken.


Hi Mac,
At first I do not see some big differences between the age. Especially, among the people who think. About being ready to what will happens, for it at the first place being ready inside, or consciously. I can get a meteor just on my head and all my preparations (I mean physical) and all my health, because I’m young, all these wouldn’t help me. Another example, I recently burned my private part (now I’m getting better), and just think about if at that time all thing start happening. At that time I move like C3PO Robot from Star Wars and moved slower than granny with a walking stick. So IMO, there is no point to worry about age. We can be put in different situation, so who knows how it would happens. Just my thoughts.
Take care.:)

Gonzo said:
I think several factors come into play. Awareness, as mentioned, plays a huge part of it and knowledge protects. For example, one might initially like trance music until one comes across research into the use of binaural beats and mind control (no wonder new age music makes heavy use of binaural beats in "relaxation" videos). Since it is difficult to detect such manipulations, it is better to avoid unless one becomes extremely knowledgeable and can somehow discern honest, informed and unco-opted composers from idiots and malevolent types. Perhaps, in this case, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is actually the best approach when one has insufficient information on a potential threat.

Yes , until you don’t know how to defeat the dragon, I think, it is better to try to run away from it or to hide. But if you wouldn’t get aware how to do this as soon as possible, the dragon would become aware how to catch you.

[quote author=Gonzo]
I think several factors come into play. Awareness, as mentioned, plays a huge part of it and knowledge protects. For example, one might initially like trance music until one comes across research into the use of binaural beats and mind control (no wonder new age music makes heavy use of binaural beats in "relaxation" videos). Since it is difficult to detect such manipulations, it is better to avoid unless one becomes extremely knowledgeable and can somehow discern honest, informed and unco-opted composers from idiots and malevolent types. Perhaps, in this case, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is actually the best approach when one has insufficient information on a potential threat.

Also as mentioned, there could be something behind one's dislike for certain situations, be they musical, social or other. This could be related to a program and an opportunity is presented to observe and probe deeper to uncover and neutralize the source.

We have talked a lot about doing what the mind doesn't like and wants to avoid. But this has to be guided with knowledge, for the mind doesn't like having one's hand placed on a hot stove out of protection from a real threat, not a program resulted from a former threat.

When I look at the reasons people disliked the video, it seemed to me to be a case of emotions running the show and in some cases, emotions disguised as principles. We have an incredible power to transform things, perhaps not in the New Age YCYOR sense, but in a way that finds beauty in the midst of ugliness and light in the midst of darkness. For example, the Throne of weapons, on display at the British Museum (

I find it fitting that this session mentioned lack of insight and Insight being overridden by emotion, since it takes insight to see one's programs at play and how they are triggered, including why one would mechanically reject something like this staged flash mob video due to an emotional response to it's initiator (my lame attempt at trying to bring this full circle back to the original topic).


Thanks Gonzo.

It looks like in trying to avoid mechanized reaction, (I mean when you see that it is an advertisement, but do not see everything else, and base your evaluation on it, without taking into account other facts) you are become in the trap of the same mechanical reaction .
It is a lesson for me. My attention was distracted, and I didn’t think about that it could be an advertisement. It doesn’t mean that now I wouldn’t enjoy it. I should base my acts as much on the conscious ground, as I can.

I found this question about music, so to say, valuable.

Edit: a little bit info added
Approaching Infinity said:
nicklebleu said:
Another example is this:

I used to listen to pop music in English while not speaking that language very well - basically I didn't understand the lyrics.
Some of these songs I liked very much and felt quite attached to in a positive sense - uplifting, calming, making me feel optimistic, alleviating my blues, making me feel more connected etc.

Years later, after having learnt the English language, I noticed, that many of these lyrics were completely idiotic, if not outright bad. It put me off these songs, but I still harbour this past connection to them, remembering the positive effect it had on me ...

Now, I am supposed to negate these positive effects now? I think not ...

To come back to the musical ad: Everything is "manipulated" to some extent, having a motive that is self-serving, if only being to earn a living. But does that necessarily make it bad?

Maybe the Law of Threes applies here: There is good, there is bad, and then there is the precise situation that makes it thus ...

I think this is a good thing to keep in mind. Remember that the vast majority of 'classical' music before a certain point was little more than Church propaganda. Those were the forms with which composers had to work. But that does not detract from the beauty of a Bach mass, IMO. And then there's the Beatles, whose lyrics were often meaningless, but whose songs were nonetheless great, musically.

I also used to listen to a lot of different music by styles in English in the past without fully understanding what is there singing about. When you understand some of them they may become disgusting for and you want listen them anymore, other may not. Some music that I listen to brings me back memory of how I felt at the certain period of time in my life when I was listening to it. Sometimes it is happy moments sometimes not. I try not to listen the music which reminds me bad emotions. Sometimes I try to re-program it in order to listen it without bad memories and program it with what I feel now. Interesting after this video, that Christian proposed, I want to listen some classical music. Also I remembered film 'Amadeus' about Mozart. I like this film.
Maat said:
mkrnhr said:
The video is how our world is. "Good" things are mixed up with "bad" things. The most important is to have awareness of this duality and to move on for more creativity within non-creativity. Light and darkness and so forth. OSIT.

So well put IMHO !

I agree!

I wanted to reply to some of Muxel's questions, but after half an agonizing day I gave up. I just couldn't do it. That would be 'analytic' mode and is a lower-value mode for experiencing and expressing an act of creation in its own context. For me, anyway.

One might choose to view what's happening in the video as an example of Creative Force assembling trained, willing people, musical instruments and spectators--all in a single geographical context. When all was ready, a performance began. Toward the end, during the crescendo, the little children played their important part as well since they are already open to spontaneous expressions of the fundamental nature of reality in its creative manifestation.

So we have an example of Creative Force expressing Self through an act of creation and, through the children's joyful and celebratory antics, a valuation: "this is (the) Good!"
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