Session 23 March 2013

A couple of other things which caught my attention... I'm curious what others think about them.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Which reminds me... I was reading in this book about Greek religion by Walter Burkert that the term "paean" was used to describe to the type of songs that were sung in the worship of the god Apollo in the most ancient times. And Apollo was supposedly the Hyperborean god, and if my suppositions are correct, was also the god that was worshipped at Stonehenge. Any connection there?

A: Indeed.

Laura said:
A: See/C you soon!

I wonder what kinds of songs those were and how "high" were the notes. Did they use any type of instruments (or implements), etc. And since Stonehenge is implicated in all of this, did the worshippers also use similar sounds there? Funny thought that - but did the songs activate anything by any chance?

Wikipedia said:

A paean (pron.: /ˈpiːən/) is a song or lyric poem expressing triumph or thanksgiving. In classical antiquity, it is usually performed by a chorus, but some examples seem intended for an individual voice (monody). It comes from the Greek παιάν (also παιήων or παιών), "song of triumph, any solemn song or chant." "Paeon" was also the name of a divine physician and an epithet of Apollo.


The earliest appearances of a paean or hymn of thanksgiving also appear in the Iliad. After the prayer to avert evil from the Achaeans, a paean is sung. In an almost identical line (X.391) that suggests a formulaic expression, Achilles tells the Myrmidons to sing the paean after the death of Hector.

To discover the relation between Paean or Paeon the healer-god and paean in the sense of "song" it is necessary to identify the connection between ritual chant and the shaman's healing arts. Martin Nilsson observed:

The curing of diseases everywhere plays an important part and among primitive peoples lies in the hands of sorcerers and priests. There was in earlier Greece a class of seers and purificatory priests which in all essentials fulfilled this function. The art of healing consisted in magical ceremonies and incantations. In later times these were usually called έπωδαί, charms, but in earlier days they were certainly called paeans (παιάν), for Homer speaks of the god, Paieon, who takes his name from them. With the charm was blended the name of the god, and thus the paean became a song of thanksgiving and eventually of victory. In later times Apollo has made the art of healing his own, and after him his son Asklepios took it over.

Previously, L. R. Farnell had referred to the ancient association between the healing craft and the singing of spells, but found it impossible to decide which was the original sense. At all events the meaning of "healer" gradually gave place to that of "hymn", from the phrase Ιή Παιάν.

Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods, Dionysus, Helios, Asclepius. About the 4th century the paean became merely a formula of adulation; its object was either to implore protection against disease and misfortune, or to offer thanks after such protection had been rendered. Its connection with Apollo as the slayer of the Python led to its association with battle and victory; hence it became the custom for a paean to be sung by an army on the march and before entering into battle, when a fleet left the harbour, and also after a victory had been won.

The next thought came after reading the following exchange.

Laura said:
(Belibaste) You know there was this place in Central Europe... A guy at his house, he got meteorites that fell on his house like five or six times. Is the cause a local anomaly in the electric charge of the Earth in this specific location?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste) Okay. Is it that locally, the place, is it more positive, or more negative than the asteroid or meteorite?

A: Neg

Q: (Belibaste) More negative. Okay. Can one individual, or several individuals, attract in a similar manner as this place, some cometary bodies?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste) Is it because their electric charge collectively or individually is modified?

A: Not only electric charge. In the realm from which some of these things are manifested or, better, "directed", information is king.

Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e. lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to meteorites or cometary bodies?

A: Yes

So an individual's frequency (and charge) can attract nature's wrath in a very bad way - the effect is amplified when a group of similarly-natured people gets together. What about the planet itself though, could it be that some areas have this attractive action on the meteorites and comets naturally?

When the Russian meteorite hit, RT kept mentioning how prone the whole area was to meteoric impacts (or explosions). I clearly remember one commentator saying, "That whole area is like a magnet!". It's peculiar and it has stuck with me. Are these charges detectable by any instruments? Could a protective charge be created to reduce a chance of impact? Etc.

I think it opens up a whole area for investigation. Correct me if I'm wrong - isn't Laura's latest book discussing these attractive forces as well? I'm not through the whole thing yet but intend to find out ASAP. :)
very interesting session....
there is indeed a whole bunch, personally i had experiences in the past 8 months that acount to whats being said.
a couple of days ago, i saw a halo around the moon,
a day before that i broke the front light of a car while driving,
and my mom said my bed was shaking but no one was here,
went down to Florida and the next day there was sinkhole (a house sinked)
among other stuff that's been happening.........

very interesting indeed...

thanks for the session.
Thank you all involved for the session. The final biblical reference of the session couldn't be any clearer - the message has been given, the choice is yours to make.
The discussion seems to have gone along the lines of what I wrote down, thinking of the parables, yesterday after reading the session and the first few pages of comments.

