Session 22 July 2012

EricG said:
:lol: :lol: I always wondered that too, I had one regression session in my life and in that session i was a woman with 5 kids who was left by her husband and died in her mid thirties in poverty somewhere in the east of Germany/Poland. Not a very glamerous past life at all.

That is so in real life ...

eoste said:
loreta said:
Maybe a thread can be started about this subject and people can tell why they think in their past lives they were dukes or kings? For my part I am sure I lived during the WWI. And I was a soldier, surely. Nor a minister nor a politician! ;)

And I guess I was some kind of a fish at some point ;)

I mast have been a sheep (for evil magician!) :scared: so for now I will postpone possible hypnosis seance :wow: :lol: :lol:

Laura said:
So it is recent enough that it can very well be disinfo, spin doctoring, whatever.

I am 'thinking' of this possibility:

Considering everybody's expectations about the end of World in 2012. and taking in account the possible attack on Syria and Iran, Russians are trying - maybe (with this dissinfo) to vector US public attention to 'possible main cataclysm that is threatening' to almost totally destroy USA. Maybe Russians hope to lessen the pressure in Middle East due to possible rising preoccupation with 'inevitable' doom that is facing US so to obstruct planned military intervention abroad...
The crop circle symbols seemed interesting to me and quite plausible - backed up with features around the world. Not come across that before anywhere. I liked the idea but not sure how credible itis as can always make some truth fit the lie.

Has anyone else come across these meanings before?

I felt everything seemed very recent too. When they mentioned Sagan etc that was enough.
loreta said:
JayMark said:
Yozilla said:
...always wandered why some people, when mention what they were in past lives, never recall themselves as simple peasants, slaves, swineherds, beggars, pushers of siege towers and other degrading roles... Vast majority of them were kings, czarevitchesses, knights, commanders, all some fame&loaded... Wishful 'regression' i guess...


Maybe a thread can be started about this subject and people can tell why they think in their past lives they were dukes or kings? For my part I am sure I lived during the WWI. And I was a soldier, surely. Nor a minister nor a politician! ;)

I still have an issue with the past lives or simultaneous incarnations, but ok, I took some courses on past life regression therapy and I had some regressions done on me, in one of them, I was one of the peasants in a village that committed suicide when the "king" of the region took everything away from me and sentenced me to death. In another one, I was a kind of archer in a group living in the forests.
I'll do some more to find out how many times I have been a king as well ;-)
Laura said:
So it is recent enough that it can very well be disinfo, spin doctoring, whatever.

I have to admit, that if you would not have mention it, would had I arrived by my own means to that page, and seeing that stuff, I would put a big disinfo label on it right away, but just because you talked about it, I was open to consider that maybe it was not :-).
In any case, 22-9 is my birthday and I will be having a great party that saturday... :-)
eoste said:
And I guess I was some kind of a fish at some point ;)
Oh my God, I think I was the eagle who felt on your back and ate you after ! :scared:

Laura said:
So it is recent enough that it can very well be disinfo, spin doctoring, whatever.
Euh ... can anyone tell me what "spin doctoring" would mean in that context ? My english don't allow me to get it yet
Ekios said:
Euh ... can anyone tell me what "spin doctoring" would mean in that context ? My english don't allow me to get it yet

Noun 1. spin doctor - a public relations person who tries to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of a company or political party or famous person; "his title is Director of Communications but he is just a spin doctor"
public relations person - a person employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public

a person (usually involved in Public Relations) who attempt to put a positive "spin" on bad news that surfaces about a client.
Mrs. Peel said:
Ekios said:
Euh ... can anyone tell me what "spin doctoring" would mean in that context ? My english don't allow me to get it yet

Noun 1. spin doctor - a public relations person who tries to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of a company or political party or famous person; "his title is Director of Communications but he is just a spin doctor"
public relations person - a person employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public

a person (usually involved in Public Relations) who attempt to put a positive "spin" on bad news that surfaces about a client.
Thank you for your time, that is what I found too, but I had a hard time to figure it out in our context ... :/
EricG said:
:lol: :lol: I always wondered that too, I had one regression session in my life and in that session i was a woman with 5 kids who was left by her husband and died in her mid thirties in poverty somewhere in the east of Germany/Poland. Not a very glamerous past life at all.

