Session 23 March 2013

happyliza said:
Attached is an unusual storm in North Cyprus on Friday.

I recognised that image you posted of a tornado with lightning strike and Googled it. It's apparently over 20 years old:

This tornado and lightning photo is real but does not show a storm that struck Chattanooga. This storm was over Lake Okeechobee in Florida on June 15, 1991. The photo was taken by a Mr. Fred Smith. This photo has been circulated for years with nearly every severe weather outbreak as being a new photo.
Álvaro said:
I think the preparation is in relation to the development of self, in all its facets. And this means discovering and understanding who you are, what you can reach to see, and also recoating and understand how the environment in which we live.

We can prepare through the healing of our programs, we tame the predator inside discern when we act through the System 1 or when we are aware of our mechanical reactions. Diet is very important in the work on oneself. Similarly, a proper diet is part of the process, because it affects all of the above.

Understand the reality we live helps us to be protected from foreign predation, while learning how we have been conditioned all our lives to be subject to the tax indoctrination, because that is what determines the way we perceive things. And that also prepares us for what may come.

It's an idea, but maybe not being prepared is nothing but work on itself, covering everything related to the development of our potential. Osit

At the end of the day this is what it will come down to I guess. Clearing out all the junk from the unconscious that dictates our actions, or at least bringing it to light to deal with. utilising System 2, paying strict attention to reality, remembering ones self, fighting against bad habits, as well as the predator's fear of developing new habits. And of course detoxing the body and emotions through diet and EE, and learning some new stuff every day.

In short, everything we're already working on.

This thread by nicklebleu and the responses given have been helpful, as 'treading water' is a good description for the feeling I've been having lately. This session has been a call to redouble efforts. To put more sincerity and heart into living and being an active part of creation, and to work harder on my mechanical nature.
Thanks for the session it is very interesting!!! :thup:

Carlise said:
Álvaro said:
I think the preparation is in relation to the development of self, in all its facets. And this means discovering and understanding who you are, what you can reach to see, and also recoating and understand how the environment in which we live.

We can prepare through the healing of our programs, we tame the predator inside discern when we act through the System 1 or when we are aware of our mechanical reactions. Diet is very important in the work on oneself. Similarly, a proper diet is part of the process, because it affects all of the above.

Understand the reality we live helps us to be protected from foreign predation, while learning how we have been conditioned all our lives to be subject to the tax indoctrination, because that is what determines the way we perceive things. And that also prepares us for what may come.

It's an idea, but maybe not being prepared is nothing but work on itself, covering everything related to the development of our potential. Osit

At the end of the day this is what it will come down to I guess. Clearing out all the junk from the unconscious that dictates our actions, or at least bringing it to light to deal with. utilising System 2, paying strict attention to reality, remembering ones self, fighting against bad habits, as well as the predator's fear of developing new habits. And of course detoxing the body and emotions through diet and EE, and learning some new stuff every day.
In short, everything we're already working on.

This thread by nicklebleu and the responses given have been helpful, as 'treading water' is a good description for the feeling I've been having lately. This session has been a call to redouble efforts. To put more sincerity and heart into living and being an active part of creation, and to work harder on my mechanical nature.

Thanks Alvaro and Carlise to put all this points together, reminds me how hard I have to work to fill this actions to be prepared and apply knowledge which is super important. :headbanger:
Perhaps, part of what the C's are alluding to here is that those who have been warned in dreams/intuition, of their potential precarious locations (coastal?) should move now. And for those that are in need of long periods of sleep/naps, this was mentioned in Barbara Marchiniak's book Bringers of the Dawn. New energy adjustment- if I remember the material correctly. She stated that the rest is necessary. Both of her books are on You Tube in "talking book" format. Bringers of the Dawn link... _ and thanx for the session.
Carlise said:
Wow, that is a very interesting connection. It also seems to me to be a hint that the only way through this will be to trust in the Universe, and let go of the paranoia attitude of 3d thinking. A small dose of Pronoia often helps when making difficult or scary choices. "When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density."