The foolish virgins had not done their due didligence and were thus dependent on others. Given the time and circumstances, others couldn't help them - and it was too late for the foolish to succeed in helping themselves.

Helping oneself may be stocking up on an oil which is then multiplied (parable of the talents) through active service - people stocking up on what they need to network and work together, and then through their work together, they all increase what they have. Learning, networking, acting - gaining oil, multiplying it, using it. Multiplying it (sincere and constructive networking) being necessary to keep the oil sufficient to keep the flame lit as the world turns around us.

I think back to what the C's consider to be preparation for graduation - "karmic and simple understandings". The learning of which requires making use of the opportunities one is given, or being "wise", and which in turn I think are needed for networking towards STO purposes.

Then there's being alive to reality - paying attention to, striving to understand, and responding to reality. Here both self-understanding and self-mastery (through self-Work) along with understanding the world are needed; I think both psychology (for understanding both oneself and others) and history are important - for as Marc Bloch points out in The Historian's Craft, we need to understand the past to understand the present, and we need to understand the present to understand the past.
Thank you Laura and Crew for the new Session.

I also appreciate Spiral Out's link below, and just re-read the entire article. I can't believe Laura wrote that article over 4 years ago!!! I don't think I gave the article as much attention then as I have now. It never ceases to amaze me that one can read something and have no reaction, but when it comes around again and read a second time, you find so much information you can't believe you missed it the first time. Same with the sessions.

And as other have said, thanks to all who have contributed to this thought provoking topic.

Spiral Out said:
Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e. lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to meteorites or cometary bodies?

A: Yes

Maybe this also relates to the EEQT.


Our universe seems to be made up of matter/energy and of consciousness.

Matter/energy by itself "prefers", as it seems, a chaotic state.

Matter/energy by itself doesn't even have a concept of "creation" or "organization". It is the consciousness that brings to life these concepts and by its interaction with matter pushes the universe towards chaos and decay or towards order and creation.

This phenomenon can modeled mathematically and simulated on a computer using EEQT (Event Enhanced Quantum Theory). Whether EEQT faithfully models the interaction of consciousness with matter, we do not know; but chances are that it does because it seems to describe correctly physical phenomena better than just the orthodox quantum mechanics or its rival theories (Bohmian mechanics, GRW etc.)

What we learn from EEQT can be described in simple terms as follows:

Let us call our material universe "the system". The system is characterized by a certain "state". It is useful to represent the state of the system as a point on a disc. The central point of the disk, its origin, is the state of chaos. We could also describe it as "Infinite Potential." The points on the boundary represents "pure states" of being, that is states with "pure, non-fuzzy, knowledge". In between there are mixed states. The closer the state is to the boundary, the more pure, more 'organized' it is.

Now, an external "observer", a "consciousness unit", has some idea - maybe accurate, maybe false or anywhere in between - about the "real state" of the system, and observes the system with this "belief" about the state. Observation, if prolonged, causes the state of the system to "jump". In this sense, you DO "create your own reality", but the devil, as always, is in the details.

The details are that the resulting state of the system under observation can be more pure, or more chaotic depending on the "direction" of the jump. The direction of the jump depends on how objective - how close to the reality of the actual state - the observation is.

According to EEQT if the expectations of the observer are close to the actual state of the system, the system jumps, more often than not, into more organized, less chaotic state.

If, on the other hand, the expectation of the observer is close to the negation of the actual state (that is when the observer's beliefs are not TRUE according to the ACTUAL state - the objective reality), then the state of the system, typically, will jump into a state that is more chaotic, less organized. Moreover, it will take, as a rule, much longer time to accomplish such a jump.

In other words, if the observer's knowledge of the actual state is close to the truth, then the very act of observation and verification causes a jump quickly, and the resulting state is more organized; pure. If the observer's knowledge of the actual state is false, then it takes usually a long time to cause a change in the state of the system, and the resulting state is more chaotic.