There you go!

That sounds far more probable! ;)
I feel like a lot of the material here is being hijacked and twisted to subtly disarm folks... for instance this showed up in my facebook feed:


Sometime around December 21, 2012 the Earth will begin to spin with a new frequency. Our planet and those beings on the Earth will be upgraded to hold more light, and a higher state of consciousness. Everyone will begin to step into a greater sense of health, well being, peace, love and joy as our 12 strand DNA code is returned to us. According to Judy Satori, it will take 20-25 years from the ti
me of the upgrade for these new energies to be fully integrated. Amazing changes within our being, and within all of the systems on the Earth are imminent. The spiritual work we do on ourselves now ~ releasing old karmic distortions and integrating more LOVE into our being ~ will help us step into this CHANGE more rapidly and with greater ease.

All you have to do is state to the Universe:

"I am ready to activate my dormant 12 strand DNA and ascend in consciousness. I am ready to return to my truth. I ask for this to be done with ease and grace and for my highest and best good."

Then all you need to do is trust and have faith, that YOU are the Creator of your reality ~ you decide whether you are going to ascend or not. Release what no longer serves you and everyday integrate more love, oneness and compassion into your being ~ especially for the SELF. Eating a healthy diet, positive thoughts, meditation and visualization of the life you truly want will help you step into your transformation more rapidly.

I have written an ascension tool book that will help you stay aligned with your ascension process. It will help you make sense of things. Click here to purchase the "Raise Your Vibration" book: _

My book has also been posted for FREE in it's entirety on my blog, here is the first chapter: _

*** I also highly suggest Judy Satori's "FREE KARMA KLEAR" ACTIVATIONS to help you release the old energies and behavioral patterns that no longer serve you: _

Everyone wants a free lunch. ::facepalm::

That Russian stuff from was creepy. Just gave me a weird vibe. Hard to describe, it had that same panicky slimy feeling that Alex Jone's stuff gives me.
Re: The Russian Babushki
I like how they got the framework right (unified consciousness, parallel worlds, information field, etc.) and I like their analog & digital crop circle "keys" (which might be nonsense but cute concept nevertheless).

What they do with these, however, is a lot of mind salad...

This is as far as I can go in giving them the benefit of the doubt:
Law of One Session 12]These messages then are altered to be acceptable to those entities while warning of difficulties ahead.[/quote] [quote author=Puck said:
I feel like a lot of the material here is being hijacked and twisted to subtly disarm folks... <snip>

All you have to do is state to the Universe:

"I am ready to activate my dormant 12 strand DNA and ascend in consciousness. I am ready to return to my truth. I ask for this to be done with ease and grace and for my highest and best good."
The language above (to say nothing of its content) reads like an imitation of Bringers of the Dawn. Buncha copycats!
Ekios said:
Thank you for your time, that is what I found too, but I had a hard time to figure it out in our context ... :/

I would say taking something "negative" and trying to make it look positive.
Puck said:
I feel like a lot of the material here is being hijacked and twisted to subtly disarm folks...

Everyone wants a free lunch. ::facepalm::

Facepalm indeed. :headbash:

That is what I would call 'chloroform for the unaware'.

About the authors: Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova


All information contained in this website has been obtained through the channeling.

It all started in a distant 1985 with the channeling Information that the ozone layer depletion is not the result of human activity, but is associated with the Earth planet development. [...]