Thanks Carlise, didn't know that 'Pronoia' had a meaning!

Pronoia is a neologism that is defined as the opposite state of mind as paranoia: having the sense that there is a conspiracy that exists to help the person. It is also used to describe a philosophy that the world is set up to secretly benefit people.

It just hit a bad cord at first because it sounded like "pro-boredom" to my latin ears, but the effect of the session was quite the opposite!

Thanks for the session, just reading the whole thread. I was very intrigued by that word "paean" being connected with Apollo and Stonehenge, and the hint that there isn't really any 'closed system' around, if not into physics books :) The Barcelona conference comes to mind, and a hurry-up call to read and keep translating those transcripts. That's very high density Information!
Thanks to the group for this interesting session ! :) Anf also for your insightful comments.

lux said:
Since I found and thought about it. Now, for instance, when I want to do EE and if laziness or fatigue stops me, when come to my mind thinking about that I can do it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day, because I still have time, then I reproach myself. Do you want to be like the wise virgins or foolish? If you want to act like the wise virgins, do it now. Do not hesitate, do not hang up, do not give up and don't leave the path, and don't leave your life for "later".

I suppose that it is what C's want to tell. And I think if you want to "be prepared" I think you would better take it to your mind and heart.

I think that there's a lot to it. I also reproach myself to not do things I have to do, but I will not hang up that fight, I'm confident that by acquiring more and more knowledge, the option becomes a necessity, which changes the whole perception of the situation.
The necessity I see for the moment is to keep up with the inflow of knowledge, to apply it and to network. And I have a lot to do with this. Be prepared if you want to participate, literally.
I also thought the comments about the increased negative attraction generated by Lies to be something to ponder. Especially(from a 3D point of view :rolleyes:), where could it be more possible to occur (considering that the Elite has some Truth), and does it also relate to other phenomenoms , as Gertrudes said :
' I wonder if sinkholes follow similar principles to celestial bodies as to what actually attracts them.'
What about Truth having the opposite effect ?

As for the question Laura asked :
'Maybe ya'll can formulate some simple progressions of questions about what it really means to be "prepared"?'

Just in case, I checked the definition of 'prepared' from thefreedictionnary:
1. To make ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion
2. To put together or make by combining various elements or ingredients; manufacture or compound.
3. To fit out; equip.
4. Music: To lead up to and soften (a dissonance or its impact) by means of preparation.
1. To make things or oneself ready.
2. To study or complete a course of study at a preparatory school.

In someways, the 4th definition is the one I find interesting in this case.
Also, when I read 'See/C' you soon, Carbon came into my mind, and DNA by extension. Talking about the effect of the wave ?
I'm surely missing a lot here, but it must be related to FRV and gravity waves in some ways. Just bringing my thoughts.

The wise virgins parable is pretty clear, we have to be ready because "you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming".
A lot has been said on Diet, EE and applying knowledge, some great reminders along the thread. What else could bring us the best preparation ? It apply to those who wish to participate in the future, in which way ? It depends of what is meant by 'participation' as is by 'people'. I can see more answers (that can provide a lot if understood and applied) than questions.
Are there places we should avoid?
Does being physically together,to further the aim of the network, increase our protection in proportion of the persons involved ? Isn't the networking as it is here going to be enough ?
Do we have to prepare ourselves to the fact that the whole reality could change in our direct environnement, including 5D migrations around us ?

I've also felt tired those last days, or more precisely, the time I need to recover has been longer than normally. But I guess it's due to several factors that I'm aware of.
This 'Pronoia' seems to be related to the following answer: '...those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point..'.

Paranoia isn't a good state to hold, and so would be its opposite, Pronoia. To assume to have the protection up all the time could be dangerous in the future.

Is it just another subtle call for those who have ears to hear for max vigilance? The chord being played sound into this session seems to circle around 'defense', 'barriers', 'greater defense' and 'being prepared' a lot.
`be prepared` Thx to Laura and the Crew for this session and may we all strive for our own oil to light our eternal lamps. :)

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14
Shane said:
Here's the parable of the wise and foolish virgins:

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.