In short, everyone who "believes" in an attempt to "create reality" that is different from what IS, adds to the increase of chaos and entropy. If your beliefs are orthogonal to the truth, no matter how strongly you believe them, you are essentially coming into conflict with how the Universe views itself and I can assure you, you ain't gonna win that contest. You are inviting destruction upon yourself and all who engage in this "staring down the universe" exercise with you.

On the other hand, if you are able to view the Universe as it views itself, objectively, without blinking, and with acceptance of the reality and appropriate responses to how things really are, you then become more "aligned" with the Creative energy of the universe and your very consciousness becomes a transducer of order energy, and your actions are consonant with what is. Your energy of observation, given unconditionally, matched by the appropriate actions, can bring order to chaos, can create out of infinite potential.


Do you observe the world based on truth, objectivity, as the Universe views itself? That brings life.

Or, do you view the word based on lies, subjectivity, and do you seek to shut-out, control, or force the world to bend to your will?

If so, you have chosen Death.

It is only Truth and actions based on Truth that will restore Life and order to our world.
Mariama said:
Gertrudes said:
Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I have observed the same thing. People that become ill are ill for a long time or they get a relapse.
These past few weeks I have also felt really tired, as others wrote. I keep almost falling asleep behind the computer. I have been taking a lot of naps. :)

The winds over here are very strong and cold. It somehow keeps me on my toes the whole time.

Thanks for the session and all the thoughts. I don't think that I understand half of it, but I am trying.

I too have observed the same thing: A severe "cold/flu" that has persisted and resurfaced in many people around me. I have also had it myself and it was the most severe flu that I have had in a decade or two. But no resurfacing though. Did wonder whether this cold/flu was foreign introduced by some of the many meteors passing by in recent times :scared:
Would be interested to know if this is a common experience by all members, though it looks like it could be the case. In Switzerland where I live it appears to be the picture and it is also the impression that I get from many French work colleagues.

Thank you for the new session to all who participated and made it possible :flowers:
Very interesting as always.
dantem said:
Carlise said:
Wow, that is a very interesting connection. It also seems to me to be a hint that the only way through this will be to trust in the Universe, and let go of the paranoia attitude of 3d thinking. A small dose of Pronoia often helps when making difficult or scary choices. "When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density."

Thanks Carlise, didn't know that 'Pronoia' had a meaning!

Pronoia is a neologism that is defined as the opposite state of mind as paranoia: having the sense that there is a conspiracy that exists to help the person. It is also used to describe a philosophy that the world is set up to secretly benefit people.

It just hit a bad cord at first because it sounded like "pro-boredom" to my latin ears, but the effect of the session was quite the opposite!

Thanks for the session, just reading the whole thread. I was very intrigued by that word "paean" being connected with Apollo and Stonehenge, and the hint that there isn't really any 'closed system' around, if not into physics books :) The Barcelona conference comes to mind, and a hurry-up call to read and keep translating those transcripts. That's very high density Information!

come down to this session I find virgin and pronoia being discussed a lot, which remind me something that may be helpful to some extense

The gnostic writing "The Secret Book of John (The Apocryphon of John)" , give us an excellent shot on the 2 words and their spiritual origin

from :

2nd Chapter "The Inexpressible One" narrate the origin of all things, similar to the The Wave Chapter 26: The Tree of Life on the names of God , or to the teaching of Walter Russell "The Universal One"
then come the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th chapter "The Origin of Reality" to " Tertiary Structures of the Divine Mind" where Pronoia appear and the Virgin Spirit, are discussed a lot. quote :

His self-aware thought (ennoia) came into being.
Appearing to him in the effulgence of his light.
She stood before him.

This, then, is the first of the powers, prior to everything.
Arising out of the mind of the Father
The Providence (pronoia) of everything.
Her light reflects His light.

She is from His image in His light
Perfect in power
Image of the invisible perfect Virgin Spirit.[...]

the rest from 7th chapter " A Crisis that Became the World" to the end talk about the creation of 3rd density, the lizards, fall of humanity, creation of Adam, etc..

and the Christian gnosis end with an Hymn spoken by God’s Providence (Pronoia) about this world and how she's hiding herself from the Lizards In this world to save humanity, as the battle STS/STO continue:

The Providence Hymn

I am the Providence of everything.
I became like my own human children.

I existed from the first.
I walked down every possible road.

I am the wealth of the light.
I am the remembering of the fullness.

I walked into the place of greatest darkness and on down.
I entered the central part of the prison.
The foundations of chaos quaked.