Through channeling we were instructed to move immediately from Russia to USA in spite the fact that our life in Russia was good – we had comfortable apartments and great jobs. Victoria was Provost of the Civil Engineering Academy, and Lidia was teaching at the Academy of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering. In 1995 having overcome all obstacles we came to New York with our families. On the western coast of North America we lived 15 years. [...]

So, in USA we received the educational information about consciousness and now in Russia we receive last instructions for the Transition on the eve of global cataclysms events.

Immediately upon arrival to the United States Victoria began receiving information through channeling daily and we have plunged into day-and-night continuous work. At first the Information has been received at night from 11 pm till 3 am. During the day we have to understand received Information, process, print it and be prepared to receive the new one.

What does channeling mean? Channeling is like your thinking about something. But the difference is that you never know anything about this Information before. The interesting thing is that nobody around understand that you are receiving the Information. The demonstration of ETC channeling process is clearly represented in the complex Chichen-Itza by acoustic effect known as «the stone telephone».

Two persons divided by distance in 150 meters one – in Northern temple, and another — in Southern, could talk absolutely easy with each other, without straining a voice! Moreover, nobody else, (if only he didn't stand near) couldn't hear their conversation. [...]

We also met with Nobel laureates, Senators and Congressmen of USA, scientists of NASA; the Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. On our questions answered outstanding priests, rabbis and other famous people. It was absolutely impossible to meet with these super-busy people by usual measures, but for us it was very easy and when we met with them face to face it seemed that these people expected us.

No doubt they were expected because someone or some group facilitated or worked in the background to arrange such meetings!

This has the taste of long-term Cosmic COINTELPRO.
Puck said:

I am ready to activate my dormant 12 strand DNA and ascend in consciousness. I am ready to return to my truth. I ask for this to be done with ease and grace and for my highest and best good.

Finally I can sit down, forget about work and eat my free lunch :D. it was all so easy after all!
when I read this website first thing came to mind is new age channeling websites that continually give +ve message in the name of consciousness, 12 strand DNA etc. with dates that never materialize. Wonderful SUGAR, MSG to mind. As we go down the page, we see this that sounded like C's description of Atlantis destruction in 3 Phases.

The first of these pre-cataclysms is imminent – an extraordinary event which surpasses all natural powers known by humanity. The scientists claim a catastrophic seismic eventwill emanate from the west coast of Peru in the area of the Brazilian Magnetic Anomaly at the intersection of the Humboldt and the El Ni?o currents in the Pacific Ocean. An area of the United States from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes will be inundated as a result of a tsunami. According to prophecy of Edgar Cayce – famous American prophet – during several minutes the waters of the Mexican Golf will joint with Great Lakes.

This catastrophe will have a devastating impact on the whole central and south Pacific region, with the likelihood of mega-tsunamis hitting the Eastern seaboard of New Zealand and Australia. The tsunami may even affect the north-western coast of Africa and the shores of Western Europe, but the brunt of the cataclysm will focus on Eastern coast of North America.

The second and the third pre-cataclysms will be much stronger. Scientists emphasize that this is a natural cycle of the planet. Part of this process is the development of human consciousness to a point where humanity will have a ‘window of opportunity’ to make the transition to a higher plane of existence. They explain that this point in history can be seen as a kind graduation for humanity to a higher and more subtle level of experience, a type of metamorphosis for humanity connected with ascension. According to Dr. Popova and Dr. Andrianova, nobody can be saved individually, as the transition can be made only through the synchronous unification of human consciousness.

The time for humans to escape the devastation through the unification of consciousness will be shortly after the first pre-cataclysm. After second pre-catastrophe humanity will have no chance to prolong life because number of remained people will be not enough to start up the mechanism of the transition. In the future , humanity will join a galactic community of evolved extra-terrestrial civilizations, linked through consciousness.

So much He said , she said with out names or specific details is going on this page, it is very difficult to trust. No mention of truth of how all these scientist, media are bought out by PTB.

Their you tube channel is _ looks year old. so looks new players.
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