“And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

One could say, we were born into the night of day, so to speak, all the things one can’t see, inside and out, might as well be night with only the moon for light each day.

In that way, life must be a long night if your awake, but all fall asleep even the wise virgins…

Guess better to, make oil not war… drop by drop… makes the world a better place, regardless if one is going somewhere or not. osit

Though who is this Bridegroom(?) is that supposed to be son of man… are they separate or one and the same(?) Wasn’t Ulysses delayed coming home.

Some snips from ‘Homer – The Odyssey’
Minerva said, ‘… … But tell me, and tell me true, what is the meaning of all this feasting, and who are these people? What is it all about? Have you some banquet, or is there a wedding in the family- for no one seems to be bringing any provisions of his own? And the guests- how atrociously they are behaving; what riot they make over the whole house; it is enough to disgust any respectable person who comes near them."

If Ulysses is the man he then was these suitors will have a short shrift and a sorry wedding.

"I will say what I think will be best," answered Ulysses. "First wash and put your shirts on; tell the maids also to go to their own room and dress; Phemius shall then strike up a dance tune on his lyre, so that if people outside hear, or any of the neighbours, or some one going along the street happens to notice it, they may think there is a wedding in the house, and no rumours about the death of the suitors will get about in the town, before we can escape to the woods upon my own land. Once there, we will settle which of the courses heaven vouchsafes us shall seem wisest."

Food for thought…

Thank you Laura and crew for sharing
Great session. I personally found that part about the psychic barrier to be very interresting. I live in an area where freak accidents frequently happen sometimes for no apparent reasons. This explanation about psychic barrier was a great food for thought which helped my understanding of reality.

Thanks very much to Laura and team.
It's such a fortunate feeling to read every fresh session!

I like this one, as it makes lot of sense:

Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e. lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to meteorites or cometary bodies?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste) How does it work?

A: Other realm just mentioned... Gravity waves.

Q: (L) Are you saying that gravity waves are a property of a different realm?

A: Mostly.

Thank you Laura, thank you Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, PoB, Ailen, Data, Kniall, Mr. Scott.
I had to read up on the parables, so pardon if I am misinterpreting.

FWIW I think the foolish virgins missed the point of the invitation, which seems to have been to provide light for the ceremony. They just went through the motions by bringing exactly what had been requested & no more, intent on being a part of the ceremony without actually thinking about how to contribute.

The timing is important too - no warning is to be given, so if you don't think forward about everything that will be required to achieve the intent, you will miss the window.

The talents parable has me scratching my head. I can see the aspect of the good steward/slave acting in his masters best interest while master is away - again not knowing when master will return & judge your efforts.
I can particularly see this related to scientific "talent" being misused, but it doesn't seem to closely relate to the parable itself.
The bit about master "harvesting where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter" is puzzling. Clearly master is a bit of a rogue & servant didn't want to follow his practises. I am not sure what to make of that. :huh:
Thank you Laura and crew for another great session.

Some great posts and responses to ponder as well.
After reading all these insightful interpretations,
I'm certainly not feeling "prepared" in any context which was discussed,
but still determined to get ever closer.
Great session! There are some great threads running through this session. I was trying to think of questions to ask, so I will go in a different direction. I've enjoyed this forum even though I haven't had the chance to meet people face to face. So my question is this...whether or not it is 4D or 5D, will it be difficult to maintain contact with this group? I have no idea how communication works at different levels, and I wonder whether it will be a snap or whether it will be tricky. Do we remember everything in 4D or is it like being born again and starting over especially if you go to 5D first?

If negative energy attracts comets than Israel, Washington DC, and London have got to be prime targets! Considering all the crop circles in Britain, one has to wonder.

Thanks again, and looking forward to the next session and book! ;D
Just wait for the next one! That one will be a doozie! And it has "friends!"

does she means that a couple of comets will badly destroy our planet??

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