I hid because of their evil.
They did not recognize me.

I came down a second time
continuing on.

I emerged from among those of light
I am the remembering of Providence

I entered the middle of darkness,
The inner part of the underworld
To pursue my mission.

The foundations of chaos quaked.
Threatening to collapse upon all who were there
And utterly destroy them

I soared upward again
To my roots in light
So as not to destroy them all yet.

I descended a third time.

I am light
I am dwelling in light
I am the remembering of Providence

I entered the midst of darkness
I came to the deepest part of the underworld.

I let my face light up
Thinking of the end of their time
I entered their prison
The body is that prison

I cried out:
“Anyone who hears,
Rise up from your deep sleep!”

And the sleeping one awoke and wept
Wiping bitter tears saying
“Who calls me?”
“Where has my hope come from
As I lie in the depths of this prison?”

“I am the Providence of pure light,” I replied,
“I am the thought of the Virgin Spirit
Raising you up to an honored place.
Rise up!
Remember what you have heard.
Trace back your roots
To me.
The merciful one.
Guard against the poverty demons.
Guard against the chaos demons.
Guard against all who would bind you.
Stay awake!
Rise out of the depths of the underworld!

I raised him up
I sealed him with the light/water of the five seals.
Death had no power over him ever again.

I ascend again to the perfect realm.
I completed everything and you have heard it.”
Gertrudes said:
...Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I have come down with two peculiar "colds" in the last year, one last May and another just a few weeks ago. I was in bed for four days each time, and fatigue persisted for several weeks. I am just now returning to normal after the last one -- it really messed with my gut (lower GI), which was doing unusually well beforehand.

I don't know what it is, other than that it is some kind of virus. I don't usually come down with "common" colds any more, but this is not a common cold, whatever it is. Both times I did not have lingering respiratory symptoms afterward, but oh the fatigue.
dugdeep said:
Also, this struck me as interesting:

Q: (L) We forgot to ask who's with us tonight!

A: Pronoia.

Q: (L) And where do you transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

[quote author=]
Pronoia is a neologism that is defined as the opposite state of mind as paranoia: having the sense that there is a conspiracy that exists to help the person. It is also used to describe a philosophy that the world is set up to secretly benefit people.

The writer and Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow defined pronoia as "the suspicion the Universe is a conspiracy on your behalf".[1] The academic journal "Social Problems" published an article entitled "Pronoia" by Fred H. Goldner in 1982 (vol 30, pp. 82–91). It received a good deal of publicity at the time including references to it in Psychology Today, The New York Daily News, The Wall Street Journal etc. It described a phenomenon that was the opposite from paranoia and provided numerous examples of specific persons who displayed such characteristics.
The opening paragraphs of the article describe "a new and contagious cultural virus" and refer to pronoia as "the sneaking feeling one has that others are conspiring behind your back to help you".

Possibly a subtle hint? There's also this from the session:
[quote author=C's]
You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.

Help is on the way?

Interesting, it makes me wonder if help is already there as it seems like an effort is being done. And if this is true then I wonder if there are other areas/groups that are also receiving it.
Aeneas said:
Mariama said:
Gertrudes said:
Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I have observed the same thing. People that become ill are ill for a long time or they get a relapse.
These past few weeks I have also felt really tired, as others wrote. I keep almost falling asleep behind the computer. I have been taking a lot of naps. :)

The winds over here are very strong and cold. It somehow keeps me on my toes the whole time.

Thanks for the session and all the thoughts. I don't think that I understand half of it, but I am trying.

I too have observed the same thing: A severe "cold/flu" that has persisted and resurfaced in many people around me. I have also had it myself and it was the most severe flu that I have had in a decade or two. But no resurfacing though. Did wonder whether this cold/flu was foreign introduced by some of the many meteors passing by in recent times :scared:
Would be interested to know if this is a common experience by all members, though it looks like it could be the case. In Switzerland where I live it appears to be the picture and it is also the impression that I get from many French work colleagues.

Thank you for the new session to all who participated and made it possible :flowers:
Very interesting as always.

I've had the flu recently and in the last couple of days I feel like I'm fighting off a cold. All this happened even with the liposomal C and I very rarely get sick at all. I've been fatigued lately too.

Very interesting session, as always. :)
Aeneas said:
Mariama said:
Gertrudes said:
Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I have observed the same thing. People that become ill are ill for a long time or they get a relapse.
These past few weeks I have also felt really tired, as others wrote. I keep almost falling asleep behind the computer. I have been taking a lot of naps. :)

The winds over here are very strong and cold. It somehow keeps me on my toes the whole time.

Thanks for the session and all the thoughts. I don't think that I understand half of it, but I am trying.

I too have observed the same thing: A severe "cold/flu" that has persisted and resurfaced in many people around me. I have also had it myself and it was the most severe flu that I have had in a decade or two. But no resurfacing though. Did wonder whether this cold/flu was foreign introduced by some of the many meteors passing by in recent times :scared:
Would be interested to know if this is a common experience by all members, though it looks like it could be the case. In Switzerland where I live it appears to be the picture and it is also the impression that I get from many French work colleagues.

Thank you for the new session to all who participated and made it possible :flowers:
Very interesting as always.
Well, in November I got a head cold which moved down into my chest and then caused pneumonia and three days in the hospital in December. A month ago I got a relapse of the cold which moved down into my chest again, but am now gradually recovering and hope to be back to normal soon. I hope this is it for now as I am not looking forward to another stay in the hospital.

I also know of quite a few co-workers who have had intractable colds in the last few months. It does seem to be more than the usual amount and severity. Hard to say what is causing this phenomena, but it appears something unusual is going on.
Last week, I had all the symptoms of a cold (but not developing) and intense fatigue but it went away as quickly as it started. FWIW.

And thank you for the session !
Richard S said:
Well, in November I got a head cold which moved down into my chest and then caused pneumonia and three days in the hospital in December. A month ago I got a relapse of the cold which moved down into my chest again, but am now gradually recovering and hope to be back to normal soon. I hope this is it for now as I am not looking forward to another stay in the hospital.

Yeah, I also contracted pneumonia and was in the hospital for two weeks last October, and since then several minor colds, including now. It can be a combination of various factors, like lot of students going home for holidays and bringing back different strains, low temperatures, moist air and lack of sleep, but even if I don't have a strong immune system, it does seem like a lot. Well, it could be something in the air, but C's also talked about the importance of psychic hygiene, personal vulnerabilities, mental, emotional, etc. that could act like an opening to a virus or an infection, so this probably should be taken into account as well. But maybe each case is different.
Thank you for sharing Forrestdeva, your comment and insight is appreciated. We don't know one another, but I'm glad you're here.

Wishing you well, and I hope your recovery was/is without complications.

Take care, Grace

Forrestdeva said:
Having recovered recently from Pneumonia and having two near death experiences associated with it, it dawned on me that all I've done to "prepare" had been all 3D thinking, based on fear. Walked out of the pantry one day thinking this energy spent in acquiring all this food is worthless. Knowing now that what matters is that every part of my being on every level must be aligned to STO, even though I know we are all STS here, but for future, so that we can graduate to 4D and be STO. In the parable the Virgins made a choice, not to fill their lamps, some did fill the lamps. In agreement that we need to be aware and in so being we also need to make choices that will matter for us, to have a future. With ease I could have slipped away, right out of this body. For weeks now I've pondered if I'd be prepared to go to 4D STO. Action and work are important right up until the end, yes as others have commented here in these post it is surely knowledge, and work are something that has to be decided within each individual, something that can not be given by another. Remembering what the C's said once about if we did not graduate this time that we'd be like cavemen looking out on a red smoke filled sky. What would a few cans of green beans serve me in such an environment? So perhaps being "prepared' is aligning our selves to STO.
Gertrudes said:
Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I also, have observed this - two month long flu or cold only to have it reappear days or weeks later with co-workers, friends etc. I personally have been amazed at the past twenty years for myself, that the more aware/awakened I have become, the more knowledge that I gain, has eliminated nearly all illness, headaches, migraines, allergies, rashes. This did not occur to me until maybe two years ago. The worst that has happened was a two day "sniffle" that was just that. . ."a sniffle" with no other accompanied symptoms.

Thank you Laura and Chateau Crew for this unexpected session - I have been busy reading, reading, reading for the past several months, so I do not check the forum out too often. The message from the C's mirrored my own recent conclusions for I too have been pondering what "be prepared" means. I have come to the realization that it perhaps means somewhat physically, but more mentally and spiritually prepared. We must take our own "Ark" which is the accumulation and embodiment of all of our knowledge and prepare for the "flood" of epic proportions. My physical preparations are minimal because I do not feel as if that type of preparation is necessary.

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